{ "searches": [ { "name": "MasterErrors", "description": "Puppet Master Errors", "query": "where(Failed to generate additional resources OR Could not retrieve plugin OR Could not request certificate OR Name or service not known OR already initialized constant argv) calculate(count)" } ], "tags": [ { "type": "Alert", "name": "Failed to generate resources", "description": "Failed to generate resources", "labels": [ { "name": "No resources", "color": "00FF45" } ], "patterns": [ "Failed to generate additional resources" ], "actions": [{ "type": "Alert", "min_matches_count": 20, "min_matches_period": "Hour", "min_report_count": 1, "min_report_period": "Hour" }] }, { "type": "Alert", "name": "Failed retrieval", "description": "Could not retrieve plugin", "labels": [ { "name": "Retrieval fail", "color": "FFB000" } ], "patterns": [ "Could not retrieve plugin" ], "actions": [{ "type": "Alert", "min_matches_count": 20, "min_matches_period": "Hour", "min_report_count": 1, "min_report_period": "Hour" }] }, { "type": "Alert", "name": "Certificate error", "description": "Could not retrieve certificate", "labels": [ { "name": "Certificate error", "color": "A865FF" } ], "patterns": [ "Could not request certificate" ], "actions": [{ "type": "Alert", "min_matches_count": 20, "min_matches_period": "Hour", "min_report_count": 1, "min_report_period": "Hour" }] }, { "type": "Alert", "name": "Nodes to Master issue", "description": "Nodes are not reaching a master", "labels": [ { "name": "Nodes/Master issue", "color": "ADC3FF" } ], "patterns": [ "Name or service not known" ], "actions": [{ "type": "Alert", "min_matches_count": 20, "min_matches_period": "Hour", "min_report_count": 1, "min_report_period": "Hour" }] }, { "type": "Alert", "name": "Warning-ruby reset variable", "description": "Harmless log ", "labels": [ { "name": "Warning-ruby", "color": "7FFFC1" } ], "patterns": [ "already initialized constant argv" ], "actions": [{ "type": "Alert", "min_matches_count": 20, "min_matches_period": "Hour", "min_report_count": 1, "min_report_period": "Hour" }] } ], "widgets": [ { "name": "Master Errors ", "description": "Puppet Master Errors", "search_name": "MasterErrors", "type": "Count" }, { "name": "Master Errors Timeline", "description": "Master Errors Timeline", "search_name": "MasterErrors", "type": "TimelineBarChart", "show_tooltip": true } ], "cards": [ { "name": "Master Errors ", "description": "Puppet Master Errors", "queries": [{ "leql" : {"statement": "where(Failed to generate additional resources OR Could not retrieve plugin OR Could not request certificate OR Name or service not known OR already initialized constant argv) calculate(count)"}}], "visualization": "COUNT" }, { "name": "Master Errors Timeline", "description": "Master Errors Timeline", "queries": [{ "leql" : {"statement": "where(Failed to generate additional resources OR Could not retrieve plugin OR Could not request certificate OR Name or service not known OR already initialized constant argv) calculate(count)"}}], "visualization": "AREA" } ] }