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Locomotive Scroll

Detection of elements in viewport & smooth scrolling with parallax effects.

## Installation > ⚠️ Scroll-hijacking is a controversial practice that can cause usability, accessibility, and performance issues. Please use responsibly. ```sh npm install locomotive-scroll ``` ## Usage ### Basic With simple detection. #### HTML ```html



``` #### CSS Add the base styles to your CSS file. [`locomotive-scroll.css`](https://github.com/locomotivemtl/locomotive-scroll/blob/master/dist/locomotive-scroll.css) #### JS ##### With a bundler ```js import LocomotiveScroll from 'locomotive-scroll'; const scroll = new LocomotiveScroll(); ``` ##### Or without ```js ``` _Get the [JS file](https://github.com/locomotivemtl/locomotive-scroll/blob/master/dist/locomotive-scroll.min.js)._ ### Smooth With smooth scrolling and parallax. ```html



What's up?


``` ```js import LocomotiveScroll from 'locomotive-scroll'; const scroll = new LocomotiveScroll({ el: document.querySelector('[data-scroll-container]'), smooth: true }); ``` _Note: scroll-sections are optional but recommended to improve performance, particularly in long pages._ ### Advanced Make it do what you want. #### With methods ```html
Come here please.
``` ```js import LocomotiveScroll from 'locomotive-scroll'; const scroll = new LocomotiveScroll(); const target = document.querySelector('#js-target'); scroll.scrollTo(target); ``` #### With events ```html
``` ```js import LocomotiveScroll from 'locomotive-scroll'; const scroll = new LocomotiveScroll(); scroll.on('call', func => { // Using modularJS this.call(...func); // Using jQuery events $(document).trigger(func); // Or do it your own way 😎 }); ``` ## Instance options | Option | Type | Default | Description | | ----------------------- | --------- | ---------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `el` | `object` | `document` | Scroll container element. | | `name` | `string` | `'scroll'` | Data attribute prefix (`data-scroll-xxxx`). | | | `offset` | `array(2)`| `[0,0]` | Global in-view trigger offset : `[bottom,top]`
Use a string with `%` to use a percentage of the viewport height.
Use a numeric value for absolute pixels unit.
E.g. `["30%",0]`, `[100,0]`, `["30%", 100]` | | `repeat` | `boolean` | `false` | Repeat in-view detection. | | `smooth` | `boolean` | `false` | Smooth scrolling. | | `initPosition` | `object` | `{ x: 0, y: 0 }` | ![Smooth only][smooth-only]
An `object` defining the initial scroll coordinates on a smooth instance. For example: `{ x: 0, y: 1000 }` | | `direction` | `string` | `vertical` | ![Smooth only][smooth-only]
Scroll direction: `vertical` or `horizontal` | | `lerp` | `number` | `0.1` | ![Smooth only][smooth-only]
Linear interpolation (lerp) intensity. Float between `0` and `1`.
This defines the "smoothness" intensity. The closer to `0`, the smoother. | | `getDirection` | `boolean` | `false` | Add direction to scroll event. | | `getSpeed` | `boolean` | `false` | Add speed to scroll event. | | `class` | `string` | `is-inview` | Element in-view class. | | `initClass` | `string` | `has-scroll-init` | Initialize class. | | `scrollingClass` | `string` | `has-scroll-scrolling` | Is scrolling class. | | `draggingClass` | `string` | `has-scroll-dragging` | Is dragging class. | | `smoothClass` | `string` | `has-scroll-smooth` | Has smooth scrolling class. | | `scrollbarContainer` | `object` | `false` | ![Smooth only][smooth-only]
Specifies the container element for the scrollbar to be appended in. If false, scrollbar will be appended to the body. | | `scrollbarClass` | `string` | `c-scrollbar` | ![Smooth only][smooth-only]
Scrollbar element class. | | `multiplier` | `number` | `1` | ![Smooth only][smooth-only]
Factor applied to the scroll delta, allowing to boost/reduce scrolling speed (regardless of the platform). | | `firefoxMultiplier` | `number` | `50` | ![Smooth only][smooth-only]
Boost scrolling speed of Firefox on Windows. | | `touchMultiplier` | `number` | `2` | ![Smooth only][smooth-only]
Multiply touch action to scroll faster than finger movement. | | `scrollFromAnywhere` | `boolean` | `false` | ![Smooth only][smooth-only]
By default locomotive-scroll listens for scroll events only on the scroll container (`el` option). With this option set to true, it listens on the whole document instead. | | `gestureDirection` | `string` | `vertical` | ![Smooth only][smooth-only]
Defines which gesture direction(s) scrolls in your instance. You can use : | | `tablet` & `smartphone` | `object` | | Object allowing to override some options for a particular context. You can specify: For `tablet` context you can also define `breakpoint` (_integer_, defaults to 1024) to set the max-width breakpoint for tablets. | | `reloadOnContextChange` | `boolean` | `false` | Allows to reload the page when switching between `desktop`, `tablet` and `smartphone` contexts. It can be useful if your page changes a lot between contexts and you want to reset everything. | | `resetNativeScroll` | `boolean` | `true` | Sets `history.scrollRestoration = 'manual'` and calls `window.scrollTo(0, 0)` on locomotive-scroll init in Native Class. Useful if you use transitions with native scrolling, otherwise we advise to set it to `false` if you don't want to break History API's scroll restoration feature. | ## Element attributes | Attribute | Values | Description | | ----------------------- | ------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `data-scroll` | | Detect if in-view. | | `data-scroll-id` | `string` | (Optional) Useful if you want to scope your element and get the progress of your element in the viewport for example. | | `data-scroll-container` | | Defines the scroll container. Required for [basic styling](https://github.com/locomotivemtl/locomotive-scroll/blob/master/dist/locomotive-scroll.css). | | `data-scroll-section` | | Defines a scrollable section. Splitting your page into sections may improve performance. | | `data-scroll-class` | `string` | Element in-view class. | | `data-scroll-offset` | `string` | Element in-view trigger offset : `bottom,top`
First value is `bottom` offset, second (optional) is `top` offset.
Percent is relative to viewport height, otherwise it's absolute pixels.
E.g. `"10"`, `"100,50%"`, `"25%, 15%"` | | `data-scroll-repeat` | `boolean` | Element in-view detection repeat. | | `data-scroll-call` | `string` | Element in-view trigger call event. | | `data-scroll-position` | `string` | `top`, `bottom`, `left` or `right`
Window position of in-view trigger. | | `data-scroll-speed` | `number` | ![Smooth only][smooth-only]
Element parallax speed. A negative value will reverse the direction. | | `data-scroll-delay` | `number` | ![Smooth only][smooth-only]
Element's parallax lerp delay. | | `data-scroll-direction` | `string` | ![Smooth only][smooth-only]
Element's parallax direction. `vertical` or `horizontal` | | `data-scroll-sticky` | | ![Smooth only][smooth-only]
Sticky element. Starts and stops at `data-scroll-target` position. | | `data-scroll-target` | `string` | ![Smooth only][smooth-only]
Target element's in-view position. | ## Instance methods | Method | Description | Arguments | | -------------------------- | ------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `init()` | Reinitializes the scroll. | | | `on(eventName, function)` | Listen [instance events] ⬇. | | | `update()` | Updates all element positions. | | | `destroy()` | Destroys the scroll events. | | | `start()` | Restarts the scroll events. | | | `stop()` | Stops the scroll events. | | | `scrollTo(target, options)`| Scroll to a target. |
`target`: Defines where you want to scroll. Available values types are :
`options` (optional, _object_) : Settings object. Available values are: | ## Instance events | Event | Arguments | Description | | -------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `scroll` | `obj` | Returns scroll instance (position, limit, speed, direction and current in-view elements). | | `call` | `func` | Trigger if in-view. Returns your `string` or `array` if contains `,`. | ## Progressive playing animations example (like gsap) All `data-scroll` elements have a progress value. In the on scroll event you can get all current in-view elements. #### HTML ```html


``` #### JS ```js scroll.on('scroll', (args) => { // Get all current elements : args.currentElements if(typeof args.currentElements['hey'] === 'object') { let progress = args.currentElements['hey'].progress; console.log(progress); // ouput log example: 0.34 // gsap example : myGsapAnimation.progress(progress); } }); ``` ## Dependencies | Name | Description | | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | [Virtual Scroll] | Custom scroll event with inertia/momentum. | | [modularScroll] | Elements in viewport detection. Forked from it, not a dependency. | | [bezier-easing] | Allows to define an easing to `scrollTo` movement | [instance events]: #instance-events [Virtual Scroll]: https://github.com/ayamflow/virtual-scroll [modularScroll]: https://github.com/modularorg/modularscroll [bezier-easing]: https://github.com/gre/bezier-easing ## Browser support Works on most modern browsers. Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge... To get IE 11 support, you need polyfills. You can use your own or include these before our script. ```html ``` ## Who's using Locomotive Scroll? - [thierrychopain.com](https://thierrychopain.com/) - [clmt.paris](https://clmt.paris/) - [miragefestival.com/2020](https://www.miragefestival.com/2020/) - [mazellier.design](https://www.mazellier.design/) - [ccccontemple.com](https://ccccontemple.com/) - [abhishekjha.me/muteza](https://abhishekjha.me/muteza/) - [normal.studio](https://normal.studio/en/) - [mixlegno.com](https://www.mixlegno.com/) - [nfq.group](https://nfq.group/) - [works.studio](https://works.studio/) - [beangels.eu](https://www.beangels.eu/) - [izakaya-caen.fr](https://www.izakaya-caen.fr/) - [white-elephant.fr](https://www.white-elephant.fr/) - [henge07.com](https://www.henge07.com/) - [loirevalleylodges.com](https://loirevalleylodges.com/) ## Related - [Locomotive Boilerplate 🚂](https://github.com/locomotivemtl/locomotive-boilerplate) [smooth-only]: https://img.shields.io/badge/smooth-only-blue