LombardPress Customization File
Jeffrey C. Witt
Michael Stenskjær Christensen
Nicolas Vaughan
An SCTA and LombardPress Collaboration Project
Born Digital
A deletion indicated by a line through the center of the text
A deletion indicated by dots underneath the text
black out
A deletion indicated by blacking out the word or segment
A deletion indicated by underling the word or segment
Deletion by erasure
A generic place locator for an addition appearing in some margin
Indicates an addition in the margin to the right of the text in question
Indicates an addition in the margin to the left of the text in question
Indicates an addition in the margin to the above of the text in question
Indicates an addition in the margin to the below of the text in question
Indicates an addition inserted above the line in question
Indicates an addition inserted below the line in question
Indicates an addition inserted in the line
cit must contain quote or ref as a direct child
cit must contain quote or ref as a direct child
Milestones must have ed attribute
Milestones must have ed attribute
cb and pb must have n attribute
cb and pb must have n attribute
An author must be stated. Either the author's name or anonymous should be stated
An author must be stated. Either the author's name or anonymous should be stated
EditionStmt edition must have an n attribute
Edition element must indicate edition number with n attribute of the form x.x.x or x.x.x-dev
EditionStmt Edition must have an date element as child
EditionStmt Edition must have an date element as child
EditionStmt Edition Date must have a when attribute
EditionStmt Edition Date must have a when attribute
publicationStmt must have an authority if p is not used
publicationStmt must have an authority as child if p is not used
publicationStmt must have an availability element as child if p is not used
publicationStmt must have an availability element as child if p is not used
Source description must contain either a listWit or listBibl
Source description must contain either a listWit or listBibl
Encoding description must be present
Encoding description must be present
SchemaRef must be present
SchemaRef must be present
SchemaRef must have an n attribute indicating schema version followed
SchemaRef must have an n attribute indicating the schema version followed, e.g. "lbp-critical-1.0.0"
Revision description must be present
Revision description must be present
Revision description must have a status
Revision description must have a status
Front element must be present
Front element must be present
Front element must contain a div with a starts-on xml:id
Front element must contain a div with a "starts-on" xml:id, i.e. @xml:id='starts-on'
Body must have immediate div and no other direct children
Body must have immediate div
Body must have ONLY child that is a div
every body p must be an immediate child of a div
every body p must be an immediate child of a div
app must have lemma
app must have lemma
app must have rdg
app must have rdg
rdg must have wit or source attribute
rdg must have wit or source attribute
rdg must not have app as descendant
rdg must not have app as descendant
Empty lem must have an n attribute
Empty lem must have an n attribute
Requires an empty rdg element when rdg has type=variation-absent
This is a rdg type=variation-absent. The value of the rdg element cannot have any text nodes.
This is a rdg type=variation-absent. The preceding sibling lem must have a child node.
Requires an empty lem element and rdg that is not empty when rdg has type=variation-present
This is a rdg type=variation-present. The sibling lem cannot have any text nodes.
This is a rdg type=variation-present. The rdg element must have a child node
The reading of a variation-choice must contain a choice element as a direct child
The reading of a variation-choice must contain a choice element as a direct child
Requires that rdg have a add child element when rdg has type=correction-addition
This is a rdg type=correction-addition. The rdg must contain an add element
Requires that rdg have a del child element when rdg has type=correction-deletion
This is a rdg type=correction-deletion. The rdg must contain an del element
Requires that rdg have a del child element when rdg has type=correction-substitution
This is a rdg type=correction-substitution. The rdg must contain an subst element
lem or rdg that contains conjecture supplied must contain supplied as child
lem or rdg that contains conjecture supplied must contain supplied as child
lem or rdg that contains conjecture removed must contain surplus as child
lem or rdg that contains conjecture removed must contain surplus as child
lem or rdg that contains conjecture corrected must contain corr as child
lem or rdg that contains conjecture corrected must contain corr as child
indicates that the witness in question lacks the designated lemma;
often rendered as "omit." or "omitted"
indicates that the witness in question contains a word
or phrase not included in the critical text.
This is the default variation type, for a simple variation of
words or phrases between witnesses.
Indicates a simple orthographic variation.
Indicates a choice of more than one reading in the same witness.
Indicates a variant reading where two or more words have been inverted relative to the critical text.
indicates that the current lemma was added to the text by some sort of external imposition, either by the same scribe or a later scribe. There are two options here. If the lemma is empty this indicates that, at this point, the witness in question includes a word or phrase that was chosen not to be included the edited text. If a lemma is included then the addition means that the word identified in the lemma is present in the witness, but is inserted in some way (either in the margin or inter-linearly).
indicates that a segment of text was included in the text but then deleted. In such instances the lemma will most likely be left empty.
Indicates that the witness in question has deleted a word
and then added a word to replaces the deletion.
Indicates that a special kind of substitution where a phrase of two or more words
has been corrected from one order to another transposed order.
Correction cancellation: deletion-of-addition
Indicates that a witness has deleted (or attempted to undo) a previous addition
Correction cancellation: deletion-of-deletion
Indicates that a witness has deleted (or attempted to undo) a previous deletion
Correction cancellation: deletion-of-substitution
Indicates that a witness has deleted (or attempted to undo or cancel) a previous substitution
Correction cancellation: substitution-of-addition
Indicates that a witness has is not only cancelling an addition (as in the case of deletion-of-addition)
but is also supplying a new word or phrase to take the old addition's place.
According to the the judgement of the editor, an expression is missing from the transmitted text.
A word or phrase is transmitted in some or all of the textual tradition, but the editor or another scholar has suspected that it does not belong in the text and suggests it be removed.
Parts of all of the textual tradition supports one reading, but an editor or scholar suggests an alternative reading in its place.
manual rdg type input
According to the the judgement of the editor, an expression is missing from the transmitted text.
A word or phrase is transmitted in some or all of the textual tradition, but the editor or another scholar has suspected that it does not belong in the text and suggests it be removed.
Conjecture Corrected
Parts of all of the textual tradition supports one reading, but an editor or scholar suggests an alternative reading in its place.
Above Line
Inter-linearly, above the line in which it is being inserted
Left Margin
In the left margin of the page
Right Margin
In the right margin of the page
Bottom Margin
In the bottom margin of the page
Top Margin
In the top margin of the page
In line
the addition is made in the line itself
In space
In a predefined space left for an addition, perhaps a space left by another scribe.