{% note blue no-icon %} ID-0-RoboTwin: Dual-Arm Robot Benchmark with Generative Digital Twins (early version) {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02920 **作者**: Yao Mu,Tianxing Chen,Shijia Peng,Zanxin Chen,Zeyu Gao,Yude Zou,Lunkai Lin,Zhiqiang Xie,Ping Luo **关键词**: increasingly important areas, Effective collaboration, capabilities are increasingly, increasingly important, important areas **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Yao Mu,Tianxing Chen,Shijia Peng,Zanxin Chen,Zeyu Gao,Yude Zou,Lunkai Lin,Zhiqiang Xie,Ping Luo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-1-HiPrompt: Tuning-free Higher-Resolution Generation with Hierarchical MLLM Prompts {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02919 **作者**: Xinyu Liu,Yingqing He,Lanqing Guo,Xiang Li,Bu Jin,Peng Li,Yan Li,Chi-Min Chan,Qifeng Chen,Wei Xue,Wenhan Luo,Qingfeng Liu,Yike Guo **关键词**: pretrained diffusion models, diffusion models, resolution and higher, pretrained diffusion, struggle with issues **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Xinyu Liu,Yingqing He,Lanqing Guo,Xiang Li,Bu Jin,Peng Li,Yan Li,Chi-Min Chan,Qifeng Chen,Wei Xue,Wenhan Luo,Qingfeng Liu,Yike Guo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-2-SpecMon: Modular Black-Box Runtime Monitoring of Security Protocols {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02918 **作者**: Kevin Morio,Robert Künnemann **关键词**: formal protocol specifications, formal protocol, exists a verification, verification gap, aims to bridge **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Kevin Morio,Robert Künnemann {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-3-UC-NeRF: Uncertainty-aware Conditional Neural Radiance Fields from Endoscopic Sparse Views {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02917 **作者**: Jiaxin Guo,Jiangliu Wang,Ruofeng Wei,Di Kang,Qi Dou,Yun-hui Liu **关键词**: Visualizing surgical scenes, minimally invasive procedures, revealing internal anatomical, internal anatomical structures, Visualizing surgical **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jiaxin Guo,Jiangliu Wang,Ruofeng Wei,Di Kang,Qi Dou,Yun-hui Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-4-Latent Watermarking of Audio Generative Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02915 **作者**: Robin San Roman,Pierre Fernandez,Antoine Deleforge,Yossi Adi,Romain Serizel **关键词**: audio generative models, advancements in audio, responsible disclosure, latent generative models, audio generative **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Robin San Roman,Pierre Fernandez,Antoine Deleforge,Yossi Adi,Romain Serizel {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-5-Can LVLMs Obtain a Driver's License? A Benchmark Towards Reliable AGI for Autonomous Driving {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02914 **作者**: Yuhang Lu,Yichen Yao,Jiadong Tu,Jiangnan Shao,Yuexin Ma,Xinge Zhu **关键词**: garnered significant attention, recently garnered significant, Large Vision-Language Models, significant attention, recently garnered **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Yuhang Lu,Yichen Yao,Jiadong Tu,Jiangnan Shao,Yuexin Ma,Xinge Zhu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-6-Design of a Standard-Compliant Real-Time Neural Receiver for 5G NR {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02912 **作者**: Reinhard Wiesmayr,Sebastian Cammerer,Fayçal Aït Aoudia,Jakob Hoydis,Jakub Zakrzewski,Alexander Keller **关键词**: multi-user multiple-input multiple-output, actual cellular communication, cellular communication system, multiple-input multiple-output, detail the steps **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Reinhard Wiesmayr,Sebastian Cammerer,Fayçal Aït Aoudia,Jakob Hoydis,Jakub Zakrzewski,Alexander Keller {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-7-SITAR: Semi-supervised Image Transformer for Action Recognition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02910 **作者**: Owais Iqbal,Omprakash Chakraborty,Aftab Hussain,Rameswar Panda,Abir Das **关键词**: annotating visual data, Recognizing actions, classified nature, labeled videos remains, limited set **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Owais Iqbal,Omprakash Chakraborty,Aftab Hussain,Rameswar Panda,Abir Das {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-8-Masked Diffusion Models are Secretly Time-Agnostic Masked Models and Exploit Inaccurate Categorical Sampling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02908 **作者**: Kaiwen Zheng,Yongxin Chen,Hanzi Mao,Ming-Yu Liu,Jun Zhu,Qinsheng Zhang **关键词**: language modeling tasks, popular research topic, discrete diffusion models, Masked diffusion models, diffusion models **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Kaiwen Zheng,Yongxin Chen,Hanzi Mao,Ming-Yu Liu,Jun Zhu,Qinsheng Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-9-GraphTrials: Visual Proofs of Graph Properties {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02907 **作者**: Henry Förster,Felix Klesen,Tim Dwyer,Peter Eades,Seok-Hee Hong,Stephen G. Kobourov,Giuseppe Liotta,Kazuo Misue,Fabrizio Montecchiani,Alexander Pastukhov,Falk Schreiber **关键词**: relational data arising, visualization supports exploration, network visualization supports, supports exploration, powergrid systems **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Henry Förster,Felix Klesen,Tim Dwyer,Peter Eades,Seok-Hee Hong,Stephen G. Kobourov,Giuseppe Liotta,Kazuo Misue,Fabrizio Montecchiani,Alexander Pastukhov,Falk Schreiber {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-10-State Machine Mutation-based Testing Framework for Wireless Communication Protocols {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02905 **作者**: Syed Md Mukit Rashid,Tianwei Wu,Kai Tu,Abdullah Al Ishtiaq,Ridwanul Hasan Tanvir,Yilu Dong,Omar Chowdhury,Syed Rafiul Hussain **关键词**: budget-aware automated testing, automated testing approach, paper proposes Proteus, protocol state machine, wireless protocol implementations **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Syed Md Mukit Rashid,Tianwei Wu,Kai Tu,Abdullah Al Ishtiaq,Ridwanul Hasan Tanvir,Yilu Dong,Omar Chowdhury,Syed Rafiul Hussain {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-11-opological Methods in Machine Learning: A Tutorial for Practitioners {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02901 **作者**: Baris Coskunuzer,Cüneyt Gürcan Akçora **关键词**: complex data structures, analyze complex data, traditional machine learning, machine learning methods, Topological Machine Learning **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computational Geometry (cs.CG); Algebraic Topology (math.AT) ***备注**: Baris Coskunuzer,Cüneyt Gürcan Akçora {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-12-LongCite: Enabling LLMs to Generate Fine-grained Citations in Long-context QA {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02897 **作者**: jiajie Zhang,Yushi Bai,Xin Lv,Wanjun Gu,Danqing Liu,Minhao Zou,Shulin Cao,Lei Hou,Yuxiao Dong,Ling Feng,Juanzi Li **关键词**: user verification difficult, makes user verification, demonstrated impressive capacities, user questions based, responses makes user **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: jiajie Zhang,Yushi Bai,Xin Lv,Wanjun Gu,Danqing Liu,Minhao Zou,Shulin Cao,Lei Hou,Yuxiao Dong,Ling Feng,Juanzi Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-13-LongLLaVA: Scaling Multi-modal LLMs to 1000 Images Efficiently via Hybrid Architecture {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02889 **作者**: Xidong Wang,Dingjie Song,Shunian Chen,Chen Zhang,Benyou Wang **关键词**: Multi-modal Large Language, Large Language Models, Large Language, Multi-modal Large, high-resolution image understanding **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Multimedia (cs.MM) ***备注**: Xidong Wang,Dingjie Song,Shunian Chen,Chen Zhang,Benyou Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-14-Multi-stream deep learning framework to predict mild cognitive impairment with Rey Complex Figure Test {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02883 **作者**: Junyoung Park,Eun Hyun Seo,Sunjun Kim,SangHak Yi,Kun Ho Lee,Sungho Won **关键词**: Rey Complex Figure, Complex Figure Test, Rey Complex, Complex Figure, Drawing tests **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Junyoung Park,Eun Hyun Seo,Sunjun Kim,SangHak Yi,Kun Ho Lee,Sungho Won {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-15-Benchmarking Spurious Bias in Few-Shot Image Classifiers {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02882 **作者**: Guangtao Zheng,Wenqian Ye,Aidong Zhang **关键词**: spurious bias, spurious, few-shot classifiers, Few-shot, bias **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Guangtao Zheng,Wenqian Ye,Aidong Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-16-Configurable Foundation Models: Building LLMs from a Modular Perspective {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02877 **作者**: Chaojun Xiao,Zhengyan Zhang,Chenyang Song,Dazhi Jiang,Feng Yao,Xu Han,Xiaozhi Wang,Shuo Wang,Yufei Huang,Guanyu Lin,Yingfa Chen,Weilin Zhao,Yuge Tu,Zexuan Zhong,Ao Zhang,Chenglei Si,Khai Hao Moo,Chenyang Zhao,Huimin Chen,Yankai Lin,Zhiyuan Liu,Jingbo Shang,Maosong Sun **关键词**: abilities increasingly cumbersome, recently unveiled challenges, unveiled challenges tied, continual scalability due, limited computation resources **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Chaojun Xiao,Zhengyan Zhang,Chenyang Song,Dazhi Jiang,Feng Yao,Xu Han,Xiaozhi Wang,Shuo Wang,Yufei Huang,Guanyu Lin,Yingfa Chen,Weilin Zhao,Yuge Tu,Zexuan Zhong,Ao Zhang,Chenglei Si,Khai Hao Moo,Chenyang Zhao,Huimin Chen,Yankai Lin,Zhiyuan Liu,Jingbo Shang,Maosong Sun {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-17-Hybrid Imitation-Learning Motion Planner for Urban Driving {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02871 **作者**: Cristian Gariboldi,Matteo Corno,Beng Jin **关键词**: open source datasets, nuPlan and Argoverse, release of open, open source, source datasets **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Cristian Gariboldi,Matteo Corno,Beng Jin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-18-Look Into the LITE in Deep Learning for Time Series Classification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02869 **作者**: Ali Ismail-Fawaz,Maxime Devanne,Stefano Berretti,Jonathan Weber,Germain Forestier **关键词**: Deep learning models, Deep learning, multivariate time series, Time Series, powerful solution **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Ali Ismail-Fawaz,Maxime Devanne,Stefano Berretti,Jonathan Weber,Germain Forestier {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-19-he Impact of Balancing Real and Synthetic Data on Accuracy and Fairness in Face Recognition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02867 **作者**: Andrea Atzori,Pietro Cosseddu,Gianni Fenu,Mirko Marras **关键词**: recent years, deep face recognition, advancements in deep, fueled an increasing, increasing demand **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Andrea Atzori,Pietro Cosseddu,Gianni Fenu,Mirko Marras {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-20-Hybrid-Segmentor: A Hybrid Approach to Automated Fine-Grained Crack Segmentation in Civil Infrastructure {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02866 **作者**: June Moh Goo,Xenios Milidonis,Alessandro Artusi,Jan Boehm,Carlo Ciliberto **关键词**: Detecting and segmenting, roads and buildings, crucial for safety, safety and cost-effective, cost-effective maintenance **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: June Moh Goo,Xenios Milidonis,Alessandro Artusi,Jan Boehm,Carlo Ciliberto {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-21-Visually Grounded Speech Models for Low-resource Languages and Cognitive Modelling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02865 **作者**: Leanne Nortje **关键词**: unlabelled speech paired, learn from unlabelled, VGS, visually grounded speech, VGS models **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Leanne Nortje {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-22-Bioinformatics Retrieval Augmentation Data (BRAD) Digital Assistant {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02864 **作者**: Joshua Pickard,Marc Andrew Choi,Natalie Oliven,Cooper Stansbury,Jillian Cwycyshyn,Nicholas Galioto,Alex Gorodetsky,Alvaro Velasquez,Indika Rajapakse **关键词**: Retrieval Augmentation Data, Augmentation Data, Bioinformatics Retrieval Augmentation, Retrieval Augmentation, BRAD **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Software Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Joshua Pickard,Marc Andrew Choi,Natalie Oliven,Cooper Stansbury,Jillian Cwycyshyn,Nicholas Galioto,Alex Gorodetsky,Alvaro Velasquez,Indika Rajapakse {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-23-CONClave -- Secure and Robust Cooperative Perception for CAVs Using Authenticated Consensus and Trust Scoring {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02863 **作者**: Edward Andert,Francis Mendoza,Hans Walter Behrens,Aviral Shrivastava **关键词**: Connected Autonomous Vehicles, improve automobile safety, Connected Autonomous, traffic flow, great potential **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA) ***备注**: Edward Andert,Francis Mendoza,Hans Walter Behrens,Aviral Shrivastava {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-24-Adaptive and frugal BDDC coarse spaces for virtual element discretizations of a Stokes problem with heterogeneous viscosity {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02860 **作者**: Tommaso Bevilacqua,Axel Klawonn,Martin Lanser **关键词**: polyhedral computational grids, virtual element method, discretize partial differential, partial differential equations, computational grids **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Tommaso Bevilacqua,Axel Klawonn,Martin Lanser {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-25-Revisiting ILP Models for Exact Crossing Minimization in Storyline Drawings {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02858 **作者**: Alexander Dobler,Michael Jünger,Paul J. Jünger,Julian Meffert,Petra Mutzel,Martin Nöllenburg **关键词**: book or movie, popular visualization, participants of scenes, Storyline drawings, computing storyline drawings **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Computational Geometry (cs.CG) ***备注**: Alexander Dobler,Michael Jünger,Paul J. Jünger,Julian Meffert,Petra Mutzel,Martin Nöllenburg {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-26-Building a Scalable, Effective, and Steerable Search and Ranking Platform {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02856 **作者**: Marjan Celikik,Jacek Wasilewski,Ana Peleteiro Ramallo,Alexey Kurennoy,Evgeny Labzin,Danilo Ascione,Tural Gurbanov,Géraud Le Falher,Andrii Dzhoha,Ian Harris **关键词**: vast product selections, current session intent, offer vast product, platforms offer vast, product selections **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Marjan Celikik,Jacek Wasilewski,Ana Peleteiro Ramallo,Alexey Kurennoy,Evgeny Labzin,Danilo Ascione,Tural Gurbanov,Géraud Le Falher,Andrii Dzhoha,Ian Harris {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-27-Key Compression Limits for $k$-Minimum Value Sketches {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02852 **作者**: Charlie Dickens,Eric Bax,Alexander Saydakov **关键词**: hash keys generated, sketch algorithm stores, data sketch algorithm, algorithm stores, generated by hashing **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Charlie Dickens,Eric Bax,Alexander Saydakov {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-28-Human-VDM: Learning Single-Image 3D Human Gaussian Splatting from Video Diffusion Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02851 **作者**: Zhibin Liu,Haoye Dong,Aviral Chharia,Hefeng Wu **关键词**: plausible unseen parts, requires accurate modeling, single RGB image, Gaussian Splatting, Gaussian Splatting module **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Zhibin Liu,Haoye Dong,Aviral Chharia,Hefeng Wu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-29-Oops, I Sampled it Again: Reinterpreting Confidence Intervals in Few-Shot Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02850 **作者**: Raphael Lafargue,Luke Smith,Franck Vermet,Mathias Löwe,Ian Reid,Vincent Gripon,Jack Valmadre **关键词**: few-shot learning, computing confidence intervals, predominant method, computing confidence, multiple tasks **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Raphael Lafargue,Luke Smith,Franck Vermet,Mathias Löwe,Ian Reid,Vincent Gripon,Jack Valmadre {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-30-Anomaly Detection in Offshore Open Radio Access Network Using Long Short-Term Memory Models on a Novel Artificial Intelligence-Driven Cloud-Native Data Platform {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02849 **作者**: Abdelrahim Ahmad,Peizheng Li,Robert Piechocki,Rui Inacio **关键词**: undergoing significant transformation, radio access network, Open radio access, modern telecom infrastructure, emerging Open radio **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Abdelrahim Ahmad,Peizheng Li,Robert Piechocki,Rui Inacio {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-31-MaDis-Stereo: Enhanced Stereo Matching via Distilled Masked Image Modeling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02846 **作者**: Jihye Ahn,Hyesong Choi,Soomin Kim,Dongbo Min **关键词**: Masked Image Modeling, stereo matching, Image Modeling Distilled, Modeling Distilled Stereo, stereo **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Jihye Ahn,Hyesong Choi,Soomin Kim,Dongbo Min {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-32-Multi-Track MusicLDM: Towards Versatile Music Generation with Latent Diffusion Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02845 **作者**: Tornike Karchkhadze,Mohammad Rasool Izadi,Ke Chen,Gerard Assayag,Shlomo Dubnov **关键词**: shown promising results, tasks involving audio, shown promising, promising results, results in cross-modal **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Multimedia (cs.MM); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Tornike Karchkhadze,Mohammad Rasool Izadi,Ke Chen,Gerard Assayag,Shlomo Dubnov {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-33-Knowledge Transfer for Collaborative Misbehavior Detection in Untrusted Vehicular Environments {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02844 **作者**: Roshan Sedar,Charalampos Kalalas,Paolo Dini,Francisco Vazquez-Gallego,Jesus Alonso-Zarate,Luis Alonso **关键词**: Vehicular mobility underscores, vehicular edge, Vehicular mobility, collaborative misbehavior detection, misbehavior detection **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Roshan Sedar,Charalampos Kalalas,Paolo Dini,Francisco Vazquez-Gallego,Jesus Alonso-Zarate,Luis Alonso {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-34-SNNAX -- Spiking Neural Networks in JAX {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02842 **作者**: Jamie Lohoff,Jan Finkbeiner,Emre Neftci **关键词**: Spiking Neural Networks, Spiking Neural, Neural Networks, prototype biologically inspired, biologically inspired models **类目**: Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Jamie Lohoff,Jan Finkbeiner,Emre Neftci {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-35-Historical German Text Normalization Using Type- and Token-Based Language Modeling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02841 **作者**: Anton Ehrmanntraut **关键词**: natural language processing, Historic variations, full-text search, search or natural, historical digitized texts **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Anton Ehrmanntraut {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-36-R2GQA: Retriever-Reader-Generator Question Answering System to Support Students Understanding Legal Regulations in Higher Education {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02840 **作者**: Phuc-Tinh Pham Do,Duy-Ngoc Dinh Cao,Khanh Quoc Tran,Kiet Van Nguyen **关键词**: Question Answering system, Machine Reader module, Machine Reader, Question Answering, Retriever module employs **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Phuc-Tinh Pham Do,Duy-Ngoc Dinh Cao,Khanh Quoc Tran,Kiet Van Nguyen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-37-J\"ager: Automated Telephone Call Traceback {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02839 **作者**: David Adei,Varun Madathil,Sathvik Prasad,Bradley Reaves,Alessandra Scafuro **关键词**: unlawful telemarketing continue, overwhelm network users, Unsolicited telephone calls, Unsolicited telephone, facilitate fraud **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Computers and Society (cs.CY); Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: David Adei,Varun Madathil,Sathvik Prasad,Bradley Reaves,Alessandra Scafuro {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-38-ConFormer: Dynamic Parameter-Efficient Tuning with Input-Conditioned Adaptation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02838 **作者**: Hayeon Jo,Hyesong Choi,Minhee Cho,Dongbo Min **关键词**: Transfer learning based, models grow exponentially, deep models grow, Transfer learning, grow exponentially **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Hayeon Jo,Hyesong Choi,Minhee Cho,Dongbo Min {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-39-Exploring Sentiment Dynamics and Predictive Behaviors in Cryptocurrency Discussions by Few-Shot Learning with Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02836 **作者**: Moein Shahiki Tash,Zahra Ahani,Mohim Tash,Olga Kolesnikova,Grigori Sidorov **关键词**: leveraging advanced natural, language processing techniques, Regret Detection behaviors, advanced natural language, natural language processing **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Moein Shahiki Tash,Zahra Ahani,Mohim Tash,Olga Kolesnikova,Grigori Sidorov {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-40-CMM-Math: A Chinese Multimodal Math Dataset To Evaluate and Enhance the Mathematics Reasoning of Large Multimodal Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02834 **作者**: Wentao Liu,Qianjun Pan,Yi Zhang,Zhuo Liu,Ji Wu,Jie Zhou,Aimin Zhou,Qin Chen,Bo Jiang,Liang He **关键词**: obtained promising results, Large language models, human intelligence, obtained promising, promising results **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Wentao Liu,Qianjun Pan,Yi Zhang,Zhuo Liu,Ji Wu,Jie Zhou,Aimin Zhou,Qin Chen,Bo Jiang,Liang He {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-41-he Parameterized Complexity of Extending Stack Layouts {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02833 **作者**: Thomas Depian,Simon D. Fink,Robert Ganian,Martin Nöllenburg **关键词**: page stack layout, page book embedding, stack layout, edge set, page stack **类目**: Computational Geometry (cs.CG); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ***备注**: Thomas Depian,Simon D. Fink,Robert Ganian,Martin Nöllenburg {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-42-owards a Scalable and Efficient PGAS-based Distributed OpenMP {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02830 **作者**: Baodi Shan,Mauricio Araya-Polo,Barbara Chapman **关键词**: facto standard, MPI, traditional MPI, Stony Brook University, model **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Performance (cs.PF) ***备注**: Baodi Shan,Mauricio Araya-Polo,Barbara Chapman {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-43-ExpLLM: Towards Chain of Thought for Facial Expression Recognition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02828 **作者**: Xing Lan,Jian Xue,Ji Qi,Dongmei Jiang,Ke Lu,Tat-Seng Chua **关键词**: Facial expression recognition, critical task, task in multimedia, multimedia with significant, significant implications **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Multimedia (cs.MM) ***备注**: Xing Lan,Jian Xue,Ji Qi,Dongmei Jiang,Ke Lu,Tat-Seng Chua {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-44-Deep Learning Meets Satellite Images -- An Evaluation on Handcrafted and Learning-based Features for Multi-date Satellite Stereo Images {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02825 **作者**: Shuang Song,Luca Morelli,Xinyi Wu,Rongjun Qin,Hessah Albanwan,Fabio Remondino **关键词**: digital surface models, surface models, critical step, digital surface, matching **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Shuang Song,Luca Morelli,Xinyi Wu,Rongjun Qin,Hessah Albanwan,Fabio Remondino {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-45-Design Contradictions: Help or Hindrance? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02823 **作者**: Aron E. Owen,Jonathan C. Roberts **关键词**: creative, design, ideas, innovative ideas, Abstract **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Aron E. Owen,Jonathan C. Roberts {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-46-Obsidian: Cooperative State-Space Exploration for Performant Inference on Secure ML Accelerators {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02817 **作者**: Sarbartha Banerjee,Shijia Wei,Prakash Ramrakhyani,Mohit Tiwari **关键词**: Trusted execution environments, Trusted execution, model, Trusted, state space **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Sarbartha Banerjee,Shijia Wei,Prakash Ramrakhyani,Mohit Tiwari {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-47-MMMU-Pro: A More Robust Multi-discipline Multimodal Understanding Benchmark {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02813 **作者**: Xiang Yue,Tianyu Zheng,Yuansheng Ni,Yubo Wang,Kai Zhang,Shengbang Tong,Yuxuan Sun,Ming Yin,Botao Yu,Ge Zhang,Huan Sun,Yu Su,Wenhu Chen,Graham Neubig **关键词**: Massive Multi-discipline Multimodal, Multi-discipline Multimodal Understanding, Massive Multi-discipline, paper introduces MMMU-Pro, Multi-discipline Multimodal **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Xiang Yue,Tianyu Zheng,Yuansheng Ni,Yubo Wang,Kai Zhang,Shengbang Tong,Yuxuan Sun,Ming Yin,Botao Yu,Ge Zhang,Huan Sun,Yu Su,Wenhu Chen,Graham Neubig {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-48-A hybrid FEM-PINN method for time-dependent partial differential equations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02810 **作者**: Xiaodong Feng,Haojiong Shangguan,Tao Tang,Xiaoliang Wan,Tao Zhou **关键词**: partial differential equations, solving evolution partial, evolution partial differential, deep neural networks, time finite element **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Xiaodong Feng,Haojiong Shangguan,Tao Tang,Xiaoliang Wan,Tao Zhou {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-49-owards Edge-Based Data Lake Architecture for Intelligent Transportation System {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02808 **作者**: Danilo Fernandes,Douglas L. L. Moura,Gean Santos,Geymerson S. Ramos,Fabiane Queiroz,Andre L. L. Aquino **关键词**: rapid urbanization growth, enhance transportation efficiency, efficiency and safety, Intelligent Transportation Systems, rapid urbanization **类目**: Databases (cs.DB); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Danilo Fernandes,Douglas L. L. Moura,Gean Santos,Geymerson S. Ramos,Fabiane Queiroz,Andre L. L. Aquino {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-50-Boosting Certificate Robustness for Time Series Classification with Efficient Self-Ensemble {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02802 **作者**: Chang Dong,Zhengyang Li,Liangwei Zheng,Weitong Chen,Wei Emma Zhang **关键词**: garnered significant attention, time series domain, time series, significant attention, garnered significant **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Chang Dong,Zhengyang Li,Liangwei Zheng,Weitong Chen,Wei Emma Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-51-Effects of Recording Condition and Number of Monitored Days on Discriminative Power of the Daily Phonotrauma Index {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02800 **作者**: Hamzeh Ghasemzadeh,Robert E. Hillman,Jarrad H. Van Stan,Daryush D. Mehta **关键词**: Daily Phonotrauma Index, Phonotrauma Index, Daily Phonotrauma, quantify pathophysiological mechanisms, phonotraumatic vocal hyperfunction **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Hamzeh Ghasemzadeh,Robert E. Hillman,Jarrad H. Van Stan,Daryush D. Mehta {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-52-owards a Unified View of Preference Learning for Large Language Models: A Survey {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02795 **作者**: Bofei Gao,Feifan Song,Yibo Miao,Zefan Cai,Zhe Yang,Liang Chen,Helan Hu,Runxin Xu,Qingxiu Dong,Ce Zheng,Wen Xiao,Ge Zhang,Daoguang Zan,Keming Lu,Bowen Yu,Dayiheng Liu,Zeyu Cui,Jian Yang,Lei Sha,Houfeng Wang,Zhifang Sui,Peiyi Wang,Tianyu Liu,Baobao Chang **关键词**: exhibit remarkably powerful, remarkably powerful capabilities, exhibit remarkably, powerful capabilities, Large Language Models **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Bofei Gao,Feifan Song,Yibo Miao,Zefan Cai,Zhe Yang,Liang Chen,Helan Hu,Runxin Xu,Qingxiu Dong,Ce Zheng,Wen Xiao,Ge Zhang,Daoguang Zan,Keming Lu,Bowen Yu,Dayiheng Liu,Zeyu Cui,Jian Yang,Lei Sha,Houfeng Wang,Zhifang Sui,Peiyi Wang,Tianyu Liu,Baobao Chang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-53-UnLearning from Experience to Avoid Spurious Correlations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02792 **作者**: Jeff Mitchell,Jesús Martínez del Rincón,Niall McLaughlin **关键词**: deep neural networks, spurious correlations, networks can achieve, student model, deep neural **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Jeff Mitchell,Jesús Martínez del Rincón,Niall McLaughlin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-54-Enhancing 5G Performance: Reducing Service Time and Research Directions for 6G Standards {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02788 **作者**: Laura Landon,Vipindev Adat Vasudevan,Jaeweon Kim,Junmo Sung,Jeffery Tony Masters,Muriel Médard **关键词**: Hybrid Automatic Repeat, Automatic Repeat reQuest, minimizing packet service, alongside Hybrid Automatic, service time **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Emerging Technologies (cs.ET) ***备注**: Laura Landon,Vipindev Adat Vasudevan,Jaeweon Kim,Junmo Sung,Jeffery Tony Masters,Muriel Médard {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-55-Governing dual-use technologies: Case studies of international security agreements and lessons for AI governance {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02779 **作者**: Akash R. Wasil,Peter Barnett,Michael Gerovitch,Roman Hauksson,Tom Reed,Jack William Miller **关键词**: reducing global security, global security risks, play an important, important role, role in reducing **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Akash R. Wasil,Peter Barnett,Michael Gerovitch,Roman Hauksson,Tom Reed,Jack William Miller {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-56-Designing Fair Systems for Consumers to Exploit Personalized Pricing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02777 **作者**: Aditya Karan,Naina Balepur,Hari Sundaram **关键词**: online marketplaces personalize, personalize prices based, marketplaces personalize prices, online marketplaces, marketplaces personalize **类目**: Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT) ***备注**: Aditya Karan,Naina Balepur,Hari Sundaram {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-57-Unifying Causal Representation Learning with the Invariance Principle {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02772 **作者**: Dingling Yao,Dario Rancati,Riccardo Cadei,Marco Fumero,Francesco Locatello **关键词**: causal downstream tasks, recovering latent causal, solve causal downstream, downstream tasks, robust classification **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Dingling Yao,Dario Rancati,Riccardo Cadei,Marco Fumero,Francesco Locatello {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-58-CoolerSpace: A Language for Physically Correct and Computationally Efficient Color Programming {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02771 **作者**: Ethan Chen,Jiwon Chang,Yuhao Zhu **关键词**: programmers manipulate lights, Color, color programming, manipulate lights, light-material interactions **类目**: Programming Languages (cs.PL); Graphics (cs.GR) ***备注**: Ethan Chen,Jiwon Chang,Yuhao Zhu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-59-An incremental preference elicitation-based approach to learning potentially non-monotonic preferences in multi-criteria sorting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02760 **作者**: Zhuolin Li,Zhen Zhang,Witold Pedrycz **关键词**: potentially non-monotonic preferences, enabling decision makers, progressively provide assignment, max-margin optimization-based model, incremental preference elicitation-based **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Zhuolin Li,Zhen Zhang,Witold Pedrycz {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-60-V-Words, Lyndon Words and Galois Words {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02757 **作者**: Jacqueline W. Daykin,Neerja Mhaskar,W. F. Smyth **关键词**: Unique Maximal Factorization, Maximal Factorization Family, Unique Maximal, Maximal Factorization, Factorization Family **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ***备注**: Jacqueline W. Daykin,Neerja Mhaskar,W. F. Smyth {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-61-Does the Vulnerability Threaten Our Projects? Automated Vulnerable API Detection for Third-Party Libraries {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02753 **作者**: Fangyuan Zhang,Lingling Fan,Sen Chen,Miaoying Cai,Sihan Xu,Lida Zhao **关键词**: severe security threats, vulnerable, vulnerable TPLs, vulnerable APIs, TPLs **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Fangyuan Zhang,Lingling Fan,Sen Chen,Miaoying Cai,Sihan Xu,Lida Zhao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-62-A Comparative Study of Pre-training and Self-training {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02751 **作者**: Yiheng Wang,Jiayu Lin,Zuoquan Lin **关键词**: Pre-training, self-training, semi-supervised learning, data augmentation, Abstract **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Yiheng Wang,Jiayu Lin,Zuoquan Lin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-63-ractable Offline Learning of Regular Decision Processes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02747 **作者**: Ahana Deb,Roberto Cipollone,Anders Jonsson,Alessandro Ronca,Mohammad Sadegh Talebi **关键词**: Regular Decision Processes, called Regular Decision, Decision Processes, studies offline Reinforcement, Regular Decision **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Formal Languages and Automata Theory (cs.FL) ***备注**: Ahana Deb,Roberto Cipollone,Anders Jonsson,Alessandro Ronca,Mohammad Sadegh Talebi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-64-Adaptive Formation Learning Control for Cooperative AUVs under Complete Uncertainty {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02745 **作者**: Emadodin Jandaghi,Mingxi Zhou,Paolo Stegagno,Chengzhi Yuan **关键词**: Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, handle uncertain nonlinear, Underwater Vehicles, Autonomous Underwater, uncertain nonlinear dynamics **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Emadodin Jandaghi,Mingxi Zhou,Paolo Stegagno,Chengzhi Yuan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-65-SOAR: Simultaneous Exploration and Photographing with Heterogeneous UAVs for Fast Autonomous Reconstruction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02738 **作者**: Mingjie Zhang,Chen Feng,Zengzhi Li,Guiyong Zheng,Yiming Luo,Zhu Wang,Jinni Zhou,Shaojie Shen,Boyu Zhou **关键词**: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Unmanned Aerial, Aerial Vehicles, gained significant popularity, gained significant **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Mingjie Zhang,Chen Feng,Zengzhi Li,Guiyong Zheng,Yiming Luo,Zhu Wang,Jinni Zhou,Shaojie Shen,Boyu Zhou {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-66-RTFM: How hard are IoT platform providers making it for their developers? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02735 **作者**: Andrew Baldrian,Joseph Hallett **关键词**: Internet of Things, platform designers providing, easily implement security, platform designers, designers providing **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Andrew Baldrian,Joseph Hallett {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-67-Complete and Efficient Covariants for 3D Point Configurations with Application to Learning Molecular Quantum Properties {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02730 **作者**: Hartmut Maennel,Oliver T. Unke,Klaus-Robert Müller **关键词**: modeling physical properties, machine learning, desirable to incorporate, modeling physical, molecules with machine **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Chemical Physics (physics.chem-ph) ***备注**: Hartmut Maennel,Oliver T. Unke,Klaus-Robert Müller {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-68-MedUnA: Language guided Unsupervised Adaptation of Vision-Language Models for Medical Image Classification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02729 **作者**: Umaima Rahman,Raza Imam,Dwarikanath Mahapatra,Boulbaba Ben Amor **关键词**: medical image classification, texttt, labeled medical images, unsupervised learning, labeled medical **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Umaima Rahman,Raza Imam,Dwarikanath Mahapatra,Boulbaba Ben Amor {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-69-ask-Oriented Communication for Graph Data: A Graph Information Bottleneck Approach {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02728 **作者**: Shujing Li,Yanhu Wang,Shuaishuai Guo,Chenyuan Feng **关键词**: involves large networks, nodes and edges, fields like knowledge, involves large, Graph **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Shujing Li,Yanhu Wang,Shuaishuai Guo,Chenyuan Feng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-70-Pooling And Attention: What Are Effective Designs For LLm-Based Embedding Models? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02727 **作者**: Yixuan Tang,Yi Yang **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, LLM-based embedding models, advancements of Large, LLM-based embedding **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Yixuan Tang,Yi Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-71-Pre-training data selection for biomedical domain adaptation using journal impact metrics {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02725 **作者**: Mathieu Laï-king,Patrick Paroubek **关键词**: natural language processing, biomedical domain, Domain adaptation, NLP, Domain **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Mathieu Laï-king,Patrick Paroubek {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-72-Surgical Task Automation Using Actor-Critic Frameworks and Self-Supervised Imitation Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02724 **作者**: Jingshuai Liu,Alain Andres,Yonghang Jiang,Xichun Luo,Wenmiao Shu,Sotirios Tsaftaris **关键词**: recently attracted great, attracted great attention, great attention due, robot task automation, Surgical robot task **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Jingshuai Liu,Alain Andres,Yonghang Jiang,Xichun Luo,Wenmiao Shu,Sotirios Tsaftaris {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-73-GET-UP: GEomeTric-aware Depth Estimation with Radar Points UPsampling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02720 **作者**: Huawei Sun,Zixu Wang,Hao Feng,Julius Ott,Lorenzo Servadei,Robert Wille **关键词**: Depth estimation plays, Depth estimation, radar-camera depth estimation, autonomous driving, facilitating a comprehensive **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Huawei Sun,Zixu Wang,Hao Feng,Julius Ott,Lorenzo Servadei,Robert Wille {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-74-Alignment-Aware Model Extraction Attacks on Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02718 **作者**: Zi Liang,Qingqing Ye,Yanyun Wang,Sen Zhang,Yaxin Xiao,Ronghua Li,Jianliang Xu,Haibo Hu **关键词**: received increasing research, increasing research attention, large language models, large language, received increasing **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Zi Liang,Qingqing Ye,Yanyun Wang,Sen Zhang,Yaxin Xiao,Ronghua Li,Jianliang Xu,Haibo Hu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-75-LIPIDS: Learning-based Illumination Planning In Discretized (Light) Space for Photometric Stereo {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02716 **作者**: Ashish Tiwari,Mihir Sutariya,Shanmuganathan Raman **关键词**: differently illuminated images, Photometric stereo, obtaining per-pixel surface, stereo, Photometric **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Ashish Tiwari,Mihir Sutariya,Shanmuganathan Raman {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-76-Recoverable Anonymization for Pose Estimation: A Privacy-Enhancing Approach {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02715 **作者**: Wenjun Huang,Yang Ni,Arghavan Rezvani,SungHeon Jeong,Hanning Chen,Yezi Liu,Fei Wen,Mohsen Imani **关键词**: Human pose estimation, Human pose, Human, HPE, SPI **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Wenjun Huang,Yang Ni,Arghavan Rezvani,SungHeon Jeong,Hanning Chen,Yezi Liu,Fei Wen,Mohsen Imani {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-77-MOOSS: Mask-Enhanced Temporal Contrastive Learning for Smooth State Evolution in Visual Reinforcement Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02714 **作者**: Jiarui Sun,M. Ugur Akcal,Wei Zhang,Girish Chowdhary **关键词**: poses significant challenges, visual Reinforcement Learning, extracting informative state, observations poses significant, visual Reinforcement **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Jiarui Sun,M. Ugur Akcal,Wei Zhang,Girish Chowdhary {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-78-A Data Selection Approach for Enhancing Low Resource Machine Translation Using Cross-Lingual Sentence Representations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02712 **作者**: Nidhi Kowtal,Tejas Deshpande,Raviraj Joshi **关键词**: language pairs faces, language pairs, English-Marathi language pairs, pairs faces significant, Machine translation **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Nidhi Kowtal,Tejas Deshpande,Raviraj Joshi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-79-Creating a Gen-AI based Track and Trace Assistant MVP (SuperTracy) for PostNL {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02711 **作者**: Mohammad Reshadati **关键词**: Minimal Viable Product, brought a lot, instance to improve, customer service, service and automating **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Mohammad Reshadati {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-80-Few-shot Multi-Task Learning of Linear Invariant Features with Meta Subspace Pursuit {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02708 **作者**: Chaozhi Zhang,Lin Liu,Xiaoqun Zhang **关键词**: practical success typically, success typically relies, Data scarcity poses, modern machine learning, meta learning **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Methodology (stat.ME) ***备注**: Chaozhi Zhang,Lin Liu,Xiaoqun Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-81-Beyond Nash Equilibrium: Achieving Bayesian Perfect Equilibrium with Belief Update Fictitious Play {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02706 **作者**: Qi Ju,Zhemei Fang,Yunfeng Luo **关键词**: Counterfactual Regret Minimization, quest for Nash, Nash Equilibrium, Traditional Counterfactual Regret, incomplete information **类目**: Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT) ***备注**: Qi Ju,Zhemei Fang,Yunfeng Luo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-82-Online learning of quadratic manifolds from streaming data for nonlinear dimensionality reduction and nonlinear model reduction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02703 **作者**: Paul Schwerdtner,Prakash Mohan,Aleksandra Pachalieva,Julie Bessac,Daniel O'Malley,Benjamin Peherstorfer **关键词**: enable in-situ analysis, online greedy method, Petabyte scale, constructing quadratic manifolds, online greedy **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Paul Schwerdtner,Prakash Mohan,Aleksandra Pachalieva,Julie Bessac,Daniel O'Malley,Benjamin Peherstorfer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-83-Incorporating Like-Minded Peers to Overcome Friend Data Sparsity in Session-Based Social Recommendations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02702 **作者**: Chunyan An,Yunhan Li,Qiang Yang,Winston K.G. Seah,Zhixu Li,Conghao Yanga **关键词**: Session-based Social Recommendation, Session-based Recommendation, leverages social relationships, Session-based Social, target user **类目**: ocial and Information Networks (cs.SI); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Chunyan An,Yunhan Li,Qiang Yang,Winston K.G. Seah,Zhixu Li,Conghao Yanga {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-84-CLDA: Collaborative Learning for Enhanced Unsupervised Domain Adaptation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02699 **作者**: Minhee Cho,Hyesong Choi,Hayeon Jo,Dongbo Min **关键词**: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation, labeled source domain, unlabeled target domain, Unsupervised Domain, Domain Adaptation **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Minhee Cho,Hyesong Choi,Hayeon Jo,Dongbo Min {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-85-Decision Transformer for Enhancing Neural Local Search on the Job Shop Scheduling Problem {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02697 **作者**: Constantin Waubert de Puiseau,Fabian Wolz,Merlin Montag,Jannik Peters,Hasan Tercan,Tobias Meisen **关键词**: shop scheduling problem, job shop scheduling, scheduling problem, industry for decades, job shop **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Constantin Waubert de Puiseau,Fabian Wolz,Merlin Montag,Jannik Peters,Hasan Tercan,Tobias Meisen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-86-he Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Software Testing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02693 **作者**: Ahmed Ramadan,Husam Yasin,Burhan Pektas **关键词**: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, including software development, Software testing, software **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Ahmed Ramadan,Husam Yasin,Burhan Pektas {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-87-LLM-Assisted Visual Analytics: Opportunities and Challenges {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02691 **作者**: Maeve Hutchinson,Radu Jianu,Aidan Slingsby,Pranava Madhyastha **关键词**: intuitive natural language, natural language interactions, large language models, visual analytics, explore the integration **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Maeve Hutchinson,Radu Jianu,Aidan Slingsby,Pranava Madhyastha {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-88-Detecting Calls to Action in Multimodal Content: Analysis of the 2021 German Federal Election Campaign on Instagram {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02690 **作者**: Michael Achmann-Denkler,Jakob Fehle,Mario Haim,Christian Wolff **关键词**: German Instagram election, Calls to Action, social media contexts, Instagram election campaign, German Instagram **类目**: ocial and Information Networks (cs.SI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Michael Achmann-Denkler,Jakob Fehle,Mario Haim,Christian Wolff {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-89-Deconfounded Causality-aware Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning for Problem-Solving Improvement of LLMs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02686 **作者**: Ruoyu Wang,Xiaoxuan Li,Lina Yao **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, recent studies reveal, Language Models, demonstrated remarkable efficiency **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Ruoyu Wang,Xiaoxuan Li,Lina Yao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-90-RouterRetriever: Exploring the Benefits of Routing over Multiple Expert Embedding Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02685 **作者**: Hyunji Lee,Luca Soldaini,Arman Cohan,Minjoon Seo,Kyle Lo **关键词**: Information retrieval methods, methods often rely, MSMARCO, Information retrieval, multiple domain-specific **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Hyunji Lee,Luca Soldaini,Arman Cohan,Minjoon Seo,Kyle Lo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-91-Rethinking HTG Evaluation: Bridging Generation and Recognition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02683 **作者**: Konstantina Nikolaidou,George Retsinas,Giorgos Sfikas,Marcus Liwicki **关键词**: natural image tasks, extensively studied, HTG, text, Writer Identification models **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Konstantina Nikolaidou,George Retsinas,Giorgos Sfikas,Marcus Liwicki {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-92-Neural Networks with LSTM and GRU in Modeling Active Fires in the Amazon {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02681 **作者**: Ramon Tavares **关键词**: Gated Recurrent Unit, fire spots detected, detected fire spots, historical time series, time series forecasting **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Applications (stat.AP) ***备注**: Ramon Tavares {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-93-A Low-Cost Real-Time Spiking System for Obstacle Detection based on Ultrasonic Sensors and Rate Coding {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02680 **作者**: Alvaro Ayuso-Martinez,Daniel Casanueva-Morato,Juan Pedro Dominguez-Morales,Angel Jimenez-Fernandez,Gabriel Jimenez-Moreno **关键词**: obstacle detection, vision-based obstacle detection, sound-based obstacle detection, great interest, advent of mobile **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE) ***备注**: Alvaro Ayuso-Martinez,Daniel Casanueva-Morato,Juan Pedro Dominguez-Morales,Angel Jimenez-Fernandez,Gabriel Jimenez-Moreno {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-94-Improved Single Camera BEV Perception Using Multi-Camera Training {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02676 **作者**: Daniel Busch,Ido Freeman,Richard Meyes,Tobias Meisen **关键词**: Bird Eye View, Bird Eye, downstream autonomous driving, autonomous driving tasks, Eye View **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Daniel Busch,Ido Freeman,Richard Meyes,Tobias Meisen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-95-A Parareal algorithm without Coarse Propagator? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02673 **作者**: Martin J. Gander,Mario Ohlberger,Stephan Rave **关键词**: time propagators called, coarse propagator, order to parallelize, Parareal algorithm, coarse **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Martin J. Gander,Mario Ohlberger,Stephan Rave {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-96-Independence Constrained Disentangled Representation Learning from Epistemological Perspective {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02672 **作者**: Ruoyu Wang,Lina Yao **关键词**: Disentangled Representation Learning, identifies semantically meaningful, Representation Learning aims, Disentangled Representation, Representation Learning **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Ruoyu Wang,Lina Yao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-97-Causality-Aware Transformer Networks for Robotic Navigation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02669 **作者**: Ruoyu Wang,Yao Liu,Yuanjiang Cao,Lina Yao **关键词**: developing versatile Embodied, garnered growing interest, Recent advances, machine learning algorithms, Causal Understanding Module **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Ruoyu Wang,Yao Liu,Yuanjiang Cao,Lina Yao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-98-Creating Domain-Specific Translation Memories for Machine Translation Fine-tuning: The TRENCARD Bilingual Cardiology Corpus {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02667 **作者**: Gokhan Dogru **关键词**: language model fine-tuning, domain-specific parallel corpora, large language model, compile domain-specific parallel, machine translation training **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Gokhan Dogru {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-99-Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Reprogramming Visual-Language Model for General Deepfake Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02664 **作者**: Kaiqing Lin,Yuzhen Lin,Weixiang Li,Taiping Yao,Bin Li **关键词**: faces poses huge, poses huge potential, huge potential negative, potential negative impacts, deepfake faces poses **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Kaiqing Lin,Yuzhen Lin,Weixiang Li,Taiping Yao,Bin Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-100-Generalized Individual Q-learning for Polymatrix Games with Partial Observations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02663 **作者**: Ahmed Said Donmez,Muhammed O. Sayin **关键词**: non-cooperative multi-agent systems, paper addresses, addresses the challenge, challenge of limited, limited observations **类目**: Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Ahmed Said Donmez,Muhammed O. Sayin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-101-PoseTalk: Text-and-Audio-based Pose Control and Motion Refinement for One-Shot Talking Head Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02657 **作者**: Jun Ling,Yiwen Wang,Han Xue,Rong Xie,Li Song **关键词**: previous audio-driven talking, head, text prompts, talking head generation, audio **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Multimedia (cs.MM) ***备注**: Jun Ling,Yiwen Wang,Han Xue,Rong Xie,Li Song {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-102-Skip-and-Play: Depth-Driven Pose-Preserved Image Generation for Any Objects {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02653 **作者**: Kyungmin Jo,Jaegul Choo **关键词**: prompting subsequent efforts, high-quality images solely, pose control, depth-based pose control, pose **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Kyungmin Jo,Jaegul Choo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-103-Novel Approach for solving the discrete Stokes problems based on Augmented Lagrangian and Global Techniques: Application to Saddle-Point Linear Systems from Incompressible flow {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02652 **作者**: A. Badahmane,A. Ratnani,H. Sadok **关键词**: Krylov subspace methods, subspace methods applied, systems typically arise, augmented Lagrangian preconditioner, mixed-finite element methods **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: A. Badahmane,A. Ratnani,H. Sadok {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-104-SoK: Bitcoin Layer Two (L2) {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02650 **作者**: Minfeng Qi,Qin Wang,Zhipeng Wang,Manvir Schneider,Tianqing Zhu,Shiping Chen,William Knottenbelt,Thomas Hardjono **关键词**: Systematization of Knowledge, constructing Layer, Knowledge, Bitcoin, Systematization **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Emerging Technologies (cs.ET) ***备注**: Minfeng Qi,Qin Wang,Zhipeng Wang,Manvir Schneider,Tianqing Zhu,Shiping Chen,William Knottenbelt,Thomas Hardjono {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-105-OpenFact at CheckThat! 2024: Combining Multiple Attack Methods for Effective Adversarial Text Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02649 **作者**: Włodzimierz Lewoniewski,Piotr Stolarski,Milena Stróżyna,Elzbieta Lewańska,Aleksandra Wojewoda,Ewelina Księżniak,Marcin Sawiński **关键词**: paper presents, presents the experiments, Credibility Assessment, credibility assessment issues, Adversarial **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Włodzimierz Lewoniewski,Piotr Stolarski,Milena Stróżyna,Elzbieta Lewańska,Aleksandra Wojewoda,Ewelina Księżniak,Marcin Sawiński {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-106-Learning-Based Error Detection System for Advanced Vehicle Instrument Cluster Rendering {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02647 **作者**: Cornelius Bürkle,Fabian Oboril,Kay-Ulrich Scholl **关键词**: expanding digital display, digital display options, automotive industry, expanding digital, Cyclic Redundancy Checks **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Robotics (cs.RO); Image and Video Processing (eess.IV) ***备注**: Cornelius Bürkle,Fabian Oboril,Kay-Ulrich Scholl {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-107-A Survey on Emergent Language {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02645 **作者**: Jannik Peters,Constantin Waubert de Puiseau,Hasan Tercan,Arya Gopikrishnan,Gustavo Adolpho Lucas De Carvalho,Christian Bitter,Tobias Meisen **关键词**: multi-agent reinforcement learning, emergent language represents, context of multi-agent, language, reinforcement learning **类目**: Multiagent Systems (cs.MA); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Jannik Peters,Constantin Waubert de Puiseau,Hasan Tercan,Arya Gopikrishnan,Gustavo Adolpho Lucas De Carvalho,Christian Bitter,Tobias Meisen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-108-MADiff: Motion-Aware Mamba Diffusion Models for Hand Trajectory Prediction on Egocentric Videos {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02638 **作者**: Junyi Ma,Xieyuanli Chen,Wentao Bao,Jingyi Xu,Hesheng Wang **关键词**: embodied artificial intelligence, Understanding human intentions, Understanding human, artificial intelligence, path to embodied **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Junyi Ma,Xieyuanli Chen,Wentao Bao,Jingyi Xu,Hesheng Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-109-Mamba as a motion encoder for robotic imitation learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02636 **作者**: Toshiaki Tsuji **关键词**: significantly improve robots', improve robots' dexterity, Recent advancements, imitation learning, robotic imitation learning **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Toshiaki Tsuji {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-110-Modelling, Design Optimization and Prototype development of Knee Exoskeleton {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02635 **作者**: Shashank Mani Gautam,Ekta Singla,Ashish Singla **关键词**: ROM, study focuses, focuses on enhancing, addressing limitations, hinder optimal ROM **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: Shashank Mani Gautam,Ekta Singla,Ashish Singla {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-111-Loopy: Taming Audio-Driven Portrait Avatar with Long-Term Motion Dependency {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02634 **作者**: Jianwen Jiang,Chao Liang,Jiaqi Yang,Gaojie Lin,Tianyun Zhong,Yanbo Zheng **关键词**: recently achieved significant, achieved significant breakthroughs, video generation techniques, diffusion-based video generation, human video generation **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Jianwen Jiang,Chao Liang,Jiaqi Yang,Gaojie Lin,Tianyun Zhong,Yanbo Zheng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-112-Evaluating Environments Using Exploratory Agents {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02632 **作者**: Bobby Khaleque,Mike Cook,Jeremy Gow **关键词**: key part, Exploration, levels, video games, Abstract **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Bobby Khaleque,Mike Cook,Jeremy Gow {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-113-AdvSecureNet: A Python Toolkit for Adversarial Machine Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02629 **作者**: Melih Catal,Manuel Günther **关键词**: Machine learning models, adversarial machine learning, models are vulnerable, Machine learning, learning models **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Melih Catal,Manuel Günther {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-114-(Implicit) Ensembles of Ensembles: Epistemic Uncertainty Collapse in Large Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02628 **作者**: Andreas Kirsch **关键词**: detection tasks, Epistemic uncertainty, epistemic uncertainty collapse, crucial for safety-critical, safety-critical applications **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Andreas Kirsch {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-115-A Software Visualization Approach for Multiple Visual Output Devices {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02620 **作者**: Malte Hansen,Heiko Bielfeldt,Armin Bernstetter,Tom Kwasnitschka,Wilhelm Hasselbring **关键词**: software systems grow, software systems, systems grow, facilitate program comprehension, increasingly important **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Malte Hansen,Heiko Bielfeldt,Armin Bernstetter,Tom Kwasnitschka,Wilhelm Hasselbring {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-116-Neuromorphic Heart Rate Monitors: Neural State Machines for Monotonic Change Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02618 **作者**: Alessio Carpegna,Chiara De Luca,Federico Emanuele Pozzi,Alessandro Savino,Stefano Di Carlo,Giacomo Indiveri,Elisa Donati **关键词**: heart rate, crucial for early, early identification, identification of cardiac, cardiac conditions **类目**: Emerging Technologies (cs.ET) ***备注**: Alessio Carpegna,Chiara De Luca,Federico Emanuele Pozzi,Alessandro Savino,Stefano Di Carlo,Giacomo Indiveri,Elisa Donati {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-117-PUB: Plot Understanding Benchmark and Dataset for Evaluating Large Language Models on Synthetic Visual Data Interpretation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02617 **作者**: Aneta Pawelec,Victoria Sara Wesołowska,Zuzanna Bączek,Piotr Sankowski **关键词**: decision-making processes, crucial for advancing, large language models, data, interpret visual representations **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Aneta Pawelec,Victoria Sara Wesołowska,Zuzanna Bączek,Piotr Sankowski {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-118-Group Information Geometry Approach for Ultra-Massive MIMO Signal Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02616 **作者**: Jiyuan Yang,Yan Chen,Xiqi Gao,Xiang-Gen Xia,Dirk Slock **关键词**: ultra-massive multiple-input multiple-output, information geometry approach, multiple-input multiple-output, signal detection task, signal detection **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Jiyuan Yang,Yan Chen,Xiqi Gao,Xiang-Gen Xia,Dirk Slock {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-119-Evaluating the Effects of Digital Privacy Regulations on User Trust {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02614 **作者**: Mehmet Berk Cetin **关键词**: today digital society, Data Protection Act, digital privacy, digital privacy laws, Data Protection **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Mehmet Berk Cetin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-120-GoT-CQA: Graph-of-Thought Guided Compositional Reasoning for Chart Question Answering {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02611 **作者**: Lingling Zhang,Muye Huang,QianYing Wang,Yaxian Wang,Wenjun Wu,Jun Liu **关键词**: data report generation, business data analysis, Chart Question Answering, visual chart content, report generation **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Lingling Zhang,Muye Huang,QianYing Wang,Yaxian Wang,Wenjun Wu,Jun Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-121-Proportionality for Constrained Public Decisions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02609 **作者**: Julian Chingoma,Umberto Grandi,Arianna Novaro **关键词**: proportional manner, public issues, study situations, group of voters, result that reflects **类目**: Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT) ***备注**: Julian Chingoma,Umberto Grandi,Arianna Novaro {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-122-A Medical Multimodal Large Language Model for Pediatric Pneumonia {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02608 **作者**: Weiwei Tian,Xinyu Huang,Tianhao Cheng,Wen He,Jinwu Fang,Rui Feng,Daoying Geng,Xiaobo Zhang **关键词**: Pediatric pneumonia, treating pediatric pneumonia, pediatric pneumonia shares, years worldwide, imposing a substantial **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Weiwei Tian,Xinyu Huang,Tianhao Cheng,Wen He,Jinwu Fang,Rui Feng,Daoying Geng,Xiaobo Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-123-Real-time design of architectural structures with differentiable simulators and neural networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02606 **作者**: Rafael Pastrana,Eder Medina,Isabel M. de Oliveira,Sigrid Adriaenssens,Ryan P. Adams **关键词**: expensive iterative process, Designing mechanically efficient, iterative process, Designing mechanically, expensive iterative **类目**: Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE) ***备注**: Rafael Pastrana,Eder Medina,Isabel M. de Oliveira,Sigrid Adriaenssens,Ryan P. Adams {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-124-Hypothesizing Missing Causal Variables with LLMs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02604 **作者**: Ivaxi Sheth,Sahar Abdelnabi,Mario Fritz **关键词**: human intellectual advances, iterative assumption refinement, data evaluation, Scientific discovery, intellectual advances **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Methodology (stat.ME) ***备注**: Ivaxi Sheth,Sahar Abdelnabi,Mario Fritz {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-125-Formalising inductive and coinductive containers {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02603 **作者**: Stefania Damato,Thorsten Altenkirch,Axel Ljungström **关键词**: strictly positive data, Cartesian Closed Categories, Locally Cartesian Closed, positive data types, Cubical Agda **类目**: Logic in Computer Science (cs.LO); Logic (math.LO) ***备注**: Stefania Damato,Thorsten Altenkirch,Axel Ljungström {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-126-ChatGPT vs Social Surveys: Probing the Objective and Subjective Human Society {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02601 **作者**: Muzhi Zhou,Lu Yu,Xiaomin Geng,Lan Luo **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, language model framework, surveys remains unclear, Language Models **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Muzhi Zhou,Lu Yu,Xiaomin Geng,Lan Luo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-127-A Fashion Item Recommendation Model in Hyperbolic Space {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02599 **作者**: Ryotaro Shimizu,Yu Wang,Masanari Kimura,Yuki Hirakawa,Takashi Wada,Yuki Saito,Julian McAuley **关键词**: fashion item recommendation, incorporates hyperbolic geometry, propose a fashion, geometry into user, item recommendation model **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Ryotaro Shimizu,Yu Wang,Masanari Kimura,Yuki Hirakawa,Takashi Wada,Yuki Saito,Julian McAuley {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-128-SurgTrack: CAD-Free 3D Tracking of Real-world Surgical Instruments {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02598 **作者**: Wenwu Guo,Jinlin Wu,Zhen Chen,Qingxiang Zhao,Miao Xu,Zhen Lei,Hongbin Liu **关键词**: received increasing attention, Vision-based surgical navigation, increasing attention due, vision-based navigation system, tracking surgical instruments **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Wenwu Guo,Jinlin Wu,Zhen Chen,Qingxiang Zhao,Miao Xu,Zhen Lei,Hongbin Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-129-An Analysis of Linear Complexity Attention Substitutes with BEST-RQ {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02596 **作者**: Ryan Whetten,Titouan Parcollet,Adel Moumen,Marco Dinarelli,Yannick Estève **关键词**: Self-Supervised Learning, including speech processing, Learning, SSL, including speech **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Sound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Ryan Whetten,Titouan Parcollet,Adel Moumen,Marco Dinarelli,Yannick Estève {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-130-Computation and Concurrency {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02595 **作者**: Yong Wang **关键词**: computation and concurrency, clarify the relationship, relationship between computation, algebras modulo language, modulo language equivalence **类目**: Logic in Computer Science (cs.LO) ***备注**: Yong Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-131-Multiview Random Vector Functional Link Network for Predicting DNA-Binding Proteins {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02588 **作者**: A. Quadir,M. Sajid,M. Tanveer **关键词**: critical task due, identification of DNA-binding, critical task, task due, significant impact **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Biomolecules (q-bio.BM) ***备注**: A. Quadir,M. Sajid,M. Tanveer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-132-BMI Prediction from Handwritten English Characters Using a Convolutional Neural Network {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02584 **作者**: N. T. Diba,N. Akter,S. A. H. Chowdhury,J. E. Giti **关键词**: Body Mass Index, person Body Mass, Mass Index, Body Mass, BMI **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: N. T. Diba,N. Akter,S. A. H. Chowdhury,J. E. Giti {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-133-Object Gaussian for Monocular 6D Pose Estimation from Sparse Views {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02581 **作者**: Luqing Luo,Shichu Sun,Jiangang Yang,Linfang Zheng,Jinwei Du,Jian Liu **关键词**: Monocular object pose, demand costly CAD, Monocular object, vision and robotics, heavily depends **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Luqing Luo,Shichu Sun,Jiangang Yang,Linfang Zheng,Jinwei Du,Jian Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-134-AlignGroup: Learning and Aligning Group Consensus with Member Preferences for Group Recommendation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02580 **作者**: Jinfeng Xu,Zheyu Chen,Jinze Li,Shuo Yang,Hewei Wang,Edith C.-H. Ngai **关键词**: Group, providing personalized recommendations, group consensus, human society, activities are important **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jinfeng Xu,Zheyu Chen,Jinze Li,Shuo Yang,Hewei Wang,Edith C.-H. Ngai {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-135-Assembling the Puzzle: Exploring Collaboration and Data Sensemaking in Nursing Practices for Remote Patient Monitoring {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02579 **作者**: Mihnea Calota,Yi-Ching Huang,Lin-Lin Chen,Mathias Funk **关键词**: Remote patient monitoring, remote collection, Remote patient, involves the remote, RPM **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Mihnea Calota,Yi-Ching Huang,Lin-Lin Chen,Mathias Funk {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-136-Solving Video Inverse Problems Using Image Diffusion Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02574 **作者**: Taesung Kwon,Jong Chul Ye **关键词**: including image super-resolution, video inverse problems, image diffusion models, diffusion model-based inverse, inverse problems **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Taesung Kwon,Jong Chul Ye {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-137-Advancing Cyber Incident Timeline Analysis Through Rule Based AI and Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02572 **作者**: Fatma Yasmine Loumachi,Mohamed Chahine Ghanem **关键词**: Timeline Forensics, Timeline Analysis, correlate events resulting, analysing temporal digital, chronological timeline **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Emerging Technologies (cs.ET); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Fatma Yasmine Loumachi,Mohamed Chahine Ghanem {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-138-RangeGraph: Improvising Range-dedicated Graphs for Range-filtering Nearest Neighbor Search {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02571 **作者**: Yuexuan Xu,Jianyang Gao,Yutong Gou,Cheng Long,Christian S. Jensen **关键词**: Range-filtering approximate nearest, attracting increasing attention, Range-filtering approximate, approximate nearest neighbor, search is attracting **类目**: Databases (cs.DB); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Yuexuan Xu,Jianyang Gao,Yutong Gou,Cheng Long,Christian S. Jensen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-139-More is More: Addition Bias in Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02569 **作者**: Luca Santagata,Cristiano De Nobili **关键词**: Large Language Models, Language Models, cognitive bias observed, Large Language, drawing a parallel **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computers and Society (cs.CY); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Luca Santagata,Cristiano De Nobili {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-140-Evaluation Study on SAM 2 for Class-agnostic Instance-level Segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02567 **作者**: Tiantian Zhang,Zhangjun Zhou,Jialun Pei **关键词**: demonstrated powerful zero-shot, powerful zero-shot segmentation, Segment Anything Model, Shadow Instance Detection, Salient Instance Segmentation **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Tiantian Zhang,Zhangjun Zhou,Jialun Pei {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-141-How Do You Perceive My Face? Recognizing Facial Expressions in Multi-Modal Context by Modeling Mental Representations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02566 **作者**: Florian Blume,Runfeng Qu,Pia Bideau,Martin Maier,Rasha Abdel Rahman,Olaf Hellwich **关键词**: Facial expression perception, humans inherently relies, contextual cues, contributing to efficient, flexible processing **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Florian Blume,Runfeng Qu,Pia Bideau,Martin Maier,Rasha Abdel Rahman,Olaf Hellwich {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-142-Learnable Wireless Digital Twins: Reconstructing Electromagnetic Field with Neural Representations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02564 **作者**: Shuaifeng Jiang,Qi Qu,Xiaqing Pan,Abhishek Agrawal,Richard Newcombe,Ahmed Alkhateeb **关键词**: requires accurate channel, accurate channel information, Fully harvesting, multiple-input and multiple-output, requires accurate **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Shuaifeng Jiang,Qi Qu,Xiaqing Pan,Abhishek Agrawal,Richard Newcombe,Ahmed Alkhateeb {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-143-Interacting Multiple Model-based Joint Homography Matrix and Multiple Object State Estimation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02562 **作者**: Paul Johannes Claasen,Johan Pieter de Villiers **关键词**: Joint Homography State, IMM Joint Homography, Joint Homography, Homography State Estimation, MOT algorithm **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Paul Johannes Claasen,Johan Pieter de Villiers {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-144-Vision-Language Navigation with Continual Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02561 **作者**: Zhiyuan Li,Yanfeng Lv,Ziqin Tu,Di Shang,Hong Qiao **关键词**: natural language instructions, embedded intelligence, language instructions, critical domain, domain within embedded **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Zhiyuan Li,Yanfeng Lv,Ziqin Tu,Di Shang,Hong Qiao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-145-Want a Ride? Attitudes Towards Autonomous Driving and Behavior in Autonomous Vehicles {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02556 **作者**: Enrico Del Re,Leonie Sauer,Marco Polli,Cristina Olaverri-Monreal **关键词**: Research conducted previously, Research conducted, previously has focused, autonomous driving, Research **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Enrico Del Re,Leonie Sauer,Marco Polli,Cristina Olaverri-Monreal {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-146-Low-Resolution Object Recognition with Cross-Resolution Relational Contrastive Distillation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02555 **作者**: Kangkai Zhang,Shiming Ge,Ruixin Shi,Dan Zeng **关键词**: challenging task due, Recognizing objects, challenging task, task due, lack of informative **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Multimedia (cs.MM) ***备注**: Kangkai Zhang,Shiming Ge,Ruixin Shi,Dan Zeng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-147-ResiLogic: Leveraging Composability and Diversity to Design Fault and Intrusion Resilient Chips {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02553 **作者**: Ahmad T. Sheikh,Ali Shoker,Suhaib A. Fahmy,Paulo Esteves-Verissimo **关键词**: faults and glitches, long-standing challenge, design, threat model, fine-grained gate diversity **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Hardware Architecture (cs.AR) ***备注**: Ahmad T. Sheikh,Ali Shoker,Suhaib A. Fahmy,Paulo Esteves-Verissimo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-148-Cointegration test in time series analysis by global optimisation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02552 **作者**: Alvey Qianli Lin,Zhiwen Zhang **关键词**: Blind Source Separation, Independent Component Analysis, financial time series, optimisation approach motivated, Source Separation **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Alvey Qianli Lin,Zhiwen Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-149-A Sequential Decision-Making Model for Perimeter Identification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02549 **作者**: Ayal Taitler **关键词**: requiring traffic flow, traffic flow monitoring, identification involves ascertaining, area or zone, requiring traffic **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Ayal Taitler {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-150-A Joint Time and Energy-Efficient Federated Learning-based Computation Offloading Method for Mobile Edge Computing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02548 **作者**: Anwesha Mukherjee,Rajkumar Buyya **关键词**: resource limited mobile, proposed decision-making model, decision-making model predicts, limited mobile devices, decision-making model **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Anwesha Mukherjee,Rajkumar Buyya {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-151-Real-Time Dynamic Scale-Aware Fusion Detection Network: Take Road Damage Detection as an example {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02546 **作者**: Weichao Pan,Xu Wang,Wenqing Huan **关键词**: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Unmanned Aerial, Aerial Vehicle, reducing labor costs, Road Damage Detection **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Weichao Pan,Xu Wang,Wenqing Huan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-152-UniTT-Stereo: Unified Training of Transformer for Enhanced Stereo Matching {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02545 **作者**: Soomin Kim,Hyesong Choi,Jihye Ahn,Dongbo Min **关键词**: stereo depth estimation, Unlike other vision, Transformer-based stereo approaches, Transformer-based stereo, Transformer-based stereo architectures **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Soomin Kim,Hyesong Choi,Jihye Ahn,Dongbo Min {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-153-StyleTokenizer: Defining Image Style by a Single Instance for Controlling Diffusion Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02543 **作者**: Wen Li,Muyuan Fang,Cheng Zou,Biao Gong,Ruobing Zheng,Meng Wang,Jingdong Chen,Ming Yang **关键词**: style, controlling image styles, challenging task, image, burst of innovative **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Wen Li,Muyuan Fang,Cheng Zou,Biao Gong,Ruobing Zheng,Meng Wang,Jingdong Chen,Ming Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-154-Modular pipeline for small bodies gravity field modeling: an efficient representation of variable density spherical harmonics coefficients {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02531 **作者**: Antonio Rizza,Carmine Buonagura,Paolo Panicucci,Francesco Topputo **关键词**: Navigation and Control, demand high levels, Proximity operations, reliable Guidance, small bodies **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics (astro-ph.IM) ***备注**: Antonio Rizza,Carmine Buonagura,Paolo Panicucci,Francesco Topputo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-155-Understanding eGFR Trajectories and Kidney Function Decline via Large Multimodal Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02530 **作者**: Chih-Yuan Li,Jun-Ting Wu,Chan Hsu,Ming-Yen Lin,Yihuang Kang **关键词**: Glomerular Filtration Rate, estimated Glomerular Filtration, Filtration Rate, Glomerular Filtration, estimated Glomerular **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Chih-Yuan Li,Jun-Ting Wu,Chan Hsu,Ming-Yen Lin,Yihuang Kang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-156-Sample what you cant compress {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02529 **作者**: Vighnesh Birodkar,Gabriel Barcik,James Lyon,Sergey Ioffe,David Minnen,Joshua V. Dillon **关键词**: produce blurry results, learned image representations, learned image, produce blurry, blurry results **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Vighnesh Birodkar,Gabriel Barcik,James Lyon,Sergey Ioffe,David Minnen,Joshua V. Dillon {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-157-A Topic-wise Exploration of the Telegram Group-verse {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02525 **作者**: Alessandro Perlo,Giordano Paoletti,Nikhil Jha,Luca Vassio,Jussara Almeida,Marco Mellia **关键词**: messaging apps worldwide, popular instant messaging, instant messaging apps, apps worldwide, past years **类目**: ocial and Information Networks (cs.SI) ***备注**: Alessandro Perlo,Giordano Paoletti,Nikhil Jha,Luca Vassio,Jussara Almeida,Marco Mellia {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-158-Cog-GA: A Large Language Models-based Generative Agent for Vision-Language Navigation in Continuous Environments {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02522 **作者**: Zhiyuan Li,Yanfeng Lu,Yao Mu,Hong Qiao **关键词**: Continuous Environments, spaces solely guided, natural language instructions, Vision Language Navigation, Vision Language **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Zhiyuan Li,Yanfeng Lu,Yao Mu,Hong Qiao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-159-Bootstrap percolation on rhombus tilings {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02520 **作者**: S Esnay(I2M),V Lutfalla(I2M),G Theyssier(I2M) **关键词**: stays infected forever, diffusion process, Bernoulli initial configurations, infected neighbours, infected forever **类目**: Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM); Combinatorics (math.CO) ***备注**: S Esnay(I2M),V Lutfalla(I2M),G Theyssier(I2M) {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-160-Language is Scary when Over-Analyzed: Unpacking Implied Misogynistic Reasoning with Argumentation Theory-Driven Prompts {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02519 **作者**: Arianna Muti,Federico Ruggeri,Khalid Al-Khatib,Alberto Barrón-Cedeño,Tommaso Caselli **关键词**: Italian and English, large language models, Argumentative Reasoning task, propose misogyny detection, language models **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI) ***备注**: Arianna Muti,Federico Ruggeri,Khalid Al-Khatib,Alberto Barrón-Cedeño,Tommaso Caselli {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-161-AirFogSim: A Light-Weight and Modular Simulator for UAV-Integrated Vehicular Fog Computing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02518 **作者**: Zhiwei Wei,Chenran Huang,Bing Li,Yiting Zhao,Xiang Cheng,Liuqing Yang,Rongqing Zhang **关键词**: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Vehicular Fog Computing, Vehicular Fog, Aerial Vehicles, Unmanned Aerial **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Software Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Zhiwei Wei,Chenran Huang,Bing Li,Yiting Zhao,Xiang Cheng,Liuqing Yang,Rongqing Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-162-raining Universal Vocoders with Feature Smoothing-Based Augmentation Methods for High-Quality TTS Systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02517 **作者**: Jeongmin Liu,Eunwoo Song **关键词**: achieved proficient waveform, proficient waveform generation, degraded synthetic quality, diverse voices, achieved proficient **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Jeongmin Liu,Eunwoo Song {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-163-SG-MIM: Structured Knowledge Guided Efficient Pre-training for Dense Prediction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02513 **作者**: Sumin Son,Hyesong Choi,Dongbo Min **关键词**: Masked Image Modeling, achieve exceptional performance, Guided Masked Image, enabling pre-trained models, Masked Image **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Sumin Son,Hyesong Choi,Dongbo Min {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-164-Continual Diffuser (CoD): Mastering Continual Offline Reinforcement Learning with Experience Rehearsal {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02512 **作者**: Jifeng Hu,Li Shen,Sili Huang,Zhejian Yang,Hechang Chen,Lichao Sun,Yi Chang,Dacheng Tao **关键词**: Artificial neural networks, shown remarkable superiority, Artificial neural, neural networks, superiority in gaming **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jifeng Hu,Li Shen,Sili Huang,Zhejian Yang,Hechang Chen,Lichao Sun,Yi Chang,Dacheng Tao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-165-LD: A Vehicle Tail Light signal Dataset and Benchmark {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02508 **作者**: Jinhao Chai,Shiyi Mu,Shugong Xu **关键词**: Understanding other drivers', crucial for safe, Understanding, drivers' intentions, intentions is crucial **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Jinhao Chai,Shiyi Mu,Shugong Xu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-166-RSS-RAMP: A Rule-Adherence Motion Planner Based on Extended Responsibility-Sensitive Safety for Autonomous Driving {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02503 **作者**: Pengfei Lin,Ehsan Javanmardi,Yuze Jiang,Dou Hu,Shangkai Zhang,Manabu Tsukada **关键词**: indispensable pieces, autonomous driving, RSS framework, responsibility determination, RSS framework rules **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Pengfei Lin,Ehsan Javanmardi,Yuze Jiang,Dou Hu,Shangkai Zhang,Manabu Tsukada {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-167-Dispelling Four Challenges in Inertial Motion Tracking with One Recurrent Inertial Graph-based Estimator (RING) {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02502 **作者**: Simon Bachhuber,Ive Weygers,Thomas Seel **关键词**: Inertial Graph-based Estimator, Recurrent Inertial Graph-based, Inertial Motion Tracking, inhomogeneous magnetic fields, Graph-based Estimator **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Simon Bachhuber,Ive Weygers,Thomas Seel {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-168-CoAst: Validation-Free Contribution Assessment for Federated Learning based on Cross-Round Valuation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02495 **作者**: Hao Wu,Likun Zhang,Shucheng Li,Fengyuan Xu,Sheng Zhong **关键词**: federated learning, data held, model performance, participant, validation data **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Hao Wu,Likun Zhang,Shucheng Li,Fengyuan Xu,Sheng Zhong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-169-Plane2Depth: Hierarchical Adaptive Plane Guidance for Monocular Depth Estimation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02494 **作者**: Li Liu,Ruijie Zhu,Jiacheng Deng,Ziyang Song,Wenfei Yang,Tianzhu Zhang **关键词**: Monocular depth estimation, dense depth map, depth estimation aims, Monocular depth, single image **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Li Liu,Ruijie Zhu,Jiacheng Deng,Ziyang Song,Wenfei Yang,Tianzhu Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-170-Reliable Deep Diffusion Tensor Estimation: Rethinking the Power of Data-Driven Optimization Routine {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02492 **作者**: Jialong Li,Zhicheng Zhang,Yunwei Chen,Qiqi Lu,Ye Wu,Xiaoming Liu,QianJin Feng,Yanqiu Feng,Xinyuan Zhang **关键词**: holds significant importance, Diffusion tensor imaging, holds significant, neuroscience research, diffusion tensor field **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Image and Video Processing (eess.IV) ***备注**: Jialong Li,Zhicheng Zhang,Yunwei Chen,Qiqi Lu,Ye Wu,Xiaoming Liu,QianJin Feng,Yanqiu Feng,Xinyuan Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-171-P-GMOT: Tracking Generic Multiple Object by Textual Prompt with Motion-Appearance Cost (MAC) SORT {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02490 **作者**: Duy Le Dinh Anh,Kim Hoang Tran,Ngan Hoang Le **关键词**: made substantial advancements, tracking multiple generic, tracking multiple, Multiple Object Tracking, tracking multiple objects **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Duy Le Dinh Anh,Kim Hoang Tran,Ngan Hoang Le {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-172-NeuroSpex: Neuro-Guided Speaker Extraction with Cross-Modal Attention {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02489 **作者**: Dashanka De Silva,Siqi Cai,Saurav Pahuja,Tanja Schultz,Haizhou Li **关键词**: elicited neural responses, measurable through electroencephalography, study of auditory, exists a robust, robust correlation **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Dashanka De Silva,Siqi Cai,Saurav Pahuja,Tanja Schultz,Haizhou Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-173-Boosting Generalizability towards Zero-Shot Cross-Dataset Single-Image Indoor Depth by Meta-Initialization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02486 **作者**: Cho-Ying Wu,Yiqi Zhong,Junying Wang,Ulrich Neumann **关键词**: Indoor robots rely, obstacle detection, robots rely, navigation or obstacle, indoor single-image depth **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Cho-Ying Wu,Yiqi Zhong,Junying Wang,Ulrich Neumann {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-174-Adversarial Attacks on Machine Learning-Aided Visualizations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02485 **作者**: Takanori Fujiwara,Kostiantyn Kucher,Junpeng Wang,Rafael M. Martins,Andreas Kerren,Anders Ynnerman **关键词**: high societal impact, machine learning, techniques to generate, societal impact, field is rapidly **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Takanori Fujiwara,Kostiantyn Kucher,Junpeng Wang,Rafael M. Martins,Andreas Kerren,Anders Ynnerman {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-175-ASAR: Transferable Attack on Skeletal Action Recognition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02483 **作者**: Yunfeng Diao,Baiqi Wu,Ruixuan Zhang,Ajian Liu,Xingxing Wei,Meng Wang,He Wang **关键词**: Human Activity Recognition, Human Activity, human behaviors, Activity Recognition, Skeletal Action Recognition **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yunfeng Diao,Baiqi Wu,Ruixuan Zhang,Ajian Liu,Xingxing Wei,Meng Wang,He Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-176-Volumetric Surfaces: Representing Fuzzy Geometries with Multiple Meshes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02482 **作者**: Stefano Esposito,Anpei Chen,Christian Reiser,Samuel Rota Bulò,Lorenzo Porzi,Katja Schwarz,Christian Richardt,Michael Zollhöfer,Peter Kontschieder,Andreas Geiger **关键词**: High-quality real-time view, High-quality real-time, High-quality, real-time view synthesis, Abstract **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Graphics (cs.GR); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Stefano Esposito,Anpei Chen,Christian Reiser,Samuel Rota Bulò,Lorenzo Porzi,Katja Schwarz,Christian Richardt,Michael Zollhöfer,Peter Kontschieder,Andreas Geiger {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-177-Word and Phrase Features in Graph Convolutional Network for Automatic Question Classification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02481 **作者**: Junyoung Lee,Ninad Dixit,Kaustav Chakrabarti,S. Supraja **关键词**: enabling adaptive learning, adaptive learning systems, AI-driven educational tools, Effective question classification, difficulty level **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Junyoung Lee,Ninad Dixit,Kaustav Chakrabarti,S. Supraja {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-178-st-time data augmentation: improving predictions of recurrent neural network models of composites {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02478 **作者**: Petter Uvdal,Mohsen Mirkhalaf **关键词**: Recurrent Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural, nonlinear path dependent, Neural Networks, interesting alternative **类目**: Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE) ***备注**: Petter Uvdal,Mohsen Mirkhalaf {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-179-A Comparative Study on Large Language Models for Log Parsing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02474 **作者**: Merve Astekin,Max Hort,Leon Moonen **关键词**: log parsing, Toggle, Log, Code, language models **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Merve Astekin,Max Hort,Leon Moonen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-180-A Variable Power Surface Error Function backstepping based Dynamic Surface Control of Non-Lower Triangular Nonlinear Systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02473 **作者**: Abdulrazaq Nafiu Abubakar,Ali Nasir,Md Muzakkir Quamar **关键词**: Variable Power Surface, Surface Error Function, Power Surface Error, Variable Power, non-lower triangular nonlinear **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Abdulrazaq Nafiu Abubakar,Ali Nasir,Md Muzakkir Quamar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-181-UAV-Mounted Movable Antenna: Joint Optimization of UAV Placement and Antenna Configuration {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02469 **作者**: Xiao-Wei Tang,Yunmei Shi,Yi Huang,Qingqing Wu **关键词**: garnered immense attention, immense attention due, favorably alter channel, alter channel conditions, agile movement **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Xiao-Wei Tang,Yunmei Shi,Yi Huang,Qingqing Wu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-182-DetectiveQA: Evaluating Long-Context Reasoning on Detective Novels {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02465 **作者**: Zhe Xu,Jiasheng Ye,Xiangyang Liu,Tianxiang Sun,Xiaoran Liu,Qipeng Guo,Linlin Li,Qun Liu,Xuanjing Huang,Xipeng Qiu **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, Language Models, academia and industry, hot topic **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Zhe Xu,Jiasheng Ye,Xiangyang Liu,Tianxiang Sun,Xiaoran Liu,Qipeng Guo,Linlin Li,Qun Liu,Xuanjing Huang,Xipeng Qiu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-183-An Effective Tag Assignment Approach for Billboard Advertisement {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02455 **作者**: Dildar Ali,Harishchandra Kumar,Suman Banerjee,Yamuna Prasad **关键词**: gained popularity due, Billboard Advertisement, return on investment, gained popularity, popularity due **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Dildar Ali,Harishchandra Kumar,Suman Banerjee,Yamuna Prasad {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-184-Multi-Sources Fusion Learning for Multi-Points NLOS Localization in OFDM System {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02454 **作者**: Bohao Wang,Zitao Shuai,Chongwen Huang,Qianqian Yang,Zhaohui Yang,Richeng Jin,Ahmed Al Hammadi,Zhaoyang Zhang,Chau Yuen,Mérouane Debbah **关键词**: Accurate localization, mobile terminals, pivotal aspect, aspect of integrated, integrated sensing **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Bohao Wang,Zitao Shuai,Chongwen Huang,Qianqian Yang,Zhaohui Yang,Richeng Jin,Ahmed Al Hammadi,Zhaoyang Zhang,Chau Yuen,Mérouane Debbah {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-185-What is lost in Normalization? Exploring Pitfalls in Multilingual ASR Model Evaluations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02449 **作者**: Kavya Manohar,Leena G Pillai **关键词**: automatic speech recognition, evaluating multilingual automatic, multilingual automatic speech, ASR models, leading ASR models **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Kavya Manohar,Leena G Pillai {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-186-Detecting Korean Food Using Image using Hierarchical Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02448 **作者**: Hoang Khanh Lam,Kahandakanaththage Maduni Pramuditha Perera **关键词**: Korean Food lovers, Korean Food, Food lovers, food before consuming, identify the Korean **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Hoang Khanh Lam,Kahandakanaththage Maduni Pramuditha Perera {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-187-ForeCal: Random Forest-based Calibration for DNNs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02446 **作者**: Dhruv Nigam **关键词**: Deep neural network, higher ROC AUC, true event likelihoods, Deep neural, higher ROC **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Dhruv Nigam {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-188-USV-AUV Collaboration Framework for Underwater Tasks under Extreme Sea Conditions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02444 **作者**: Jingzehua Xu,Guanwen Xie,Xinqi Wang,Yiyuan Yang,Shuai Zhang **关键词**: ocean exploration due, Autonomous underwater vehicles, detection units, Autonomous underwater, extreme sea conditions **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Jingzehua Xu,Guanwen Xie,Xinqi Wang,Yiyuan Yang,Shuai Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-189-Exploring the applicability of Large Language Models to citation context analysis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02443 **作者**: Kai Nishikawa,Hitoshi Koshiba **关键词**: Unlike traditional citation, citation context analysis, Unlike traditional, citation context, context analysis **类目**: Digital Libraries (cs.DL) ***备注**: Kai Nishikawa,Hitoshi Koshiba {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-190-Non-target Divergence Hypothesis: Toward Understanding Domain Gaps in Cross-Modal Knowledge Distillation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02438 **作者**: Yilong Chen,Zongyi Xu,Xiaoshui Huang,Shanshan Zhao,Xinqi Jiang,Xinyu Gao,Xinbo Gao **关键词**: cross-modal knowledge distillation, Compared to single-modal, severe challenges due, knowledge distillation, cross-modal knowledge **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Yilong Chen,Zongyi Xu,Xiaoshui Huang,Shanshan Zhao,Xinqi Jiang,Xinyu Gao,Xinbo Gao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-191-Fuzzy Logic Control for Indoor Navigation of Mobile Robots {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02437 **作者**: Akshay Kumar,Ashwin Sahasrabudhe,Sanjuksha Nirgude **关键词**: Autonomous mobile robots, indoor unstructured environment, fuzzy logic controller, Autonomous mobile, fuzzy logic **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Akshay Kumar,Ashwin Sahasrabudhe,Sanjuksha Nirgude {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-192-Occlusion-Based Cooperative Transport for Concave Objects with a Swarm of Miniature Mobile Robots {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02436 **作者**: Sanjuksha Nirgude,Animesh Nema,Aishwary Jagetia **关键词**: swarm of mobile, concave objects, transporting concave objects, occlusion based, object **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Sanjuksha Nirgude,Animesh Nema,Aishwary Jagetia {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-193-Context-Aware Agent-based Model for Smart Long Distance Transport System {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02434 **作者**: Muhammad Raees,Afzal Ahmed **关键词**: Long-distance transport plays, growth of countries, plays a vital, vital role, economic growth **类目**: Multiagent Systems (cs.MA) ***备注**: Muhammad Raees,Afzal Ahmed {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-194-From Literature to Practice: Exploring Fairness Testing Tools for the Software Industry Adoption {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02433 **作者**: Thanh Nguyen,Luiz Fernando de Lima,Maria Teresa Badassarre,Ronnie de Souza Santos **关键词**: today world, tools, fair and unbiased, software, Abstract **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Thanh Nguyen,Luiz Fernando de Lima,Maria Teresa Badassarre,Ronnie de Souza Santos {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-195-Preliminary Insights on Industry Practices for Addressing Fairness Debt {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02432 **作者**: Ronnie de Souza Santos,Luiz Fernando de Lima,Maria Teresa Baldassarre,Rodrigo Spinola **关键词**: software professionals identify, focusing on practical, real-world applications, practical knowledge, knowledge and real-world **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Ronnie de Souza Santos,Luiz Fernando de Lima,Maria Teresa Baldassarre,Rodrigo Spinola {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-196-Adversarial Learning for Neural PDE Solvers with Sparse Data {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02431 **作者**: Yunpeng Gong,Yongjie Hou,Zhenzhong Wang,Zexin Lin,Min Jiang **关键词**: partial differential equations, face challenges related, made significant progress, Neural network solvers, differential equations **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Yunpeng Gong,Yongjie Hou,Zhenzhong Wang,Zexin Lin,Min Jiang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-197-raining-free Color-Style Disentanglement for Constrained Text-to-Image Synthesis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02429 **作者**: Aishwarya Agarwal,Srikrishna Karanam,Balaji Vasan Srinivasan **关键词**: user-supplied reference image, disentangled fashion, controlling the outputs, reference image, color and style **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Aishwarya Agarwal,Srikrishna Karanam,Balaji Vasan Srinivasan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-198-Large Language Models as Efficient Reward Function Searchers for Custom-Environment Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02428 **作者**: Guanwen Xie,Jingzehua Xu,Yiyuan Yang,Shuai Zhang **关键词**: Leveraging large language, large language models, demonstrates significant potential, Leveraging large, functions demonstrates significant **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Guanwen Xie,Jingzehua Xu,Yiyuan Yang,Shuai Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-199-Diffusion Models Learn Low-Dimensional Distributions via Subspace Clustering {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02426 **作者**: Peng Wang,Huijie Zhang,Zekai Zhang,Siyi Chen,Yi Ma,Qing Qu **关键词**: Recent empirical studies, Recent empirical, diffusion models, image data, image **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Peng Wang,Huijie Zhang,Zekai Zhang,Siyi Chen,Yi Ma,Qing Qu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-200-Deep Adaptive Interest Network: Personalized Recommendation with Context-Aware Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02425 **作者**: Shuaishuai Huang,Haowei Yang,You Yao,Xueting Lin,Yuming Tu **关键词**: accurately capturing users', capturing users' evolving, Adaptive Interest Network, critical research area, users' evolving interests **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Shuaishuai Huang,Haowei Yang,You Yao,Xueting Lin,Yuming Tu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-201-Enhancing Information Freshness: An AoI Optimized Markov Decision Process Dedicated In the Underwater Task {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02424 **作者**: Jingzehua Xu,Yimian Ding,Yiyuan Yang,Shuai Zhang **关键词**: Ocean exploration utilizing, exploration utilizing autonomous, autonomous underwater vehicles, utilizing autonomous underwater, Ocean exploration **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Jingzehua Xu,Yimian Ding,Yiyuan Yang,Shuai Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-202-Accelerating Large Language Model Training with Hybrid GPU-based Compression {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02423 **作者**: Lang Xu,Quentin Anthony,Qinghua Zhou,Nawras Alnaasan,Radha R. Gulhane,Aamir Shafi,Hari Subramoni,Dhabaleswar K. Panda **关键词**: efficient Large Language, Large Language Model, Large Language, strategies widely adopted, efficient Large **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Lang Xu,Quentin Anthony,Qinghua Zhou,Nawras Alnaasan,Radha R. Gulhane,Aamir Shafi,Hari Subramoni,Dhabaleswar K. Panda {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-203-MusicMamba: A Dual-Feature Modeling Approach for Generating Chinese Traditional Music with Modal Precision {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02421 **作者**: Jiatao Chen,Tianming Xie,Xing Tang,Jing Wang,Wenjing Dong,Bing Shi **关键词**: MIDI domain, advanced the MIDI, Chinese traditional music, recent years, deep learning **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Jiatao Chen,Tianming Xie,Xing Tang,Jing Wang,Wenjing Dong,Bing Shi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-204-MOSMOS: Multi-organ segmentation facilitated by medical report supervision {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02418 **作者**: Weiwei Tian,Xinyu Huang,Junlin Hou,Caiyue Ren,Longquan Jiang,Rui-Wei Zhao,Gang Jin,Yuejie Zhang,Daoying Geng **关键词**: visual question answering, demonstrated incredible achievements, coarse-grained downstream tasks, modern medical systems, Medical Vision-Language Pre-training **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Weiwei Tian,Xinyu Huang,Junlin Hou,Caiyue Ren,Longquan Jiang,Rui-Wei Zhao,Gang Jin,Yuejie Zhang,Daoying Geng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-205-Relative-Translation Invariant Wasserstein Distance {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02416 **作者**: Binshuai Wang,Qiwei Di,Ming Yin,Mengdi Wang,Quanquan Gu,Peng Wei **关键词**: relative-translation invariant Wasserstein, invariant Wasserstein distances, optimal transport model, distribution shift, distance **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Binshuai Wang,Qiwei Di,Ming Yin,Mengdi Wang,Quanquan Gu,Peng Wei {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-206-Local map Construction Methods with SD map: A Novel Survey {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02415 **作者**: Jiaqi Li,Pingfan Jia,Jiaxing Chen,Jiaxi Liu,Lei He **关键词**: Local map perception, autonomous driving technology, Local maps emerging, Local map, map perception methods **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Jiaqi Li,Pingfan Jia,Jiaxing Chen,Jiaxi Liu,Lei He {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-207-Abstractive Text Summarization: State of the Art, Challenges, and Improvements {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02413 **作者**: Hassan Shakil,Ahmad Farooq,Jugal Kalita **关键词**: Specifically focusing, prospective research directions, opposed to extractive, survey presents, summarization **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Hassan Shakil,Ahmad Farooq,Jugal Kalita {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-208-Adaptive Class Emergence Training: Enhancing Neural Network Stability and Generalization through Progressive Target Evolution {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02410 **作者**: Jaouad Dabounou **关键词**: Recent advancements, deep neural networks, artificial intelligence, one-hot encoded vectors, advancements in artificial **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Jaouad Dabounou {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-209-Force-Limited Control of Wave Energy Converters using a Describing Function Linearization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02408 **作者**: Rebecca McCabe,Maha Haji **关键词**: Actuator saturation, Actuator, common nonlinearity, force saturation, saturation **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Rebecca McCabe,Maha Haji {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-210-Hadamard Row-Wise Generation Algorithm {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02406 **作者**: Brayan Monroy,Jorge Bacca **关键词**: generating specific Hadamard, specific Hadamard rows, specific Hadamard, addressing the memory, Hadamard rows **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Computational Complexity (cs.CC); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Brayan Monroy,Jorge Bacca {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-211-Learning Privacy-Preserving Student Networks via Discriminative-Generative Distillation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02404 **作者**: Shiming Ge,Bochao Liu,Pengju Wang,Yong Li,Dan Zeng **关键词**: privacy leakage risk, synthetic data, data, practical deployment, proved successful **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Shiming Ge,Bochao Liu,Pengju Wang,Yong Li,Dan Zeng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-212-Sharing Analysis in the Pawns Compiler {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02398 **作者**: Lee Naish **关键词**: algebraic data types, supports algebraic data, declarative programming, programming language, language under development **类目**: Programming Languages (cs.PL) ***备注**: Lee Naish {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-213-A Dynamic Resource Scheduling Algorithm Based on Traffic Prediction for Coexistence of eMBB and Random Arrival URLLC {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02396 **作者**: Yizhou Jiang,Xiujun Zhang,Xiaofeng Zhong,Shidong Zhou **关键词**: transmission time intervals, enhanced mobile broadband, random low-latency communication, acceptable one-shot transmission, one-shot transmission successful **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Yizhou Jiang,Xiujun Zhang,Xiaofeng Zhong,Shidong Zhou {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-214-Determination of language families using deep learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02393 **作者**: Peter B. Lerner **关键词**: convolutional generative adversarial, establish linguistic affinities, analyze transliterated text, transliterated text fragments, convolutional generative **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Peter B. Lerner {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-215-Building Math Agents with Multi-Turn Iterative Preference Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02392 **作者**: Wei Xiong,Chengshuai Shi,Jiaming Shen,Aviv Rosenberg,Zhen Qin,Daniele Calandriello,Misha Khalman,Rishabh Joshi,Bilal Piot,Mohammad Saleh,Chi Jin,Tong Zhang,Tianqi Liu **关键词**: mathematical problem-solving capabilities, direct preference learning, large language models', Recent studies, integrating external tools **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Wei Xiong,Chengshuai Shi,Jiaming Shen,Aviv Rosenberg,Zhen Qin,Daniele Calandriello,Misha Khalman,Rishabh Joshi,Bilal Piot,Mohammad Saleh,Chi Jin,Tong Zhang,Tianqi Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-216-Neural Dynamics Model of Visual Decision-Making: Learning from Human Experts {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02390 **作者**: Jie Su,Fang Cai,Shu-Kuo Zhao,Xin-Yi Wang,Tian-Yi Qian,Da-Hui Wang,Bo Hong **关键词**: conducting computational simulations, Uncovering the fundamental, developing mathematical models, fundamental neural correlates, developing mathematical **类目**: Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Neurons and Cognition (q-bio.NC) ***备注**: Jie Su,Fang Cai,Shu-Kuo Zhao,Xin-Yi Wang,Tian-Yi Qian,Da-Hui Wang,Bo Hong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-217-Multi-modal Situated Reasoning in 3D Scenes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02389 **作者**: Xiongkun Linghu,Jiangyong Huang,Xuesong Niu,Xiaojian Ma,Baoxiong Jia,Siyuan Huang **关键词**: embodied AI agents, Situated Question Answering, awareness is essential, Multi-modal Situated, situated **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Xiongkun Linghu,Jiangyong Huang,Xuesong Niu,Xiaojian Ma,Baoxiong Jia,Siyuan Huang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-218-Gaussian Rate-Distortion-Perception Coding and Entropy-Constrained Scalar Quantization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02388 **作者**: Li Xie,Liangyan Li,Jun Chen,Lei Yu,Zhongshan Zhang **关键词**: limited common randomness, Kullback-Leibler divergence-based perception, quadratic Gaussian, distance-based perception measure, divergence-based perception measure **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Li Xie,Liangyan Li,Jun Chen,Lei Yu,Zhongshan Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-219-Large Language Models and Cognitive Science: A Comprehensive Review of Similarities, Differences, and Challenges {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02387 **作者**: Qian Niu,Junyu Liu,Ziqian Bi,Pohsun Feng,Benji Peng,Keyu Chen **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, Language Models, intersection of Large, comprehensive review explores **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Qian Niu,Junyu Liu,Ziqian Bi,Pohsun Feng,Benji Peng,Keyu Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-220-Dissecting Payload-based Transaction Phishing on Ethereum {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02386 **作者**: Zhuo Chen,Yufeng Hu,Bowen He,Dong Luo,Lei Wu,Yajin Zhou **关键词**: surpassing early-stage, PTXPHISH, recent years, arisen on Ethereum, phishing **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Software Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Zhuo Chen,Yufeng Hu,Bowen He,Dong Luo,Lei Wu,Yajin Zhou {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-221-Unified Framework with Consistency across Modalities for Human Activity Recognition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02385 **作者**: Tuyen Tran,Thao Minh Le,Hung Tran,Truyen Tran **关键词**: Recognizing human activities, Recognizing human, activities in videos, videos is challenging, spatio-temporal complexity **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Tuyen Tran,Thao Minh Le,Hung Tran,Truyen Tran {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-222-STAB: Speech Tokenizer Assessment Benchmark {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02384 **作者**: Shikhar Vashishth,Harman Singh,Shikhar Bharadwaj,Sriram Ganapathy,Chulayuth Asawaroengchai,Kartik Audhkhasi,Andrew Rosenberg,Ankur Bapna,Bhuvana Ramabhadran **关键词**: closely resembles text, widely successful large, successful large language, large language models, Representing speech **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Sound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Shikhar Vashishth,Harman Singh,Shikhar Bharadwaj,Sriram Ganapathy,Chulayuth Asawaroengchai,Kartik Audhkhasi,Andrew Rosenberg,Ankur Bapna,Bhuvana Ramabhadran {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-223-Reinforcement Learning for Wheeled Mobility on Vertically Challenging Terrain {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02383 **作者**: Tong Xu,Chenhui Pan,Xuesu Xiao **关键词**: involving steep slopes, achieve smooth collision-free, smooth collision-free trajectories, presents significant challenges, Off-road navigation **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Tong Xu,Chenhui Pan,Xuesu Xiao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-224-GGS: Generalizable Gaussian Splatting for Lane Switching in Autonomous Driving {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02382 **作者**: Huasong Han,Kaixuan Zhou,Xiaoxiao Long,Yusen Wang,Chunxia Xiao **关键词**: Generalizable Gaussian Splatting, Gaussian Splatting, Gaussian Splatting method, achieve realistic rendering, Autonomous Driving **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Huasong Han,Kaixuan Zhou,Xiaoxiao Long,Yusen Wang,Chunxia Xiao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-225-FlexBSO: Flexible Block Storage Offload for Datacenters {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02381 **作者**: Vojtech Aschenbrenner,John Shawger,Sadman Sakib **关键词**: standardized and mature, memory is standardized, block device, host, Efficient virtualization **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Operating Systems (cs.OS) ***备注**: Vojtech Aschenbrenner,John Shawger,Sadman Sakib {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-226-Coral Model Generation from Single Images for Virtual Reality Applications {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02376 **作者**: Jie Fu(University of the Arts London, Creative Computing Institute, London, United Kingdom),Shun Fu(Bloks Technology Company, Shanghai, China),Mick Grierson(University of the Arts London, Creative Computing Institute, London, United Kingdom) **关键词**: rapid development, models, coral, Traditional methods, Traditional methods struggle **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Graphics (cs.GR); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Multimedia (cs.MM) ***备注**: Jie Fu(University of the Arts London, Creative Computing Institute, London, United Kingdom),Shun Fu(Bloks Technology Company, Shanghai, China),Mick Grierson(University of the Arts London, Creative Computing Institute, London, United Kingdom) {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-227-How Privacy-Savvy Are Large Language Models? A Case Study on Compliance and Privacy Technical Review {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02375 **作者**: Xichou Zhu,Yang Liu,Zhou Shen,Yi Liu,Min Li,Yujun Chen,Benzi John,Zhenzhen Ma,Tao Hu,Bolong Yang,Manman Wang,Zongxing Xie,Peng Liu,Dan Cai,Junhui Wang **关键词**: large language models, complex question answering, technical privacy reviews, language generation, privacy **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Xichou Zhu,Yang Liu,Zhou Shen,Yi Liu,Min Li,Yujun Chen,Benzi John,Zhenzhen Ma,Tao Hu,Bolong Yang,Manman Wang,Zongxing Xie,Peng Liu,Dan Cai,Junhui Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-228-Exploring Low-Dimensional Subspaces in Diffusion Models for Controllable Image Editing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02374 **作者**: Siyi Chen,Huijie Zhang,Minzhe Guo,Yifu Lu,Peng Wang,Qing Qu **关键词**: LOCO Edit, powerful class, class of generative, Recently, Edit **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Siyi Chen,Huijie Zhang,Minzhe Guo,Yifu Lu,Peng Wang,Qing Qu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-229-Unfolding Videos Dynamics via Taylor Expansion {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02371 **作者**: Siyi Chen,Minkyu Choi,Zesen Zhao,Kuan Han,Qing Qu,Zhongming Liu **关键词**: Taking inspiration, Instance Discrimination, inspiration from physical, existing instance discrimination, instance discrimination frameworks **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Siyi Chen,Minkyu Choi,Zesen Zhao,Kuan Han,Qing Qu,Zhongming Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-230-Do Large Language Models Possess Sensitive to Sentiment? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02370 **作者**: Yang Liu,Xichou Zhu,Zhou Shen,Yi Liu,Min Li,Yujun Chen,Benzi John,Zhenzhen Ma,Tao Hu,Zhiyang Xu,Wei Luo,Junhui Wang **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, language understanding, Language Models, recently displayed **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yang Liu,Xichou Zhu,Zhou Shen,Yi Liu,Min Li,Yujun Chen,Benzi John,Zhenzhen Ma,Tao Hu,Zhiyang Xu,Wei Luo,Junhui Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-231-Pluralistic Salient Object Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02368 **作者**: Xuelu Feng,Yunsheng Li,Dongdong Chen,Chunming Qiao,Junsong Yuan,Lu Yuan,Gang Hua **关键词**: salient object detection, plausible salient segmentation, salient segmentation results, generating multiple plausible, multiple plausible salient **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Xuelu Feng,Yunsheng Li,Dongdong Chen,Chunming Qiao,Junsong Yuan,Lu Yuan,Gang Hua {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-232-he Hidden Costs of Automation: An Empirical Study on GitHub Actions Workflow Maintenance {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02366 **作者**: Pablo Valenzuela-Toledo,Alexandre Bergel,Timo Kehrer,Oscar Nierstrasz **关键词**: GitHub Actions, orchestration platform, platform that streamlines, streamlines the automatic, automatic execution **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Pablo Valenzuela-Toledo,Alexandre Bergel,Timo Kehrer,Oscar Nierstrasz {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-233-Examining Caregiving Roles to Differentiate the Effects of Using a Mobile App for Community Oversight for Privacy and Security {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02364 **作者**: Mamtaj Akter,Jess Kropczynski,Heather Lipford,Pamela Wisniewski **关键词**: co-managing mobile privacy, field study, smartphone users, small groups, groups of family **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Mamtaj Akter,Jess Kropczynski,Heather Lipford,Pamela Wisniewski {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-234-Optimal Neural Network Approximation for High-Dimensional Continuous Functions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02363 **作者**: Ayan Maiti,Michelle Michelle,Haizhao Yang **关键词**: Shen Yang Zhang, Yang Zhang, Shen Yang, authors of Shen, special activation function **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Ayan Maiti,Michelle Michelle,Haizhao Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-235-Diversify-verify-adapt: Efficient and Robust Retrieval-Augmented Ambiguous Question Answering {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02361 **作者**: Yeonjun In,Sungchul Kim,Ryan A. Rossi,Md Mehrab Tanjim,Tong Yu,Ritwik Sinha,Chanyoung Park **关键词**: generating comprehensive responses, comprehensive responses based, retrieval augmented generation, augmented generation, plausible interpretations **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Yeonjun In,Sungchul Kim,Ryan A. Rossi,Md Mehrab Tanjim,Tong Yu,Ritwik Sinha,Chanyoung Park {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-236-n Talk: The Good, the Bad, and the Neutral of Adolescent Social Media Use {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02358 **作者**: Abdulmalik Alluhidan,Mamtaj Akter,Ashwaq Alsoubai,Jinkyung Park,Pamela Wisniewski **关键词**: social media, media, social, social media platforms, experiences **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Abdulmalik Alluhidan,Mamtaj Akter,Ashwaq Alsoubai,Jinkyung Park,Pamela Wisniewski {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-237-Upstream Allocation of Bidirectional Load Demand by Power Packetization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02352 **作者**: Shiu Mochiyama,Kento Hiwatashi,Takashi Hikihara **关键词**: packet dispatching system, power packet dispatching, power, accompanying information system, power packet **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Shiu Mochiyama,Kento Hiwatashi,Takashi Hikihara {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-238-Neighbourhood conditions for network stability with link uncertainty {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02350 **作者**: Simone Mariano,Michael Cantoni **关键词**: main result relates, structured robust stability, robust stability analysis, link uncertainty, imply robust stability **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY); Dynamical Systems (math.DS) ***备注**: Simone Mariano,Michael Cantoni {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-239-Understanding the Role of Functional Diversity in Weight-Ensembling with Ingredient Selection and Multidimensional Scaling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02347 **作者**: Alex Rojas,David Alvarez-Melis **关键词**: multiple neural networks, parameters of multiple, multiple neural, neural networks, networks are directly **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Alex Rojas,David Alvarez-Melis {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-240-Robust Federated Finetuning of Foundation Models via Alternating Minimization of LoRA {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02346 **作者**: Shuangyi Chen,Yue Ju,Hardik Dalal,Zhongwen Zhu,Ashish Khisti **关键词**: innovative training strategy, significantly lowering, memory demands, innovative training, training strategy **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Shuangyi Chen,Yue Ju,Hardik Dalal,Zhongwen Zhu,Ashish Khisti {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-241-Combined Plant and Control Co-design via Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation Based on Physics-informed Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02345 **作者**: Kenjiro Nishimura,Hikaru Hoshino,Eiko Furutan **关键词**: paper addresses integrated, Uncertain Control Co-design, addresses integrated design, engineering systems, optimized simultaneously **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Kenjiro Nishimura,Hikaru Hoshino,Eiko Furutan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-242-NUDGE: Lightweight Non-Parametric Fine-Tuning of Embeddings for Retrieval {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02343 **作者**: Sepanta Zeighami,Zac Wellmer,Aditya Parameswaran **关键词**: Nearest Neighbor search, Nearest Neighbor, Retrieval-Augmented Generation, Neighbor search, dense vector embeddings **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Sepanta Zeighami,Zac Wellmer,Aditya Parameswaran {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-243-Data-driven 2D stationary quantum droplets and wave propagations in the amended GP equation with two potentials via deep neural networks learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02339 **作者**: Jin Song,Zhenya Yan **关键词**: amended Gross-Pitaevskii equation, stationary quantum droplets, quantum droplets, solve two-dimensional, amended Gross-Pitaevskii **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Mathematical Physics (math-ph); Pattern Formation and Solitons (nlin.PS); Computational Physics (physics.comp-ph); Optics (physics.optics) ***备注**: Jin Song,Zhenya Yan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-244-Coaching a Robotic Sonographer: Learning Robotic Ultrasound with Sparse Expert's Feedback {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02337 **作者**: Deepak Raina,Mythra V. Balakuntala,Byung Wook Kim,Juan Wachs,Richard Voyles **关键词**: intervention and diagnosis, offering non-invasive, real-time imaging, widely employed, employed for clinical **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Deepak Raina,Mythra V. Balakuntala,Byung Wook Kim,Juan Wachs,Richard Voyles {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-245-Comparative Analysis of Learning-Based Methods for Transient Stability Assessment {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02336 **作者**: Xingjian Wu,Xiaoting Wang,Xiaozhe Wang,Peter E. Caines,Jingyu Liu **关键词**: critical clearing time, clearing time, critical clearing, important concepts, concepts in power **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Xingjian Wu,Xiaoting Wang,Xiaozhe Wang,Peter E. Caines,Jingyu Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-246-What Do You See in Common? Learning Hierarchical Prototypes over Tree-of-Life to Discover Evolutionary Traits {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02335 **作者**: Harish Babu Manogaran,M. Maruf,Arka Daw,Kazi Sajeed Mehrab,Caleb Patrick Charpentier,Josef C. Uyeda,Wasila Dahdul,Matthew J Thompson,Elizabeth G Campolongo,Kaiya L Provost,Paula M. Mabee,Hilmar Lapp,Anuj Karpatne **关键词**: discover evolutionary traits, discover evolutionary, evolutionary traits directly, evolutionary traits, phylogenetic tree **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Harish Babu Manogaran,M. Maruf,Arka Daw,Kazi Sajeed Mehrab,Caleb Patrick Charpentier,Josef C. Uyeda,Wasila Dahdul,Matthew J Thompson,Elizabeth G Campolongo,Kaiya L Provost,Paula M. Mabee,Hilmar Lapp,Anuj Karpatne {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-247-YoloTag: Vision-based Robust UAV Navigation with Fiducial Markers {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02334 **作者**: Sourav Raxit,Simant Bahadur Singh,Abdullah Al Redwan Newaz **关键词**: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Unmanned Aerial, Aerial Vehicles, rapidly build precise, build precise maps **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Sourav Raxit,Simant Bahadur Singh,Abdullah Al Redwan Newaz {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-248-Double Machine Learning at Scale to Predict Causal Impact of Customer Actions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02332 **作者**: Sushant More,Priya Kotwal,Sujith Chappidi,Dinesh Mandalapu,Chris Khawand **关键词**: long-term investment decisions, Causal Impact, inform both short, customer actions, industry to inform **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Econometrics (econ.EM); Applications (stat.AP); Methodology (stat.ME) ***备注**: Sushant More,Priya Kotwal,Sujith Chappidi,Dinesh Mandalapu,Chris Khawand {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-249-Arctic-SnowCoder: Demystifying High-Quality Data in Code Pretraining {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02326 **作者**: Yuxiang Wei,Hojae Han,Rajhans Samdani **关键词**: Recent studies, increasingly demonstrating, crucial for effective, data, pretraining **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yuxiang Wei,Hojae Han,Rajhans Samdani {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-250-Visual Servoing for Robotic On-Orbit Servicing: A Survey {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02324 **作者**: Lina María Amaya-Mejía,Mohamed Ghita,Jan Dentler,Miguel Olivares-Mendez,Carol Martinez **关键词**: On-orbit servicing, autonomous OOS operations, activities will power, OOS, big step **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Lina María Amaya-Mejía,Mohamed Ghita,Jan Dentler,Miguel Olivares-Mendez,Carol Martinez {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-251-meDiT: General-purpose Diffusion Transformers for Time Series Foundation Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02322 **作者**: Defu Cao,Wen Ye,Yizhou Zhang,Yan Liu **关键词**: Large Language Models, building foundation models, time series, foundation models, recent advances **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Defu Cao,Wen Ye,Yizhou Zhang,Yan Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-252-On the Benefits of Memory for Modeling Time-Dependent PDEs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02313 **作者**: Ricardo Buitrago Ruiz,Tanya Marwah,Albert Gu,Andrej Risteski **关键词**: partial differential equations, traditional numerical methods, solving partial differential, Data-driven techniques, differential equations **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Ricardo Buitrago Ruiz,Tanya Marwah,Albert Gu,Andrej Risteski {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-253-Investigating Mixed Reality for Communication Between Humans and Mobile Manipulators {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02312 **作者**: Mohamad Shaaban,Simone Macci`o,Alessandro Carf`ı,Fulvio Mastrogiovanni **关键词**: investigates mixed reality, article investigates mixed, enhance human-robot collaboration, mixed reality, article investigates **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Mohamad Shaaban,Simone Macci`o,Alessandro Carf`ı,Fulvio Mastrogiovanni {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-254-Geometry-aware Feature Matching for Large-Scale Structure from Motion {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02310 **作者**: Gonglin Chen,Jinsen Wu,Haiwei Chen,Wenbin Teng,Zhiyuan Gao,Andrew Feng,Rongjun Qin,Yajie Zhao **关键词**: Structure from Motion, crucial for Structure, Establishing consistent, multiple images, images is crucial **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Gonglin Chen,Jinsen Wu,Haiwei Chen,Wenbin Teng,Zhiyuan Gao,Andrew Feng,Rongjun Qin,Yajie Zhao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-255-Kinesthetic Teaching in Robotics: a Mixed Reality Approach {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02305 **作者**: Simone Macci`o,Mohamad Shaaban,Alessandro Carf`ı,Fulvio Mastrogiovanni **关键词**: hybrid human-robot teams, ensure smooth collaboration, perform Kinesthetic Teaching, human-robot teams, collaboration between agents **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Simone Macci`o,Mohamad Shaaban,Alessandro Carf`ı,Fulvio Mastrogiovanni {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-256-Wikipedia in Wartime: Experiences of Wikipedians Maintaining Articles About the Russia-Ukraine War {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02304 **作者**: Laura Kurek,Ceren Budak,Eric Gilbert **关键词**: ongoing geopolitical conflict, maintain an accurate, accurate encyclopedia, ongoing geopolitical, geopolitical conflict **类目**: ocial and Information Networks (cs.SI) ***备注**: Laura Kurek,Ceren Budak,Eric Gilbert {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-257-A Lesion-aware Edge-based Graph Neural Network for Predicting Language Ability in Patients with Post-stroke Aphasia {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02303 **作者**: Zijian Chen,Maria Varkanitsa,Prakash Ishwar,Janusz Konrad,Margrit Betke,Swathi Kiran,Archana Venkataraman **关键词**: graph neural network, lesion-aware graph neural, Human Connectome Project, neural network, resting-state fMRI **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Signal Processing (eess.SP); Neurons and Cognition (q-bio.NC) ***备注**: Zijian Chen,Maria Varkanitsa,Prakash Ishwar,Janusz Konrad,Margrit Betke,Swathi Kiran,Archana Venkataraman {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-258-reeTOp: Topology Optimization using Constructive Solid Geometry Trees {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02300 **作者**: Rahul Kumar Padhy,Pramod Thombre,Krishnan Suresh,Aaditya Chandrasekhar **关键词**: facilitate direct geometry, direct geometry extraction, high-level geometric descriptions, Feature-mapping methods, leveraging high-level geometric **类目**: Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE); Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Rahul Kumar Padhy,Pramod Thombre,Krishnan Suresh,Aaditya Chandrasekhar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-259-RAMBO: Leaking Secrets from Air-Gap Computers by Spelling Covert Radio Signals from Computer RAM {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02292 **作者**: Mordechai Guri **关键词**: including the Internet, external networks, physically separated, separated from external, Internet **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Mordechai Guri {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-260-Initial Development and Evaluation of the Creative Artificial Intelligence through Recurring Developments and Determinations (CAIRDD) System {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02291 **作者**: Jeremy Straub,Zach Johnson **关键词**: Computer system creativity, artificial general intelligence, Computer system, AGI, Computer **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Jeremy Straub,Zach Johnson {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-261-Unsupervised Welding Defect Detection Using Audio And Video {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02290 **作者**: Georg Stemmer,Jose A. Lopez,Juan A. Del Hoyo Ontiveros,Arvind Raju,Tara Thimmanaik,Sovan Biswas **关键词**: explore the application, robotic welding, welding, welding process, defects **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Image and Video Processing (eess.IV) ***备注**: Georg Stemmer,Jose A. Lopez,Juan A. Del Hoyo Ontiveros,Arvind Raju,Tara Thimmanaik,Sovan Biswas {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-262-Query answering in lattice-based description logic {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02289 **作者**: Krishna Manoorkar,Ruoding Wang **关键词**: enriched formal contexts, formal contexts, ALC, introduced for reasoning, semantic environment **类目**: Logic in Computer Science (cs.LO) ***备注**: Krishna Manoorkar,Ruoding Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-263-Biochemical Prostate Cancer Recurrence Prediction: Thinking Fast Slow {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02284 **作者**: Suhang You,Sanyukta Adap,Siddhesh Thakur,Bhakti Baheti,Spyridon Bakas **关键词**: patients after prostatectomy, prostate cancer, cancer is essential, essential for prognostic, prognostic monitoring **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Suhang You,Sanyukta Adap,Siddhesh Thakur,Bhakti Baheti,Spyridon Bakas {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-264-K-Origins: Better Colour Quantification for Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02281 **作者**: Lewis Mason,Mark Martinez **关键词**: neural network layer, network layer designed, textbf, layer designed, improve image-based network **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Lewis Mason,Mark Martinez {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-265-Evaluation and Comparison of Visual Language Models for Transportation Engineering Problems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02278 **作者**: Sanjita Prajapati,Tanu Singh,Chinmay Hegde,Pranamesh Chakraborty **关键词**: shown great potential, diverse applications related, Recent developments, VLM models, VLM **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Sanjita Prajapati,Tanu Singh,Chinmay Hegde,Pranamesh Chakraborty {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-266-ADHD diagnosis based on action characteristics recorded in videos using machine learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02274 **作者**: Yichun Li,Syes Mohsen Naqvi,Rajesh Nair **关键词**: ADHD diagnosis, timely manner, treatment is increasing, increasing significantly, existing services **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Yichun Li,Syes Mohsen Naqvi,Rajesh Nair {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-267-SlipNet: Slip Cost Map for Autonomous Navigation on Heterogeneous Deformable Terrains {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02273 **作者**: Mubarak Yakubu,Yahya Zweiri,Ahmad Abubakar,Rana Azzam,Ruqayya Alhammadi,Lakmal Seneviratne **关键词**: Autonomous space rovers, space rovers face, rovers face significant, face significant challenges, Autonomous space **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Mubarak Yakubu,Yahya Zweiri,Ahmad Abubakar,Rana Azzam,Ruqayya Alhammadi,Lakmal Seneviratne {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-268-Discrete-Time Maximum Likelihood Neural Distribution Steering {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02272 **作者**: George Rapakoulias,Panagiotis Tsiotras **关键词**: discrete-time dynamical system, finite time, paper studies, discrete-time dynamical, dynamical system **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: George Rapakoulias,Panagiotis Tsiotras {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-269-Reinforcement Learning-enabled Satellite Constellation Reconfiguration and Retasking for Mission-Critical Applications {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02270 **作者**: Hassan El Alami,Danda B. Rawat **关键词**: reduced operational costs, increasing user demands, rapidly advancing due, satellite constellation applications, user demands **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Hassan El Alami,Danda B. Rawat {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-270-LSTMSE-Net: Long Short Term Speech Enhancement Network for Audio-visual Speech Enhancement {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02266 **作者**: Arnav Jain,Jasmer Singh Sanjotra,Harshvardhan Choudhary,Krish Agrawal,Rupal Shah,Rohan Jha,M. Sajid,Amir Hussain,M. Tanveer **关键词**: propose long short, long short term, short term memory, term memory speech, memory speech enhancement **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Multimedia (cs.MM); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Arnav Jain,Jasmer Singh Sanjotra,Harshvardhan Choudhary,Krish Agrawal,Rupal Shah,Rohan Jha,M. Sajid,Amir Hussain,M. Tanveer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-271-Action-Based ADHD Diagnosis in Video {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02261 **作者**: Yichun Li,Yuxing Yang,Syed Nohsen Naqvi **关键词**: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity, Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder, Deficit Hyperactivity **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yichun Li,Yuxing Yang,Syed Nohsen Naqvi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-272-Optimal L-Systems for Stochastic L-system Inference Problems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02259 **作者**: Ali Lotfi,Ian McQuillan **关键词**: optimal stochastic L-system, stochastic L-system capable, stochastic L-system, stochastic Lindenmayer-system, L-system **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Formal Languages and Automata Theory (cs.FL) ***备注**: Ali Lotfi,Ian McQuillan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-273-MMLU-Pro+: Evaluating Higher-Order Reasoning and Shortcut Learning in LLMs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02257 **作者**: Saeid Asgari Taghanaki,Aliasgahr Khani,Amir Khasahmadi **关键词**: Existing benchmarks, challenging evaluation frameworks, large language models, increasingly struggle, large language **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Saeid Asgari Taghanaki,Aliasgahr Khani,Amir Khasahmadi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-274-How to Determine the Preferred Image Distribution of a Black-Box Vision-Language Model? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02253 **作者**: Saeid Asgari Taghanaki,Joseph Lambourne,Alana Mongkhounsavath **关键词**: Large foundation models, Large foundation, optimizing multi-modal models, challenges remain, remain in optimizing **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Saeid Asgari Taghanaki,Joseph Lambourne,Alana Mongkhounsavath {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-275-A virtual element method for a convective Brinkman-Forchheimer problem coupled with a heat equation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02252 **作者**: Danilo Amigo,Felipe Lepe,Enrique Otarola,Gonzalo Rivera **关键词**: virtual element method, convective Brinkman-Forchheimer problem, Brinkman-Forchheimer problem coupled, heat equation, develop a virtual **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Danilo Amigo,Felipe Lepe,Enrique Otarola,Gonzalo Rivera {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-276-NoiseAttack: An Evasive Sample-Specific Multi-Targeted Backdoor Attack Through White Gaussian Noise {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02251 **作者**: Abdullah Arafat Miah,Kaan Icer,Resit Sendag,Yu Bi **关键词**: deep learning development, Backdoor attacks pose, learning development, backdoor attack, pose a significant **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Abdullah Arafat Miah,Kaan Icer,Resit Sendag,Yu Bi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-277-Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Joint Police Patrol and Dispatch {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02246 **作者**: Matthew Repasky,He Wang,Yao Xie **关键词**: serve emergency incidents, performing preventive patrol, Police patrol units, performing preventive, dispatched to serve **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: Matthew Repasky,He Wang,Yao Xie {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-278-FastVoiceGrad: One-step Diffusion-Based Voice Conversion with Adversarial Conditional Diffusion Distillation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02245 **作者**: Takuhiro Kaneko,Hirokazu Kameoka,Kou Tanaka,Yuto Kondo **关键词**: Diffusion-based voice conversion, voice conversion, speaker similarity, VoiceGrad have attracted, attracted interest **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Takuhiro Kaneko,Hirokazu Kameoka,Kou Tanaka,Yuto Kondo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-279-herapy as an NLP Task: Psychologists' Comparison of LLMs and Human Peers in CBT {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02244 **作者**: Zainab Iftikhar,Sean Ransom,Amy Xiao,Jeff Huang **关键词**: Wider access, mental health treatment, mental health, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, biggest challenges **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Zainab Iftikhar,Sean Ransom,Amy Xiao,Jeff Huang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-280-A Novel Audio-Visual Information Fusion System for Mental Disorders Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02243 **作者**: Yichun Li,Shuanglin Li,Syed Mohsen Naqvi **关键词**: global healthcare challenge, Mental disorders, Mental, healthcare challenge, foremost contributors **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Yichun Li,Shuanglin Li,Syed Mohsen Naqvi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-281-mporal Order Preserved Optimal Transport-based Cross-modal Knowledge Transfer Learning for ASR {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02239 **作者**: Xugang Lu,Peng Shen,Yu Tsao,Hisashi Kawai **关键词**: automatic speech recognition, knowledge transfer, speech recognition, linguistic knowledge transfer, knowledge **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Xugang Lu,Peng Shen,Yu Tsao,Hisashi Kawai {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-282-Open6G OTIC: A Blueprint for Programmable O-RAN and 3GPP Testing Infrastructure {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02237 **作者**: Gabriele Gemmi,Michele Polese,Pedram Johari,Stefano Maxenti,Michael Seltser,Tommaso Melodia **关键词**: Radio Access Networks, programmable Radio Access, Radio Access, supply chain robustness, Access Networks **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Gabriele Gemmi,Michele Polese,Pedram Johari,Stefano Maxenti,Michael Seltser,Tommaso Melodia {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-283-Unforgettable Generalization in Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02228 **作者**: Eric Zhang,Leshem Chosen,Jacob Andreas **关键词**: training set, training, forgetting, tasks, LMs **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Eric Zhang,Leshem Chosen,Jacob Andreas {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-284-Global Optimizations Lightweight Dynamic Logic for Concurrency {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02227 **作者**: Suchita Pati,Shaizeen Aga,Nuwan Jayasena,Matthew D. Sinclair **关键词**: device compute utilization, compute utilization, device compute, Modern accelerators, increasingly executing independent **类目**: Hardware Architecture (cs.AR); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Suchita Pati,Shaizeen Aga,Nuwan Jayasena,Matthew D. Sinclair {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-285-EgoPressure: A Dataset for Hand Pressure and Pose Estimation in Egocentric Vision {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02224 **作者**: Yiming Zhao,Taein Kwon,Paul Streli,Marc Pollefeys,Christian Holz **关键词**: Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, precise physical insights, Reality, applications in Augmented **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Yiming Zhao,Taein Kwon,Paul Streli,Marc Pollefeys,Christian Holz {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-286-A Digital signature scheme based on Module-LWE and Module-SIS {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02222 **作者**: Huda Naeem Hleeb Al-Jabbari,Ali Rajaei,Abbas Maarefparvar **关键词**: Sharafi and Daghigh, digital signature scheme, Daghigh based, signature scheme proposed, proposed signature scheme **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Huda Naeem Hleeb Al-Jabbari,Ali Rajaei,Abbas Maarefparvar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-287-A+AI: Threats to Society, Remedies, and Governance {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02219 **作者**: Don Byrd **关键词**: Artificial Intelligence, Toggle, Code Toggle Papers, threats, Papers **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Don Byrd {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-288-Early Design Exploration of Aerospace Systems Using Assume-Guarantee Contracts {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02218 **作者**: Nicolas Rouquette,Alessandro Pinto,Inigo Incer **关键词**: present a compositional, compositional approach, complex aerospace systems, aerospace systems based, early modeling **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Nicolas Rouquette,Alessandro Pinto,Inigo Incer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-289-Quantifying Liveness and Safety of Avalanche's Snowball {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02217 **作者**: Quentin Kniep,Maxime Laval,Jakub Sliwinski,Roger Wattenhofer **关键词**: popular Avalanche blockchain, work examines, underlie the popular, Avalanche blockchain, examines the resilience **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Quentin Kniep,Maxime Laval,Jakub Sliwinski,Roger Wattenhofer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-290-Checkpoint and Restart: An Energy Consumption Characterization in Clusters {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02214 **作者**: Marina Moran,Javier Balladini,Dolores Rexachs,Emilio Luque **关键词**: High Performance Computing, fault tolerance method, High Performance, Single Program Multiple, Program Multiple Data **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Marina Moran,Javier Balladini,Dolores Rexachs,Emilio Luque {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-291-Accelerating Graph Neural Networks with a Novel Matrix Compression Format {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02208 **作者**: João N. F. Alves,Samir Moustafa,Siegfried Benkner,Alexandre P. Francisco,Wilfried N. Gansterer,Luís M. S. Russo **关键词**: Graph Neural Networks, Neural Networks, Graph Neural, matrix multiplication, graph adjacency matrix **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ***备注**: João N. F. Alves,Samir Moustafa,Siegfried Benkner,Alexandre P. Francisco,Wilfried N. Gansterer,Luís M. S. Russo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-292-Directed Hypercube Routing, a Generalized Lehman-Ron Theorem, and Monotonicity Testing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02206 **作者**: Deeparnab Chakrabarty,C. Seshadhri **关键词**: Lehman and Ron, vertex disjoint paths, Motivated by applications, comparable sub-level sets, disjoint paths **类目**: Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Combinatorics (math.CO) ***备注**: Deeparnab Chakrabarty,C. Seshadhri {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-293-Collaboratively Learning Federated Models from Noisy Decentralized Data {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02189 **作者**: Haoyuan Li,Mathias Funk,Nezihe Merve Gürel,Aaqib Saeed **关键词**: collaboratively training machine, training machine learning, edge devices, collaboratively training, training machine **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Haoyuan Li,Mathias Funk,Nezihe Merve Gürel,Aaqib Saeed {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-294-Fair Railway Network Design {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02152 **作者**: Zixu He,Sirin Botan,Jérôme Lang,Abdallah Saffidine,Florian Sikora,Silas Workman **关键词**: public transportation network, designing a public, public transportation, minimise the sum, transportation network **类目**: ocial and Information Networks (cs.SI); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Zixu He,Sirin Botan,Jérôme Lang,Abdallah Saffidine,Florian Sikora,Silas Workman {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-295-Optimal Power Grid Operations with Foundation Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02148 **作者**: Alban Puech,Jonas Weiss,Thomas Brunschwiler,Hendrik F. Hamann **关键词**: renewable energy sources, integrating numerous distributed, demands integrating numerous, energy transition, renewable energy **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: Alban Puech,Jonas Weiss,Thomas Brunschwiler,Hendrik F. Hamann {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-296-Brain-Inspired Online Adaptation for Remote Sensing with Spiking Neural Network {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02146 **作者**: Dexin Duan,Peilin liu,Fei Wen **关键词**: unmanned aerial vehicles, On-device computing, remote sensing, deep network-based perception, aerial vehicles **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE) ***备注**: Dexin Duan,Peilin liu,Fei Wen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-297-A Multimodal Object-level Contrast Learning Method for Cancer Survival Risk Prediction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02145 **作者**: Zekang Yang,Hong Liu,Xiangdong Wang **关键词**: Computer-aided cancer survival, survival risk, survival risk prediction, cancer survival risk, Computer-aided cancer **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Zekang Yang,Hong Liu,Xiangdong Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-298-Efficient and Scalable Estimation of Tool Representations in Vector Space {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02141 **作者**: Suhong Moon,Siddharth Jha,Lutfi Eren Erdogan,Sehoon Kim,Woosang Lim,Kurt Keutzer,Amir Gholami **关键词**: execute complex tasks, external information sources, Recent advancements, tool retrieval, complex tasks **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Suhong Moon,Siddharth Jha,Lutfi Eren Erdogan,Sehoon Kim,Woosang Lim,Kurt Keutzer,Amir Gholami {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-299-Self-Supervised Learning for Identifying Defects in Sewer Footage {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02140 **作者**: Daniel Otero,Rafael Mateus **关键词**: expensive modern investments, modern investments requiring, investments requiring time-intensive, requiring time-intensive manual, Sewerage infrastructure **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Daniel Otero,Rafael Mateus {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-300-he Role of Transformer Models in Advancing Blockchain Technology: A Systematic Review {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02139 **作者**: Tianxu Liu,Yanbin Wang,Jianguo Sun,Ye Tian,Yanyu Huang,Tao Xue,Peiyue Li,Yiwei Liu **关键词**: architectures,have shown unprecedented, technology rapidly evolves, scalability grows.Transformer models, shown unprecedented potential, deep learning architectures,have **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Tianxu Liu,Yanbin Wang,Jianguo Sun,Ye Tian,Yanyu Huang,Tao Xue,Peiyue Li,Yiwei Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-301-A Financial Time Series Denoiser Based on Diffusion Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02138 **作者**: Zhuohan Wang,Carmine Ventre **关键词**: ultimately decision making, posing significant challenges, Financial time series, accurate data interpretation, exhibit low **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computational Finance (q-fin.CP); Trading and Market Microstructure (q-fin.TR) ***备注**: Zhuohan Wang,Carmine Ventre {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-302-Reward Augmentation in Reinforcement Learning for Testing Distributed Systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02137 **作者**: Andrea Borgarelli,Constantin Enea,Rupak Majumdar,Srinidhi Nagendra **关键词**: popular internet services, popular distributed protocol, distributed protocol implementations, downtimes in popular, popular internet **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Programming Languages (cs.PL) ***备注**: Andrea Borgarelli,Constantin Enea,Rupak Majumdar,Srinidhi Nagendra {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-303-Large Language Models versus Classical Machine Learning: Performance in COVID-19 Mortality Prediction Using High-Dimensional Tabular Data {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02136 **作者**: Mohammadreza Ghaffarzadeh-Esfahani,Mahdi Ghaffarzadeh-Esfahani,Arian Salahi-Niri,Hossein Toreyhi,Zahra Atf,Amirali Mohsenzadeh-Kermani,Mahshad Sarikhani,Zohreh Tajabadi,Fatemeh Shojaeian,Mohammad Hassan Bagheri,Aydin Feyzi,Mohammadamin Tarighatpayma,Narges Gazmeh,Fateme Heydari,Hossein Afshar,Amirreza Allahgholipour,Farid Alimardani,Ameneh Salehi,Naghmeh Asadimanesh,Mohammad Amin Khalafi,Hadis Shabanipour,Ali Moradi,Sajjad Hossein Zadeh,Omid Yazdani,Romina Esbati,Moozhan Maleki,Danial Samiei Nasr,Amirali Soheili,Hossein Majlesi,Saba Shahsavan,Alireza Soheilipour,Nooshin Goudarzi,Erfan Taherifard,Hamidreza Hatamabadi,Jamil S Samaan,Thomas Savage,Ankit Sakhuja,Ali Soroush,Girish Nadkarni,Ilad Alavi Darazam,Mohamad Amin Pourhoseingholi,Seyed Amir Ahmad Safavi-Naini **关键词**: large language models, CML models, study aimed, aimed to evaluate, evaluate and compare **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Mohammadreza Ghaffarzadeh-Esfahani,Mahdi Ghaffarzadeh-Esfahani,Arian Salahi-Niri,Hossein Toreyhi,Zahra Atf,Amirali Mohsenzadeh-Kermani,Mahshad Sarikhani,Zohreh Tajabadi,Fatemeh Shojaeian,Mohammad Hassan Bagheri,Aydin Feyzi,Mohammadamin Tarighatpayma,Narges Gazmeh,Fateme Heydari,Hossein Afshar,Amirreza Allahgholipour,Farid Alimardani,Ameneh Salehi,Naghmeh Asadimanesh,Mohammad Amin Khalafi,Hadis Shabanipour,Ali Moradi,Sajjad Hossein Zadeh,Omid Yazdani,Romina Esbati,Moozhan Maleki,Danial Samiei Nasr,Amirali Soheili,Hossein Majlesi,Saba Shahsavan,Alireza Soheilipour,Nooshin Goudarzi,Erfan Taherifard,Hamidreza Hatamabadi,Jamil S Samaan,Thomas Savage,Ankit Sakhuja,Ali Soroush,Girish Nadkarni,Ilad Alavi Darazam,Mohamad Amin Pourhoseingholi,Seyed Amir Ahmad Safavi-Naini {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-304-Optimization by Parallel Quasi-Quantum Annealing with Gradient-Based Sampling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02135 **作者**: Yuma Ichikawa,Yamato Arai **关键词**: learn problem-specific heuristics, manually crafted heuristics, automatically learn problem-specific, problem-specific heuristics, crafted heuristics **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computation (stat.CO); Methodology (stat.ME); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Yuma Ichikawa,Yamato Arai {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-305-Edge AI: Evaluation of Model Compression Techniques for Convolutional Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02134 **作者**: Samer Francy,Raghubir Singh **关键词**: image classification tasks, work evaluates, image classification, classification tasks, compression **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Samer Francy,Raghubir Singh {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-306-From Predictive Importance to Causality: Which Machine Learning Model Reflects Reality? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02130 **作者**: Muhammad Arbab Arshad,Pallavi Kandanur,Saurabh Sonawani **关键词**: Ames Housing Dataset, analyzes the Ames, Dataset using CatBoost, Ames Housing, Housing Dataset **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Muhammad Arbab Arshad,Pallavi Kandanur,Saurabh Sonawani {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-307-he Application of Artificial Neural Network Model to Predicting the Acid Mine Drainage from Long-Term Lab Scale Kinetic Test {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02128 **作者**: Muhammad Sonny Abfertiawan,Muchammad Daniyal Kautsar,Faiz Hasan,Yoseph Palinggi,Kris Pranoto **关键词**: Acid mine drainage, coal mining industry, lab-scale kinetic tests, lab-scale kinetic, common environmental problems **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Muhammad Sonny Abfertiawan,Muchammad Daniyal Kautsar,Faiz Hasan,Yoseph Palinggi,Kris Pranoto {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-308-Enabling Trustworthy Federated Learning in Industrial IoT: Bridging the Gap Between Interpretability and Robustness {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02127 **作者**: Senthil Kumar Jagatheesaperumal,Mohamed Rahouti,Ali Alfatemi,Nasir Ghani,Vu Khanh Quy,Abdellah Chehri **关键词**: Federated Learning, keeping data localized, machine learning, allowing collaborative model, collaborative model training **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Senthil Kumar Jagatheesaperumal,Mohamed Rahouti,Ali Alfatemi,Nasir Ghani,Vu Khanh Quy,Abdellah Chehri {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-309-Detecting Homeomorphic 3-manifolds via Graph Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02126 **作者**: Craig Lawrie,Lorenzo Mansi **关键词**: superconformal field theories, quantum field theories, supersymmetric quantum field, field theories, Neural Network techniques **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th) ***备注**: Craig Lawrie,Lorenzo Mansi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-310-rajWeaver: Trajectory Recovery with State Propagation Diffusion Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02124 **作者**: Jinming Wang,Hai Wang,Hongkai Wen,Geyong Min,Man Luo **关键词**: large amount, vehicles and goods, proliferation of location-aware, goods flow, location-aware devices **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jinming Wang,Hai Wang,Hongkai Wen,Geyong Min,Man Luo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-311-PuYun: Medium-Range Global Weather Forecasting Using Large Kernel Attention Convolutional Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02123 **作者**: Shengchen Zhu,Yiming Chen,Peiying Yu,Xiang Qu,Yuxiao Zhou,Yiming Ma,Zhizhan Zhao,Yukai Liu,Hao Mi,Bin Wang **关键词**: mitigating weather-related impacts, weather-related impacts, essential for understanding, understanding and mitigating, mitigating weather-related **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics (physics.ao-ph) ***备注**: Shengchen Zhu,Yiming Chen,Peiying Yu,Xiang Qu,Yuxiao Zhou,Yiming Ma,Zhizhan Zhao,Yukai Liu,Hao Mi,Bin Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-312-Deep Knowledge-Infusion For Explainable Depression Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02122 **作者**: Sumit Dalal,Sarika Jain,Mayank Dave **关键词**: Discovering individuals depression, Discovering individuals, increasingly important, social media, depression **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Sumit Dalal,Sarika Jain,Mayank Dave {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-313-CoRA: Optimizing Low-Rank Adaptation with Common Subspace of Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02119 **作者**: Xiaojun Xiao,Sen Shen,Qiming Bao,Hongfei Rong,Kairui Liu,Zhongsheng Wang,Jiamou Liu **关键词**: large language models, fine-tuning large language, conserving computational resources, fine-tuning large models, constraints is crucial **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Xiaojun Xiao,Sen Shen,Qiming Bao,Hongfei Rong,Kairui Liu,Zhongsheng Wang,Jiamou Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-314-SO: Self-Training with Scaled Preference Optimization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02118 **作者**: Kaihui Chen,Hao Yi,Qingyang Li,Tianyu Qi,Yulan Hu,Fuzheng Zhang,Yong Liu **关键词**: Enhancing the conformity, ongoing research challenge, Preference, large language models, Direct Preference Optimization **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Kaihui Chen,Hao Yi,Qingyang Li,Tianyu Qi,Yulan Hu,Fuzheng Zhang,Yong Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-315-UFO, universe, reptilians and creatures communities on Brazilian Telegram: when the sky is not the limit and conspiracy theories seek answers beyond humanity {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02117 **作者**: Ergon Cugler de Moraes Silva **关键词**: Brazilian conspiracy theory, theories involving UFOs, conspiracy theory communities, Brazilian Telegram, conspiracy theories involving **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Ergon Cugler de Moraes Silva {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-316-Deep Neural Implicit Representation of Accessibility for Multi-Axis Manufacturing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02115 **作者**: George P. Harabin,Morad Behandish,Amir Mirzendehdel **关键词**: collision measure field, collision measure, moving objects, stationary objects, unified with fixtures **类目**: Graphics (cs.GR); Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: George P. Harabin,Morad Behandish,Amir Mirzendehdel {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-317-ny-Toxic-Detector: A compact transformer-based model for toxic content detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02114 **作者**: Michiel Kamphuis **关键词**: toxic content detection, compact transformer-based model, transformer-based model designed, compact transformer-based, designed for toxic **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Michiel Kamphuis {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-318-oward Large-scale Spiking Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Survey and Future Directions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02111 **作者**: Yangfan Hu,Qian Zheng,Guoqi Li,Huajin Tang,Gang Pan **关键词**: revolutionized artificial intelligence, achieving remarkable progress, natural language processing, spiking neural networks, deep spiking neural **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Yangfan Hu,Qian Zheng,Guoqi Li,Huajin Tang,Gang Pan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-319-GenAgent: Build Collaborative AI Systems with Automated Workflow Generation -- Case Studies on ComfyUI {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.01392 **作者**: Xiangyuan Xue,Zeyu Lu,Di Huang,Wanli Ouyang,Lei Bai **关键词**: developing monolithic models, previous AI research, research has focused, focused on developing, maximize their intelligence **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Xiangyuan Xue,Zeyu Lu,Di Huang,Wanli Ouyang,Lei Bai {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-320-Conversational Complexity for Assessing Risk in Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.01247 **作者**: John Burden,Manuel Cebrian,Jose Hernandez-Orallo **关键词**: Large Language Models, Language Models, enable beneficial applications, Large Language, present a dual-use **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: John Burden,Manuel Cebrian,Jose Hernandez-Orallo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-321-Driver Digital Twin for Online Prediction of Personalized Lane Change Behavior {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.01294 **作者**: Xishun Liao,Xuanpeng Zhao,Ziran Wang,Zhouqiao Zhao,Kyungtae Han,Rohit Gupta,Matthew J. Barth,Guoyuan Wu **关键词**: foreseeable future, supposed to share, share the road, road with human-driven, Digital Twin **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Xishun Liao,Xuanpeng Zhao,Ziran Wang,Zhouqiao Zhao,Kyungtae Han,Rohit Gupta,Matthew J. Barth,Guoyuan Wu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-322-Pseudospectral method for solving PDEs using Matrix Product States {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02916 **作者**: Jorge Gidi,Paula García-Molina,Luca Tagliacozzo,Juan José García-Ripoll **关键词**: time-dependent Schrödinger equation, partial differential equations, matrix product states, solving time-dependent partial, time-dependent partial differential **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Jorge Gidi,Paula García-Molina,Luca Tagliacozzo,Juan José García-Ripoll {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-323-Regional data-driven weather modeling with a global stretched-grid {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02891 **作者**: Thomas Nils Nipen,Håvard Homleid Haugen,Magnus Sikora Ingstad,Even Marius Nordhagen,Aram Farhad Shafiq Salihi,Paulina Tedesco,Ivar Ambjørn Seierstad,Jørn Kristiansen,Simon Lang,Mihai Alexe,Jesper Dramsch,Baudouin Raoult,Gert Mertes,Matthew Chantry **关键词**: Artificial Intelligence Forecasting, Intelligence Forecasting System, weather forecasting applications, regional weather forecasting, applications is presented **类目**: Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics (physics.ao-ph); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Thomas Nils Nipen,Håvard Homleid Haugen,Magnus Sikora Ingstad,Even Marius Nordhagen,Aram Farhad Shafiq Salihi,Paulina Tedesco,Ivar Ambjørn Seierstad,Jørn Kristiansen,Simon Lang,Mihai Alexe,Jesper Dramsch,Baudouin Raoult,Gert Mertes,Matthew Chantry {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-324-CanvOI, an Oncology Intelligence Foundation Model: Scaling FLOPS Differently {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02885 **作者**: Jonathan Zalach,Inbal Gazy,Assaf Avinoam,Ron Sinai,Eran Shmuel,Inbar Gilboa,Christine Swisher,Naim Matasci,Reva Basho,David B. Agus **关键词**: involving rare conditions, rapidly evolving field, oncopathology faces significant, digital oncopathology faces, faces significant challenges **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Jonathan Zalach,Inbal Gazy,Assaf Avinoam,Ron Sinai,Eran Shmuel,Inbar Gilboa,Christine Swisher,Naim Matasci,Reva Basho,David B. Agus {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-325-Automatic facial axes standardization of 3D fetal ultrasound images {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02826 **作者**: Antonia Alomar,Ricardo Rubio,Laura Salort,Gerard Albaiges,Antoni Payà,Gemma Piella,Federico Sukno **关键词**: early developmental disturbances, genetic syndromes, developmental disturbances, fetal facial, facial **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Antonia Alomar,Ricardo Rubio,Laura Salort,Gerard Albaiges,Antoni Payà,Gemma Piella,Federico Sukno {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-326-Simple fusion-fission quantifies Israel-Palestine violence and suggests multi-adversary solution {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02816 **作者**: Frank Yingjie Huo,Pedro D. Manrique,Dylan J. Restrepo,Gordon Woo,Neil F. Johnson **关键词**: easy answer, humans fight, Abstract, fight, October **类目**: Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph); Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE); Mathematical Physics (math-ph); Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems (nlin.AO) ***备注**: Frank Yingjie Huo,Pedro D. Manrique,Dylan J. Restrepo,Gordon Woo,Neil F. Johnson {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-327-Regularized Multi-output Gaussian Convolution Process with Domain Adaptation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02778 **作者**: Wang Xinming,Wang Chao,Song Xuan,Kirby Levi,Wu Jianguo **关键词**: Multi-output Gaussian process, Multi-output Gaussian, attracting increasing attention, model multiple outputs, transfer learning **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Applications (stat.AP) ***备注**: Wang Xinming,Wang Chao,Song Xuan,Kirby Levi,Wu Jianguo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-328-Validation of musculoskeletal segmentation model with uncertainty estimation for bone and muscle assessment in hip-to-knee clinical CT images {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02770 **作者**: Mazen Soufi,Yoshito Otake,Makoto Iwasa,Keisuke Uemura,Tomoki Hakotani,Masahiro Hashimoto,Yoshitake Yamada,Minoru Yamada,Yoichi Yokoyama,Masahiro Jinzaki,Suzushi Kusano,Masaki Takao,Seiji Okada,Nobuhiko Sugano,Yoshinobu Sato **关键词**: Deep learning-based image, fully automated, analysis of musculoskeletal, rapid analysis, learning-based image segmentation **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Mazen Soufi,Yoshito Otake,Makoto Iwasa,Keisuke Uemura,Tomoki Hakotani,Masahiro Hashimoto,Yoshitake Yamada,Minoru Yamada,Yoichi Yokoyama,Masahiro Jinzaki,Suzushi Kusano,Masaki Takao,Seiji Okada,Nobuhiko Sugano,Yoshinobu Sato {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-329-Convolutional Neural Networks for Automated Cellular Automaton Classification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02740 **作者**: Michiel Rollier,Aisling J. Daly,Jan M. Baetens **关键词**: elementary cellular automata, cellular automata, non-elementary CAs, convolutional neural network, CAs **类目**: Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases (nlin.CG); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Michiel Rollier,Aisling J. Daly,Jan M. Baetens {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-330-Characterization of Circular-arc Graphs: III. Chordal Graphs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02733 **作者**: Yixin Cao,Tomasz Krawczyk **关键词**: main open problems, posed by Dur, minimal chordal graphs, identify all minimal, minimal chordal **类目**: Combinatorics (math.CO); Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM) ***备注**: Yixin Cao,Tomasz Krawczyk {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-331-Approximating mutual information of high-dimensional variables using learned representations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02732 **作者**: Gokul Gowri,Xiao-Kang Lun,Allon M. Klein,Peng Yin **关键词**: Mutual information, general measure, measure of statistical, widespread application, Mutual **类目**: Quantitative Methods (q-bio.QM); Information Theory (cs.IT); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Gokul Gowri,Xiao-Kang Lun,Allon M. Klein,Peng Yin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-332-How does the brain compute with probabilities? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02709 **作者**: Ralf M. Haefner,Jeff Beck,Cristina Savin,Mehrdad Salmasi,Xaq Pitkow **关键词**: Generative Adversarial Collaboration, represent probability distributions, Adversarial Collaboration, Generative Adversarial, activity represent probability **类目**: Neurons and Cognition (q-bio.NC); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Ralf M. Haefner,Jeff Beck,Cristina Savin,Mehrdad Salmasi,Xaq Pitkow {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-333-Neural timescales from a computational perspective {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02684 **作者**: Roxana Zeraati,Anna Levina,Jakob H. Macke,Richard Gao **关键词**: timescales reflect information, experimental observations suggest, neural timescales reflect, neural timescales, Timescales **类目**: Neurons and Cognition (q-bio.NC); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Roxana Zeraati,Anna Levina,Jakob H. Macke,Richard Gao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-334-Multi-Head Attention Residual Unfolded Network for Model-Based Pansharpening {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02675 **作者**: Ivan Pereira-Sánchez,Eloi Sans,Julia Navarro,Joan Duran **关键词**: high-resolution panchromatic, low-resolution multispectral, objective of pansharpening, pansharpening and hypersharpening, PAN image **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Ivan Pereira-Sánchez,Eloi Sans,Julia Navarro,Joan Duran {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-335-Introduction to Machine Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02668 **作者**: Laurent Younes **关键词**: mathematical foundations, book, methods, chapter, book introduces **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Laurent Younes {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-336-Dynamics of drug trafficking: Results from a simple compartmental model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02659 **作者**: Nuno Crokidakis **关键词**: drug dealers, passive supporters, arrested drug dealers, work we propose, drug **类目**: Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI) ***备注**: Nuno Crokidakis {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-337-Creating a Microstructure Latent Space with Rich Material Information for Multiphase Alloy Design {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02648 **作者**: Xudong Ma,Yuqi Zhang,Chenchong Wang,Ming Wang,Mingxin Huang,Wei Xu **关键词**: intricate microstructure serves, alloy design, latent space, multiphase alloy design, Traditional alloy design **类目**: Materials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Xudong Ma,Yuqi Zhang,Chenchong Wang,Ming Wang,Mingxin Huang,Wei Xu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-338-Conformal Prediction in Dynamic Biological Systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02644 **作者**: Alberto Portela,Julio R. Banga,Marcos Matabuena **关键词**: computational model predictions, process of systematically, systematically determining, determining and characterizing, characterizing the degree **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Quantitative Methods (q-bio.QM) ***备注**: Alberto Portela,Julio R. Banga,Marcos Matabuena {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-339-Linear Convergence in Hilbert's Projective Metric for Computing Augustin Information and a R\'{e}nyi Information Measure {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02640 **作者**: Chung-En Tsai,Guan-Ren Wang,Hao-Chung Cheng,Yen-Huan Li **关键词**: IEEE Trans. Inf., Trans. Inf. Theory, IEEE Information Theory, Information Theory Workshop, IEEE Trans. **类目**: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Chung-En Tsai,Guan-Ren Wang,Hao-Chung Cheng,Yen-Huan Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-340-USEF-TSE: Universal Speaker Embedding Free Target Speaker Extraction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02615 **作者**: Bang Zeng,Ming Li **关键词**: Target speaker extraction, Target speaker, speaker extraction, speaker, speaker extraction aims **类目**: Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS); Sound (cs.SD) ***备注**: Bang Zeng,Ming Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-341-Exploring Citation Diversity in Scholarly Literature: An Entropy-Based Approach {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02592 **作者**: suchismita Banerjee,Abhik Ghosh,Banasri Basu **关键词**: Pareto law pattern, Pareto law scaling, follow Power law, distribution follow Power, http URL entropy **类目**: Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph); Digital Libraries (cs.DL) ***备注**: suchismita Banerjee,Abhik Ghosh,Banasri Basu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-342-Efficient Extraction of Noise-Robust Discrete Units from Self-Supervised Speech Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02565 **作者**: Jakob Poncelet,Yujun Wang,Hugo Van hamme **关键词**: deriving discrete units, discrete units, Continuous speech, self-supervised learned, SSL **类目**: Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS); Sound (cs.SD) ***备注**: Jakob Poncelet,Yujun Wang,Hugo Van hamme {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-343-A design of magnetic tunnel junctions for the deployment of neuromorphic hardware for edge computing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02528 **作者**: Davi Rodrigues,Eleonora Raimondo,Riccardo Tomasello,Mario Carpentieri,Giovanni Finocchio **关键词**: magnetic tunnel junctions, offer promising opportunities, electrically readable complex, readable complex dynamics, scalable magnetic tunnel **类目**: Applied Physics (physics.app-ph); Emerging Technologies (cs.ET) ***备注**: Davi Rodrigues,Eleonora Raimondo,Riccardo Tomasello,Mario Carpentieri,Giovanni Finocchio {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-344-Enforcing Katz and PageRank Centrality Measures in Complex Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02524 **作者**: Stefano Cipolla,Fabio Durastante,Beatrice Meini **关键词**: desired centrality measure, Katz centrality index, investigate the problem, problem of enforcing, enforcing a desired **类目**: Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph); Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Stefano Cipolla,Fabio Durastante,Beatrice Meini {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-345-A Learnable Color Correction Matrix for RAW Reconstruction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02497 **作者**: Anqi Liu,Shiyi Mu,Shugong Xu **关键词**: human visual system, Autonomous driving algorithms, model input due, employ sRGB images, Autonomous driving **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Anqi Liu,Shiyi Mu,Shugong Xu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-346-Demographic parity in regression and classification within the unawareness framework {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02471 **作者**: Vincent Divol(ENSAE Paris),Solenne Gaucher(ENSAE Paris, FAIRPLAY) **关键词**: optimal fair regression, fair regression function, fair regression, extending existing results, optimal fair **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Computers and Society (cs.CY); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Vincent Divol(ENSAE Paris),Solenne Gaucher(ENSAE Paris, FAIRPLAY) {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-347-CUEMPATHY: A Counseling Speech Dataset for Psychotherapy Research {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02466 **作者**: Dehua Tao,Harold Chui,Sarah Luk,Tan Lee **关键词**: typically conducted, conducted through spoken, spoken conversation, counseling sessions, Psychotherapy **类目**: Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS); Sound (cs.SD) ***备注**: Dehua Tao,Harold Chui,Sarah Luk,Tan Lee {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-348-On Oriented Diameter of Power Graphs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02457 **作者**: Deepu Benson,Bireswar Das,Dipan Dey,Jinia Ghosh **关键词**: oriented diameter, power graph, oriented, diameter, connected power graph **类目**: Combinatorics (math.CO); Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM) ***备注**: Deepu Benson,Bireswar Das,Dipan Dey,Jinia Ghosh {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-349-FrameCorr: Adaptive, Autoencoder-based Neural Compression for Video Reconstruction in Resource and Timing Constrained Network Settings {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02453 **作者**: John Li,Shehab Sarar Ahmed,Deepak Nair **关键词**: poses challenges due, Internet of Things, nearby servers poses, servers poses challenges, varying timing constraints **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Emerging Technologies (cs.ET); Multimedia (cs.MM) ***备注**: John Li,Shehab Sarar Ahmed,Deepak Nair {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-350-Fast, High-Quality and Parameter-Efficient Articulatory Synthesis using Differentiable DSP {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02451 **作者**: Yisi Liu,Bohan Yu,Drake Lin,Peter Wu,Cheol Jun Cho,Gopala Krishna Anumanchipalli **关键词**: vocal tract filter, electromagnetic articulography, trajectories like electromagnetic, vocal tract, tract filter **类目**: Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Sound (cs.SD) ***备注**: Yisi Liu,Bohan Yu,Drake Lin,Peter Wu,Cheol Jun Cho,Gopala Krishna Anumanchipalli {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-351-ransfer-based Adversarial Poisoning Attacks for Online (MIMO-)Deep Receviers {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02430 **作者**: Kunze Wu,Weiheng Jiang,Dusit Niyato,Yinghuan Li,Chuang Luo **关键词**: attracted extensive attention, complex channel environments, ensuring reliable communication, deep neural networks, attracted extensive **类目**: ignal Processing (eess.SP); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Kunze Wu,Weiheng Jiang,Dusit Niyato,Yinghuan Li,Chuang Luo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-352-Deep Brain Ultrasound Ablation Thermal Dose Modeling with in Vivo Experimental Validation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02395 **作者**: Zhanyue Zhao,Benjamin Szewczyk,Matthew Tarasek,Charles Bales,Yang Wang,Ming Liu,Yiwei Jiang,Chitresh Bhushan,Eric Fiveland,Zahabiya Campwala,Rachel Trowbridge,Phillip M. Johansen,Zachary Olmsted,Goutam Ghoshal,Tamas Heffter,Katie Gandomi,Farid Tavakkolmoghaddam,Christopher Nycz,Erin Jeannotte,Shweta Mane,Julia Nalwalk,E. Clif Burdette,Jiang Qian,Desmond Yeo,Julie Pilitsis,Gregory S. Fischer **关键词**: minimally invasive option, Intracorporeal needle-based therapeutic, thermal ablation procedures, Intracorporeal needle-based, needle-based therapeutic ultrasound **类目**: Medical Physics (physics.med-ph); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Zhanyue Zhao,Benjamin Szewczyk,Matthew Tarasek,Charles Bales,Yang Wang,Ming Liu,Yiwei Jiang,Chitresh Bhushan,Eric Fiveland,Zahabiya Campwala,Rachel Trowbridge,Phillip M. Johansen,Zachary Olmsted,Goutam Ghoshal,Tamas Heffter,Katie Gandomi,Farid Tavakkolmoghaddam,Christopher Nycz,Erin Jeannotte,Shweta Mane,Julia Nalwalk,E. Clif Burdette,Jiang Qian,Desmond Yeo,Julie Pilitsis,Gregory S. Fischer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-353-Scaling Laws for Economic Productivity: Experimental Evidence in LLM-Assisted Translation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02391 **作者**: Ali Merali **关键词**: Large Language Model, Large Language, Language Model, paper derives, empirical relationships **类目**: General Economics (econ.GN); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Ali Merali {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-354-Machine Learning Applications to Computational Plasma Physics and Reduced-Order Plasma Modeling: A Perspective {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02349 **作者**: Farbod Faraji,Maryam Reza **关键词**: Machine learning, augmenting domain knowledge, explainable science, plasma physics, broad spectrum **类目**: Plasma Physics (physics.plasm-ph); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computational Physics (physics.comp-ph) ***备注**: Farbod Faraji,Maryam Reza {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-355-Optimal sampling for least-squares approximation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02342 **作者**: Ben Adcock **关键词**: Least-squares approximation, important methods, methods for recovering, recovering an unknown, approximation **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Ben Adcock {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-356-Generative Principal Component Regression via Variational Inference {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02327 **作者**: Austin Talbot,Corey J Keller,David E Carlson,Alex V Kotlar **关键词**: manipulate complex systems, modify specific outcomes, complex systems, far-reaching implications, psychiatric disorders **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Austin Talbot,Corey J Keller,David E Carlson,Alex V Kotlar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-357-QID$^2$: An Image-Conditioned Diffusion Model for Q-space Up-sampling of DWI Data {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02309 **作者**: Zijian Chen,Jueqi Wang,Archana Venkataraman **关键词**: angular resolution DWI, low angular resolution, angular resolution, angular resolution acquisition, resolution DWI data **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Zijian Chen,Jueqi Wang,Archana Venkataraman {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-358-Speech Foundation Model Ensembles for the Controlled Singing Voice Deepfake Detection (CtrSVDD) Challenge 2024 {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02302 **作者**: Anmol Guragain,Tianchi Liu,Zihan Pan,Hardik B. Sailor,Qiongqiong Wang **关键词**: Voice Deepfake Detection, Controlled Singing Voice, deepfake singing voices, Singing Voice Deepfake, pooled equal error **类目**: Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Sound (cs.SD) ***备注**: Anmol Guragain,Tianchi Liu,Zihan Pan,Hardik B. Sailor,Qiongqiong Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-359-Accelerating Fortran Codes: A Method for Integrating Coarray Fortran with CUDA Fortran and OpenMP {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02294 **作者**: James McKevitt,Eduard I. Vorobyov,Igor Kulikov **关键词**: language remains attractive, Nvidia CUDA Fortran, Intel Coarray Fortran, scientific computing requires, computing requires strategies **类目**: Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics (astro-ph.IM); Solar and Stellar Astrophysics (astro-ph.SR); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Programming Languages (cs.PL) ***备注**: James McKevitt,Eduard I. Vorobyov,Igor Kulikov {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-360-hermal Inverse design for resistive micro-heaters {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02262 **作者**: Khoi Phuong Dao,Juejun Hu **关键词**: inverse design scheme, paper proposes, proposes an inverse, inverse design, design scheme **类目**: Applied Physics (physics.app-ph); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Khoi Phuong Dao,Juejun Hu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-361-Personalized and uncertainty-aware coronary hemodynamics simulations: From Bayesian estimation to improved multi-fidelity uncertainty quantification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02247 **作者**: Karthik Menon,Andrea Zanoni,Owais Khan,Gianluca Geraci,Koen Nieman,Daniele E. Schiavazzi,Alison L. Marsden **关键词**: non-invasive clinical risk, clinical risk stratification, Monte Carlo, coronary artery disease, multi-fidelity Monte Carlo **类目**: Fluid Dynamics (physics.flu-dyn); Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE); Statistics Theory (math.ST); Computational Physics (physics.comp-ph); Medical Physics (physics.med-ph) ***备注**: Karthik Menon,Andrea Zanoni,Owais Khan,Gianluca Geraci,Koen Nieman,Daniele E. Schiavazzi,Alison L. Marsden {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-362-What makes a face looks like a hat: Decoupling low-level and high-level Visual Properties with Image Triplets {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02241 **作者**: Maytus Piriyajitakonkij,Sirawaj Itthipuripat,Ian Ballard,Ioannis Pappas **关键词**: visual decision making, low-level features, decision making, strong influence, high neural predictivity **类目**: Neurons and Cognition (q-bio.NC); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Maytus Piriyajitakonkij,Sirawaj Itthipuripat,Ian Ballard,Ioannis Pappas {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-363-SmileyLlama: Modifying Large Language Models for Directed Chemical Space Exploration {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02231 **作者**: Joseph M. Cavanagh,Kunyang Sun,Andrew Gritsevskiy,Dorian Bagni,Thomas D. Bannister,Teresa Head-Gordon **关键词**: Large Language Model, Chemical Language Model, chemical SMILES string, SMILES string data, Language Model **类目**: Chemical Physics (physics.chem-ph); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Joseph M. Cavanagh,Kunyang Sun,Andrew Gritsevskiy,Dorian Bagni,Thomas D. Bannister,Teresa Head-Gordon {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-364-Effective Distance of Higher Dimensional HGPs and Weight-Reduced Quantum LDPC Codes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02193 **作者**: Shi Jie Samuel Tan,Lev Stambler **关键词**: quantum low-density parity-check, quantum computation, Quantum error correction, quantum low-density, Quantum **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Shi Jie Samuel Tan,Lev Stambler {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-365-COmoving Computer Acceleration (COCA): $N$-body simulations in an emulated frame of reference {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02154 **作者**: Deaglan J. Bartlett,Marco Chiarenza,Ludvig Doeser,Florent Leclercq **关键词**: based emulation techniques, emulation errors, techniques have emerged, emulation, COmoving Computer Acceleration **类目**: Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics (astro-ph.IM); Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics (astro-ph.CO); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Deaglan J. Bartlett,Marco Chiarenza,Ludvig Doeser,Florent Leclercq {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-366-Hazardous Asteroids Classification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02150 **作者**: Thai Duy Quy,Alvin Buana,Josh Lee,Rakha Asyrofi **关键词**: future impact events, predict future impact, impact events, classify hazardous asteroids, huge impact **类目**: Earth and Planetary Astrophysics (astro-ph.EP); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Thai Duy Quy,Alvin Buana,Josh Lee,Rakha Asyrofi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-367-Uncertainty Quantification Using Ensemble Learning and Monte Carlo Sampling for Performance Prediction and Monitoring in Cell Culture Processes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02149 **作者**: Thanh Tung Khuat,Robert Bassett,Ellen Otte,Bogdan Gabrys **关键词**: pharmaceutical market due, monoclonal antibodies, gained prominence, market due, high specificity **类目**: Quantitative Methods (q-bio.QM); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Thanh Tung Khuat,Robert Bassett,Ellen Otte,Bogdan Gabrys {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-368-CMOB: Large-Scale Cancer Multi-Omics Benchmark with Open Datasets, Tasks, and Baselines {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02143 **作者**: Ziwei Yang,Rikuto Kotoge,Zheng Chen,Xihao Piao,Yasuko Matsubara,Yasushi Sakurai **关键词**: offering incredible opportunities, advancing precision medicine, shown great potential, offering incredible, precision medicine **类目**: Genomics (q-bio.GN); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Ziwei Yang,Rikuto Kotoge,Zheng Chen,Xihao Piao,Yasuko Matsubara,Yasushi Sakurai {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-369-Recognition of Schrodinger cat state based on CNN {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02132 **作者**: Tao Zhang,Chaoying Zhao **关键词**: coherent states, cat states, states, Schrodinger cat states, applied convolutional neural **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Tao Zhang,Chaoying Zhao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-370-Machine Learning Framework for High-Resolution Air Temperature Downscaling Using LiDAR-Derived Urban Morphological Features {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02120 **作者**: Fatemeh Chajaei,Hossein Bagheri **关键词**: requiring computationally intensive, computationally intensive processes, air temperature, urban climate studies, Climate models lack **类目**: Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics (physics.ao-ph); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Fatemeh Chajaei,Hossein Bagheri {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-371-Global Public Sentiment on Decentralized Finance: A Spatiotemporal Analysis of Geo-tagged Tweets from 150 Countries {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.00843 **作者**: Yuqi Chen,Yifan Li,Kyrie Zhixuan Zhou,Xiaokang Fu,Lingbo Liu,Shuming Bao,Daniel Sui,Luyao Zhang **关键词**: blockchain technology, digital era, non-fungible tokens, transformed financial, sentiment **类目**: General Economics (econ.GN); Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE); Computers and Society (cs.CY); Computational Finance (q-fin.CP); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Yuqi Chen,Yifan Li,Kyrie Zhixuan Zhou,Xiaokang Fu,Lingbo Liu,Shuming Bao,Daniel Sui,Luyao Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %}