{% note blue no-icon %} ID-0-MME-RealWorld: Could Your Multimodal LLM Challenge High-Resolution Real-World Scenarios that are Difficult for Humans? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13257 **作者**: Yi-Fan Zhang,Huanyu Zhang,Haochen Tian,Chaoyou Fu,Shuangqing Zhang,Junfei Wu,Feng Li,Kun Wang,Qingsong Wen,Zhang Zhang,Liang Wang,Rong Jin,Tieniu Tan **关键词**: Multimodal Large Language, Large Language Models, recently garnered widespread, garnered widespread attention, Multimodal Large **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Yi-Fan Zhang,Huanyu Zhang,Haochen Tian,Chaoyou Fu,Shuangqing Zhang,Junfei Wu,Feng Li,Kun Wang,Qingsong Wen,Zhang Zhang,Liang Wang,Rong Jin,Tieniu Tan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-1-How Diffusion Models Learn to Factorize and Compose {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13256 **作者**: Qiyao Liang,Ziming Liu,Mitchell Ostrow,Ila Fiete **关键词**: generating photo-realistic images, Diffusion models, compositionally generalize, capable of generating, generating photo-realistic **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Qiyao Liang,Ziming Liu,Mitchell Ostrow,Ila Fiete {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-2-Ensemble Modeling of Multiple Physical Indicators to Dynamically Phenotype Autism Spectrum Disorder {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13255 **作者**: Marie Huynh(1),Aaron Kline(1),Saimourya Surabhi(1),Kaitlyn Dunlap(1),Onur Cezmi Mutlu(1),Mohammadmahdi Honarmand(1),Parnian Azizian(1),Peter Washington(2),Dennis P. Wall(1) ((1) Stanford University, (2) University of Hawaii at Manoa) **关键词**: social communication challenges, neurodevelopmental disorder marked, Autism Spectrum Disorder, communication challenges, timely intervention **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Marie Huynh(1),Aaron Kline(1),Saimourya Surabhi(1),Kaitlyn Dunlap(1),Onur Cezmi Mutlu(1),Mohammadmahdi Honarmand(1),Parnian Azizian(1),Peter Washington(2),Dennis P. Wall(1) ((1) Stanford University, (2) University of Hawaii at Manoa) {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-3-Domain-specific long text classification from sparse relevant information {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13253 **作者**: Célia D'Cruz,Jean-Marc Bereder,Frédéric Precioso,Michel Riveill **关键词**: Natural Language Processing, Language Processing field, Large Language Models, Large Language, Natural Language **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Célia D'Cruz,Jean-Marc Bereder,Frédéric Precioso,Michel Riveill {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-4-LayerPano3D: Layered 3D Panorama for Hyper-Immersive Scene Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13252 **作者**: Shuai Yang,Jing Tan,Mengchen Zhang,Tong Wu,Yixuan Li,Gordon Wetzstein,Ziwei Liu,Dahua Lin **关键词**: scene, vision and graphics, challenging yet critical, critical task, task in computer **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Shuai Yang,Jing Tan,Mengchen Zhang,Tong Wu,Yixuan Li,Gordon Wetzstein,Ziwei Liu,Dahua Lin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-5-Re-evaluation of Face Anti-spoofing Algorithm in Post COVID-19 Era Using Mask Based Occlusion Attack {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13251 **作者**: Vaibhav Sundharam,Abhijit Sarkar,A. Lynn Abbott **关键词**: face recognition systems, PAD algorithms, Face anti-spoofing algorithms, play a pivotal, pivotal role **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Vaibhav Sundharam,Abhijit Sarkar,A. Lynn Abbott {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-6-Foundational Model for Electron Micrograph Analysis: Instruction-Tuning Small-Scale Language-and-Vision Assistant for Enterprise Adoption {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13248 **作者**: Sakhinana Sagar Srinivas,Chidaksh Ravuru,Geethan Sannidhi,Venkataramana Runkana **关键词**: deep learning, limiting our ability, semiconductor manufacturing, critical yet understudied, understudied in deep **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Sakhinana Sagar Srinivas,Chidaksh Ravuru,Geethan Sannidhi,Venkataramana Runkana {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-7-Data Exposure from LLM Apps: An In-depth Investigation of OpenAI's GPTs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13247 **作者**: Evin Jaff,Yuhao Wu,Ning Zhang,Umar Iqbal **关键词**: LLM apps, LLM app ecosystems, LLM, Actions, data **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computers and Society (cs.CY); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Evin Jaff,Yuhao Wu,Ning Zhang,Umar Iqbal {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-8-MCTR: Multi Camera Tracking Transformer {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13243 **作者**: Alexandru Niculescu-Mizil,Deep Patel,Iain Melvin **关键词**: Multi-camera tracking plays, Multi-camera tracking, real-world applications, plays a pivotal, pivotal role **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Alexandru Niculescu-Mizil,Deep Patel,Iain Melvin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-9-Improving Equivariant Model Training via Constraint Relaxation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13242 **作者**: Stefanos Pertigkiozoglou,Evangelos Chatzipantazis,Shubhendu Trivedi,Kostas Daniilidis **关键词**: underlying data symmetries, Equivariant neural networks, variety of applications, applications due, ability to generalize **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Stefanos Pertigkiozoglou,Evangelos Chatzipantazis,Shubhendu Trivedi,Kostas Daniilidis {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-10-Which Prosodic Features Matter Most for Pragmatics? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13240 **作者**: Nigel G. Ward,Divette Marco,Olac Fuentes **关键词**: conveying prosodic functions, prosodic features matter, prosodic features, features, conveying prosodic **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Sound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Nigel G. Ward,Divette Marco,Olac Fuentes {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-11-CustomCrafter: Customized Video Generation with Preserving Motion and Concept Composition Abilities {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13239 **作者**: Tao Wu,Yong Zhang,Xintao Wang,Xianpan Zhou,Guangcong Zheng,Zhongang Qi,Ying Shan,Xi Li **关键词**: Customized video generation, high-quality videos guided, Customized video, generate high-quality videos, subject reference images **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Tao Wu,Yong Zhang,Xintao Wang,Xianpan Zhou,Guangcong Zheng,Zhongang Qi,Ying Shan,Xi Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-12-JacNet: Learning Functions with Structured Jacobians {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13237 **作者**: Jonathan Lorraine,Safwan Hossain **关键词**: input domain, target domain, approximate mapping, domain, Neural networks **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Jonathan Lorraine,Safwan Hossain {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-13-Large-scale Collective Dynamics in the Three Iterations of the Reddit r/place Experiment {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13236 **作者**: Yutong Wu,Arlei Silva **关键词**: large shared canvas, social experiments hosted, Reddit, shared canvas, large shared **类目**: ocial and Information Networks (cs.SI) ***备注**: Yutong Wu,Arlei Silva {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-14-Multi-Layer Transformers Gradient Can be Approximated in Almost Linear Time {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13233 **作者**: Yingyu Liang,Zhizhou Sha,Zhenmei Shi,Zhao Song,Yufa Zhou **关键词**: architectures poses significant, popular transformer architectures, transformer architectures poses, poses significant challenges, multi-layer transformer model **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Yingyu Liang,Zhizhou Sha,Zhenmei Shi,Zhao Song,Yufa Zhou {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-15-Multi-finger Manipulation via Trajectory Optimization with Differentiable Rolling and Geometric Constraints {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13229 **作者**: Fan Yang,Thomas Power,Sergio Aguilera Marinovic,Soshi Iba,Rana Soltani Zarrin,Dmitry Berenson **关键词**: Parameterizing finger rolling, formulating dexterous manipulation, Parameterizing finger, trajectory optimization problem, Signed Distance Field **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Fan Yang,Thomas Power,Sergio Aguilera Marinovic,Soshi Iba,Rana Soltani Zarrin,Dmitry Berenson {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-16-Enhancing Few-Shot Transfer Learning with Optimized Multi-Task Prompt Tuning through Modular Prompt Composition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13227 **作者**: Ahmad Pouramini,Hesham Faili **关键词**: garnered considerable attention, enhance parameter-efficient transfer, parameter-efficient transfer learning, prompt, recent years **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Ahmad Pouramini,Hesham Faili {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-17-DM: Enriching E-commerce Videos with Sound Effects by Key Moment Detection and SFX Matching {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13226 **作者**: Jingyu Liu,Minquan Wang,Ye Ma,Bo Wang,Aozhu Chen,Quan Chen,Peng Jiang,Xirong Li **关键词**: SFX, showcasing specific products, SFX matching, Videos showcasing specific, adding SFX **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Jingyu Liu,Minquan Wang,Ye Ma,Bo Wang,Aozhu Chen,Quan Chen,Peng Jiang,Xirong Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-18-Quadratic estimation for stochastic systems in the presence of random parameter matrices, time-correlated additive noise and deception attacks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13224 **作者**: Raquel Caballero-Águila,Josefa Linares-Pérez **关键词**: filter decline significantly, linear filter decline, Networked systems, decline significantly, filter decline **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Raquel Caballero-Águila,Josefa Linares-Pérez {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-19-Social Welfare Maximization for Federated Learning with Network Effects {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13223 **作者**: Xiang Li,Yuan Luo,Bing Luo,Jianwei Huang **关键词**: coordinating self-interested clients, learning process, federated learning, coordinating self-interested, network effects **类目**: Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT) ***备注**: Xiang Li,Yuan Luo,Bing Luo,Jianwei Huang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-20-An Overview on Machine Learning Methods for Partial Differential Equations: from Physics Informed Neural Networks to Deep Operator Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13222 **作者**: Lukas Gonon,Arnulf Jentzen,Benno Kuckuck,Siyu Liang,Adrian Riekert,Philippe von Wurstemberger **关键词**: partial differential equations, differential equations, applied mathematics, solutions of partial, partial differential **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Lukas Gonon,Arnulf Jentzen,Benno Kuckuck,Siyu Liang,Adrian Riekert,Philippe von Wurstemberger {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-21-Protecting against simultaneous data poisoning attacks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13221 **作者**: Neel Alex,Shoaib Ahmed Siddiqui,Amartya Sanyal,David Krueger **关键词**: Current backdoor defense, Current backdoor, Current, backdoor defense methods, attacked multiple times **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Neel Alex,Shoaib Ahmed Siddiqui,Amartya Sanyal,David Krueger {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-22-HBIC: A Biclustering Algorithm for Heterogeneous Datasets {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13217 **作者**: Adán José-García,Julie Jacques,Clément Chauvet,Vincent Sobanski,Clarisse Dhaenens **关键词**: unsupervised machine-learning approach, machine-learning approach aiming, unsupervised machine-learning, aiming to cluster, data **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Adán José-García,Julie Jacques,Clément Chauvet,Vincent Sobanski,Clarisse Dhaenens {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-23-mporal Fairness in Decision Making Problems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13208 **作者**: Manuel R. Torres,Parisa Zehtabi,Michael Cashmore,Daniele Magazzeni,Manuela Veloso **关键词**: decision making problems, decision making, fairness, making problems, making problems formulated **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Manuel R. Torres,Parisa Zehtabi,Michael Cashmore,Daniele Magazzeni,Manuela Veloso {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-24-Level-set shape optimization via polytopic discontinuous Galerkin methods {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13206 **作者**: Raphael E. Fernandes,Emmanuil H. Georgoulis,Alberto Paganini **关键词**: discontinuous Galerkin methods, Galerkin methods, discontinuous Galerkin, polytopic discontinuous Galerkin, optimization approach based **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: Raphael E. Fernandes,Emmanuil H. Georgoulis,Alberto Paganini {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-25-Bussgang revisited: effect of quantization on signal to distortion plus noise ratio with non-Gaussian signals {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13205 **作者**: Alister Burr,Abigail Elcock,Junbo Zhao **关键词**: Radio Access Network, Open Radio Access, Access Network, Open Radio, Radio Access **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Alister Burr,Abigail Elcock,Junbo Zhao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-26-DOMAINEVAL: An Auto-Constructed Benchmark for Multi-Domain Code Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13204 **作者**: Qiming Zhu,Jialun Cao,Yaojie Lu,Hongyu Lin,Xianpei Han,Le Sun,Shing-Chi Cheung **关键词**: Large Language Models, Language Models, Large Language, strengths and weaknesses, HumanEval are widely **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Software Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Qiming Zhu,Jialun Cao,Yaojie Lu,Hongyu Lin,Xianpei Han,Le Sun,Shing-Chi Cheung {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-27-Instruct-DeBERTa: A Hybrid Approach for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis on Textual Reviews {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13202 **作者**: Dineth Jayakody,A V A Malkith,Koshila Isuranda,Vishal Thenuwara,Nisansa de Silva,Sachintha Rajith Ponnamperuma,G G N Sandamali,K L K Sudheera **关键词**: Natural Language Processing, Language Processing, Natural Language, Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis, extracting sentiments related **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Dineth Jayakody,A V A Malkith,Koshila Isuranda,Vishal Thenuwara,Nisansa de Silva,Sachintha Rajith Ponnamperuma,G G N Sandamali,K L K Sudheera {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-28-EAViT: External Attention Vision Transformer for Audio Classification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13201 **作者**: Aquib Iqbal,Abid Hasan Zim,Md Asaduzzaman Tonmoy,Limengnan Zhou,Asad Malik,Minoru Kuribayashi **关键词**: Attention Vision Transformer, Vision Transformer, paper presents, approach designed, audio classification **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Aquib Iqbal,Abid Hasan Zim,Md Asaduzzaman Tonmoy,Limengnan Zhou,Asad Malik,Minoru Kuribayashi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-29-Predictability of Performance in Communication Networks Under Markovian Dynamics {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13196 **作者**: Samie Mostafavi,Simon Eggar,György Dán,James Gross **关键词**: proactive network adaptation, emergence of time-critical, time-critical applications, applications in modern, growing demand **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Samie Mostafavi,Simon Eggar,György Dán,James Gross {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-30-NAS-Cap: Deep-Learning Driven 3-D Capacitance Extraction with Neural Architecture Search and Data Augmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13195 **作者**: Haoyuan Li,Dingcheng Yang,Chunyan Pei,Wenjian Yu **关键词**: designing integrated circuits, capacitance extraction, demanded for designing, designing integrated, integrated circuits **类目**: Hardware Architecture (cs.AR); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Haoyuan Li,Dingcheng Yang,Chunyan Pei,Wenjian Yu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-31-IFH: a Diffusion Framework for Flexible Design of Graph Generative Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13194 **作者**: Samuel Cognolato,Alessandro Sperduti,Luciano Serafini **关键词**: generate a graph, prominent families, successive additions, Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic, Graph **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Samuel Cognolato,Alessandro Sperduti,Luciano Serafini {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-32-Critical Point Extraction from Multivariate Functional Approximation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13193 **作者**: Guanqun Ma,David Lenz,Tom Peterka,Hanqi Guo,Bei Wang **关键词**: high-performance computing require, Advances in high-performance, represent large-scale scientific, scientific workflows, MFA **类目**: Computational Geometry (cs.CG) ***备注**: Guanqun Ma,David Lenz,Tom Peterka,Hanqi Guo,Bei Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-33-Accelerating the k-means++ Algorithm by Using Geometric Information {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13189 **作者**: Guillem Rodríguez Corominas,Maria J. Blesa,Christian Blum **关键词**: two-step sampling procedure, Triangle Inequality, specifically the Triangle, geometric information, sampling procedure **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Guillem Rodríguez Corominas,Maria J. Blesa,Christian Blum {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-34-Dual Grid-Forming Converter {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13185 **作者**: Federico Milano **关键词**: controlled converters, proposes a dual, dual model, synchronous machine models, active power control **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Federico Milano {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-35-Can LLM be a Good Path Planner based on Prompt Engineering? Mitigating the Hallucination for Path Planning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13184 **作者**: Hourui Deng,Hongjie Zhang,Jie Ou,Chaosheng Feng **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, Language Models, embodied intelligence, LLMs **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Hourui Deng,Hongjie Zhang,Jie Ou,Chaosheng Feng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-36-arget Detection for OTFS-Aided Cell-Free MIMO ISAC System {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13182 **作者**: Shivani Singh,Amudheesan Nakkeeran,Prem Singh,Ekant Sharma,Jyotsna Bapat **关键词**: time frequency space, aided cell-free multiple-input, cell-free multiple-input multiple-output, high-speed vehicular environments, orthogonal time frequency **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Shivani Singh,Amudheesan Nakkeeran,Prem Singh,Ekant Sharma,Jyotsna Bapat {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-37-he Power of Migrations in Dynamic Bin Packing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13178 **作者**: Konstantina Mellou,Marco Molinaro,Rudy Zhou **关键词**: Dynamic Bin Packing, Bin Packing problem, Bin Packing, Dynamic Bin, migrations **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ***备注**: Konstantina Mellou,Marco Molinaro,Rudy Zhou {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-38-Identifying Crucial Objects in Blind and Low-Vision Individuals' Navigation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13175 **作者**: Md Touhidul Islam,Imran Kabir,Elena Ariel Pearce,Md Alimoor Reza,Syed Masum Billah **关键词**: BLV individuals, featuring BLV individuals, BLV individuals navigating, encompassing road, indoor environments **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Md Touhidul Islam,Imran Kabir,Elena Ariel Pearce,Md Alimoor Reza,Syed Masum Billah {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-39-Demonstration of Wheeler: A Three-Wheeled Input Device for Usable, Efficient, and Versatile Non-Visual Interaction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13173 **作者**: Md Touhidul Islam,Noushad Sojib,Imran Kabir,Ashiqur Rahman Amit,Mohammad Ruhul Amin,Syed Masum Billah **关键词**: Navigating multi-level menus, complex hierarchies remains, Navigating multi-level, interact with computers, hierarchies remains **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Md Touhidul Islam,Noushad Sojib,Imran Kabir,Ashiqur Rahman Amit,Mohammad Ruhul Amin,Syed Masum Billah {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-40-owards Weaknesses and Attack Patterns Prediction for IoT Devices {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13172 **作者**: Carlos A. Rivera A.,Arash Shaghaghi,Gustavo Batista,Salil S. Kanhere **关键词**: Internet of Things, efficient security measures, adoption of Internet, enterprise environments, increasingly critical **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Carlos A. Rivera A.,Arash Shaghaghi,Gustavo Batista,Salil S. Kanhere {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-41-Lessons in co-creation: the inconvenient truths of inclusive sign language technology development {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13171 **作者**: Maartje De Meulder,Davy Van Landuyt,Rehana Omardeen **关键词**: language technology development, AI-driven language technologies, era of AI-driven, growing demand, European Union **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Maartje De Meulder,Davy Van Landuyt,Rehana Omardeen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-42-On Information Theoretic Fairness: Compressed Representations With Perfect Demographic Parity {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13168 **作者**: Amirreza Zamani,Borja Rodríguez-Gálvez,Mikael Skoglund **关键词**: private representations achieving, Functional Representation Lemma, achieving perfect demographic, perfect demographic parity, representations achieving perfect **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Amirreza Zamani,Borja Rodríguez-Gálvez,Mikael Skoglund {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-43-Wheeler: A Three-Wheeled Input Device for Usable, Efficient, and Versatile Non-Visual Interaction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13166 **作者**: Md Touhidul Islam,Noushad Sojib,Imran Kabir,Ashiqur Rahman Amit,Mohammad Ruhul Amin,Syed Masum Billah **关键词**: assistive technologies, Blind users rely, Blind users, user interface, users **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Md Touhidul Islam,Noushad Sojib,Imran Kabir,Ashiqur Rahman Amit,Mohammad Ruhul Amin,Syed Masum Billah {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-44-Cyclic Wrap-Around Multi-Access Coded Caching with Private Caches {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13165 **作者**: Dhruv Pratap Singh,Anjana A. Mahesh,B. Sundar Rajan **关键词**: access caches, called private caches, coded caching problem, caches, access **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Dhruv Pratap Singh,Anjana A. Mahesh,B. Sundar Rajan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-45-Say No to Freeloader: Protecting Intellectual Property of Your Deep Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13161 **作者**: Lianyu Wang,Meng Wang,Huazhu Fu,Daoqiang Zhang **关键词**: Model intellectual property, attracted growing attention, technology advancements stem, human intellectual labor, intellectual property **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Lianyu Wang,Meng Wang,Huazhu Fu,Daoqiang Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-46-KonvLiNA: Integrating Kolmogorov-Arnold Network with Linear Nystr\"om Attention for feature fusion in Crop Field Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13160 **作者**: Haruna Yunusa,Qin Shiyin,Adamu Lawan,Abdulrahman Hamman Adama Chukkol **关键词**: optimizing resource allocation, Crop field detection, enhancing agricultural productivity, field detection, Convolutional Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Haruna Yunusa,Qin Shiyin,Adamu Lawan,Abdulrahman Hamman Adama Chukkol {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-47-Causal machine learning for sustainable agroecosystems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13155 **作者**: Vasileios Sitokonstantinou,Emiliano Díaz Salas Porras,Jordi Cerdà Bautista,Maria Piles,Ioannis Athanasiadis,Hannah Kerner,Giulia Martini,Lily-belle Sweet,Ilias Tsoumas,Jakob Zscheischler,Gustau Camps-Valls **关键词**: changing climate, environmental health, essential for food, food security, security and environmental **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Vasileios Sitokonstantinou,Emiliano Díaz Salas Porras,Jordi Cerdà Bautista,Maria Piles,Ioannis Athanasiadis,Hannah Kerner,Giulia Martini,Lily-belle Sweet,Ilias Tsoumas,Jakob Zscheischler,Gustau Camps-Valls {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-48-Interpretable breast cancer classification using CNNs on mammographic images {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13154 **作者**: Ann-Kristin Balve,Peter Hendrix **关键词**: raises interpretability concerns, nature raises interpretability, Deep learning models, achieved promising results, breast cancer classification **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Ann-Kristin Balve,Peter Hendrix {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-49-Do Mistakes Matter? Comparing Trust Responses of Different Age Groups to Errors Made by Physically Assistive Robots {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13153 **作者**: Sasha Wald,Kavya Puthuveetil,Zackory Erickson **关键词**: acceptable human-robot interaction, ensuring acceptable human-robot, human-robot interaction, ensuring acceptable, acceptable human-robot **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Sasha Wald,Kavya Puthuveetil,Zackory Erickson {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-50-Long-Term Pre-training for Temporal Action Detection with Transformers {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13152 **作者**: Jihwan Kim,Miso Lee,Jae-Pil Heo **关键词**: Temporal action detection, real-world video applications, Temporal action, TAD, fundamental for real-world **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Jihwan Kim,Miso Lee,Jae-Pil Heo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-51-Focus on Neighbors and Know the Whole: Towards Consistent Dense Multiview Text-to-Image Generator for 3D Creation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13149 **作者**: Bonan Li,Zicheng Zhang,Xingyi Yang,Xinchao Wang **关键词**: Generating dense multiview, Generating dense, text prompts, prompts is crucial, crucial for creating **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Bonan Li,Zicheng Zhang,Xingyi Yang,Xinchao Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-52-ShapeICP: Iterative Category-level Object Pose and Shape Estimation from Depth {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13147 **作者**: Yihao Zhang,John J. Leonard **关键词**: recently drawn research, drawn research attention, research attention due, single depth image, robotics and self-driving **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Yihao Zhang,John J. Leonard {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-53-Verification of Geometric Robustness of Neural Networks via Piecewise Linear Approximation and Lipschitz Optimisation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13140 **作者**: Ben Batten,Yang Zheng,Alessandro De Palma,Panagiotis Kouvaros,Alessio Lomuscio **关键词**: verifying neural networks, including rotation, input image, address the problem, problem of verifying **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Ben Batten,Yang Zheng,Alessandro De Palma,Panagiotis Kouvaros,Alessio Lomuscio {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-54-Optimally Solving Simultaneous-Move Dec-POMDPs: The Sequential Central Planning Approach {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13139 **作者**: Johan Peralez,Aurélien Delage,Jacopo Castellini,Rafael F. Cunha,Jilles S. Dibangoye **关键词**: Markov decision processes, partially observable Markov, observable Markov decision, epsilon-optimally solving decentralized, solving decentralized partially **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Johan Peralez,Aurélien Delage,Jacopo Castellini,Rafael F. Cunha,Jilles S. Dibangoye {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-55-amgram: A Frontend for Large-scale Protocol Modeling in Tamarin {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13138 **作者**: Di Long Li,Jim de Groot,Alwen Tiu **关键词**: Automated security protocol, Automated security, scale complex real-world, security protocol verifiers, complex real-world protocols **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Di Long Li,Jim de Groot,Alwen Tiu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-56-Deep Learning at the Intersection: Certified Robustness as a Tool for 3D Vision {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13135 **作者**: Gabriel Pérez S,Juan C. Pérez,Motasem Alfarra,Jesús Zarzar,Sara Rojas,Bernard Ghanem,Pablo Arbeláez **关键词**: presents preliminary work, Maximal Certified Radius, Signed Distance Function, paper presents preliminary, compute SDFs **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Gabriel Pérez S,Juan C. Pérez,Motasem Alfarra,Jesús Zarzar,Sara Rojas,Bernard Ghanem,Pablo Arbeláez {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-57-Optimal order time discretizations for stochastic semilinear wave equations with multiplicative noise {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13134 **作者**: Xiaobing Feng,Yukun Li,Liet Vo **关键词**: implicit temporal discretization, temporal discretization methods, semilinear wave equations, stochastic semilinear wave, deterministic wave equations **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Probability (math.PR) ***备注**: Xiaobing Feng,Yukun Li,Liet Vo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-58-DeTPP: Leveraging Object Detection for Robust Long-Horizon Event Prediction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13131 **作者**: Ivan Karpukhin,Andrey Savchenko **关键词**: Temporal Point Processes, Forecasting future events, Marked Temporal Point, Forecasting future, Point Processes **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Ivan Karpukhin,Andrey Savchenko {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-59-CathAction: A Benchmark for Endovascular Intervention Understanding {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13126 **作者**: Baoru Huang,Tuan Vo,Chayun Kongtongvattana,Giulio Dagnino,Dennis Kundrat,Wenqiang Chi,Mohamed Abdelaziz,Trevor Kwok,Tudor Jianu,Tuong Do,Hieu Le,Minh Nguyen,Hoan Nguyen,Erman Tjiputra,Quang Tran,Jianyang Xie,Yanda Meng,Binod Bhattarai,Zhaorui Tan,Hongbin Liu,Hong Seng Gan,Wei Wang,Xi Yang,Qiufeng Wang,Jionglong Su,Kaizhu Huang,Angelos Stefanidis,Min Guo,Bo Du,Rong Tao,Minh Vu,Guoyan Zheng,Yalin Zheng,Francisco Vasconcelos,Danail Stoyanov,Daniel Elson,Ferdinando Rodriguez y Baena,Anh Nguyen **关键词**: Real-time visual feedback, enhancing surgical safety, Real-time visual, endovascular intervention understanding, visual feedback **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Baoru Huang,Tuan Vo,Chayun Kongtongvattana,Giulio Dagnino,Dennis Kundrat,Wenqiang Chi,Mohamed Abdelaziz,Trevor Kwok,Tudor Jianu,Tuong Do,Hieu Le,Minh Nguyen,Hoan Nguyen,Erman Tjiputra,Quang Tran,Jianyang Xie,Yanda Meng,Binod Bhattarai,Zhaorui Tan,Hongbin Liu,Hong Seng Gan,Wei Wang,Xi Yang,Qiufeng Wang,Jionglong Su,Kaizhu Huang,Angelos Stefanidis,Min Guo,Bo Du,Rong Tao,Minh Vu,Guoyan Zheng,Yalin Zheng,Francisco Vasconcelos,Danail Stoyanov,Daniel Elson,Ferdinando Rodriguez y Baena,Anh Nguyen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-60-Advancements in UWB: Paving the Way for Sovereign Data Networks in Healthcare Facilities {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13124 **作者**: Khan Reaz,Thibaud Ardoin,Lea Muth,Marian Margraf,Gerhard Wunder,Mahsa Kholghi,Kai Jansen,Christian Zenger,Julian Schmidt,Enrico Köppe,Zoran Utkovski,Igor Bjelakovic,Mathis Schmieder,Olaf Dressel **关键词**: precise micro-location capabilities, groundbreaking ranging technology, capabilities and robustness, groundbreaking ranging, precise micro-location **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Khan Reaz,Thibaud Ardoin,Lea Muth,Marian Margraf,Gerhard Wunder,Mahsa Kholghi,Kai Jansen,Christian Zenger,Julian Schmidt,Enrico Köppe,Zoran Utkovski,Igor Bjelakovic,Mathis Schmieder,Olaf Dressel {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-61-Evidential Deep Partial Multi-View Classification With Discount Fusion {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13123 **作者**: Haojian Huang,Zhe Liu,Sukumar Letchmunan,Mingwei Lin,Muhammet Deveci,Witold Pedrycz,Patrick Siarry **关键词**: poses significant challenges, significant challenges due, classification poses significant, Incomplete multi-view data, data classification poses **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Haojian Huang,Zhe Liu,Sukumar Letchmunan,Mingwei Lin,Muhammet Deveci,Witold Pedrycz,Patrick Siarry {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-62-Semantic Variational Bayes Based on a Semantic Information Theory for Solving Latent Variables {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13122 **作者**: Chenguang Lu **关键词**: Variational Bayesian method, free energy criterion, Variational Bayesian, minimum free energy, Semantic Variational Bayes' **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Chenguang Lu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-63-Coarse-to-fine Alignment Makes Better Speech-image Retrieval {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13119 **作者**: Lifeng Zhou,Yuke Li **关键词**: learning, SIC, tasks, SIM, speech-image **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Sound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Lifeng Zhou,Yuke Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-64-End-to-end Surface Optimization for Light Control {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13117 **作者**: Yuou Sun,Bailin Deng,Juyong Zhang **关键词**: Designing a freeform, challenging inverse problem, reflect or refract, challenging inverse, target distribution **类目**: Graphics (cs.GR); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Yuou Sun,Bailin Deng,Juyong Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-65-Extremal Structures with Embedded Pre-Failure Indicators {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13113 **作者**: Christoffer Fyllgraf Christensen,Jonas Engqvist,Fengwen Wang,Ole Sigmund,Mathias Wallin **关键词**: Preemptive identification, identification of potential, loading of engineering, critical challenge, Preemptive **类目**: Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE) ***备注**: Christoffer Fyllgraf Christensen,Jonas Engqvist,Fengwen Wang,Ole Sigmund,Mathias Wallin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-66-NEST: Self-supervised Fast Conformer as All-purpose Seasoning to Speech Processing Tasks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13106 **作者**: He Huang,Taejin Park,Kunal Dhawan,Ivan Medennikov,Krishna C. Puvvada,Nithin Rao Koluguri,Weiqing Wang,Jagadeesh Balam,Boris Ginsburg **关键词**: verification and diarization, proved to benefit, benefit a wide, wide range, Self-supervised learning **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: He Huang,Taejin Park,Kunal Dhawan,Ivan Medennikov,Krishna C. Puvvada,Nithin Rao Koluguri,Weiqing Wang,Jagadeesh Balam,Boris Ginsburg {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-67-Dynamic Label Adversarial Training for Deep Learning Robustness Against Adversarial Attacks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13102 **作者**: Zhenyu Liu,Haoran Duan,Huizhi Liang,Yang Long,Vaclav Snasel,Guiseppe Nicosia,Rajiv Ranjan,Varun Ojha **关键词**: Adversarial training, target model, Adversarial, adversarial training architectures, enhancing model robustness **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Zhenyu Liu,Haoran Duan,Huizhi Liang,Yang Long,Vaclav Snasel,Guiseppe Nicosia,Rajiv Ranjan,Varun Ojha {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-68-Functional Tensor Decompositions for Physics-Informed Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13101 **作者**: Sai Karthikeya Vemuri,Tim Büchner,Julia Niebling,Joachim Denzler **关键词**: approximating partial differential, Physics-Informed Neural Networks, partial differential equations, Neural Networks, shown continuous **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Sai Karthikeya Vemuri,Tim Büchner,Julia Niebling,Joachim Denzler {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-69-Complete Autonomous Robotic Nasopharyngeal Swab System with Evaluation on a Stochastically Moving Phantom Head {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13100 **作者**: Peter Q. Lee,John S. Zelek,Katja Mombaur **关键词**: improve clinical efficiency, reduce infection risks, close-contact healthcare tasks, close contact task, clinical efficiency **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Peter Q. Lee,John S. Zelek,Katja Mombaur {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-70-Diffusion-based Episodes Augmentation for Offline Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13092 **作者**: Jihwan Oh,Sungnyun Kim,Gahee Kim,Sunghwan Kim,Se-Young Yun **关键词**: multi-agent reinforcement learning, Offline multi-agent reinforcement, multi-agent reinforcement, increasingly recognized, recognized as crucial **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Jihwan Oh,Sungnyun Kim,Gahee Kim,Sunghwan Kim,Se-Young Yun {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-71-Analysis of child development facts and myths using text mining techniques and classification models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13091 **作者**: Mehedi Tajrian,Azizur Rahman,Muhammad Ashad Kabir,Md Rafiqul Islam **关键词**: individuals seeking reliable, seeking reliable information, child development topics, researching child development, child development **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Mehedi Tajrian,Azizur Rahman,Muhammad Ashad Kabir,Md Rafiqul Islam {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-72-Map-Free Visual Relocalization Enhanced by Instance Knowledge and Depth Knowledge {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13085 **作者**: Mingyu Xiao,Runze Chen,Haiyong Luo,Fang Zhao,Juan Wang,Xuepeng Ma **关键词**: augmented reality, applications in autonomous, autonomous navigation, navigation and augmented, relying on pre-built **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Mingyu Xiao,Runze Chen,Haiyong Luo,Fang Zhao,Juan Wang,Xuepeng Ma {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-73-Avatar Visual Similarity for Social HCI: Increasing Self-Awareness {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13084 **作者**: Bernhard Hilpert,Claudio Alves da Silva,Leon Christidis,Chirag Bhuvaneshwara,Patrick Gebhard,Fabrizio Nunnari,Dimitra Tsovaltzi **关键词**: social HCI interaction, social HCI, HCI interaction, social human-human interaction, Self-awareness **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Bernhard Hilpert,Claudio Alves da Silva,Leon Christidis,Chirag Bhuvaneshwara,Patrick Gebhard,Fabrizio Nunnari,Dimitra Tsovaltzi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-74-Multivariate Time-Series Anomaly Detection based on Enhancing Graph Attention Networks with Topological Analysis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13082 **作者**: Zhe Liu,Xiang Huang,Jingyun Zhang,Zhifeng Hao,Li Sun,Hao Peng **关键词**: Unsupervised anomaly detection, Unsupervised anomaly, manual intervention, Graph Neural Networks, essential in industrial **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Zhe Liu,Xiang Huang,Jingyun Zhang,Zhifeng Hao,Li Sun,Hao Peng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-75-AEMLO: AutoEncoder-Guided Multi-Label Oversampling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13078 **作者**: Ao Zhou,Bin Liu,Jin Wang,Kaiwei Sun,Kelin Liu **关键词**: Class imbalance significantly, imbalance significantly impacts, Class imbalance, imbalance significantly, significantly impacts **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Ao Zhou,Bin Liu,Jin Wang,Kaiwei Sun,Kelin Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-76-Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal State-Space Modeling for fMRI Analysis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13074 **作者**: Yuxiang Wei,Anees Abrol,Reihaneh Hassanzadeh,Vince Calhoun **关键词**: maintaining linear complexity, deep learning structured, learning structured state, structured state space, demonstrated remarkable performance **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yuxiang Wei,Anees Abrol,Reihaneh Hassanzadeh,Vince Calhoun {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-77-IntelliCare: Improving Healthcare Analysis with Variance-Controlled Patient-Level Knowledge from Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13073 **作者**: Zhihao Yu,Yujie Jin,Yongxin Xu,Xu Chu,Yasha Wang,Junfeng Zhao **关键词**: electronic health record, pioneering deep learning, made great strides, analyzing electronic health, diverse medical codes **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Zhihao Yu,Yujie Jin,Yongxin Xu,Xu Chu,Yasha Wang,Junfeng Zhao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-78-Guiding IoT-Based Healthcare Alert Systems with Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13071 **作者**: Yulan Gao,Ziqiang Ye,Ming Xiao,Yue Xiao,Dong In Kim **关键词**: Internet of Things, Healthcare alert systems, undergoing rapid evolution, increasing health consciousness, Large Language Models **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Yulan Gao,Ziqiang Ye,Ming Xiao,Yue Xiao,Dong In Kim {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-79-On Class Separability Pitfalls In Audio-Text Contrastive Zero-Shot Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13068 **作者**: Tiago Tavares,Fabio Ayres,Zhepei Wang,Paris Smaragdis **关键词**: Recent advances, audio-text cross-modal contrastive, advances in audio-text, shown its potential, cross-modal contrastive learning **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Tiago Tavares,Fabio Ayres,Zhepei Wang,Paris Smaragdis {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-80-Contested Logistics: A Game-Theoretic Approach {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13057 **作者**: Jakub Cerny,Chun Kai Ling,Darshan Chakrabarti,Jingwen Zhang,Gabriele Farina,Christian Kroer,Garud Iyengar **关键词**: introduce Contested Logistics, Contested Logistics Games, introduce Contested, Contested Logistics, selected areas **类目**: Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT) ***备注**: Jakub Cerny,Chun Kai Ling,Darshan Chakrabarti,Jingwen Zhang,Gabriele Farina,Christian Kroer,Garud Iyengar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-81-Atlas Gaussians Diffusion for 3D Generation with Infinite Number of Points {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13055 **作者**: Haitao Yang,Yuan Dong,Hanwen Jiang,Dejia Xu,Georgios Pavlakos,Qixing Huang **关键词**: latent diffusion model, latent diffusion, Atlas Gaussians, diffusion model, Gaussians **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Haitao Yang,Yuan Dong,Hanwen Jiang,Dejia Xu,Georgios Pavlakos,Qixing Huang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-82-cc-DRL: a Convex Combined Deep Reinforcement Learning Flight Control Design for a Morphing Quadrotor {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13054 **作者**: Tao Yang,Huai-Ning Wu,Jun-Wei Wang **关键词**: complex flight dynamics, morphing quadrotors endows, morphing quadrotors, flight control, flight control algorithm **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Tao Yang,Huai-Ning Wu,Jun-Wei Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-83-G3FA: Geometry-guided GAN for Face Animation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13049 **作者**: Alireza Javanmardi,Alain Pagani,Didier Stricker **关键词**: Animating human face, desired source identity, Generative Adversarial Networks, Animating human, video facial movements **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Alireza Javanmardi,Alain Pagani,Didier Stricker {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-84-Adaptive complexity of log-concave sampling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13045 **作者**: Huanjian Zhou,Baoxiang Wang,Masashi Sugiyama **关键词**: large-data applications, diffusion models, degree of parallelization, inference process, process of diffusion **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ***备注**: Huanjian Zhou,Baoxiang Wang,Masashi Sugiyama {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-85-Identification and validation of the dynamic model of a tendon-driven anthropomorphic finger {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13044 **作者**: Junnan Li,Lingyun Chen,Johannes Ringwald,Edmundo Pozo Fortunic,Amartya Ganguly,Sami Haddadin **关键词**: anthropomorphic tendon-driven fingers, comprehensive dynamic model, dynamic model, properties of human, addresses the absence **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Junnan Li,Lingyun Chen,Johannes Ringwald,Edmundo Pozo Fortunic,Amartya Ganguly,Sami Haddadin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-86-Commutator-free Cayley methods {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13043 **作者**: Sofya Maslovskaya,Christian Offen,Sina Ober-Blöbaum,Pranav Singh,Boris Wembe **关键词**: Lie groups arise, quantum dynamical systems, Lie group, quadratic Lie groups, Lie groups **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Sofya Maslovskaya,Christian Offen,Sina Ober-Blöbaum,Pranav Singh,Boris Wembe {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-87-A Comparison of Deep Learning and Established Methods for Calf Behaviour Monitoring {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13041 **作者**: Oshana Dissanayake,Lucile Riaboff,Sarah E. McPherson,Emer Kennedy,Pádraig Cunningham **关键词**: human activity recognition, considerable progress, animal activity recognition, activity recognition, research on human **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Oshana Dissanayake,Lucile Riaboff,Sarah E. McPherson,Emer Kennedy,Pádraig Cunningham {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-88-Improving the Classification Effect of Clinical Images of Diseases for Multi-Source Privacy Protection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13038 **作者**: Tian Bowen,Xu Zhengyang,Yin Zhihao,Wang Jingying,Yue Yutao **关键词**: field poses challenges, medical field poses, limiting the ability, data, field poses **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Tian Bowen,Xu Zhengyang,Yin Zhihao,Wang Jingying,Yue Yutao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-89-S4D: Streaming 4D Real-World Reconstruction with Gaussians and 3D Control Points {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13036 **作者**: Bing He,Yunuo Chen,Guo Lu,Li Song,Wenjun Zhang **关键词**: garnered increased interest, increased interest, garnered increased, dynamic scene reconstruction, Recently **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Bing He,Yunuo Chen,Guo Lu,Li Song,Wenjun Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-90-Fair Pairs: Fairness-Aware Ranking Recovery from Pairwise Comparisons {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13034 **作者**: Georg Ahnert,Antonio Ferrara,Claudia Wagner **关键词**: Pairwise comparisons, Pairwise comparisons based, Pairwise, items or individuals, effective method **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI) ***备注**: Georg Ahnert,Antonio Ferrara,Claudia Wagner {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-91-VFM-Det: Towards High-Performance Vehicle Detection via Large Foundation Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13031 **作者**: Wentao Wu,Fanghua Hong,Xiao Wang,Chenglong Li,Jin Tang **关键词**: DETR series, Existing vehicle detectors, Existing vehicle, obtained by training, training a typical **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE) ***备注**: Wentao Wu,Fanghua Hong,Xiao Wang,Chenglong Li,Jin Tang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-92-Indoor scene recognition from images under visual corruptions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13029 **作者**: Willams de Lima Costa,Raul Ismayilov,Nicola Strisciuglio,Estefania Talavera Martinez **关键词**: assistive living, critical component, intelligent robotics, robotics for assistive, Graph Convolutional Network **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Willams de Lima Costa,Raul Ismayilov,Nicola Strisciuglio,Estefania Talavera Martinez {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-93-In-Context Learning with Reinforcement Learning for Incomplete Utterance Rewriting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13028 **作者**: Haowei Du,Dongyan Zhao **关键词**: attracted increasing attention, LLMs make predictions, In-context learning, ICL utilize sparse, large language models **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Haowei Du,Dongyan Zhao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-94-A parametric version of the Hilbert Nullstellensatz {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13027 **作者**: Rida Ait El Manssour,Nikhil Balaji,Klara Nosan,Mahsa Shirmohammadi,James Worrell **关键词**: Generalised Riemann Hypothesis, sufficient condition, finite collection, collection of multivariate, Hilbert Nullstellensatz **类目**: Computational Complexity (cs.CC) ***备注**: Rida Ait El Manssour,Nikhil Balaji,Klara Nosan,Mahsa Shirmohammadi,James Worrell {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-95-Learning 2D Invariant Affordance Knowledge for 3D Affordance Grounding {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13024 **作者**: Xianqiang Gao,Pingrui Zhang,Delin Qu,Dong Wang,Zhigang Wang,Yan Ding,Bin Zhao,Xuelong Li **关键词**: Affordance Grounding aims, Object Affordance Grounding, Grounding aims, textbf, Affordance Grounding **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Xianqiang Gao,Pingrui Zhang,Delin Qu,Dong Wang,Zhigang Wang,Yan Ding,Bin Zhao,Xuelong Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-96-owards learning digital twin: case study on an anisotropic non-ideal rotor system {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13021 **作者**: Zhibo Zhou,Michael Walther,Alexander Verl **关键词**: central topic, digital twin, manufacturing industry, physical object, LDT **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Zhibo Zhou,Michael Walther,Alexander Verl {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-97-VCEMO: Multi-Modal Emotion Recognition for Chinese Voiceprints {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13019 **作者**: Jinghua Tang,Liyun Zhang,Yu Lu,Dian Ding,Lanqing Yang,YiChao Chen,Minjie Bian,Xiaoshan Li,Guangtao Xue **关键词**: enhance humanized machine, humanized machine responses, voiceprint-based perception systems, Emotion recognition, smartphones and stereos **类目**: Multimedia (cs.MM); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Jinghua Tang,Liyun Zhang,Yu Lu,Dian Ding,Lanqing Yang,YiChao Chen,Minjie Bian,Xiaoshan Li,Guangtao Xue {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-98-Robust Iterative Value Conversion: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Neurochip-driven Edge Robots {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13018 **作者**: Yuki Kadokawa,Tomohito Kodera,Yoshihisa Tsurumine,Shinya Nishimura,Takamitsu Matsubara **关键词**: Spiking Neural Networks, calculates Spiking Neural, Neural Networks, Spiking Neural, signal processing mechanisms **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Yuki Kadokawa,Tomohito Kodera,Yoshihisa Tsurumine,Shinya Nishimura,Takamitsu Matsubara {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-99-A Web-Based Solution for Federated Learning with LLM-Based Automation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13010 **作者**: Chamith Mawela,Chaouki Ben Issaid,Mehdi Bennis **关键词**: collaborative machine learning, machine learning, offers a promising, distributed devices, collaborative machine **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Applications (stat.AP) ***备注**: Chamith Mawela,Chaouki Ben Issaid,Mehdi Bennis {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-100-Focused Discriminative Training For Streaming CTC-Trained Automatic Speech Recognition Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13008 **作者**: Adnan Haider,Xingyu Na,Erik McDermott,Tim Ng,Zhen Huang,Xiaodan Zhuang **关键词**: called Focused Discriminative, framework called Focused, Focused Discriminative Training, automatic speech recognition, called Focused **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Adnan Haider,Xingyu Na,Erik McDermott,Tim Ng,Zhen Huang,Xiaodan Zhuang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-101-Systematic Evaluation of LLM-as-a-Judge in LLM Alignment Tasks: Explainable Metrics and Diverse Prompt Templates {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13006 **作者**: Hui Wei,Shenghua He,Tian Xia,Andy Wong,Jingyang Lin,Mei Han **关键词**: RLHF and DPO, DPO are actively, large language models, align large language, LLM judges **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Hui Wei,Shenghua He,Tian Xia,Andy Wong,Jingyang Lin,Mei Han {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-102-EasyControl: Transfer ControlNet to Video Diffusion for Controllable Generation and Interpolation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13005 **作者**: Cong Wang,Jiaxi Gu,Panwen Hu,Haoyu Zhao,Yuanfan Guo,Jianhua Han,Hang Xu,Xiaodan Liang **关键词**: gaining increased attention, exemplified by Stable, generation technology exemplified, Stable Diffusion, academic community **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Cong Wang,Jiaxi Gu,Panwen Hu,Haoyu Zhao,Yuanfan Guo,Jianhua Han,Hang Xu,Xiaodan Liang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-103-BoostTrack++: using tracklet information to detect more objects in multiple object tracking {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13003 **作者**: Vukašin Stanojević,Branimir Todorović **关键词**: detected bounding boxes, Multiple object tracking, positive detected bounding, object tracking, depends heavily **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Vukašin Stanojević,Branimir Todorović {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-104-Measuring Variable Importance in Individual Treatment Effect Estimation with High Dimensional Data {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13002 **作者**: Joseph Paillard,Vitaliy Kolodyazhniy,Bertrand Thirion,Denis A. Engemann **关键词**: Causal machine learning, individual treatment effects, estimating individual treatment, Average Treatment Effect, provide powerful tools **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Joseph Paillard,Vitaliy Kolodyazhniy,Bertrand Thirion,Denis A. Engemann {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-105-CRUXEval-X: A Benchmark for Multilingual Code Reasoning, Understanding and Execution {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13001 **作者**: Ruiyang Xu,Jialun Cao,Yaojie Lu,Hongyu Lin,Xianpei Han,Ben He,Shing-Chi Cheung,Le Sun **关键词**: Large Language Models', evaluate Large Language, evaluate Large, Language Models', Large Language **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Ruiyang Xu,Jialun Cao,Yaojie Lu,Hongyu Lin,Xianpei Han,Ben He,Shing-Chi Cheung,Le Sun {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-106-General-Purpose Multicore Architectures {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12999 **作者**: Saugata Ghose **关键词**: crucial transistor scaling, increasing power consumption, transistor scaling properties, scaling properties started, aggressive single-core performance **类目**: Hardware Architecture (cs.AR); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Saugata Ghose {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-107-ght Bounds for Constant-Round Domination on Graphs of High Girth and Low Expansion {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12998 **作者**: Christoph Lenzen,Sophie Wenning **关键词**: Toggle, Code, Papers, approximation ratio, Code Toggle Papers **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ***备注**: Christoph Lenzen,Sophie Wenning {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-108-Enhancing Knowledge Tracing with Concept Map and Response Disentanglement {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12996 **作者**: Soonwook Park,Donghoon Lee,Hogun Park **关键词**: rapidly advancing realm, Conventional Knowledge Tracing, Knowledge Tracing, understand student knowledge, educational technology **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Soonwook Park,Donghoon Lee,Hogun Park {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-109-Controllable Financial Market Generation with Diffusion Guided Meta Agent {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12991 **作者**: Yu-Hao Huang,Chang Xu,Yang Liu,Weiqing Liu,Wu-Jun Li,Jiang Bian **关键词**: flow modeling stands, essential financial task, Order flow modeling, modeling stands, fundamental and essential **类目**: Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE); Trading and Market Microstructure (q-fin.TR) ***备注**: Yu-Hao Huang,Chang Xu,Yang Liu,Weiqing Liu,Wu-Jun Li,Jiang Bian {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-110-A Survey on Drowsiness Detection -- Modern Applications and Methods {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12990 **作者**: Biying Fu,Fadi Boutros,Chin-Teng Lin,Naser Damer **关键词**: holds paramount importance, Drowsiness detection, detection holds paramount, Drowsiness detection holds, Drowsiness **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Biying Fu,Fadi Boutros,Chin-Teng Lin,Naser Damer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-111-RIFF: Inducing Rules for Fraud Detection from Decision Trees {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12989 **作者**: João Lucas Martins,João Bravo,Ana Sofia Gomes,Carlos Soares,Pedro Bizarro **关键词**: dollar losses annually, multi-billion dollar losses, Financial fraud, losses annually, multi-billion dollar **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: João Lucas Martins,João Bravo,Ana Sofia Gomes,Carlos Soares,Pedro Bizarro {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-112-op Score on the Wrong Exam: On Benchmarking in Machine Learning for Vulnerability Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12986 **作者**: Niklas Risse,Marcel Böhme **关键词**: Software Engineering conferences, top Software Engineering, Software Engineering, Engineering conferences, top Software **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Niklas Risse,Marcel Böhme {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-113-QD-VMR: Query Debiasing with Contextual Understanding Enhancement for Video Moment Retrieval {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12981 **作者**: Chenghua Gao,Min Li,Jianshuo Liu,Junxing Ren,Lin Chen,Haoyu Liu,Bo Meng,Jitao Fu,Wenwen Su **关键词**: Video Moment Retrieval, retrieve relevant moments, Moment Retrieval, query, aims to retrieve **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Chenghua Gao,Min Li,Jianshuo Liu,Junxing Ren,Lin Chen,Haoyu Liu,Bo Meng,Jitao Fu,Wenwen Su {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-114-MedDec: A Dataset for Extracting Medical Decisions from Discharge Summaries {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12980 **作者**: Mohamed Elgaar,Jiali Cheng,Nidhi Vakil,Hadi Amiri,Leo Anthony Celi **关键词**: directly impact individuals', impact individuals' health, decisions directly impact, Medical decisions directly, Medical decisions **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Mohamed Elgaar,Jiali Cheng,Nidhi Vakil,Hadi Amiri,Leo Anthony Celi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-115-Internal and External Knowledge Interactive Refinement Framework for Knowledge-Intensive Question Answering {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12979 **作者**: Haowei Du,Dongyan Zhao **关键词**: potential factual errors, external knowledge, Recent works, knowledge, integrate external knowledge **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Haowei Du,Dongyan Zhao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-116-Energy-Efficient Spiking Recurrent Neural Network for Gesture Recognition on Embedded GPUs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12978 **作者**: Marzieh Hassanshahi Varposhti,Mahyar Shahsavari,Marcel van Gerven **关键词**: devices enables real-time, Implementing AI algorithms, event-based embedded devices, embedded devices enables, minimizes latency **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Marzieh Hassanshahi Varposhti,Mahyar Shahsavari,Marcel van Gerven {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-117-Optimal OnTheFly Feedback Control of Event Sensors {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12976 **作者**: Valery Vishnevskiy,Greg Burman,Sebastian Kozerke,Diederik Paul Moeys **关键词**: Event-based vision sensors, pixel intensity variation, intensity variation exceeds, Event-based vision, vision sensors produce **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Valery Vishnevskiy,Greg Burman,Sebastian Kozerke,Diederik Paul Moeys {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-118-Accuracy Improvement of Cell Image Segmentation Using Feedback Former {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12974 **作者**: Hinako Mitsuoka,Kazuhiro Hotta **关键词**: microscopy cell images, cell image segmentation, cell image, detailed information, significant technique **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Hinako Mitsuoka,Kazuhiro Hotta {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-119-SUMO: Search-Based Uncertainty Estimation for Model-Based Offline Reinforcement Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12970 **作者**: Zhongjian Qiao,Jiafei Lyu,Kechen Jiao,Qi Liu,Xiu Li **关键词**: offline reinforcement learning, reinforcement learning, SUMO, limited size, size and quality **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Zhongjian Qiao,Jiafei Lyu,Kechen Jiao,Qi Liu,Xiu Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-120-Single-Machine Scheduling to Minimize the Number of Tardy Jobs with Release Dates {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12967 **作者**: Matthias Kaul,Matthias Mnich,Hendrik Molter **关键词**: mid, release dates, sum, fundamental scheduling problem, Knapsack and Partition **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM) ***备注**: Matthias Kaul,Matthias Mnich,Hendrik Molter {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-121-From Time-Invariant to Uniformly Time-Varying Control Barrier Functions: A Constructive Approach {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12964 **作者**: Adrian Wiltz,Dimos V. Dimarogonas **关键词**: Control Barrier Functions, uniformly timevarying CBFs, uniformly time-varying constraints, Barrier Functions, Control Barrier **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Adrian Wiltz,Dimos V. Dimarogonas {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-122-Open Llama2 Model for the Lithuanian Language {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12963 **作者**: Artūras Nakvosas,Povilas Daniušis,Vytas Mulevičius **关键词**: popular LLM benchmarks, Lithuanian language, proposed LLMs, propose and describe, translations of popular **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Artūras Nakvosas,Povilas Daniušis,Vytas Mulevičius {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-123-Whispering Secrets in a Crowd: Leveraging Non-Covert Users for Covert Communications {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12962 **作者**: Abdelaziz Bounhar,Mireille Sarkiss,Michèle Wigger **关键词**: multiple users communicate, non-covert users, users, paper establishes, largest covert rates **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Abdelaziz Bounhar,Mireille Sarkiss,Michèle Wigger {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-124-Symplectic Bregman divergences {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12961 **作者**: Frank Nielsen **关键词**: symplectic Bregman divergences, vector spaces called, Bregman divergences, called symplectic Bregman, symplectic vector spaces **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Frank Nielsen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-125-Measuring Code Efficiency Optimization Capabilities with ACEOB {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12960 **作者**: Yue Pan,Xiuting Shao,Chen Lyu **关键词**: Moore Law gains, Law gains diminish, Moore Law, Code Efficiency Optimization, code efficiency **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Yue Pan,Xiuting Shao,Chen Lyu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-126-Multimodal Contrastive In-Context Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12959 **作者**: Yosuke Miyanishi,Minh Le Nguyen **关键词**: Large Language Models, Language Models, Large Language, growth of Large, ICL **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yosuke Miyanishi,Minh Le Nguyen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-127-Analysis of DNS Dependencies and their Security Implications in Australia: A Comparative Study of General and Indigenous Populations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12958 **作者**: Niousha Nazemi,Omid Tavallaie,Anna Maria Mandalari,Hamed Haddadi,Ralph Holz,Albert Y. Zomaya **关键词**: DNS, Australian government domains, Australian government, DNS providers, DNS provisioning **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Niousha Nazemi,Omid Tavallaie,Anna Maria Mandalari,Hamed Haddadi,Ralph Holz,Albert Y. Zomaya {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-128-Image Segmentation in Foundation Model Era: A Survey {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12957 **作者**: Tianfei Zhou,Fei Zhang,Boyu Chang,Wenguan Wang,Ye Yuan,Ender Konukoglu,Daniel Cremers **关键词**: Image segmentation, segmentation, Stable Diffusion, Image, computer vision **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Tianfei Zhou,Fei Zhang,Boyu Chang,Wenguan Wang,Ye Yuan,Ender Konukoglu,Daniel Cremers {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-129-State-of-the-Art Fails in the Art of Damage Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12953 **作者**: Daniela Ivanova,Marco Aversa,Paul Henderson,John Williamson **关键词**: cultural heritage preservation, Accurately detecting, heritage preservation, detecting and classifying, frescoes is essential **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Daniela Ivanova,Marco Aversa,Paul Henderson,John Williamson {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-130-Informational Embodiment: Computational role of information structure in codes and robots {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12950 **作者**: Alexandre Pitti,Kohei Nakajima,Yasuo Kuniyoshi **关键词**: body morphology plays, morphology plays, plays an important, important role, perceived and processed **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Alexandre Pitti,Kohei Nakajima,Yasuo Kuniyoshi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-131-E-code: Mastering Efficient Code Generation through Pretrained Models and Expert Encoder Group {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12948 **作者**: Yue Pan,Chen Lyu,Zhenyu Yang,Lantian Li,Qi Liu,Xiuting Shao **关键词**: Moore Law, placing increasing importance, waning of Moore, continuous performance enhancement, Large Language Models **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Yue Pan,Chen Lyu,Zhenyu Yang,Lantian Li,Qi Liu,Xiuting Shao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-132-Which Part of the Heap is Useful? Improving Heap Liveness Analysis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12947 **作者**: Vini Kanvar,Uday P. Khedker **关键词**: data structures allocated, reclaiming unused memory, minimizing cache misses, Heap liveness analysis, heap **类目**: Programming Languages (cs.PL) ***备注**: Vini Kanvar,Uday P. Khedker {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-133-Soft Decision Decoding of Recursive Plotkin Constructions Based on Hidden Code Words {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12946 **作者**: Martin Bossert **关键词**: Plotkin construction combines, recursive Plotkin construction, Plotkin construction, recursive Plotkin, Plotkin **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Martin Bossert {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-134-Find the Assembly Mistakes: Error Segmentation for Industrial Applications {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12945 **作者**: Dan Lehman,Tim J. Schoonbeek,Shao-Hsuan Hung,Jacek Kustra,Peter H.N. de With,Fons van der Sommen **关键词**: prevent unplanned down-time, increase worker efficiency, Recognizing errors, unplanned down-time, maintenance procedures **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Dan Lehman,Tim J. Schoonbeek,Shao-Hsuan Hung,Jacek Kustra,Peter H.N. de With,Fons van der Sommen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-135-Causal-Guided Active Learning for Debiasing Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12942 **作者**: Zhouhao Sun,Li Du,Xiao Ding,Yixuan Ma,Kaitao Qiu,Ting Liu,Bing Qin **关键词**: achieving promising performance, large language models, generative large language, current generative large, capture dataset biases **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Zhouhao Sun,Li Du,Xiao Ding,Yixuan Ma,Kaitao Qiu,Ting Liu,Bing Qin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-136-See: Advancing Multi-Shot Explainable AI Using Case-based Recommendations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12941 **作者**: Anjana Wijekoon,Nirmalie Wiratunga,David Corsar,Kyle Martin,Ikechukwu Nkisi-Orji,Chamath Palihawadana,Marta Caro-Martínez,Belen Díaz-Agudo,Derek Bridge,Anne Liret **关键词**: AI-assisted decision-making processes, iSee platform, trust and satisfaction, satisfaction in AI-assisted, enhance user trust **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Anjana Wijekoon,Nirmalie Wiratunga,David Corsar,Kyle Martin,Ikechukwu Nkisi-Orji,Chamath Palihawadana,Marta Caro-Martínez,Belen Díaz-Agudo,Derek Bridge,Anne Liret {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-137-Smooth InfoMax -- Towards easier Post-Hoc interpretability {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12936 **作者**: Fabian Denoodt,Bart de Boer,José Oramas **关键词**: self-supervised representation learning, introduce Smooth InfoMax, neural network, method for self-supervised, learning that incorporates **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Fabian Denoodt,Bart de Boer,José Oramas {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-138-rustworthy, Responsible, and Safe AI: A Comprehensive Architectural Framework for AI Safety with Challenges and Mitigations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12935 **作者**: Chen Chen,Ziyao Liu,Weifeng Jiang,Goh Si Qi,KwoK-Yan Lam **关键词**: emerging area, area of critical, critical importance, Safety, Large Language Models **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Chen Chen,Ziyao Liu,Weifeng Jiang,Goh Si Qi,KwoK-Yan Lam {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-139-WildFusion: Individual Animal Identification with Calibrated Similarity Fusion {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12934 **作者**: Vojtěch Cermak,Lukas Picek,Lukáš Adam,Lukáš Neumann,Jiří Matas **关键词**: broad range, animal species, individual identification, identify individual animals, similarity **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Vojtěch Cermak,Lukas Picek,Lukáš Adam,Lukáš Neumann,Jiří Matas {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-140-Exponent-Strings and Their Edit Distance {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12931 **作者**: Ingyu Baek **关键词**: incorporate real-numbered exponents, indicating the quantity, quantity of characters, real-numbered exponents, incorporate real-numbered **类目**: Formal Languages and Automata Theory (cs.FL); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ***备注**: Ingyu Baek {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-141-Animal Identification with Independent Foreground and Background Modeling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12930 **作者**: Lukas Picek,Lukas Neumann,Jiri Matas **关键词**: robustly exploits background, individual animals, robustly exploits, visual identification, identification of individual **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Lukas Picek,Lukas Neumann,Jiri Matas {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-142-ParGo: Bridging Vision-Language with Partial and Global Views {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12928 **作者**: An-Lan Wang,Bin Shan,Wei Shi,Kun-Yu Lin,Xiang Fei,Guozhi Tang,Lei Liao,Jingqun Tang,Can Huang,Wei-Shi Zheng **关键词**: Large Language Models, Multimodal Large Language, Multimodal Large, Language Models, Large Language **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: An-Lan Wang,Bin Shan,Wei Shi,Kun-Yu Lin,Xiang Fei,Guozhi Tang,Lei Liao,Jingqun Tang,Can Huang,Wei-Shi Zheng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-143-Abductive and Contrastive Explanations for Scoring Rules in Voting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12927 **作者**: Clément Contet,Umberto Grandi,Jérôme Mengin **关键词**: view voting rules, view voting, classifiers that assign, voters' preferences, explanations **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Clément Contet,Umberto Grandi,Jérôme Mengin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-144-Balancing AoI and Rate for Mission-Critical and eMBB Coexistence with Puncturing, NOMA,and RSMA in Cellular Uplink {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12926 **作者**: Farnaz Khodakhah,Aamir Mahmood,Čedomir Stefanović,Hossam Farag,Patrik Österberg,Mikael Gidlund **关键词**: enhanced mobile broadband, uplink medium access, medium access solutions, multiple access, average AoI **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Farnaz Khodakhah,Aamir Mahmood,Čedomir Stefanović,Hossam Farag,Patrik Österberg,Mikael Gidlund {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-145-ml_edm package: a Python toolkit for Machine Learning based Early Decision Making {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12925 **作者**: Aurélien Renault,Youssef Achenchabe,Édouard Bertrand,Alexis Bondu,Antoine Cornuéjols,Vincent Lemaire,Asma Dachraoui **关键词**: tasks involving temporal, learning tasks involving, sequential data, involving temporal, early decision making **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Aurélien Renault,Youssef Achenchabe,Édouard Bertrand,Alexis Bondu,Antoine Cornuéjols,Vincent Lemaire,Asma Dachraoui {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-146-What Do You Want? User-centric Prompt Generation for Text-to-image Synthesis via Multi-turn Guidance {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12910 **作者**: Yilun Liu,Minggui He,Feiyu Yao,Yuhe Ji,Shimin Tao,Jingzhou Du,Duan Li,Jian Gao,Li Zhang,Hao Yang,Boxing Chen,Osamu Yoshie **关键词**: significantly influenced digital, producing high-quality visuals, written descriptions, digital image creation, influenced digital image **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yilun Liu,Minggui He,Feiyu Yao,Yuhe Ji,Shimin Tao,Jingzhou Du,Duan Li,Jian Gao,Li Zhang,Hao Yang,Boxing Chen,Osamu Yoshie {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-147-CSPs with Few Alien Constraints {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12909 **作者**: Peter Jonsson,Victor Lagerkvist,George Osipov **关键词**: mathcal, constraint satisfaction problem, constraint satisfaction, relational structure, satisfaction problem **类目**: Computational Complexity (cs.CC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Peter Jonsson,Victor Lagerkvist,George Osipov {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-148-SecDOAR: A Software Reference Architecture for Security Data Orchestration, Analysis and Reporting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12904 **作者**: Muhammad Aufeef Chauhana,Muhammad Ali Babara,Fethi Rabhi **关键词**: Software Reference Architecture, Software Reference, SecDOAR SRA, Security Data, proposed SecDOAR SRA **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Software Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Muhammad Aufeef Chauhana,Muhammad Ali Babara,Fethi Rabhi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-149-IAA: Inner-Adaptor Architecture Empowers Frozen Large Language Model with Multimodal Capabilities {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12902 **作者**: Bin Wang,Chunyu Xie,Dawei Leng,Yuhui Yin **关键词**: typically involve unfreezing, language model, profound visual understanding, common methods typically, foster profound visual **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Bin Wang,Chunyu Xie,Dawei Leng,Yuhui Yin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-150-Ada2I: Enhancing Modality Balance for Multimodal Conversational Emotion Recognition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12895 **作者**: Cam-Van Thi Nguyen,The-Son Le,Anh-Tuan Mai,Duc-Trong Le **关键词**: Multimodal Emotion Recognition, Recognition in Conversations, Emotion Recognition, data modalities concurrently, Multimodal Emotion **类目**: Multimedia (cs.MM) ***备注**: Cam-Van Thi Nguyen,The-Son Le,Anh-Tuan Mai,Duc-Trong Le {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-151-FLoD: Integrating Flexible Level of Detail into 3D Gaussian Splatting for Customizable Rendering {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12894 **作者**: Yunji Seo,Young Sun Choi,Hyun Seung Son,Youngjung Uh **关键词**: Gaussian Splatting, numerous small Gaussians, significant memory consumption, number of Gaussians, Gaussians **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Yunji Seo,Young Sun Choi,Hyun Seung Son,Youngjung Uh {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-152-Multiple Areal Feature Aware Transportation Demand Prediction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12890 **作者**: Sumin Han,Jisun An,Youngjun Park,Suji Kim,Kitae Jang,Dongman Lee **关键词**: adjusting fleet sizes, demand prediction supports, reliable short-term transportation, optimizing schedules, adjusting fleet **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Sumin Han,Jisun An,Youngjun Park,Suji Kim,Kitae Jang,Dongman Lee {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-153-Unleashing the Potential of SAM2 for Biomedical Images and Videos: A Survey {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12889 **作者**: Yichi Zhang,Zhenrong Shen **关键词**: previously unexplored capabilities, segmentation foundational models, computer vision, introducing a multitude, unprecedented developments **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Yichi Zhang,Zhenrong Shen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-154-Accelerated Markov Chain Monte Carlo Using Adaptive Weighting Scheme {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12888 **作者**: Yanbo Wang,Wenyu Chen,Shimin Shan **关键词**: Chain Monte Carlo, Monte Carlo, Gibbs sampling, scan Gibbs sampling, Markov Chain Monte **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Yanbo Wang,Wenyu Chen,Shimin Shan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-155-3M: Text Guided 3D Human Motion Synthesis from Speech {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12885 **作者**: Wenshuo Peng,Kaipeng Zhang,Sai Qian Zhang **关键词**: create lifelike animations, lifelike animations based, virtual reality, film production, Speech-driven **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Wenshuo Peng,Kaipeng Zhang,Sai Qian Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-156-Spatio-Temporal Road Traffic Prediction using Real-time Regional Knowledge {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12882 **作者**: Sumin Han,Jisun An,Dongman Lee **关键词**: traffic prediction, mid-term road traffic, car-sharing and ride-hailing, considered essential, transportation services **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Sumin Han,Jisun An,Dongman Lee {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-157-Has Multimodal Learning Delivered Universal Intelligence in Healthcare? A Comprehensive Survey {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12880 **作者**: Qika Lin,Yifan Zhu,Xin Mei,Ling Huang,Jingying Ma,Kai He,Zhen Peng,Erik Cambria,Mengling Feng **关键词**: rapid development, development of artificial, constantly reshaped, multimodal learning, universal intelligence **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Qika Lin,Yifan Zhu,Xin Mei,Ling Huang,Jingying Ma,Kai He,Zhen Peng,Erik Cambria,Mengling Feng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-158-Frequency-aware Feature Fusion for Dense Image Prediction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12879 **作者**: Linwei Chen,Ying Fu,Lin Gu,Chenggang Yan,Tatsuya Harada,Gao Huang **关键词**: precise spatial boundary, spatial boundary details, strong category information, strong category, precise spatial **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Linwei Chen,Ying Fu,Lin Gu,Chenggang Yan,Tatsuya Harada,Gao Huang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-159-he local limit theorem for complex valued sequences: the parabolic case {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12876 **作者**: Jean-François Coulombel(IMT),Grégory Faye(IMT) **关键词**: complex valued integrable, valued integrable sequence, complete expansion, accuracy order, space dimension **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Jean-François Coulombel(IMT),Grégory Faye(IMT) {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-160-Disentangling, Amplifying, and Debiasing: Learning Disentangled Representations for Fair Graph Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12875 **作者**: Yeon-Chang Lee,Hojung Shin,Sang-Wook Kim **关键词**: Graph Neural Networks, Neural Networks, graph representation learning, Graph Neural, media and healthcare **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI) ***备注**: Yeon-Chang Lee,Hojung Shin,Sang-Wook Kim {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-161-Moral Judgments in Online Discourse are not Biased by Gender {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12872 **作者**: Lorenzo Betti,Paolo Bajardi,Gianmarco De Francisci Morales **关键词**: prescribes gender-specific behaviors, roles prescribes gender-specific, prescribes gender-specific, moral judgments, gender roles prescribes **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Lorenzo Betti,Paolo Bajardi,Gianmarco De Francisci Morales {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-162-DeepDelveAI: Identifying AI Related Documents in Large Scale Literature Data {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12871 **作者**: Zhou Xiaochen,Liang Xingzhou,Zou Hui,Lu Yi,Qu Jingjing **关键词**: academic literature database, large-scale academic literature, comprehensive dataset specifically, dataset specifically curated, Long Short-Term Memory **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Zhou Xiaochen,Liang Xingzhou,Zou Hui,Lu Yi,Qu Jingjing {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-163-Can AI Assistance Aid in the Grading of Handwritten Answer Sheets? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12870 **作者**: Pritam Sil,Parag Chaudhuri,Bhaskaran Raman **关键词**: artificial intelligence, grading, recent advancements, advancements in artificial, growing interest **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Pritam Sil,Parag Chaudhuri,Bhaskaran Raman {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-164-A Row-wise Algorithm for Graph Realization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12869 **作者**: Rolf van der Hulst,Matthias Walter **关键词**: graph realization problem, spanning forest, incidence vectors, vectors of paths, graph realization **类目**: Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM); Combinatorics (math.CO) ***备注**: Rolf van der Hulst,Matthias Walter {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-165-Semantic Alignment for Multimodal Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12867 **作者**: Tao Wu,Mengze Li,Jingyuan Chen,Wei Ji,Wang Lin,Jinyang Gao,Kun Kuang,Zhou Zhao,Fei Wu **关键词**: Large Language Models, Multi-modal Large Language, received increasing attention, Large Language, Language Models **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Tao Wu,Mengze Li,Jingyuan Chen,Wei Ji,Wang Lin,Jinyang Gao,Kun Kuang,Zhou Zhao,Fei Wu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-166-Obfuscated Memory Malware Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12866 **作者**: Sharmila S P,Aruna Tiwari,Narendra S Chaudhari **关键词**: Providing security, highly impossible, information is highly, highly critical, current era **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Sharmila S P,Aruna Tiwari,Narendra S Chaudhari {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-167-Complete Graph Identification in Population Protocols {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12862 **作者**: Haruki Kanaya,Yuichi Sudo **关键词**: population protocol model, indistinguishable state machines, complete graph identification, protocol model, model where indistinguishable **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Haruki Kanaya,Yuichi Sudo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-168-Active STAR-RIS Empowered Edge System for Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Task Management {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12860 **作者**: Pyae Sone Aung,Kitae Kim,Yan Kyaw Tun,Zhu Han,Choong Seon Hong **关键词**: multi-access edge computing, edge computing, multi-access edge, high-performance computing, network edge **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Pyae Sone Aung,Kitae Kim,Yan Kyaw Tun,Zhu Han,Choong Seon Hong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-169-Memory-Efficient LLM Training with Online Subspace Descent {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12857 **作者**: Kaizhao Liang,Bo Liu,Lizhang Chen,Qiang Liu **关键词**: gained substantial popularity, Online Subspace Descent, memory-efficient LLM training, memory-efficient LLM, Subspace Descent **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Kaizhao Liang,Bo Liu,Lizhang Chen,Qiang Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-170-Efficient Training Approaches for Performance Anomaly Detection Models in Edge Computing Environments {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12855 **作者**: Duneesha Fernando,Maria A. Rodriguez,Patricia Arroba,Leila Ismail,Rajkumar Buyya **关键词**: Service Level Agreements, Microservice architectures, modularize IoT applications, training, edge computing environments **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Duneesha Fernando,Maria A. Rodriguez,Patricia Arroba,Leila Ismail,Rajkumar Buyya {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-171-Granular Synchrony {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12853 **作者**: Neil Giridharan,Ittai Abraham,Natacha Crooks,Kartik Nayak,Ling Ren **关键词**: Today mainstream network, Today mainstream, distributed computing, Today, synchrony **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Neil Giridharan,Ittai Abraham,Natacha Crooks,Kartik Nayak,Ling Ren {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-172-Structural Representation Learning and Disentanglement for Evidential Chinese Patent Approval Prediction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12852 **作者**: Jinzhi Shan,Qi Zhang,Chongyang Shi,Mengting Gui,Shoujin Wang,Usman Naseem **关键词**: Automatic Chinese patent, Automatic Chinese, patent, emerging and valuable, Chinese patents **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Jinzhi Shan,Qi Zhang,Chongyang Shi,Mengting Gui,Shoujin Wang,Usman Naseem {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-173-Multi-Faceted Question Complexity Estimation Targeting Topic Domain-Specificity {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12850 **作者**: Sujay R,Suki Perumal,Yash Nagraj,Anushka Ghei,Srinivas K S **关键词**: Question difficulty estimation, difficulty estimation remains, Question difficulty, remains a multifaceted, multifaceted challenge **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Sujay R,Suki Perumal,Yash Nagraj,Anushka Ghei,Srinivas K S {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-174-Online Fair Division with Contextual Bandits {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12845 **作者**: Arun Verma,Indrajit Saha,Makoto Yokoo,Bryan Kian Hsiang Low **关键词**: involving multiple agents, problem involving multiple, online fair division, fair division problem, efficiency constraint **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Arun Verma,Indrajit Saha,Makoto Yokoo,Bryan Kian Hsiang Low {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-175-Predicting Affective States from Screen Text Sentiment {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12844 **作者**: Songyan Teng,Tianyi Zhang,Simon D'Alfonso,Vassilis Kostakos **关键词**: mobile sensing technologies, unobtrusive data collection, proliferation of mobile, mobile sensing, sensing technologies **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Songyan Teng,Tianyi Zhang,Simon D'Alfonso,Vassilis Kostakos {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-176-Differentially Private Spatiotemporal Trajectory Synthesis with Retained Data Utility {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12842 **作者**: Yuqing Ge,Yunsheng Wang,Nana Wang **关键词**: traffic analysis, collected from GPS-enabled, GPS-enabled devices, vital importance, urban planning **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Yuqing Ge,Yunsheng Wang,Nana Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-177-COVID-19 Probability Prediction Using Machine Learning: An Infectious Approach {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12841 **作者**: Mohsen Asghari Ilani,Saba Moftakhar Tehran,Ashkan Kavei,Arian Radmehr **关键词**: pose significant challenges, global public health, Deep Neural Networks, public health systems, public health **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Mohsen Asghari Ilani,Saba Moftakhar Tehran,Ashkan Kavei,Arian Radmehr {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-178-HGNAS: Hardware-Aware Graph Neural Architecture Search for Edge Devices {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12840 **作者**: Ao Zhou,Jianlei Yang,Yingjie Qi,Tong Qiao,Yumeng Shi,Cenlin Duan,Weisheng Zhao,Chunming Hu **关键词**: Graph Neural Networks, graph-based learning tasks, point cloud processing, cloud processing due, Neural Networks **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Ao Zhou,Jianlei Yang,Yingjie Qi,Tong Qiao,Yumeng Shi,Cenlin Duan,Weisheng Zhao,Chunming Hu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-179-Exploring Machine Learning Models for Lung Cancer Level Classification: A comparative ML Approach {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12838 **作者**: Mohsen Asghari Ilani,Saba Moftakhar Tehran,Ashkan Kavei,Hamed Alizadegan **关键词**: paper explores machine, explores machine learning, paper explores, Deep Neural Network, classifying lung cancer **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Mohsen Asghari Ilani,Saba Moftakhar Tehran,Ashkan Kavei,Hamed Alizadegan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-180-Underwater SONAR Image Classification and Analysis using LIME-based Explainable Artificial Intelligence {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12837 **作者**: Purushothaman Natarajan,Athira Nambiar **关键词**: complex decision-making processes, mimicking human cognition, automating complex decision-making, revolutionized image classification, image classification **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Purushothaman Natarajan,Athira Nambiar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-181-An Architectural Error Metric for CNN-Oriented Approximate Multipliers {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12836 **作者**: Ao Liu,Jie Han,Qin Wang,Zhigang Mao,Honglan Jiang **关键词**: convolutional neural networks, high hardware efficiency, approximate multipliers, neural networks, promise both high **类目**: Hardware Architecture (cs.AR) ***备注**: Ao Liu,Jie Han,Qin Wang,Zhigang Mao,Honglan Jiang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-182-CLLMFS: A Contrastive Learning enhanced Large Language Model Framework for Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12834 **作者**: Yafeng Zhang,Zilan Yu,Yuang Huang,Jing Tang **关键词**: Named Entity Recognition, gained increasing significance, identifying named entities, natural language processing, Few-shot Named Entity **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yafeng Zhang,Zilan Yu,Yuang Huang,Jing Tang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-183-S3Simulator: A benchmarking Side Scan Sonar Simulator dataset for Underwater Image Analysis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12833 **作者**: Kamal Basha S,Athira Nambiar **关键词**: Acoustic sonar imaging, Acoustic sonar, training Artificial Intelligence, military sectors, Artificial Intelligence **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Kamal Basha S,Athira Nambiar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-184-LIMP: Large Language Model Enhanced Intent-aware Mobility Prediction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12832 **作者**: Songwei Li,Jie Feng,Jiawei Chi,Xinyuan Hu,Xiaomeng Zhao,Fengli Xu **关键词**: remains challenging due, human behavior, Human mobility prediction, Human mobility, mobility prediction **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Songwei Li,Jie Feng,Jiawei Chi,Xinyuan Hu,Xiaomeng Zhao,Fengli Xu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-185-SIMPNet: Spatial-Informed Motion Planning Network {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12831 **作者**: Davood Soleymanzadeh,Xiao Liang,Minghui Zheng **关键词**: Current robotic manipulators, efficient motion-planning algorithms, manipulators require fast, Current robotic, configuration space **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Davood Soleymanzadeh,Xiao Liang,Minghui Zheng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-186-SAMBO-RL: Shifts-aware Model-based Offline Reinforcement Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12830 **作者**: Wang Luo,Haoran Li,Zicheng Zhang,Congying Han,Jiayu Lv,Tiande Guo **关键词**: real-world environment interactions, direct real-world environment, Model-based Offline Reinforcement, Offline Reinforcement Learning, trains policies based **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Wang Luo,Haoran Li,Zicheng Zhang,Congying Han,Jiayu Lv,Tiande Guo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-187-Uncertainty-Aware Mean Opinion Score Prediction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12829 **作者**: Hui Wang,Shiwan Zhao,Jiaming Zhou,Xiguang Zheng,Haoqin Sun,Xuechen Wang,Yong Qin **关键词**: Opinion Score, MOS prediction, made significant progress, MOS, MOS prediction systems **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Sound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Hui Wang,Shiwan Zhao,Jiaming Zhou,Xiguang Zheng,Haoqin Sun,Xuechen Wang,Yong Qin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-188-MergeUp-augmented Semi-Weakly Supervised Learning for WSI Classification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12825 **作者**: Mingxi Ouyang,Yuqiu Fu,Renao Yan,ShanShan Shi,Xitong Ling,Lianghui Zhu,Yonghong He,Tian Guan **关键词**: Recent advancements, slide image, WSI classification, advancements in computational, computational pathology **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Mingxi Ouyang,Yuqiu Fu,Renao Yan,ShanShan Shi,Xitong Ling,Lianghui Zhu,Yonghong He,Tian Guan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-189-owards Human-Robot Teaming through Augmented Reality and Gaze-Based Attention Control {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12823 **作者**: Yousra Shleibik,Elijah Alabi,Christopher Reardon **关键词**: real world applications, increasingly integrated, real world, world applications, applications and domains **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Yousra Shleibik,Elijah Alabi,Christopher Reardon {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-190-Courteous MPC for Autonomous Driving with CBF-inspired Risk Assessment {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12822 **作者**: Yanze Zhang,Yiwei Lyu,Sude E. Demir,Xingyu Zhou,Yupeng Yang,Junmin Wang,Wenhao Luo **关键词**: Control Barrier Functions, respect HVs' behavior, sharing roadways, increasingly important, Model Predictive Control **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Yanze Zhang,Yiwei Lyu,Sude E. Demir,Xingyu Zhou,Yupeng Yang,Junmin Wang,Wenhao Luo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-191-Examining the Commitments and Difficulties Inherent in Multimodal Foundation Models for Street View Imagery {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12821 **作者**: Zhenyuan Yang,Xuhui Lin,Qinyi He,Ziye Huang,Zhengliang Liu,Hanqi Jiang,Peng Shu,Zihao Wu,Yiwei Li,Stephen Law,Gengchen Mai,Tianming Liu,Tao Yang **关键词**: Street View Imagery, generated heightened interest, Large Language Models, View Imagery, Built Environment **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Zhenyuan Yang,Xuhui Lin,Qinyi He,Ziye Huang,Zhengliang Liu,Hanqi Jiang,Peng Shu,Zihao Wu,Yiwei Li,Stephen Law,Gengchen Mai,Tianming Liu,Tao Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-192-Data-Driven Parametrization of Molecular Mechanics Force Fields for Expansive Chemical Space Coverage {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12817 **作者**: Tianze Zheng,Ailun Wang,Xu Han,Yu Xia,Xingyuan Xu,Jiawei Zhan,Yu Liu,Yang Chen,Zhi Wang,Xiaojie Wu,Sheng Gong,Wen Yan **关键词**: molecular dynamics simulations, critical component, dynamics simulations, computational drug discovery, force field **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Chemical Physics (physics.chem-ph) ***备注**: Tianze Zheng,Ailun Wang,Xu Han,Yu Xia,Xingyuan Xu,Jiawei Zhan,Yu Liu,Yang Chen,Zhi Wang,Xiaojie Wu,Sheng Gong,Wen Yan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-193-O-Mamba: O-shape State-Space Model for Underwater Image Enhancement {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12816 **作者**: Chenyu Dong,Chen Zhao,Weiling Cai,Bo Yang **关键词**: face significant challenges, significant challenges due, underwater lighting conditions, complex underwater lighting, face significant **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Chenyu Dong,Chen Zhao,Weiling Cai,Bo Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-194-Staircase Cascaded Fusion of Lightweight Local Pattern Recognition and Long-Range Dependencies for Structural Crack Segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12815 **作者**: Hui Liu,Chen Jia,Fan Shi,Xu Cheng,Mianzhao Wang,Shengyong Chen **关键词**: integrate local textures, Detecting cracks, pixel-level precision, precision for key, key structures **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Hui Liu,Chen Jia,Fan Shi,Xu Cheng,Mianzhao Wang,Shengyong Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-195-From Few to More: Scribble-based Medical Image Segmentation via Masked Context Modeling and Continuous Pseudo Labels {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12814 **作者**: Zhisong Wang,Yiwen Ye,Ziyang Chen,Minglei Shu,Yong Xia **关键词**: techniques offer comparable, offer comparable performance, Scribble-based weakly supervised, reducing annotation costs, significantly reducing annotation **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Zhisong Wang,Yiwen Ye,Ziyang Chen,Minglei Shu,Yong Xia {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-196-Minimizing Movement Delay for Movable Antennas via Trajectory Optimization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12813 **作者**: Qingliang Li,Weidong Mei,Boyu Ning,Rui Zhang **关键词**: reconfigure wireless channels, wireless communications due, received increasing attention, Movable antennas, wireless channels **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Qingliang Li,Weidong Mei,Boyu Ning,Rui Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-197-Grounding Fallacies Misrepresenting Scientific Publications in Evidence {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12812 **作者**: Max Glockner,Yufang Hou,Preslav Nakov,Iryna Gurevych **关键词**: Health-related misinformation claims, Health-related misinformation, falsely cite, cite a credible, credible biomedical publication **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Max Glockner,Yufang Hou,Preslav Nakov,Iryna Gurevych {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-198-Decentralized MIMO Systems with LMMSE Receivers and Imperfect CSI {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12811 **作者**: Zeyan Zhuang,Xin Zhang,Dongfang Xu,Shenghui Song,Yonina C. Eldar **关键词**: Centralized baseband processing, massive multiple-input multiple-output, Centralized baseband, multiple-input multiple-output, required to achieve **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Zeyan Zhuang,Xin Zhang,Dongfang Xu,Shenghui Song,Yonina C. Eldar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-199-DutyTTE: Deciphering Uncertainty in Origin-Destination Travel Time Estimation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12809 **作者**: Xiaowei Mao,Yan Lin,Shengnan Guo,Yubin Chen,Xingyu Xian,Haomin Wen,Qisen Xu,Youfang Lin,Huaiyu Wan **关键词**: travel time uncertainty, travel time, travel time estimation, aims to estimate, time **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Xiaowei Mao,Yan Lin,Shengnan Guo,Yubin Chen,Xingyu Xian,Haomin Wen,Qisen Xu,Youfang Lin,Huaiyu Wan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-200-VALE: A Multimodal Visual and Language Explanation Framework for Image Classifiers using eXplainable AI and Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12808 **作者**: Purushothaman Natarajan,Athira Nambiar **关键词**: Deep Neural Networks, Deep Neural, Neural Networks, reducing human error, enabling task automation **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Purushothaman Natarajan,Athira Nambiar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-201-Code Ownership: The Principles, Differences, and Their Associations with Software Quality {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12807 **作者**: Patanamon Thongtanunam,Chakkrit Tantithamthavorn **关键词**: Code ownership, ownership, code ownership approximations, important software measures, Code **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Patanamon Thongtanunam,Chakkrit Tantithamthavorn {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-202-Is Generative AI the Next Tactical Cyber Weapon For Threat Actors? Unforeseen Implications of AI Generated Cyber Attacks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12806 **作者**: Yusuf Usman,Aadesh Upadhyay,Prashnna Gyawali,Robin Chataut **关键词**: Artificial Intelligence, intersection of Artificial, Large Language Models, increasingly sophisticated, potent dangers **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yusuf Usman,Aadesh Upadhyay,Prashnna Gyawali,Robin Chataut {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-203-A Safe Self-evolution Algorithm for Autonomous Driving Based on Data-Driven Risk Quantification Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12805 **作者**: Shuo Yang,Shizhen Li,Yanjun Huang,Hong Chen **关键词**: Autonomous driving systems, allowing to handle, independently evolve, handle more unknown, Autonomous driving **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Shuo Yang,Shizhen Li,Yanjun Huang,Hong Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-204-Multi-Treatment Multi-Task Uplift Modeling for Enhancing User Growth {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12803 **作者**: Yuxiang Wei,Zhaoxin Qiu,Yingjie Li,Yuke Sun,Xiaoling Li **关键词**: enhancing business outcomes, uplift modeling aims, play the game, business outcomes, key component **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Yuxiang Wei,Zhaoxin Qiu,Yingjie Li,Yuke Sun,Xiaoling Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-205-Robust Predictions with Ambiguous Time Delays: A Bootstrap Strategy {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12801 **作者**: Jiajie Wang,Zhiyuan Jerry Lin,Wen Chen **关键词**: contemporary data-driven environments, multivariate time series, time series, Time Delay, time **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Jiajie Wang,Zhiyuan Jerry Lin,Wen Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-206-Cap2Sum: Learning to Summarize Videos by Generating Captions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12800 **作者**: Cairong Zhao,Chutian Wang,Zifan Song,Guosheng Hu,Haonan Chen,Xiaofan Zhai **关键词**: video summarization, video, generalization capacity, dense video caption, rapid growth **类目**: Multimedia (cs.MM) ***备注**: Cairong Zhao,Chutian Wang,Zifan Song,Guosheng Hu,Haonan Chen,Xiaofan Zhai {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-207-Less for More: Enhancing Preference Learning in Generative Language Models with Automated Self-Curation of Training Corpora {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12799 **作者**: JoonHo Lee,JuYoun Son,Juree Seok,Wooseok Jang,Yeong-Dae Kwon **关键词**: language presents challenges, enhanced language models, inconsistently annotated datasets, Ambiguity in language, language presents **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: JoonHo Lee,JuYoun Son,Juree Seok,Wooseok Jang,Yeong-Dae Kwon {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-208-BackdoorLLM: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Backdoor Attacks on Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12798 **作者**: Yige Li,Hanxun Huang,Yunhan Zhao,Xingjun Ma,Jun Sun **关键词**: Generative Large Language, Large Language Models, Generative Large, Large Language, generate adversary-desired responses **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yige Li,Hanxun Huang,Yunhan Zhao,Xingjun Ma,Jun Sun {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-209-Real-Time Posture Monitoring and Risk Assessment for Manual Lifting Tasks Using MediaPipe and LSTM {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12796 **作者**: Ereena Bagga,Ang Yang **关键词**: computer vision technologies, manual lifting tasks, real-time posture monitoring, vision technologies, manual lifting **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Ereena Bagga,Ang Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-210-From Mobilisation to Radicalisation: Probing the Persistence and Radicalisation of Social Movements Using an Agent-Based Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12795 **作者**: Emma F. Thomas,Mengbin Ye,Simon D. Angus,Tony J. Mathew,Winnifred Louis,Liam Walsh,Silas Ellery,Morgana Lizzio-Wilson,Craig McGarty **关键词**: Abstract, age of protest, protest, versus transient, movement **类目**: ocial and Information Networks (cs.SI); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA); Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph) ***备注**: Emma F. Thomas,Mengbin Ye,Simon D. Angus,Tony J. Mathew,Winnifred Louis,Liam Walsh,Silas Ellery,Morgana Lizzio-Wilson,Craig McGarty {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-211-La-SoftMoE CLIP for Unified Physical-Digital Face Attack Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12793 **作者**: Hang Zou,Chenxi Du,Hui Zhang,Yuan Zhang,Ajian Liu,Jun Wan,Zhen Lei **关键词**: Facial recognition systems, posing significant security, significant security risks, Facial recognition, posing significant **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Hang Zou,Chenxi Du,Hui Zhang,Yuan Zhang,Ajian Liu,Jun Wan,Zhen Lei {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-212-Event Detection via Probability Density Function Regression {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12792 **作者**: Clark Peng,Tolga Dinçer **关键词**: current methodologies predominantly, methodologies predominantly rely, time series analysis, current methodologies, event detection tasks **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Clark Peng,Tolga Dinçer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-213-Open-Set Deepfake Detection: A Parameter-Efficient Adaptation Method with Forgery Style Mixture {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12791 **作者**: Chenqi Kong,Anwei Luo,Peijun Bao,Haoliang Li,Renjie Wan,Zengwei Zheng,Anderson Rocha,Alex C. Kot **关键词**: poses significant security, significant security threats, detection poses significant, presents substantial challenges, face forgery detection **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Chenqi Kong,Anwei Luo,Peijun Bao,Haoliang Li,Renjie Wan,Zengwei Zheng,Anderson Rocha,Alex C. Kot {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-214-A sufficient condition for 2-contraction of a feedback interconnection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12790 **作者**: Ron Ofir,Francesco Bullo,Michael Margaliot **关键词**: multiple equilibrium points, including neuroscience, opinion dynamics, variety of fields, common phenomenon **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Ron Ofir,Francesco Bullo,Michael Margaliot {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-215-Context-Aware Temporal Embedding of Objects in Video Data {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12789 **作者**: Ahnaf Farhan,M. Shahriar Hossain **关键词**: recognizing object interactions, event patterns, context-aware temporal object, context is crucial, crucial for recognizing **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Ahnaf Farhan,M. Shahriar Hossain {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-216-LLM-PBE: Assessing Data Privacy in Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12787 **作者**: Qinbin Li,Junyuan Hong,Chulin Xie,Jeffrey Tan,Rachel Xin,Junyi Hou,Xavier Yin,Zhun Wang,Dan Hendrycks,Zhangyang Wang,Bo Li,Bingsheng He,Dawn Song **关键词**: Large Language Models, significantly advancing applications, Large Language, numerous domains, significantly advancing **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Qinbin Li,Junyuan Hong,Chulin Xie,Jeffrey Tan,Rachel Xin,Junyi Hou,Xavier Yin,Zhun Wang,Dan Hendrycks,Zhangyang Wang,Bo Li,Bingsheng He,Dawn Song {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-217-he Model Mastery Lifecycle: A Framework for Designing Human-AI Interaction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12781 **作者**: Mark Chignell,Mu-Huan Miles Chung,Jaturong Kongmanee,Khilan Jerath,Abhay Raman **关键词**: long process, number of fields, latest iteration, changing the roles, human-AI task allocation **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Mark Chignell,Mu-Huan Miles Chung,Jaturong Kongmanee,Khilan Jerath,Abhay Raman {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-218-Quality or Quantity? On Data Scale and Diversity in Adapting Large Language Models for Low-Resource Translation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12780 **作者**: Vivek Iyer,Bhavitvya Malik,Pavel Stepachev,Pinzhen Chen,Barry Haddow,Alexandra Birch **关键词**: Neural Machine Translation, Machine Translation, Neural Machine, popularity of Large, significantly behind Neural **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Vivek Iyer,Bhavitvya Malik,Pavel Stepachev,Pinzhen Chen,Barry Haddow,Alexandra Birch {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-219-Investigating LLM Applications in E-Commerce {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12779 **作者**: Chester Palen-Michel,Ruixiang Wang,Yipeng Zhang,David Yu,Canran Xu,Zhe Wu **关键词**: revolutionized natural language, LLMs, Large Language Models, natural language processing, e-commerce **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Chester Palen-Michel,Ruixiang Wang,Yipeng Zhang,David Yu,Canran Xu,Zhe Wu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-220-Data-Centric Approach to Constrained Machine Learning: A Case Study on Conway's Game of Life {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12778 **作者**: Anton Bibin,Anton Dereventsov **关键词**: Game of Life, Conway Game, context of Conway, machine learning applications, paper focuses **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Anton Bibin,Anton Dereventsov {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-221-Environment-Centric Active Inference {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12777 **作者**: Kanako Esaki,Tadayuki Matsumura,Takeshi Kato,Shunsuke Minusa,Yang Shao,Hiroyuki Mizuno **关键词**: Markov Blanket, environment-centric active inference, active inference, environment, defined starting **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Kanako Esaki,Tadayuki Matsumura,Takeshi Kato,Shunsuke Minusa,Yang Shao,Hiroyuki Mizuno {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-222-Intelligent OPC Engineer Assistant for Semiconductor Manufacturing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12775 **作者**: Guojin Chen,Haoyu Yang,Haoxing Ren,Bei Yu **关键词**: artificial general intelligence, natural language processing, general intelligence, Intelligent OPC Engineer, OPC Engineer Assistant **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Hardware Architecture (cs.AR) ***备注**: Guojin Chen,Haoyu Yang,Haoxing Ren,Bei Yu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-223-Semi-Supervised Variational Adversarial Active Learning via Learning to Rank and Agreement-Based Pseudo Labeling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12774 **作者**: Zongyao Lyu,William J. Beksi **关键词**: Active learning aims, Active learning, adversarial active learning, acquisition function, aims to alleviate **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Zongyao Lyu,William J. Beksi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-224-Symmetric masking strategy enhances the performance of Masked Image Modeling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12772 **作者**: Khanh-Binh Nguyen,Chae Jung Park **关键词**: Masked Image Modeling, randomly masked sections, acquiring detailed visual, detailed visual representations, masked sections **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Khanh-Binh Nguyen,Chae Jung Park {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-225-Enhancing Vehicle Environmental Awareness via Federated Learning and Automatic Labeling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12769 **作者**: Chih-Yu Lin,Jin-Wei Liang **关键词**: improving road safety, Vehicle environmental awareness, vehicle identification problem, road safety, environmental awareness **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Chih-Yu Lin,Jin-Wei Liang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-226-When In-memory Computing Meets Spiking Neural Networks -- A Perspective on Device-Circuit-System-and-Algorithm Co-design {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12767 **作者**: Abhishek Moitra,Abhiroop Bhattacharjee,Yuhang Li,Youngeun Kim,Priyadarshini Panda **关键词**: Spiking Neural Networks, edge computing environments, analog In-Memory Computing, Neural Networks, bio-plausible artificial intelligence **类目**: Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Hardware Architecture (cs.AR); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Abhishek Moitra,Abhiroop Bhattacharjee,Yuhang Li,Youngeun Kim,Priyadarshini Panda {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-227-Assessing Modality Bias in Video Question Answering Benchmarks with Multimodal Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12763 **作者**: Jean Park,Kuk Jin Jang,Basam Alasaly,Sriharsha Mopidevi,Andrew Zolensky,Eric Eaton,Insup Lee,Kevin Johnson **关键词**: simultaneously process visual, complement human analysis, Multimodal large language, large language models, process visual **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Jean Park,Kuk Jin Jang,Basam Alasaly,Sriharsha Mopidevi,Andrew Zolensky,Eric Eaton,Insup Lee,Kevin Johnson {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-228-Visual Verity in AI-Generated Imagery: Computational Metrics and Human-Centric Analysis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12762 **作者**: Memoona Aziz,Umair Rahman,Syed Ali Safi,Amir Zaib Abbasi **关键词**: including entertainment, rapid advancements, technologies have revolutionized, revolutionized the production, production of graphical **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Memoona Aziz,Umair Rahman,Syed Ali Safi,Amir Zaib Abbasi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-229-NanoFlow: Towards Optimal Large Language Model Serving Throughput {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12757 **作者**: Kan Zhu,Yilong Zhao,Liangyu Zhao,Gefei Zuo,Yile Gu,Dedong Xie,Yufei Gao,Qinyu Xu,Tian Tang,Zihao Ye,Keisuke Kamahori,Chien-Yu Lin,Stephanie Wang,Arvind Krishnamurthy,Baris Kasikci **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, continuously serve hundreds, GPUs continuously serve, usage of Large **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Kan Zhu,Yilong Zhao,Liangyu Zhao,Gefei Zuo,Yile Gu,Dedong Xie,Yufei Gao,Qinyu Xu,Tian Tang,Zihao Ye,Keisuke Kamahori,Chien-Yu Lin,Stephanie Wang,Arvind Krishnamurthy,Baris Kasikci {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-230-Artificial Intelligence (AI) Onto-norms and Gender Equality: Unveiling the Invisible Gender Norms in AI Ecosystems in the Context of Africa {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12754 **作者**: Angella Ndaka,Harriet Ratemo,Abigail Oppong,Eucabeth Majiwa **关键词**: digital spaces, study examines, gender groups engage, ontonorms propagate, gender practices **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Angella Ndaka,Harriet Ratemo,Abigail Oppong,Eucabeth Majiwa {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-231-Contrastive Representation Learning for Dynamic Link Prediction in Temporal Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12753 **作者**: Amirhossein Nouranizadeh,Fatemeh Tabatabaei Far,Mohammad Rahmati **关键词**: complex data structures, Evolving networks, temporal networks, science and engineering, structures that emerge **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE) ***备注**: Amirhossein Nouranizadeh,Fatemeh Tabatabaei Far,Mohammad Rahmati {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-232-ADRS-CNet: An adaptive models of dimensionality reduction methods for DNA storage clustering algorithms {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12751 **作者**: Bowen Liu,Jiankun Li **关键词**: long-term preservation capability, low maintenance requirements, compact physical size, DNA storage technology, large-scale data storage **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Bowen Liu,Jiankun Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-233-SLM Meets LLM: Balancing Latency, Interpretability and Consistency in Hallucination Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12748 **作者**: Mengya Hu,Rui Xu,Deren Lei,Yaxi Li,Mingyu Wang,Emily Ching,Eslam Kamal,Alex Deng **关键词**: Large language models, face latency challenges, Large language, conducting online hallucination, small language model **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Mengya Hu,Rui Xu,Deren Lei,Yaxi Li,Mingyu Wang,Emily Ching,Eslam Kamal,Alex Deng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-234-CatFree3D: Category-agnostic 3D Object Detection with Diffusion {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12747 **作者**: Wenjing Bian,Zirui Wang,Andrea Vedaldi **关键词**: limited training data, current systems struggle, complex problem setup, Normalised Hungarian Distance, vehicles and robotics **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Wenjing Bian,Zirui Wang,Andrea Vedaldi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-235-A Formal, Symbolic Analysis of the Matrix Cryptographic Protocol Suite {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12743 **作者**: Jacob Ginesin,Cristina Nita-Rotaru **关键词**: Facebook Messenger, group messaging applications, cumulatively serving billions, Sender Keys, messaging applications **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Jacob Ginesin,Cristina Nita-Rotaru {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-236-ReX- Reusing Vision Transformer's Attention for Efficient Xbar-based Computing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12742 **作者**: Abhishek Moitra,Abhiroop Bhattacharjee,Youngeun Kim,Priyadarshini Panda **关键词**: In-memory Computing architectures, In-memory Computing, Computing architectures, Vision Transformers, edge-computing scenarios **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Hardware Architecture (cs.AR) ***备注**: Abhishek Moitra,Abhiroop Bhattacharjee,Youngeun Kim,Priyadarshini Panda {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-237-Impact of Usability Mechanisms: A Family of Experiments on Efficiency, Effectiveness and User Satisfaction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12736 **作者**: Juan M. Ferreira,Francy Rodríguez,Adrián Santos,Silvia T. Acuña,Natalia Juristo **关键词**: software quality attribute, quality attribute aims, usability software quality, Preferences usability mechanisms, user performance **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Juan M. Ferreira,Francy Rodríguez,Adrián Santos,Silvia T. Acuña,Natalia Juristo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-238-owards measuring fairness in speech recognition: Fair-Speech dataset {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12734 **作者**: Irina-Elena Veliche,Zhuangqun Huang,Vineeth Ayyat Kochaniyan,Fuchun Peng,Ozlem Kalinli,Michael L. Seltzer **关键词**: current public datasets, fairness aspect, current public, focus specifically, demographic groups **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computers and Society (cs.CY); Sound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Irina-Elena Veliche,Zhuangqun Huang,Vineeth Ayyat Kochaniyan,Fuchun Peng,Ozlem Kalinli,Michael L. Seltzer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-239-SQL-GEN: Bridging the Dialect Gap for Text-to-SQL Via Synthetic Data And Model Merging {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12733 **作者**: Mohammadreza Pourreza,Ruoxi Sun,Hailong Li,Lesly Miculicich,Tomas Pfister,Sercan O. Arik **关键词**: convert natural language, natural language queries, significant progress primarily, SQL commands, convert natural **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Databases (cs.DB); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Mohammadreza Pourreza,Ruoxi Sun,Hailong Li,Lesly Miculicich,Tomas Pfister,Sercan O. Arik {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-240-Segment Anything Model for Grain Characterization in Hard Drive Design {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12732 **作者**: Kai Nichols,Matthew Hauwiller,Nicholas Propes,Shaowei Wu,Stephanie Hernandez,Mike Kautzky **关键词**: hard drive designs, drive designs requires, designs requires characterization, grain segmentation, nanoscale materials **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Materials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Kai Nichols,Matthew Hauwiller,Nicholas Propes,Shaowei Wu,Stephanie Hernandez,Mike Kautzky {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-241-Identification via Functions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12730 **作者**: Mohammad Javad Salariseddigh,Feriel Fendri **关键词**: noisy function, develop a framework, framework for studying, identifying roots, number of observations **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Mohammad Javad Salariseddigh,Feriel Fendri {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-242-Remote Communication Trends Among Developers and Testers in Post-Pandemic Work Environments {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12728 **作者**: Felipe Jansen,Ronnie de Souza Santos **关键词**: software development teams, pandemic has brought, activities are executed, rapid adoption, models in response **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Felipe Jansen,Ronnie de Souza Santos {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-243-BankTweak: Adversarial Attack against Multi-Object Trackers by Manipulating Feature Banks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12727 **作者**: Woojin Shin,Donghwa Kang,Daejin Choi,Brent Kang,Jinkyu Lee,Hyeongboo Baek **关键词**: construct moving trajectories, aims to construct, construct moving, moving trajectories, modern multi-object trackers **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Woojin Shin,Donghwa Kang,Daejin Choi,Brent Kang,Jinkyu Lee,Hyeongboo Baek {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-244-Macro-Queries: An Exploration into Guided Chart Generation from High Level Prompts {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12726 **作者**: Christopher J. Lee,Giorgio Tran,Roderick Tabalba,Jason Leigh,Ryan Longman **关键词**: Large Language Models, Language Models, Large Language, Abela Chart Taxonomy, paper explores **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Christopher J. Lee,Giorgio Tran,Roderick Tabalba,Jason Leigh,Ryan Longman {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-245-CasualGaze: Towards Modeling and Recognizing Casual Gaze Behavior for Efficient Gaze-based Object Selection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12710 **作者**: Yingtian Shi,Yukang Yan,Zisu Li,Chen Liang,Yuntao Wang,Chun Yu,Yuanchun Shi **关键词**: casual eye-gaze input, support natural, casual gaze, eye-gaze input, target selection technique **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Yingtian Shi,Yukang Yan,Zisu Li,Chen Liang,Yuntao Wang,Chun Yu,Yuanchun Shi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-246-Autonomous Grid-Forming Inverter Exponential Droop Control for Improved Frequency Stability {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12709 **作者**: Rick Wallace Kenyon,Amirhossein Sajadi,Bri-Mathias Hodge **关键词**: droop relationship based, frequency droop relationship, converter control strategy, Droop-e grid-forming power, establishes a non-linear **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Rick Wallace Kenyon,Amirhossein Sajadi,Bri-Mathias Hodge {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-247-Revisiting Cross-Domain Problem for LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12708 **作者**: Ruixiao Zhang,Juheon Lee,Xiaohao Cai,Adam Prugel-Bennett **关键词**: convolutional neural networks, Deep learning models, Deep learning, applied to solve, convolutional neural **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Ruixiao Zhang,Juheon Lee,Xiaohao Cai,Adam Prugel-Bennett {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-248-Ant Backpressure Routing for Wireless Multi-hop Networks with Mixed Traffic Patterns {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12702 **作者**: Negar Erfaniantaghvayi,Zhongyuan Zhao,Kevin Chan,Gunjan Verma,Ananthram Swami,Santiago Segarra **关键词**: wireless multi-hop networks, short-lived traffic presents, multi-hop networks, mixture of streaming, streaming and short-lived **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Negar Erfaniantaghvayi,Zhongyuan Zhao,Kevin Chan,Gunjan Verma,Ananthram Swami,Santiago Segarra {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-249-Learning Valid Dual Bounds in Constraint Programming: Boosted Lagrangian Decomposition with Self-Supervised Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12695 **作者**: Swann Bessa,Darius Dabert,Max Bourgeat,Louis-Martin Rousseau,Quentin Cappart **关键词**: constrained optimization problems, constraint programming, Lagrangian decomposition, problems by decomposing, Lagrangian multipliers **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Swann Bessa,Darius Dabert,Max Bourgeat,Louis-Martin Rousseau,Quentin Cappart {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-250-owards Estimating Personal Values in Song Lyrics {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12694 **作者**: Andrew M. Demetriou,Jaehun Kim,Sandy Manolios,Cynthia C. S. Liem **关键词**: Western Countries, music widely consumed, consumed in Western, samples reporting, music widely **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Andrew M. Demetriou,Jaehun Kim,Sandy Manolios,Cynthia C. S. Liem {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-251-Unlocking Intrinsic Fairness in Stable Diffusion {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12692 **作者**: Eunji Kim,Siwon Kim,Rahim Entezari,Sungroh Yoon **关键词**: show demographic biases, Stable Diffusion produce, Diffusion produce photo-realistic, Stable Diffusion, produce photo-realistic images **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Eunji Kim,Siwon Kim,Rahim Entezari,Sungroh Yoon {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-252-Late Breaking Results: On the One-Key Premise of Logic Locking {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12690 **作者**: Yinghua Hu,Hari Cherupalli,Mike Borza,Deepak Sherlekar **关键词**: logic locking methods, correct key, evaluation of logic, methods has long, long been predicated **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Yinghua Hu,Hari Cherupalli,Mike Borza,Deepak Sherlekar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-253-SonarWatch: Field sensing technique for smartwatches based on ultrasound and motion {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12689 **作者**: Yingtian Shi,Chun Yu,Xuyang Lu,Xing-Dong Yang,Yuntao Wang,Yuanchun Shi **关键词**: smartwatch worn continuously, perceive rich interactive, rich interactive gestures, smartwatch worn, worn continuously **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Yingtian Shi,Chun Yu,Xuyang Lu,Xing-Dong Yang,Yuntao Wang,Yuanchun Shi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-254-Bridging the gap between natural user expression with complex automation programming in smart homes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12687 **作者**: Yingtian Shi,Xiaoyi Liu,Chun Yu,Tianao Yang,Cheng Gao,Chen Liang,Yuanchun Shi **关键词**: configure complex automation, natural user expression, user expression, natural language understanding, end-user programming **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Yingtian Shi,Xiaoyi Liu,Chun Yu,Tianao Yang,Cheng Gao,Chen Liang,Yuanchun Shi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-255-MultiMed: Massively Multimodal and Multitask Medical Understanding {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12682 **作者**: Shentong Mo,Paul Pu Liang **关键词**: electronic health records, genome sequencing, consisting of electronic, health records, medical **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Multimedia (cs.MM) ***备注**: Shentong Mo,Paul Pu Liang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-256-Can LLMs Understand Social Norms in Autonomous Driving Games? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12680 **作者**: Boxuan Wang,Haonan Duan,Yanhao Feng,Xu Chen,Yongjie Fu,Zhaobin Mo,Xuan Di **关键词**: LLM-based agents, social norms, agents, LLM-based, Social **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Boxuan Wang,Haonan Duan,Yanhao Feng,Xu Chen,Yongjie Fu,Zhaobin Mo,Xuan Di {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-257-GSFusion: Online RGB-D Mapping Where Gaussian Splatting Meets TSDF Fusion {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12677 **作者**: Jiaxin Wei,Stefan Leutenegger **关键词**: Traditional volumetric fusion, fusion algorithms preserve, volumetric fusion algorithms, vision and robotics, Traditional volumetric **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Jiaxin Wei,Stefan Leutenegger {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-258-Simopt -- Simulation pass for Speculative Optimisation of FPGA-CAD flow {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12676 **作者**: Eashan Wadhwa,Shanker Shreejith **关键词**: Register Transfer Level, Transfer Level, Register Transfer, deployed in CAD, Behavioural simulation **类目**: Hardware Architecture (cs.AR); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Performance (cs.PF) ***备注**: Eashan Wadhwa,Shanker Shreejith {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-259-One-shot Video Imitation via Parameterized Symbolic Abstraction Graphs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12674 **作者**: Jianren Wang,Kangni Liu,Dingkun Guo,Xian Zhou,Christopher G Atkeson **关键词**: holds great promise, Learning to manipulate, video holds great, terms of scalability, manipulate dynamic **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Jianren Wang,Kangni Liu,Dingkun Guo,Xian Zhou,Christopher G Atkeson {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-260-Enhancing Transferability of Adversarial Attacks with GE-AdvGAN+: A Comprehensive Framework for Gradient Editing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12673 **作者**: Zhibo Jin,Jiayu Zhang,Zhiyu Zhu,Yuchen Zhang,Jiahao Huang,Jianlong Zhou,Fang Chen **关键词**: pose significant threats, deep neural networks, attacks pose significant, internal model information, information is inaccessible **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Zhibo Jin,Jiayu Zhang,Zhiyu Zhu,Yuchen Zhang,Jiahao Huang,Jianlong Zhou,Fang Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-261-Research on Improved U-net Based Remote Sensing Image Segmentation Algorithm {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12672 **作者**: Qiming Yang,Zixin Wang,Shinan Liu,Zizheng Li **关键词**: made significant progress, faces performance bottlenecks, sensing image segmentation, remote sensing image, recent years **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Qiming Yang,Zixin Wang,Shinan Liu,Zizheng Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-262-Leveraging Information Consistency in Frequency and Spatial Domain for Adversarial Attacks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12670 **作者**: Zhibo Jin,Jiayu Zhang,Zhiyu Zhu,Xinyi Wang,Yiyun Huang,Huaming Chen **关键词**: deep neural networks, exploit deep neural, neural networks, key method, method to exploit **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Zhibo Jin,Jiayu Zhang,Zhiyu Zhu,Xinyi Wang,Yiyun Huang,Huaming Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-263-Bayesian Network Modeling of Causal Influence within Cognitive Domains and Clinical Dementia Severity Ratings for Western and Indian Cohorts {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12669 **作者**: Wupadrasta Santosh Kumar,Sayali Rajendra Bhutare,Neelam Sinha,Thomas Gregor Issac **关键词**: Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Alzheimer Disease Neuroimaging, Longitudinal Aging Study, Clinical Dementia Ratings, distinct aging datasets **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Neurons and Cognition (q-bio.NC); Applications (stat.AP) ***备注**: Wupadrasta Santosh Kumar,Sayali Rajendra Bhutare,Neelam Sinha,Thomas Gregor Issac {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-264-Input-based Framework for Three-valued Abstraction Refinement {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12668 **作者**: Jan Onderka **关键词**: extends Counterexample-guided Abstraction, Three-valued Abstraction Refinement, Counterexample-guided Abstraction Refinement, Three-valued Abstraction, Counterexample-guided Abstraction **类目**: Logic in Computer Science (cs.LO) ***备注**: Jan Onderka {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-265-Benchmarking Counterfactual Interpretability in Deep Learning Models for Time Series Classification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12666 **作者**: Ziwen Kan,Shahbaz Rezaei,Xin liu **关键词**: deep learning methods, domain boosts interest, time series domain, series domain boosts, including counterfactual **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Ziwen Kan,Shahbaz Rezaei,Xin liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-266-Fairness-Aware Streaming Feature Selection with Causal Graphs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12665 **作者**: Leizhen Zhang,Lusi Li,Di Wu,Sheng Chen,Yi He **关键词**: selected feature subset, streaming feature, feature, crux lies, Streaming Feature Selection **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Graphics (cs.GR) ***备注**: Leizhen Zhang,Lusi Li,Di Wu,Sheng Chen,Yi He {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-267-Multilevel Interpretability Of Artificial Neural Networks: Leveraging Framework And Methods From Neuroscience {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12664 **作者**: Zhonghao He,Jascha Achterberg,Katie Collins,Kevin Nejad,Danyal Akarca,Yinzhu Yang,Wes Gurnee,Ilia Sucholutsky,Yuhan Tang,Rebeca Ianov,George Ogden,Chole Li,Kai Sandbrink,Stephen Casper,Anna Ivanova,Grace W. Lindsay **关键词**: deep learning systems, billions of parameters, relating their internal, deep learning, artificial neural systems **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Neurons and Cognition (q-bio.NC) ***备注**: Zhonghao He,Jascha Achterberg,Katie Collins,Kevin Nejad,Danyal Akarca,Yinzhu Yang,Wes Gurnee,Ilia Sucholutsky,Yuhan Tang,Rebeca Ianov,George Ogden,Chole Li,Kai Sandbrink,Stephen Casper,Anna Ivanova,Grace W. Lindsay {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-268-Non-Borda elections under relaxed IIA conditions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12661 **作者**: Gabriel Gendler **关键词**: Social Welfare Function, celebrated Impossibility Theorem, Impossibility Theorem asserts, Arrow celebrated Impossibility, Welfare Function **类目**: Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT) ***备注**: Gabriel Gendler {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-269-Disentangled Structural and Featural Representation for Task-Agnostic Graph Valuation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12659 **作者**: Ali Falahati,Mohammad Mohammadi Amiri **关键词**: increased significantly, demand for methods, methods to assess, data, data marketplaces **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Information Theory (cs.IT); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Ali Falahati,Mohammad Mohammadi Amiri {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-270-Hierarchical Generative Modeling of Melodic Vocal Contours in Hindustani Classical Music {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12658 **作者**: Nithya Shikarpur,Krishna Maneesha Dendukur,Yusong Wu,Antoine Caillon,Cheng-Zhi Anna Huang **关键词**: performance-driven oral tradition, Hindustani music, rich melodic patterns, performance-driven oral, exhibits the rendition **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Nithya Shikarpur,Krishna Maneesha Dendukur,Yusong Wu,Antoine Caillon,Cheng-Zhi Anna Huang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-271-n Problems in Geobotics {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12657 **作者**: Mikkel Abrahamsen,Dan Halperin **关键词**: Robots sense, move and act, physical world, Robots, robotics **类目**: Computational Geometry (cs.CG); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Mikkel Abrahamsen,Dan Halperin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-272-Improving Radiography Machine Learning Workflows via Metadata Management for Training Data Selection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12655 **作者**: Mirabel Reid,Christine Sweeney,Oleg Korobkin **关键词**: produce effective results, learning models require, machine learning models, hyper-parameter tuning, effective results **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Mirabel Reid,Christine Sweeney,Oleg Korobkin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-273-AI-driven Transformer Model for Fault Prediction in Non-Linear Dynamic Automotive System {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12638 **作者**: Priyanka Kumar **关键词**: promising research areas, research areas, promising research, Fault, non-linear dynamic automotive **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Priyanka Kumar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-274-Building and better understanding vision-language models: insights and future directions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12637 **作者**: Hugo Laurençon,Andrés Marafioti,Victor Sanh,Léo Tronchon **关键词**: including data, output texts, inputs and output, rapidly evolving, reach consensus **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Hugo Laurençon,Andrés Marafioti,Victor Sanh,Léo Tronchon {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-275-Information and motor constraints shape melodic diversity across cultures {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12635 **作者**: John M McBride,Nahie Kim,Yuri Nishikawa,Mekhmed Saadakeev,Marcus T Pearce,Tsvi Tlusty **关键词**: virtually unlimited potential, unfathomably large, surprisingly similar, virtually unlimited, unlimited potential **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Information Theory (cs.IT); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS); Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph) ***备注**: John M McBride,Nahie Kim,Yuri Nishikawa,Mekhmed Saadakeev,Marcus T Pearce,Tsvi Tlusty {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-276-Joint Hypergraph Rewiring and Memory-Augmented Forecasting Techniques in Digital Twin Technology {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12634 **作者**: Sagar Srinivas Sakhinana,Krishna Sai Sudhir Aripirala,Shivam Gupta,Venkataramana Runkana **关键词**: Digital Twin technology, creates virtual replicas, Twin technology creates, technology creates virtual, Digital Twin **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Sagar Srinivas Sakhinana,Krishna Sai Sudhir Aripirala,Shivam Gupta,Venkataramana Runkana {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-277-Melody predominates over harmony in the evolution of musical scales across 96 countries {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12633 **作者**: John M McBride,Elizabeth Phillips,Patrick E Savage,Steven Brown,Tsvi Tlusty **关键词**: standard theory, scales, Abstract, harmony, musical scales **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS); Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph) ***备注**: John M McBride,Elizabeth Phillips,Patrick E Savage,Steven Brown,Tsvi Tlusty {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-278-Data-Free Class Incremental Gesture Recognition via Synthetic Feature Sampling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12629 **作者**: Zhenyu Lu,Hao Tang **关键词**: Class Incremental Learning, Data-Free Class Incremental, Incremental Learning, Class Incremental, aims to enable **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Zhenyu Lu,Hao Tang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-279-On Woolhouse's Cotton-Spinning Problem {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12623 **作者**: Jan Friso Groote,Tim A.C. Willemse **关键词**: Abstract, problem, Woolhouse, Woolhouse formulated, Cotton-Spinning problem **类目**: Logic in Computer Science (cs.LO) ***备注**: Jan Friso Groote,Tim A.C. Willemse {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-280-he AI Risk Repository: A Comprehensive Meta-Review, Database, and Taxonomy of Risks From Artificial Intelligence {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12622 **作者**: Peter Slattery,Alexander K. Saeri,Emily A. C. Grundy,Jess Graham,Michael Noetel,Risto Uuk,James Dao,Soroush Pour,Stephen Casper,Neil Thompson **关键词**: Artificial Intelligence, Risk, posed by Artificial, Risk Repository, risks **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Emerging Technologies (cs.ET); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Peter Slattery,Alexander K. Saeri,Emily A. C. Grundy,Jess Graham,Michael Noetel,Risto Uuk,James Dao,Soroush Pour,Stephen Casper,Neil Thompson {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-281-Educational Customization by Homogenous Grouping of e-Learners based on their Learning Styles {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12619 **作者**: Mohammadreza amiri,GholamAli montazer,Ebrahim Mousavi **关键词**: E-learning environment offers, offers greater flexibility, greater flexibility compared, meet learners' individual, environment offers greater **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Mohammadreza amiri,GholamAli montazer,Ebrahim Mousavi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-282-Can GPT-4 Models Detect Misleading Visualizations? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12617 **作者**: Jason Alexander,Priyal Nanda,Kai-Cheng Yang,Ali Sarvghad **关键词**: public health crises, misleading visualizations online, detect misleading visualizations, misleading visualizations, crises and elections **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Computers and Society (cs.CY); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI) ***备注**: Jason Alexander,Priyal Nanda,Kai-Cheng Yang,Ali Sarvghad {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-283-Semantic Communication based on Large Language Model for Underwater Image Transmission {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12616 **作者**: Weilong Chen,Wenxuan Xu,Haoran Chen,Xinran Zhang,Zhijin Qin,Yanru Zhang,Zhu Han **关键词**: marine biology research, environmental monitoring, marine biology, biology research, essential for environmental **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Weilong Chen,Wenxuan Xu,Haoran Chen,Xinran Zhang,Zhijin Qin,Yanru Zhang,Zhu Han {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-284-Image-Feature Weak-to-Strong Consistency: An Enhanced Paradigm for Semi-Supervised Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12614 **作者**: Zhiyu Wu,Jinshi Cui **关键词**: semi-supervised learning, simplicity and impressive, Image-level, consistency serves, samples **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Zhiyu Wu,Jinshi Cui {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-285-Deceptive uses of Artificial Intelligence in elections strengthen support for AI ban {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12613 **作者**: Andreas Jungherr,Adrian Rauchfleisch,Alexander Wuttke **关键词**: Artificial Intelligence, explore how Artificial, Intelligence, Artificial, win elections **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Andreas Jungherr,Adrian Rauchfleisch,Alexander Wuttke {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-286-Using generative AI to support standardization work -- the case of 3GPP {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12611 **作者**: Miroslaw Staron,Jonathan Strom,Albin Karlsson,Wilhelm Meding **关键词**: Standardization processes build, processes build, Standardization processes, identify disagreements, Standardization **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Miroslaw Staron,Jonathan Strom,Albin Karlsson,Wilhelm Meding {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-287-Using a negative spatial auto-correlation index to evaluate and improve intrinsic TagMap's multi-scale visualization capabilities {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12610 **作者**: Zhiwei Wei,Nai Yang **关键词**: geographic research community, sparked significant interest, tag maps, tag, intrinsic tag maps **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Zhiwei Wei,Nai Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-288-Enhanced Prediction of Multi-Agent Trajectories via Control Inference and State-Space Dynamics {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12609 **作者**: Yu Zhang,Yongxiang Zou,Haoyu Zhang,Zeyu Liu,Houcheng Li,Long Cheng **关键词**: accurately predicting, operational efficiency, nearby vehicles, vehicles and pedestrians, pedestrians is crucial **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yu Zhang,Yongxiang Zou,Haoyu Zhang,Zeyu Liu,Houcheng Li,Long Cheng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-289-A frugal Spiking Neural Network for unsupervised classification of continuous multivariate temporal data {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12608 **作者**: Sai Deepesh Pokala,Marie Bernert,Takuya Nanami,Takashi Kohno,Timothée Lévi,Blaise Yvert **关键词**: neural data recordings, neural, Deep Neural Networks, volume and complexity, Spiking Neural Networks **类目**: Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Sai Deepesh Pokala,Marie Bernert,Takuya Nanami,Takashi Kohno,Timothée Lévi,Blaise Yvert {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-290-Interactive Design-of-Experiments: Optimizing a Cooling System {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12607 **作者**: Rainer Splechtna,Majid Behravan,Mario Jelovic,Denis Gracanin,Helwig Hauser,Kresimir Matkovic **关键词**: electric cars, cabin and battery, system, parameter space, optimization **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Rainer Splechtna,Majid Behravan,Mario Jelovic,Denis Gracanin,Helwig Hauser,Kresimir Matkovic {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-291-owards Non-invasive and Personalized Management of Breast Cancer Patients from Multiparametric MRI via A Large Mixture-of-Modality-Experts Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12606 **作者**: Luyang Luo,Mingxiang Wu,Mei Li,Yi Xin,Qiong Wang,Varut Vardhanabhuti,Winnie CW Chu,Zhenhui Li,Juan Zhou,Pranav Rajpurkar,Hao Chen **关键词**: Breast magnetic resonance, breast cancer, multiparametric breast MRI, detecting breast cancer, magnetic resonance imaging **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Luyang Luo,Mingxiang Wu,Mei Li,Yi Xin,Qiong Wang,Varut Vardhanabhuti,Winnie CW Chu,Zhenhui Li,Juan Zhou,Pranav Rajpurkar,Hao Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-292-Generational Computation Reduction in Informal Counterexample-Driven Genetic Programming {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12604 **作者**: Thomas Helmuth,Edward Pantridge,James Gunder Frazier,Lee Spector **关键词**: Counterexample-driven genetic programming, Counterexample-driven genetic, evaluate evolving programs, informal CDGP, user-provided training data **类目**: Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Software Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Thomas Helmuth,Edward Pantridge,James Gunder Frazier,Lee Spector {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-293-Sleeper Social Bots: a new generation of AI disinformation bots are already a political threat {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12603 **作者**: Jaiv Doshi,Ines Novacic,Curtis Fletcher,Mats Borges,Elea Zhong,Mark C. Marino,Jason Gan,Sophia Mager,Dane Sprague,Melinda Xia **关键词**: manipulate public opinion, sleeper social bots, social bots, sleeper social, public opinion **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jaiv Doshi,Ines Novacic,Curtis Fletcher,Mats Borges,Elea Zhong,Mark C. Marino,Jason Gan,Sophia Mager,Dane Sprague,Melinda Xia {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-294-Graffiti Networks: A Subversive, Internet-Scale File Sharing Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/1101.0350 **作者**: Andrew Pavlo,Ning Shi **关键词**: file sharing protocols, protocols is due, efficient and scalable, scalable methods, dissemination to numerous **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Databases (cs.DB) ***备注**: Andrew Pavlo,Ning Shi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-295-Double Descent: Understanding Linear Model Estimation of Nonidentifiable Parameters and a Model for Overfitting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13235 **作者**: Ronald Christensen **关键词**: spectral shrinkage estimates, squares estimation, ordinary least squares, squares, spectral shrinkage **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Statistics Theory (math.ST) ***备注**: Ronald Christensen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-296-On the design of scalable, high-precision spherical-radial Fourier features {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13231 **作者**: Ayoub Belhadji,Qianyu Julie Zhu,Youssef Marzouk **关键词**: scaling kernel methods, large-scale problems, learning and statistics, quadrature rule, popular technique **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Ayoub Belhadji,Qianyu Julie Zhu,Youssef Marzouk {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-297-Amortized Bayesian Multilevel Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13230 **作者**: Daniel Habermann,Marvin Schmitt,Lars Kühmichel,Andreas Bulling,Stefan T. Radev,Paul-Christian Bürkner **关键词**: central building block, central building, building block, Bayesian workflow, Multilevel models **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computation (stat.CO) ***备注**: Daniel Habermann,Marvin Schmitt,Lars Kühmichel,Andreas Bulling,Stefan T. Radev,Paul-Christian Bürkner {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-298-EUR-USD Exchange Rate Forecasting Based on Information Fusion with Large Language Models and Deep Learning Methods {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13214 **作者**: Hongcheng Ding,Xuanze Zhao,Zixiao Jiang,Shamsul Nahar Abdullah,Deshinta Arrova Dewi **关键词**: USD exchange rate, exchange rate, USD exchange, Accurate forecasting, crucial for investors **类目**: Computational Finance (q-fin.CP); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Hongcheng Ding,Xuanze Zhao,Zixiao Jiang,Shamsul Nahar Abdullah,Deshinta Arrova Dewi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-299-Optimal Quantum Circuit Design via Unitary Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13211 **作者**: M. Zomorodi,H. Amini,M. Abbaszadeh,J. Sohrabi,V. Salari,P. Plawiak **关键词**: quantum computing platform, quantum algorithm, process of translating, form suitable, suitable for implementation **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: M. Zomorodi,H. Amini,M. Abbaszadeh,J. Sohrabi,V. Salari,P. Plawiak {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-300-Deep Learning for Lung Disease Classification Using Transfer Learning and a Customized CNN Architecture with Attention {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13180 **作者**: Xiaoyi Liu,Zhou Yu,Lianghao Tan **关键词**: people die, X-ray Image Dataset, Lung X-ray Image, lung, Abstract **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Xiaoyi Liu,Zhou Yu,Lianghao Tan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-301-Augmented Functional Random Forests: Classifier Construction and Unbiased Functional Principal Components Importance through Ad-Hoc Conditional Permutations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13179 **作者**: Fabrizio Maturo,Annamaria Porreca **关键词**: supervised classification strategy, functional data analysis, addressing the challenges, integrates functional data, paper introduces **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Statistics Theory (math.ST); Methodology (stat.ME) ***备注**: Fabrizio Maturo,Annamaria Porreca {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-302-A density ratio framework for evaluating the utility of synthetic data {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13167 **作者**: Thom Benjamin Volker,Peter-Paul de Wolf,Erik-Jan van Kesteren **关键词**: Synthetic data, Synthetic data generation, density ratio, privacy breaches, density ratio estimation **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Thom Benjamin Volker,Peter-Paul de Wolf,Erik-Jan van Kesteren {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-303-Adaptive Backtracking For Faster Optimization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13150 **作者**: Joao V. Cavalcanti,Laurent Lessard,Ashia C. Wilson **关键词**: foundational in numerical, Descent Lemma, Backtracking, adaptive backtracking, regular backtracking **类目**: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Joao V. Cavalcanti,Laurent Lessard,Ashia C. Wilson {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-304-Reproduction of scan B-statistic for kernel change-point detection algorithm {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13146 **作者**: Zihan Wang **关键词**: social network evolution, epidemic disease outbreaks, including epidemic disease, garnered significant attention, significant attention due **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Zihan Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-305-A tour d'horizon of de Casteljau's work {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13125 **作者**: Andreas Müller **关键词**: Whilst Paul, Casteljau, Paul de Casteljau, geometry, metric geometry **类目**: History and Overview (math.HO); Algebraic Geometry (math.AG); Metric Geometry (math.MG); Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Number Theory (math.NT) ***备注**: Andreas Müller {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-306-Convergence of Unadjusted Langevin in High Dimensions: Delocalization of Bias {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13115 **作者**: Yifan Chen,Xiaoou Cheng,Jonathan Niles-Weed,Jonathan Weare **关键词**: unadjusted Langevin algorithm, sample probability distributions, unadjusted Langevin, extremely high-dimensional settings, Langevin algorithm **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Probability (math.PR); Computation (stat.CO) ***备注**: Yifan Chen,Xiaoou Cheng,Jonathan Niles-Weed,Jonathan Weare {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-307-Controlled Learning of Pointwise Nonlinearities in Neural-Network-Like Architectures {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13114 **作者**: Michael Unser,Alexis Goujon,Stanislas Ducotterd **关键词**: layered computational architectures, computational architectures subject, general variational framework, present a general, general variational **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Functional Analysis (math.FA) ***备注**: Michael Unser,Alexis Goujon,Stanislas Ducotterd {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-308-An Introduction to Cognidynamics {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13112 **作者**: Marco Gori **关键词**: optimal objectives imposed, cognitive systems driven, systems driven, driven by optimal, optimal objectives **类目**: Neurons and Cognition (q-bio.NC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Marco Gori {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-309-On the good reliability of an interval-based metric to validate prediction uncertainty for machine learning regression tasks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13089 **作者**: Pascal Pernot **关键词**: short study presents, Interval Coverage Probability, reliable validation method, prediction uncertainty average, Prediction Interval Coverage **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Pascal Pernot {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-310-Spectral Recovery in the Labeled SBM {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13075 **作者**: Julia Gaudio,Heming Liu **关键词**: Stochastic Block Model, Labeled Stochastic Block, Block Model, Labeled Stochastic, Stochastic Block **类目**: atistics Theory (math.ST); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI) ***备注**: Julia Gaudio,Heming Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-311-Context-free graphs and their transition groups {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13070 **作者**: Daniele D'Angeli,Francesco Matucci,Davide Perego,Emanuele Rodaro **关键词**: context-free inverse graphs, context-free inverse, context-free inverse closed, context-free, groups arising **类目**: Group Theory (math.GR); Formal Languages and Automata Theory (cs.FL); Combinatorics (math.CO) ***备注**: Daniele D'Angeli,Francesco Matucci,Davide Perego,Emanuele Rodaro {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-312-SIMPLE: Simultaneous Multi-Plane Self-Supervised Learning for Isotropic MRI Restoration from Anisotropic Data {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13065 **作者**: Rotem Benisty,Yevgenia Shteynman,Moshe Porat,Anat Illivitzki,Moti Freiman **关键词**: Magnetic resonance imaging, Magnetic resonance, resonance imaging, conditions and anomalies, crucial in diagnosing **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Rotem Benisty,Yevgenia Shteynman,Moshe Porat,Anat Illivitzki,Moti Freiman {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-313-CMA-ES for Discrete and Mixed-Variable Optimization on Sets of Points {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13046 **作者**: Kento Uchida,Ryoki Hamano,Masahiro Nomura,Shota Saito,Shinichi Shirakawa **关键词**: mixed-variable optimization, optimization, Discrete and mixed-variable, mixed-variable optimization problems, continuous optimization methods **类目**: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE) ***备注**: Kento Uchida,Ryoki Hamano,Masahiro Nomura,Shota Saito,Shinichi Shirakawa {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-314-SpeechPrompt: Prompting Speech Language Models for Speech Processing Tasks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13040 **作者**: Kai-Wei Chang,Haibin Wu,Yu-Kai Wang,Yuan-Kuei Wu,Hua Shen,Wei-Cheng Tseng,Iu-thing Kang,Shang-Wen Li,Hung-yi Lee **关键词**: utilizing pre-trained language, Prompting, speech, utilizing pre-trained, pre-trained language models **类目**: Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Kai-Wei Chang,Haibin Wu,Yu-Kai Wang,Yuan-Kuei Wu,Hua Shen,Wei-Cheng Tseng,Iu-thing Kang,Shang-Wen Li,Hung-yi Lee {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-315-Personalised Medicine: Establishing predictive machine learning models for drug responses in patient derived cell culture {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13012 **作者**: Abbi Abdel-Rehim,Oghenejokpeme Orhobor,Gareth Griffiths,Larisa Soldatova,Ross D. King **关键词**: increasingly important, cancer therapy, personalised medicine, cell, personalised **类目**: Biomolecules (q-bio.BM); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Abbi Abdel-Rehim,Oghenejokpeme Orhobor,Gareth Griffiths,Larisa Soldatova,Ross D. King {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-316-Encoding Semi-Directed Phylogenetic Networks with Quarnets {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12997 **作者**: Katharina T. Huber,Leo van Iersel,Mark Jones,Vincent Moulton,Leonie Veenema - Nipius **关键词**: represent evolutionary relationships, Phylogenetic networks, Phylogenetic, represent evolutionary, evolutionary relationships **类目**: Populations and Evolution (q-bio.PE); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Combinatorics (math.CO) ***备注**: Katharina T. Huber,Leo van Iersel,Mark Jones,Vincent Moulton,Leonie Veenema - Nipius {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-317-A study of distributional complexity measures for Boolean functions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12995 **作者**: Laurin Köhler-Schindler,Jeffrey E. Steif **关键词**: Boolean functions, complexity, previously been introduced, complexity measures, functions have previously **类目**: Probability (math.PR); Computational Complexity (cs.CC) ***备注**: Laurin Köhler-Schindler,Jeffrey E. Steif {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-318-Zeoformer: Coarse-Grained Periodic Graph Transformer for OSDA-Zeolite Affinity Prediction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12984 **作者**: Xiangxiang Shen,Zheng Wan,Lingfeng Wen,Licheng Sun,Ou Yang Ming Jie,Xuan Tang,Xian Zeng,Mingsong Chen,Xiao He,Xian Wei **关键词**: International Zeolite Association, Association Structure Commission, Zeolite Association Structure, International Zeolite, Zeolite Association **类目**: Materials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Xiangxiang Shen,Zheng Wan,Lingfeng Wen,Licheng Sun,Ou Yang Ming Jie,Xuan Tang,Xian Zeng,Mingsong Chen,Xiao He,Xian Wei {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-319-On z-coloring and ${\rm b}^{\ast}$-coloring of graphs as improved variants of the b-coloring {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12951 **作者**: Manouchehr Zaker **关键词**: ast, proper vertex coloring, coloring, vertex, proper vertex **类目**: Combinatorics (math.CO); Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM) ***备注**: Manouchehr Zaker {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-320-When Diffusion MRI Meets Diffusion Model: A Novel Deep Generative Model for Diffusion MRI Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12897 **作者**: Xi Zhu,Wei Zhang,Yijie Li,Lauren J. O'Donnell,Fan Zhang **关键词**: white matter structural, matter structural connectivity, technique characterizing tissue, characterizing tissue microstructure, Diffusion MRI **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Xi Zhu,Wei Zhang,Yijie Li,Lauren J. O'Donnell,Fan Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-321-Universal dimensions of visual representation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12804 **作者**: Zirui Chen,Michael F. Bonner **关键词**: share architectural constraints, neural network models, natural image processing, share architectural, architectural constraints **类目**: Neurons and Cognition (q-bio.NC); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Zirui Chen,Michael F. Bonner {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-322-Hierarchical Attention and Parallel Filter Fusion Network for Multi-Source Data Classification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12760 **作者**: Han Luo,Feng Gao,Junyu Dong,Lin Qi **关键词**: synthetic aperture radar, sensing image interpretation, image interpretation, aperture radar, synthetic aperture **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Han Luo,Feng Gao,Junyu Dong,Lin Qi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-323-High-distance codes with transversal Clifford and $T$-gates {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12752 **作者**: Shubham P. Jain,Victor V. Albert **关键词**: compact quantum encodings, protection against noise, non-local interactions, encodings while retaining, degree of protection **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Information Theory (cs.IT); Number Theory (math.NT) ***备注**: Shubham P. Jain,Victor V. Albert {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-324-Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks are (Effectively) Classically Simulable {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12739 **作者**: Pablo Bermejo,Paolo Braccia,Manuel S. Rudolph,Zoë Holmes,Lukasz Cincio,M. Cerezo **关键词**: Quantum Machine Learning, Convolutional Neural Networks, Quantum Convolutional Neural, Neural Networks, Machine Learning **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Pablo Bermejo,Paolo Braccia,Manuel S. Rudolph,Zoë Holmes,Lukasz Cincio,M. Cerezo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-325-Generating Realistic X-ray Scattering Images Using Stable Diffusion and Human-in-the-loop Annotations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12720 **作者**: Zhuowen Zhao,Xiaoya Chong,Tanny Chavez,Alexander Hexemer **关键词**: X-ray scattering images, X-ray scattering, foundational stable diffusion, foundational stable, descriptions to generate **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Zhuowen Zhao,Xiaoya Chong,Tanny Chavez,Alexander Hexemer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-326-Quantization-free Lossy Image Compression Using Integer Matrix Factorization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12691 **作者**: Pooya Ashtari,Pourya Behmandpoor,Fateme Nateghi Haredasht,Jonathan H. Chen,Panagiotis Patrinos,Sabine Van Huffel **关键词**: Lossy image compression, transmission and storage, Lossy image, IMF, compression **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: Pooya Ashtari,Pourya Behmandpoor,Fateme Nateghi Haredasht,Jonathan H. Chen,Panagiotis Patrinos,Sabine Van Huffel {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-327-New Bounds on Quantum Sample Complexity of Measurement Classes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12683 **作者**: Mohsen Heidari,Wojciech Szpankowski **关键词**: paper studies quantum, studies quantum supervised, mathcal, sample complexity, quantum **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Information Theory (cs.IT); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Mohsen Heidari,Wojciech Szpankowski {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-328-On 2-complexes embeddable in 4-space, and the excluded minors of their underlying graphs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12681 **作者**: Agelos Georgakopoulos,Martin Winter **关键词**: potentially undecidable problem, potentially undecidable, undecidable problem, preserve embeddability, Delta **类目**: Combinatorics (math.CO); Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM); Geometric Topology (math.GT) ***备注**: Agelos Georgakopoulos,Martin Winter {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-329-Joint Image De-noising and Enhancement for Satellite-Based SAR {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12671 **作者**: Shahrokh Hamidi **关键词**: Synthetic Aperture Radar, Aperture Radar, Synthetic Aperture, low contrast level, SAR images significantly **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Shahrokh Hamidi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-330-Identifying Locally Turbulent Vortices within Instabilities {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12662 **作者**: Fabien Vivodtzev,Florent Nauleau,Jean-Philippe Braeunig,Julien Tierny **关键词**: Topological Data Analysis, locally turbulent vortices, work presents, presents an approach, automatic detection **类目**: Fluid Dynamics (physics.flu-dyn); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Graphics (cs.GR); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Fabien Vivodtzev,Florent Nauleau,Jean-Philippe Braeunig,Julien Tierny {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-331-Wave-LSTM: Multi-scale analysis of somatic whole genome copy number profiles {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12636 **作者**: Charles Gadd,Christopher Yau **关键词**: somatic mutation processes, copy number alterations, copy number, due to somatic, somatic mutation **类目**: Genomics (q-bio.GN); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Charles Gadd,Christopher Yau {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-332-Generative Diffusion Model-based Downscaling of Observed Sea Surface Height over Kuroshio Extension since 2000 {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12632 **作者**: Qiuchang Han,Xingliang Jiang,Yang Zhao,Xudong Wang,Zhijin Li,Renhe Zhang **关键词**: monitor global sea, Kuroshio Extension region, localized eddy ranges, enabling investigation, global sea surface **类目**: Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics (physics.ao-ph); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Qiuchang Han,Xingliang Jiang,Yang Zhao,Xudong Wang,Zhijin Li,Renhe Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-333-Machine Learning Potentials: A Roadmap Toward Next-Generation Biomolecular Simulations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12625 **作者**: Gianni De Fabritiis **关键词**: Machine learning potentials, Machine learning, learning potentials offer, offer a revolutionary, unifying framework **类目**: Chemical Physics (physics.chem-ph); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Gianni De Fabritiis {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-334-StringNET: Neural Network based Variational Method for Transition Pathways {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12621 **作者**: Jiayue Han,Shuting Gu,Xiang Zhou **关键词**: Rare transition events, Rare transition, minimum energy path, maximum flux path, minimum energy **类目**: Chemical Physics (physics.chem-ph); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Jiayue Han,Shuting Gu,Xiang Zhou {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-335-Pediatric TSC-related eplipsy classification from multi-contrast images using quantum neural network {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12615 **作者**: Ling Lin,Yihang Zhou,Zhanqi Hu,Dian Jiang,Congcong Liu,Shuo Zhou,Yanjie Zhu,Jianxiang Liao,Dong Liang,Hairong Zheng,Haifeng Wang **关键词**: Tuberous sclerosis complex, significant neurological implications, Tuberous sclerosis, sclerosis complex, neurological implications **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Ling Lin,Yihang Zhou,Zhanqi Hu,Dian Jiang,Congcong Liu,Shuo Zhou,Yanjie Zhu,Jianxiang Liao,Dong Liang,Hairong Zheng,Haifeng Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-336-Convolutional Neural Networks for Predictive Modeling of Lung Disease {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12605 **作者**: Yingbin Liang,Xiqing Liu,Haohao Xia,Yiru Cang,Zitao Zheng,Yuanfang Yang **关键词**: model combining HRNet, innovative model combining, void-convolution techniques, lung imaging, combining HRNet **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Yingbin Liang,Xiqing Liu,Haohao Xia,Yiru Cang,Zitao Zheng,Yuanfang Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-337-Fiber neural networks for the intelligent optical fiber communications {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12602 **作者**: Yubin Zang,Zuxing Zhang,Simin Li,Fangzheng Zhang,Hongwei Chen **关键词**: cast attention nowadays, long cast attention, fiber neural networks, neural networks, Optical neural networks **类目**: ignal Processing (eess.SP); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Yubin Zang,Zuxing Zhang,Simin Li,Fangzheng Zhang,Hongwei Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-338-owards an Accessible, Noninvasive Micronutrient Status Assessment Method: A Comprehensive Review of Existing Techniques {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.11877 **作者**: Andrew Balch,Maria A. Cardei,Sibylle Kranz,Afsaneh Doryab **关键词**: detrimental health concerns, health concerns, human body, imbalance can result, result in detrimental **类目**: Quantitative Methods (q-bio.QM); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Andrew Balch,Maria A. Cardei,Sibylle Kranz,Afsaneh Doryab {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %}