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"Minimal Monitoring" is a Dynamic Group (provisioned in new LogicMonitor accounts) that automatically populates with devices that LogicMonitor can't communicate with - we're missing credentials, a firewall is blocking something, etc. Think of it as the "homework" folder to get all of your resources properly monitored.<\/span><\/p>" } }, { "position": { "col": 1, "sizex": 12, "row": 9, "sizey": 3 }, "config": { "displaySettings": { "isShowAll": false, "showFilter": false, "columns": [ { "visible": false, "columnLabel": "Severity", "columnKey": "alert-severity" }, { "visible": true, "columnLabel": "Began", "columnSize": 220, "columnKey": "alert-began" }, { "visible": true, "columnLabel": "Resource/Website", "columnSize": 120, "columnKey": "alert-device" }, { "visible": true, "columnLabel": "LogicModule", "columnSize": 215, "columnKey": "alert-datasource" }, { "visible": true, "columnLabel": "Instance", "columnSize": 208, "columnKey": "alert-datasource-instance" }, { "visible": true, "columnLabel": "Datapoint", "columnSize": 192, "columnKey": "alert-datapoint" }, { "visible": true, "columnLabel": "Value", "columnSize": 267, "columnKey": "alert-value" }, { "visible": true, "columnLabel": "Static Threshold", "columnSize": 203, "columnKey": "alert-static-threshold" }, { "visible": true, "columnLabel": "Dynamic Threshold", "columnSize": 343, "columnKey": "alert-dynamic-threshold" }, { "visible": false, "columnLabel": "Group", "columnKey": "alert-group" }, { "visible": false, "columnLabel": "Notes", "columnKey": "alert-notes" }, { "visible": false, "columnLabel": "Acknowledged By", "columnKey": "alert-acked-by" }, { "visible": false, "columnLabel": "Acknowledged On", "columnKey": "alert-acked-on" }, { "visible": false, "columnLabel": "Cleared On", "columnKey": "alert-cleared-on" }, { "visible": false, "columnLabel": "In SDT", "columnKey": "alert-in-sdt" }, { "visible": false, "columnLabel": "Alert Rule", "columnKey": "alert-rule-name" }, { "visible": false, "columnLabel": "Escalation Chain", "columnKey": "alert-escalation-chain" }, { "visible": false, "columnLabel": "Instance Description", "columnKey": "alert-datasource-instance-description" }, { "visible": false, "columnLabel": "Full Path", "columnKey": "alert-full-path" }, { "visible": false, "columnLabel": "Routing State", "columnKey": "alert-routing-state" }, { "visible": false, "columnLabel": "Dependency Role", "columnKey": "alert-dependency-role" }, { "visible": false, "columnLabel": "Dependent Alerts", "columnKey": "alert-dependent-alerts" } ], "playSound": {}, "fontsize": "normal-font", "sort": "-startEpoch" }, "name": "Minimally Monitored Resource Alert Detail", "description": "", "theme": "newSolidDarkBlue", "interval": 3, "filters": { "severity": "", "sdted": "all", "chain": "", "instance": "", "dataPoint": "", "rule": "", "acked": "all", "dependencyRoutingState": "", "dependencyRole": "", "host": "", "keyword": "", "dataSource": "", "cleared": "no", "group": "%23%23defaultResourceGroup%23%23*" }, "type": "alert", "timescale": "day", "version": 2 } } ], "version": 2, "group": { "name": "LogicMonitor", "fullPath": "LogicMonitor Dashboards/LogicMonitor", "description": "" } }