module.exports = function preg_replace(pattern, replacement, string) { // original by: rony2k6 ( // example 1: preg_replace('/xmas/i', 'Christmas', 'It was the night before Xmas.') // returns 1: "It was the night before Christmas." // example 2: preg_replace('/xmas/ig', 'Christmas', 'xMas: It was the night before Xmas.') // returns 2: "Christmas: It was the night before Christmas." // example 3: preg_replace('\/(\\w+) (\\d+), (\\d+)\/i', '$11,$3', 'April 15, 2003') // returns 3: "April1,2003" // example 4: preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/', '', 'The Development of code . http://www.') // returns 4: "TheDevelopmentofcodehttpwww" // example 5: preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_\\s]/', '', 'D"usseldorfer H"auptstrasse') // returns 5: "Dusseldorfer Hauptstrasse" let _flag = pattern.substr(pattern.lastIndexOf(pattern[0]) + 1) _flag = _flag !== '' ? _flag : 'g' const _pattern = pattern.substr(1, pattern.lastIndexOf(pattern[0]) - 1) const regex = new RegExp(_pattern, _flag) const result = string.replace(regex, replacement) return result }