{ "tags": [ { "type": "Alert", "name": "Slow Query", "description": "Query took longer than 50ms or 2 seconds on Postgres 9.2+", "labels": [ { "name": "Slow Query", "color": "2000E2" } ], "patterns": [ "duration" ], "actions": [{ "type": "Alert", "min_matches_count": 1, "min_report_count": 1, "min_matches_period": "Hour", "min_report_period": "Hour" }] } , { "type": "Alert", "name": "Unexpected EOF", "description": "Unexpected EOF on client connection", "labels": [ { "name": "Unexpected EOF", "color": "E20071" } ], "patterns": [ "unexpected EOF on client connection" ], "actions": [{ "type": "Alert", "min_matches_count": 1, "min_report_count": 1, "min_matches_period": "Hour", "min_report_period": "Hour" }] } , { "type": "Alert", "name": "Data not received", "description": "Could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer", "labels": [ { "name": "Data not received", "color": "E24800" } ], "patterns": [ "could not receive data from client" ], "actions": [{ "type": "Alert", "min_matches_count": 1, "min_report_count": 1, "min_matches_period": "Hour", "min_report_period": "Hour" }] } , { "type": "Alert", "name": "Too many connections", "description": "FATAL: too many connections for role", "labels": [ { "name": "Too many connections", "color": "E20300" } ], "patterns": [ "too many connections for role" ], "actions": [{ "type": "Alert", "min_matches_count": 1, "min_report_count": 1, "min_matches_period": "Hour", "min_report_period": "Hour" }] } , { "type": "Alert", "name": "Possible SSL problem", "description": "Could not receive data from WAL stream", "labels": [ { "name": "Possible SSL problem", "color": "6F72E2" } ], "patterns": [ "could not receive data from WAL" ], "actions": [{ "type": "Alert", "min_matches_count": 1, "min_report_count": 1, "min_matches_period": "Hour", "min_report_period": "Hour" }] } , { "type": "Alert", "name": "Role name not permitted", "description": "Role name not permitted to log in", "labels": [ { "name": "Role unable to log in", "color": "0081E2" } ], "patterns": [ "is not permitted to log in" ], "actions": [{ "type": "Alert", "min_matches_count": 1, "min_report_count": 1, "min_matches_period": "Hour", "min_report_period": "Hour" }] } , { "type": "Alert", "name": "Terminating connection", "description": "Terminating connection due to administrator command", "labels": [ { "name": "Terminating connection", "color": "B8A4E2" } ], "patterns": [ "terminating connection due to administrator command" ], "actions": [{ "type": "Alert", "min_matches_count": 1, "min_report_count": 1, "min_matches_period": "Hour", "min_report_period": "Hour" }] } , { "type": "Alert", "name": "No more connections", "description": "No more connections available - upgrade your plan", "labels": [ { "name": "No more connections", "color": "00E255" } ], "patterns": [ "remaining connection slots are reserved" ], "actions": [{ "type": "Alert", "min_matches_count": 1, "min_report_count": 1, "min_matches_period": "Hour", "min_report_period": "Hour" }] } , { "type": "Alert", "name": "Temporary file > 10240 kilobytes", "description": "Temporary file exceeds 10240 kilobytes", "labels": [ { "name": "Temp file exceeds 10240kb", "color": "3F4091" } ], "patterns": [ "temporary file" ], "actions": [{ "type": "Alert", "min_matches_count": 1, "min_report_count": 1, "min_matches_period": "Hour", "min_report_period": "Hour" }] } , { "type": "Alert", "name": "Row Limit Reached", "description": "Row Limit Reached - consider upgrading your plan", "labels": [ { "name": "Row Limit Reached", "color": "60914B" } ], "patterns": [ "permission denied for relation" ], "actions": [{ "type": "Alert", "min_matches_count": 1, "min_report_count": 1, "min_matches_period": "Hour", "min_report_period": "Hour" }] } , { "type": "Alert", "name": "Operator does not exist", "description": "Operator is not adequate for the data type", "labels": [ { "name": "Operator invalid", "color": "910023" } ], "patterns": [ "operator does not exist" ], "actions": [{ "type": "Alert", "min_matches_count": 1, "min_report_count": 1, "min_matches_period": "Hour", "min_report_period": "Hour" }] } , { "type": "Alert", "name": "Table does not exist", "description": "Query is referencing a table that is not on the database", "labels": [ { "name": "Table does not exist", "color": "CEA1A8" } ], "patterns": [ "relation AND does not exist" ], "actions": [{ "type": "Alert", "min_matches_count": 1, "min_report_count": 1, "min_matches_period": "Hour", "min_report_period": "Hour" }] } , { "type": "Alert", "name": "Cannot cast", "description": "Postgres does not know how to cast the value", "labels": [ { "name": "Cannot cast to type", "color": "CECC54" } ], "patterns": [ "cannot be cast to type" ], "actions": [{ "type": "Alert", "min_matches_count": 1, "min_report_count": 1, "min_matches_period": "Hour", "min_report_period": "Hour" }] } , { "type": "Alert", "name": "No connection to the server", "description": "No connection to the server", "labels": [ { "name": "No Server Connection", "color": "CE0051" } ], "patterns": [ "no connection to the server" ], "actions": [{ "type": "Alert", "min_matches_count": 1, "min_report_count": 1, "min_matches_period": "Hour", "min_report_period": "Hour" }] } , { "type": "Alert", "name": "Value too long", "description": "Value too long for type character", "labels": [ { "name": "Value too long", "color": "00B2CE" } ], "patterns": [ "value too long for type character" ], "actions": [{ "type": "Alert", "min_matches_count": 1, "min_report_count": 1, "min_matches_period": "Hour", "min_report_period": "Hour" }] } ], "searches": [ { "name": "slow_query_average", "query": "where(/duration: (?P