module.exports = function array_pop(inputArr) { // discuss at: // original by: Kevin van Zonneveld ( // improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld ( // input by: Brett Zamir ( // input by: Theriault ( // bugfixed by: Kevin van Zonneveld ( // bugfixed by: Brett Zamir ( // note 1: While IE (and other browsers) support iterating an object's // note 1: own properties in order, if one attempts to add back properties // note 1: in IE, they may end up in their former position due to their position // note 1: being retained. So use of this function with "associative arrays" // note 1: (objects) may lead to unexpected behavior in an IE environment if // note 1: you add back properties with the same keys that you removed // example 1: array_pop([0,1,2]) // returns 1: 2 // example 2: var $data = {firstName: 'Kevin', surName: 'van Zonneveld'} // example 2: var $lastElem = array_pop($data) // example 2: var $result = $data // returns 2: {firstName: 'Kevin'} let key = '' let lastKey = '' if (inputArr.hasOwnProperty('length')) { // Indexed if (!inputArr.length) { // Done popping, are we? return null } return inputArr.pop() } else { // Associative for (key in inputArr) { if (inputArr.hasOwnProperty(key)) { lastKey = key } } if (lastKey) { const tmp = inputArr[lastKey] delete inputArr[lastKey] return tmp } else { return null } } }