# Stylus Clean Completions [![4k](https://cdn.rawgit.com/lnikell/wiki/master/4k.svg)](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Stylus%20Clean%20Completions) ## Description This package contain full pack of stylus completions for Sublime Text according the best practice. ![Example usage] (https://habrastorage.org/files/b8e/ef4/e16/b8eef4e169954ff0ada28081817507c5.gif) You can use Tab to switch between preset values of property Fantastic completions for before and after pseudo elements ![Example usage] (https://habrastorage.org/files/08f/048/d76/08f048d76a9e451ca93cfc5cb558e715.gif) ## Features * Completions don't contain colons * Completions contain high-usage property values ## Installation ### via Package Control * Open the Command Pallete (ctrl+shift+P or cmd+shift+P); * Type "Install Package"; * Type "Stylus Clean Completions" and hit return. ## Any ideas? Please create issue Tags: stylus autocomplete, stylus snippets