{% note blue no-icon %} ID-0-KAN 2.0: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks Meet Science {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10205 **作者**: Ziming Liu,Pingchuan Ma,Yixuan Wang,Wojciech Matusik,Max Tegmark **关键词**: inherent incompatibility, depends on symbolism, Science, Science lies, science depends **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computational Physics (physics.comp-ph); Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability (physics.data-an) ***备注**: Ziming Liu,Pingchuan Ma,Yixuan Wang,Wojciech Matusik,Max Tegmark {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-1-Criticality Leveraged Adversarial Training (CLAT) for Boosted Performance via Parameter Efficiency {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10204 **作者**: Bhavna Gopal,Huanrui Yang,Jingyang Zhang,Mark Horton,Yiran Chen **关键词**: increased generalization errors, enhances neural network, neural network robustness, training enhances neural, Adversarial training **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Bhavna Gopal,Huanrui Yang,Jingyang Zhang,Mark Horton,Yiran Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-2-SANER: Annotation-free Societal Attribute Neutralizer for Debiasing CLIP {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10202 **作者**: Yusuke Hirota,Min-Hung Chen,Chien-Yi Wang,Yuta Nakashima,Yu-Chiang Frank Wang,Ryo Hachiuma **关键词**: Large-scale vision-language models, Large-scale vision-language, gender and age, harmful societal bias, societal bias **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Yusuke Hirota,Min-Hung Chen,Chien-Yi Wang,Yuta Nakashima,Yu-Chiang Frank Wang,Ryo Hachiuma {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-3-LEAD: Towards Learning-Based Equity-Aware Decarbonization in Ridesharing Platforms {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10201 **作者**: Mahsa Sahebdel,Ali Zeynali,Noman Bashir,Prashant Shenoy,Mohammad Hajiesmaili **关键词**: commute cost reductions, on-demand availability, DiDi have grown, grown in popularity, commute cost **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Mahsa Sahebdel,Ali Zeynali,Noman Bashir,Prashant Shenoy,Mohammad Hajiesmaili {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-4-SoK: Runtime Integrity {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10200 **作者**: Mahmoud Ammar,Adam Caulfield,Ivan De Oliveira Nunes **关键词**: Control Flow Attestation, Control Flow Integrity, Control Flow, Flow Attestation, runtime integrity mechanisms **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Mahmoud Ammar,Adam Caulfield,Ivan De Oliveira Nunes {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-5-MeshFormer: High-Quality Mesh Generation with 3D-Guided Reconstruction Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10198 **作者**: Minghua Liu,Chong Zeng,Xinyue Wei,Ruoxi Shi,Linghao Chen,Chao Xu,Mengqi Zhang,Zhaoning Wang,Xiaoshuai Zhang,Isabella Liu,Hongzhi Wu,Hao Su **关键词**: garnered significant attention, recently garnered significant, significant attention, recently garnered, garnered significant **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Graphics (cs.GR) ***备注**: Minghua Liu,Chong Zeng,Xinyue Wei,Ruoxi Shi,Linghao Chen,Chao Xu,Mengqi Zhang,Zhaoning Wang,Xiaoshuai Zhang,Isabella Liu,Hongzhi Wu,Hao Su {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-6-Demystifying the Communication Characteristics for Distributed Transformer Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10197 **作者**: Quentin Anthony,Benjamin Michalowicz,Jacob Hatef,Lang Xu,Mustafa Abduljabbar,Aamir Shafi,Hari Subramoni,Dhabaleswar Panda **关键词**: time series prediction, Deep learning, audio generation, series prediction, time series **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Quentin Anthony,Benjamin Michalowicz,Jacob Hatef,Lang Xu,Mustafa Abduljabbar,Aamir Shafi,Hari Subramoni,Dhabaleswar Panda {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-7-SpaRP: Fast 3D Object Reconstruction and Pose Estimation from Sparse Views {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10195 **作者**: Chao Xu,Ang Li,Linghao Chen,Yulin Liu,Ruoxi Shi,Hao Su,Minghua Liu **关键词**: attracted considerable attention, recently attracted considerable, generation has recently, considerable attention, recently attracted **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Graphics (cs.GR) ***备注**: Chao Xu,Ang Li,Linghao Chen,Yulin Liu,Ruoxi Shi,Hao Su,Minghua Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-8-A Biologically Inspired Design Principle for Building Robust Robotic Systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10192 **作者**: Xing Li,Oussama Zenkri,Adrian Pfisterer,Oliver Brock **关键词**: maintain performance, performance under significant, significant and unanticipated, critical property, robotic systems **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Xing Li,Oussama Zenkri,Adrian Pfisterer,Oliver Brock {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-9-A Graph-based Approach to Human Activity Recognition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10191 **作者**: Thomas Peroutka,Ilir Murturi,Praveen Kumar Donta,Schahram Dustdar **关键词**: Advanced wearable sensor, wearable sensor devices, Advanced wearable, wearable sensor, sensor devices **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Thomas Peroutka,Ilir Murturi,Praveen Kumar Donta,Schahram Dustdar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-10-ransformers to SSMs: Distilling Quadratic Knowledge to Subquadratic Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10189 **作者**: Aviv Bick,Kevin Y. Li,Eric P. Xing,J. Zico Kolter,Albert Gu **关键词**: inference settings due, quadratic-time self-attention, dominant paradigm, paradigm for domains, domains like language **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Aviv Bick,Kevin Y. Li,Eric P. Xing,J. Zico Kolter,Albert Gu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-11-LongVILA: Scaling Long-Context Visual Language Models for Long Videos {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10188 **作者**: Fuzhao Xue,Yukang Chen,Dacheng Li,Qinghao Hu,Ligeng Zhu,Xiuyu Li,Yunhao Fang,Haotian Tang,Shang Yang,Zhijian Liu,Ethan He,Hongxu Yin,Pavlo Molchanov,Jan Kautz,Linxi Fan,Yuke Zhu,Yao Lu,Song Han **关键词**: Sequence Parallelism, Multi-Modal Sequence Parallelism, multi-modal foundation models, capability is critical, Hugging Face Transformers **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Fuzhao Xue,Yukang Chen,Dacheng Li,Qinghao Hu,Ligeng Zhu,Xiuyu Li,Yunhao Fang,Haotian Tang,Shang Yang,Zhijian Liu,Ethan He,Hongxu Yin,Pavlo Molchanov,Jan Kautz,Linxi Fan,Yuke Zhu,Yao Lu,Song Han {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-12-Assessment of Spectral based Solutions for the Detection of Floating Marine Debris {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10187 **作者**: Muhammad Alì,Francesca Razzano,Sergio Vitale,Giampaolo Ferraioli,Vito Pascazio,Gilda Schirinzi,Silvia Ullo **关键词**: limited spatial coverage, huge human effort, marine debris relies, Marine Debris Archive, Marine Plastic Debris **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Muhammad Alì,Francesca Razzano,Sergio Vitale,Giampaolo Ferraioli,Vito Pascazio,Gilda Schirinzi,Silvia Ullo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-13-Imbalance-Aware Culvert-Sewer Defect Segmentation Using an Enhanced Feature Pyramid Network {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10181 **作者**: Rasha Alshawi,Md Meftahul Ferdaus,Mahdi Abdelguerfi,Kendall Niles,Ken Pathak,Steve Sloan **关键词**: Feature Pyramid Network, Enhanced Feature Pyramid, significant challenge, Imbalanced datasets, Pyramid Network **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Rasha Alshawi,Md Meftahul Ferdaus,Mahdi Abdelguerfi,Kendall Niles,Ken Pathak,Steve Sloan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-14-NeuRodin: A Two-stage Framework for High-Fidelity Neural Surface Reconstruction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10178 **作者**: Yifan Wang,Di Huang,Weicai Ye,Guofeng Zhang,Wanli Ouyang,Tong He **关键词**: Signed Distance Function, Signed Distance, Distance Function, based volume rendering, demonstrated significant capabilities **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yifan Wang,Di Huang,Weicai Ye,Guofeng Zhang,Wanli Ouyang,Tong He {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-15-Perfectly Undetectable Reflection and Scaling False Data Injection Attacks via Affine Transformation on Mobile Robot Trajectory Tracking Control {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10177 **作者**: Jun Ueda,Hyukbin Kwon **关键词**: critical applications, ensuring their resilience, cyberattacks is paramount, increasing integration, integration of cyber-physical **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Jun Ueda,Hyukbin Kwon {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-16-Fairness Under Cover: Evaluating the Impact of Occlusions on Demographic Bias in Facial Recognition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10175 **作者**: Rafael M. Mamede,Pedro C. Neto,Ana F. Sequeira **关键词**: face recognition systems, Fairness Discrepancy Rate, face recognition, Face Occlusion Impact, face recognition models **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Rafael M. Mamede,Pedro C. Neto,Ana F. Sequeira {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-17-SMILE: Zero-Shot Sparse Mixture of Low-Rank Experts Construction From Pre-Trained Foundation Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10174 **作者**: Anke Tang,Li Shen,Yong Luo,Shuai Xie,Han Hu,Lefei Zhang,Bo Du,Dacheng Tao **关键词**: deep model fusion, Deep model, Deep model training, model fusion techniques, model fusion **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Anke Tang,Li Shen,Yong Luo,Shuai Xie,Han Hu,Lefei Zhang,Bo Du,Dacheng Tao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-18-Eulerian Graph Sparsification by Effective Resistance Decomposition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10172 **作者**: Arun Jambulapati,Sushant Sachdeva,Aaron Sidford,Kevin Tian,Yibin Zhao **关键词**: edge Eulerian Laplacian, approximate Eulerian sparsifier, polynomially bounded weights, log, cdot **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ***备注**: Arun Jambulapati,Sushant Sachdeva,Aaron Sidford,Kevin Tian,Yibin Zhao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-19-LCDN: Providing Network Determinism with Low-Cost Switches {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10171 **作者**: Philip Diederich,Yash Deshpande,Laura Becker,Wolfgang Kellerer **关键词**: fast pace, real-time, real-time applications, Abstract, applications **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Philip Diederich,Yash Deshpande,Laura Becker,Wolfgang Kellerer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-20-Don't Get Stuck: A Deadlock Recovery Approach {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10167 **作者**: Francesca Baldini,Faizan M. Tariq,Sangjae Bae,David Isele **关键词**: agents share space, multiple agents share, share space, interactions can lead, multiple agents **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Francesca Baldini,Faizan M. Tariq,Sangjae Bae,David Isele {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-21-owards UAV-USV Collaboration in Harsh Maritime Conditions Including Large Waves {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10163 **作者**: Filip Novák,Tomáš Báča,Ondřej Procházka,Martin Saska **关键词**: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Unmanned Surface Vehicles, Aerial Vehicles, Unmanned Aerial, Surface Vehicles **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Filip Novák,Tomáš Báča,Ondřej Procházka,Martin Saska {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-22-Physics-Aware Combinatorial Assembly Planning using Deep Reinforcement Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10162 **作者**: Ruixuan Liu,Alan Chen,Weiye Zhao,Changliu Liu **关键词**: satisfy user specifications, Combinatorial assembly, standardized unit primitives, unit primitives, user specifications **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Ruixuan Liu,Alan Chen,Weiye Zhao,Changliu Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-23-NeuFlow v2: High-Efficiency Optical Flow Estimation on Edge Devices {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10161 **作者**: Zhiyong Zhang,Aniket Gupta,Huaizu Jiang,Hanumant Singh **关键词**: Real-time high-accuracy optical, Real-time high-accuracy, high-accuracy optical flow, optical flow estimation, optical flow **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Zhiyong Zhang,Aniket Gupta,Huaizu Jiang,Hanumant Singh {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-24-Customizing Language Models with Instance-wise LoRA for Sequential Recommendation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10159 **作者**: Xiaoyu Kong,Jiancan Wu,An Zhang,Leheng Sheng,Hui Lin,Xiang Wang,Xiangnan He **关键词**: Large Language Models, Sequential recommendation systems, recommendation systems predict, analyzing past interactions, Sequential recommendation **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Xiaoyu Kong,Jiancan Wu,An Zhang,Leheng Sheng,Hui Lin,Xiang Wang,Xiangnan He {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-25-LoopSplat: Loop Closure by Registering 3D Gaussian Splats {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10154 **作者**: Liyuan Zhu,Yue Li,Erik Sandström,Konrad Schindler,Iro Armeni **关键词**: Gaussian Splats, Simultaneous Localization, recently shown promise, recently shown, shown promise **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Liyuan Zhu,Yue Li,Erik Sandström,Konrad Schindler,Iro Armeni {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-26-Structure-preserving Image Translation for Depth Estimation in Colonoscopy Video {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10153 **作者**: Shuxian Wang,Akshay Paruchuri,Zhaoxi Zhang,Sarah McGill,Roni Sengupta **关键词**: colonoscopy video aims, unusual lighting properties, Monocular depth estimation, Monocular depth, colonoscopic environment **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Shuxian Wang,Akshay Paruchuri,Zhaoxi Zhang,Sarah McGill,Roni Sengupta {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-27-Source-Seeking Problem with Robot Swarms {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10152 **作者**: Antonio Acuaviva,Hector Garcia de Marina,Juan Jimenez **关键词**: solve the problem, problem of locating, robot swarm, robot swarm determines, swarm **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Antonio Acuaviva,Hector Garcia de Marina,Juan Jimenez {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-28-Multilingual Needle in a Haystack: Investigating Long-Context Behavior of Multilingual Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10151 **作者**: Amey Hengle,Prasoon Bajpai,Soham Dan,Tanmoy Chakraborty **关键词**: handle long multilingual, recent large language, demonstrate remarkable abilities, long multilingual contexts, recent large **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Amey Hengle,Prasoon Bajpai,Soham Dan,Tanmoy Chakraborty {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-29-Auctioning Escape Permits for Multiple Correlated Pollutants Using CMRA {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10148 **作者**: Keshav Goyal,Sooraj Sathish,Shrisha Rao **关键词**: complex environmental challenges, increasingly complex environmental, effective pollution control, environmental challenges, context of increasingly **类目**: Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA) ***备注**: Keshav Goyal,Sooraj Sathish,Shrisha Rao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-30-In-Context Learning with Representations: Contextual Generalization of Trained Transformers {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10147 **作者**: Tong Yang,Yu Huang,Yingbin Liang,Yuejie Chi **关键词**: pretrained large language, large language models, remarkable capability, capability of pretrained, pretrained large **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Tong Yang,Yu Huang,Yingbin Liang,Yuejie Chi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-31-Multi-Scale Representation Learning for Image Restoration with State-Space Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10145 **作者**: Yuhong He,Long Peng,Qiaosi Yi,Chen Wu,Lu Wang **关键词**: computer vision systems, reconstruct a high-quality, degraded counterpart, vision systems, endeavors to reconstruct **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Yuhong He,Long Peng,Qiaosi Yi,Chen Wu,Lu Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-32-Data-Driven Analysis to Understand GPU Hardware Resource Usage of Optimizations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10143 **作者**: Tanzima Z. Islam,Aniruddha Marathe,Holland Schutte,Mohammad Zaeed **关键词**: provide computational capabilities, hardware resource usage, resource usage, heterogeneous systems, nanoscopic scale **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Performance (cs.PF) ***备注**: Tanzima Z. Islam,Aniruddha Marathe,Holland Schutte,Mohammad Zaeed {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-33-Instruction Finetuning for Leaderboard Generation from Empirical AI Research {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10141 **作者**: Salomon Kabongo,Jennifer D'Souza **关键词**: pretrained Large Language, Large Language Models, pretrained Large, quadruples from articles, Large Language **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Salomon Kabongo,Jennifer D'Souza {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-34-$R^2$-Mesh: Reinforcement Learning Powered Mesh Reconstruction via Geometry and Appearance Refinement {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10135 **作者**: Haoyang Wang,Liming Liu,Quanlu Jia,Jiangkai Wu,Haodan Zhang,Peiheng Wang,Xinggong Zhang **关键词**: Neural Radiance Fields, Neural Radiance, medical imaging due, facilitating real-time rendering, complex geometric structures **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Haoyang Wang,Liming Liu,Quanlu Jia,Jiangkai Wu,Haodan Zhang,Peiheng Wang,Xinggong Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-35-Perceptual Depth Quality Assessment of Stereoscopic Omnidirectional Images {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10134 **作者**: Wei Zhou,Zhou Wang **关键词**: immersive virtual reality, Depth perception plays, depth quality, depth quality assessment, quality **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Multimedia (cs.MM); Image and Video Processing (eess.IV) ***备注**: Wei Zhou,Zhou Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-36-Rhyme-aware Chinese lyric generator based on GPT {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10130 **作者**: Yixiao Yuan,Yangchen Huang,Yu Ma,Xinjin Li,Zhenglin Li,Yiming Shi,Huapeng Zhou **关键词**: Neural language representation, effectively capture rich, capture rich semantic, rich semantic patterns, consistently improve natural **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yixiao Yuan,Yangchen Huang,Yu Ma,Xinjin Li,Zhenglin Li,Yiming Shi,Huapeng Zhou {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-37-UNINEXT-Cutie: The 1st Solution for LSVOS Challenge RVOS Track {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10129 **作者**: Hao Fang,Feiyu Pan,Xiankai Lu,Wei Zhang,Runmin Cong **关键词**: LSVOS Challenge RVOS, Challenge RVOS Track, natural language expressions, video object segmentation, RVOS **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Hao Fang,Feiyu Pan,Xiankai Lu,Wei Zhang,Runmin Cong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-38-Advancing Voice Cloning for Nepali: Leveraging Transfer Learning in a Low-Resource Language {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10128 **作者**: Manjil Karki,Pratik Shakya,Sandesh Acharya,Ravi Pandit,Dinesh Gothe **关键词**: personalized speech interfaces, prominent feature, feature in personalized, Voice cloning, speaker **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Manjil Karki,Pratik Shakya,Sandesh Acharya,Ravi Pandit,Dinesh Gothe {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-39-Learning Brave Assumption-Based Argumentation Frameworks via ASP {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10126 **作者**: Emanuele De Angelis(1),Maurizio Proietti(1),Francesca Toni(2) ((1) CNR-IASI, Rome, Italy, (2) Imperial, London, UK) **关键词**: Assumption-based Argumentation, including logic programming, including logic, unifying formalism, forms of non-monotonic **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Logic in Computer Science (cs.LO) ***备注**: Emanuele De Angelis(1),Maurizio Proietti(1),Francesca Toni(2) ((1) CNR-IASI, Rome, Italy, (2) Imperial, London, UK) {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-40-Video Object Segmentation via SAM 2: The 4th Solution for LSVOS Challenge VOS Track {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10125 **作者**: Feiyu Pan,Hao Fang,Runmin Cong,Wei Zhang,Xiankai Lu **关键词**: Video Object Segmentation, entire video sequence, object instance, object mask, Object Segmentation **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Feiyu Pan,Hao Fang,Runmin Cong,Wei Zhang,Xiankai Lu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-41-Molecular Graph Representation Learning Integrating Large Language Models with Domain-specific Small Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10124 **作者**: Tianyu Zhang,Yuxiang Ren,Chengbin Hou,Hairong Lv,Xuegong Zhang **关键词**: drug discovery, crucial foundation, foundation for drug, Domain-specific Small Models, Large Language Models **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Chemical Physics (physics.chem-ph); Biomolecules (q-bio.BM) ***备注**: Tianyu Zhang,Yuxiang Ren,Chengbin Hou,Hairong Lv,Xuegong Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-42-Learning Precise Affordances from Egocentric Videos for Robotic Manipulation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10123 **作者**: Gen Li,Nikolaos Tsagkas,Jifei Song,Ruaridh Mon-Williams,Sethu Vijayakumar,Kun Shao,Laura Sevilla-Lara **关键词**: potential actions, crucial for robotic, Affordance, GKT, Depth Feature Injector **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Gen Li,Nikolaos Tsagkas,Jifei Song,Ruaridh Mon-Williams,Sethu Vijayakumar,Kun Shao,Laura Sevilla-Lara {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-43-Geometry Informed Tokenization of Molecules for Language Model Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10120 **作者**: Xiner Li,Limei Wang,Youzhi Luo,Carl Edwards,Shurui Gui,Yuchao Lin,Heng Ji,Shuiwang Ji **关键词**: space using language, language models, requires discrete tokenization, Abstract, requires discrete **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Xiner Li,Limei Wang,Youzhi Luo,Carl Edwards,Shurui Gui,Yuchao Lin,Heng Ji,Shuiwang Ji {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-44-Factorized-Dreamer: Training A High-Quality Video Generator with Limited and Low-Quality Data {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10119 **作者**: Tao Yang,Yangming Shi,Yunwen Huang,Feng Chen,Yin Zheng,Lei Zhang **关键词**: gained significant attention, significant attention due, enhancement and translation, gained significant, wide applications **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Tao Yang,Yangming Shi,Yunwen Huang,Feng Chen,Yin Zheng,Lei Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-45-Branching Bisimilarity for Processes with Time-outs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10117 **作者**: Gaspard Reghem,Rob van Glabbeek **关键词**: systems with time-outs, adaptation of branching, branching bisimilarity, bisimilarity to reactive, reactive systems **类目**: Logic in Computer Science (cs.LO) ***备注**: Gaspard Reghem,Rob van Glabbeek {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-46-Vulseye: Detect Smart Contract Vulnerabilities via Stateful Directed Graybox Fuzzing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10116 **作者**: Ruichao Liang,Jing Chen,Cong Wu,Kun He,Yueming Wu,Ruochen Cao,Ruiying Du,Yang Liu,Ziming Zhao **关键词**: Smart contracts, Smart, state, code, Targets **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Ruichao Liang,Jing Chen,Cong Wu,Kun He,Yueming Wu,Ruochen Cao,Ruiying Du,Yang Liu,Ziming Zhao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-47-GLIMMER: Incorporating Graph and Lexical Features in Unsupervised Multi-Document Summarization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10115 **作者**: Ran Liu,Ming Liu,Min Yu,Jianguo Jiang,Gang Li,Dan Zhang,Jingyuan Li,Xiang Meng,Weiqing Huang **关键词**: Pre-trained language models, multi-document summarization tasks, Pre-trained language, summarization tasks, multi-document summarization **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Ran Liu,Ming Liu,Min Yu,Jianguo Jiang,Gang Li,Dan Zhang,Jingyuan Li,Xiang Meng,Weiqing Huang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-48-Enhancing Reinforcement Learning Through Guided Search {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10113 **作者**: Jérôme Arjonilla,Abdallah Saffidine,Tristan Cazenave **关键词**: Markov Decision Problem, Offline Reinforcement Learning, suggest taking inspiration, Markov Decision, Decision Problem **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jérôme Arjonilla,Abdallah Saffidine,Tristan Cazenave {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-49-PLUTUS: A Well Pre-trained Large Unified Transformer can Unveil Financial Time Series Regularities {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10111 **作者**: Yuanjian Xu,Anxian Liu,Jianing Hao,Zhenzhuo Li,Shichang Meng,Guang Zhang **关键词**: high noise levels, predicting market behaviors, textbf, noise levels, Financial time series **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Yuanjian Xu,Anxian Liu,Jianing Hao,Zhenzhuo Li,Shichang Meng,Guang Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-50-On the loss of orthogonality in low-synchronization variants of reorthogonalized block classical Gram-Schmidt {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10109 **作者**: Erin Carson,Kathryn Lund,Yuxin Ma,Eda Oktay **关键词**: Interest in communication-avoiding, communication-avoiding orthogonalization schemes, growing recently, block classical Gram-Schmidt, schemes for high-performance **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Erin Carson,Kathryn Lund,Yuxin Ma,Eda Oktay {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-51-Envisioning Possibilities and Challenges of AI for Personalized Cancer Care {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10108 **作者**: Elaine Kong,Kuo-Ting(Tim)Huang,Aakash Gautam **关键词**: Artificial Intelligence, gained significant interest, including in caring, significant interest, gained significant **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Elaine Kong,Kuo-Ting(Tim)Huang,Aakash Gautam {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-52-Perturb-and-Compare Approach for Detecting Out-of-Distribution Samples in Constrained Access Environments {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10107 **作者**: Heeyoung Lee,Hoyoon Byun,Changdae Oh,JinYeong Bak,Kyungwoo Song **关键词**: Accessing machine learning, Accessing machine, machine learning models, OOD detection, machine learning **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Heeyoung Lee,Hoyoon Byun,Changdae Oh,JinYeong Bak,Kyungwoo Song {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-53-Neural Representation of Shape-Dependent Laplacian Eigenfunctions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10099 **作者**: Yue Chang,Otman Benchekroun,Maurizio M. Chiaramonte,Peter Yichen Chen,Eitan Grinspun **关键词**: Laplace operator, mathematical physics, geometry processing, operator are essential, essential in mathematical **类目**: Graphics (cs.GR) ***备注**: Yue Chang,Otman Benchekroun,Maurizio M. Chiaramonte,Peter Yichen Chen,Eitan Grinspun {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-54-Convert and Speak: Zero-shot Accent Conversion with Minimum Supervision {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10096 **作者**: Zhijun Jia,Huaying Xue,Xiulian Peng,Yan Lu **关键词**: Low resource, converted semantic token, key challenge, pronunciation units, units and prosody **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Zhijun Jia,Huaying Xue,Xiulian Peng,Yan Lu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-55-Selecting Relay Nodes Based on Evaluation Results to Enhance P2P Broadcasting Efficiency {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10092 **作者**: Chunlin Huang **关键词**: highly robust Flooding-based, adopt highly robust, robust Flooding-based broadcast, robust Flooding-based, networks adopt highly **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Chunlin Huang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-56-Federated Frank-Wolfe Algorithm {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10090 **作者**: Ali Dadras,Sourasekhar Banerjee,Karthik Prakhya,Alp Yurtsever **关键词**: building privacy-preserving collaborative, collaborative learning systems, privacy-preserving collaborative learning, gained a lot, lot of attention **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Ali Dadras,Sourasekhar Banerjee,Karthik Prakhya,Alp Yurtsever {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-57-Stabilized Lagrange Multipliers for Dirichlet Boundary Conditions in Divergence Preserving Unfitted Methods {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10089 **作者**: Thomas Frachon,Erik Nilsson,Sara Zahedi **关键词**: Lagrange multiplier, element method presented, preserving cut finite, cut finite element, finite element **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Thomas Frachon,Erik Nilsson,Sara Zahedi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-58-Recent Surge in Public Interest in Transportation: Sentiment Analysis of Baidu Apollo Go Using Weibo Data {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10088 **作者**: Shiqi Wang,Zhouye Zhao,Yuhang Xie,Mingchuan Ma,Zirui Chen,Zeyu Wang,Bohao Su,Wenrui Xu,Tianyi Li **关键词**: autonomous vehicle technologies, Urban mobility, vehicle technologies, transportation systems, profoundly transformed **类目**: ocial and Information Networks (cs.SI) ***备注**: Shiqi Wang,Zhouye Zhao,Yuhang Xie,Mingchuan Ma,Zirui Chen,Zeyu Wang,Bohao Su,Wenrui Xu,Tianyi Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-59-ARMADA: Attribute-Based Multimodal Data Augmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10086 **作者**: Xiaomeng Jin,Jeonghwan Kim,Yu Zhou,Kuan-Hao Huang,Te-Lin Wu,Nanyun Peng,Heng Ji **关键词**: multimodal data augmentation, multimodal data, Attribute-based Multimodal Data, Multimodal Language Models, manually annotating high-quality **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Xiaomeng Jin,Jeonghwan Kim,Yu Zhou,Kuan-Hao Huang,Te-Lin Wu,Nanyun Peng,Heng Ji {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-60-MASALA: Model-Agnostic Surrogate Explanations by Locality Adaptation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10085 **作者**: Saif Anwar,Nathan Griffiths,Abhir Bhalerao,Thomas Popham **关键词**: Existing local Explainable, local Explainable, interpretable surrogate model, model, impactful model behaviour **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Saif Anwar,Nathan Griffiths,Abhir Bhalerao,Thomas Popham {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-61-ANGO: Clustering with Typicality-Aware Nonlocal Mode-Seeking and Graph-Cut Optimization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10084 **作者**: Haowen Ma,Zhiguo Long,Hua Meng **关键词**: mine structural information, Density-based clustering methods, Density-based clustering, structural information, higher neighbors **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Haowen Ma,Zhiguo Long,Hua Meng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-62-ywaves: A Typed Waveform Viewer for Chisel {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10082 **作者**: Raffaele Meloni,H. Peter Hofstee,Zaid Al-Ars **关键词**: Scala Embedded Language, Scala Embedded, broadly adopted HDL, Constructing Hardware, Embedded Language **类目**: Hardware Architecture (cs.AR) ***备注**: Raffaele Meloni,H. Peter Hofstee,Zaid Al-Ars {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-63-Personalizing Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback with Variational Preference Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10075 **作者**: Sriyash Poddar,Yanming Wan,Hamish Ivison,Abhishek Gupta,Natasha Jaques **关键词**: Human Feedback, Reinforcement Learning, powerful paradigm, paradigm for aligning, RLHF **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Sriyash Poddar,Yanming Wan,Hamish Ivison,Abhishek Gupta,Natasha Jaques {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-64-Synthesis of Reward Machines for Multi-Agent Equilibrium Design (Full Version) {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10074 **作者**: Muhammad Najib,Giuseppe Perelli **关键词**: well-established game-theoretic paradigm, Mechanism design, equilibrium design, achieve desired outcomes, Unlike mechanism design **类目**: Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA) ***备注**: Muhammad Najib,Giuseppe Perelli {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-65-Modelling the Distribution of Human Motion for Sign Language Assessment {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10073 **作者**: Oliver Cory,Ozge Mercanoglu Sincan,Matthew Vowels,Alessia Battisti,Franz Holzknecht,Katja Tissi,Sandra Sidler-Miserez,Tobias Haug,Sarah Ebling,Richard Bowden **关键词**: Sign Language Assessment, assess Sign Languages, Sign Language, Language Assessment, Sign **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Oliver Cory,Ozge Mercanoglu Sincan,Matthew Vowels,Alessia Battisti,Franz Holzknecht,Katja Tissi,Sandra Sidler-Miserez,Tobias Haug,Sarah Ebling,Richard Bowden {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-66-FFAA: Multimodal Large Language Model based Explainable Open-World Face Forgery Analysis Assistant {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10072 **作者**: Zhengchao Huang,Bin Xia,Zicheng Lin,Zhun Mou,Wenming Yang **关键词**: widespread public concern, sparked widespread public, public information security, face forgery analysis, face forgery **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Zhengchao Huang,Bin Xia,Zicheng Lin,Zhun Mou,Wenming Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-67-LNQ 2023 challenge: Benchmark of weakly-supervised techniques for mediastinal lymph node quantification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10069 **作者**: Reuben Dorent,Roya Khajavi,Tagwa Idris,Erik Ziegler,Bhanusupriya Somarouthu,Heather Jacene,Ann LaCasce,Jonathan Deissler,Jan Ehrhardt,Sofija Engelson,Stefan M. Fischer,Yun Gu,Heinz Handels,Satoshi Kasai,Satoshi Kondo,Klaus Maier-Hein,Julia A. Schnabel,Guotai Wang,Litingyu Wang,Tassilo Wald,Guang-Zhong Yang,Hanxiao Zhang,Minghui Zhang,Steve Pieper,Gordon Harris,Ron Kikinis,Tina Kapur **关键词**: monitoring treatment response, Accurate assessment, lymph node size, lymph node, Lymph Node Quantification **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Reuben Dorent,Roya Khajavi,Tagwa Idris,Erik Ziegler,Bhanusupriya Somarouthu,Heather Jacene,Ann LaCasce,Jonathan Deissler,Jan Ehrhardt,Sofija Engelson,Stefan M. Fischer,Yun Gu,Heinz Handels,Satoshi Kasai,Satoshi Kondo,Klaus Maier-Hein,Julia A. Schnabel,Guotai Wang,Litingyu Wang,Tassilo Wald,Guang-Zhong Yang,Hanxiao Zhang,Minghui Zhang,Steve Pieper,Gordon Harris,Ron Kikinis,Tina Kapur {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-68-Near-Optimal Mechanisms for Resource Allocation Without Monetary Transfers {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10066 **作者**: Moise Blanchard,Patrick Jaillet **关键词**: planner sequentially allocates, multiple strategic agents, central planner sequentially, utility distributions, monetary transfers **类目**: Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT); Theoretical Economics (econ.TH); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: Moise Blanchard,Patrick Jaillet {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-69-Understanding cyclists' perception of driverless vehicles through eye-tracking and interviews {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10064 **作者**: Siri Hegna Berge,Joost de Winter,Dimitra Dodou,Amir Pooyan Afghari,Eleonora Papadimitriou,Nagarjun Reddy,Yongqi Dong,Narayana Raju,Haneen Farah **关键词**: Session, increasingly popular, question arises, automated vehicles, cyclists **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Siri Hegna Berge,Joost de Winter,Dimitra Dodou,Amir Pooyan Afghari,Eleonora Papadimitriou,Nagarjun Reddy,Yongqi Dong,Narayana Raju,Haneen Farah {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-70-Facial Wrinkle Segmentation for Cosmetic Dermatology: Pretraining with Texture Map-Based Weak Supervision {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10060 **作者**: Junho Moon,Haejun Chung,Ikbeom Jang **关键词**: cosmetic dermatology, plays a crucial, crucial role, role in cosmetic, Facial wrinkle **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Junho Moon,Haejun Chung,Ikbeom Jang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-71-Efficient Exploration in Deep Reinforcement Learning: A Novel Bayesian Actor-Critic Algorithm {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10055 **作者**: Nikolai Rozanov **关键词**: Deep Reinforcement Learning, Reinforcement learning, Deep Reinforcement, potential to disrupt, Reinforcement **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Nikolai Rozanov {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-72-Privacy Checklist: Privacy Violation Detection Grounding on Contextual Integrity Theory {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10053 **作者**: Haoran Li,Wei Fan,Yulin Chen,Jiayang Cheng,Tianshu Chu,Xuebing Zhou,Peizhao Hu,Yangqiu Song **关键词**: attracted wide attention, Privacy, Natural Language Processing, smart devices, attracted wide **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Haoran Li,Wei Fan,Yulin Chen,Jiayang Cheng,Tianshu Chu,Xuebing Zhou,Peizhao Hu,Yangqiu Song {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-73-Exploiting Fine-Grained Prototype Distribution for Boosting Unsupervised Class Incremental Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10046 **作者**: Jiaming Liu,Hongyuan Liu,Zhili Qin,Wei Han,Yulu Fan,Qinli Yang,Junming Shao **关键词**: class incremental learning, dynamic nature, nature of open-world, open-world scenarios, scenarios has attracted **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Jiaming Liu,Hongyuan Liu,Zhili Qin,Wei Han,Yulu Fan,Qinli Yang,Junming Shao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-74-Stacked Intelligent Metasurfaces for Integrated Sensing and Communications {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10043 **作者**: Haoxian Niu,Jiancheng An,Anastasios Papazafeiropoulos,Lu Gan,Symeon Chatzinotas,Mérouane Debbah **关键词**: Stacked intelligent metasurfaces, realize transmit precoding, Stacked intelligent, intelligent metasurfaces, promising technology **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Haoxian Niu,Jiancheng An,Anastasios Papazafeiropoulos,Lu Gan,Symeon Chatzinotas,Mérouane Debbah {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-75-Implicit Gaussian Splatting with Efficient Multi-Level Tri-Plane Representation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10041 **作者**: Minye Wu,Tinne Tuytelaars **关键词**: Recent advancements, Implicit Gaussian Splatting, Gaussian Splatting, advancements in photo-realistic, photo-realistic novel view **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Minye Wu,Tinne Tuytelaars {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-76-he Practimum-Optimum Algorithm for Manufacturing Scheduling: A Paradigm Shift Leading to Breakthroughs in Scale and Performance {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10040 **作者**: Moshe BenBassat **关键词**: developing automatic optimization, automatic optimization products, real-life business problems, represents a paradigm, paradigm shift **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Moshe BenBassat {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-77-MSDiagnosis: An EMR-based Dataset for Clinical Multi-Step Diagnosis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10039 **作者**: Ruihui Hou,Shencheng Chen,Yongqi Fan,Lifeng Zhu,Jing Sun,Jingping Liu,Tong Ruan **关键词**: medical practice, typically requiring, includes primary diagnosis, critical in medical, requiring a continuous **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Ruihui Hou,Shencheng Chen,Yongqi Fan,Lifeng Zhu,Jing Sun,Jingping Liu,Tong Ruan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-78-SHARP: Segmentation of Hands and Arms by Range using Pseudo-Depth for Enhanced Egocentric 3D Hand Pose Estimation and Action Recognition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10037 **作者**: Wiktor Mucha,Michael Wray,Martin Kampel **关键词**: Hand pose, pose represents key, Hand pose represents, represents key information, hand pose estimation **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Wiktor Mucha,Michael Wray,Martin Kampel {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-79-Dynamic Label Injection for Imbalanced Industrial Defect Segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10031 **作者**: Emanuele Caruso,Francesco Pelosin,Alessandro Simoni,Marco Boschetti **关键词**: multi-class semantic segmentation, deep learning systems, imbalanced multi-class semantic, simple yet effective, effective method **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Emanuele Caruso,Francesco Pelosin,Alessandro Simoni,Marco Boschetti {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-80-he Expressive Power of Uniform Population Protocols with Logarithmic Space {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10027 **作者**: Philipp Czerner,Vincent Fischer,Roland Guttenberg **关键词**: indistinguishable mobile agents, mobile agents interact, initial configuration, model of computation, indistinguishable mobile **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Philipp Czerner,Vincent Fischer,Roland Guttenberg {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-81-Defense Priorities in the Open-Source AI Debate: A Preliminary Assessment {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10026 **作者**: Masao Dahlgren **关键词**: artificial intelligence models, open foundation models, open foundation, artificial intelligence, end users **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Masao Dahlgren {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-82-owards Robust Federated Image Classification: An Empirical Study of Weight Selection Strategies in Manufacturing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10024 **作者**: Vinit Hegiste,Tatjana Legler,Martin Ruskowski **关键词**: Epoch Weight Selection, Final Epoch Weight, Optimal Epoch Weight, weight selection strategies, weight selection **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Vinit Hegiste,Tatjana Legler,Martin Ruskowski {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-83-Detecting Adversarial Attacks in Semantic Segmentation via Uncertainty Estimation: A Deep Analysis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10021 **作者**: Kira Maag,Roman Resner,Asja Fischer **关键词**: Deep neural networks, demonstrated remarkable effectiveness, Deep neural, demonstrated remarkable, wide range **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Kira Maag,Roman Resner,Asja Fischer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-84-"EBK" : Leveraging Crowd-Sourced Social Media Data to Quantify How Hyperlocal Gang Affiliations Shape Personal Networks and Violence in Chicago's Contemporary Southside {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10018 **作者**: Riley Tucker,Nakwon Rim,Alfred Chao,Elizabeth Gaillard,Marc G. Berman **关键词**: Recent ethnographic research, Recent ethnographic, Southside have evolved, Chicago Southside, cross-gang interpersonal networks **类目**: ocial and Information Networks (cs.SI) ***备注**: Riley Tucker,Nakwon Rim,Alfred Chao,Elizabeth Gaillard,Marc G. Berman {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-85-General Impedance Modeling for Modular Multilevel Converter with Grid-forming and Grid-following Control {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10017 **作者**: Chu Sun,Fei Zhang,Huafeng Xiao,Na Wang,Jikai Chen **关键词**: Modular multilevel converter, Modular multilevel, broadband harmonic spectrum, MMC impedance, MMC impedance modeling **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Chu Sun,Fei Zhang,Huafeng Xiao,Na Wang,Jikai Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-86-Deterministic Policy Gradient Primal-Dual Methods for Continuous-Space Constrained MDPs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10015 **作者**: Sergio Rozada,Dongsheng Ding,Antonio G. Marques,Alejandro Ribeiro **关键词**: Markov decision processes, constrained Markov decision, deterministic policy gradient, Markov decision, deterministic policy **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: Sergio Rozada,Dongsheng Ding,Antonio G. Marques,Alejandro Ribeiro {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-87-Improved Distance (Sensitivity) Oracles with Subquadratic Space {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10014 **作者**: Davide Bilò,Shiri Chechik,Keerti Choudhary,Sarel Cohen,Tobias Friedrich,Martin Schirneck **关键词**: alpha, beta, distance oracle, queried with vertices, widehat **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ***备注**: Davide Bilò,Shiri Chechik,Keerti Choudhary,Sarel Cohen,Tobias Friedrich,Martin Schirneck {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-88-BA: Faster Large Language Model Training Using SSD-Based Activation Offloading {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10013 **作者**: Kun Wu,Jeongmin Brian Park,Xiaofan Zhang,Mert Hidayetoğlu,Vikram Sharma Mailthody,Sitao Huang,Steven Sam Lumetta,Wen-mei Hwu **关键词**: model training process, large language models, GPU memory capacity, GPU memory, language models **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE) ***备注**: Kun Wu,Jeongmin Brian Park,Xiaofan Zhang,Mert Hidayetoğlu,Vikram Sharma Mailthody,Sitao Huang,Steven Sam Lumetta,Wen-mei Hwu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-89-CLIPCleaner: Cleaning Noisy Labels with CLIP {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10012 **作者**: Chen Feng,Georgios Tzimiropoulos,Ioannis Patras **关键词**: Machine Learning community, Machine Learning, Noisy labels, sample selection, poses a significant **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Chen Feng,Georgios Tzimiropoulos,Ioannis Patras {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-90-PinnDE: Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Solving Differential Equations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10011 **作者**: Jason Matthews,Alex Bihlo **关键词**: solving differential equations, grown substantially, recent years, years the study, solving differential **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Jason Matthews,Alex Bihlo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-91-P3P: Pseudo-3D Pre-training for Scaling 3D Masked Autoencoders {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10007 **作者**: Xuechao Chen,Ying Chen,Jialin Li,Qiang Nie,Yong Liu,Qixing Huang,Yang Li **关键词**: perception tasks, data, pre-training, large amount, Abstract **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Xuechao Chen,Ying Chen,Jialin Li,Qiang Nie,Yong Liu,Qixing Huang,Yang Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-92-Unlocking the Power of LSTM for Long Term Time Series Forecasting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10006 **作者**: Yaxuan Kong,Zepu Wang,Yuqi Nie,Tian Zhou,Stefan Zohren,Yuxuan Liang,Peng Sun,Qingsong Wen **关键词**: Traditional recurrent neural, neural network architectures, recurrent neural network, time series forecasting, memory neural networks **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Yaxuan Kong,Zepu Wang,Yuqi Nie,Tian Zhou,Stefan Zohren,Yuxuan Liang,Peng Sun,Qingsong Wen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-93-Optimal Few-GHW Linear Codes and Their Subcode Support Weight Distributions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10005 **作者**: Xu Pan,Hao Chen,Hongwei Liu,Shengwei Liu **关键词**: strongly regular graphs, Boolean functions, graphs and Boolean, generalized Hamming weight, generalized Hamming **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Xu Pan,Hao Chen,Hongwei Liu,Shengwei Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-94-owards a Knowledge Graph for Models and Algorithms in Applied Mathematics {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10003 **作者**: Björn Schembera,Frank Wübbeling,Hendrik Kleikamp,Burkhard Schmidt,Aurela Shehu,Marco Reidelbach,Christine Biedinger,Jochen Fiedler,Thomas Koprucki,Dorothea Iglezakis,Dominik Göddeke **关键词**: epistemically grounding numerical, grounding numerical data, research data FAIR, essential part, epistemically grounding **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Digital Libraries (cs.DL) ***备注**: Björn Schembera,Frank Wübbeling,Hendrik Kleikamp,Burkhard Schmidt,Aurela Shehu,Marco Reidelbach,Christine Biedinger,Jochen Fiedler,Thomas Koprucki,Dorothea Iglezakis,Dominik Göddeke {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-95-he Fairness-Quality Trade-off in Clustering {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10002 **作者**: Rashida Hakim,Ana-Andreea Stoica,Christos H. Papadimitriou,Mihalis Yannakakis **关键词**: significantly increase fairness, Pareto front, considered extensively, significantly increase, Fairness **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Rashida Hakim,Ana-Andreea Stoica,Christos H. Papadimitriou,Mihalis Yannakakis {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-96-Working in Extended Reality in the Wild: Worker and Bystander Experiences of XR Virtual Displays in Real-World Settings {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10000 **作者**: Leonardo Pavanatto,Verena Biener,Jennifer Chandran,Snehanjali Kalamkar,Feiyu Lu,John J. Dudley,Jinghui Hu,G. Nikki Ramirez-Saffy,Per Ola Kristensson,Alexander Giovannelli,Luke Schlueter,Jörg Müller,Jens Grubert,Doug A. Bowman **关键词**: sufficient screen space, access to sufficient, limited access, knowledge work, workers often find **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Leonardo Pavanatto,Verena Biener,Jennifer Chandran,Snehanjali Kalamkar,Feiyu Lu,John J. Dudley,Jinghui Hu,G. Nikki Ramirez-Saffy,Per Ola Kristensson,Alexander Giovannelli,Luke Schlueter,Jörg Müller,Jens Grubert,Doug A. Bowman {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-97-Gathering Semi-Synchronously Scheduled Two-State Robots {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09999 **作者**: Kohei Otaka,Fabian Frei,Koichi Wada **关键词**: persistent memory called, autonomous mobile robots, FSTA, study the problem, autonomous mobile **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Kohei Otaka,Fabian Frei,Koichi Wada {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-98-Uniting contrastive and generative learning for event sequences models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09995 **作者**: Aleksandr Yugay,Alexey Zaytsev **关键词**: including risk management, modern banking applications, personalized customer offers, High-quality representation, banking applications **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Aleksandr Yugay,Alexey Zaytsev {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-99-Efficient Inference of Sub-Item Id-based Sequential Recommendation Models with Millions of Items {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09992 **作者**: Aleksandr V. Petrov,Craig Macdonald,Nicola Tonellotto **关键词**: Transformer-based recommender systems, recommender systems, results in sequential, sequential recommendation, memory consumption **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ***备注**: Aleksandr V. Petrov,Craig Macdonald,Nicola Tonellotto {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-100-Adaptive BESS and Grid Setpoints Optimization: A Model-Free Framework for Efficient Battery Management under Dynamic Tariff Pricing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09989 **作者**: Alaa Selim,Huadong Mo,Hemanshu Pota,Daoyi Dong **关键词**: Battery Energy Storage, Energy Storage Systems, managing Battery Energy, Energy Storage, BESS control problem **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Alaa Selim,Huadong Mo,Hemanshu Pota,Daoyi Dong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-101-Boosting Open-Domain Continual Learning via Leveraging Intra-domain Category-aware Prototype {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09984 **作者**: Yadong Lu,Shitian Zhao,Boxiang Yun,Dongsheng Jiang,Yin Li,Qingli Li,Yan Wang **关键词**: Open-Domain Continual Learning, maintaining zero-shot capabilities, Continual Learning, Vision-Language Models, Open-Domain Continual **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Yadong Lu,Shitian Zhao,Boxiang Yun,Dongsheng Jiang,Yin Li,Qingli Li,Yan Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-102-Application of Large Language Models in Automated Question Generation: A Case Study on ChatGLM's Structured Questions for National Teacher Certification Exams {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09982 **作者**: Yanxin Chen,Ling He **关键词**: National Teacher Certification, Teacher Certification Exams, National Teacher, Teacher Certification, large language models **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Yanxin Chen,Ling He {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-103-Preference-Optimized Pareto Set Learning for Blackbox Optimization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09976 **作者**: Zhang Haishan,Diptesh Das,Koji Tsuda **关键词**: Pareto set, Pareto, Pareto front, MOO, set **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: Zhang Haishan,Diptesh Das,Koji Tsuda {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-104-he Exploration-Exploitation Dilemma Revisited: An Entropy Perspective {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09974 **作者**: Renye Yan,Yaozhong Gan,You Wu,Ling Liang,Junliang Xing,Yimao Cai,Ru Huang **关键词**: significant challenge, challenge in reinforcement, exploration reduces learning, reinforcement learning, reduces learning efficiency **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Renye Yan,Yaozhong Gan,You Wu,Ling Liang,Junliang Xing,Yimao Cai,Ru Huang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-105-Edge-Cloud Collaborative Motion Planning for Autonomous Driving with Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09972 **作者**: Jiao Chen,Suyan Dai,Fangfang Chen,Zuohong Lv,Jianhua Tang **关键词**: Integrating large language, Integrating large, large language models, driving enhances personalization, open-world scenarios **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jiao Chen,Suyan Dai,Fangfang Chen,Zuohong Lv,Jianhua Tang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-106-Unsupervised Machine Learning Hybrid Approach Integrating Linear Programming in Loss Function: A Robust Optimization Technique {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09967 **作者**: Andrew Kiruluta,Andreas Lemos **关键词**: machine learning model, integrates linear programming, machine learning, paper presents, unsupervised machine learning **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: Andrew Kiruluta,Andreas Lemos {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-107-Mask in the Mirror: Implicit Sparsification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09966 **作者**: Tom Jacobs,Rebekka Burkholz **关键词**: Sparsifying deep neural, Sparsifying deep, reduce their inference, inference cost, NP-hard problem **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Tom Jacobs,Rebekka Burkholz {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-108-Validation of the Results of Cross-chain Smart Contract Based on Confirmation Method {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09962 **作者**: Hong Su **关键词**: cross-chain smart contract, smart contract, smart contract results, cross-chain smart, Smart **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Hong Su {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-109-AdaResNet: Enhancing Residual Networks with Dynamic Weight Adjustment for Improved Feature Integration {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09958 **作者**: Hong Su **关键词**: deep neural networks, Residual Network, making it challenging, early layers, deep neural **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Hong Su {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-110-Contextual Importance and Utility in Python: New Functionality and Insights with the py-ciu Package {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09957 **作者**: Kary Främling **关键词**: reliable software implementations, industry to test, reliable software, important for allowing, allowing researchers **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Kary Främling {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-111-MegaAgent: A Practical Framework for Autonomous Cooperation in Large-Scale LLM Agent Systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09955 **作者**: Qian Wang,Tianyu Wang,Qinbin Li,Jingsheng Liang,Bingsheng He **关键词**: large language models, Standard Operating Procedures, LLM-powered multi-agent systems, tackle real-world tasks, predefined Standard Operating **类目**: Multiagent Systems (cs.MA) ***备注**: Qian Wang,Tianyu Wang,Qinbin Li,Jingsheng Liang,Bingsheng He {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-112-Experiment-based Models for Air Time and Current Consumption of LoRaWAN LR-FHSS {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09954 **作者**: Muhammad Asad Ullah,Konstantin Mikhaylov,Hirley Alves **关键词**: Frequency Hopping Spread, Hopping Spread Spectrum, Long Range, Frequency Hopping, Spread Spectrum **类目**: Emerging Technologies (cs.ET); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Muhammad Asad Ullah,Konstantin Mikhaylov,Hirley Alves {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-113-Control by Adding Players to Change or Maintain the Shapley-Shubik or the Penrose-Banzhaf Power Index in Weighted Voting Games Is Complete for NP^PP {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09953 **作者**: Joanna Kaczmarek,Jörg Rothe **关键词**: Weighted voting games, succinctly representable simple, model collective decision-making, representable simple games, Weighted voting **类目**: Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT); Computational Complexity (cs.CC) ***备注**: Joanna Kaczmarek,Jörg Rothe {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-114-Weakly Supervised Pretraining and Multi-Annotator Supervised Finetuning for Facial Wrinkle Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09952 **作者**: Ik Jun Moon,Junho Moon,Ikbeom Jang **关键词**: Abstract, facial, facial wrinkles, Research question, skin **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Ik Jun Moon,Junho Moon,Ikbeom Jang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-115-Principle Driven Parameterized Fiber Model based on GPT-PINN Neural Network {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09951 **作者**: Yubin Zang,Boyu Hua,Zhenzhou Tang,Zhipeng Lin,Fangzheng Zhang,Simin Li,Zuxing Zhang,Hongwei Chen **关键词**: utilize artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence based, artificial intelligence regression, driven artificial intelligence, intelligence regression ability **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Yubin Zang,Boyu Hua,Zhenzhou Tang,Zhipeng Lin,Fangzheng Zhang,Simin Li,Zuxing Zhang,Hongwei Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-116-C${^2}$RL: Content and Context Representation Learning for Gloss-free Sign Language Translation and Retrieval {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09949 **作者**: Zhigang Chen,Benjia Zhou,Yiqing Huang,Jun Wan,Yibo Hu,Hailin Shi,Yanyan Liang,Zhen Lei,Du Zhang **关键词**: Sign Language Translation, Sign Language Retrieval, Language Translation, Language Retrieval, Sign Language **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Zhigang Chen,Benjia Zhou,Yiqing Huang,Jun Wan,Yibo Hu,Hailin Shi,Yanyan Liang,Zhen Lei,Du Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-117-Caption-Driven Explorations: Aligning Image and Text Embeddings through Human-Inspired Foveated Vision {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09948 **作者**: Dario Zanca,Andrea Zugarini,Simon Dietz,Thomas R. Altstidl,Mark A. Turban Ndjeuha,Leo Schwinn,Bjoern Eskofier **关键词**: crucial for vision, vision science, human attention, human, attention **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Dario Zanca,Andrea Zugarini,Simon Dietz,Thomas R. Altstidl,Mark A. Turban Ndjeuha,Leo Schwinn,Bjoern Eskofier {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-118-Fiber Transmission Model with Parameterized Inputs based on GPT-PINN Neural Network {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09947 **作者**: Yubin Zang,Boyu Hua,Zhipeng Lin,Fangzheng Zhang,Simin Li,Zuxing Zhang,Hongwei Chen **关键词**: principle driven fiber, driven fiber transmission, novelty principle driven, Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations, fiber transmission model **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Yubin Zang,Boyu Hua,Zhipeng Lin,Fangzheng Zhang,Simin Li,Zuxing Zhang,Hongwei Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-119-Microscopic Analysis on LLM players via Social Deduction Game {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09946 **作者**: Byungjun Kim,Dayeon Seo,Bugeun Kim **关键词**: large language models, begun developing autonomous, Recent studies, developing autonomous game, social deduction games **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Byungjun Kim,Dayeon Seo,Bugeun Kim {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-120-Benchmarking LLMs for Translating Classical Chinese Poetry:Evaluating Adequacy, Fluency, and Elegance {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09945 **作者**: Andong Chen,Lianzhang Lou,Kehai Chen,Xuefeng Bai,Yang Xiang,Muyun Yang,Tiejun Zhao,Min Zhang **关键词**: Large language models, shown remarkable performance, Large language, language models, shown remarkable **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Andong Chen,Lianzhang Lou,Kehai Chen,Xuefeng Bai,Yang Xiang,Muyun Yang,Tiejun Zhao,Min Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-121-Calibrating Noise for Group Privacy in Subsampled Mechanisms {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09943 **作者**: Yangfan Jiang,Xinjian Luo,Yin Yang,Xiaokui Xiao **关键词**: adversary cannot infer, infer with high, high confidence, group size, releases information **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Yangfan Jiang,Xinjian Luo,Yin Yang,Xiaokui Xiao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-122-ML-CrAIST: Multi-scale Low-high Frequency Information-based Cross black Attention with Image Super-resolving Transformer {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09940 **作者**: Alik Pramanick,Utsav Bheda,Arijit Sur **关键词**: captured significant interest, single-image super-resolution tasks, demonstrating substantial gains, transformers have captured, demonstrating substantial **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Image and Video Processing (eess.IV) ***备注**: Alik Pramanick,Utsav Bheda,Arijit Sur {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-123-"Image, Tell me your story!" Predicting the original meta-context of visual misinformation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09939 **作者**: Jonathan Tonglet,Marie-Francine Moens,Iryna Gurevych **关键词**: developed automated approaches, visual misinformation detection, researchers have developed, assist human fact-checkers, image **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Jonathan Tonglet,Marie-Francine Moens,Iryna Gurevych {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-124-Minimal Sensor Placement for Generic State and Unknown Input Observability {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09938 **作者**: Ranbo Cheng,Yuan Zhang,Amin MD Al,Yuanqing Xia **关键词**: linear time-invariant systems, input observability, dedicated sensors, paper addresses, presence of unknown **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Ranbo Cheng,Yuan Zhang,Amin MD Al,Yuanqing Xia {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-125-Privacy Technologies for Financial Intelligence {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09935 **作者**: Yang Li,Thilina Ranbaduge,Kee Siong Ng **关键词**: attendant economic costs, terrorism activities, Complex financial crimes, terrorism financing, impacts on society **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Yang Li,Thilina Ranbaduge,Kee Siong Ng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-126-Human Mimetic Forearm Design with Radioulnar Joint using Miniature Bone-Muscle Modules and Its Applications {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09934 **作者**: Kento Kawaharazuka,Shogo Makino,Masaya Kawamura,Yuki Asano,Yohei Kakiuchi,Kei Okada,Masayuki Inaba **关键词**: thin bones called, called the radius, muscle, muscle module, axle joints **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Kento Kawaharazuka,Shogo Makino,Masaya Kawamura,Yuki Asano,Yohei Kakiuchi,Kei Okada,Masayuki Inaba {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-127-SZU-AFS Antispoofing System for the ASVspoof 5 Challenge {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09933 **作者**: Yuxiong Xu,Jiafeng Zhong,Sengui Zheng,Zefeng Liu,Bin Li **关键词**: SZU-AFS anti-spoofing system, Challenge under open, open conditions, paper presents, presents the SZU-AFS **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Yuxiong Xu,Jiafeng Zhong,Sengui Zheng,Zefeng Liu,Bin Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-128-Data Augmentation of Contrastive Learning is Estimating Positive-incentive Noise {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09929 **作者**: Hongyuan Zhang,Yanchen Xu,Sida Huang,Xuelong Li **关键词**: idea of Positive-incentive, Positive-incentive Noise, reliable noise beneficial, contrastive learning, Noise **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Hongyuan Zhang,Yanchen Xu,Sida Huang,Xuelong Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-129-DiscoNeRF: Class-Agnostic Object Field for 3D Object Discovery {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09928 **作者**: Corentin Dumery,Aoxiang Fan,Ren Li,Nicolas Talabot,Pascal Fua **关键词**: Neural Radiance Fields, Neural Radiance, Radiance Fields, tool for modeling, multiple images **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Graphics (cs.GR) ***备注**: Corentin Dumery,Aoxiang Fan,Ren Li,Nicolas Talabot,Pascal Fua {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-130-WoW -- A System for Self-Service Collaborative Design Workshops {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09926 **作者**: Ilyasse Belkacem,Vasile Ciorna,Frank Petry,Mohammad Ghoniem **关键词**: complex problems relying, solve complex problems, multi-source data, solve complex, relying on large **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Ilyasse Belkacem,Vasile Ciorna,Frank Petry,Mohammad Ghoniem {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-131-Sliced Maximal Information Coefficient: A Training-Free Approach for Image Quality Assessment Enhancement {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09920 **作者**: Kang Xiao,Xu Wang,Yulin He,Baoliang Chen,Xuelin Shen **关键词**: Full-reference image quality, models generally operate, Full-reference image, existing IQA models, image quality assessment **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Multimedia (cs.MM); Image and Video Processing (eess.IV) ***备注**: Kang Xiao,Xu Wang,Yulin He,Baoliang Chen,Xuelin Shen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-132-Long-Tail Temporal Action Segmentation with Group-wise Temporal Logit Adjustment {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09919 **作者**: Zhanzhong Pang,Fadime Sener,Shrinivas Ramasubramanian,Angela Yao **关键词**: Procedural activity videos, long-tailed action distribution, action distribution due, varying action frequencies, Procedural activity **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Zhanzhong Pang,Fadime Sener,Shrinivas Ramasubramanian,Angela Yao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-133-Expressive Power of Temporal Message Passing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09918 **作者**: Przemysław Andrzej Wałęga,Michael Rawson **关键词**: Graph neural networks, employing temporal versions, neural networks, recently been adapted, temporal **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Przemysław Andrzej Wałęga,Michael Rawson {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-134-Attribution Analysis Meets Model Editing: Advancing Knowledge Correction in Vision Language Models with VisEdit {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09916 **作者**: Qizhou Chen,Taolin Zhang,Chengyu Wang,Xiaofeng He,Dakan Wang,Tingting Liu **关键词**: Large Language Model, Model editing aims, developed Large Language, Language Model, costly retraining **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Qizhou Chen,Taolin Zhang,Chengyu Wang,Xiaofeng He,Dakan Wang,Tingting Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-135-Active Learning for Identifying Disaster-Related Tweets: A Comparison with Keyword Filtering and Generic Fine-Tuning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09914 **作者**: David Hanny,Sebastian Schmidt,Bernd Resch **关键词**: provide essential information, essential information, emergency response, response during natural, natural disasters **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: David Hanny,Sebastian Schmidt,Bernd Resch {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-136-Harnessing Multi-resolution and Multi-scale Attention for Underwater Image Restoration {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09912 **作者**: Alik Pramanick,Arijit Sur,V. Vijaya Saradhi **关键词**: high-level vision tasks, posing challenges, vision tasks, compromised by factors, challenges for high-level **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Image and Video Processing (eess.IV) ***备注**: Alik Pramanick,Arijit Sur,V. Vijaya Saradhi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-137-Early Validation of High-level System Requirements with Event Calculus and Answer Set Programming {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09909 **作者**: Ondřej Vašíček,Joaquin Arias,Jan Fiedor,Gopal Gupta,Brendan Hall,Bohuslav Křena,Brian Larson,Sarat Chandra Varanasi,Tomáš Vojnar **关键词**: specification errors propagating, Event Calculus model, lowering chances, methodology for early, early validation **类目**: Logic in Computer Science (cs.LO); Software Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Ondřej Vašíček,Joaquin Arias,Jan Fiedor,Gopal Gupta,Brendan Hall,Bohuslav Křena,Brian Larson,Sarat Chandra Varanasi,Tomáš Vojnar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-138-$p$SVM: Soft-margin SVMs with $p$-norm Hinge Loss {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09908 **作者**: Haoxiang Sun **关键词**: Support Vector Machines, Support Vector, Vector Machines, hinge loss, extensively discussed **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Haoxiang Sun {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-139-Multi-layer diffusion model of photovoltaic installations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09904 **作者**: Tomasz Weron,Janusz Szwabinski **关键词**: harmful effects, increasingly apparent, effects of climate, climate change, Nowadays **类目**: Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE) ***备注**: Tomasz Weron,Janusz Szwabinski {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-140-Implementing OpenMP for Zig to enable its use in HPC context {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09902 **作者**: David Kacs,Nick Brown,Joseph Lee **关键词**: explores supporting OpenMP, abstract explores supporting, Zig, explores supporting, HPC **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: David Kacs,Nick Brown,Joseph Lee {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-141-LCE: A Framework for Explainability of DNNs for Ultrasound Image Based on Concept Discovery {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09899 **作者**: Weiji Kong,Xun Gong,Juan Wang **关键词**: Deep Neural Networks, Neural Networks, Deep Neural, decisions of Deep, increasingly important **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Weiji Kong,Xun Gong,Juan Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-142-Instruction-Based Molecular Graph Generation with Unified Text-Graph Diffusion Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09896 **作者**: Yuran Xiang,Haiteng Zhao,Chang Ma,Zhi-Hong Deng **关键词**: Recent advancements, synthesizing molecules based, advancements in computational, computational chemistry, chemistry have increasingly **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Chemical Physics (physics.chem-ph); Biomolecules (q-bio.BM) ***备注**: Yuran Xiang,Haiteng Zhao,Chang Ma,Zhi-Hong Deng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-143-Performance Law of Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09895 **作者**: Chuhan Wu,Ruiming Tang **关键词**: large language models, achieved impressive performance, large language, achieved impressive, scaling law **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Chuhan Wu,Ruiming Tang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-144-Differential Private Stochastic Optimization with Heavy-tailed Data: Towards Optimal Rates {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09891 **作者**: Puning Zhao,Jiafei Wu,Zhe Liu,Chong Wang,Rongfei Fan,Qingming Li **关键词**: differential privacy, problems under differential, sqrt, epsilon, heavy-tailed gradients **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ***备注**: Puning Zhao,Jiafei Wu,Zhe Liu,Chong Wang,Rongfei Fan,Qingming Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-145-Forecasting Attacker Actions using Alert-driven Attack Graphs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09888 **作者**: Ion Băbălău,Azqa Nadeem **关键词**: security operations center, detection systems form, operations center, generate an overwhelming, overwhelming volume **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Ion Băbălău,Azqa Nadeem {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-146-SAM-UNet:Enhancing Zero-Shot Segmentation of SAM for Universal Medical Images {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09886 **作者**: Sihan Yang,Haixia Bi,Hai Zhang,Jian Sun **关键词**: demonstrated impressive performance, demonstrated impressive, wide range, medical, medical image segmentation **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Sihan Yang,Haixia Bi,Hai Zhang,Jian Sun {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-147-Joint Auction in the Online Advertising Market {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09885 **作者**: Zhen Zhang,Weian Li,Yahui Lei,Bingzhe Wang,Zhicheng Zhang,Qi Qi,Qiang Liu,Xingxing Wang **关键词**: primary source, source of income, income for e-commerce, online store owners, brand suppliers **类目**: Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT) ***备注**: Zhen Zhang,Weian Li,Yahui Lei,Bingzhe Wang,Zhicheng Zhang,Qi Qi,Qiang Liu,Xingxing Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-148-GINO-Q: Learning an Asymptotically Optimal Index Policy for Restless Multi-armed Bandits {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09882 **作者**: Gongpu Chen,Soung Chang Liew,Deniz Gunduz **关键词**: restless multi-armed bandit, multi-armed bandit, variety of fields, restless multi-armed, popular model **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Gongpu Chen,Soung Chang Liew,Deniz Gunduz {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-149-Uncertainty Quantification of Pre-Trained and Fine-Tuned Surrogate Models using Conformal Prediction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09881 **作者**: Vignesh Gopakumar,Ander Gray,Joel Oskarsson,Lorenzo Zanisi,Stanislas Pamela,Daniel Giles,Matt Kusner,Marc Peter Deisenroth **关键词**: experimental modelling tasks, shown immense potential, Data-driven surrogate models, Data-driven surrogate, potential as quick **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics (physics.ao-ph); Plasma Physics (physics.plasm-ph) ***备注**: Vignesh Gopakumar,Ander Gray,Joel Oskarsson,Lorenzo Zanisi,Stanislas Pamela,Daniel Giles,Matt Kusner,Marc Peter Deisenroth {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-150-Fast Hermitian Diagonalization with Nearly Optimal Precision {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09880 **作者**: Rikhav Shah **关键词**: floating point operations, point operations performed, floating point, point operations, finite precision simultaneously **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Rikhav Shah {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-151-ransferring Backdoors between Large Language Models by Knowledge Distillation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09878 **作者**: Pengzhou Cheng,Zongru Wu,Tianjie Ju,Wei Du,Zhuosheng Zhang Gongshen Liu **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, vulnerability against Large, Language Models, Backdoor **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Pengzhou Cheng,Zongru Wu,Tianjie Ju,Wei Du,Zhuosheng Zhang Gongshen Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-152-Unsourced Multiple Access: A Coding Paradigm for Massive Random Access {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09874 **作者**: Gianluigi Liva,Yury Polyanskiy **关键词**: unsourced multiple access, random access, tutorial introduction, field of unsourced, unsourced multiple **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Gianluigi Liva,Yury Polyanskiy {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-153-New spectral imaging biomarkers for sepsis and mortality in intensive care {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09873 **作者**: Silvia Seidlitz,Katharina Hölzl,Ayca von Garrel,Jan Sellner,Stephan Katzenschlager,Tobias Hölle,Dania Fischer,Maik von der Forst,Felix C.F. Schmitt,Markus A. Weigand,Lena Maier-Hein,Maximilian Dietrich **关键词**: high socioeconomic importance, high risk, high socioeconomic, early identification, socioeconomic importance **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Image and Video Processing (eess.IV) ***备注**: Silvia Seidlitz,Katharina Hölzl,Ayca von Garrel,Jan Sellner,Stephan Katzenschlager,Tobias Hölle,Dania Fischer,Maik von der Forst,Felix C.F. Schmitt,Markus A. Weigand,Lena Maier-Hein,Maximilian Dietrich {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-154-Exploring Complexity: An Extended Study of Formal Properties for Process Model Complexity Measures {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09871 **作者**: Patrizia Schalk,Adam Burke,Robert Lorenz **关键词**: easy to read, read and understand, complexity measures, complexity, good process model **类目**: Formal Languages and Automata Theory (cs.FL) ***备注**: Patrizia Schalk,Adam Burke,Robert Lorenz {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-155-Docling Technical Report {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09869 **作者**: Christoph Auer,Maksym Lysak,Ahmed Nassar,Michele Dolfi,Nikolaos Livathinos,Panos Vagenas,Cesar Berrospi Ramis,Matteo Omenetti,Fabian Lindlbauer,Kasper Dinkla,Valery Weber,Lucas Morin,Ingmar Meijer,Viktor Kuropiatnyk,Peter W. J. Staar **关键词**: PDF document conversion, report introduces Docling, MIT-licensed open-source package, technical report introduces, introduces Docling **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Software Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Christoph Auer,Maksym Lysak,Ahmed Nassar,Michele Dolfi,Nikolaos Livathinos,Panos Vagenas,Cesar Berrospi Ramis,Matteo Omenetti,Fabian Lindlbauer,Kasper Dinkla,Valery Weber,Lucas Morin,Ingmar Meijer,Viktor Kuropiatnyk,Peter W. J. Staar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-156-MAPLE: Enhancing Review Generation with Multi-Aspect Prompt LEarning in Explainable Recommendation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09865 **作者**: Ching-Wen Yang,Che Wei Chen,Kun-da Wu,Hao Xu,Jui-Feng Yao,Hung-Yu Kao **关键词**: Explainable Recommendation task, Explainable Recommendation, Recommendation task, task is designed, designed to receive **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Ching-Wen Yang,Che Wei Chen,Kun-da Wu,Hao Xu,Jui-Feng Yao,Hung-Yu Kao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-157-Equivalent Systems for Differential Equations with Polynomially Distributed Delay {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09861 **作者**: Roland Pulch **关键词**: delay differential equations, differential equations, delay differential, polynomially distributed delay, differential **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Roland Pulch {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-158-3D-Aware Instance Segmentation and Tracking in Egocentric Videos {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09860 **作者**: Yash Bhalgat,Vadim Tschernezki,Iro Laina,João F. Henriques,Andrea Vedaldi,Andrew Zisserman **关键词**: rapid camera motion, present unique challenges, videos present unique, scene understanding due, frequent object occlusions **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Yash Bhalgat,Vadim Tschernezki,Iro Laina,João F. Henriques,Andrea Vedaldi,Andrew Zisserman {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-159-OccMamba: Semantic Occupancy Prediction with State Space Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09859 **作者**: Heng Li,Yuenan Hou,Xiaohan Xing,Xiao Sun,Yanyong Zhang **关键词**: Training deep learning, limited visual cues, complicated driving scenarios, deep learning models, Training deep **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Heng Li,Yuenan Hou,Xiaohan Xing,Xiao Sun,Yanyong Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-160-ShortCircuit: AlphaZero-Driven Circuit Design {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09858 **作者**: Dimitrios Tsaras,Antoine Grosnit,Lei Chen,Zhiyao Xie,Haitham Bou-Ammar,Mingxuan Yuan **关键词**: Chip design relies, generating Boolean circuits, AND-Inverter Graphs, design relies heavily, generating Boolean **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Hardware Architecture (cs.AR) ***备注**: Dimitrios Tsaras,Antoine Grosnit,Lei Chen,Zhiyao Xie,Haitham Bou-Ammar,Mingxuan Yuan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-161-aSL: Continual Dialog State Tracking via Task Skill Localization and Consolidation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09857 **作者**: Yujie Feng,Xu Chu,Yongxin Xu,Guangyuan Shi,Bo Liu,Xiao-Ming Wu **关键词**: Dialogue State Tracking, Continual Dialogue State, practical dialogue system, dialogue system requires, ongoing skill acquisition **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Yujie Feng,Xu Chu,Yongxin Xu,Guangyuan Shi,Bo Liu,Xiao-Ming Wu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-162-amLoRA: Boosting Low-Rank Adaptation with Expert Collaboration and Competition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09856 **作者**: Tianwei Lin,Jiang Liu,Wenqiao Zhang,Zhaocheng Li,Yang Dai,Haoyuan Li,Zhelun Yu,Wanggui He,Juncheng Li,Hao Jiang,Siliang Tang,Yueting Zhuang **关键词**: effectively addressed GPU, addressed GPU memory, GPU memory constraints, addressed GPU, GPU memory **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Tianwei Lin,Jiang Liu,Wenqiao Zhang,Zhaocheng Li,Yang Dai,Haoyuan Li,Zhelun Yu,Wanggui He,Juncheng Li,Hao Jiang,Siliang Tang,Yueting Zhuang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-163-Qualitative properties and stability analysis of the mathematical model for a DC-DC electric circuit {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09854 **作者**: E.V. Chistyakova,D.N. Sidorov,A.V. Domyshev,V.F. Chistyakov **关键词**: identically singular matrix, singular matrix multiplying, integral differential equations, desired vector-function, paper describes **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY); Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: E.V. Chistyakova,D.N. Sidorov,A.V. Domyshev,V.F. Chistyakov {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-164-Self-Directed Turing Test for Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09853 **作者**: Weiqi Wu,Hongqiu Wu,Hai Zhao **关键词**: Turing test examines, exhibit human-like behaviour, Traditional Turing tests, Turing tests adopt, Turing test **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Weiqi Wu,Hongqiu Wu,Hai Zhao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-165-ISAC-Fi: Enabling Full-fledged Monostatic Sensing over Wi-Fi Communication {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09851 **作者**: Zhe Chen,Chao Hu,Tianyue Zheng,Hangcheng Cao,Yanbing Yang,Yen Chu,Hongbo Jiang,Jun Luo **关键词**: poses multiple challenges, hampering real-life deployment, multiple challenges, hampering real-life, poses multiple **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Zhe Chen,Chao Hu,Tianyue Zheng,Hangcheng Cao,Yanbing Yang,Yen Chu,Hongbo Jiang,Jun Luo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-166-Importance Weighting Can Help Large Language Models Self-Improve {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09849 **作者**: Chunyang Jiang,Chi-min Chan,Wei Xue,Qifeng Liu,Yike Guo **关键词**: shown remarkable capability, Large language models, Large language, tasks and applications, LLM self-improvement **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Chunyang Jiang,Chi-min Chan,Wei Xue,Qifeng Liu,Yike Guo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-167-Abstract Environment Trimming {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09848 **作者**: Daniel Jurjo-Rivas,Jose F. Morales,Pedro López-García,Manuel V. Hermenegildo **关键词**: fundamental property, static analysis, analysis of logic, instrumental for ensuring, ensuring correctness **类目**: Programming Languages (cs.PL) ***备注**: Daniel Jurjo-Rivas,Jose F. Morales,Pedro López-García,Manuel V. Hermenegildo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-168-Fashion Image-to-Image Translation for Complementary Item Retrieval {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09847 **作者**: Matteo Attimonelli,Claudio Pomo,Dietmar Jannach,Tommaso Di Noia **关键词**: matching user queries, Bayesian Personalized Ranking, compatibility modeling, online fashion retail, focusing on matching **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Matteo Attimonelli,Claudio Pomo,Dietmar Jannach,Tommaso Di Noia {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-169-Continual Dialogue State Tracking via Reason-of-Select Distillation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09846 **作者**: Yujie Feng,Bo Liu,Xiaoyu Dong,Zexin Lu,Li-Ming Zhan,Xiao-Ming Wu,Albert Y.S. Lam **关键词**: requires continuous skill, continuous skill acquisition, system requires continuous, Dialogue State Tracking, retaining prior knowledge **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Yujie Feng,Bo Liu,Xiaoyu Dong,Zexin Lu,Li-Ming Zhan,Xiao-Ming Wu,Albert Y.S. Lam {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-170-Predicting Long-term Dynamics of Complex Networks via Identifying Skeleton in Hyperbolic Space {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09845 **作者**: Ruikun Li,Huandong Wang,Jinghua Piao,Qingmin Liao,Yong Li **关键词**: Learning complex network, Learning complex, fundamental for understanding, real-world complex systems, dynamics **类目**: ocial and Information Networks (cs.SI); Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph) ***备注**: Ruikun Li,Huandong Wang,Jinghua Piao,Qingmin Liao,Yong Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-171-Can we measure the impact of a database? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09842 **作者**: Peter Buneman,Dennis Dosso,Matteo Lissandrini,Gianmaria Silvello,He Sun **关键词**: completely replaced traditional, replaced traditional paper-based, traditional paper-based media, statistical data, reference works **类目**: Databases (cs.DB); Digital Libraries (cs.DL) ***备注**: Peter Buneman,Dennis Dosso,Matteo Lissandrini,Gianmaria Silvello,He Sun {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-172-Demystifying Reinforcement Learning in Production Scheduling via Explainable AI {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09841 **作者**: Daniel Fischer,Hannah M. Hüsener,Felix Grumbach,Lukas Vollenkemper,Arthur Müller,Pascal Reusch **关键词**: Deep Reinforcement Learning, Deep Reinforcement, Reinforcement Learning, frequently employed technique, solve scheduling problems **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Daniel Fischer,Hannah M. Hüsener,Felix Grumbach,Lukas Vollenkemper,Arthur Müller,Pascal Reusch {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-173-Machine Learning with Physics Knowledge for Prediction: A Survey {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09840 **作者**: Joe Watson,Chen Song,Oliver Weeger,Theo Gruner,An T. Le,Kay Hansel,Ahmed Hendawy,Oleg Arenz,Will Trojak,Miles Cranmer,Carlo D'Eramo,Fabian Bülow,Tanmay Goyal,Jan Peters,Martin W. Hoffman **关键词**: partial differential equations, prediction and forecast, differential equations, examines the broad, broad suite **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Computational Physics (physics.comp-ph) ***备注**: Joe Watson,Chen Song,Oliver Weeger,Theo Gruner,An T. Le,Kay Hansel,Ahmed Hendawy,Oleg Arenz,Will Trojak,Miles Cranmer,Carlo D'Eramo,Fabian Bülow,Tanmay Goyal,Jan Peters,Martin W. Hoffman {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-174-Segment-Anything Models Achieve Zero-shot Robustness in Autonomous Driving {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09839 **作者**: Jun Yan,Pengyu Wang,Danni Wang,Weiquan Huang,Daniel Watzenig,Huilin Yin **关键词**: SAM, Semantic segmentation, adversarial robustness, significant perception task, zero-shot adversarial robustness **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jun Yan,Pengyu Wang,Danni Wang,Weiquan Huang,Daniel Watzenig,Huilin Yin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-175-Mitigating the Stability-Plasticity Dilemma in Adaptive Train Scheduling with Curriculum-Driven Continual DQN Expansion {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09838 **作者**: Achref Jaziri,Etienne Künzel,Visvanathan Ramesh **关键词**: previously acquired knowledge, preserving previously acquired, develop increasingly complex, increasingly complex behaviors, acquired knowledge **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE) ***备注**: Achref Jaziri,Etienne Künzel,Visvanathan Ramesh {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-176-Effects of the Plan V\'elo I and II on vehicular flow in Paris -- An Empirical Analysis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09836 **作者**: Elena Natterer,Allister Loder,Klaus Bogenberger **关键词**: transportation infrastructure, included Plan Vélo, recent years, notable reallocation, reallocation of space **类目**: Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE) ***备注**: Elena Natterer,Allister Loder,Klaus Bogenberger {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-177-Experimental Characterization of Hydrodynamic Gating-Based Molecular Communication Transmitter {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09835 **作者**: Eren Akyol,Ahmet Baha Ozturk,Iman Mokari Bolhassan,Murat Kuscu **关键词**: communication technologies, intersection of bio, transmitting information, Molecular communication, environmental applications **类目**: Emerging Technologies (cs.ET) ***备注**: Eren Akyol,Ahmet Baha Ozturk,Iman Mokari Bolhassan,Murat Kuscu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-178-Minor DPO reject penalty to increase training robustness {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09834 **作者**: Shiming Xie,Hong Chen,Fred Yu,Zeye Sun,Xiuyu Wu,Yingfan Hu **关键词**: align pretrained LLM, large-scale language model, pretrained LLM, Learning from human, fine-tuning step **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Shiming Xie,Hong Chen,Fred Yu,Zeye Sun,Xiuyu Wu,Yingfan Hu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-179-Automated Vehicle Driver Monitoring Dataset from Real-World Scenarios {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09833 **作者**: Mohamed Sabry,Walter Morales-Alvarez,Cristina Olaverri-Monreal **关键词**: SAE Level, automation onwards, driver activity, directly related, allowed to engage **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Mohamed Sabry,Walter Morales-Alvarez,Cristina Olaverri-Monreal {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-180-Ranking Generated Answers: On the Agreement of Retrieval Models with Humans on Consumer Health Questions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09831 **作者**: Sebastian Heineking,Jonas Probst,Daniel Steinbach,Martin Potthast,Harrisen Scells **关键词**: generative large language, large language models, difficult to scale, output of generative, generative large **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Sebastian Heineking,Jonas Probst,Daniel Steinbach,Martin Potthast,Harrisen Scells {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-181-DNetGen: Empowering Complex Network Resilience Prediction with Generative Augmentation of Topology and Dynamics {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09825 **作者**: Chang Liu,Jingtao Ding,Yiwen Song,Yong Li **关键词**: retain fundamental functionality, fundamental functionality amidst, functionality amidst external, amidst external perturbations, improving real-world complex **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Chang Liu,Jingtao Ding,Yiwen Song,Yong Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-182-SurgicaL-CD: Generating Surgical Images via Unpaired Image Translation with Latent Consistency Diffusion Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09822 **作者**: Danush Kumar Venkatesh,Dominik Rivoir,Micha Pfeiffer,Stefanie Speidel **关键词**: Computer-assisted surgery, enhancing patient care, surgeons during procedures, designed to assist, assist surgeons **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Danush Kumar Venkatesh,Dominik Rivoir,Micha Pfeiffer,Stefanie Speidel {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-183-Symplectic Neural Networks Based on Dynamical Systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09821 **作者**: Benjamin K Tapley **关键词**: Hamiltonian differential equations, symplectic neural networks, designing symplectic neural, neural networks, based on geometric **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE); Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Computational Physics (physics.comp-ph) ***备注**: Benjamin K Tapley {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-184-CMoralEval: A Moral Evaluation Benchmark for Chinese Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09819 **作者**: Linhao Yu,Yongqi Leng,Yufei Huang,Shang Wu,Haixin Liu,Xinmeng Ji,Jiahui Zhao,Jinwang Song,Tingting Cui,Xiaoqing Cheng,Tao Liu,Deyi Xiong **关键词**: ethically relevant context, large language model, Chinese LLMs, Chinese, language model **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Linhao Yu,Yongqi Leng,Yufei Huang,Shang Wu,Haixin Liu,Xinmeng Ji,Jiahui Zhao,Jinwang Song,Tingting Cui,Xiaoqing Cheng,Tao Liu,Deyi Xiong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-185-Liquid Fourier Latent Dynamics Networks for fast GPU-based numerical simulations in computational cardiology {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09818 **作者**: Matteo Salvador,Alison L. Marsden **关键词**: Scientific Machine Learning, Machine Learning, Scientific Machine, Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE) ***备注**: Matteo Salvador,Alison L. Marsden {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-186-Contextual Dual Learning Algorithm with Listwise Distillation for Unbiased Learning to Rank {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09817 **作者**: Lulu Yu,Keping Bi,Shiyu Ni,Jiafeng Guo **关键词**: implicit user feedback, leverage biased implicit, biased implicit user, unbiased ranking model, Dual Learning Algorithm **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Lulu Yu,Keping Bi,Shiyu Ni,Jiafeng Guo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-187-A Population-to-individual Tuning Framework for Adapting Pretrained LM to On-device User Intent Prediction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09815 **作者**: Jiahui Gong,Jingtao Ding,Fanjin Meng,Guilong Chen,Hong Chen,Shen Zhao,Haisheng Lu,Yong Li **关键词**: support rich functions, Mobile devices, daily life, support rich, rich functions **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Jiahui Gong,Jingtao Ding,Fanjin Meng,Guilong Chen,Hong Chen,Shen Zhao,Haisheng Lu,Yong Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-188-World Models Increase Autonomy in Reinforcement Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09807 **作者**: Zhao Yang,Thomas M. Moerland,Mike Preuss,Edward S. Hu **关键词**: autonomously acquired experience, enabling policy acquisition, training intelligent agents, Reinforcement learning, acquired experience **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Zhao Yang,Thomas M. Moerland,Mike Preuss,Edward S. Hu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-189-Hear Your Face: Face-based voice conversion with F0 estimation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09802 **作者**: Jaejun Lee,Yoori Oh,Injune Hwang,Kyogu Lee **关键词**: face-based voice conversion, individual facial features, leveraging the unique, paper delves, emerging field **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Jaejun Lee,Yoori Oh,Injune Hwang,Kyogu Lee {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-190-Latent Diffusion for Guided Document Table Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09800 **作者**: Syed Jawwad Haider Hamdani,Saifullah Saifullah,Stefan Agne,Andreas Dengel,Sheraz Ahmed **关键词**: Obtaining annotated table, Obtaining annotated, table structure, challenging task due, table **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Syed Jawwad Haider Hamdani,Saifullah Saifullah,Stefan Agne,Andreas Dengel,Sheraz Ahmed {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-191-Enhance Modality Robustness in Text-Centric Multimodal Alignment with Adversarial Prompting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09798 **作者**: Yun-Da Tsai,Ting-Yu Yen,Keng-Te Liao,Shou-De Lin **关键词**: large language models, data is limited, prompts for large, large language, pairwise data **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Yun-Da Tsai,Ting-Yu Yen,Keng-Te Liao,Shou-De Lin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-192-AutoML-guided Fusion of Entity and LLM-based representations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09794 **作者**: Boshko Koloski,Senja Pollak,Roberto Navigli,Blaž Škrlj **关键词**: Large semantic knowledge, Large Language Model, grounded in factual, semantic knowledge bases, Large semantic **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Boshko Koloski,Senja Pollak,Roberto Navigli,Blaž Škrlj {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-193-Unsupervised Composable Representations for Audio {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09792 **作者**: Giovanni Bindi,Philippe Esling **关键词**: generate complex structures, generate high-quality artefacts, ability to generate, generate complex, simpler elements **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Sound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Giovanni Bindi,Philippe Esling {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-194-Structure-enhanced Contrastive Learning for Graph Clustering {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09790 **作者**: Xunlian Wu,Jingqi Hu,Anqi Zhang,Yining Quan,Qiguang Miao,Peng Gang Sun **关键词**: stronger intra-group connections, contrastive learning, widespread applications, focusing on partitioning, Graph clustering **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Xunlian Wu,Jingqi Hu,Anqi Zhang,Yining Quan,Qiguang Miao,Peng Gang Sun {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-195-Anim-Director: A Large Multimodal Model Powered Agent for Controllable Animation Video Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09787 **作者**: Yunxin Li,Haoyuan Shi,Baotian Hu,Longyue Wang,Jiashun Zhu,Jinyi Xu,Zhen Zhao,Min Zhang **关键词**: high training costs, incurs high training, sophisticated multi-stage pipeline, demands substantial human, substantial human effort **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Multimedia (cs.MM) ***备注**: Yunxin Li,Haoyuan Shi,Baotian Hu,Longyue Wang,Jiashun Zhu,Jinyi Xu,Zhen Zhao,Min Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-196-Cross-composition Feature Disentanglement for Compositional Zero-shot Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09786 **作者**: Yuxia Geng,Runkai Zhu,Jiaoyan Chen,Jintai Chen,Zhuo Chen,Xiang Chen,Can Xu,Yuxiang Wang,Xiaoliang Xu **关键词**: Compositional Zero-shot Learning, Zero-shot Learning, shown exceptional results, Compositional Zero-shot, shown exceptional **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Yuxia Geng,Runkai Zhu,Jiaoyan Chen,Jintai Chen,Zhuo Chen,Xiang Chen,Can Xu,Yuxiang Wang,Xiaoliang Xu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-197-GoNoGo: An Efficient LLM-based Multi-Agent System for Streamlining Automotive Software Release Decision-Making {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09785 **作者**: Arsham Gholamzadeh Khoee,Yinan Yu,Robert Feldt,Andris Freimanis,Patrick Andersson,Dhasarathy Parthasarathy **关键词**: industry typically rely, software test data, Traditional methods, tabular software test, automotive industry typically **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Software Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Arsham Gholamzadeh Khoee,Yinan Yu,Robert Feldt,Andris Freimanis,Patrick Andersson,Dhasarathy Parthasarathy {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-198-Neural Horizon Model Predictive Control -- Increasing Computational Efficiency with Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09781 **作者**: Hendrik Alsmeier,Anton Savchenko,Rolf Findeisen **关键词**: low-power edge devices, edge devices poses, based control algorithms, increasingly fast applications, model predictive control **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Hendrik Alsmeier,Anton Savchenko,Rolf Findeisen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-199-Summarizing long regulatory documents with a multi-step pipeline {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09777 **作者**: Mika Sie,Ruby Beek,Michiel Bots,Sjaak Brinkkemper,Albert Gatt **关键词**: long regulatory texts, challenging to summarize, long regulatory, Due, regulatory texts **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Mika Sie,Ruby Beek,Michiel Bots,Sjaak Brinkkemper,Albert Gatt {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-200-Faster Adaptive Decentralized Learning Algorithms {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09775 **作者**: Feihu Huang,Jianyu Zhao **关键词**: received increasing attention, data privacy, machine learning due, system robustness, Decentralized learning recently **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: Feihu Huang,Jianyu Zhao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-201-Are Large Language Models More Honest in Their Probabilistic or Verbalized Confidence? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09773 **作者**: Shiyu Ni,Keping Bi,Lulu Yu,Jiafeng Guo **关键词**: Large language models, knowledge boundaries, Large language, found to produce, produce hallucinations **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Shiyu Ni,Keping Bi,Lulu Yu,Jiafeng Guo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-202-Integrating Naturalistic Insights in Objective Multi-Vehicle Safety Framework {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09769 **作者**: Enrico Del Re,Amirhesam Aghanouri,Cristina Olaverri-Monreal **关键词**: vehicle technology advances, autonomous vehicle technology, technology advances, complex traffic scenarios, precise assessment **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Enrico Del Re,Amirhesam Aghanouri,Cristina Olaverri-Monreal {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-203-MalLight: Influence-Aware Coordinated Traffic Signal Control for Traffic Signal Malfunctions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09768 **作者**: Qinchen Yang,Zejun Xie,Hua Wei,Desheng Zhang,Yu Yang **关键词**: extended waiting time, traffic signal malfunction, signal malfunction, Urban traffic, traffic signal **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Qinchen Yang,Zejun Xie,Hua Wei,Desheng Zhang,Yu Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-204-From a Natural to a Formal Language with DSL Assistant {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09766 **作者**: My M. Mosthaf,Andrzej Wąsowski **关键词**: generative artificial intelligence, DSL Assistant, artificial intelligence, DSL Assistant supports, prototype DSL Assistant **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE); Programming Languages (cs.PL) ***备注**: My M. Mosthaf,Andrzej Wąsowski {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-205-Baby Bear: Seeking a Just Right Rating Scale for Scalar Annotations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09765 **作者**: Xu Han,Felix Yu,Joao Sedoc,Benjamin Van Durme **关键词**: efficiently assigning scalar, assigning scalar ratings, set of elements, mechanism for efficiently, efficiently assigning **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Xu Han,Felix Yu,Joao Sedoc,Benjamin Van Durme {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-206-Event Stream based Human Action Recognition: A High-Definition Benchmark Dataset and Algorithms {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09764 **作者**: Xiao Wang,Shiao Wang,Pengpeng Shao,Bo Jiang,Lin Zhu,Yonghong Tian **关键词**: pivotal research domain, RGB cameras dominating, Human Action Recognition, RGB cameras, RGB cameras encounter **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE) ***备注**: Xiao Wang,Shiao Wang,Pengpeng Shao,Bo Jiang,Lin Zhu,Yonghong Tian {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-207-Sequential Federated Learning in Hierarchical Architecture on Non-IID Datasets {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09762 **作者**: Xingrun Yan,Shiyuan Zuo,Rongfei Fan,Han Hu,Li Shen,Puning Zhao,Yong Luo **关键词**: real federated learning, Hierarchical federated learning, federated learning, passing model parameters, model parameters **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Xingrun Yan,Shiyuan Zuo,Rongfei Fan,Han Hu,Li Shen,Puning Zhao,Yong Luo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-208-Mutation Strength Adaptation of the $(\mu/\mu_I, \lambda)$-ES for Large Population Sizes on the Sphere Function {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09761 **作者**: Amir Omeradzic,Hans-Georg Beyer **关键词**: studied for isotropic, adaptation, mutation strength adaptation, sigma, mutation strength **类目**: Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE) ***备注**: Amir Omeradzic,Hans-Georg Beyer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-209-Strategic Demonstration Selection for Improved Fairness in LLM In-Context Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09757 **作者**: Jingyu Hu,Weiru Liu,Mengnan Du **关键词**: Recent studies highlight, large language models, steer large language, Recent studies, processing tabular data **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Jingyu Hu,Weiru Liu,Mengnan Du {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-210-Parallel-in-Time Solutions with Random Projection Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09756 **作者**: Marta M. Betcke,Lisa Maria Kreusser,Davide Murari **关键词**: ordinary differential equations, Projection Neural Networks, coarse propagator, Random Projection Neural, solution of ordinary **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Marta M. Betcke,Lisa Maria Kreusser,Davide Murari {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-211-Harnessing the Potential of Omnidirectional Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicles in Cooperative Jamming Against Eavesdropping {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09753 **作者**: Daniel Bonilla Licea,Hajar El Hammouti,Giuseppe Silano,Martin Saska **关键词**: Recent research, research in communications-aware, communications-aware robotics, propelled by advancements, Recent **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Daniel Bonilla Licea,Hajar El Hammouti,Giuseppe Silano,Martin Saska {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-212-A Unified Framework for Iris Anti-Spoofing: Introducing IrisGeneral Dataset and Masked-MoE Method {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09752 **作者**: Hang Zou,Chenxi Du,Ajian Liu,Yuan Zhang,Jing Liu,Mingchuan Yang,Jun Wan,Hui Zhang **关键词**: high-security scenarios due, stability and distinctiveness, iris anti-spoofing, recognition is widely, high-security scenarios **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Hang Zou,Chenxi Du,Ajian Liu,Yuan Zhang,Jing Liu,Mingchuan Yang,Jun Wan,Hui Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-213-Revisiting Reciprocal Recommender Systems: Metrics, Formulation, and Method {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09748 **作者**: Chen Yang,Sunhao Dai,Yupeng Hou,Wayne Xin Zhao,Jun Xu,Yang Song,Hengshu Zhu **关键词**: gained increasing attention, enhancing matching efficiency, conducting bilateral recommendations, Reciprocal recommender systems, involved parties **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Chen Yang,Sunhao Dai,Yupeng Hou,Wayne Xin Zhao,Jun Xu,Yang Song,Hengshu Zhu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-214-Enhanced Cascade Prostate Cancer Classifier in mp-MRI Utilizing Recall Feedback Adaptive Loss and Prior Knowledge-Based Feature Extraction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09746 **作者**: Kun Luo,Bowen Zheng,Shidong Lv,Jie Tao,Qiang Wei **关键词**: males worldwide, Prostate cancer, mpMRI, Cascade Prostate Cancer, Prostate Cancer Classifier **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Kun Luo,Bowen Zheng,Shidong Lv,Jie Tao,Qiang Wei {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-215-RealCustom++: Representing Images as Real-Word for Real-Time Customization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09744 **作者**: Zhendong Mao,Mengqi Huang,Fei Ding,Mingcong Liu,Qian He,Xiaojun Chang,Yongdong Zhang **关键词**: images depicting, aims to synthesize, subject appearance, synthesize new images, images that align **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Zhendong Mao,Mengqi Huang,Fei Ding,Mingcong Liu,Qian He,Xiaojun Chang,Yongdong Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-216-R2GenCSR: Retrieving Context Samples for Large Language Model based X-ray Medical Report Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09743 **作者**: Xiao Wang,Yuehang Li,Fuling Wang,Shiao Wang,Chuanfu Li,Bo Jiang **关键词**: Large Language Models, leverage large models, Large Language, generation methods attempt, existing X-ray medical **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Xiao Wang,Yuehang Li,Fuling Wang,Shiao Wang,Chuanfu Li,Bo Jiang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-217-Paired Completion: Flexible Quantification of Issue-framing at Scale with LLMs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09742 **作者**: Simon D Angus,Lachlan O'Neill **关键词**: Detecting and quantifying, quantifying issue framing, textual discourse, climate science, science vs. denialism **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); General Economics (econ.GN) ***备注**: Simon D Angus,Lachlan O'Neill {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-218-raDiffusion: Trajectory-Based Training-Free Image Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09739 **作者**: Mingrui Wu,Oucheng Huang,Jiayi Ji,Jiale Li,Xinyue Cai,Huafeng Kuang,Jianzhuang Liu,Xiaoshuai Sun,Rongrong Ji **关键词**: trajectory-based controllable, propose a training-free, termed TraDiffusion, energy function, guide image generation **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Mingrui Wu,Oucheng Huang,Jiayi Ji,Jiale Li,Xinyue Cai,Huafeng Kuang,Jianzhuang Liu,Xiaoshuai Sun,Rongrong Ji {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-219-Icing on the Cake: Automatic Code Summarization at Ericsson {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09735 **作者**: Giriprasad Sridhara,Sujoy Roychowdhury,Sumit Soman,Ranjani H G,Ricardo Britto **关键词**: Automatic Semantic Augmentation, Large Language Model, global telecommunications company, ASAP method, called Automatic Semantic **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Giriprasad Sridhara,Sujoy Roychowdhury,Sumit Soman,Ranjani H G,Ricardo Britto {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-220-Mutually-Aware Feature Learning for Few-Shot Object Counting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09734 **作者**: Yerim Jeon,Subeen Lee,Jihwan Kim,Jae-Pil Heo **关键词**: Few-shot object counting, garnered significant attention, Few-shot object, query image based, additional training **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yerim Jeon,Subeen Lee,Jihwan Kim,Jae-Pil Heo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-221-argeted Drug Delivery: Algorithmic Methods for Collecting a Swarm of Particles with Uniform External Forces {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09729 **作者**: Aaron T. Becker,Sándor P. Fekete,Li Huang,Phillip Keldenich,Linda Kleist,Dominik Krupke,Christian Rieck,Arne Schmidt **关键词**: targeted drug delivery, maze-like environment, targeted drug, drug delivery, vascular system **类目**: Computational Geometry (cs.CG) ***备注**: Aaron T. Becker,Sándor P. Fekete,Li Huang,Phillip Keldenich,Linda Kleist,Dominik Krupke,Christian Rieck,Arne Schmidt {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-222-Quantitative 3D Map Accuracy Evaluation Hardware and Algorithm for LiDAR(-Inertial) SLAM {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09727 **作者**: Sanghyun Hahn,Seunghun Oh,Minwoo Jung,Ayoung Kim,Sangwoo Jung **关键词**: autonomous driving systems, pointcloud map, pointcloud map acquired, development of autonomous, autonomous driving **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Sanghyun Hahn,Seunghun Oh,Minwoo Jung,Ayoung Kim,Sangwoo Jung {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-223-State surveillance in the digital age: Factors associated with citizens' attitudes towards trust registers {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09725 **作者**: Katja Turha,Simon Vrhovec,Igor Bernik **关键词**: Chinese Social Credit, Social Credit System, Chinese Social, Social Credit, Credit System **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Katja Turha,Simon Vrhovec,Igor Bernik {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-224-sTransformer: A Modular Approach for Extracting Inter-Sequential and Temporal Information for Time-Series Forecasting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09723 **作者**: Jiaheng Yin,Zhengxin Shi,Jianshen Zhang,Xiaomin Lin,Yulin Huang,Yongzhi Qi,Wei Qi **关键词**: numerous Transformer-based models, Transformer-based models, numerous Transformer-based, Transformer-based, LTSF **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Jiaheng Yin,Zhengxin Shi,Jianshen Zhang,Xiaomin Lin,Yulin Huang,Yongzhi Qi,Wei Qi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-225-owards Few-Shot Learning in the Open World: A Review and Beyond {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09722 **作者**: Hui Xue,Yuexuan An,Yongchun Qin,Wenqian Li,Yixin Wu,Yongjuan Che,Pengfei Fang,Minling Zhang **关键词**: apply knowledge, prior knowledge, underpinned by prior, ability to absorb, absorb and apply **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Hui Xue,Yuexuan An,Yongchun Qin,Wenqian Li,Yixin Wu,Yongjuan Che,Pengfei Fang,Minling Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-226-Pedestrian Attribute Recognition: A New Benchmark Dataset and A Large Language Model Augmented Framework {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09720 **作者**: Jiandong Jin,Xiao Wang,Qian Zhu,Haiyang Wang,Chenglong Li **关键词**: Pedestrian Attribute Recognition, human-centered research, indispensable tasks, tasks in human-centered, Attribute Recognition **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Jiandong Jin,Xiao Wang,Qian Zhu,Haiyang Wang,Chenglong Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-227-Work-Efficient Parallel Counting via Sampling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09719 **作者**: Hongyang Liu,Yitong Yin,Yiyao Zhang **关键词**: Gibbs distribution defined, Gibbs distribution, partition function, beta, study the problem **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Computational Complexity (cs.CC); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Hongyang Liu,Yitong Yin,Yiyao Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-228-SEMDR: A Semantic-Aware Dual Encoder Model for Legal Judgment Prediction with Legal Clue Tracing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09717 **作者**: Pengjie Liu,Wang Zhang,Yulong Ding,Xuefeng Zhang,Shuang-Hua Yang **关键词**: legal clue tracing, form legal judgments, legal judgments based, criminal facts, requires LJP models **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Pengjie Liu,Wang Zhang,Yulong Ding,Xuefeng Zhang,Shuang-Hua Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-229-RENAS: Prioritizing Co-Renaming Opportunities of Identifiers {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09716 **作者**: Naoki Doi,Yuki Osumi,Shinpei Hayashi **关键词**: common refactoring task, software development, common refactoring, refactoring task, task in software **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Naoki Doi,Yuki Osumi,Shinpei Hayashi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-230-HYDEN: Hyperbolic Density Representations for Medical Images and Reports {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09715 **作者**: Zhi Qiao,Linbin Han,Xiantong Zhen,Jia-Hong Gao,Zhen Qian **关键词**: hierarchical modeling advantages, inherent entailment relations, point vector embeddings, visual semantic representation, point vector **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Image and Video Processing (eess.IV) ***备注**: Zhi Qiao,Linbin Han,Xiantong Zhen,Jia-Hong Gao,Zhen Qian {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-231-Carbon Footprint Accounting Driven by Large Language Models and Retrieval-augmented Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09713 **作者**: Haijin Wang,Zheng Chen,Nan Shang,Shangheng Yao,Zibin Pan,Fushuan Wen,Junhua Zhao **关键词**: quantifying greenhouse gas, neutrality.The dynamic nature, supply structures necessitates, carbon neutrality.The dynamic, structures necessitates real-time **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Haijin Wang,Zheng Chen,Nan Shang,Shangheng Yao,Zibin Pan,Fushuan Wen,Junhua Zhao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-232-Dataset Distillation for Histopathology Image Classification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09709 **作者**: Cong Cong,Shiyu Xuan,Sidong Liu,Maurice Pagnucco,Shiliang Zhang,Yang Song **关键词**: Deep neural networks, exhibited remarkable success, Deep neural, histopathology image analysis, neural networks **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Cong Cong,Shiyu Xuan,Sidong Liu,Maurice Pagnucco,Shiliang Zhang,Yang Song {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-233-MePT: Multi-Representation Guided Prompt Tuning for Vision-Language Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09706 **作者**: Xinyang Wang,Yi Yang,Minfeng Zhu,Kecheng Zheng,Shi Liu,Wei Chen **关键词**: pre-trained Vision-Language Models, Recent advancements, Guided Prompt Tuning, prompt tuning, existing prompt tuning **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Xinyang Wang,Yi Yang,Minfeng Zhu,Kecheng Zheng,Shi Liu,Wei Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-234-Community-Centric Graph Unlearning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09705 **作者**: Yi Li,Shichao Zhang,Guixian Zhang,Debo Cheng **关键词**: Graph unlearning technology, Graph unlearning, artificial intelligence, Community-centric Graph Eraser, Graph **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI) ***备注**: Yi Li,Shichao Zhang,Guixian Zhang,Debo Cheng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-235-Partial-Multivariate Model for Forecasting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09703 **作者**: Jaehoon Lee,Hankook Lee,Sungik Choi,Sungjun Cho,Moontae Lee **关键词**: problems including multiple, including multiple time-series, utilize inter-feature information, multiple time-series features, complete-multivariate models **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jaehoon Lee,Hankook Lee,Sungik Choi,Sungjun Cho,Moontae Lee {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-236-Photorealistic Object Insertion with Diffusion-Guided Inverse Rendering {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09702 **作者**: Ruofan Liang,Zan Gojcic,Merlin Nimier-David,David Acuna,Nandita Vijaykumar,Sanja Fidler,Zian Wang **关键词**: image formation process, real-world scenes requires, image formation, correct insertion, requires a deep **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Graphics (cs.GR) ***备注**: Ruofan Liang,Zan Gojcic,Merlin Nimier-David,David Acuna,Nandita Vijaykumar,Sanja Fidler,Zian Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-237-Bridging the Language Gap: Enhancing Multilingual Prompt-Based Code Generation in LLMs via Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09701 **作者**: Mingda Li,Abhijit Mishra,Utkarsh Mujumdar **关键词**: Large Language Models, challenge global inclusivity, prompts challenge global, gained substantial attention, Language Models **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Mingda Li,Abhijit Mishra,Utkarsh Mujumdar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-238-Double-Precision Floating-Point Data Visualizations Using Vulkan API {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09699 **作者**: Nezihe Sozen **关键词**: Proper representation, data types, significant difference, types is required, challenging when high **类目**: Graphics (cs.GR) ***备注**: Nezihe Sozen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-239-Harnessing Multimodal Large Language Models for Multimodal Sequential Recommendation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09698 **作者**: Yuyang Ye,Zhi Zheng,Yishan Shen,Tianshu Wang,Hengruo Zhang,Peijun Zhu,Runlong Yu,Kai Zhang,Hui Xiong **关键词**: Large Language Models, Multimodal Large Language, demonstrated significant potential, Recent advances, Large Language **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yuyang Ye,Zhi Zheng,Yishan Shen,Tianshu Wang,Hengruo Zhang,Peijun Zhu,Runlong Yu,Kai Zhang,Hui Xiong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-240-Heta: Distributed Training of Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09697 **作者**: Yuchen Zhong,Junwei Su,Chuan Wu,Minjie Wang **关键词**: Graph Neural Networks, Neural Networks, demonstrated remarkable learning, Heterogeneous Graph Neural, remarkable learning performance **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Yuchen Zhong,Junwei Su,Chuan Wu,Minjie Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-241-LightWeather: Harnessing Absolute Positional Encoding to Efficient and Scalable Global Weather Forecasting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09695 **作者**: Yisong Fu,Fei Wang,Zezhi Shao,Chengqing Yu,Yujie Li,Zhao Chen,Zhulin An,Yongjun Xu **关键词**: capture long-term spatial-temporal, weather forecasting, gained traction, capability to capture, capture long-term **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics (physics.ao-ph) ***备注**: Yisong Fu,Fei Wang,Zezhi Shao,Chengqing Yu,Yujie Li,Zhao Chen,Zhulin An,Yongjun Xu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-242-An Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning Model for Online 3D Bin Packing Combining Object Rearrangement and Stable Placement {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09694 **作者**: Peiwen Zhou,Ziyan Gao,Chenghao Li,Nak Young Chong **关键词**: deep reinforcement learning, efficient deep reinforcement, reinforcement learning, paper presents, presents an efficient **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Peiwen Zhou,Ziyan Gao,Chenghao Li,Nak Young Chong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-243-A robust hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin scheme with harmonic averaging technique for steady state of real-world semiconductor devices {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09692 **作者**: Qingyuan Shi,Yongyong Cai,Chijie Zhuang,Bo Lin,Dan Wu,Rong Zeng,Weizhu Bao **关键词**: Solving real-world nonlinear, device problems modeled, avoid non-physical oscillations, problems modeled, coupled Poisson equation **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Qingyuan Shi,Yongyong Cai,Chijie Zhuang,Bo Lin,Dan Wu,Rong Zeng,Weizhu Bao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-244-Recording for Eyes, Not Echoing to Ears: Contextualized Spoken-to-Written Conversion of ASR Transcripts {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09688 **作者**: Jiaqing Liu,Chong Deng,Qinglin Zhang,Qian Chen,Hai Yu,Wen Wang **关键词**: Automatic Speech Recognition, exhibit recognition errors, Automatic Speech, transcripts exhibit recognition, Speech Recognition **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Jiaqing Liu,Chong Deng,Qinglin Zhang,Qian Chen,Hai Yu,Wen Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-245-Algorithmic Contract Design with Reinforcement Learning Agents {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09686 **作者**: David Molina Concha,Kyeonghyeon Park,Hyun-Rok Lee,Taesik Lee,Chi-Guhn Lee **关键词**: contract design, algorithmic contract design, contract design problem, Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning, principal-MARL contract design **类目**: Multiagent Systems (cs.MA) ***备注**: David Molina Concha,Kyeonghyeon Park,Hyun-Rok Lee,Taesik Lee,Chi-Guhn Lee {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-246-riorthogonal Codes and Self-dual Codes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09685 **作者**: Minjia Shi,Haodong Lu,Jon-Lark Kim,Patrick Sole **关键词**: Quantum Information Theory, Bravyi and Haah, Quantum Information, Information Theory, introduced in Quantum **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT); Quantum Physics (quant-ph) ***备注**: Minjia Shi,Haodong Lu,Jon-Lark Kim,Patrick Sole {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-247-SMART-TBI: Design and Evaluation of the Social Media Accessibility and Rehabilitation Toolkit for Users with Traumatic Brain Injury {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09683 **作者**: Yaxin Hu,Hajin Lim,Lisa Kakonge,Jade T. Mitchell,Hailey L. Johnson,Lyn Turkstra,Melissa C. Duff,Catalina L. Toma,Bilge Mutlu **关键词**: Traumatic brain injury, negatively affect social, Traumatic brain, affect social participation, social media **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Yaxin Hu,Hajin Lim,Lisa Kakonge,Jade T. Mitchell,Hailey L. Johnson,Lyn Turkstra,Melissa C. Duff,Catalina L. Toma,Bilge Mutlu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-248-Simulating Field Experiments with Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09682 **作者**: Yaoyu Chen,Yuheng Hu,Yingda Lu **关键词**: unprecedented content generation, Prevailing large language, human responses simulation, field experiments, Prevailing large **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yaoyu Chen,Yuheng Hu,Yingda Lu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-249-MambaLoc: Efficient Camera Localisation via State Space Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09680 **作者**: Jialu Wang,Kaichen Zhou,Andrew Markham,Niki Trigoni **关键词**: edge-cloud IoT systems, Location information, augmented reality, automation and intelligence, intelligence of terminal **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jialu Wang,Kaichen Zhou,Andrew Markham,Niki Trigoni {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-250-Conference Submission and Review Policies to Foster Responsible Computing Research {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09678 **作者**: Lorrie Cranor,Kim Hazelwood,Daniel Lopresti,Amanda Stent **关键词**: CRA Working Group, CRA Working, Working Group, Group on Socially, Socially Responsible Computing **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Lorrie Cranor,Kim Hazelwood,Daniel Lopresti,Amanda Stent {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-251-Image-based Freeform Handwriting Authentication with Energy-oriented Self-Supervised Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09676 **作者**: Jingyao Wang,Luntian Mou,Changwen Zheng,Wen Gao **关键词**: Freeform handwriting authentication, handwriting authentication verifies, verifies a person, person identity, writing style **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Jingyao Wang,Luntian Mou,Changwen Zheng,Wen Gao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-252-Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving: A Survey {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09675 **作者**: Ruiqi Zhang,Jing Hou,Florian Walter,Shangding Gu,Jiayi Guan,Florian Röhrbein,Yali Du,Panpan Cai,Guang Chen,Alois Knoll **关键词**: challenging real-world tasks, achieved performance surpassing, performance surpassing human, surpassing human capabilities, Reinforcement Learning **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Ruiqi Zhang,Jing Hou,Florian Walter,Shangding Gu,Jiayi Guan,Florian Röhrbein,Yali Du,Panpan Cai,Guang Chen,Alois Knoll {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-253-Implicit Grid Convolution for Multi-Scale Image Super-Resolution {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09674 **作者**: Dongheon Lee,Seokju Yun,Youngmin Ro **关键词**: employing neural networks, neural networks, employing neural, Recently, Implicit Grid Convolution **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Dongheon Lee,Seokju Yun,Youngmin Ro {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-254-Regularization for Adversarial Robust Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09672 **作者**: Jie Wang,Rui Gao,Yao Xie **关键词**: artificial neural networks, machine learning models, distributionally robust risk, real-world applications, significant concern **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Optimization and Control (math.OC); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Jie Wang,Rui Gao,Yao Xie {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-255-GANPrompt: Enhancing Robustness in LLM-Based Recommendations with GAN-Enhanced Diversity Prompts {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09671 **作者**: Xinyu Li,Chuang Zhao,Hongke Zhao,Likang Wu,Ming HE **关键词**: demonstrated remarkable proficiency, generating natural language, recent years, demonstrated remarkable, remarkable proficiency **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Xinyu Li,Chuang Zhao,Hongke Zhao,Likang Wu,Ming HE {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-256-BLADE: Benchmarking Language Model Agents for Data-Driven Science {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09667 **作者**: Ken Gu,Ruoxi Shang,Ruien Jiang,Keying Kuang,Richard-John Lin,Donghe Lyu,Yue Mao,Youran Pan,Teng Wu,Jiaqian Yu,Yikun Zhang,Tianmai M. Zhang,Lanyi Zhu,Mike A. Merrill,Jeffrey Heer,Tim Althoff **关键词**: scientific discovery requires, make nuanced analytical, Data-driven scientific discovery, statistical expertise, discovery requires **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Ken Gu,Ruoxi Shang,Ruien Jiang,Keying Kuang,Richard-John Lin,Donghe Lyu,Yue Mao,Youran Pan,Teng Wu,Jiaqian Yu,Yikun Zhang,Tianmai M. Zhang,Lanyi Zhu,Mike A. Merrill,Jeffrey Heer,Tim Althoff {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-257-SG-GS: Photo-realistic Animatable Human Avatars with Semantically-Guided Gaussian Splatting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09665 **作者**: Haoyu Zhao,Chen Yang,Hao Wang,Xingyue Zhao,Wei Shen **关键词**: Reconstructing photo-realistic animatable, videos remains challenging, Reconstructing photo-realistic, animatable human avatars, photo-realistic animatable human **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Haoyu Zhao,Chen Yang,Hao Wang,Xingyue Zhao,Wei Shen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-258-CHASE: 3D-Consistent Human Avatars with Sparse Inputs via Gaussian Splatting and Contrastive Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09663 **作者**: Haoyu Zhao,Hao Wang,Chen Yang,Wei Shen **关键词**: photo-realistic animatable human, utilized radiance fields, reconstruct photo-realistic animatable, Recent advancements, human avatar synthesis **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Haoyu Zhao,Hao Wang,Chen Yang,Wei Shen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-259-CusADi: A GPU Parallelization Framework for Symbolic Expressions and Optimal Control {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09662 **作者**: Se Hwan Jeon,Seungwoo Hong,Ho Jae Lee,Charles Khazoom,Sangbae Kim **关键词**: presents significant advantages, reinforcement learning, GPUs presents significant, parallelism afforded, significant advantages **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Se Hwan Jeon,Seungwoo Hong,Ho Jae Lee,Charles Khazoom,Sangbae Kim {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-260-An Algorithm for Enhancing Privacy-Utility Tradeoff in the Privacy Funnel and Other Lift-based Measures {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09659 **作者**: Mohammad Amin Zarrabian,Parastoo Sadeghi **关键词**: privacy-utility tradeoff problem, mutual information, mutual information quantifies, information density, information **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Mohammad Amin Zarrabian,Parastoo Sadeghi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-261-Impact of Large Language Models of Code on Fault Localization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09657 **作者**: Suhwan Ji,Sanghwa Lee,Changsup Lee,Hyeonseung Im,Yo-Sub Han **关键词**: Identifying the point, code coverage matrix, code coverage, coverage matrix, code **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Suhwan Ji,Sanghwa Lee,Changsup Lee,Hyeonseung Im,Yo-Sub Han {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-262-A Comparison of Large Language Model and Human Performance on Random Number Generation Tasks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09656 **作者**: Rachel M. Harrison **关键词**: Number Generation Tasks, generate sequences devoid, Generation Tasks, psychology for examining, devoid of predictable **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Neurons and Cognition (q-bio.NC) ***备注**: Rachel M. Harrison {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-263-Contextual Bandits for Unbounded Context Distributions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09655 **作者**: Puning Zhao,Jiafei Wu,Zhe Liu,Huiwen Wu **关键词**: sequential decision making, decision making problems, Nonparametric contextual bandit, important model, model of sequential **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Puning Zhao,Jiafei Wu,Zhe Liu,Huiwen Wu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-264-Data-driven Conditional Instrumental Variables for Debiasing Recommender Systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09651 **作者**: Zhirong Huang,Shichao Zhang,Debo Cheng,Jiuyong Li,Lin Liu,Guangquan Lu **关键词**: true user preferences, latent variables, deviate from true, recommender systems, user-item interaction data **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Zhirong Huang,Shichao Zhang,Debo Cheng,Jiuyong Li,Lin Liu,Guangquan Lu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-265-ExpoMamba: Exploiting Frequency SSM Blocks for Efficient and Effective Image Enhancement {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09650 **作者**: Eashan Adhikarla,Kai Zhang,John Nicholson,Brian D. Davison **关键词**: handling high-resolution images, computer vision, remains a challenging, challenging task, task in computer **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Multimedia (cs.MM); Image and Video Processing (eess.IV) ***备注**: Eashan Adhikarla,Kai Zhang,John Nicholson,Brian D. Davison {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-266-C2P-CLIP: Injecting Category Common Prompt in CLIP to Enhance Generalization in Deepfake Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09647 **作者**: Chuangchuang Tan,Renshuai Tao,Huan Liu,Guanghua Gu,Baoyuan Wu,Yao Zhao,Yunchao Wei **关键词**: develop universal detectors, universal detectors capable, focuses on AIGC, AIGC detection, CLIP **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Chuangchuang Tan,Renshuai Tao,Huan Liu,Guanghua Gu,Baoyuan Wu,Yao Zhao,Yunchao Wei {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-267-Debiased Contrastive Representation Learning for Mitigating Dual Biases in Recommender Systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09646 **作者**: Zhirong Huang,Shichao Zhang,Debo Cheng,Jiuyong Li,Lin Liu,Guixian Zhang **关键词**: undermine recommender effectiveness, disproportionately favouring popular, biases undermine recommender, user-item historical data, favouring popular items **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Zhirong Huang,Shichao Zhang,Debo Cheng,Jiuyong Li,Lin Liu,Guixian Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-268-Acquiring Bidirectionality via Large and Small Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09640 **作者**: Takumi Goto,Hiroyoshi Nagao,Yuta Koreeda **关键词**: widely used approach, approach for token-classification, bidirectional language models, token representation, BERT **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Takumi Goto,Hiroyoshi Nagao,Yuta Koreeda {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-269-How to Make the Most of LLMs' Grammatical Knowledge for Acceptability Judgments {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09639 **作者**: Yusuke Ide,Yuto Nishida,Miyu Oba,Yusuke Sakai,Justin Vasselli,Hidetaka Kamigaito,Taro Watanabe **关键词**: linguistic minimal pairs, minimal pairs, benchmark of linguistic, linguistic minimal, required to judge **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yusuke Ide,Yuto Nishida,Miyu Oba,Yusuke Sakai,Justin Vasselli,Hidetaka Kamigaito,Taro Watanabe {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-270-Meta-Learning on Augmented Gene Expression Profiles for Enhanced Lung Cancer Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09635 **作者**: Arya Hadizadeh Moghaddam,Mohsen Nayebi Kerdabadi,Cuncong Zhong,Zijun Yao **关键词**: providing critical information, obtained through DNA, DNA microarray, cancer detection classifiers, Gene expression profiles **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Genomics (q-bio.GN) ***备注**: Arya Hadizadeh Moghaddam,Mohsen Nayebi Kerdabadi,Cuncong Zhong,Zijun Yao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-271-MoDeGPT: Modular Decomposition for Large Language Model Compression {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09632 **作者**: Chi-Heng Lin,Shangqian Gao,James Seale Smith,Abhishek Patel,Shikhar Tuli,Yilin Shen,Hongxia Jin,Yen-Chang Hsu **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, demonstrating exceptional performance, Language Models, reshaped the landscape **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Chi-Heng Lin,Shangqian Gao,James Seale Smith,Abhishek Patel,Shikhar Tuli,Yilin Shen,Hongxia Jin,Yen-Chang Hsu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-272-A Strategy to Combine 1stGen Transformers and Open LLMs for Automatic Text Classification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09629 **作者**: Claudio M. V. de Andrade,Washington Cunha,Davi Reis,Adriana Silvina Pagano,Leonardo Rocha,Marcos André Gonçalves **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, NLP tasks, first-generation transformers, Language Models **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Claudio M. V. de Andrade,Washington Cunha,Davi Reis,Adriana Silvina Pagano,Leonardo Rocha,Marcos André Gonçalves {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-273-On the Foundations of Conflict-Driven Solving for Hybrid MKNF Knowledge Bases {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09626 **作者**: Riley Kinahan,Spencer Killen,Kevin Wan,Jia-Huai You **关键词**: MKNF Knowledge Bases, Hybrid MKNF Knowledge, Knowledge Bases, tightly integrated reasoning, Hybrid MKNF **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Riley Kinahan,Spencer Killen,Kevin Wan,Jia-Huai You {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-274-Attention is a smoothed cubic spline {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09624 **作者**: Zehua Lai,Lek-Heng Lim,Yucong Liu **关键词**: hitherto unobserved insight, important but hitherto, hitherto unobserved, transformer, splines **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Zehua Lai,Lek-Heng Lim,Yucong Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-275-Global BGP Attacks that Evade Route Monitoring {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09622 **作者**: Henry Birge-Lee,Maria Apostolaki,Jennifer Rexford **关键词**: Border Gateway Protocol, comprehensive Border Gateway, Gateway Protocol, Border Gateway, BGP monitoring **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Henry Birge-Lee,Maria Apostolaki,Jennifer Rexford {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-276-Refining Packing and Shuffling Strategies for Enhanced Performance in Generative Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09621 **作者**: Yanbing Chen,Ruilin Wang,Zihao Yang,Lavender Yao Jiang,Eric Karl Oermann **关键词**: prevent overfitting, overfitting and improve, auto-regressive language models, MSL, Packing **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Yanbing Chen,Ruilin Wang,Zihao Yang,Lavender Yao Jiang,Eric Karl Oermann {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-277-he First Competition on Resource-Limited Infrared Small Target Detection Challenge: Methods and Results {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09615 **作者**: Boyang Li,Xinyi Ying,Ruojing Li,Yongxian Liu,Yangsi Shi,Miao Li **关键词**: small target detection, infrared small target, target detection, small target, infrared small **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Boyang Li,Xinyi Ying,Ruojing Li,Yongxian Liu,Yangsi Shi,Miao Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-278-How Do Social Bots Participate in Misinformation Spread? A Comprehensive Dataset and Analysis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09613 **作者**: Herun Wan,Minnan Luo,Zihan Ma,Guang Dai,Xiang Zhao **关键词**: Information spreads faster, social bots, spreads faster, traditional media, Sina Weibo platform **类目**: ocial and Information Networks (cs.SI); Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Herun Wan,Minnan Luo,Zihan Ma,Guang Dai,Xiang Zhao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-279-ContactSDF: Signed Distance Functions as Multi-Contact Models for Dexterous Manipulation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09612 **作者**: Wen Yang,Wanxin Jin **关键词**: signed distance functions, distance functions, time-stepping routines, collision detection, signed distance **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Wen Yang,Wanxin Jin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-280-Does Thought Require Sensory Grounding? From Pure Thinkers to Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09605 **作者**: David J. Chalmers **关键词**: capacity to sense, require the capacity, capacity, sense, Abstract **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: David J. Chalmers {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-281-Prescribed-time Convergent Distributed Multiobjective Optimization with Dynamic Event-triggered Communication {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09602 **作者**: Tengyang Gong,Zhongguo Li,Yiqiao Xu,Zhengtao Ding **关键词**: constrained multiobjective resource, multiobjective resource allocation, resource allocation problems, potentially conflicting local, conflicting local objectives **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Tengyang Gong,Zhongguo Li,Yiqiao Xu,Zhengtao Ding {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-282-Infinite Scrolling, Finite Satisfaction: Exploring User Behavior and Satisfaction on Social Media in Bangladesh {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09601 **作者**: Sanzana Karim Lora,Sadia Afrin Purba,Bushra Hossain,Tanjina Oriana,Ashek Seum **关键词**: media platforms continue, digital relationships nowadays, Social media platforms, Social media, relationships nowadays **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Sanzana Karim Lora,Sadia Afrin Purba,Bushra Hossain,Tanjina Oriana,Ashek Seum {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-283-Antidote: Post-fine-tuning Safety Alignment for Large Language Models against Harmful Fine-tuning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09600 **作者**: Tiansheng Huang,Gautam Bhattacharya,Pratik Joshi,Josh Kimball,Ling Liu **关键词**: aligned Large Language, LLMs safety alignment, Safety aligned Large, Large Language Models, LLMs safety **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Tiansheng Huang,Gautam Bhattacharya,Pratik Joshi,Josh Kimball,Ling Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-284-Moonshine: Distilling Game Content Generators into Steerable Generative Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09594 **作者**: Yuhe Nie,Michael Middleton,Tim Merino,Nidhushan Kanagaraja,Ashutosh Kumar,Zhan Zhuang,Julian Togelius **关键词**: Machine Learning, training data persist, Procedural Content Generation, limited training data, game content creation **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yuhe Nie,Michael Middleton,Tim Merino,Nidhushan Kanagaraja,Ashutosh Kumar,Zhan Zhuang,Julian Togelius {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-285-Osiris: A Systolic Approach to Accelerating Fully Homomorphic Encryption {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09593 **作者**: Austin Ebel,Brandon Reagen **关键词**: fully homomorphic encryption, homomorphic encryption, fully homomorphic, FHE, Osiris **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Austin Ebel,Brandon Reagen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-286-Pre-assignment problem for unique minimum vertex cover on bounded clique-width graphs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09591 **作者**: Shinwoo Ahn,Yeonsu Chang,Kyungjin Cho,O-joung Kwon,Myounghwan Lee,Eunjin Oh,Hyeonjun Shin **关键词**: minimum vertex cover, unique minimum vertex, vertex cover, minimum vertex, vertex **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ***备注**: Shinwoo Ahn,Yeonsu Chang,Kyungjin Cho,O-joung Kwon,Myounghwan Lee,Eunjin Oh,Hyeonjun Shin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-287-L\"ob-Safe Logics for Reflective Agents {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09590 **作者**: Seth Ahrenbach **关键词**: Epistemic Doxastic logic, Löb-Safe Epistemic Doxastic, Epistemic Doxastic, Löb Obstacle, knowledge and belief **类目**: Logic in Computer Science (cs.LO) ***备注**: Seth Ahrenbach {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-288-SynTraC: A Synthetic Dataset for Traffic Signal Control from Traffic Monitoring Cameras {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09588 **作者**: Tiejin Chen,Prithvi Shirke,Bharatesh Chakravarthi,Arpitsinh Vaghela,Longchao Da,Duo Lu,Yezhou Yang,Hua Wei **关键词**: traffic signal control, traffic signal, signal control, image-based traffic signal, aimed at bridging **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Tiejin Chen,Prithvi Shirke,Bharatesh Chakravarthi,Arpitsinh Vaghela,Longchao Da,Duo Lu,Yezhou Yang,Hua Wei {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-289-On the Necessity of World Knowledge for Mitigating Missing Labels in Extreme Classification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09585 **作者**: Jatin Prakash,Anirudh Buvanesh,Bishal Santra,Deepak Saini,Sachin Yadav,Jian Jiao,Yashoteja Prabhu,Amit Sharma,Manik Varma **关键词**: Extreme Classification, aims to map, map a query, missing labels, missing **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Jatin Prakash,Anirudh Buvanesh,Bishal Santra,Deepak Saini,Sachin Yadav,Jian Jiao,Yashoteja Prabhu,Amit Sharma,Manik Varma {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-290-A Markov Random Field Multi-Modal Variational AutoEncoder {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09576 **作者**: Fouad Oubari,Mohamed El Baha,Raphael Meunier,Rodrigue Décatoire,Mathilde Mougeot **关键词**: multimodal Variational AutoEncoders, Variational AutoEncoders, Recent advancements, Markov Random Field, multimodal Variational **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Fouad Oubari,Mohamed El Baha,Raphael Meunier,Rodrigue Décatoire,Mathilde Mougeot {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-291-Say My Name: a Model's Bias Discovery Framework {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09570 **作者**: Massimiliano Ciranni,Luca Molinaro,Carlo Alberto Barbano,Attilio Fiandrotti,Vittorio Murino,Vito Paolo Pastore,Enzo Tartaglione **关键词**: increasingly more concerns, non-representative patterns, learning to downstream, downstream tasks, concerns about potential **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Massimiliano Ciranni,Luca Molinaro,Carlo Alberto Barbano,Attilio Fiandrotti,Vittorio Murino,Vito Paolo Pastore,Enzo Tartaglione {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-292-MergeRepair: An Exploratory Study on Merging Task-Specific Adapters in Code LLMs for Automated Program Repair {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09568 **作者**: Meghdad Dehghan,Jie JW Wu,Fatemeh H. Fard,Ali Ouni **关键词**: Large Language Models, Adapters, Automated Program Repair, merged adapters, program repair **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Meghdad Dehghan,Jie JW Wu,Fatemeh H. Fard,Ali Ouni {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-293-Enhancing ASL Recognition with GCNs and Successive Residual Connections {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09567 **作者**: Ushnish Sarkar,Archisman Chakraborti,Tapas Samanta,Sarbajit Pal,Amitabha Das **关键词**: American Sign Language, enhancing American Sign, Sign Language, American Sign, Graph Convolutional Networks **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Ushnish Sarkar,Archisman Chakraborti,Tapas Samanta,Sarbajit Pal,Amitabha Das {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-294-Grammatical Error Feedback: An Implicit Evaluation Approach {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09565 **作者**: Stefano Bannò,Kate Knill,Mark J. F. Gales **关键词**: crucial for consolidating, feedback, grammatical error, Grammatical, computer-assisted language learning **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Stefano Bannò,Kate Knill,Mark J. F. Gales {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-295-HiAgent: Hierarchical Working Memory Management for Solving Long-Horizon Agent Tasks with Large Language Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09559 **作者**: Mengkang Hu,Tianxing Chen,Qiguang Chen,Yao Mu,Wenqi Shao,Ping Luo **关键词**: Large Language Model, Large Language, Language Model, exhibit significant potential, based agents exhibit **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Mengkang Hu,Tianxing Chen,Qiguang Chen,Yao Mu,Wenqi Shao,Ping Luo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-296-Generating Automatically Print/Scan Textures for Morphing Attack Detection Applications {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09558 **作者**: Juan E. Tapia,Maximilian Russo,Christoph Busch **关键词**: Morphing Attack Detection, relevant topic, topic that aims, aims to detect, detect attempts **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Juan E. Tapia,Maximilian Russo,Christoph Busch {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-297-Addressing Heterogeneity in Federated Learning: Challenges and Solutions for a Shared Production Environment {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09556 **作者**: Tatjana Legler,Vinit Hegiste,Ahmed Anwar,Martin Ruskowski **关键词**: Federated learning, preserving data privacy, machine learning models, training machine learning, shared production environments **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Tatjana Legler,Vinit Hegiste,Ahmed Anwar,Martin Ruskowski {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-298-Enhancing Population-based Search with Active Inference {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09548 **作者**: Nassim Dehouche,Daniel Friedman **关键词**: minimize sensory discrepancies, framework models perception, actively minimize sensory, Inference framework models, Active Inference framework **类目**: Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE) ***备注**: Nassim Dehouche,Daniel Friedman {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-299-Seamless Integration: Sampling Strategies in Federated Learning Systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09545 **作者**: Tatjana Legler,Vinit Hegiste,Martin Ruskowski **关键词**: Federated Learning, distributed learning networks, represents a paradigm, offering an approach, Learning **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Tatjana Legler,Vinit Hegiste,Martin Ruskowski {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-300-No Such Thing as a General Learner: Language models and their dual optimization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09544 **作者**: Emmanuel Chemla,Ryan M. Nefdt **关键词**: Large Language Models, successful Large Language, successful Large, Language Models, Large Language **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Emmanuel Chemla,Ryan M. Nefdt {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-301-Using ChatGPT to Score Essays and Short-Form Constructed Responses {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09540 **作者**: Mark D. Shermis **关键词**: ASAP competition, large language models, ChatGPT large language, aimed to determine, large language **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Mark D. Shermis {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-302-Byzantine-resilient Federated Learning Employing Normalized Gradients on Non-IID Datasets {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09539 **作者**: Shiyuan Zuo,Xingrun Yan,Rongfei Fan,Li Shen,Puning Zhao,Jie Xu,Han Hu **关键词**: malicious Byzantine attacks, malicious Byzantine, Byzantine attacks, practical federated learning, existing Byzantine-robust methods **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Shiyuan Zuo,Xingrun Yan,Rongfei Fan,Li Shen,Puning Zhao,Jie Xu,Han Hu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-303-Gal\'apagos: Automated N-Version Programming with LLMs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09536 **作者**: Javier Ron,Diogo Gaspar,Javier Cabrera-Arteaga,Benoit Baudry,Martin Monperrus **关键词**: requires paying multiple, paying multiple teams, development cost, main challenges, requires paying **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Javier Ron,Diogo Gaspar,Javier Cabrera-Arteaga,Benoit Baudry,Martin Monperrus {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-304-Safe Adaptive Control for Uncertain Systems with Complex Input Constraints {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09534 **作者**: Yaosheng Deng,Yang Bai,Yujie Wang,Masaki Ogura,Mir Feroskhan **关键词**: Control Barrier Function, adaptive Control Barrier, Barrier Function, Control Barrier, input constraints **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Yaosheng Deng,Yang Bai,Yujie Wang,Masaki Ogura,Mir Feroskhan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-305-AnomalyFactory: Regard Anomaly Generation as Unsupervised Anomaly Localization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09533 **作者**: Ying Zhao **关键词**: Recent advances, generation approaches alleviate, anomaly generation approaches, approaches alleviate, alleviate the effect **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Ying Zhao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-306-Swift Trust in Mobile Ad Hoc Human-Robot Teams {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09531 **作者**: Sanja Milivojevic,Mehdi Sobhani,Nicola Webb,Zachary Madin,James Ward,Sagir Yusuf,Chris Baber,Edmund R. Hunt **关键词**: bring significant capability, significant capability improvements, searching potentially hazardous, potentially hazardous buildings, Integrating robots **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Sanja Milivojevic,Mehdi Sobhani,Nicola Webb,Zachary Madin,James Ward,Sagir Yusuf,Chris Baber,Edmund R. Hunt {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-307-PA-LLaVA: A Large Language-Vision Assistant for Human Pathology Image Understanding {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09530 **作者**: Dawei Dai,Yuanhui Zhang,Long Xu,Qianlan Yang,Xiaojing Shen,Shuyin Xia,Guoyin Wang **关键词**: primarily involved developing, understanding primarily involved, image understanding primarily, pathology image understanding, involved developing models **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Dawei Dai,Yuanhui Zhang,Long Xu,Qianlan Yang,Xiaojing Shen,Shuyin Xia,Guoyin Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-308-Revisiting the Graph Reasoning Ability of Large Language Models: Case Studies in Translation, Connectivity and Shortest Path {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09529 **作者**: Xinnan Dai,Qihao Wen,Yifei Shen,Hongzhi Wen,Dongsheng Li,Jiliang Tang,Caihua Shan **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, Language Models, achieved great success, achieved great **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Xinnan Dai,Qihao Wen,Yifei Shen,Hongzhi Wen,Dongsheng Li,Jiliang Tang,Caihua Shan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-309-ALS-HAR: Harnessing Wearable Ambient Light Sensors to Enhance IMU-based HAR {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09527 **作者**: Lala Shakti Swarup Ray,Daniel Geißler,Mengxi Liu,Bo Zhou,Sungho Suh,Paul Lukowicz **关键词**: screen brightness adaptation, smart devices commonly, brightness adaptation, primarily through body-worn, largely unexplored **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Lala Shakti Swarup Ray,Daniel Geißler,Mengxi Liu,Bo Zhou,Sungho Suh,Paul Lukowicz {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-310-Fine-gained air quality inference based on low-quality sensing data using self-supervised learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09526 **作者**: Meng Xu,Ke Han,Weijian Hu,Wen Ji **关键词**: Fine-grained air quality, Fine-grained air, mapping is made, cheap AQ micro-stations, proliferation of cheap **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Meng Xu,Ke Han,Weijian Hu,Wen Ji {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-311-A Unified Framework for Interpretable Transformers Using PDEs and Information Theory {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09523 **作者**: Yukun Zhang **关键词**: Partial Differential Equations, Information Bottleneck Theory, integrating Partial Differential, Bottleneck Theory, Information Flow Theory **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Yukun Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-312-Orchestrating Federated Learning in Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks: Adaptive Data Offloading and Seamless Handover {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09522 **作者**: Dong-Jun Han,Wenzhi Fang,Seyyedali Hosseinalipour,Mung Chiang,Christopher G. Brinton **关键词**: terrestrial communication infrastructure, well-developed terrestrial communication, remote regions, located in remote, communication infrastructure **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Dong-Jun Han,Wenzhi Fang,Seyyedali Hosseinalipour,Mung Chiang,Christopher G. Brinton {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-313-A Logic for Policy Based Resource Exchanges in Multiagent Systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09516 **作者**: Lorenzo Ceragioli,Pierpaolo Degano,Letterio Galletta,Luca Viganò **关键词**: multiagent systems autonomous, systems autonomous agents, autonomous agents interact, collective goals, multiagent systems **类目**: Logic in Computer Science (cs.LO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Lorenzo Ceragioli,Pierpaolo Degano,Letterio Galletta,Luca Viganò {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-314-NAVERO: Unlocking Fine-Grained Semantics for Video-Language Compositionality {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09511 **作者**: Chaofan Tao,Gukyeong Kwon,Varad Gunjal,Hao Yang,Zhaowei Cai,Yonatan Dukler,Ashwin Swaminathan,R. Manmatha,Colin Jon Taylor,Stefano Soatto **关键词**: study the capability, Composition understanding, understanding, Composition, NAVERO **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Chaofan Tao,Gukyeong Kwon,Varad Gunjal,Hao Yang,Zhaowei Cai,Yonatan Dukler,Ashwin Swaminathan,R. Manmatha,Colin Jon Taylor,Stefano Soatto {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-315-he Story Behind the Lines: Line Charts as a Gateway to Dataset Discovery {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09506 **作者**: Daomin Ji,Hui Luo,Zhifeng Bao,J. Shane Culpper **关键词**: distilling essential insights, line chart, Line, analysis and exploration, distilling essential **类目**: Databases (cs.DB) ***备注**: Daomin Ji,Hui Luo,Zhifeng Bao,J. Shane Culpper {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-316-Design and Experimental Study of Vacuum Suction Grabbing Technology to Grasp Fabric Piece {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09504 **作者**: Ray Wai Man Kong,Mingyi Liu,Theodore Ho Tin Kong **关键词**: pocket welting operation, vacuum suction, vacuum suction gripper, design parameters, apparel manufacturing **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Ray Wai Man Kong,Mingyi Liu,Theodore Ho Tin Kong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-317-Out-of-distribution generalization via composition: a lens through induction heads in Transformers {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09503 **作者**: Jiajun Song,Zhuoyan Xu,Yiqiao Zhong **关键词**: Large language models, OOD generalization, Large language, OOD, Large **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Jiajun Song,Zhuoyan Xu,Yiqiao Zhong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-318-Beyond Local Views: Global State Inference with Diffusion Models for Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09501 **作者**: Zhiwei Xu,Hangyu Mao,Nianmin Zhang,Xin Xin,Pengjie Ren,Dapeng Li,Bin Zhang,Guoliang Fan,Zhumin Chen,Changwei Wang,Jiangjin Yin **关键词**: observable multi-agent systems, partially observable multi-agent, local observations, partially observable, Diffusion Models **类目**: Multiagent Systems (cs.MA); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Zhiwei Xu,Hangyu Mao,Nianmin Zhang,Xin Xin,Pengjie Ren,Dapeng Li,Bin Zhang,Guoliang Fan,Zhumin Chen,Changwei Wang,Jiangjin Yin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-319-A Knowledge-Based Analysis of Intersection Protocols {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09499 **作者**: Kaya Alpturer,Joseph Y. Halpern,Ron van der Meyden **关键词**: intersection management strategies, efficient intersection management, vehicles creates opportunities, increasing wireless communication, intersection **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Kaya Alpturer,Joseph Y. Halpern,Ron van der Meyden {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-320-Measurement-based Resource Allocation and Control in Data Centers: A Survey {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09497 **作者**: Diana Andreea Popescu **关键词**: today businesses, ubiquitous for today, Network, Data centers, allocation and control **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Diana Andreea Popescu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-321-StyleBrush: Style Extraction and Transfer from a Single Image {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09496 **作者**: Wancheng Feng,Wanquan Feng,Dawei Huang,Jiaming Pei,Guangliang Cheng,Lukun Wang **关键词**: add specific style, specific style patterns, original structural features, visual content aims, aims to add **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Wancheng Feng,Wanquan Feng,Dawei Huang,Jiaming Pei,Guangliang Cheng,Lukun Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-322-Directed Exploration in Reinforcement Learning from Linear Temporal Logic {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09495 **作者**: Marco Bagatella,Andreas Krause,Georg Martius **关键词**: Linear temporal logic, discounted return formulations, conventional discounted return, Linear temporal, temporal logic **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Marco Bagatella,Andreas Krause,Georg Martius {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-323-Source-Free Test-Time Adaptation For Online Surface-Defect Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09494 **作者**: Yiran Song,Qianyu Zhou,Lizhuang Ma **关键词**: Surface defect detection, Surface defect, industrial production, significant in industrial, Surface **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Yiran Song,Qianyu Zhou,Lizhuang Ma {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-324-Ancestral Reinforcement Learning: Unifying Zeroth-Order Optimization and Genetic Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09493 **作者**: So Nakashima,Tetsuya J. Kobayashi **关键词**: discovering optimal action, optimal action strategies, Ancestral Reinforcement Learning, Reinforcement Learning, offers a fundamental **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: So Nakashima,Tetsuya J. Kobayashi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-325-A Transcription Prompt-based Efficient Audio Large Language Model for Robust Speech Recognition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09491 **作者**: Yangze Li,Xiong Wang,Songjun Cao,Yike Zhang,Long Ma,Lei Xie **关键词**: large language model, introduces audio modality, Audio-LLM introduces audio, powerful LLM, language model **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Yangze Li,Xiong Wang,Songjun Cao,Yike Zhang,Long Ma,Lei Xie {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-326-Leveraging Invariant Principle for Heterophilic Graph Structure Distribution Shifts {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09490 **作者**: Jinluan Yang,Zhengyu Chen,Teng Xiao,Wenqiao Zhang,Yong Lin,Kun Kuang **关键词**: Graph Neural Networks, Neural Networks, Heterophilic Graph Neural, shown promising results, Graph Neural **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jinluan Yang,Zhengyu Chen,Teng Xiao,Wenqiao Zhang,Yong Lin,Kun Kuang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-327-REFINE-LM: Mitigating Language Model Stereotypes via Reinforcement Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09489 **作者**: Rameez Qureshi,Naïm Es-Sebbani,Luis Galárraga,Yvette Graham,Miguel Couceiro,Zied Bouraoui **关键词**: unintended bias, biases, language models, significant concern, models **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Rameez Qureshi,Naïm Es-Sebbani,Luis Galárraga,Yvette Graham,Miguel Couceiro,Zied Bouraoui {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-328-Activated Parameter Locating via Causal Intervention for Model Merging {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09485 **作者**: Fanshuang Kong,Richong Zhang,Ziqiao Wang **关键词**: achieving convincing generalization, combines multiple homologous, achieving convincing, additional training, multiple homologous models **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Fanshuang Kong,Richong Zhang,Ziqiao Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-329-Fredholm Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09484 **作者**: Kyriakos Georgiou,Constantinos Siettos,Athanasios N. Yannacopoulos **关键词**: Fredholm Integral Equations, nonlinear Fredholm Integral, replicate fixed point, fixed point iterations, Integral Equations **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Dynamical Systems (math.DS) ***备注**: Kyriakos Georgiou,Constantinos Siettos,Athanasios N. Yannacopoulos {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-330-CMD: A Cache-assisted GPU Memory Deduplication Architecture {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09483 **作者**: Wei Zhao,Dan Feng,Wei Tong,Xueliang Wei,Bing Wu **关键词**: Massive off-chip accesses, Massive off-chip, GPU memory deduplication, main performance bottleneck, GPU memory **类目**: Hardware Architecture (cs.AR) ***备注**: Wei Zhao,Dan Feng,Wei Tong,Xueliang Wei,Bing Wu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-331-PanoSent: A Panoptic Sextuple Extraction Benchmark for Multimodal Conversational Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09481 **作者**: Meng Luo,Hao Fei,Bobo Li,Shengqiong Wu,Qian Liu,Soujanya Poria,Erik Cambria,Mong-Li Lee,Wynne Hsu **关键词**: Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis, existing Aspect-based Sentiment, holistic research target, research target seamlessly, target seamlessly integrating **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Meng Luo,Hao Fei,Bobo Li,Shengqiong Wu,Qian Liu,Soujanya Poria,Erik Cambria,Mong-Li Lee,Wynne Hsu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-332-Mitigating Noise Detriment in Differentially Private Federated Learning with Model Pre-training {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09478 **作者**: Huitong Jin,Yipeng Zhou,Laizhong Cui,Quan Z. Sheng **关键词**: Pre-training exploits public, advanced machine learning, exploits public datasets, downstream tasks, exploits public **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Huitong Jin,Yipeng Zhou,Laizhong Cui,Quan Z. Sheng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-333-Advances in Multiple Instance Learning for Whole Slide Image Analysis: Techniques, Challenges, and Future Directions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09476 **作者**: Jun Wang,Yu Mao,Nan Guan,Chun Jason Xue **关键词**: E-stained tissue samples, gigapixel-scale digital images, tissue samples widely, E-stained tissue, slide images **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Jun Wang,Yu Mao,Nan Guan,Chun Jason Xue {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-334-Image-Based Geolocation Using Large Vision-Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09474 **作者**: Yi Liu,Junchen Ding,Gelei Deng,Yuekang Li,Tianwei Zhang,Weisong Sun,Yaowen Zheng,Jingquan Ge,Yang Liu **关键词**: offering numerous benefits, modern life, offering numerous, vital aspect, aspect of modern **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Yi Liu,Junchen Ding,Gelei Deng,Yuekang Li,Tianwei Zhang,Weisong Sun,Yaowen Zheng,Jingquan Ge,Yang Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-335-Enhancing Adversarial Transferability with Adversarial Weight Tuning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09469 **作者**: Jiahao Chen,Zhou Feng,Rui Zeng,Yuwen Pu,Chunyi Zhou,Yi Jiang,Yuyou Gan,Jinbao Li,Shouling Ji,Shouling_Ji **关键词**: Deep neural networks, Deep neural, neural networks, human observers, appearing benign **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Jiahao Chen,Zhou Feng,Rui Zeng,Yuwen Pu,Chunyi Zhou,Yi Jiang,Yuyou Gan,Jinbao Li,Shouling Ji,Shouling_Ji {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-336-owards Safe and Robust Autonomous Vehicle Platooning: A Self-Organizing Cooperative Control Framework {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09468 **作者**: Chengkai Xu,Zihao Deng,Jiaqi Liu,Chao Huang,Peng Hang **关键词**: autonomous vehicle platooning, traffic flow environment, autonomous vehicle, emerging hybrid traffic, hybrid traffic flow **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Chengkai Xu,Zihao Deng,Jiaqi Liu,Chao Huang,Peng Hang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-337-MedMAP: Promoting Incomplete Multi-modal Brain Tumor Segmentation with Alignment {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09465 **作者**: Tianyi Liu,Zhaorui Tan,Muyin Chen,Xi Yang,Haochuan Jiang,Kaizhu Huang **关键词**: magnetic resonance imaging, Brain tumor segmentation, multiple magnetic resonance, Brain tumor, resonance imaging **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Tianyi Liu,Zhaorui Tan,Muyin Chen,Xi Yang,Haochuan Jiang,Kaizhu Huang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-338-3C: Confidence-Guided Clustering and Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09464 **作者**: Mingxiao Zheng,Yanpeng Qu,Changjing Shang,Longzhi Yang,Qiang Shen **关键词**: cross-camera retrieval capability, Unsupervised person re-identification, unsupervised person Re-ID, aims to learn, Unsupervised person **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Mingxiao Zheng,Yanpeng Qu,Changjing Shang,Longzhi Yang,Qiang Shen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-339-Convergence of a moving window method for the Schr\"odinger equation with potential on $\mathbb{R}^d$ {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09463 **作者**: Arieh Iserles,Buyang Li,Fangyan Yao **关键词**: linear Schrödinger equation, linear Schrödinger, called moving window, Schrödinger equation, moving window method **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Arieh Iserles,Buyang Li,Fangyan Yao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-340-SpeechEE: A Novel Benchmark for Speech Event Extraction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09462 **作者**: Bin Wang,Meishan Zhang,Hao Fei,Yu Zhao,Bobo Li,Shengqiong Wu,Wei Ji,Min Zhang **关键词**: structured knowledge bases, Event extraction, information extraction, laying an important, knowledge bases **类目**: Multimedia (cs.MM) ***备注**: Bin Wang,Meishan Zhang,Hao Fei,Yu Zhao,Bobo Li,Shengqiong Wu,Wei Ji,Min Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-341-Advancements in Molecular Property Prediction: A Survey of Single and Multimodal Approaches {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09461 **作者**: Tanya Liyaqat,Tanvir Ahmad,Chandni Saxena **关键词**: Molecular Property Prediction, Property Prediction, spanning drug discovery, Molecular Property, material science **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Materials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci); Chemical Physics (physics.chem-ph); Biomolecules (q-bio.BM) ***备注**: Tanya Liyaqat,Tanvir Ahmad,Chandni Saxena {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-342-Fine-Grained Building Function Recognition from Street-View Images via Geometry-Aware Semi-Supervised Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09460 **作者**: Weijia Li,Jinhua Yu,Dairong Chen,Yi Lin,Runming Dong,Xiang Zhang,Conghui He,Haohuan Fu **关键词**: building function recognition, function recognition, building function, fine-grained building function, fine-grained function recognition **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Weijia Li,Jinhua Yu,Dairong Chen,Yi Lin,Runming Dong,Xiang Zhang,Conghui He,Haohuan Fu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-343-WPN: An Unlearning Method Based on N-pair Contrastive Learning in Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09459 **作者**: Guitao Chen,Yunshen Wang,Hongye Sun,Guang Chen **关键词**: Generative language models, offer numerous advantages, Generative language, harmful knowledge acquired, harmful outputs due **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Guitao Chen,Yunshen Wang,Hongye Sun,Guang Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-344-G2Face: High-Fidelity Reversible Face Anonymization via Generative and Geometric Priors {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09458 **作者**: Haoxin Yang,Xuemiao Xu,Cheng Xu,Huaidong Zhang,Jing Qin,Yi Wang,Pheng-Ann Heng,Shengfeng He **关键词**: sacrificing image clarity, replace sensitive identity, image clarity, unlike traditional face, traditional face pixelization **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Haoxin Yang,Xuemiao Xu,Cheng Xu,Huaidong Zhang,Jing Qin,Yi Wang,Pheng-Ann Heng,Shengfeng He {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-345-In-Memory Learning Automata Architecture using Y-Flash Cell {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09456 **作者**: Omar Ghazal,Tian Lan,Shalman Ojukwu,Komal Krishnamurthy,Alex Yakovlev,Rishad Shafik **关键词**: faces significant challenges, significant challenges due, frequent data transfer, architectures faces significant, faces significant **类目**: Hardware Architecture (cs.AR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Emerging Technologies (cs.ET); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Omar Ghazal,Tian Lan,Shalman Ojukwu,Komal Krishnamurthy,Alex Yakovlev,Rishad Shafik {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-346-Retina-inspired Object Motion Segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09454 **作者**: Victoria Clerico(1),Shay Snyder(1),Arya Lohia(1),Md Abdullah-Al Kaiser(2),Gregory Schwartz(3),Akhilesh Jaiswal(2),Maryam Parsa(1) ((1) George Mason Unviersity, (2) University of Southern, California, (3) Northwestern University) **关键词**: surpasses RGB cameras, high temporal resolution, Dynamic Vision Sensors, RGB cameras, surpasses RGB **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE); Image and Video Processing (eess.IV) ***备注**: Victoria Clerico(1),Shay Snyder(1),Arya Lohia(1),Md Abdullah-Al Kaiser(2),Gregory Schwartz(3),Akhilesh Jaiswal(2),Maryam Parsa(1) ((1) George Mason Unviersity, (2) University of Southern, California, (3) Northwestern University) {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-347-Reparameterized Multi-Resolution Convolutions for Long Sequence Modelling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09453 **作者**: Harry Jake Cunningham,Giorgio Giannone,Mingtian Zhang,Marc Peter Deisenroth **关键词**: shown increasing promise, powerful general-purpose sequence, general-purpose sequence models, shown increasing, increasing promise **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Harry Jake Cunningham,Giorgio Giannone,Mingtian Zhang,Marc Peter Deisenroth {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-348-Identifying Speakers and Addressees of Quotations in Novels with Prompt Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09452 **作者**: Yuchen Yan,Hanjie Zhao,Senbin Zhu,Hongde Liu,Zhihong Zhang,Yuxiang Jia **关键词**: drive plot development, reflect character relationships, reflect character, create characters, literary works **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Yuchen Yan,Hanjie Zhao,Senbin Zhu,Hongde Liu,Zhihong Zhang,Yuxiang Jia {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-349-GraphSPNs: Sum-Product Networks Benefit From Canonical Orderings {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09451 **作者**: Milan Papež,Martin Rektoris,Václav Šmídl,Tomáš Pevný **关键词**: capturing complex probability, complex probability distributions, Deep generative, recently made, made a remarkable **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Milan Papež,Martin Rektoris,Václav Šmídl,Tomáš Pevný {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-350-Attention Is Not What You Need: Revisiting Multi-Instance Learning for Whole Slide Image Classification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09449 **作者**: Xin Liu,Weijia Zhang,Min-Ling Zhang **关键词**: achieved impressive performances, multi-instance learning algorithms, attention-based multi-instance learning, standard MIL assumptions, standard MIL **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Xin Liu,Weijia Zhang,Min-Ling Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-351-Parameterized Physics-informed Neural Networks for Parameterized PDEs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09446 **作者**: Woojin Cho,Minju Jo,Haksoo Lim,Kookjin Lee,Dongeun Lee,Sanghyun Hong,Noseong Park **关键词**: Complex physical systems, partial differential equations, Complex physical, Reynolds number, differential equations **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Computational Physics (physics.comp-ph) ***备注**: Woojin Cho,Minju Jo,Haksoo Lim,Kookjin Lee,Dongeun Lee,Sanghyun Hong,Noseong Park {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-352-Efficient Online Sensitivity Analysis For The Injective Bottleneck Path Problem {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09443 **作者**: Kirill V. Kaymakov,Dmitry S. Malyshev **关键词**: combinatorial optimization problem, decrease or increase, big, maximum change, combinatorial optimization **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM) ***备注**: Kirill V. Kaymakov,Dmitry S. Malyshev {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-353-Parallel Sampling via Counting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09442 **作者**: Nima Anari,Ruiquan Gao,Aviad Rubinstein **关键词**: product space, sigma, parallelization to speed, autoregressive models, arbitrary distribution **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Probability (math.PR) ***备注**: Nima Anari,Ruiquan Gao,Aviad Rubinstein {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-354-CLIP-CID: Efficient CLIP Distillation via Cluster-Instance Discrimination {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09441 **作者**: Kaicheng Yang,Tiancheng Gu,Xiang An,Haiqiang Jiang,Xiangzi Dai,Ziyong Feng,Weidong Cai,Jiankang Deng **关键词**: Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training, Contrastive Language-Image, achieved excellent performance, achieved excellent, wide range **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Kaicheng Yang,Tiancheng Gu,Xiang An,Haiqiang Jiang,Xiangzi Dai,Ziyong Feng,Weidong Cai,Jiankang Deng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-355-owards Boosting LLMs-driven Relevance Modeling with Progressive Retrieved Behavior-augmented Prompting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09439 **作者**: Zeyuan Chen,Haiyan Wu,Kaixin Wu,Wei Chen,Mingjie Zhong,Jia Xu,Zhongyi Liu,Wei Zhang **关键词**: enhancing user experience, Relevance modeling, Relevance, critical component, component for enhancing **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Zeyuan Chen,Haiyan Wu,Kaixin Wu,Wei Chen,Mingjie Zhong,Jia Xu,Zhongyi Liu,Wei Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-356-Enhancing Modal Fusion by Alignment and Label Matching for Multimodal Emotion Recognition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09438 **作者**: Qifei Li,Yingming Gao,Yuhua Wen,Cong Wang,Ya Li **关键词**: MER framework based, multimodal emotion recognition, MER framework, inter-modal information fusion, performance arising **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Qifei Li,Yingming Gao,Yuhua Wen,Cong Wang,Ya Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-357-Hindi-BEIR : A Large Scale Retrieval Benchmark in Hindi {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09437 **作者**: Arkadeep Acharya,Rudra Murthy,Vishwajeet Kumar,Jaydeep Sen **关键词**: Hindi speakers worldwide, information retrieval systems, efficient information retrieval, Hindi, speakers worldwide **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Arkadeep Acharya,Rudra Murthy,Vishwajeet Kumar,Jaydeep Sen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-358-HySem: A context length optimized LLM pipeline for unstructured tabular extraction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09434 **作者**: Narayanan PP,Anantharaman Palacode Narayana Iyer **关键词**: Regulatory compliance reporting, Regulatory compliance, compliance reporting, relies on detailed, unstructured format **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Narayanan PP,Anantharaman Palacode Narayana Iyer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-359-Adversarial Attacked Teacher for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Object Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09431 **作者**: Kaiwen Wang,Yinzhe Shen,Martin Lauer **关键词**: detectors encounter challenges, handling domain shifts, Object detectors encounter, detectors encounter, encounter challenges **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Kaiwen Wang,Yinzhe Shen,Martin Lauer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-360-FASST: Fast LLM-based Simultaneous Speech Translation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09430 **作者**: Siqi Ouyang,Xi Xu,Chinmay Dandekar,Lei Li **关键词**: generates text translation, SST, generates text, streaming speech input, speech **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Siqi Ouyang,Xi Xu,Chinmay Dandekar,Lei Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-361-Reefknot: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Relation Hallucination Evaluation, Analysis and Mitigation in Multimodal Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09429 **作者**: Kening Zheng,Junkai Chen,Yibo Yan,Xin Zou,Xuming Hu **关键词**: large language models, issues persistently plagued, Hallucination issues persistently, persistently plagued current, relation hallucinations **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Kening Zheng,Junkai Chen,Yibo Yan,Xin Zou,Xuming Hu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-362-he temporal conceptual data modelling language TREND {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09427 **作者**: Sonia Berman,C. Maria Keet,Tamindran Shunmugam **关键词**: UML class diagrams, EER and UML, conceptual data modelling, Temporal conceptual data, conceptual data **类目**: Databases (cs.DB) ***备注**: Sonia Berman,C. Maria Keet,Tamindran Shunmugam {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-363-A Robust Algorithm for Contactless Fingerprint Enhancement and Matching {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09426 **作者**: Mahrukh Siddiqui,Shahzaib Iqbal,Bandar AlShammari,Bandar Alhaqbani,Tariq M. Khan,Imran Razzak **关键词**: elastic deformation caused, contactless fingerprint images, contact fingerprint images, fingerprint images, contactless fingerprint **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Mahrukh Siddiqui,Shahzaib Iqbal,Bandar AlShammari,Bandar Alhaqbani,Tariq M. Khan,Imran Razzak {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-364-OVOSE: Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation in Event-Based Cameras {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09424 **作者**: Muhammad Rameez Ur Rahman,Jhony H. Giraldo,Indro Spinelli,Stéphane Lathuilière,Fabio Galasso **关键词**: challenging lighting conditions, sensitive computer vision, computer vision tasks, semantic segmentation, lighting conditions **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Muhammad Rameez Ur Rahman,Jhony H. Giraldo,Indro Spinelli,Stéphane Lathuilière,Fabio Galasso {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-365-A Spatio-temporal Prediction Methodology Based on Deep Learning and Real Wi-Fi Measurements {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09423 **作者**: Seyedeh Soheila Shaabanzadeh(1),Juan Sánchez-González(1) ((1) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)) **关键词**: rapid development, technologies in recent, recent years, years has caused, caused a significant **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Seyedeh Soheila Shaabanzadeh(1),Juan Sánchez-González(1) ((1) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)) {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-366-Distinguish Confusion in Legal Judgment Prediction via Revised Relation Knowledge {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09422 **作者**: Nuo Xu,Pinghui Wang,Junzhou Zhao,Feiyang Sun,Lin Lan,Jing Tao,Li Pan,Xiaohong Guan **关键词**: Legal Judgment Prediction, case judgment results, Legal Judgment, Judgment Prediction, judgment results based **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Nuo Xu,Pinghui Wang,Junzhou Zhao,Feiyang Sun,Lin Lan,Jing Tao,Li Pan,Xiaohong Guan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-367-Challenges and Responses in the Practice of Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09416 **作者**: Hongyin Zhu **关键词**: carefully summarizes extensive, paper carefully summarizes, covering multiple dimensions, academic research, high-profile AI field **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Hongyin Zhu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-368-Clustering and Alignment: Understanding the Training Dynamics in Modular Addition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09414 **作者**: Tiberiu Musat **关键词**: neural networks learn, networks learn interpretable, learn interpretable algorithms, Recent studies, studies have revealed **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Tiberiu Musat {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-369-A new interpretation of the weighted pseudoinverse and its applications {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09412 **作者**: Haibo Li **关键词**: GLS problem, GLS, solving GLS problems, weighted pseudoinverse, linear operator **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Haibo Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-370-Weakly Supervised Lymph Nodes Segmentation Based on Partial Instance Annotations with Pre-trained Dual-branch Network and Pseudo Label Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09411 **作者**: Litingyu Wang(1),Yijie Qu(1),Xiangde Luo(1 and 2),Wenjun Liao(1 and 3),Shichuan Zhang(1 and 3),Guotai Wang(1 and 2) ((1) University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China, (2) ShangAI Laboratory, Shanghai, China, (3) Department of Radiation Oncology, Sichuan Cancer Hospital amp; Institute, Sichuan Cancer Center, Chengdu, China) **关键词**: estimating cancer progression, identifying surrounding benign, determining potential metastatic, potential metastatic pathways, potentially malignant lymph **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Litingyu Wang(1),Yijie Qu(1),Xiangde Luo(1 and 2),Wenjun Liao(1 and 3),Shichuan Zhang(1 and 3),Guotai Wang(1 and 2) ((1) University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China, (2) ShangAI Laboratory, Shanghai, China, (3) Department of Radiation Oncology, Sichuan Cancer Hospital amp; Institute, Sichuan Cancer Center, Chengdu, China) {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-371-$\mathbb{BEHR}$NOULLI: A Binary EHR Data-Oriented Medication Recommendation System {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09410 **作者**: Xihao Piao,Pei Gao,Zheng Chen,Lingwei Zhu,Yasuko Matsubara,Yasushi Sakurai **关键词**: binary EHR medical, medical event outcomes, binary EHR, binary medical event, EHR data **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Xihao Piao,Pei Gao,Zheng Chen,Lingwei Zhu,Yasuko Matsubara,Yasushi Sakurai {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-372-OPPH: A Vision-Based Operator for Measuring Body Movements for Personal Healthcare {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09409 **作者**: Chen Long-fei,Subramanian Ramamoorthy,Robert B Fisher **关键词**: healthcare purposes, methods show promise, Vision-based motion estimation, body, motion estimation **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Chen Long-fei,Subramanian Ramamoorthy,Robert B Fisher {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-373-VrdONE: One-stage Video Visual Relation Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09408 **作者**: Xinjie Jiang,Chenxi Zheng,Xuemiao Xu,Bangzhen Liu,Weiying Zheng,Huaidong Zhang,Shengfeng He **关键词**: Video Visual Relation, basic visual tasks, gaining deeper insights, Video Visual, Visual Relation Detection **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Xinjie Jiang,Chenxi Zheng,Xuemiao Xu,Bangzhen Liu,Weiying Zheng,Huaidong Zhang,Shengfeng He {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-374-Value-Enriched Population Synthesis: Integrating a Motivational Layer {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09407 **作者**: Alba Aguilera,Miquel Albertí,Nardine Osman,Georgina Curto **关键词**: geographically explicit agent-based, explicit agent-based simulations, recent years, computational improvements, data-driven and geographically **类目**: Multiagent Systems (cs.MA) ***备注**: Alba Aguilera,Miquel Albertí,Nardine Osman,Georgina Curto {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-375-Uncovering multi-order Popularity and Similarity Mechanisms in Link Prediction by graphlet predictors {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09406 **作者**: Yong-Jian He,Yijun Ran,Zengru Di,Tao Zhou,Xiao-Ke Xu **关键词**: increasing research interest, attracted increasing research, research interest, Link prediction, critical problem **类目**: ocial and Information Networks (cs.SI); Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph) ***备注**: Yong-Jian He,Yijun Ran,Zengru Di,Tao Zhou,Xiao-Ke Xu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-376-Comparison between the Structures of Word Co-occurrence and Word Similarity Networks for Ill-formed and Well-formed Texts in Taiwan Mandarin {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09404 **作者**: Po-Hsuan Huang,Hsuan-Lei Shao **关键词**: word co-occurrence networks, word co-occurrence, co-occurrence networks, co-occurrence networks built, co-occurrence **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Po-Hsuan Huang,Hsuan-Lei Shao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-377-Obtaining Optimal Spiking Neural Network in Sequence Learning via CRNN-SNN Conversion {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09403 **作者**: Jiahao Su,Kang You,Zekai Xu,Weizhi Xu,Zhezhi He **关键词**: energy-efficient neuromorphic chips, Spiking neural networks, conventional artificial neural, rich neural dynamics, artificial neural networks **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Jiahao Su,Kang You,Zekai Xu,Weizhi Xu,Zhezhi He {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-378-Faster Parallel Triangular Maximally Filtered Graphs and Hierarchical Clustering {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09399 **作者**: Steven Raphael,Julian Shun **关键词**: Filtered graphs provide, maximally filtered graph, provide a powerful, powerful tool, Filtered graphs **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Steven Raphael,Julian Shun {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-379-Combo: Co-speech holistic 3D human motion generation and efficient customizable adaptation in harmony {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09397 **作者**: Chao Xu,Mingze Sun,Zhi-Qi Cheng,Fei Wang,Yang Liu,Baigui Sun,Ruqi Huang,Alexander Hauptmann **关键词**: harmonious co-speech holistic, harmonious co-speech, efficient customizable adaption, holistic human motions, human motion generation **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Chao Xu,Mingze Sun,Zhi-Qi Cheng,Fei Wang,Yang Liu,Baigui Sun,Ruqi Huang,Alexander Hauptmann {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-380-OU-CoViT: Copula-Enhanced Bi-Channel Multi-Task Vision Transformers with Dual Adaptation for OU-UWF Images {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09395 **作者**: Yang Li,Jianing Deng,Chong Zhong,Danjuan Yang,Meiyan Li,A.H. Welsh,Aiyi Liu,Xingtao Zhou,Catherine C. Liu,Bo Fu **关键词**: Myopia screening, cutting-edge ultra-widefield, fundus imaging, small medical datasets, screening using cutting-edge **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Yang Li,Jianing Deng,Chong Zhong,Danjuan Yang,Meiyan Li,A.H. Welsh,Aiyi Liu,Xingtao Zhou,Catherine C. Liu,Bo Fu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-381-GRLinQ: An Intelligent Spectrum Sharing Mechanism for Device-to-Device Communications with Graph Reinforcement Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09394 **作者**: Zhiwei Shan,Xinping Yi,Le Liang,Chung-Shou Liao,Shi Jin **关键词**: combinatorial optimization problem, challenging non-convex combinatorial, non-convex combinatorial optimization, involving entangled link, entangled link scheduling **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Zhiwei Shan,Xinping Yi,Le Liang,Chung-Shou Liao,Shi Jin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-382-Federated Graph Learning with Structure Proxy Alignment {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09393 **作者**: Xingbo Fu,Zihan Chen,Binchi Zhang,Chen Chen,Jundong Li **关键词**: Federated Graph Learning, financial fraud detection, multiple data owners, generic Federated Learning, graph data distributed **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Xingbo Fu,Zihan Chen,Binchi Zhang,Chen Chen,Jundong Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-383-A new decoupled unconditionally stable scheme and its optimal error analysis for the Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes equations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09392 **作者**: Haijun Gao,Xi Li,Minfu Feng **关键词**: Navier-Stokes equations, Cahn-Hilliard equations, fully discrete scheme, equations, Navier-Stokes equations subsequently **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Haijun Gao,Xi Li,Minfu Feng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-384-Game Development as Human-LLM Interaction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09386 **作者**: Jiale Hong,Hongqiu Wu,Hai Zhao **关键词**: highly specialized task, complex game engine, complex programming languages, Interaction-driven Game Engine, game engine powered **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Jiale Hong,Hongqiu Wu,Hai Zhao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-385-Offline RLHF Methods Need More Accurate Supervision Signals {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09385 **作者**: Shiqi Wang,Zhengze Zhang,Rui Zhao,Fei Tan,Cam Tu Nguyen **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, advances in Large, Language Models, increasingly important **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Shiqi Wang,Zhengze Zhang,Rui Zhao,Fei Tan,Cam Tu Nguyen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-386-FD2Talk: Towards Generalized Talking Head Generation with Facial Decoupled Diffusion Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09384 **作者**: Ziyu Yao,Xuxin Cheng,Zhiqi Huang **关键词**: faces numerous challenges, significant research topic, Talking head generation, Talking head, diffusion models **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Multimedia (cs.MM) ***备注**: Ziyu Yao,Xuxin Cheng,Zhiqi Huang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-387-VRCopilot: Authoring 3D Layouts with Generative AI Models in VR {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09382 **作者**: Lei Zhang,Jin Pan,Jacob Gettig,Steve Oney,Anhong Guo **关键词**: Virtual Reality, manipulation in Virtual, Immersive authoring, scenes via direct, intuitive medium **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Emerging Technologies (cs.ET) ***备注**: Lei Zhang,Jin Pan,Jacob Gettig,Steve Oney,Anhong Guo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-388-ELASTIC: Efficient Linear Attention for Sequential Interest Compression {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09380 **作者**: Jiaxin Deng,Shiyao Wang,Song Lu,Yinfeng Li,Xinchen Luo,Yuanjun Liu,Peixing Xu,Guorui Zhou **关键词**: models heavily rely, transformer attention mechanism, linear dispatcher attention, Efficient Linear Attention, dispatcher attention mechanism **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Jiaxin Deng,Shiyao Wang,Song Lu,Yinfeng Li,Xinchen Luo,Yuanjun Liu,Peixing Xu,Guorui Zhou {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-389-Gender Dynamics in Russian Online Political Discourse {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09378 **作者**: Elizaveta Savchenko,Michael Raphael Freedman **关键词**: military events Notably, events Notably females, conflict periods Contrary, Russian-Ukrainian war analyzing, study examines YouTube **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI) ***备注**: Elizaveta Savchenko,Michael Raphael Freedman {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-390-Mutual Information Multinomial Estimation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09377 **作者**: Yanzhi Chen,Zijing Ou,Adrian Weller,Yingzhen Li **关键词**: Estimating mutual information, Estimating mutual, mutual information, machine learning, fundamental yet challenging **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Information Theory (cs.IT); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Yanzhi Chen,Zijing Ou,Adrian Weller,Yingzhen Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-391-Detecting the Undetectable: Combining Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks and MLP for AI-Generated Image Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09371 **作者**: Taharim Rahman Anon,Jakaria Islam Emon **关键词**: artificial intelligence progresses, intelligence progresses, artificial intelligence, task of distinguishing, increasingly complicated **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Taharim Rahman Anon,Jakaria Islam Emon {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-392-Unbreakable Decomposition in Close-to-Linear Time {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09368 **作者**: Aditya Anand,Euiwoong Lee,Jason Li,Yaowei Long,Thatchaphol Saranurak **关键词**: epsilon, introduced by Cygan, Cygan, Unbreakable decomposition, Unbreakable **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ***备注**: Aditya Anand,Euiwoong Lee,Jason Li,Yaowei Long,Thatchaphol Saranurak {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-393-Improving and Assessing the Fidelity of Large Language Models Alignment to Online Communities {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09366 **作者**: Minh Duc Chu,Zihao He,Rebecca Dorn,Kristina Lerman **关键词**: Large language models, complex social dynamics, study complex social, Large language, shown promise **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computers and Society (cs.CY); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI) ***备注**: Minh Duc Chu,Zihao He,Rebecca Dorn,Kristina Lerman {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-394-Concept Distillation from Strong to Weak Models via Hypotheses-to-Theories Prompting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09365 **作者**: Emmanuel Aboah Boateng,Cassiano O. Becker,Nabiha Asghar,Kabir Walia,Ashwin Srinivasan,Ehi Nosakhare,Victor Dibia,Soundar Srinivasan **关键词**: Hand-crafting high quality, Hand-crafting high, high quality prompts, labor-intensive process, high quality **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Emmanuel Aboah Boateng,Cassiano O. Becker,Nabiha Asghar,Kabir Walia,Ashwin Srinivasan,Ehi Nosakhare,Victor Dibia,Soundar Srinivasan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-395-Angle of Arrival Estimation with Transformer: A Sparse and Gridless Method with Zero-Shot Capability {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09362 **作者**: Zhaoxuan Zhu,Chulong Chen,Bo Yang **关键词**: Advanced Driver Assistance, Driver Assistance Systems, Automotive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output, Autonomous Vehicles, Advanced Driver **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Zhaoxuan Zhu,Chulong Chen,Bo Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-396-Behavioral Learning of Dish Rinsing and Scrubbing based on Interruptive Direct Teaching Considering Assistance Rate {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09360 **作者**: Shumpei Wakabayashi,Kento Kawaharazuka,Kei Okada,Masayuki Inaba **关键词**: expected to manipulate, dishes, human assistance, manipulate objects, robot **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Shumpei Wakabayashi,Kento Kawaharazuka,Kei Okada,Masayuki Inaba {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-397-Panorama Tomosynthesis from Head CBCT with Simulated Projection Geometry {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09358 **作者**: Anusree P.S.,Bikram Keshari Parida,Seong Yong Moon,Wonsang You **关键词**: Beam Computed Tomography, Cone Beam Computed, Cone Beam, Computed Tomography, Beam Computed **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Anusree P.S.,Bikram Keshari Parida,Seong Yong Moon,Wonsang You {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-398-Meta-Learning Empowered Meta-Face: Personalized Speaking Style Adaptation for Audio-Driven 3D Talking Face Animation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09357 **作者**: Xukun Zhou,Fengxin Li,Ziqiao Peng,Kejian Wu,Jun He,Biao Qin,Zhaoxin Fan,Hongyan Liu **关键词**: augmented reality applications, face animation, reality applications, speaking style adaptation, animation is increasingly **类目**: Graphics (cs.GR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Sound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Xukun Zhou,Fengxin Li,Ziqiao Peng,Kejian Wu,Jun He,Biao Qin,Zhaoxin Fan,Hongyan Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-399-Joint Temporal Pooling for Improving Skeleton-based Action Recognition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09356 **作者**: Shanaka Ramesh Gunasekara,Wanqing Li,Jack Yang,Philip Ogunbona **关键词**: capturing spatiotemporal relationship, human action recognition, critical step, step for capturing, capturing spatiotemporal **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Shanaka Ramesh Gunasekara,Wanqing Li,Jack Yang,Philip Ogunbona {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-400-Boundary-Recovering Network for Temporal Action Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09354 **作者**: Jihwan Kim,Jaehyun Choi,Yerim Jeon,Jae-Pil Heo **关键词**: real-world video applications, video applications, vanishing boundary problem, fundamental for real-world, real-world video **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Jihwan Kim,Jaehyun Choi,Yerim Jeon,Jae-Pil Heo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-401-Parallel Repetition for $3$-Player XOR Games {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09352 **作者**: Amey Bhangale,Mark Braverman,Subhash Khot,Yang P. Liu,Dor Minzer **关键词**: finite Abelian group, mathcal, times, Sigma, Gamma **类目**: Computational Complexity (cs.CC); Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM) ***备注**: Amey Bhangale,Mark Braverman,Subhash Khot,Yang P. Liu,Dor Minzer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-402-E-CGL: An Efficient Continual Graph Learner {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09350 **作者**: Jianhao Guo,Zixuan Ni,Yun Zhu,Siliang Tang **关键词**: preserving previous knowledge, continual graph learning, continual graph, graph data, graph **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jianhao Guo,Zixuan Ni,Yun Zhu,Siliang Tang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-403-Hyperstroke: A Novel High-quality Stroke Representation for Assistive Artistic Drawing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09348 **作者**: Haoyun Qin,Jian Lin,Hanyuan Liu,Xueting Liu,Chengze Li **关键词**: providing intelligent guidance, guidance to artists, aims to facilitate, facilitate the creative, creative process **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Haoyun Qin,Jian Lin,Hanyuan Liu,Xueting Liu,Chengze Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-404-S^3D-NeRF: Single-Shot Speech-Driven Neural Radiance Field for High Fidelity Talking Head Synthesis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09347 **作者**: Dongze Li,Kang Zhao,Wei Wang,Yifeng Ma,Bo Peng,Yingya Zhang,Jing Dong **关键词**: Neural Radiance Field, Talking head synthesis, one-shot talking heads, Current Neural Radiance, Neural Radiance **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Dongze Li,Kang Zhao,Wei Wang,Yifeng Ma,Bo Peng,Yingya Zhang,Jing Dong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-405-Deep Code Search with Naming-Agnostic Contrastive Multi-View Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09345 **作者**: Jiadong Feng,Wei Li,Zhao Wei,Yong Xu,Juhong Wang,Hui Li **关键词**: Code search, Software development, software development process, based code search, Code **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Software Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Jiadong Feng,Wei Li,Zhao Wei,Yong Xu,Juhong Wang,Hui Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-406-Improvement of Bayesian PINN Training Convergence in Solving Multi-scale PDEs with Noise {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09340 **作者**: Yilong Hou,Xi'an Li,Jinran Wu **关键词**: Bayesian Physics Informed, Physics Informed Neural, Informed Neural Networks, Physics Informed, received considerable attention **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Yilong Hou,Xi'an Li,Jinran Wu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-407-Elite360M: Efficient 360 Multi-task Learning via Bi-projection Fusion and Cross-task Collaboration {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09336 **作者**: Hao Ai,Lin Wang **关键词**: exhibiting comprehensive visual, entire surrounding environment, comprehensive visual information, exhibiting comprehensive, entire surrounding **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Hao Ai,Lin Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-408-SkyScript-100M: 1,000,000,000 Pairs of Scripts and Shooting Scripts for Short Drama {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09333 **作者**: Jing Tang,Quanlu Jia,Yuqiang Xie,Zeyu Gong,Xiang Wen,Jiayi Zhang,Yalong Guo,Guibin Chen,Jiangping Yang **关键词**: Generating high-quality shooting, Generating high-quality, short drama, short, scene and shot **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Jing Tang,Quanlu Jia,Yuqiang Xie,Zeyu Gong,Xiang Wen,Jiayi Zhang,Yalong Guo,Guibin Chen,Jiangping Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-409-YOLOv1 to YOLOv10: The fastest and most accurate real-time object detection systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09332 **作者**: Chien-Yao Wang,Hong-Yuan Mark Liao **关键词**: YOLO series, YOLO series continued, YOLO, comprehensive review, review article re-examines **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Chien-Yao Wang,Hong-Yuan Mark Liao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-410-Numerical Computation of High Reynolds Number Cavity Flow Using SPH Method with Stream Function and Vorticity Formulation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09331 **作者**: Yusuke Imoto **关键词**: Reynolds number cavity, high Reynolds number, computing high Reynolds, finer flow structures, reproduce finer flow **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Fluid Dynamics (physics.flu-dyn) ***备注**: Yusuke Imoto {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-411-Fostering Natural Conversation in Large Language Models with NICO: a Natural Interactive COnversation dataset {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09330 **作者**: Renliang Sun,Mengyuan Liu,Shiping Yang,Rui Wang,Junqing He,Jiaxing Zhang **关键词**: Large Language Models, contemporary Large Language, Language Models, Large Language, contemporary Large **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Renliang Sun,Mengyuan Liu,Shiping Yang,Rui Wang,Junqing He,Jiaxing Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-412-hreshold Filtering Packing for Supervised Fine-Tuning: Training Related Samples within Packs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09327 **作者**: Jiancheng Dong,Lei Jiang,Wei Jin,Lu Cheng **关键词**: facilitate GPU processing, designed maximum length, concatenating data points, models involves concatenating, autoregressive models involves **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Jiancheng Dong,Lei Jiang,Wei Jin,Lu Cheng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-413-Characterizing and Evaluating the Reliability of LLMs against Jailbreak Attacks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09326 **作者**: Kexin Chen,Yi Liu,Dongxia Wang,Jiaying Chen,Wenhai Wang **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, notable societal impact, Language Models, societal impact **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Software Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Kexin Chen,Yi Liu,Dongxia Wang,Jiaying Chen,Wenhai Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-414-Detecting lifetime errors of std::string_view objects in C++ {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09325 **作者**: Reka Kovacs,Gabor Horvath,Zoltan Porkolab **关键词**: Standard Template Library, Template Library, reference-like data structure, Standard Template, string view **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Reka Kovacs,Gabor Horvath,Zoltan Porkolab {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-415-A Probabilistic Framework for Adapting to Changing and Recurring Concepts in Data Streams {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09324 **作者**: Ben Halstead,Yun Sing Koh,Patricia Riddle,Mykola Pechenizkiy,Albert Bifet **关键词**: experience, concept drift, concept, conditions, streaming data **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Ben Halstead,Yun Sing Koh,Patricia Riddle,Mykola Pechenizkiy,Albert Bifet {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-416-Auptimize: Optimal Placement of Spatial Audio Cues for Extended Reality {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09320 **作者**: Hyunsung Cho,Alexander Wang,Divya Kartik,Emily Liying Xie,Yukang Yan,David Lindlbauer **关键词**: Extended Reality, audio in Extended, system alerts, approaching avatars, efficiently guides **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Sound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Hyunsung Cho,Alexander Wang,Divya Kartik,Emily Liying Xie,Yukang Yan,David Lindlbauer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-417-Predicting travel demand of a bike sharing system using graph convolutional neural networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09317 **作者**: Ali Behroozi,Ali Edrisi **关键词**: meet public demands, meet public, Public transportation systems, business operations, public demands **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Ali Behroozi,Ali Edrisi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-418-Learning Fair Invariant Representations under Covariate and Correlation Shifts Simultaneously {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09312 **作者**: Dong Li,Chen Zhao,Minglai Shao,Wenjun Wang **关键词**: invariant classifier, substantial and complex, complex challenge, challenge in machine, shifted test domains **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Dong Li,Chen Zhao,Minglai Shao,Wenjun Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-419-An Open-Source American Sign Language Fingerspell Recognition and Semantic Pose Retrieval Interface {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09311 **作者**: Kevin Jose Thomas **关键词**: American Sign Language, Sign Language fingerspell, sign language translation, advanced sign language, Sign Language **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Kevin Jose Thomas {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-420-Narrowing the Focus: Learned Optimizers for Pretrained Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09310 **作者**: Gus Kristiansen,Mark Sandler,Andrey Zhmoginov,Nolan Miller,Anirudh Goyal,Jihwan Lee,Max Vladymyrov **关键词**: modern deep learning, applying gradient updates, modern deep, applying gradient, deep learning **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Gus Kristiansen,Mark Sandler,Andrey Zhmoginov,Nolan Miller,Anirudh Goyal,Jihwan Lee,Max Vladymyrov {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-421-A Benchmark Time Series Dataset for Semiconductor Fabrication Manufacturing Constructed using Component-based Discrete-Event Simulation Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09307 **作者**: Vamsi Krishna Pendyala,Hessam S. Sarjoughian,Bala Potineni,Edward J. Yellig **关键词**: high-computing devices increase, smart manufacturing factories, Advancements in high-computing, models, high-computing devices **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Vamsi Krishna Pendyala,Hessam S. Sarjoughian,Bala Potineni,Edward J. Yellig {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-422-Joint-perturbation simultaneous pseudo-gradient {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09306 **作者**: Carlos Martin,Tuomas Sandholm **关键词**: approximate Nash equilibrium, strategy space, space is continuous, access to gradients, Nash equilibrium **类目**: Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA) ***备注**: Carlos Martin,Tuomas Sandholm {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-423-CyberPal.AI: Empowering LLMs with Expert-Driven Cybersecurity Instructions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09304 **作者**: Matan Levi,Yair Alluouche,Daniel Ohayon,Anton Puzanov **关键词**: Large Language Models, natural language processing, advanced natural language, Large Language, providing versatile capabilities **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Matan Levi,Yair Alluouche,Daniel Ohayon,Anton Puzanov {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-424-Multi-Camera Multi-Person Association using Transformer-Based Dense Pixel Correspondence Estimation and Detection-Based Masking {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09295 **作者**: Daniel Kathein,Byron Hernandez,Henry Medeiros **关键词**: active research topic, multi-camera multi-target association, research topic, applications across robotics, task of identifying **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Daniel Kathein,Byron Hernandez,Henry Medeiros {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-425-On Binary Shadow Codes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09287 **作者**: Amir Tasbihi,Frank R. Kschischang **关键词**: include basic polynomials, restricting basic polynomials, Cherubini and Micheli, improved code parameters, basic polynomials **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Amir Tasbihi,Frank R. Kschischang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-426-Evaluating Usability and Engagement of Large Language Models in Virtual Reality for Traditional Scottish Curling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09285 **作者**: Ka Hei Carrie Lau,Efe Bozkir,Hong Gao,Enkelejda Kasneci **关键词**: Large Language Models, traditional Scottish curling, Scottish curling presented, Language Models, Virtual Reality **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Ka Hei Carrie Lau,Efe Bozkir,Hong Gao,Enkelejda Kasneci {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-427-A Study of PHOC Spatial Region Configurations for Math Formula Retrieval {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09283 **作者**: Matt Langsenkamp,Bryan Amador,Richard Zanibbi **关键词**: Histogram Of Characters, Pyramidal Histogram, PHOC, represents the spatial, spatial location **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Matt Langsenkamp,Bryan Amador,Richard Zanibbi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-428-Next-Generation Satellite IoT Networks: A HAPS-Enabled Solution to Enhance Optical Data Transfer {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09281 **作者**: Ethan Fettes,Pablo G. Madoery,Halim Yanikomeroglu,Gunes Karabulut Kurt,Colin Bellinger,Stéphane Martel,Khaled Ahmed,Sameera Siddiqui **关键词**: facilitated remote internet, internet of things, facilitated remote, remote internet, enabling high data **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Ethan Fettes,Pablo G. Madoery,Halim Yanikomeroglu,Gunes Karabulut Kurt,Colin Bellinger,Stéphane Martel,Khaled Ahmed,Sameera Siddiqui {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-429-Social VR for Professional Networking: A Spatial Perspective {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09280 **作者**: Victoria Chang,Ge Gao,Huaishu Peng **关键词**: industry trade shows, academic conferences, essential function, industry trade, trade shows **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Victoria Chang,Ge Gao,Huaishu Peng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-430-Developing a Llama-Based Chatbot for CI/CD Question Answering: A Case Study at Ericsson {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09277 **作者**: Daksh Chaudhary,Sri Lakshmi Vadlamani,Dimple Thomas,Shiva Nejati,Mehrdad Sabetzadeh **关键词**: multinational telecommunications company, developing a Llama-based, continuous delivery, Llama-based chatbot, telecommunications company **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Daksh Chaudhary,Sri Lakshmi Vadlamani,Dimple Thomas,Shiva Nejati,Mehrdad Sabetzadeh {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-431-Design and Control of Modular Soft-Rigid Hybrid Manipulators with Self-Contact {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09275 **作者**: Zach J. Patterson,Emily Sologuren,Cosimo Della Santina,Daniela Rus **关键词**: highly deformable materials, Soft robotics focuses, deformable materials, robotics focuses, focuses on designing **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Zach J. Patterson,Emily Sologuren,Cosimo Della Santina,Daniela Rus {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-432-ConVerSum: A Contrastive Learning based Approach for Data-Scarce Solution of Cross-Lingual Summarization Beyond Direct Equivalents {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09273 **作者**: Sanzana Karim Lora,Rifat Shahriyar **关键词**: Natural Language Processing, branch in Natural, Processing that demands, Natural Language, Language Processing **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Sanzana Karim Lora,Rifat Shahriyar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-433-Enhancing Audio-Language Models through Self-Supervised Post-Training with Text-Audio Pairs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09269 **作者**: Anshuman Sinha,Camille Migozzi,Aubin Rey,Chao Zhang **关键词**: rapidly gained interest, contrastive learning strategies, gained interest, learning strategies, rapidly gained **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Anshuman Sinha,Camille Migozzi,Aubin Rey,Chao Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-434-Graph Classification with GNNs: Optimisation, Representation and Inductive Bias {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09266 **作者**: P. Krishna Kumar a,Harish G. Ramaswamy **关键词**: detecting graph isomorphism, Theoretical studies, centered around understanding, WL-Tests for detecting, GNN learning process **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: P. Krishna Kumar a,Harish G. Ramaswamy {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-435-ByCAN: Reverse Engineering Controller Area Network (CAN) Messages from Bit to Byte Level {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09265 **作者**: Xiaojie Lin,Baihe Ma,Xu Wang,Guangsheng Yu,Ying He,Ren Ping Liu,Wei Ni **关键词**: Controller Area Network, Area Network, Controller Area, primary standard protocol, automotive cybersecurity threats **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Xiaojie Lin,Baihe Ma,Xu Wang,Guangsheng Yu,Ying He,Ren Ping Liu,Wei Ni {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-436-Establishment of a Blockchain-based Architecture for Fake News Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09264 **作者**: Valdemar Vicente Graciano-Neto,Jacson Rodrigues Barbosa,Eliomar Araújo de Lima,Luiza Cintra,Rafael Medrado,Samuel Venzi,Mohamad Kassab **关键词**: potential devastating effects, Management Software Systems, devastating effects, contemporary phenomenon, phenomenon with potential **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE); Emerging Technologies (cs.ET) ***备注**: Valdemar Vicente Graciano-Neto,Jacson Rodrigues Barbosa,Eliomar Araújo de Lima,Luiza Cintra,Rafael Medrado,Samuel Venzi,Mohamad Kassab {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-437-PREMAP: A Unifying PREiMage APproximation Framework for Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09262 **作者**: Xiyue Zhang,Benjie Wang,Marta Kwiatkowska,Huan Zhang **关键词**: neural network, network verification focus, focus on bounding, neural network predictions, neural network verification **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Logic in Computer Science (cs.LO) ***备注**: Xiyue Zhang,Benjie Wang,Marta Kwiatkowska,Huan Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-438-Adaptify: A Refined Adaptation Scheme for Frame Classification in Atrophic Gastritis Videos {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09261 **作者**: Zinan Xiong,Shuijiao Chen,Yizhe Zhang,Yu Cao,Benyuan Liu,Xiaowei Liu **关键词**: developing gastric cancer, significant risk factor, detecting atrophic gastritis, Atrophic gastritis, gastric cancer **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Zinan Xiong,Shuijiao Chen,Yizhe Zhang,Yu Cao,Benyuan Liu,Xiaowei Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-439-Reinforcement Learning Compensated Model Predictive Control for Off-road Driving on Unknown Deformable Terrain {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09253 **作者**: Prakhar Gupta,Jonathon M. Smereka,Yunyi Jia **关键词**: Compensated Model Predictive, learning Compensated Model, Model Predictive Controller, reinforcement learning Compensated, off-road autonomous driving **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Prakhar Gupta,Jonathon M. Smereka,Yunyi Jia {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-440-V2X-VLM: End-to-End V2X Cooperative Autonomous Driving Through Large Vision-Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09251 **作者**: Junwei You,Haotian Shi,Zhuoyu Jiang,Zilin Huang,Rui Gan,Keshu Wu,Xi Cheng,Xiaopeng Li,Bin Ran **关键词**: systems that manage, navigation and control, increasingly focused, manage the full, full spectrum **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Junwei You,Haotian Shi,Zhuoyu Jiang,Zilin Huang,Rui Gan,Keshu Wu,Xi Cheng,Xiaopeng Li,Bin Ran {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-441-MagicID: Flexible ID Fidelity Generation System {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09248 **作者**: Zhaoli Deng,Wen Liu,Fanyi Wang,Junkang Zhang,Fan Chen,Wendong Zhang,Zhenpeng Mi **关键词**: prominent research area, Portrait Fidelity Generation, Portrait Fidelity, generative models, prominent research **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Zhaoli Deng,Wen Liu,Fanyi Wang,Junkang Zhang,Fan Chen,Wendong Zhang,Zhenpeng Mi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-442-Accelerating Chance-constrained SCED via Scenario Compression {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09245 **作者**: Qian Zhang,Le Xie **关键词**: security-constrained economic dispatch, scenario-based chance-constrained security-constrained, chance-constrained security-constrained economic, economic dispatch, accelerate the scenario-based **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Qian Zhang,Le Xie {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-443-Re-boosting Self-Collaboration Parallel Prompt GAN for Unsupervised Image Restoration {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09241 **作者**: Xin Lin,Yuyan Zhou,Jingtong Yue,Chao Ren,Kelvin C.K. Chan,Lu Qi,Ming-Hsuan Yang **关键词**: generative adversarial networks, requiring paired datasets, restoration approaches based, Unsupervised restoration approaches, Res **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Image and Video Processing (eess.IV) ***备注**: Xin Lin,Yuyan Zhou,Jingtong Yue,Chao Ren,Kelvin C.K. Chan,Lu Qi,Ming-Hsuan Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-444-RepControlNet: ControlNet Reparameterization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09240 **作者**: Zhaoli Deng,Kaibin Zhou,Fanyi Wang,Zhenpeng Mi **关键词**: original diffusion model, diffusion model, wide application, universal application, high cost **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Zhaoli Deng,Kaibin Zhou,Fanyi Wang,Zhenpeng Mi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-445-owards Effective Top-N Hamming Search via Bipartite Graph Contrastive Hashing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09239 **作者**: Yankai Chen,Yixiang Fang,Yifei Zhang,Chenhao Ma,Yang Hong,Irwin King **关键词**: recommendation systems, document querying, bipartite graphs serves, fundamental task, Searching **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yankai Chen,Yixiang Fang,Yifei Zhang,Chenhao Ma,Yang Hong,Irwin King {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-446-QEDCartographer: Automating Formal Verification Using Reward-Free Reinforcement Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09237 **作者**: Alex Sanchez-Stern,Abhishek Varghese,Zhanna Kaufman,Dylan Zhang,Talia Ringer,Yuriy Brun **关键词**: producing reliable software, proofs severely limits, manually writing verification, reliable software, utility in practice **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Programming Languages (cs.PL) ***备注**: Alex Sanchez-Stern,Abhishek Varghese,Zhanna Kaufman,Dylan Zhang,Talia Ringer,Yuriy Brun {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-447-Hybrid Semantic Search: Unveiling User Intent Beyond Keywords {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09236 **作者**: Aman Ahluwalia,Bishwajit Sutradhar,Karishma Ghosh **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, non-semantic search engines, understanding user intent, traditional keyword-based search **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Aman Ahluwalia,Bishwajit Sutradhar,Karishma Ghosh {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-448-Reference-Guided Verdict: LLMs-as-Judges in Automatic Evaluation of Free-Form Text {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09235 **作者**: Sher Badshah,Hassan Sajjad **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, advancements in Large, Language Models, rapid advancements **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Sher Badshah,Hassan Sajjad {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-449-Intuitive Human-Robot Interface: A 3-Dimensional Action Recognition and UAV Collaboration Framework {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09232 **作者**: Akash Chaudhary,Tiago Nascimento,Martin Saska **关键词**: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Aerial Vehicle, Unmanned Aerial, Harnessing human movements, command an Unmanned **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Akash Chaudhary,Tiago Nascimento,Martin Saska {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-450-Siamese Multiple Attention Temporal Convolution Networks for Human Mobility Signature Identification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09230 **作者**: Zhipeng Zheng,Yuchen Jiang,Shiyao Zhang,Xuetao Wei **关键词**: Mobility Signature Identification, Human Mobility Signature, Signature Identification, Human Mobility, Mobility Signature **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Zhipeng Zheng,Yuchen Jiang,Shiyao Zhang,Xuetao Wei {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-451-cuVegas: Accelerate Multidimensional Monte Carlo Integration through a Parallelized CUDA-based Implementation of the VEGAS Enhanced Algorithm {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09229 **作者**: Emiliano Tolotti,Anas Jnini,Flavio Vella,Roberto Passerone **关键词**: Vegas Enhanced Algorithm, Monte Carlo integration, Vegas Enhanced, Enhanced Algorithm, paper introduces cuVegas **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Emiliano Tolotti,Anas Jnini,Flavio Vella,Roberto Passerone {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-452-FEDMEKI: A Benchmark for Scaling Medical Foundation Models via Federated Knowledge Injection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09227 **作者**: Jiaqi Wang,Xiaochen Wang,Lingjuan Lyu,Jinghui Chen,Fenglong Ma **关键词**: Medical Knowledge Injection, Health Insurance Portability, Knowledge Injection, Federated Medical Knowledge, integrating medical knowledge **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jiaqi Wang,Xiaochen Wang,Lingjuan Lyu,Jinghui Chen,Fenglong Ma {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-453-FabricQA-Extractor: A Question Answering System to Extract Information from Documents using Natural Language Questions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09226 **作者**: Qiming Wang,Raul Castro Fernandez **关键词**: Reading comprehension models, answer questions posed, Reading comprehension, comprehension models answer, models answer questions **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Qiming Wang,Raul Castro Fernandez {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-454-Neuro-Symbolic AI for Military Applications {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09224 **作者**: Desta Haileselassie Hagos,Danda B. Rawat **关键词**: Artificial Intelligence, plays a significant, significant role, role in enhancing, shaping the future **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Desta Haileselassie Hagos,Danda B. Rawat {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-455-A theoretical framework for reservoir computing on networks of organic electrochemical transistors {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09223 **作者**: Nicholas W. Landry,Beckett R. Hyde,Jake C. Perez,Sean E. Shaheen,Juan G. Restrepo **关键词**: Efficient and accurate, easily learned, Efficient, accurate prediction, systems is important **类目**: Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE) ***备注**: Nicholas W. Landry,Beckett R. Hyde,Jake C. Perez,Sean E. Shaheen,Juan G. Restrepo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-456-Flatten: Video Action Recognition is an Image Classification task {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09220 **作者**: Junlin Chen,Chengcheng Xu,Yangfan Xu,Jian Yang,Jun Li,Zhiping Shi **关键词**: video action recognition, subsequently leveraging prevalent, numerous researchers.Most traditional, typically involve converting, methods typically involve **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Junlin Chen,Chengcheng Xu,Yangfan Xu,Jian Yang,Jun Li,Zhiping Shi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-457-EagleEye: Attention to Unveil Malicious Event Sequences from Provenance Graphs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09217 **作者**: Philipp Gysel,Candid Wüest,Kenneth Nwafor,Otakar Jašek,Andrey Ustyuzhanin,Dinil Mon Divakaran **关键词**: Securing endpoints, challenging due, evolving nature, nature of threats, Securing **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Philipp Gysel,Candid Wüest,Kenneth Nwafor,Otakar Jašek,Andrey Ustyuzhanin,Dinil Mon Divakaran {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-458-Scalable and Certifiable Graph Unlearning via Lazy Local Propagation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09212 **作者**: Lu Yi,Zhewei Wei **关键词**: Graph Neural Networks, Neural Networks, crucial research area, Networks for modeling, modeling graph-structured data **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Lu Yi,Zhewei Wei {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-459-Unified Smooth Vector Graphics: Modeling Gradient Meshes and Curve-based Approaches Jointly as Poisson Problem {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09211 **作者**: Xingze Tian,Tobias Günther **关键词**: interpolation-based gradient meshes, independent research threads, gradient meshes, unifies gradient meshes, diffusion-based curve formulations **类目**: Graphics (cs.GR) ***备注**: Xingze Tian,Tobias Günther {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-460-On the Improvement of Generalization and Stability of Forward-Only Learning via Neural Polarization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09210 **作者**: Erik B. Terres-Escudero,Javier Del Ser,Pablo Garcia-Bringas **关键词**: contrastive forward pass, recently gained attention, additional contrastive forward, Forward-only learning algorithms, replacing the backward **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE) ***备注**: Erik B. Terres-Escudero,Javier Del Ser,Pablo Garcia-Bringas {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-461-H2PIPE: High throughput CNN Inference on FPGAs with High-Bandwidth Memory {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09209 **作者**: Mario Doumet,Marius Stan,Mathew Hall,Vaughn Betz **关键词**: Convolutional Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural, Programmable Gate Arrays, Neural Networks, frequent memory access **类目**: Hardware Architecture (cs.AR); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Mario Doumet,Marius Stan,Mathew Hall,Vaughn Betz {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-462-Architectural Foundations and Strategic Considerations for the Large Language Model Infrastructures {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09205 **作者**: Hongyin Zhu **关键词**: large language model, language model, artificial intelligence, large language, undertaking in artificial **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Hongyin Zhu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-463-NDDEs: A Deep Neural Network Framework for Solving Forward and Inverse Problems in Delay Differential Equations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09202 **作者**: Housen Wang,Yuxing Chen,Sirong Cao,Xiaoli Wang,Qiang Liu **关键词**: delay differential equations, delay differential, differential equations, neural delay differential, deep neural networks **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Housen Wang,Yuxing Chen,Sirong Cao,Xiaoli Wang,Qiang Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-464-C-RAG:Turing-Complete RAG's Case study on Medical LLM Systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09199 **作者**: Xinke Jiang,Yue Fang,Rihong Qiu,Haoyu Zhang,Yongxin Xu,Hao Chen,Wentao Zhang,Ruizhe Zhang,Yuchen Fang,Xu Chu,Junfeng Zhao,Yasha Wang **关键词**: Large Language Models, domain-specific Large Language, enhancing domain-specific Large, Language Models, highly specialized queries **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Xinke Jiang,Yue Fang,Rihong Qiu,Haoyu Zhang,Yongxin Xu,Hao Chen,Wentao Zhang,Ruizhe Zhang,Yuchen Fang,Xu Chu,Junfeng Zhao,Yasha Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-465-Learning Based Toolpath Planner on Diverse Graphs for 3D Printing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09198 **作者**: Yuming Huang,Yuhu Guo,Renbo Su,Xingjian Han,Junhao Ding,Tianyu Zhang,Tao Liu,Weiming Wang,Guoxin Fang,Xu Song,Emily Whiting,Charlie C.L. Wang **关键词**: varying graph structures, Local Search Graph, learning based planner, computing optimized, paper presents **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Yuming Huang,Yuhu Guo,Renbo Su,Xingjian Han,Junhao Ding,Tianyu Zhang,Tao Liu,Weiming Wang,Guoxin Fang,Xu Song,Emily Whiting,Charlie C.L. Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-466-Maintainability Challenges in ML: A Systematic Literature Review {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09196 **作者**: Karthik Shivashankar,Antonio Martini **关键词**: Machine Learning, maintainability challenges, advances rapidly, businesses alike, adopted by academics **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Software Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Karthik Shivashankar,Antonio Martini {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-467-DRL-Based Resource Allocation for Motion Blur Resistant Federated Self-Supervised Learning in IoV {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09194 **作者**: Xueying Gu,Qiong Wu,Pingyi Fan,Qiang Fan,Nan Cheng,Wen Chen,Khaled B. Letaief **关键词**: Federated Self-Supervised Learning, privacy-preserving solution, Learning, Internet of Vehicles, Federated Learning **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Xueying Gu,Qiong Wu,Pingyi Fan,Qiang Fan,Nan Cheng,Wen Chen,Khaled B. Letaief {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-468-AI Managed Emergency Documentation with a Pretrained Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09193 **作者**: David Menzies,Sean Kirwan,Ahmad Albarqawi **关键词**: large language model, discharge letter writing, study investigates, large language, improve efficiency **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: David Menzies,Sean Kirwan,Ahmad Albarqawi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-469-GSLAMOT: A Tracklet and Query Graph-based Simultaneous Locating, Mapping, and Multiple Object Tracking System {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09191 **作者**: Shuo Wang,Yongcai Wang,Zhimin Xu,Yongyu Guo,Wanting Li,Zhe Huang,Xuewei Bai,Deying Li **关键词**: Tracklet Graph, Query Graph-based framework, Multi-criteria Star Graph, Star Graph Association, maintained Tracklet Graph **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Shuo Wang,Yongcai Wang,Zhimin Xu,Yongyu Guo,Wanting Li,Zhe Huang,Xuewei Bai,Deying Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-470-SA-GDA: Spectral Augmentation for Graph Domain Adaptation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09189 **作者**: Jinhui Pang,Zixuan Wang,Jiliang Tang,Mingyan Xiao,Nan Yin **关键词**: achieved impressive impressions, domain, graph-related tasks, achieved impressive, impressive impressions **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jinhui Pang,Zixuan Wang,Jiliang Tang,Mingyan Xiao,Nan Yin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-471-EEG-SCMM: Soft Contrastive Masked Modeling for Cross-Corpus EEG-Based Emotion Recognition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09186 **作者**: Qile Liu,Weishan Ye,Yulu Liu,Zhen Liang **关键词**: garnered widespread attention, signals has garnered, recent years, garnered widespread, widespread attention **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Qile Liu,Weishan Ye,Yulu Liu,Zhen Liang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-472-Der Weg zur digitalen Arbeitsmappe: Digitales Pr\"ufungswesen mit Zertifizierung {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09184 **作者**: Martin Becke,Julia Padberg **关键词**: sustainable performance recording, evaluating student performance, performance recording, performance, recording **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Martin Becke,Julia Padberg {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-473-Utility Optimal Scheduling with a Slow Time-Scale Index-Bias for Achieving Rate Guarantees in Cellular Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09182 **作者**: Anurag Kumar,Rajesh Sundaresan **关键词**: radio access network, network slicing, access network, networks is RAN, radio access **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Anurag Kumar,Rajesh Sundaresan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-474-PADetBench: Towards Benchmarking Physical Attacks against Object Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09181 **作者**: Jiawei Lian,Jianhong Pan,Lefan Wang,Yi Wang,Lap-Pui Chau,Shaohui Mei **关键词**: significant practical implications, gained increasing attention, increasing attention due, Toggle, Physical **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Jiawei Lian,Jianhong Pan,Lefan Wang,Yi Wang,Lap-Pui Chau,Shaohui Mei {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-475-On the Reliability of Radio Frequency Fingerprinting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09179 **作者**: Muhammad Irfan,Savio Sciancalepore,Gabriele Oligeri **关键词**: Radio Frequency Fingerprinting, Frequency Fingerprinting, Software Defined Radios, intrinsic hardware differences, Radio Frequency **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Muhammad Irfan,Savio Sciancalepore,Gabriele Oligeri {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-476-MambaTrack: A Simple Baseline for Multiple Object Tracking with State Space Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09178 **作者**: Changcheng Xiao,Qiong Cao,Zhigang Luo,Long Lan **关键词**: field of Multi-object, Multi-object Tracking, motion, Kalman Filter, prevailing paradigm **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Changcheng Xiao,Qiong Cao,Zhigang Luo,Long Lan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-477-Chinese Metaphor Recognition Using a Multi-stage Prompting Large Language Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09177 **作者**: Jie Wang,Jin Wang,Xuejie Zhang **关键词**: Large Language Models, common in everyday, everyday language, Metaphors, identification and understanding **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jie Wang,Jin Wang,Xuejie Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-478-Cognitive LLMs: Towards Integrating Cognitive Architectures and Large Language Models for Manufacturing Decision-making {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09176 **作者**: Siyu Wu,Alessandro Oltramari,Jonathan Francis,C. Lee Giles,Frank E. Ritter **关键词**: Large Language Models, Language Models, Large Language, enabling reliable machine, Resolving the dichotomy **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Symbolic Computation (cs.SC) ***备注**: Siyu Wu,Alessandro Oltramari,Jonathan Francis,C. Lee Giles,Frank E. Ritter {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-479-ableBench: A Comprehensive and Complex Benchmark for Table Question Answering {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09174 **作者**: Xianjie Wu,Jian Yang,Linzheng Chai,Ge Zhang,Jiaheng Liu,Xinrun Du,Di Liang,Daixin Shu,Xianfu Cheng,Tianzhen Sun,Guanglin Niu,Tongliang Li,Zhoujun Li **关键词**: Large Language Models, introducing previously unimaginable, Large Language, previously unimaginable capabilities, Recent advancements **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Xianjie Wu,Jian Yang,Linzheng Chai,Ge Zhang,Jiaheng Liu,Xinrun Du,Di Liang,Daixin Shu,Xianfu Cheng,Tianzhen Sun,Guanglin Niu,Tongliang Li,Zhoujun Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-480-Unc-TTP: A Method for Classifying LLM Uncertainty to Improve In-Context Example Selection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09172 **作者**: Hsiu-Yuan Huang,Zichen Wu,Yutong Yang,Junzhao Zhang,Yunfang Wu **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, Language Models, demonstrated exceptional performance, downstream tasks **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Hsiu-Yuan Huang,Zichen Wu,Yutong Yang,Junzhao Zhang,Yunfang Wu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-481-he Chemputer and Chemputation: A Universal Chemical Compound Synthesis Machine {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09171 **作者**: Leroy Cronin **关键词**: chemical synthesis machine, capable of constructing, work establishes, establishes a rigorous, rigorous proof **类目**: Emerging Technologies (cs.ET); Chemical Physics (physics.chem-ph) ***备注**: Leroy Cronin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-482-Automatic Metrics in Natural Language Generation: A Survey of Current Evaluation Practices {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09169 **作者**: Patrícia Schmidtová,Saad Mahamood,Simone Balloccu,Ondřej Dušek,Albert Gatt,Dimitra Gkatzia,David M. Howcroft,Ondřej Plátek,Adarsa Sivaprasad **关键词**: language processing systems, processing systems, evaluate natural language, natural language processing, Automatic metrics **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Patrícia Schmidtová,Saad Mahamood,Simone Balloccu,Ondřej Dušek,Albert Gatt,Dimitra Gkatzia,David M. Howcroft,Ondřej Plátek,Adarsa Sivaprasad {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-483-Ranking Across Different Content Types: The Robust Beauty of Multinomial Blending {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09168 **作者**: Jan Malte Lichtenberg,Giuseppe Di Benedetto,Matteo Ruffini **关键词**: media streaming services, multiple content types, content types, increasing number, number of media **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Jan Malte Lichtenberg,Giuseppe Di Benedetto,Matteo Ruffini {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-484-Zero-Shot Object-Centric Representation Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09162 **作者**: Aniket Didolkar,Andrii Zadaianchuk,Anirudh Goyal,Mike Mozer,Yoshua Bengio,Georg Martius,Maximilian Seitzer **关键词**: decompose visual scenes, object-centric representation learning, isolates the entities, representation learning, decompose visual **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Aniket Didolkar,Andrii Zadaianchuk,Anirudh Goyal,Mike Mozer,Yoshua Bengio,Georg Martius,Maximilian Seitzer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-485-Worst- and Average-Case Robustness of Stable Matchings: (Counting) Complexity and Experiments {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09160 **作者**: Kimon Boehmer,Niclas Boehmer **关键词**: Stable Marriage problem, bipartite Stable Marriage, robustness measures related, Marriage problem, Stable Marriage **类目**: Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT) ***备注**: Kimon Boehmer,Niclas Boehmer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-486-Linear Attention is Enough in Spatial-Temporal Forecasting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09158 **作者**: Xinyu Ning **关键词**: forecasting task attracted, task attracted numerous, attracted numerous attention, spatial-temporal forecasting tasks, traffic forecasting task **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Xinyu Ning {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-487-On the KL-Divergence-based Robust Satisficing Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09157 **作者**: Haojie Yan,Minglong Zhou,Jiayi Guo **关键词**: Optimizer Curse stemming, http URL address, Empirical risk minimization, Optimizer Curse, Curse stemming **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Haojie Yan,Minglong Zhou,Jiayi Guo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-488-DSReLU: A Novel Dynamic Slope Function for Superior Model Training {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09156 **作者**: Archisman Chakraborti,Bidyut B Chaudhuri **关键词**: computer vision tasks, deep neural networks, aimed at enhancing, study introduces, enhancing adaptability **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Archisman Chakraborti,Bidyut B Chaudhuri {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-489-Are CLIP features all you need for Universal Synthetic Image Origin Attribution? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09153 **作者**: Dario Cioni,Christos Tzelepis,Lorenzo Seidenari,Ioannis Patras **关键词**: significant societal threats, poses significant societal, Diffusion Models, potential abuse, societal threats **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Dario Cioni,Christos Tzelepis,Lorenzo Seidenari,Ioannis Patras {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-490-Realistic Extreme Image Rescaling via Generative Latent Space Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09151 **作者**: Ce Wang,Wanjie Sun,Zhenzhong Chen **关键词**: optimal downscaled low-resolution, Image rescaling aims, Image rescaling, Image, downscaled low-resolution **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Image and Video Processing (eess.IV) ***备注**: Ce Wang,Wanjie Sun,Zhenzhong Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-491-CogLM: Tracking Cognitive Development of Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09150 **作者**: Xinglin Wang,Peiwen Yuan,Shaoxiong Feng,Yiwei Li,Boyuan Pan,Heda Wang,Yao Hu,Kan Li **关键词**: Piaget Theory, Large Language Models, cognitive levels, cognitive levels forms, Cognitive **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Xinglin Wang,Peiwen Yuan,Shaoxiong Feng,Yiwei Li,Boyuan Pan,Heda Wang,Yao Hu,Kan Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-492-Impact-Resilient Orchestrated Robust Controller for Heavy-duty Hydraulic Manipulators {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09147 **作者**: Mahdi Hejrati,Jouni Mattila **关键词**: heavy-duty hydraulic manipulators, environmental contact due, Heavy-duty operations, heavy-duty hydraulic, sudden environmental **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Mahdi Hejrati,Jouni Mattila {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-493-Reinforcement learning-based adaptive speed controllers in mixed autonomy condition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09145 **作者**: Han Wang,Hossein Nick Zinat Matin,Maria Laura Delle Monache **关键词**: Automated Vehicles, integration of Automated, Ordinary Differential Equations, traffic flow holds, significantly improve traffic **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Han Wang,Hossein Nick Zinat Matin,Maria Laura Delle Monache {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-494-SSNeRF: Sparse View Semi-supervised Neural Radiance Fields with Augmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09144 **作者**: Xiao Cao,Beibei Lin,Bo Wang,Zhiyong Huang,Robby T. Tan **关键词**: constrained optimization problem, Sparse view, Sparse, sparse view degradation, view **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Xiao Cao,Beibei Lin,Bo Wang,Zhiyong Huang,Robby T. Tan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-495-Point Source Identification Using Singularity Enriched Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09143 **作者**: Tianhao Hu,Bangti Jin,Zhi Zhou **关键词**: recovering point sources, applied inverse problems, point sources, point sources represents, point source identification **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Tianhao Hu,Bangti Jin,Zhi Zhou {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-496-Learning to Explore for Stochastic Gradient MCMC {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09140 **作者**: SeungHyun Kim,Seohyeon Jung,Seonghyeon Kim,Juho Lee **关键词**: Bayesian Neural Networks, Bayesian Neural, Neural Networks, high-dimensional parameters pose, posterior inference due **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: SeungHyun Kim,Seohyeon Jung,Seonghyeon Kim,Juho Lee {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-497-StylePrompter: Enhancing Domain Generalization with Test-Time Style Priors {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09138 **作者**: Jiao Zhang,Jian Xu,Xu-Yao Zhang,Cheng-Lin Liu **关键词**: causing performance degradation, trained deep models, inference stage, training stage, real-world applications **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Jiao Zhang,Jian Xu,Xu-Yao Zhang,Cheng-Lin Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-498-Highly Sensitive and Compact Quad-Band Ambient RF Energy Harvester {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09136 **作者**: Rasool Keshavarz,Negin Shariati **关键词**: proposed QBEH operates, handed transmission lines, left handed transmission, desired frequency bands, proposed QBEH **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Rasool Keshavarz,Negin Shariati {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-499-Vanilla Gradient Descent for Oblique Decision Trees {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09135 **作者**: Subrat Prasad Panda,Blaise Genest,Arvind Easwaran,Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan **关键词**: major highly non-linear, DTs, textit, non-linear AI models, tabular data **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Subrat Prasad Panda,Blaise Genest,Arvind Easwaran,Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-500-Better Python Programming for all: With the focus on Maintainability {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09134 **作者**: Karthik Shivashankar,Antonio Martini **关键词**: Python programming language, Large Language Models, Large Language, Python programming, programming language **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Karthik Shivashankar,Antonio Martini {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-501-Dual-Band, Slant-Polarized MIMO Antenna Set for Vehicular Communication {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09133 **作者**: Rasool Keshavarz,Dan Winson,Justin Lipman,Mehran Abolhasan,Negin Shariati **关键词**: Multi Input Multi, Input Multi Output, Slant-polarized Multi Input, Multi Output, Multi Input **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Rasool Keshavarz,Dan Winson,Justin Lipman,Mehran Abolhasan,Negin Shariati {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-502-hin-Plate Spline-based Interpolation for Animation Line Inbetweening {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09131 **作者**: Tianyi Zhu,Wei Shang,Dongwei Ren,Wangmeng Zuo **关键词**: predicting intermediate line, animation production aimed, intermediate line arts, crucial step, production aimed **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Tianyi Zhu,Wei Shang,Dongwei Ren,Wangmeng Zuo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-503-Gaussian in the Dark: Real-Time View Synthesis From Inconsistent Dark Images Using Gaussian Splatting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09130 **作者**: Sheng Ye,Zhen-Hui Dong,Yubin Hu,Yu-Hui Wen,Yong-Jin Liu **关键词**: Gaussian Splatting, recently emerged, powerful representation, remarkable novel views, Splatting has recently **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Sheng Ye,Zhen-Hui Dong,Yubin Hu,Yu-Hui Wen,Yong-Jin Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-504-Identifying Technical Debt and Its Types Across Diverse Software Projects Issues {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09128 **作者**: Karthik Shivashankar,Mili Orucevic,Maren Maritsdatter Kruke,Antonio Martini **关键词**: maintaining code quality, reducing long-term maintenance, long-term maintenance costs, Technical Debt, code quality **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Karthik Shivashankar,Mili Orucevic,Maren Maritsdatter Kruke,Antonio Martini {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-505-From Specifications to Prompts: On the Future of Generative LLMs in Requirements Engineering {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09127 **作者**: Andreas Vogelsang **关键词**: revolutionize Requirements Engineering, revolutionize Requirements, Generative LLMs, Requirements Engineering, potential to revolutionize **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Andreas Vogelsang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-506-Barbie: Text to Barbie-Style 3D Avatars {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09126 **作者**: Xiaokun Sun,Zhenyu Zhang,Ying Tai,Qian Wang,Hao Tang,Zili Yi,Jian Yang **关键词**: made substantial progress, Recent advances, advances in text-guided, made substantial, substantial progress **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Xiaokun Sun,Zhenyu Zhang,Ying Tai,Qian Wang,Hao Tang,Zili Yi,Jian Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-507-Markov Balance Satisfaction Improves Performance in Strictly Batch Offline Imitation Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09125 **作者**: Rishabh Agrawal,Nathan Dahlin,Rahul Jain,Ashutosh Nayyar **关键词**: directly programming behaviors, defining optimal control, optimal control costs, costs is challenging, notably effective **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Rishabh Agrawal,Nathan Dahlin,Rahul Jain,Ashutosh Nayyar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-508-Dynamic Neural Dowker Network: Approximating Persistent Homology in Dynamic Directed Graphs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09123 **作者**: Hao Li,Hao Jiang,Jiajun Fan,Dongsheng Ye,Liang Du **关键词**: Topological Data Analysis, Data Analysis, encounters computational difficulties, Persistent homology, Topological Data **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Hao Li,Hao Jiang,Jiajun Fan,Dongsheng Ye,Liang Du {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-509-MaskBEV: Towards A Unified Framework for BEV Detection and Map Segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09122 **作者**: Xiao Zhao,Xukun Zhang,Dingkang Yang,Mingyang Sun,Mingcheng Li,Shunli Wang,Lihua Zhang **关键词**: autonomous driving systems, modern autonomous driving, Accurate and robust, robust multimodal multi-task, BEV map segmentation **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Xiao Zhao,Xukun Zhang,Dingkang Yang,Mingyang Sun,Mingcheng Li,Shunli Wang,Lihua Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-510-Selective Prompt Anchoring for Code Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09121 **作者**: Yuan Tian,Tianyi Zhang **关键词**: large language models, automating coding tasks, transformed software development, Recent advances, Copilot and ChatGPT **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Software Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Yuan Tian,Tianyi Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-511-Identification via Gaussian Multiple Access Channels in the Presence of Feedback {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09119 **作者**: Yaning Zhao,Wafa Labidi,Holger Boche,Eduard Jorswieck,Christian Deppe **关键词**: Gaussian multiple access, K-sender Gaussian multiple, investigate message identification, multiple access channel, Gaussian multiple **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Yaning Zhao,Wafa Labidi,Holger Boche,Eduard Jorswieck,Christian Deppe {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-512-Strong Approximation of Stochastic Semiclassical Schroedinger Equation with Multiplicative Noise {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09118 **作者**: Lihai Ji,Zhihui Liu **关键词**: stochastic nonlinear Schroedinger, nonlinear Schroedinger equation, Schroedinger equation driven, nonlinear Schroedinger, Schroedinger equation **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Lihai Ji,Zhihui Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-513-LOID: Lane Occlusion Inpainting and Detection for Enhanced Autonomous Driving Systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09117 **作者**: Aayush Agrawal,Ashmitha Jaysi Sivakumar,Ibrahim Kaif,Chayan Banerjee **关键词**: effective path planning, Accurate lane detection, Accurate lane, lane detection, autonomous driving **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Aayush Agrawal,Ashmitha Jaysi Sivakumar,Ibrahim Kaif,Chayan Banerjee {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-514-GoodSAM++: Bridging Domain and Capacity Gaps via Segment Anything Model for Panoramic Semantic Segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09115 **作者**: Weiming Zhang,Yexin Liu,Xu Zheng,Lin Wang **关键词**: zero-shot instance segmentation, instance segmentation capability, powerful zero-shot instance, paper presents GoodSAM, panoramic semantic segmentation **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Weiming Zhang,Yexin Liu,Xu Zheng,Lin Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-515-raining Verifiably Robust Agents Using Set-Based Reinforcement Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09112 **作者**: Manuel Wendl,Lukas Koller,Tobias Ladner,Matthias Althoff **关键词**: complex control tasks, solve complex control, control tasks, neural networks, solve complex **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Robotics (cs.RO); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Manuel Wendl,Lukas Koller,Tobias Ladner,Matthias Althoff {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-516-Measuring Visual Sycophancy in Multimodal Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09111 **作者**: Jaehyuk Lim,Bruce W. Lee **关键词**: disproportionately favor visually, favor visually presented, multimodal language models, visually presented information, paper introduces **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Jaehyuk Lim,Bruce W. Lee {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-517-Locate Anything on Earth: Advancing Open-Vocabulary Object Detection for Remote Sensing Community {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09110 **作者**: Jiancheng Pan,Yanxing Liu,Yuqian Fu,Muyuan Ma,Jiaohao Li,Danda Pani Paudel,Luc Van Gool,Xiaomeng Huang **关键词**: natural disaster assessment, open-vocabulary object detection, remote sensing, Object detection, Earth sciences **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Jiancheng Pan,Yanxing Liu,Yuqian Fu,Muyuan Ma,Jiaohao Li,Danda Pani Paudel,Luc Van Gool,Xiaomeng Huang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-518-Improved Q-learning based Multi-hop Routing for UAV-Assisted Communication {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09109 **作者**: N P Sharvari,Dibakar Das,Jyotsna Bapat,Debabrata Das **关键词**: Designing effective Unmanned, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, effective Unmanned Aerial, limited battery capacity, Designing effective **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: N P Sharvari,Dibakar Das,Jyotsna Bapat,Debabrata Das {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-519-mporal Reversed Training for Spiking Neural Networks with Generalized Spatio-Temporal Representation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09108 **作者**: Lin Zuo,Yongqi Ding,Wenwei Luo,Mengmeng Jing,Xianlong Tian,Kunshan Yang **关键词**: energy computing paradigm, received widespread attention, ultra-low energy computing, Spiking neural networks, neural networks **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Lin Zuo,Yongqi Ding,Wenwei Luo,Mengmeng Jing,Xianlong Tian,Kunshan Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-520-Using neuroevolution for designing soft medical devices {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09107 **作者**: Hugo Alcaraz-Herrera,Michail-Antisthenis Tsompanas,Andrew Adamatzky,Igor Balaz **关键词**: specific tasks compared, specific tasks, conventional robots, healthcare-related tasks, exhibit better performance **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Hugo Alcaraz-Herrera,Michail-Antisthenis Tsompanas,Andrew Adamatzky,Igor Balaz {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-521-HybridOcc: NeRF Enhanced Transformer-based Multi-Camera 3D Occupancy Prediction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09104 **作者**: Xiao Zhao,Bo Chen,Mingyang Sun,Dingkang Yang,Youxing Wang,Xukun Zhang,Mingcheng Li,Dongliang Kou,Xiaoyi Wei,Lihua Zhang **关键词**: describes autonomous driving, semantic scene completion, autonomous driving scenes, describes autonomous, SSC **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Xiao Zhao,Bo Chen,Mingyang Sun,Dingkang Yang,Youxing Wang,Xukun Zhang,Mingcheng Li,Dongliang Kou,Xiaoyi Wei,Lihua Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-522-Provide Proactive Reproducible Analysis Transparency with Every Publication {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09103 **作者**: Paul Meijer,Nicole Howard,Jessica Liang,Autumn Kelsey,Sathya Subramanian,Ed Johnson,Paul Mariz,James Harvey,Madeline Ambrose,Vitalii Tereshchenko,Aldan Beaubien,Neelima Inala,Yousef Aggoune,Stark Pister,Anne Vetto,Melissa Kinsey,Tom Bumol,Ananda Goldrath,Xiaojun Li,Troy Torgerson,Peter Skene,Lauren Okada,Christian La France,Zach Thomson,Lucas Graybuck **关键词**: open science, high incidence, incidence of irreproducible, irreproducible research, research has led **类目**: Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE) ***备注**: Paul Meijer,Nicole Howard,Jessica Liang,Autumn Kelsey,Sathya Subramanian,Ed Johnson,Paul Mariz,James Harvey,Madeline Ambrose,Vitalii Tereshchenko,Aldan Beaubien,Neelima Inala,Yousef Aggoune,Stark Pister,Anne Vetto,Melissa Kinsey,Tom Bumol,Ananda Goldrath,Xiaojun Li,Troy Torgerson,Peter Skene,Lauren Okada,Christian La France,Zach Thomson,Lucas Graybuck {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-523-Heterogeneity-Aware Memory Efficient Federated Learning via Progressive Layer Freezing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09101 **作者**: Wu Yebo,Li Li,Tian Chunlin,Chang Tao,Lin Chi,Wang Cong,Xu Cheng-Zhong **关键词**: footprint by conducting, training, progressive training framework, propose SmartFreeze, memory footprint **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Wu Yebo,Li Li,Tian Chunlin,Chang Tao,Lin Chi,Wang Cong,Xu Cheng-Zhong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-524-Depth-guided Texture Diffusion for Image Semantic Segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09097 **作者**: Wei Sun,Yuan Li,Qixiang Ye,Jianbin Jiao,Yanzhao Zhou **关键词**: Depth-guided Texture Diffusion, semantic segmentation, Depth, valuable insights, utilized to improve **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Wei Sun,Yuan Li,Qixiang Ye,Jianbin Jiao,Yanzhao Zhou {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-525-owards Better Answers: Automated Stack Overflow Post Updating {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09095 **作者**: Yubo Mai,Zhipeng Gao,Haoye Wang,Tingting Bi,Xing Hu,Xin Xia,Jianling Sun **关键词**: Utilizing code snippets, Stack Overflow, Utilizing code, problematic code snippets, code snippets **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Yubo Mai,Zhipeng Gao,Haoye Wang,Tingting Bi,Xing Hu,Xin Xia,Jianling Sun {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-526-Research on color recipe recommendation based on unstructured data using TENN {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09094 **作者**: Seongsu Jhang,Donghwi Yoo,Jaeyong Kown **关键词**: Google BARD, language preprocessing methods, business models based, Microsoft copilot, OpenAI Chatgpt **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Seongsu Jhang,Donghwi Yoo,Jaeyong Kown {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-527-BaThe: Defense against the Jailbreak Attack in Multimodal Large Language Models by Treating Harmful Instruction as Backdoor Trigger {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09093 **作者**: Yulin Chen,Haoran Li,Zihao Zheng,Yangqiu Song **关键词**: Multimodal Large Language, Multimodal Large, Large Language Models, multimodal tasks, Large Language **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Yulin Chen,Haoran Li,Zihao Zheng,Yangqiu Song {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-528-Dynamic Graph Representation Learning for Passenger Behavior Prediction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09092 **作者**: Mingxuan Xie,Tao Zou,Junchen Ye,Bowen Du,Runhe Huang **关键词**: timely risk management, track passenger travel, urban station passenger, station passenger flow, alighting data **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Mingxuan Xie,Tao Zou,Junchen Ye,Bowen Du,Runhe Huang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-529-Segment Anything with Multiple Modalities {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09085 **作者**: Aoran Xiao,Weihao Xuan,Heli Qi,Yun Xing,Naoto Yokoya,Shijian Lu **关键词**: core functionality, visual recognition, recognition and navigation, RGB, Robust and accurate **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Aoran Xiao,Weihao Xuan,Heli Qi,Yun Xing,Naoto Yokoya,Shijian Lu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-530-Not Too Long, Not Too Short: Goldilocks Principle of 'Optimal' Reflection Time on Online Deliberation Platforms {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09084 **作者**: ShunYi Yeo,Simon Tangi Perrault **关键词**: deliberation remains under-explored, reflection time, quality of deliberation, remains under-explored, deliberative potential **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: ShunYi Yeo,Simon Tangi Perrault {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-531-An Exploratory Study on Fine-Tuning Large Language Models for Secure Code Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09078 **作者**: Junjie Li,Fazle Rabbi,Cheng Cheng,Aseem Sangalay,Yuan Tian,Jinqiu Yang **关键词**: AI-powered coding assistants, achieved notable success, Copilot and OpenAI, GitHub Copilot, Large Language Models **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Junjie Li,Fazle Rabbi,Cheng Cheng,Aseem Sangalay,Yuan Tian,Jinqiu Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-532-win Sorting Dynamic Programming Assisted User Association and Wireless Bandwidth Allocation for Hierarchical Federated Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09076 **作者**: Rung-Hung Gau,Ting-Yu Wang,Chun-Hung Liu **关键词**: hierarchical federated learning, federated learning system, wireless bandwidth allocation, bandwidth allocation, hierarchical federated **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Rung-Hung Gau,Ting-Yu Wang,Chun-Hung Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-533-Improving Rare Word Translation With Dictionaries and Attention Masking {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09075 **作者**: Kenneth J. Sible,David Chiang **关键词**: dominant encoder-decoder architecture, encoder-decoder architecture, translation settings, dominant encoder-decoder, machine translation **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Kenneth J. Sible,David Chiang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-534-Gradient-Variation Online Learning under Generalized Smoothness {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09074 **作者**: Yan-Feng Xie,Peng Zhao,Zhi-Hua Zhou **关键词**: receiving increased attention, attaining fast convergence, increased attention, aims to achieve, crucial for attaining **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: Yan-Feng Xie,Peng Zhao,Zhi-Hua Zhou {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-535-Enhancing Community Detection in Networks: A Comparative Analysis of Local Metrics and Hierarchical Algorithms {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09072 **作者**: Julio-Omar Palacio-Niño,Fernando Berzal **关键词**: understanding social behavior, social behavior, increasingly relevant, relevant for understanding, understanding social **类目**: ocial and Information Networks (cs.SI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Julio-Omar Palacio-Niño,Fernando Berzal {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-536-Me want cookie! Towards automated and transparent data governance on the Web {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09071 **作者**: Jesse Wright,Beatriz Esteves,Rui Zhao **关键词**: managing personal data, managing personal, semi-automated data governance, Web, sociotechnical vision **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Jesse Wright,Beatriz Esteves,Rui Zhao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-537-CodeTaxo: Enhancing Taxonomy Expansion with Limited Examples via Code Language Prompts {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09070 **作者**: Qingkai Zeng,Yuyang Bai,Zhaoxuan Tan,Zhenyu Wu,Shangbin Feng,Meng Jiang **关键词**: representation of knowledge, play a crucial, crucial role, applications by providing, providing a structural **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Qingkai Zeng,Yuyang Bai,Zhaoxuan Tan,Zhenyu Wu,Shangbin Feng,Meng Jiang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-538-Brain Inspired Probabilistic Occupancy Grid Mapping with Hyperdimensional Computing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09066 **作者**: Shay Snyder(1),Andrew Capodieci(2),David Gorsich(3),Maryam Parsa(1) ((1) George Mason University, (2) Neya Robotics, (3) US Army Ground Vehicle Systems Center) **关键词**: Real-time robotic systems, require advanced perception, systems require advanced, Real-time robotic, robotic systems require **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Emerging Technologies (cs.ET) ***备注**: Shay Snyder(1),Andrew Capodieci(2),David Gorsich(3),Maryam Parsa(1) ((1) George Mason University, (2) Neya Robotics, (3) US Army Ground Vehicle Systems Center) {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-539-Linking Robustness and Generalization: A k* Distribution Analysis of Concept Clustering in Latent Space for Vision Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09065 **作者**: Shashank Kotyan,Pin-Yu Chen,Danilo Vasconcellos Vargas **关键词**: latent space, latent, space, vision models, assess latent space **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Shashank Kotyan,Pin-Yu Chen,Danilo Vasconcellos Vargas {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-540-MoRA: LoRA Guided Multi-Modal Disease Diagnosis with Missing Modality {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09064 **作者**: Zhiyi Shi,Junsik Kim,Wanhua Li,Yicong Li,Hanspeter Pfister **关键词**: Multi-modal pre-trained models, Multi-modal pre-trained, low memory requirements, models efficiently extract, efficiently extract **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Zhiyi Shi,Junsik Kim,Wanhua Li,Yicong Li,Hanspeter Pfister {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-541-Vision-assisted Avocado Harvesting with Aerial Bimanual Manipulation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09058 **作者**: Zhichao Liu,Jingzong Zhou,Caio Mucchiani,Konstantinos Karydis **关键词**: improve harvesting efficiency, harvesting holds potential, fruit harvesting holds, Robotic fruit harvesting, holds potential **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Zhichao Liu,Jingzong Zhou,Caio Mucchiani,Konstantinos Karydis {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-542-Atlas: Hierarchical Partitioning for Quantum Circuit Simulation on GPUs (Extended Version) {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09055 **作者**: Mingkuan Xu,Shiyi Cao,Xupeng Miao,Umut A. Acar,Zhihao Jia **关键词**: scalable Schrödinger-style quantum, scalable Schrödinger-style, Schrödinger-style quantum circuit, paper presents techniques, Schrödinger-style quantum **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Quantum Physics (quant-ph) ***备注**: Mingkuan Xu,Shiyi Cao,Xupeng Miao,Umut A. Acar,Zhihao Jia {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-543-Learning to Route for Dynamic Adapter Composition in Continual Learning with Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09053 **作者**: Vladimir Araujo,Marie-Francine Moens,Tinne Tuytelaars **关键词**: pre-trained language models, Parameter-efficient fine-tuning, language models, continual learning, PEFT **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Vladimir Araujo,Marie-Francine Moens,Tinne Tuytelaars {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-544-Language Models Show Stable Value Orientations Across Diverse Role-Plays {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09049 **作者**: Bruce W. Lee,Yeongheon Lee,Hyunsoo Cho **关键词**: adopting diverse personas, large language models, revealing a persistent, prompted to assume, large language **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Bruce W. Lee,Yeongheon Lee,Hyunsoo Cho {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-545-Keep Calm and Relax -- HMI for Autonomous Vehicles {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09046 **作者**: Tima M. Yekta,Julius Schöning **关键词**: so-called autonomous vehicles, enhance passenger trust, so-called autonomous, human-machine interfaces, trust and comfort **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computers and Society (cs.CY); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Tima M. Yekta,Julius Schöning {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-546-Improving VTE Identification through Language Models from Radiology Reports: A Comparative Study of Mamba, Phi-3 Mini, and BERT {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09043 **作者**: Jamie Deng,Yusen Wu,Yelena Yesha,Phuong Nguyen **关键词**: critical cardiovascular condition, Venous thromboembolism, encompassing deep vein, deep vein thrombosis, cardiovascular condition **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jamie Deng,Yusen Wu,Yelena Yesha,Phuong Nguyen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-547-ADen: Adaptive Density Representations for Sparse-view Camera Pose Estimation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09042 **作者**: Hao Tang,Weiyao Wang,Pierre Gleize,Matt Feiszli **关键词**: powers key applications, Recovering camera poses, Recovering camera, computer vision, object reconstructions **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Hao Tang,Weiyao Wang,Pierre Gleize,Matt Feiszli {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-548-GLANCE: Graph-based Learnable Digital Twin for Communication Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09040 **作者**: Boning Li,Gunjan Verma,Timofey Efimov,Abhishek Kumar,Santiago Segarra **关键词**: physical communication systems, aid the design, design and deployment, digital twins, network **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Boning Li,Gunjan Verma,Timofey Efimov,Abhishek Kumar,Santiago Segarra {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-549-Arithmetizing Shape Analysis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09037 **作者**: Sebastian Wolff,Ekanshdeep Gupta,Zafer Esen,Hossein Hojjat,Philipp Rümmer,Thomas Wies **关键词**: essential correctness property, Memory safety, memory safety analysis, essential correctness, correctness property **类目**: Programming Languages (cs.PL) ***备注**: Sebastian Wolff,Ekanshdeep Gupta,Zafer Esen,Hossein Hojjat,Philipp Rümmer,Thomas Wies {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-550-Multi Teacher Privileged Knowledge Distillation for Multimodal Expression Recognition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09035 **作者**: Muhammad Haseeb Aslam,Marco Pedersoli,Alessandro Lameiras Koerich,Eric Granger **关键词**: complex phenomenon conveyed, Human emotion, vocal tones, body language, facial expressions **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Muhammad Haseeb Aslam,Marco Pedersoli,Alessandro Lameiras Koerich,Eric Granger {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-551-Modernizing SMT-Based Type Error Localization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09034 **作者**: Max Kopinsky,Brigitte Pientka,Xujie Si **关键词**: Traditional implementations, strongly-typed functional programming, SMT, functional programming languages, Satisfiability Modulo Theories **类目**: Programming Languages (cs.PL) ***备注**: Max Kopinsky,Brigitte Pientka,Xujie Si {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-552-Error Bounds For Gaussian Process Regression Under Bounded Support Noise With Applications To Safety Certification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09033 **作者**: Robert Reed,Luca Laurenti,Morteza Lahijanian **关键词**: Gaussian Process Regression, Gaussian Process, Process Regression, powerful and elegant, elegant method **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Robert Reed,Luca Laurenti,Morteza Lahijanian {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-553-A Developer-Centric Study Exploring Mobile Application Security Practices and Challenges {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09032 **作者**: Anthony Peruma,Timothy Huo,Ana Catarina Araújo,Jake Imanaka,Rick Kazman **关键词**: offering convenient access, everyday life, offering convenient, essential part, part of everyday **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Software Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Anthony Peruma,Timothy Huo,Ana Catarina Araújo,Jake Imanaka,Rick Kazman {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-554-A Primer on Generative AI for Telecom: From Theory to Practice {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09031 **作者**: Xingqin Lin,Lopamudra Kundu,Chris Dick,Maria Amparo Canaveras Galdon,Janaki Vamaraju,Swastika Dutta,Vinay Raman **关键词**: generative artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence, rise of generative, generative artificial, telecom **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Xingqin Lin,Lopamudra Kundu,Chris Dick,Maria Amparo Canaveras Galdon,Janaki Vamaraju,Swastika Dutta,Vinay Raman {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-555-Studying the Effects of Collaboration in Interactive Theme Discovery Systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09030 **作者**: Alvin Po-Chun Chen,Dananjay Srinivas,Alexandra Barry,Maksim Seniw,Maria Leonor Pacheco **关键词**: gained considerable traction, support qualitative data, solutions have gained, gained considerable, considerable traction **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Alvin Po-Chun Chen,Dananjay Srinivas,Alexandra Barry,Maksim Seniw,Maria Leonor Pacheco {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-556-On the Completeness of Conflict-Based Search: Temporally-Relative Duplicate Pruning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09028 **作者**: Thayne T Walker,Nathan R Sturtevant **关键词**: Conflict-Based Search, multi-agent pathfinding, unsolvable problem instance, TRDP, run forever **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Thayne T Walker,Nathan R Sturtevant {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-557-Efficient Autoregressive Audio Modeling via Next-Scale Prediction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09027 **作者**: Kai Qiu,Xiang Li,Hao Chen,Jie Sun,Jinglu Wang,Zhe Lin,Marios Savvides,Bhiksha Raj **关键词**: sophisticated generative models, textbf, achieved remarkable progress, Audio generation, Fréchet Audio Distance **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Kai Qiu,Xiang Li,Hao Chen,Jie Sun,Jinglu Wang,Zhe Lin,Marios Savvides,Bhiksha Raj {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-558-Meta Knowledge for Retrieval Augmented Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09017 **作者**: Laurent Mombaerts,Terry Ding,Adi Banerjee,Florian Felice,Jonathan Taws,Tarik Borogovac **关键词**: Retrieval Augmented Generation, underlying model parameters, augment Large Language, Augmented Generation, contextually relevant **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Laurent Mombaerts,Terry Ding,Adi Banerjee,Florian Felice,Jonathan Taws,Tarik Borogovac {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-559-AdaRank: Disagreement Based Module Rank Prediction for Low-rank Adaptation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09015 **作者**: Yihe Dong **关键词**: general-purpose foundational model, common practice, rise of language, language and multimodal, general-purpose foundational **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Yihe Dong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-560-An optimal pairwise merge algorithm improves the quality and consistency of nonnegative matrix factorization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09013 **作者**: Youdong Guo,Timothy E. Holy **关键词**: Non-negative matrix factorization, Non-negative matrix, matrix factorization, source separation, key technique **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Youdong Guo,Timothy E. Holy {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-561-Context-aware Code Summary Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09006 **作者**: Chia-Yi Su,Aakash Bansal,Yu Huang,Toby Jia-Jun Li,Collin McMillan **关键词**: writing natural language, Code summary generation, natural language descriptions, Code, summary generation **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Chia-Yi Su,Aakash Bansal,Yu Huang,Toby Jia-Jun Li,Collin McMillan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-562-Comparative Performance Analysis of Transformer-Based Pre-Trained Models for Detecting Keratoconus Disease {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09005 **作者**: Nayeem Ahmed,Md Maruf Rahman,Md Fatin Ishrak,Md Imran Kabir Joy,Md Sanowar Hossain Sabuj,Md. Sadekur Rahman **关键词**: degenerative eye disease, eye disease, degenerative eye, keratoconus, pre-trained CNNs **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Nayeem Ahmed,Md Maruf Rahman,Md Fatin Ishrak,Md Imran Kabir Joy,Md Sanowar Hossain Sabuj,Md. Sadekur Rahman {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-563-Message complexity for unary multiautomata systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09002 **作者**: Christian Choffrut **关键词**: two-way automata work, automata work independently, Finitely many two-way, work independently, independently and synchronously **类目**: Logic in Computer Science (cs.LO); Formal Languages and Automata Theory (cs.FL) ***备注**: Christian Choffrut {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-564-Classifier-Free Guidance is a Predictor-Corrector {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09000 **作者**: Arwen Bradley,Preetum Nakkiran **关键词**: CFG, foundations of classifier-free, theoretical foundations, classifier-free guidance, shaky theoretical footing **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Arwen Bradley,Preetum Nakkiran {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-565-On the Undecidability of Artificial Intelligence Alignment: Machines that Halt {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08995 **作者**: Gabriel Adriano de Melo,Marcos Ricardo Omena De Albuquerque Maximo,Nei Yoshihiro Soma,Paulo Andre Lima de Castro **关键词**: arbitrary artificial intelligence, Turing Halting Problem, artificial intelligence, satisfices a non-trivial, non-trivial alignment function **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Gabriel Adriano de Melo,Marcos Ricardo Omena De Albuquerque Maximo,Nei Yoshihiro Soma,Paulo Andre Lima de Castro {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-566-Model-based RL as a Minimalist Approach to Horizon-Free and Second-Order Bounds {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08994 **作者**: Zhiyong Wang,Dongruo Zhou,John C.S. Lui,Wen Sun **关键词**: Maximum Likelihood Estimation, simplest Model-based Reinforcement, Model-based Reinforcement Learning, Likelihood Estimation, Maximum Likelihood **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Zhiyong Wang,Dongruo Zhou,John C.S. Lui,Wen Sun {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-567-SpreadLine: Visualizing Egocentric Dynamic Influence {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08992 **作者**: Yun-Hsin Kuo,Dongyu Liu,Kwan-Liu Ma **关键词**: Egocentric networks, portray the complex, egocentric network exploration, node-link diagrams, Egocentric **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Yun-Hsin Kuo,Dongyu Liu,Kwan-Liu Ma {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-568-Ask, Attend, Attack: A Effective Decision-Based Black-Box Targeted Attack for Image-to-Text Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08989 **作者**: Qingyuan Zeng,Zhenzhong Wang,Yiu-ming Cheung,Min Jiang **关键词**: demonstrated significant advancements, textit, attacks, targeted attacks, vision-language tasks **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Qingyuan Zeng,Zhenzhong Wang,Yiu-ming Cheung,Min Jiang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-569-Fire Dynamic Vision: Image Segmentation and Tracking for Multi-Scale Fire and Plume Behavior {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08984 **作者**: Daryn Sagel,Bryan Quaife **关键词**: plume spread models, increasing frequency, frequency and severity, severity of wildfires, wildfires highlight **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Daryn Sagel,Bryan Quaife {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-570-Deep Generative Classification of Blood Cell Morphology {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08982 **作者**: Simon Deltadahl,Julian Gilbey,Christine Van Laer,Nancy Boeckx,Mathie Leers,Tanya Freeman,Laura Aiken,Timothy Farren,Matthew Smith,Mohamad Zeina,BloodCounts! consortium,Concetta Piazzese,Joseph Taylor,Nicholas Gleadall,Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb,Suthesh Sivapalaratnam,Michael Roberts,Parashkev Nachev **关键词**: presents significant challenges, machine automation owing, cell type frequencies, diagnosing blood disorders, heterogeneities of biological **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Simon Deltadahl,Julian Gilbey,Christine Van Laer,Nancy Boeckx,Mathie Leers,Tanya Freeman,Laura Aiken,Timothy Farren,Matthew Smith,Mohamad Zeina,BloodCounts! consortium,Concetta Piazzese,Joseph Taylor,Nicholas Gleadall,Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb,Suthesh Sivapalaratnam,Michael Roberts,Parashkev Nachev {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-571-From Lazy to Prolific: Tackling Missing Labels in Open Vocabulary Extreme Classification by Positive-Unlabeled Sequence Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08981 **作者**: Haoran Ranran Zhang,Bensu Uçar,Soumik Dey,Hansi Wu,Binbin Li,Rui Zhang **关键词**: Extreme Multi-label Classification, Open-vocabulary Extreme Multi-label, extends traditional XMC, Open-vocabulary Extreme, Multi-label Classification **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Haoran Ranran Zhang,Bensu Uçar,Soumik Dey,Hansi Wu,Binbin Li,Rui Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-572-Electroencephalogram Emotion Recognition via AUC Maximization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08979 **作者**: Minheng Xiao,Shi Bo **关键词**: pose significant challenges, datasets pose significant, robust model performance, Imbalanced datasets pose, cognitive science **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Minheng Xiao,Shi Bo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-573-See What LLMs Cannot Answer: A Self-Challenge Framework for Uncovering LLM Weaknesses {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08978 **作者**: Yulong Chen,Yang Liu,Jianhao Yan,Xuefeng Bai,Ming Zhong,Yinghao Yang,Ziyi Yang,Chenguang Zhu,Yue Zhang **关键词**: Large Language Models, Language Models, Large Language, consistently surpassed numerous, surpassed numerous human-designed **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Yulong Chen,Yang Liu,Jianhao Yan,Xuefeng Bai,Ming Zhong,Yinghao Yang,Ziyi Yang,Chenguang Zhu,Yue Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-574-FedFQ: Federated Learning with Fine-Grained Quantization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08977 **作者**: Haowei Li,Weiying Xie,Hangyu Ye,Jitao Ma,Shuran Ma,Yunsong Li **关键词**: Federated learning, enabling multiple participants, decentralized approach, data privacy, participants to collaboratively **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Haowei Li,Weiying Xie,Hangyu Ye,Jitao Ma,Shuran Ma,Yunsong Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-575-Enhancing Object Detection with Hybrid dataset in Manufacturing Environments: Comparing Federated Learning to Conventional Techniques {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08974 **作者**: Vinit Hegiste,Snehal Walunj,Jibinraj Antony,Tatjana Legler,Martin Ruskowski **关键词**: garnered significant attention, Federated Learning, privacy-preserving capabilities, garnered significant, significant attention **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Vinit Hegiste,Snehal Walunj,Jibinraj Antony,Tatjana Legler,Martin Ruskowski {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-576-Image Class Translation Distance: A Novel Interpretable Feature for Image Classification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08973 **作者**: Mikyla K. Bowen,Jesse W. Wilson **关键词**: conventional black box, black box classification, box classification networks, interpretable alternative, black box **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Mikyla K. Bowen,Jesse W. Wilson {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-577-ASGM-KG: Unveiling Alluvial Gold Mining Through Knowledge Graphs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08972 **作者**: Debashis Gupta,Aditi Golder,Luis Fernendez,Miles Silman,Greg Lersen,Fan Yang,Bob Plemmons,Sarra Alqahtani,Paul Victor Pauca **关键词**: Small-Scale Gold Mining, highly destructive mining, destructive mining practice, Gold Mining, Artisanal and Small-Scale **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA) ***备注**: Debashis Gupta,Aditi Golder,Luis Fernendez,Miles Silman,Greg Lersen,Fan Yang,Bob Plemmons,Sarra Alqahtani,Paul Victor Pauca {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-578-A Multi-Task and Multi-Label Classification Model for Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08971 **作者**: Nelson Filipe Costa,Leila Kosseim **关键词**: Discourse Relation Recognition, Implicit Discourse Relation, Relation Recognition, Implicit Discourse, Discourse Relation **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Nelson Filipe Costa,Leila Kosseim {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-579-Differentiable Edge-based OPC {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08969 **作者**: Guojin Chen,Haoyu Yang,Haoxing Ren,Bei Yu,David Z. Pan **关键词**: Optical proximity correction, Optical proximity, proximity correction, integrated circuits, OPC **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Optics (physics.optics) ***备注**: Guojin Chen,Haoyu Yang,Haoxing Ren,Bei Yu,David Z. Pan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-580-Online SLA Decomposition: Enabling Real-Time Adaptation to Evolving Systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08968 **作者**: Cyril Shih-Huan Hsu,Danny De Vleeschauwer,Chrysa Papagianni **关键词**: Service Level Agreement, Service Level, Level Agreement, slice spans multiple, spans multiple domains **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Cyril Shih-Huan Hsu,Danny De Vleeschauwer,Chrysa Papagianni {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-581-Phishing Codebook: A Structured Framework for the Characterization of Phishing Emails {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08967 **作者**: Tarini Saka,Rachiyta Jain,Kami Vaniea,Nadin Kökciyan **关键词**: phishing emails, Phishing, Phishing Codebook, individuals worldwide, prevalent and expensive **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Tarini Saka,Rachiyta Jain,Kami Vaniea,Nadin Kökciyan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-582-BnSentMix: A Diverse Bengali-English Code-Mixed Dataset for Sentiment Analysis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08964 **作者**: Sadia Alam,Md Farhan Ishmam,Navid Hasin Alvee,Md Shahnewaz Siddique,Md Azam Hossain,Abu Raihan Mostofa Kamal **关键词**: provide valuable insights, widespread availability, provide valuable, valuable insights, insights into low-resource **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Sadia Alam,Md Farhan Ishmam,Navid Hasin Alvee,Md Shahnewaz Siddique,Md Azam Hossain,Abu Raihan Mostofa Kamal {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-583-Adaptive Guardrails For Large Language Models via Trust Modeling and In-Context Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08959 **作者**: Jinwei Hu,Yi Dong,Xiaowei Huang **关键词**: Large language models, maintain LLMs' alignment, part of Large, Large language, language models **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Jinwei Hu,Yi Dong,Xiaowei Huang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-584-Authorship Attribution in the Era of LLMs: Problems, Methodologies, and Challenges {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08946 **作者**: Baixiang Huang,Canyu Chen,Kai Shu **关键词**: improving forensic investigations, Accurate attribution, Text Attribution, Human-written Text Attribution, Co-authored Text Attribution **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Baixiang Huang,Canyu Chen,Kai Shu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-585-Information-Theoretic Progress Measures reveal Grokking is an Emergent Phase Transition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08944 **作者**: Kenzo Clauw,Sebastiano Stramaglia,Daniele Marinazzo **关键词**: models suddenly generalize, paper studies emergent, studies emergent phenomena, delayed memorization, paper studies **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Kenzo Clauw,Sebastiano Stramaglia,Daniele Marinazzo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-586-Quantum Algorithm for Jaccard Similarity {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08940 **作者**: Varun Puram,Ruthvik Rao Bobbili,Johnson P Thomas **关键词**: common proximity measurement, Jaccard Similarity, asymmetric binary vectors, Similarity, common proximity **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ***备注**: Varun Puram,Ruthvik Rao Bobbili,Johnson P Thomas {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-587-Creating Publishing Accounts for University Professors on Global Scientific Websites (ORCID, Research Gate, Google Scholar) {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08936 **作者**: Ahmed Shaker Alalaq **关键词**: Reserach Gate, Google Scholar, educational platforms, smooth manner, supported by pictures **类目**: Digital Libraries (cs.DL) ***备注**: Ahmed Shaker Alalaq {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-588-A Factored MDP Approach To Moving Target Defense With Dynamic Threat Modeling and Cost Efficiency {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08934 **作者**: Megha Bose,Praveen Paruchuri,Akshat Kumar **关键词**: Moving Target Defense, Moving Target, evolving cyber threats, counteract evolving cyber, cyber threats **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Megha Bose,Praveen Paruchuri,Akshat Kumar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-589-RoarGraph: A Projected Bipartite Graph for Efficient Cross-Modal Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08933 **作者**: Meng Chen,Kai Zhang,Zhenying He,Yinan Jing,X. Sean Wang **关键词**: Approximate Nearest Neighbor, Approximate Nearest, language model-based applications, including recommendation systems, large language model-based **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Databases (cs.DB) ***备注**: Meng Chen,Kai Zhang,Zhenying He,Yinan Jing,X. Sean Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-590-Personalized Federated Collaborative Filtering: A Variational AutoEncoder Approach {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08931 **作者**: Zhiwei Li,Guodong Long,Tianyi Zhou,Jing Jiang,Chengqi Zhang **关键词**: Federated Collaborative Filtering, distributed Collaborative Filtering, Collaborative Filtering, emerging field focused, Federated Collaborative **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Zhiwei Li,Guodong Long,Tianyi Zhou,Jing Jiang,Chengqi Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-591-DePrompt: Desensitization and Evaluation of Personal Identifiable Information in Large Language Model Prompts {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08930 **作者**: Xiongtao Sun,Gan Liu,Zhipeng He,Hui Li,Xiaoguang Li **关键词**: widely impacting, impacting the accuracy, accuracy and interpretability, large language models, Prompt **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Xiongtao Sun,Gan Liu,Zhipeng He,Hui Li,Xiaoguang Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-592-Single Atom Convolutional Matching Pursuit: Theoretical Framework and Application to Lamb Waves based Structural Health Monitoring {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08929 **作者**: Sebastian Rodriguez,Marc Rébillat,Shweta Paunikar,Pierre Margerit,Eric Monteiro,Francisco Chinesta,Nazih Mechbal **关键词**: Structural Health Monitoring, Structural Health, Health Monitoring, health state, aims to monitor **类目**: Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE) ***备注**: Sebastian Rodriguez,Marc Rébillat,Shweta Paunikar,Pierre Margerit,Eric Monteiro,Francisco Chinesta,Nazih Mechbal {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-593-Imprecise Belief Fusion Facing a DST benchmark problem {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08928 **作者**: Francisco Aragão,João Alcântara **关键词**: Dempster-Shafer Theory, anomalous behavior, agents with equal, faced with anomalous, equal expertise **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Francisco Aragão,João Alcântara {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-594-VerilogCoder: Autonomous Verilog Coding Agents with Graph-based Planning and Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)-based Waveform Tracing Tool {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08927 **作者**: Chia-Tung Ho,Haoxing Ren,Brucek Khailany **关键词**: automating hardware design, modern Integrated Circuits, Circuit Relation Graph, growing complexity, complexity of modern **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Chia-Tung Ho,Haoxing Ren,Brucek Khailany {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-595-Cybench: A Framework for Evaluating Cybersecurity Capabilities and Risk of Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08926 **作者**: Andy K. Zhang,Neil Perry,Riya Dulepet,Eliot Jones,Justin W. Lin,Joey Ji,Celeste Menders,Gashon Hussein,Samantha Liu,Donovan Jasper,Pura Peetathawatchai,Ari Glenn,Vikram Sivashankar,Daniel Zamoshchin,Leo Glikbarg,Derek Askaryar,Mike Yang,Teddy Zhang,Rishi Alluri,Nathan Tran,Rinnara Sangpisit,Polycarpos Yiorkadjis,Kenny Osele,Gautham Raghupathi,Dan Boneh,Daniel E. Ho,Percy Liang **关键词**: autonomously identifying vulnerabilities, Language Model, real-world impact, capable of autonomously, autonomously identifying **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computers and Society (cs.CY); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Andy K. Zhang,Neil Perry,Riya Dulepet,Eliot Jones,Justin W. Lin,Joey Ji,Celeste Menders,Gashon Hussein,Samantha Liu,Donovan Jasper,Pura Peetathawatchai,Ari Glenn,Vikram Sivashankar,Daniel Zamoshchin,Leo Glikbarg,Derek Askaryar,Mike Yang,Teddy Zhang,Rishi Alluri,Nathan Tran,Rinnara Sangpisit,Polycarpos Yiorkadjis,Kenny Osele,Gautham Raghupathi,Dan Boneh,Daniel E. Ho,Percy Liang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-596-Retail-GPT: leveraging Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) for building E-commerce Chat Assistants {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08925 **作者**: Bruno Amaral Teixeira de Freitas,Roberto de Alencar Lotufo **关键词**: open-source RAG-based chatbot, RAG-based chatbot designed, work presents Retail-GPT, enhance user engagement, work presents **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Bruno Amaral Teixeira de Freitas,Roberto de Alencar Lotufo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-597-Prefix Guidance: A Steering Wheel for Large Language Models to Defend Against Jailbreak Attacks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08924 **作者**: Jiawei Zhao,Kejiang Chen,Xiaojian Yuan,Weiming Zhang **关键词**: large language models, achieved remarkable performance, recent years, rapid development, development of large **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Jiawei Zhao,Kejiang Chen,Xiaojian Yuan,Weiming Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-598-Graph Retrieval-Augmented Generation: A Survey {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08921 **作者**: Boci Peng,Yun Zhu,Yongchao Liu,Xiaohe Bo,Haizhou Shi,Chuntao Hong,Yan Zhang,Siliang Tang **关键词**: Large Language Models, Language Models, Large Language, achieved remarkable success, RAG refines LLM **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Boci Peng,Yun Zhu,Yongchao Liu,Xiaohe Bo,Haizhou Shi,Chuntao Hong,Yan Zhang,Siliang Tang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-599-A Survey of Trojan Attacks and Defenses to Deep Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08920 **作者**: Lingxin Jin,Xianyu Wen,Wei Jiang,Jinyu Zhan **关键词**: Deep Neural Networks, artificial intelligence systems, Neural Network Trojans, safety-critical artificial intelligence, Deep Neural **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Lingxin Jin,Xianyu Wen,Wei Jiang,Jinyu Zhan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-600-A review of the calculation methods of optimal power flow in integrated energy systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08919 **作者**: Xialiang Huangpu **关键词**: Integrated Energy Systems, optimal power flow, IES network, power flow, operational coordination **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Xialiang Huangpu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-601-Supervised and Unsupervised Alignments for Spoofing Behavioral Biometrics {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08918 **作者**: Thomas Thebaud,Gaël Le Lan,Anthony Larcher **关键词**: high dimension representations, dimension representations called, Biometric recognition systems, representations called embeddings, behavioral biometric systems **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Thomas Thebaud,Gaël Le Lan,Anthony Larcher {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-602-Cyclic Supports in Recursive Bipolar Argumentation Frameworks: Semantics and LP Mapping {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08916 **作者**: Gianvincenzo Alfano,Sergio Greco,Francesco Parisi,Irina Trubitsyna **关键词**: Dung Abstract Argumentation, Abstract Argumentation Framework, Artificial Intelligence, Dung Abstract, Bipolar Argumentation Framework **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Gianvincenzo Alfano,Sergio Greco,Francesco Parisi,Irina Trubitsyna {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-603-A Survey on Blockchain-based Supply Chain Finance with Progress and Future directions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08915 **作者**: Zhengdong Luo **关键词**: Supply Chain Finance, Supply Chain, Chain Finance, Blockchain-based Supply Chain, Supply Chain Finance-related **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Zhengdong Luo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-604-Artificial Intelligence in Power System Security and Stability Analysis: A Comprehensive Review {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08914 **作者**: Runhao Zhang **关键词**: review comprehensively examines, dynamic security assessments, artificial intelligence, review comprehensively, comprehensively examines **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Runhao Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-605-MLoRA: Multi-Domain Low-Rank Adaptive Network for CTR Prediction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08913 **作者**: Zhiming Yang,Haining Gao,Dehong Gao,Luwei Yang,Libin Yang,Xiaoyan Cai,Wei Ning,Guannan Zhang **关键词**: Click-through rate, social media, streaming media, CTR prediction, media **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Zhiming Yang,Haining Gao,Dehong Gao,Luwei Yang,Libin Yang,Xiaoyan Cai,Wei Ning,Guannan Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-606-GeneticPrism: Multifaceted Visualization of Scientific Impact Evolutions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08912 **作者**: Ye Sun,Zipeng Liu,Yuankai Luo,Lei Xia,Lei Shi **关键词**: real-life decision-making processes, frontier exploration, processes in academia, research planning, real-life decision-making **类目**: Digital Libraries (cs.DL); Graphics (cs.GR); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI) ***备注**: Ye Sun,Zipeng Liu,Yuankai Luo,Lei Xia,Lei Shi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-607-An Adaptive Differential Privacy Method Based on Federated Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08909 **作者**: Zhiqiang Wang,Xinyue Yu,Qianli Huang,Yongguang Gong **关键词**: privacy budget, differential privacy method, privacy, Differential privacy, solve the problem **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Zhiqiang Wang,Xinyue Yu,Qianli Huang,Yongguang Gong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-608-What should I wear to a party in a Greek taverna? Evaluation for Conversational Agents in the Fashion Domain {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08907 **作者**: Antonis Maronikolakis,Ana Peleteiro Ramallo,Weiwei Cheng,Thomas Kober **关键词**: online fashion retail, enhancing customer experience, Large language models, poised to revolutionize, revolutionize the domain **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Antonis Maronikolakis,Ana Peleteiro Ramallo,Weiwei Cheng,Thomas Kober {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-609-Bundle Recommendation with Item-level Causation-enhanced Multi-view Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08906 **作者**: Huy-Son Nguyen,Tuan-Nghia Bui,Long-Hai Nguyen,Hoang Manh-Hung,Cam-Van Thi Nguyen,Hoang-Quynh Le,Duc-Trong Le **关键词**: enhance business profitability, Bundle recommendation aims, aims to enhance, enhance business, business profitability **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Huy-Son Nguyen,Tuan-Nghia Bui,Long-Hai Nguyen,Hoang Manh-Hung,Cam-Van Thi Nguyen,Hoang-Quynh Le,Duc-Trong Le {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-610-PATopics: An automatic framework to extract useful information from pharmaceutical patents documents {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08905 **作者**: Pablo Cecilio,Antônio Perreira,Juliana Santos Rosa Viegas,Washington Cunha,Felipe Viegas,Elisa Tuler,Fabiana Testa Moura de Carvalho Vicentini,Leonardo Rocha **关键词**: disruptive innovations focusing, promote disruptive innovations, Pharmaceutical patents play, disruptive innovations, innovations focusing **类目**: Digital Libraries (cs.DL); Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Pablo Cecilio,Antônio Perreira,Juliana Santos Rosa Viegas,Washington Cunha,Felipe Viegas,Elisa Tuler,Fabiana Testa Moura de Carvalho Vicentini,Leonardo Rocha {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-611-Privacy in Federated Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08904 **作者**: Jaydip Sen,Hetvi Waghela,Sneha Rakshit **关键词**: enabling multiple participants, sharing raw data, distributed machine learning, collaboratively train models, represents a significant **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Jaydip Sen,Hetvi Waghela,Sneha Rakshit {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-612-Improving Source Code Similarity Detection Through GraphCodeBERT and Integration of Additional Features {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08903 **作者**: Jorge Martinez-Gil **关键词**: improving model performance, additional output feature, code similarity detection, paper presents, similarity detection **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Jorge Martinez-Gil {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-613-Audit-LLM: Multi-Agent Collaboration for Log-based Insider Threat Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08902 **作者**: Chengyu Song,Linru Ma,Jianming Zheng,Jinzhi Liao,Hongyu Kuang,Lin Yang **关键词**: auditing log entries, Log-based insider threat, detects malicious user, insider threat detection, ITD **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Chengyu Song,Linru Ma,Jianming Zheng,Jinzhi Liao,Hongyu Kuang,Lin Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-614-Bayesian inference to improve quality of Retrieval Augmented Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08901 **作者**: Dattaraj Rao **关键词**: Retrieval Augmented Generation, modern Large Language, Retrieval Augmented, Augmented Generation, Large Language Model **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Dattaraj Rao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-615-owards Effective Authorship Attribution: Integrating Class-Incremental Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08900 **作者**: Mostafa Rahgouy,Hamed Babaei Giglou,Mehnaz Tabassum,Dongji Feng,Amit Das,Taher Rahgooy,Gerry Dozier,Cheryl D. Seals **关键词**: possessing multiple samples, multiple samples, process of attributing, attributing an unidentified, unidentified document **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Digital Libraries (cs.DL) ***备注**: Mostafa Rahgouy,Hamed Babaei Giglou,Mehnaz Tabassum,Dongji Feng,Amit Das,Taher Rahgooy,Gerry Dozier,Cheryl D. Seals {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-616-Kov: Transferable and Naturalistic Black-Box LLM Attacks using Markov Decision Processes and Tree Search {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08899 **作者**: Robert J. Moss **关键词**: Eliciting harmful behavior, Eliciting harmful, important task, task to ensure, ensure the proper **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Robert J. Moss {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-617-LLMJudge: LLMs for Relevance Judgments {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08896 **作者**: Hossein A. Rahmani,Emine Yilmaz,Nick Craswell,Bhaskar Mitra,Paul Thomas,Charles L. A. Clarke,Mohammad Aliannejadi,Clemencia Siro,Guglielmo Faggioli **关键词**: workshop at SIGIR, organized as part, SIGIR, relevance, relevance judgments **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Hossein A. Rahmani,Emine Yilmaz,Nick Craswell,Bhaskar Mitra,Paul Thomas,Charles L. A. Clarke,Mohammad Aliannejadi,Clemencia Siro,Guglielmo Faggioli {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-618-ServerFi: A New Symbiotic Relationship Between Games and Players {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08895 **作者**: Pavun Shetty **关键词**: blend traditional gaming, Blockchain-based games, financial incentives, GameFi sector, introduced novel economic **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Pavun Shetty {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-619-Enhancing Exploratory Learning through Exploratory Search with the Emergence of Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08894 **作者**: Yiming Luo,Patrick Cheong-Iao,Shanton Chang **关键词**: large language models, learners find, challenging issue, confused learners, large language **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Yiming Luo,Patrick Cheong-Iao,Shanton Chang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-620-Leveraging Large Language Models for Enhanced Process Model Comprehension {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08892 **作者**: Humam Kourani,Alessandro Berti,Jasmin Henrich,Wolfgang Kratsch,Robin Weidlich,Chiao-Yun Li,Ahmad Arslan,Daniel Schuster,Wil M.P. van der Aalst **关键词**: Business Process Management, poses significant challenges, effectively comprehending process, Large Language Models, Process Management **类目**: Databases (cs.DB); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Humam Kourani,Alessandro Berti,Jasmin Henrich,Wolfgang Kratsch,Robin Weidlich,Chiao-Yun Li,Ahmad Arslan,Daniel Schuster,Wil M.P. van der Aalst {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-621-A Classifier-Based Approach to Multi-Class Anomaly Detection Applied to Astronomical Time-Series {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08888 **作者**: Rithwik Gupta,Daniel Muthukrishna,Michelle Lochner **关键词**: Automating anomaly detection, modern telescopes generate, telescopes generate millions, anomaly detection, Automating anomaly **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE); Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics (astro-ph.IM) ***备注**: Rithwik Gupta,Daniel Muthukrishna,Michelle Lochner {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-622-he Unique Citing Documents Journal Impact Factor (Uniq-JIF) as a Supplement for the standard Journal Impact Factor {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08884 **作者**: Zhesi Shen,Li Li,Yu Liao **关键词**: Journal Impact Factor, Impact Factor, Unique Citing Documents, Documents Journal Impact, traditional Journal Impact **类目**: Digital Libraries (cs.DL) ***备注**: Zhesi Shen,Li Li,Yu Liao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-623-A 1024 RV-Cores Shared-L1 Cluster with High Bandwidth Memory Link for Low-Latency 6G-SDR {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08882 **作者**: Yichao Zhang,Marco Bertuletti,Chi Zhang,Samuel Riedel,Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli,Luca Benini **关键词**: Direct Memory Access, modular Direct Memory, Memory Access engine, next-generation Radio-Access Network, RISC-V cores share **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Yichao Zhang,Marco Bertuletti,Chi Zhang,Samuel Riedel,Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli,Luca Benini {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-624-SHARP-Net: A Refined Pyramid Network for Deficiency Segmentation in Culverts and Sewer Pipes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08879 **作者**: Rasha Alshawi,Md Meftahul Ferdaus,Md Tamjidul Hoque,Kendall Niles,Ken Pathak,Steve Sloan,Mahdi Abdelguerfi **关键词**: Haar-Adaptive Refined Pyramid, Refined Pyramid Network, Refined Pyramid, Semantic Haar-Adaptive Refined, Haar-Adaptive Refined **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Rasha Alshawi,Md Meftahul Ferdaus,Md Tamjidul Hoque,Kendall Niles,Ken Pathak,Steve Sloan,Mahdi Abdelguerfi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-625-Knowledge Prompting: How Knowledge Engineers Use Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08878 **作者**: Elisavet Koutsiana,Johanna Walker,Michelle Nwachukwu,Albert Meroño-Peñuela,Elena Simperl **关键词**: evolving domain knowledge, remain in areas, evolving domain, engineering knowledge graphs, LLMs **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Elisavet Koutsiana,Johanna Walker,Michelle Nwachukwu,Albert Meroño-Peñuela,Elena Simperl {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-626-Hotspots and Trends in Magnetoencephalography Research (2013-2022): A Bibliometric Analysis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08877 **作者**: Shen Liu,Jingwen Zhao **关键词**: international Magnetoencephalography, utilize bibliometric methods, MEG, MEG research, international MEG research **类目**: Digital Libraries (cs.DL) ***备注**: Shen Liu,Jingwen Zhao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-627-Efficient and scalable atmospheric dynamics simulations using non-conforming meshes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08129 **作者**: Giuseppe Orlando,Tommaso Benacchio,Luca Bonaventura **关键词**: non-conforming mesh refinement, massively parallel performance, adaptive solver, mesh refinement, present the massively **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Performance (cs.PF) ***备注**: Giuseppe Orlando,Tommaso Benacchio,Luca Bonaventura {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-628-Confronting the Reproducibility Crisis: A Case Study of Challenges in Cybersecurity AI {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.18753 **作者**: Richard H. Moulton,Gary A. McCully,John D. Hastings **关键词**: rapidly evolving field, rapidly evolving, evolving field, maintaining the reliability, reliability and integrity **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Richard H. Moulton,Gary A. McCully,John D. Hastings {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-629-LEGENT: Open Platform for Embodied Agents {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.18243 **作者**: Zhili Cheng,Zhitong Wang,Jinyi Hu,Shengding Hu,An Liu,Yuge Tu,Pengkai Li,Lei Shi,Zhiyuan Liu,Maosong Sun **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Multimodal Models, hindering complex real-life, Large Language, Large Multimodal **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Zhili Cheng,Zhitong Wang,Jinyi Hu,Shengding Hu,An Liu,Yuge Tu,Pengkai Li,Lei Shi,Zhiyuan Liu,Maosong Sun {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-630-Latency-Aware Generative Semantic Communications with Pre-Trained Diffusion Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2403.17256 **作者**: Li Qiao,Mahdi Boloursaz Mashhadi,Zhen Gao,Chuan Heng Foh,Pei Xiao,Mehdi Bennis **关键词**: recently shown great, shown great success, synthesizing natural signals, generation process, recently shown **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Multimedia (cs.MM); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Li Qiao,Mahdi Boloursaz Mashhadi,Zhen Gao,Chuan Heng Foh,Pei Xiao,Mehdi Bennis {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-631-Area under the ROC Curve has the Most Consistent Evaluation for Binary Classification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10193 **作者**: Jing Li **关键词**: binary classification tasks, Evaluation Metrics, model evaluation metrics, classification tasks, model evaluation **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Jing Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-632-Robust spectral clustering with rank statistics {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10136 **作者**: Joshua Cape,Xianshi Yu,Jonquil Z. Liao **关键词**: spectral clustering method, robust spectral clustering, paper analyzes, spectral clustering, rank statistics **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Statistics Theory (math.ST); Methodology (stat.ME) ***备注**: Joshua Cape,Xianshi Yu,Jonquil Z. Liao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-633-opics in Algebra of Synchronous Games, Algebraic Graph Identities and Quantum NP-hardness Reductions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10114 **作者**: Entong He **关键词**: game algebra, synchronous game, review the correspondence, texttt, text **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Computational Complexity (cs.CC); Operator Algebras (math.OA) ***备注**: Entong He {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-634-No Screening is More Efficient with Multiple Objects {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10077 **作者**: Shunya Noda,Genta Okada **关键词**: multiple heterogeneous objects, allocating multiple heterogeneous, heterogeneous objects, allocating multiple, multiple heterogeneous **类目**: Theoretical Economics (econ.TH); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Shunya Noda,Genta Okada {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-635-A new lower bound for the density of planar Sets avoiding Unit Distances {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10076 **作者**: Helmut Ruhland **关键词**: recently published article, upper bound, unit avoiding, recently published, density **类目**: Metric Geometry (math.MG); Combinatorics (math.CO); Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Helmut Ruhland {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-636-owards a Benchmark for Colorectal Cancer Segmentation in Endorectal Ultrasound Videos: Dataset and Model Development {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10067 **作者**: Yuncheng Jiang,Yiwen Hu,Zixun Zhang,Jun Wei,Chun-Mei Feng,Xuemei Tang,Xiang Wan,Yong Liu,Shuguang Cui,Zhen Li **关键词**: important imaging modality, Endorectal ultrasound, colorectal cancer segmentation, cancer segmentation, important imaging **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Yuncheng Jiang,Yiwen Hu,Zixun Zhang,Jun Wei,Chun-Mei Feng,Xuemei Tang,Xiang Wan,Yong Liu,Shuguang Cui,Zhen Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-637-Quantum Register Machine: Efficient Implementation of Quantum Recursive Programs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10054 **作者**: Zhicheng Zhang,Mingsheng Ying **关键词**: Quantum, quantum recursive programs, Quantum recursive, Quantum recursive programming, quantum control flows **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Hardware Architecture (cs.AR); Programming Languages (cs.PL) ***备注**: Zhicheng Zhang,Mingsheng Ying {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-638-Coprime Bivariate Bicycle Codes and their Properties {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10001 **作者**: Ming Wang,Frank Mueller **关键词**: good Bivariate Bicycle, Bivariate Bicycle, quantum error correction, good Bivariate, error correction **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Ming Wang,Frank Mueller {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-639-Forbidden paths and cycles in the undirected underlying graph of a 2-quasi best match graph {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09997 **作者**: Annachiara Korchmaros **关键词**: induced graph isomorphic, undirected underlying graph, undirected underlying, underlying graph, match graph **类目**: Combinatorics (math.CO); Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM) ***备注**: Annachiara Korchmaros {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-640-Parseval Convolution Operators and Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09981 **作者**: Michael Unser,Stanislas Ducotterd **关键词**: discrete multicomponent signals, Parseval convolution operators, linear shift-invariant, multicomponent signals, establish a kernel **类目**: ignal Processing (eess.SP); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Functional Analysis (math.FA); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Michael Unser,Stanislas Ducotterd {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-641-he curse of random quantum data {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09937 **作者**: Kaining Zhang,Junyu Liu,Liu Liu,Liang Jiang,Min-Hsiu Hsieh,Dacheng Tao **关键词**: Quantum machine learning, significant flagship applications, involves running machine, machine learning, running machine learning **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Kaining Zhang,Junyu Liu,Liu Liu,Liang Jiang,Min-Hsiu Hsieh,Dacheng Tao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-642-Electron-nucleus cross sections from transfer learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09936 **作者**: Krzysztof M. Graczyk,Beata E. Kowal,Artur M. Ankowski,Rwik Dharmapal Banerjee,Jose Luis Bonilla,Hemant Prasad,Jan T. Sobczyk **关键词**: deep neural network, Transfer learning, neural network, limited information, deep neural **类目**: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph); Machine Learning (cs.LG); High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex); Nuclear Experiment (nucl-ex) ***备注**: Krzysztof M. Graczyk,Beata E. Kowal,Artur M. Ankowski,Rwik Dharmapal Banerjee,Jose Luis Bonilla,Hemant Prasad,Jan T. Sobczyk {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-643-Pose-GuideNet: Automatic Scanning Guidance for Fetal Head Ultrasound from Pose Estimation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09931 **作者**: Qianhui Men,Xiaoqing Guo,Aris T. Papageorghiou,J. Alison Noble **关键词**: image-guided radiology applications, enables healthcare professionals, techniques initiate automatic, initiate automatic guidance, cross-sectional view enables **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Qianhui Men,Xiaoqing Guo,Aris T. Papageorghiou,J. Alison Noble {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-644-Preoperative Rotator Cuff Tear Prediction from Shoulder Radiographs using a Convolutional Block Attention Module-Integrated Neural Network {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09894 **作者**: Chris Hyunchul Jo,Jiwoong Yang,Byunghwan Jeon,Hackjoon Shim,Ikbeom Jang **关键词**: Research question, rotator cuff tears, plane shoulder radiograph, standard of care, rotator cuff **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Chris Hyunchul Jo,Jiwoong Yang,Byunghwan Jeon,Hackjoon Shim,Ikbeom Jang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-645-owards a Field Based Bayesian Evidence Inference from Nested Sampling Data {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09889 **作者**: Margret Westerkamp,Jakob Roth,Philipp Frank,Will Handley,Torsten Enßlin **关键词**: Nested sampling, Bayesian inference problem, log-evidence calculation, Bayesian problem, Nested **类目**: Computational Physics (physics.comp-ph); Information Theory (cs.IT); Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability (physics.data-an) ***备注**: Margret Westerkamp,Jakob Roth,Philipp Frank,Will Handley,Torsten Enßlin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-646-Dynamic Shaping of Multi-Touch Stimuli by Programmable Acoustic Metamaterial {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09829 **作者**: Thomas Daunizeau,Sinan Haliyo,David Gueorguiev,Vincent Hayward **关键词**: artificial structures, unusual properties, Acoustic metamaterials, Acoustic, stop wave propagation **类目**: Applied Physics (physics.app-ph); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Thomas Daunizeau,Sinan Haliyo,David Gueorguiev,Vincent Hayward {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-647-Efficient Area-based and Speaker-Agnostic Source Separation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09810 **作者**: Martin Strauss,Okan Köpüklü **关键词**: virtual meeting scenarios, paper introduces, introduces an area-based, designed for virtual, virtual meeting **类目**: Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS); Sound (cs.SD) ***备注**: Martin Strauss,Okan Köpüklü {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-648-Counting Nodes in Smolyak Grids {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09809 **作者**: Jocelyn Minini,Micha Wasem **关键词**: produce explicit formulas, Smolyak grids based, generating functions, interpolation rules, proposing a unified **类目**: Combinatorics (math.CO); Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Jocelyn Minini,Micha Wasem {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-649-ALTBI: Constructing Improved Outlier Detection Models via Optimization of Inlier-Memorization Effect {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09791 **作者**: Seoyoung Cho,Jaesung Hwang,Kwan-Young Bak,Dongha Kim **关键词**: learning unique patterns, identifying unusual observations, unique patterns, patterns of normal, truncated loss function **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Seoyoung Cho,Jaesung Hwang,Kwan-Young Bak,Dongha Kim {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-650-Simplicial complexes in network intrusion profiling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09788 **作者**: Mandala von Westenholz,Martin Atzmueller,Tim Römer **关键词**: data points referring, data points, attacked data points, intrusion detection data, studying intrusion detection **类目**: Commutative Algebra (math.AC); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Mandala von Westenholz,Martin Atzmueller,Tim Römer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-651-Propagating the prior from shallow to deep with a pre-trained velocity-model Generative Transformer network {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09767 **作者**: Randy Harsuko,Shijun Cheng,Tariq Alkhalifah **关键词**: velocity model, velocity, discovery and exploration, model, goals in utilizing **类目**: Geophysics (physics.geo-ph); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computational Physics (physics.comp-ph) ***备注**: Randy Harsuko,Shijun Cheng,Tariq Alkhalifah {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-652-Regional and spatial dependence of poverty factors in Thailand, and its use into Bayesian hierarchical regression analysis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09760 **作者**: Irving Gómez-Méndez,Chainarong Amornbunchornvej **关键词**: harms humanity progression, humanity progression, harms humanity, Thailand, regions **类目**: Methodology (stat.ME); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI); General Economics (econ.GN); Applications (stat.AP) ***备注**: Irving Gómez-Méndez,Chainarong Amornbunchornvej {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-653-Non-isothermal diffuse interface model for phase transition and interface evolution {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09749 **作者**: Chun Liu,Jan-Eric Sulzbach,Yiwei Wang **关键词**: involving heat transfer, evolution involving heat, thermodynamically consistent non-isothermal, consistent non-isothermal diffuse, interface evolution involving **类目**: Analysis of PDEs (math.AP); Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Chun Liu,Jan-Eric Sulzbach,Yiwei Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-654-Coarse-Fine View Attention Alignment-Based GAN for CT Reconstruction from Biplanar X-Rays {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09736 **作者**: Zhi Qiao,Hanqiang Ouyang,Dongheng Chu,Huishu Yuan,Xiantong Zhen,Pei Dong,Zhen Qian **关键词**: intra-operation imaging, surgical planning, planning and intra-operation, important alternative, biplanar X-rays **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Zhi Qiao,Hanqiang Ouyang,Dongheng Chu,Huishu Yuan,Xiantong Zhen,Pei Dong,Zhen Qian {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-655-Diff2CT: Diffusion Learning to Reconstruct Spine CT from Biplanar X-Rays {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09731 **作者**: Zhi Qiao,Xuhui Liu,Xiaopeng Wang,Runkun Liu,Xiantong Zhen,Pei Dong,Zhen Qian **关键词**: Intraoperative CT imaging, surgical guidance, practical to implement, crucial resource, resource for surgical **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Zhi Qiao,Xuhui Liu,Xiaopeng Wang,Runkun Liu,Xiantong Zhen,Pei Dong,Zhen Qian {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-656-Confirmation Bias in Gaussian Mixture Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09718 **作者**: Amnon Balanov,Tamir Bendory,Wasim Huleihel **关键词**: impact scientific research, profoundly impact scientific, Gaussian mixture, Confirmation bias, Gaussian mixture models **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Information Theory (cs.IT); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Amnon Balanov,Tamir Bendory,Wasim Huleihel {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-657-Avoshifts {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09711 **作者**: Ville Salo **关键词**: globally valid pattern, valid extensions, globally valid, valid pattern, bounded subpattern **类目**: Dynamical Systems (math.DS); Computational Complexity (cs.CC); Group Theory (math.GR) ***备注**: Ville Salo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-658-ESL-Net: A Transformer-Enhanced CNN for Accurate Skin Lesion Segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09687 **作者**: Shahzaib Iqbal,Muhammad Zeeshan,Mehwish Mehmood,Tariq M. Khan,Imran Razzak **关键词**: skin cancer relies, Early detection, skin lesions, cancer relies, relies on precise **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Shahzaib Iqbal,Muhammad Zeeshan,Mehwish Mehmood,Tariq M. Khan,Imran Razzak {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-659-owards the Information-Theoretic Limit of Programmable Photonics {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09673 **作者**: Ryan Hamerly,Jasvith Raj Basani,Alexander Sludds,Sri Krishna Vadlamani,Dirk Englund **关键词**: tuning range needed, average phase shift, programmable photonic circuits, constituent phase shifters, average phase **类目**: Optics (physics.optics); Emerging Technologies (cs.ET) ***备注**: Ryan Hamerly,Jasvith Raj Basani,Alexander Sludds,Sri Krishna Vadlamani,Dirk Englund {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-660-Deep Learning-based Machine Condition Diagnosis using Short-time Fourier Transformation Variants {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09649 **作者**: Eduardo Jr Piedad,Zherish Galvin Mayordo,Eduardo Prieto-Araujo,Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt **关键词**: vibration-based sensor data, electrical current signature, current signature serves, motor condition diagnosis, Short-time Fourier Transform **类目**: ignal Processing (eess.SP); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Eduardo Jr Piedad,Zherish Galvin Mayordo,Eduardo Prieto-Araujo,Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-661-Exploring Wavelet Transformations for Deep Learning-based Machine Condition Diagnosis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09644 **作者**: Eduardo Jr Piedad,Christian Ainsley Del Rosario,Eduardo Prieto-Araujo,Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt **关键词**: phase current signals, simply analyzing motor, analyzing motor phase, motor phase current, current signals **类目**: ignal Processing (eess.SP); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Image and Video Processing (eess.IV) ***备注**: Eduardo Jr Piedad,Christian Ainsley Del Rosario,Eduardo Prieto-Araujo,Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-662-Solving stochastic climate-economy models: A deep least-squares Monte Carlo approach {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09642 **作者**: Aleksandar Arandjelović,Pavel V. Shevchenko,Tomoko Matsui,Daisuke Murakami,Tor A. Myrvoll **关键词**: quantifying policy decisions, recursive integrated climate-economy, integrated climate-economy assessment, recursive integrated, essential for studying **类目**: General Economics (econ.GN); Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: Aleksandar Arandjelović,Pavel V. Shevchenko,Tomoko Matsui,Daisuke Murakami,Tor A. Myrvoll {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-663-Character Complexity: A Novel Measure for Quantum Circuit Analysis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09641 **作者**: Daksh Shami **关键词**: rapidly evolving field, quantum, quantum computing, quantifying circuit complexity, critical challenge **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Computational Complexity (cs.CC); Mathematical Physics (math-ph) ***备注**: Daksh Shami {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-664-Branch and Bound to Assess Stability of Regression Coefficients in Uncertain Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09634 **作者**: Brian Knaeble,R. Mitchell Hughes,George Rudolph,Mark A. Abramson,Daniel Razo **关键词**: difficult to interpret, model, slope coefficient, Abstract, coefficient **类目**: Methodology (stat.ME); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: Brian Knaeble,R. Mitchell Hughes,George Rudolph,Mark A. Abramson,Daniel Razo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-665-kendallknight: Efficient Implementation of Kendall's Correlation Coefficient Computation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09618 **作者**: Mauricio Vargas Sepúlveda **关键词**: Kendall correlation coefficient, kendallknight package introduces, Kendall correlation, significantly improving, sacrificing accuracy **类目**: Computation (stat.CO); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Econometrics (econ.EM) ***备注**: Mauricio Vargas Sepúlveda {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-666-Circuit design in biology and machine learning. I. Random networks and dimensional reduction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09604 **作者**: Steven A. Frank **关键词**: biological circuits, circuits, biological, biochemical cascade, taking inputs **类目**: Populations and Evolution (q-bio.PE); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Biological Physics (physics.bio-ph) ***备注**: Steven A. Frank {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-667-Convolutional Conditional Neural Processes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09583 **作者**: Wessel P. Bruinsma **关键词**: Neural processes, Neural, neural networks, Toggle, processes **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Wessel P. Bruinsma {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-668-PhysBERT: A Text Embedding Model for Physics Scientific Literature {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09574 **作者**: Thorsten Hellert,João Montenegro,Andrea Pollastro **关键词**: Natural Language Processing, Language Processing, pose significant challenges, Natural Language, extraction through Natural **类目**: Computational Physics (physics.comp-ph); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Thorsten Hellert,João Montenegro,Andrea Pollastro {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-669-Security Concerns in Quantum Machine Learning as a Service {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09562 **作者**: Satwik Kundu,Swaroop Ghosh **关键词**: Quantum machine learning, variational quantum circuits, machine learning tasks, employ variational quantum, tackle machine learning **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Satwik Kundu,Swaroop Ghosh {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-670-Screen Them All: High-Throughput Pan-Cancer Genetic and Phenotypic Biomarker Screening from H\E Whole Slide Images {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09554 **作者**: Yi Kan Wang,Ludmila Tydlitatova,Jeremy D. Kunz,Gerard Oakley,Ran A. Godrich,Matthew C. H. Lee,Chad Vanderbilt,Razik Yousfi,Thomas Fuchs,David S. Klimstra,Siqi Liu **关键词**: molecular alterations serve, typically detected, alterations serve, prognostic or therapy-predictive, detected using single **类目**: Quantitative Methods (q-bio.QM); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Image and Video Processing (eess.IV) ***备注**: Yi Kan Wang,Ludmila Tydlitatova,Jeremy D. Kunz,Gerard Oakley,Ran A. Godrich,Matthew C. H. Lee,Chad Vanderbilt,Razik Yousfi,Thomas Fuchs,David S. Klimstra,Siqi Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-671-A Framework for Approximating Perturbed Optimal Control Problems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09546 **作者**: Riley Link,Ethan Ebbighausen **关键词**: parameter uncertainty limits, trajectories computed prior, uncertainty limits, limits the applicability, optimal control problems **类目**: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Riley Link,Ethan Ebbighausen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-672-Parameter Setting Heuristics Make the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm Suitable for the Early Fault-Tolerant Era {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09538 **作者**: Zichang He,Ruslan Shaydulin,Dylan Herman,Changhao Li,Rudy Raymond,Shree Hari Sureshbabu,Marco Pistoia **关键词**: Approximate Optimization Algorithm, Quantum Approximate Optimization, promising quantum heuristics, Quantum Approximate, Approximate Optimization **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Emerging Technologies (cs.ET) ***备注**: Zichang He,Ruslan Shaydulin,Dylan Herman,Changhao Li,Rudy Raymond,Shree Hari Sureshbabu,Marco Pistoia {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-673-Sample-Optimal Large-Scale Optimal Subset Selection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09537 **作者**: Zaile Li,Weiwei Fan,L. Jeff Hong **关键词**: large-scale OSS problem, conventionally aims, aims to select, select the unique, finite set **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Methodology (stat.ME) ***备注**: Zaile Li,Weiwei Fan,L. Jeff Hong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-674-Deep Limit Model-free Prediction in Regression {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09532 **作者**: Kejin Wu,Dimitris N. Politis **关键词**: Deep Neural Network, Neural Network, Deep Neural, general regression setting, based on Deep **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Methodology (stat.ME) ***备注**: Kejin Wu,Dimitris N. Politis {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-675-Enhancing Quantum Memory Lifetime with Measurement-Free Local Error Correction and Reinforcement Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09524 **作者**: Mincheol Park,Nishad Maskara,Marcin Kalinowski,Mikhail D. Lukin **关键词**: Reliable quantum computation, computation requires systematic, requires systematic identification, quantum computation requires, Reliable quantum **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computational Physics (physics.comp-ph) ***备注**: Mincheol Park,Nishad Maskara,Marcin Kalinowski,Mikhail D. Lukin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-676-An Introduction to Categorical Proof Theory {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09488 **作者**: Amirhossein Akbar Tabatabai **关键词**: expanded lecture notes, proof theory presented, expanded lecture, lecture notes, notes are based **类目**: Logic (math.LO); Logic in Computer Science (cs.LO); Category Theory (math.CT) ***备注**: Amirhossein Akbar Tabatabai {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-677-Deformation-aware GAN for Medical Image Synthesis with Substantially Misaligned Pairs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09432 **作者**: Bowen Xin,Tony Young,Claire E Wainwright,Tamara Blake,Leo Lebrat,Thomas Gaass,Thomas Benkert,Alto Stemmer,David Coman,Jason Dowling **关键词**: generates additional imaging, additional imaging modalities, synthesis generates additional, Medical image synthesis, image synthesis generates **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Bowen Xin,Tony Young,Claire E Wainwright,Tamara Blake,Leo Lebrat,Thomas Gaass,Thomas Benkert,Alto Stemmer,David Coman,Jason Dowling {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-678-Enhancing Startup Success Predictions in Venture Capital: A GraphRAG Augmented Multivariate Time Series Method {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09420 **作者**: Gao Zitian,Xiao Yihao **关键词**: subjective revenue forecasts, limited financial data, revenue forecasts, Venture Capital, challenging due **类目**: Computational Finance (q-fin.CP); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Gao Zitian,Xiao Yihao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-679-Error minimization for fidelity estimation of GHZ states with arbitrary noise {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09413 **作者**: Liangzhong Ruan **关键词**: entanglement distribution networks, distribution networks, noisy GHZ states, crucial component, quality control **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Liangzhong Ruan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-680-Zak-OTFS with Interleaved Pilots to Extend the Region of Predictable Operation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09379 **作者**: Jinu Jayachandran,Imran Ali Khan,Saif Khan Mohammed,Ronny Hadani,Ananthanarayanan Chockalingam,Robert Calderbank **关键词**: effective channel filter, channel filter taps, pilot carrier waveform, single pilot carrier, carrier is greater **类目**: ignal Processing (eess.SP); Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Jinu Jayachandran,Imran Ali Khan,Saif Khan Mohammed,Ronny Hadani,Ananthanarayanan Chockalingam,Robert Calderbank {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-681-Flemme: A Flexible and Modular Learning Platform for Medical Images {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09369 **作者**: Guoqing Zhang,Jingyun Yang,Yang Li **关键词**: powerful network backbones, increasingly significant, rapid development, development of computer, computer vision **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Guoqing Zhang,Jingyun Yang,Yang Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-682-Improving Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Survival Prediction with Deep Learning and CT Imaging {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09367 **作者**: Xiawei Wang,James Sharpnack,Thomas C.M. Lee **关键词**: Lung cancer, patients' survival outcomes, cancer-related deaths, Lung, National Lung Screening **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Xiawei Wang,James Sharpnack,Thomas C.M. Lee {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-683-Approximate independence of permutation mixtures {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09341 **作者**: Yanjun Han,Jonathan Niles-Weed **关键词**: call permutation mixtures, exchangeable mixture distributions, high-dimensional exchangeable mixture, statistical distances, distances between high-dimensional **类目**: atistics Theory (math.ST); Information Theory (cs.IT); Probability (math.PR) ***备注**: Yanjun Han,Jonathan Niles-Weed {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-684-Exploratory Optimal Stopping: A Singular Control Formulation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09335 **作者**: Jodi Dianetti,Giorgio Ferrari,Renyuan Xu **关键词**: paper explores continuous-time, state-space optimal stopping, randomized stopping times, reinforcement learning perspective, paper explores **类目**: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Mathematical Finance (q-fin.MF); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Jodi Dianetti,Giorgio Ferrari,Renyuan Xu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-685-Unpaired Volumetric Harmonization of Brain MRI with Conditional Latent Diffusion {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09315 **作者**: Mengqi Wu,Minhui Yu,Shuaiming Jing,Pew-Thian Yap,Zhengwu Zhang,Mingxia Liu **关键词**: Multi-site structural MRI, diversify subject cohorts, Multi-site structural, subject cohorts, neuroimaging studies **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Mengqi Wu,Minhui Yu,Shuaiming Jing,Pew-Thian Yap,Zhengwu Zhang,Mingxia Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-686-Bringing Leaders of Network Sub-Groups Closer Together Does Not Facilitate Consensus {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09309 **作者**: Matthew I. Jones,Nicholas A. Christakis **关键词**: Consensus, complex process, leaders, groups, distance **类目**: Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI) ***备注**: Matthew I. Jones,Nicholas A. Christakis {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-687-Malacopula: adversarial automatic speaker verification attacks using a neural-based generalised Hammerstein model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09300 **作者**: Massimiliano Todisco,Michele Panariello,Xin Wang,Héctor Delgado,Kong Aik Lee,Nicholas Evans **关键词**: neural-based generalised Hammerstein, generalised Hammerstein model, Hammerstein model designed, automatic speaker verification, generalised Hammerstein **类目**: Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Massimiliano Todisco,Michele Panariello,Xin Wang,Héctor Delgado,Kong Aik Lee,Nicholas Evans {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-688-Out-of-distribution materials property prediction using adversarial learning based fine-tuning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09297 **作者**: Qinyang Li,Nicholas Miklaucic,Jianjun Hu **关键词**: engineering disciplines, material property prediction, wide range, range of scientific, scientific and engineering **类目**: Materials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Qinyang Li,Nicholas Miklaucic,Jianjun Hu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-689-Cross-Species Data Integration for Enhanced Layer Segmentation in Kidney Pathology {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09278 **作者**: Junchao Zhu,Mengmeng Yin,Ruining Deng,Yitian Long,Yu Wang,Yaohong Wang,Shilin Zhao,Haichun Yang,Yuankai Huo **关键词**: Accurate delineation, subsequent functional structural, functional structural analysis, disease diagnosis, crucial for subsequent **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Junchao Zhu,Mengmeng Yin,Ruining Deng,Yitian Long,Yu Wang,Yaohong Wang,Shilin Zhao,Haichun Yang,Yuankai Huo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-690-Asymptotically Good Quantum Codes with Transversal Non-Clifford Gates {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09254 **作者**: Louis Golowich,Venkatesan Guruswami **关键词**: arbitrary prime power, Toggle, prime power dimension, codes, distance grow linearly **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Louis Golowich,Venkatesan Guruswami {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-691-Analysis and Design of Satellite Constellation Spare Strategy Using Markov Chain {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09250 **作者**: Seungyeop Han,Takumi Noro,Koki Ho **关键词**: large-scale satellite constellation, spare management policy, Markov chain, optimal spare management, paper introduces **类目**: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Seungyeop Han,Takumi Noro,Koki Ho {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-692-me Efficient Rate Feedback Tracking Controller with Slew Rate and Control Constraint {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09246 **作者**: Seungyeop Han,Byeong-Un Jo,Koki Ho **关键词**: time-efficient attitude-tracking controller, slew rate constraint, paper proposes, proposes a time-efficient, time-efficient attitude-tracking **类目**: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Seungyeop Han,Byeong-Un Jo,Koki Ho {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-693-Optimal Strip Attitude Command of Earth Observation Satellite using Differential Dynamic Programming {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09244 **作者**: Seungyeop Han,Byeong-Un Jo,Koki Ho **关键词**: Earth observation satellite, Earth observation, Modern TDI cameras, observation satellite, optimal scan profile **类目**: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Seungyeop Han,Byeong-Un Jo,Koki Ho {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-694-A Fast and Computationally Inexpensive Method For Image Translation of 3D Volume Patient Data {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09218 **作者**: Cho Yang **关键词**: Grand Challenge Dataset, SynthRAD Grand Challenge, Grand Challenge, Challenge Dataset, SynthRAD Grand **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Cho Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-695-Generating Data with Text-to-Speech and Large-Language Models for Conversational Speech Recognition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09215 **作者**: Samuele Cornell,Jordan Darefsky,Zhiyao Duan,Shinji Watanabe **关键词**: leverage large scale, large scale pre-trained, scale pre-trained models, speech processing tasks, processing tasks **类目**: Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Sound (cs.SD) ***备注**: Samuele Cornell,Jordan Darefsky,Zhiyao Duan,Shinji Watanabe {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-696-Parametric Sensitivity Analysis for Models of Reaction Networks within Interacting Compartments {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09208 **作者**: David F. Anderson,Aidan S. Howells **关键词**: stochastic reaction networks, reaction networks, stochastic reaction, interacting compartments, underlying stochastic reaction **类目**: Molecular Networks (q-bio.MN); Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Probability (math.PR); Quantitative Methods (q-bio.QM) ***备注**: David F. Anderson,Aidan S. Howells {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-697-A new temperature evolution equation that enforces thermodynamic vapour-liquid equilibrium in multiphase flows -- application to CO2 modeling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09164 **作者**: Pardeep Kumar,Benjamin Sanderse,Patricio I. Rosen Esquivel,R.A.W.M. Henkes **关键词**: carbon dioxide, work presents, tanks and pipelines, pipelines containing carbon, fluid flow equations **类目**: Fluid Dynamics (physics.flu-dyn); Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Pardeep Kumar,Benjamin Sanderse,Patricio I. Rosen Esquivel,R.A.W.M. Henkes {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-698-Uncovering key predictors of high-growth firms via explainable machine learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09149 **作者**: Yiwei Huang,Shuqi Xu,Linyuan Lü,Andrea Zaccaria,Manuel Sebastian Mariani **关键词**: attracted increasing interest, Predicting high-growth firms, machine learning communities, Predicting high-growth, features **类目**: Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph); Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Yiwei Huang,Shuqi Xu,Linyuan Lü,Andrea Zaccaria,Manuel Sebastian Mariani {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-699-Refining asymptotic complexity bounds for nonconvex optimization methods, including why steepest descent is $o(\epsilon^{-2})$ rather than $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-2})$ {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09124 **作者**: Serge Gratton,Chee-Khian Sim,Philippe L. Toint **关键词**: smooth nonconvex optimization, analyzing evaluation complexity, telescoping sum argument, sum argument ubiquitous, telescoping sum **类目**: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Computational Complexity (cs.CC) ***备注**: Serge Gratton,Chee-Khian Sim,Philippe L. Toint {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-700-me Series Analysis by State Space Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09120 **作者**: André Ramos,Davi Valladão,Alexandre Street **关键词**: Time series, Time series analysis, explanatory variables, extracting unobservable components, Time **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: André Ramos,Davi Valladão,Alexandre Street {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-701-Planning of Off-Grid Renewable Power to Ammonia Systems with Heterogeneous Flexibility: A Multistakeholder Equilibrium Perspective {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09113 **作者**: Yangjun Zeng(1),Yiwei Qiu(1),Jie Zhu(1),Shi Chen(1),Tianlei Zang(1),Buxiang Zhou(1),Ge He(2),Xu Ji(2) ((1) College of Electrical Engineering, Sichuan University, (2) School of Chemical Engineering, Sichuan University) **关键词**: Off-grid renewable power, Off-grid renewable, renewable power, present a promising, promising pathway **类目**: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Yangjun Zeng(1),Yiwei Qiu(1),Jie Zhu(1),Shi Chen(1),Tianlei Zang(1),Buxiang Zhou(1),Ge He(2),Xu Ji(2) ((1) College of Electrical Engineering, Sichuan University, (2) School of Chemical Engineering, Sichuan University) {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-702-Fragment-Masked Molecular Optimization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09106 **作者**: Kun Li,Xiantao Cai,Jia Wu,Bo Du,Wenbin Hu **关键词**: minimize side effects, drug discovery, aimed at refining, side effects, ultimately accelerating **类目**: Biomolecules (q-bio.BM); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Kun Li,Xiantao Cai,Jia Wu,Bo Du,Wenbin Hu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-703-mRNA2vec: mRNA Embedding with Language Model in the 5'UTR-CDS for mRNA Design {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09048 **作者**: Honggen Zhang,Xiangrui Gao,June Zhang,Lipeng Lai **关键词**: Messenger RNA, pharmaceutical industry, accelerating the discovery, drugs and revolutionizing, revolutionizing the pharmaceutical **类目**: Quantitative Methods (q-bio.QM); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Honggen Zhang,Xiangrui Gao,June Zhang,Lipeng Lai {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-704-Error Bounds for Learning Fourier Linear Operators {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09004 **作者**: Unique Subedi,Ambuj Tewari **关键词**: Fourier Neural Operator, Fourier Neural, Discrete Fourier Transform, Neural Operator, function spaces **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Unique Subedi,Ambuj Tewari {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-705-A Confidence Interval for the $\ell_2$ Expected Calibration Error {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08998 **作者**: Yan Sun,Pratik Chaudhari,Ian J. Barnett,Edgar Dobriban **关键词**: Recent advances, significantly improved prediction, improved prediction accuracy, advances in machine, machine learning **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Yan Sun,Pratik Chaudhari,Ian J. Barnett,Edgar Dobriban {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-706-Adaptive Uncertainty Quantification for Generative AI {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08990 **作者**: Jungeum Kim,Sean O'Hagan,Veronika Rockova **关键词**: including generative, work is concerned, concerned with conformal, trained on data, black-box model **类目**: Methodology (stat.ME); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Jungeum Kim,Sean O'Hagan,Veronika Rockova {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-707-Quantum Circuit Optimization: Current trends and future direction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08941 **作者**: Geetha Karuppasamy,Varun Puram,Stevens Johnson,Johnson P Thomas **关键词**: achieve faster calculations, reduce errors due, due to noise, important in order, order to achieve **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Emerging Technologies (cs.ET) ***备注**: Geetha Karuppasamy,Varun Puram,Stevens Johnson,Johnson P Thomas {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-708-Why Do Experts Favor Solar and Wind as Renewable Energies Despite their Intermittency? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08910 **作者**: Steven P. Reinhardt **关键词**: renewable energy generation, renewable energy, humanity accelerates, accelerates its shift, shift to renewable **类目**: Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Steven P. Reinhardt {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-709-ree species classification at the pixel-level using deep learning and multispectral time series in an imbalanced context {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08887 **作者**: Florian Mouret(CESBIO, UO),David Morin(CESBIO),Milena Planells(CESBIO),Cécile Vincent-Barbaroux **关键词**: multispectral satellite image, satellite image time-series, paper investigates tree, multispectral satellite, image time-series **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Florian Mouret(CESBIO, UO),David Morin(CESBIO),Milena Planells(CESBIO),Cécile Vincent-Barbaroux {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-710-U-MedSAM: Uncertainty-aware MedSAM for Medical Image Segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08881 **作者**: Xin Wang,Xiaoyu Liu,Peng Huang,Pu Huang,Shu Hu,Hongtu Zhu **关键词**: Medical Image Foundation, Image Foundation Models, Medical Image, Image Foundation, Foundation Models **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Xin Wang,Xiaoyu Liu,Peng Huang,Pu Huang,Shu Hu,Hongtu Zhu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-711-Optimal transport natural gradient for statistical manifolds with continuous sample space {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.08380 **作者**: Yifan Chen,Wuchen Li **关键词**: continuous sample spaces, Wasserstein statistical manifold, Wasserstein natural gradient, Wasserstein metric tensor, Wasserstein **类目**: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Information Theory (cs.IT); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Statistics Theory (math.ST); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Yifan Chen,Wuchen Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %}