module.exports = function substr_compare(mainStr, str, offset, length, caseInsensitivity) { // discuss at: // original by: Brett Zamir ( // original by: strcasecmp, strcmp // example 1: substr_compare("abcde", "bc", 1, 2) // returns 1: 0 if (!offset && offset !== 0) { throw new Error('Missing offset for substr_compare()') } if (offset < 0) { offset = mainStr.length + offset } if (length && length > mainStr.length - offset) { return false } length = length || mainStr.length - offset mainStr = mainStr.substr(offset, length) // Should only compare up to the desired length str = str.substr(0, length) if (caseInsensitivity) { // Works as strcasecmp mainStr = (mainStr + '').toLowerCase() str = (str + '').toLowerCase() if (mainStr === str) { return 0 } return mainStr > str ? 1 : -1 } // Works as strcmp return mainStr === str ? 0 : mainStr > str ? 1 : -1 }