## REQUIRED VALUES # The LogicMonitor API key ID. accessID: "" # The LogicMonitor API key. accessKey: "" # The LogicMonitor account name. account: "" # A unique name given to the cluster's resource group. clusterName: "" # Set Argus Log Level logLevel: "info" # On a delete event, either delete from LogicMonitor or move the resource to the `_deleted` resource group. deleteDevices: true # Disables LogicMonitor alerting for all the cluster resources. disableAlerting: false ## OPTIONAL VALUES # Enable RBAC. If your cluster does not have RBAC enabled, this value should be set to false. enableRBAC: true # A parent group id of the cluster's resource group. clusterGroupID: 0 # A parent group id that will hold all cluster resources under it. This is useful when Argus is installed with non-admin user's token. resourceGroupID: 1 # The public etcd discovery token used to add etcd hosts to the cluster resource group. etcdDiscoveryToken: "" # The image respository of the [Argus](https://hub.docker.com/r/logicmonitor/argus) container. imageRepository: logicmonitor/argus # The image tag of the [Argus](https://hub.docker.com/r/logicmonitor/argus/tags) container. imageTag: v6 # The image pull policy of the Argus container. imagePullPolicy: Always # The Http/s proxy url. proxyURL: "" # The Http/s proxy username. proxyUser: "" # The Http/s proxy password. proxyPass: "" # It provides the simplest way to run Pod on particular Node(s) based on labels on the node. nodeSelector: {} # It allows you to constrain which nodes your pod is eligible to be scheduled on. affinity: {} # The priority class name for Pod priority. If this parameter is set then user must have PriorityClass resource created otherwise Pod will be rejected. priorityClassName: "" # Tolerations are applied to pods, and allow the pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints. tolerations: [] # Labels to apply on all objects created by Argus labels: {} # Annotations to apply on all objects created by Argus annotations: {} # Set flag to ignore ssl/tls validation ignore_ssl: false # Flag to enable new resource tree to put all resources of a namespace in a single resource group enableNewResourceTree: false # Flag is used when #enableNewResourceTree is true - to create _deleted group in its individual namespace groups when scheduled delete is enabled enableNamespacesDeletedGroups: false # Flag to register generic filter based on resource label => "logicmonitor/monitoring": "disable" registerGenericFilter: false # appIntervals defines time intervals for periodic sync, periodic delete and in memory cache resync operations. app_intervals: periodic_sync_interval: "30m" periodic_delete_interval: "10m" cache_sync_interval: "1h" # Device group properties device_group_props: cluster: # To enable events collection - name: "lmlogs.k8sevent.enable" value: "false" # To delete resources from the portal after specified time - name: "kubernetes.resourcedeleteafterduration" value: "P1DT0H0M0S" override: false pods: # To enable log collection for all pods - name: "lmlogs.k8spodlog.enable" value: "false" services: [] deployments: [] nodes: [] etcd: [] hpas: [] filters: # The filtered expression for Pod resource type. Based on this parameter, Pods would be added/deleted for discovery on LM. pod: [] # The filtered expression for Service resource resource type. Based on this parameter, Services would be added/deleted for discovery on LM. service: [] # The filtered expression for Node resource type. Based on this parameter, Nodes would be added/deleted for discovery on LM. node: [] # The filtered expression for Deployment resource type. Based on this parameter, Deployments would be added/deleted for discovery on LM. deployment: [] # The filtered expression for HorizontalPodAutoscaler resource type. Based on this parameter, HorizontalPodAutoscalers would be added/deleted for discovery on LM. hpa: [] # openmetrics config for Argus metrics collection openmetrics: port: 2112 collector: ## REQUIRED VALUES # The number of collectors to create and use with Argus. replicas: 1 # The collector size to install. Can be nano, small, medium, or large. size: "" # The image repository of the [Collector](https://hub.docker.com/r/logicmonitor/collector) container. imageRepository: logicmonitor/collector # The image tag of the [Collector](https://hub.docker.com/r/logicmonitor/collector/tags) container. imageTag: latest # The image pull policy of the Collector container. imagePullPolicy: Always # The Secret resource name of the collectors. secretName: collector ## OPTIONAL VALUES # The ID of the group of the collectors. groupID: 0 # The ID of the escalation chain of the collectors. escalationChainID: 0 # The version of the collectors. collectorVersion: 0 # On a collector downloading event, either download the latest EA version or the latest GD version. useEA: false # The Http/s proxy url of the collectors. proxyURL: "" # The Http/s proxy username of the collectors. proxyUser: "" # The Http/s proxy password of the collectors. proxyPass: "" # annotations to add on collector statefulset annotations: {} # labels to add on collector statefulset labels: {} # Collector statefulset template statefulsetspec: template: spec: nodeSelector: {} # Tolerations are applied to pods, and allow the pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints. tolerations: [] # The priority class name for Pod priority of the collector. If this parameter is set then user must have PriorityClass resource created otherwise Pod will be rejected. priorityClassName: "" # List of resources to disable monitoring # for ex: # disableResourceMonitoring: # - deployments # - horizontalpodautoscalers disableResourceMonitoring: - statefulsets - replicasets - daemonsets # List of resources to disable alerting # for ex: # disableResourceAlerting: # - deployments # - horizontalpodautoscalers disableResourceAlerting: - deployments # Replicas - defaults to 1, param is just for development purpose, do not increase more than one replicas in production replicas: 1