module.exports = function strptime(dateStr, format) { // discuss at: // original by: Brett Zamir ( // original by: strftime // example 1: strptime('20091112222135', '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') // Return value will depend on date and locale // returns 1: {tm_sec: 35, tm_min: 21, tm_hour: 22, tm_mday: 12, tm_mon: 10, tm_year: 109, tm_wday: 4, tm_yday: 315, unparsed: ''} // example 2: strptime('2009extra', '%Y') // returns 2: {tm_sec:0, tm_min:0, tm_hour:0, tm_mday:0, tm_mon:0, tm_year:109, tm_wday:3, tm_yday: -1, unparsed: 'extra'} const setlocale = require('../strings/setlocale') const arrayMap = require('../array/array_map') const retObj = { tm_sec: 0, tm_min: 0, tm_hour: 0, tm_mday: 0, tm_mon: 0, tm_year: 0, tm_wday: 0, tm_yday: 0, unparsed: '', } let i = 0 let j = 0 let amPmOffset = 0 let prevHour = false const _reset = function (dateObj, realMday) { // realMday is to allow for a value of 0 in return results (but without // messing up the Date() object) let jan1 const o = retObj const d = dateObj o.tm_sec = d.getUTCSeconds() o.tm_min = d.getUTCMinutes() o.tm_hour = d.getUTCHours() o.tm_mday = realMday === 0 ? realMday : d.getUTCDate() o.tm_mon = d.getUTCMonth() o.tm_year = d.getUTCFullYear() - 1900 o.tm_wday = realMday === 0 ? (d.getUTCDay() > 0 ? d.getUTCDay() - 1 : 6) : d.getUTCDay() jan1 = new Date(Date.UTC(d.getUTCFullYear(), 0, 1)) o.tm_yday = Math.ceil((d - jan1) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) } const _date = function () { const o = retObj // We set date to at least 1 to ensure year or month doesn't go backwards return _reset( new Date(Date.UTC(o.tm_year + 1900, o.tm_mon, o.tm_mday || 1, o.tm_hour, o.tm_min, o.tm_sec)), o.tm_mday, ) } const _NWS = /\S/ const _WS = /\s/ const _aggregates = { c: 'locale', D: '%m/%d/%y', F: '%y-%m-%d', r: 'locale', R: '%H:%M', T: '%H:%M:%S', x: 'locale', X: 'locale', } /* Fix: Locale alternatives are supported though not documented in PHP; see Ec EC Ex EX Ey EY Od or Oe OH OI Om OM OS OU Ow OW Oy */ const _pregQuote = function (str) { return (str + '').replace(/([\\.+*?[^\]$(){}=!<>|:])/g, '\\$1') } // ensure setup of localization variables takes place setlocale('LC_ALL', 0) const $global = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : global $global.$locutus = $global.$locutus || {} const $locutus = $global.$locutus const locale = $locutus.php.localeCategories.LC_TIME const lcTime = $locutus.php.locales[locale].LC_TIME // First replace aggregates (run in a loop because an agg may be made up of other aggs) while (format.match(/%[cDFhnrRtTxX]/)) { format = format.replace(/%([cDFhnrRtTxX])/g, function (m0, m1) { const f = _aggregates[m1] return f === 'locale' ? lcTime[m1] : f }) } const _addNext = function (j, regex, cb) { if (typeof regex === 'string') { regex = new RegExp('^' + regex, 'i') } const check = dateStr.slice(j) const match = regex.exec(check) // Even if the callback returns null after assigning to the // return object, the object won't be saved anyways const testNull = match ? cb.apply(null, match) : null if (testNull === null) { throw new Error('No match in string') } return j + match[0].length } const _addLocalized = function (j, formatChar, category) { // Could make each parenthesized instead and pass index to callback: return _addNext(j, arrayMap(_pregQuote, lcTime[formatChar]).join('|'), function (m) { const match = lcTime[formatChar].search(new RegExp('^' + _pregQuote(m) + '$', 'i')) if (match) { retObj[category] = match[0] } }) } // BEGIN PROCESSING CHARACTERS for (i = 0, j = 0; i < format.length; i++) { if (format.charAt(i) === '%') { const literalPos = ['%', 'n', 't'].indexOf(format.charAt(i + 1)) if (literalPos !== -1) { if (['%', '\n', '\t'].indexOf(dateStr.charAt(j)) === literalPos) { // a matched literal ++i // skip beyond ++j continue } // Format indicated a percent literal, but not actually present return false } var formatChar = format.charAt(i + 1) try { switch (formatChar) { case 'a': case 'A': // Sunday-Saturday // Changes nothing else j = _addLocalized(j, formatChar, 'tm_wday') break case 'h': case 'b': // Jan-Dec j = _addLocalized(j, 'b', 'tm_mon') // Also changes wday, yday _date() break case 'B': // January-December j = _addLocalized(j, formatChar, 'tm_mon') // Also changes wday, yday _date() break case 'C': // 0+; century (19 for 20th) // PHP docs say two-digit, but accepts one-digit (two-digit max): j = _addNext( j, /^\d?\d/, function (d) { const year = (parseInt(d, 10) - 19) * 100 retObj.tm_year = year _date() if (!retObj.tm_yday) { retObj.tm_yday = -1 } // Also changes wday; and sets yday to -1 (always?) }, ) break case 'd': case 'e': // 1-31 day j = _addNext(j, formatChar === 'd' ? /^(0[1-9]|[1-2]\d|3[0-1])/ : /^([1-2]\d|3[0-1]|[1-9])/, function (d) { const dayMonth = parseInt(d, 10) retObj.tm_mday = dayMonth // Also changes w_day, y_day _date() }) break case 'g': // No apparent effect; 2-digit year (see 'V') break case 'G': // No apparent effect; 4-digit year (see 'V')' break case 'H': // 00-23 hours j = _addNext(j, /^([0-1]\d|2[0-3])/, function (d) { const hour = parseInt(d, 10) retObj.tm_hour = hour // Changes nothing else }) break case 'l': case 'I': // 01-12 hours j = _addNext(j, formatChar === 'l' ? /^([1-9]|1[0-2])/ : /^(0[1-9]|1[0-2])/, function (d) { const hour = parseInt(d, 10) - 1 + amPmOffset retObj.tm_hour = hour // Used for coordinating with am-pm prevHour = true // Changes nothing else, but affected by prior 'p/P' }) break case 'j': // 001-366 day of year j = _addNext(j, /^(00[1-9]|0[1-9]\d|[1-2]\d\d|3[0-6][0-6])/, function (d) { const dayYear = parseInt(d, 10) - 1 retObj.tm_yday = dayYear // Changes nothing else // (oddly, since if original by a given year, could calculate other fields) }) break case 'm': // 01-12 month j = _addNext(j, /^(0[1-9]|1[0-2])/, function (d) { const month = parseInt(d, 10) - 1 retObj.tm_mon = month // Also sets wday and yday _date() }) break case 'M': // 00-59 minutes j = _addNext(j, /^[0-5]\d/, function (d) { const minute = parseInt(d, 10) retObj.tm_min = minute // Changes nothing else }) break case 'P': // Seems not to work; AM-PM // Could make fall-through instead since supposed to be a synonym despite PHP docs return false case 'p': // am-pm j = _addNext(j, /^(am|pm)/i, function (d) { // No effect on 'H' since already 24 hours but // works before or after setting of l/I hour amPmOffset = /a/.test(d) ? 0 : 12 if (prevHour) { retObj.tm_hour += amPmOffset } }) break case 's': // Unix timestamp (in seconds) j = _addNext(j, /^\d+/, function (d) { const timestamp = parseInt(d, 10) const date = new Date(Date.UTC(timestamp * 1000)) _reset(date) // Affects all fields, but can't be negative (and initial + not allowed) }) break case 'S': // 00-59 seconds j = _addNext( j, /^[0-5]\d/, // strptime also accepts 60-61 for some reason function (d) { const second = parseInt(d, 10) retObj.tm_sec = second // Changes nothing else }, ) break case 'u': case 'w': // 0 (Sunday)-6(Saturday) j = _addNext(j, /^\d/, function (d) { retObj.tm_wday = d - (formatChar === 'u') // Changes nothing else apparently }) break case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': // Apparently ignored (week of year, from 1st Monday) break case 'y': // 69 (or higher) for 1969+, 68 (or lower) for 2068- // PHP docs say two-digit, but accepts one-digit (two-digit max): j = _addNext( j, /^\d?\d/, function (d) { d = parseInt(d, 10) const year = d >= 69 ? d : d + 100 retObj.tm_year = year _date() if (!retObj.tm_yday) { retObj.tm_yday = -1 } // Also changes wday; and sets yday to -1 (always?) }, ) break case 'Y': // 2010 (4-digit year) // PHP docs say four-digit, but accepts one-digit (four-digit max): j = _addNext( j, /^\d{1,4}/, function (d) { const year = parseInt(d, 10) - 1900 retObj.tm_year = year _date() if (!retObj.tm_yday) { retObj.tm_yday = -1 } // Also changes wday; and sets yday to -1 (always?) }, ) break case 'z': // Timezone; on my system, strftime gives -0800, // but strptime seems not to alter hour setting break case 'Z': // Timezone; on my system, strftime gives PST, but strptime treats text as unparsed break default: throw new Error('Unrecognized formatting character in strptime()') } } catch (e) { if (e === 'No match in string') { // Allow us to exit // There was supposed to be a matching format but there wasn't return false } // Calculate skipping beyond initial percent too } ++i } else if (format.charAt(i) !== dateStr.charAt(j)) { // If extra whitespace at beginning or end of either, or between formats, no problem // (just a problem when between % and format specifier) // If the string has white-space, it is ok to ignore if (dateStr.charAt(j).search(_WS) !== -1) { j++ // Let the next iteration try again with the same format character i-- } else if (format.charAt(i).search(_NWS) !== -1) { // Any extra formatting characters besides white-space causes // problems (do check after WS though, as may just be WS in string before next character) return false } // Extra WS in format // Adjust strings when encounter non-matching whitespace, so they align in future checks above // Will check on next iteration (against same (non-WS) string character) } else { j++ } } // POST-PROCESSING // Will also get extra whitespace; empty string if none retObj.unparsed = dateStr.slice(j) return retObj }