Steps for Making a Proj4J Release ============================================================================== :Author: Grigory Pomadchin :Contact: :Date: 11/28/2022 This document describes the process to releasing a new version of Proj4J. General Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Proj4J project release What you need: - an account on sonatype (!default.jspa) - configured ~/.m2/settings.xml file (a simple example below): sonatype_snapshots ... ... sonatype_releases ... ... ossrh ... ... - selected signing key i.e. in the each module pom.xml via the gpg configuration tags: org.apache.maven.plugins maven-gpg-plugin 3.0.1 sign-artifacts verify sign KEYID passphrase Cheat sheet: - All commands are can be described via the following template: mvn -P{eclipse | central} {-Dmaven.test.skip=true | } {-pl | } {install, deploy, ...} The description of the Sonatype publish process: - Snaphots: Versioning: - Release versions are derived from the latest (not lightweight) tag version and the branch name if applicable. Each tag should start with v, i.e. v2.3.0. The snapshot tag happens on commits that follow the tag, and contain git commit hash. Snapshot can be published without PGP sign, it is published to a snapshot repo and allows immediate snaphot updates. Publish to a local repo: - mvn -Pcentral -Dmaven.test.skip=true install Publish to sonatype: - mvn -Pcentral -Dmaven.test.skip=true deploy Publish to eclipse: - mvn -Peclipse -Dmaven.test.skip=true deploy - Releases: Versioning: - Release versions are derived from the latest (not lightweight) tag version. Each tag should start with v, i.e. v2.3.0. Snapshot can not be published without PGP signature, verify that you have up to date GPG keys set. Publish to a local repo: - mvn -Pcentral -Dmaven.test.skip=true install Publish to sonatype: - mvn -Pcentral -Dmaven.test.skip=true deploy Publish to eclipse: - mvn -Peclipse -Dmaven.test.skip=true deploy Staging means a special repository in a pre released condition. - Go into staging repos panel: (log in using sonatype user / pwd) - Filter by the package name (proj4j) and select matching staging repo - Press Close button on the top of the table with repos. It runs packages validation and closes staging repo in a successful case - After successful close press the Release button Summary: - Run mvn -Pcentral -Dmaven.test.skip=true deploy to publish everything to sonatype - Go to sonatype panel and release jars - Await ~10 minutes to have jars published to maven central