LombardPress Customization File
Jeffrey C. Witt
Michael Stenskjær Christensen
Nicolas Vaughan
An SCTA and LombardPress Collaboration Project
Born Digital
A deletion indicated by a line through the center of the text
A deletion indicated by dots underneath the text
black out
A deletion indicated by blacking out the word or segment
A deletion indicated by underling the word or segment
Deletion by erasure
A generic place locator for an addition appearing in some margin
Indicates an addition in the margin to the right of the text in question
Indicates an addition in the margin to the left of the text in question
Indicates an addition in the margin to the above of the text in question
Indicates an addition in the margin to the below of the text in question
Indicates an addition inserted above the line in question
Indicates an addition inserted below the line in question
Indicates an addition inserted in the line
These constraints are used to require a place attribute when a when marginal attribute is used and to forbid a place attribute when an editorial note is used. The reasoning is that an editorial note is an intervention and a new creation, therefore there is no pre-existing place or location that it can be found. A marginal note is just the opposite, it has a physical place is a primary source witness, therefore that place needs to be recorded with a place attribute.
This is a marginal note. This means that it is a note that exist in the primary source. Therefore it has a physical location that needs to be recorded.
Marginal Note
A note present in the manuscript witness itself, but clear meant as annotation to the actual text. This note may either be in the same hand as the text or supplied by a latter reader.
Milestones must have ed attribute
Milestones must have ed attribute
cb and pb must have n attribute
cb and pb must have n attribute
An author must be stated. Either the author's name or anonymous should be stated
An author must be stated. Either the author's name or anonymous should be stated
EditionStmt edition must have an n attribute
Edition element must indicate edition number with n attribute of the form x.x.x or x.x.x-dev
EditionStmt Edition must have an date element as child
EditionStmt Edition must have an date element as child
EditionStmt Edition Date must have a when attribute
EditionStmt Edition Date must have a when attribute
publicationStmt must have an authority if p is not used
publicationStmt must have an authority as child if p is not used
publicationStmt must have an availability element as child if p is not used
publicationStmt must have an availability element as child if p is not used
Source description must contain a listWit or listBibl, but not both
Source description must contain a listWit or listBibl, but not both
Source description must contain a listWit or listBibl, but not both
Source description must contain a listWit or listBibl, but not both
Encoding description must be present
Encoding description must be present
SchemaRef must be present
SchemaRef must be present
SchemaRef must have an n attribute indicating schema version followed
SchemaRef must have an n attribute indicating the schema version followed, e.g. "lbp-diplomatic-1.0.0"
Revision description must be present
Revision description must be present
Revision description must have a status
Revision description must have a status
Front element must be present
Front element must be present
Front element must contain a div with a starts-on xml:id
Front element must contain a div with a "starts-on" xml:id, i.e. @xml:id='starts-on'
Body must have immediate div and no other direct children
Body must have immediate div
Body must have ONLY child that is a div
every body p must be an immediate child of a div
every body p must be an immediate child of a div
A pilcrow punctuation character ¶
A virgula punctuation character /
A punctus punctuation character .
punctus medius
A punctus medius punctuation character ·
punctus elevatus
A punctus elevatus punctuation character ;
punctus interrogativus
A punctus interrogativus punctuation character ?
Above Line
Inter-linearly, above the line in which it is being inserted
Left Margin
In the left margin of the page
Right Margin
In the right margin of the page
Bottom Margin
In the bottom margin of the page
Top Margin
In the top margin of the page
In line
the addition is made in the line itself
In space
In a predefined space left for an addition, perhaps a space left by another scribe.