{% note blue no-icon %} ID-0-Lexicon3D: Probing Visual Foundation Models for Complex 3D Scene Understanding {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03757 **作者**: Yunze Man,Shuhong Zheng,Zhipeng Bao,Martial Hebert,Liang-Yan Gui,Yu-Xiong Wang **关键词**: gained increasing attention, scene encoding strategies, encoding strategies playing, increasing attention, gained increasing **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Yunze Man,Shuhong Zheng,Zhipeng Bao,Martial Hebert,Liang-Yan Gui,Yu-Xiong Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-1-DC-Solver: Improving Predictor-Corrector Diffusion Sampler via Dynamic Compensation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03755 **作者**: Wenliang Zhao,Haolin Wang,Jie Zhou,Jiwen Lu **关键词**: Diffusion probabilistic models, computationally expensive due, shown remarkable performance, predictor-corrector diffusion samplers, probabilistic models **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Wenliang Zhao,Haolin Wang,Jie Zhou,Jiwen Lu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-2-Foundation Model or Finetune? Evaluation of few-shot semantic segmentation for river pollution {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03754 **作者**: Marga Don,Stijn Pinson,Blanca Guillen Cebrian,Yuki M. Asano **关键词**: Foundation models, popular topic, topic of research, Foundation, Abstract **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Marga Don,Stijn Pinson,Blanca Guillen Cebrian,Yuki M. Asano {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-3-WildVis: Open Source Visualizer for Million-Scale Chat Logs in the Wild {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03753 **作者**: Yuntian Deng,Wenting Zhao,Jack Hessel,Xiang Ren,Claire Cardie,Yejin Choi **关键词**: offers exciting opportunities, data offers exciting, study user-chatbot interactions, conversation data offers, real-world conversation data **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Yuntian Deng,Wenting Zhao,Jack Hessel,Xiang Ren,Claire Cardie,Yejin Choi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-4-Attention Heads of Large Language Models: A Survey {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03752 **作者**: Zifan Zheng,Yezhaohui Wang,Yuxin Huang,Shichao Song,Bo Tang,Feiyu Xiong,Zhiyu Li **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, Language Models, advent of ChatGPT, black-box systems **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Zifan Zheng,Yezhaohui Wang,Yuxin Huang,Shichao Song,Bo Tang,Feiyu Xiong,Zhiyu Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-5-Randomized Lower Bounds for Tarski Fixed Points in High Dimensions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03751 **作者**: Simina Brânzei,Reed Phillips,Nicholas Recker **关键词**: Tarski theorem, monotone function defined, Knaster-Tarski theorem, fixed point, complete lattice **类目**: Computational Complexity (cs.CC); Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT) ***备注**: Simina Brânzei,Reed Phillips,Nicholas Recker {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-6-Dynamics of Supervised and Reinforcement Learning in the Non-Linear Perceptron {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03749 **作者**: Christian Schmid,James M. Murray **关键词**: efficiently learn depends, learn depends crucially, learning, equations describing learning, efficiently learn **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Neurons and Cognition (q-bio.NC); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Christian Schmid,James M. Murray {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-7-ArtiFade: Learning to Generate High-quality Subject from Blemished Images {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03745 **作者**: Shuya Yang,Shaozhe Hao,Yukang Cao,Kwan-Yee K. Wong **关键词**: witnessed remarkable advancements, generation has witnessed, witnessed remarkable, remarkable advancements, ability to learn **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Shuya Yang,Shaozhe Hao,Yukang Cao,Kwan-Yee K. Wong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-8-Libra: Architectural Support For Principled, Secure And Efficient Balanced Execution On High-End Processors (Extended Version) {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03743 **作者**: Hans Winderix,Marton Bognar,Lesly-Ann Daniel,Frank Piessens **关键词**: expose control-flow decisions, side-channel observations, attacker to expose, Control-flow leakage, expose control-flow **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Hans Winderix,Marton Bognar,Lesly-Ann Daniel,Frank Piessens {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-9-Understanding Data Importance in Machine Learning Attacks: Does Valuable Data Pose Greater Harm? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03741 **作者**: Rui Wen,Michael Backes,Yang Zhang **关键词**: revolutionized numerous domains, enabling data-centric processes, Machine learning, numerous domains, playing a crucial **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Rui Wen,Michael Backes,Yang Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-10-Differentiable Discrete Event Simulation for Queuing Network Control {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03740 **作者**: Ethan Che,Jing Dong,Hongseok Namkoong **关键词**: Queuing network control, Queuing network, manufacturing processes, essential for managing, managing congestion **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Systems and Control (eess.SY); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: Ethan Che,Jing Dong,Hongseok Namkoong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-11-Reprogrammable sequencing for physically intelligent under-actuated robots {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03737 **作者**: Leon M. Kamp,Mohamed Zanaty,Ahmad Zareei,Benjamin Gorissen,Robert J. Wood,Katia Bertoldi **关键词**: Programming physical intelligence, holds great promise, mechanisms holds great, Programming physical, electronic components **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Other Condensed Matter (cond-mat.other) ***备注**: Leon M. Kamp,Mohamed Zanaty,Ahmad Zareei,Benjamin Gorissen,Robert J. Wood,Katia Bertoldi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-12-LLM-CI: Assessing Contextual Integrity Norms in Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03735 **作者**: Yan Shvartzshnaider,Vasisht Duddu,John Lacalamita **关键词**: Large language models, training data scraped, Large language, inadvertently encode societal, encode societal preferences **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Yan Shvartzshnaider,Vasisht Duddu,John Lacalamita {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-13-Safety vs. Performance: How Multi-Objective Learning Reduces Barriers to Market Entry {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03734 **作者**: Meena Jagadeesan,Michael I. Jordan,Jacob Steinhardt **关键词**: large-scale machine learning, Emerging marketplaces, exhibit market concentration, barriers to entry, machine learning **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computers and Society (cs.CY); General Economics (econ.GN); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Meena Jagadeesan,Michael I. Jordan,Jacob Steinhardt {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-14-Planning In Natural Language Improves LLM Search For Code Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03733 **作者**: Evan Wang,Federico Cassano,Catherine Wu,Yunfeng Bai,Will Song,Vaskar Nath,Ziwen Han,Sean Hendryx,Summer Yue,Hugh Zhang **关键词**: scaling training compute, scaling inference compute, yielded analogous gains, training compute, compute has led **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Evan Wang,Federico Cassano,Catherine Wu,Yunfeng Bai,Will Song,Vaskar Nath,Ziwen Han,Sean Hendryx,Summer Yue,Hugh Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-15-A Logarithmic Decomposition and a Signed Measure Space for Entropy {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03732 **作者**: Keenan J. A. Down,Pedro A. M. Mediano **关键词**: signed measure, tilde, Shannon entropy, behaviour analogous, abstract sets **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Keenan J. A. Down,Pedro A. M. Mediano {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-16-A Deep Generative Learning Approach for Two-stage Adaptive Robust Optimization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03731 **作者**: Aron Brenner,Rahman Khorramfar,Jennifer Sun,Saurabh Amin **关键词**: recourse decisions made, Two-stage adaptive robust, first-stage decisions, decisions made, adaptive robust optimization **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Aron Brenner,Rahman Khorramfar,Jennifer Sun,Saurabh Amin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-17-Design of CANSAT for Air Quality Monitoring for an altitude of 900 meters {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03727 **作者**: Soma Kunal Raj,Yalamanchili Surya Teja,Sridevi Jalakam **关键词**: CANSAT specifically designed, development of NAMBI-VJ, paper presents, presents the design, design and development **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Soma Kunal Raj,Yalamanchili Surya Teja,Sridevi Jalakam {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-18-Confidential Computing Transparency {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03720 **作者**: Ceren Kocaoğullar,Tina Marjanov,Ivan Petrov,Ben Laurie,Al Cutter,Christoph Kern,Alice Hutchings,Alastair R. Beresford **关键词**: Trusted Execution Environments, hardware-based Trusted Execution, leveraging hardware-based Trusted, Execution Environments, Trusted Execution **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Ceren Kocaoğullar,Tina Marjanov,Ivan Petrov,Ben Laurie,Al Cutter,Christoph Kern,Alice Hutchings,Alastair R. Beresford {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-19-Geometry Image Diffusion: Fast and Data-Efficient Text-to-3D with Image-Based Surface Representation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03718 **作者**: Slava Elizarov,Ciara Rowles,Simon Donné **关键词**: textual descriptions remains, challenging problem due, Geometry Image Diffusion, computational cost, Generating high-quality **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Graphics (cs.GR) ***备注**: Slava Elizarov,Ciara Rowles,Simon Donné {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-20-Sample-Efficient Diffusion for Text-To-Speech Synthesis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03717 **作者**: Justin Lovelace,Soham Ray,Kwangyoun Kim,Kilian Q. Weinberger,Felix Wu **关键词**: work introduces Sample-Efficient, introduces Sample-Efficient Speech, effective speech synthesis, modest data regimes, Sample-Efficient Speech Diffusion **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Justin Lovelace,Soham Ray,Kwangyoun Kim,Kilian Q. Weinberger,Felix Wu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-21-Applications and Advances of Artificial Intelligence in Music Generation:A Review {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03715 **作者**: Yanxu Chen,Linshu Huang,Tian Gou **关键词**: made significant progress, music generation, artificial intelligence, recent years, driving innovation **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Yanxu Chen,Linshu Huang,Tian Gou {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-22-Clustering of Indonesian and Western Gamelan Orchestras through Machine Learning of Performance Parameters {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03713 **作者**: Simon Linke,Gerrit Wendt,Rolf Bader **关键词**: Western ensembles, Indonesian and Western, Western, Indonesian, large-scale form differences **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Simon Linke,Gerrit Wendt,Rolf Bader {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-23-Inverse decision-making using neural amortized Bayesian actors {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03710 **作者**: Dominik Straub,Tobias F. Niehues,Jan Peters,Constantin A. Rothkopf **关键词**: provided normative explanations, sensorimotor control, phenomena in perception, science and neuroscience, provided normative **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Neurons and Cognition (q-bio.NC); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Dominik Straub,Tobias F. Niehues,Jan Peters,Constantin A. Rothkopf {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-24-RAG based Question-Answering for Contextual Response Prediction System {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03708 **作者**: Sriram Veturi,Saurabh Vaichal,Nafis Irtiza Tripto,Reshma Lal Jagadheesh,Nian Yan **关键词**: Large Language Models, Natural Language Processing, Large Language, Language Models, Language Processing **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Sriram Veturi,Saurabh Vaichal,Nafis Irtiza Tripto,Reshma Lal Jagadheesh,Nian Yan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-25-A Different Level Text Protection Mechanism With Differential Privacy {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03707 **作者**: Qingwen Fu **关键词**: BERT pre-training model, BERT pre-training, pre-training model, model and proves, proves the effectiveness **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Qingwen Fu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-26-LAST: Language Model Aware Speech Tokenization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03701 **作者**: Arnon Turetzky,Yossi Adi **关键词**: perform various tasks, Speech, Speech tokenization serves, spoken language modeling, tokenization serves **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Sound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Arnon Turetzky,Yossi Adi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-27-Constituent automorphism decoding of Reed-Muller codes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03700 **作者**: Yicheng Qu,Amir Tasbihi,Frank R. Kschischang **关键词**: performance versus complexity, versus complexity trade-offs, soft-decision decoding algorithm, Automorphism-ensemble decoding, Plotkin constituents **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Yicheng Qu,Amir Tasbihi,Frank R. Kschischang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-28-Classification and Prediction of Heart Diseases using Machine Learning Algorithms {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03697 **作者**: Akua Sekyiwaa Osei-Nkwantabisa,Redeemer Ntumy **关键词**: Heart disease, worldwide health issue, Heart, predicting heart diseases, disease **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Akua Sekyiwaa Osei-Nkwantabisa,Redeemer Ntumy {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-29-Gathering Information about a Graph by Counting Walks from a Single Vertex {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03690 **作者**: Frank Fuhlbrück,Johannes Köbler,Oleg Verbitsky,Maksim Zhukovskii **关键词**: connected rooted graphs, connected rooted, graph, vertex, connected graph **类目**: Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM); Combinatorics (math.CO) ***备注**: Frank Fuhlbrück,Johannes Köbler,Oleg Verbitsky,Maksim Zhukovskii {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-30-Numerical spectral analysis of Cauchy-type inverse problems: A probabilistic approach {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03686 **作者**: Iulian Cîmpean,Andreea Grecu,Liviu Marin **关键词**: inverse Cauchy problems, partial differential equations, called data-completion problems, inverse problems, elliptic partial differential **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Analysis of PDEs (math.AP) ***备注**: Iulian Cîmpean,Andreea Grecu,Liviu Marin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-31-View-Invariant Policy Learning via Zero-Shot Novel View Synthesis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03685 **作者**: Stephen Tian,Blake Wulfe,Kyle Sargent,Katherine Liu,Sergey Zakharov,Vitor Guizilini,Jiajun Wu **关键词**: Large-scale visuomotor policy, visuomotor policy learning, generalizable manipulation systems, visuomotor policy, promising approach **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Stephen Tian,Blake Wulfe,Kyle Sargent,Katherine Liu,Sergey Zakharov,Vitor Guizilini,Jiajun Wu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-32-A New First-Order Meta-Learning Algorithm with Convergence Guarantees {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03682 **作者**: El Mahdi Chayti,Martin Jaggi **关键词**: prior experience gathered, Learning new tasks, intelligent system, drawing on prior, prior experience **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: El Mahdi Chayti,Martin Jaggi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-33-Space-Efficient Algorithm for Integer Programming with Few Constraints {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03681 **作者**: Lars Rohwedder,Karol Węgrzycki **关键词**: mathbb, Integer linear programs, Delta, number of constraints, solved in pseudopolynomial **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ***备注**: Lars Rohwedder,Karol Węgrzycki {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-34-Fine-Grained Equivalence for Problems Related to Integer Linear Programming {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03675 **作者**: Lars Rohwedder,Karol Węgrzycki **关键词**: Integer Linear Programming, Integer Linear, Linear Programming, Discrepancy Minimization, Set Cover **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Computational Complexity (cs.CC) ***备注**: Lars Rohwedder,Karol Węgrzycki {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-35-Practical Forecasting of Cryptocoins Timeseries using Correlation Patterns {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03674 **作者**: Pasquale De Rosa,Pascal Felber,Valerio Schiavoni **关键词**: tradable digital assets, digital assets, tradable digital, Cryptocoins, Litecoin **类目**: Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Pasquale De Rosa,Pascal Felber,Valerio Schiavoni {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-36-Wind turbine condition monitoring based on intra- and inter-farm federated learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03672 **作者**: Albin Grataloup,Stefan Jonas,Angela Meyer **关键词**: maximizing energy production, wind energy adoption, wind, adoption is growing, ensuring the efficient **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Albin Grataloup,Stefan Jonas,Angela Meyer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-37-RACE-cs: Trustworthy Reasoning for Contrastive Explanations in Course Scheduling Problems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03671 **作者**: Stylianos Loukas Vasileiou,William Yeoh **关键词**: large language models, address contrastive queries, combines symbolic reasoning, hybrid system, system that combines **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Stylianos Loukas Vasileiou,William Yeoh {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-38-A Fused Large Language Model for Predicting Startup Success {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03668 **作者**: Abdurahman Maarouf,Stefan Feuerriegel,Nicolas Pröllochs **关键词**: continuously seeking profitable, predict startup success, continuously seeking, startup success, startup **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Abdurahman Maarouf,Stefan Feuerriegel,Nicolas Pröllochs {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-39-hreat Classification on Deployed Optical Networks Using MIMO Digital Fiber Sensing, Wavelets, and Machine Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03667 **作者**: Khouloud Abdelli,Henrique Pavani,Christian Dorize,Sterenn Guerrier,Haik Mardoyan,Patricia Layec,Jeremie Renaudier **关键词**: leveraging wavelet transform, operational network link, demonstrate mechanical threats, mechanical threats classification, threats classification including **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Khouloud Abdelli,Henrique Pavani,Christian Dorize,Sterenn Guerrier,Haik Mardoyan,Patricia Layec,Jeremie Renaudier {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-40-Weather-Adaptive Multi-Step Forecasting of State of Polarization Changes in Aerial Fibers Using Wavelet Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03663 **作者**: Khouloud Abdelli,Matteo Lonardi,Jurgen Gripp,Samuel Olsson Fabien Boitier,Patricia Layec **关键词**: aerial fiber links, multi-scale SOP, fiber links, aerial fiber, weather-adaptive approach **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Khouloud Abdelli,Matteo Lonardi,Jurgen Gripp,Samuel Olsson Fabien Boitier,Patricia Layec {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-41-he representation landscape of few-shot learning and fine-tuning in large language models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03662 **作者**: Diego Doimo,Alessandro Serra,Alessio Ansuini,Alberto Cazzaniga **关键词**: In-context learning, modern large language, supervised fine-tuning, modern large, large language models **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Diego Doimo,Alessandro Serra,Alessio Ansuini,Alberto Cazzaniga {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-42-LLM-based multi-agent poetry generation in non-cooperative environments {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03659 **作者**: Ran Zhang,Steffen Eger **关键词**: training process differs, process differs greatly, poetry generation, large language models, generated poetry lacks **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Ran Zhang,Steffen Eger {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-43-A DNN Biophysics Model with Topological and Electrostatic Features {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03658 **作者**: Elyssa Sliheet,Md Abu Talha,Weihua Geng **关键词**: based biophysics model, deep-learning neural network, based biophysics, predict protein properties, features **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Mathematical Physics (math-ph) ***备注**: Elyssa Sliheet,Md Abu Talha,Weihua Geng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-44-Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Localization with Generative Adversarial Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03657 **作者**: Khouloud Abdelli,Matteo Lonardi,Jurgen Gripp,Samuel Olsson,Fabien Boitier,Patricia Layec **关键词**: unsupervised anomaly detection, anomaly detection approach, generative adversarial networks, SOP-derived spectrograms, unsupervised anomaly **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Khouloud Abdelli,Matteo Lonardi,Jurgen Gripp,Samuel Olsson,Fabien Boitier,Patricia Layec {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-45-On the Limited Generalization Capability of the Implicit Reward Model Induced by Direct Preference Optimization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03650 **作者**: Yong Lin,Skyler Seto,Maartje ter Hoeve,Katherine Metcalf,Barry-John Theobald,Xuan Wang,Yizhe Zhang,Chen Huang,Tong Zhang **关键词**: Human Feedback, Reinforcement Learning, aligning language models, Direct Preference Optimization, human preferences **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Yong Lin,Skyler Seto,Maartje ter Hoeve,Katherine Metcalf,Barry-John Theobald,Xuan Wang,Yizhe Zhang,Chen Huang,Tong Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-46-Limited but consistent gains in adversarial robustness by co-training object recognition models with human EEG {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03646 **作者**: Manshan Guo,Bhavin Choksi,Sari Sadiya,Alessandro T. Gifford,Martina G. Vilas,Radoslaw M. Cichy,Gemma Roig **关键词**: artificial neural networks, artificial neural, neural networks, remain relatively susceptible, EEG prediction accuracy **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Manshan Guo,Bhavin Choksi,Sari Sadiya,Alessandro T. Gifford,Martina G. Vilas,Radoslaw M. Cichy,Gemma Roig {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-47-RealisHuman: A Two-Stage Approach for Refining Malformed Human Parts in Generated Images {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03644 **作者**: Benzhi Wang,Jingkai Zhou,Jingqi Bai,Yang Yang,Weihua Chen,Fan Wang,Zhen Lei **关键词**: Generative Adversarial Networks, Adversarial Networks, Generative Adversarial, outperforming traditional frameworks, revolutionized visual generation **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Benzhi Wang,Jingkai Zhou,Jingqi Bai,Yang Yang,Weihua Chen,Fan Wang,Zhen Lei {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-48-CDM: A Reliable Metric for Fair and Accurate Formula Recognition Evaluation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03643 **作者**: Bin Wang,Fan Wu,Linke Ouyang,Zhuangcheng Gu,Rui Zhang,Renqiu Xia,Bo Zhang,Conghui He **关键词**: presents significant challenges, significant challenges due, recognition presents significant, Formula recognition presents, Formula recognition **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Bin Wang,Fan Wu,Linke Ouyang,Zhuangcheng Gu,Rui Zhang,Renqiu Xia,Bo Zhang,Conghui He {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-49-Surface-Centric Modeling for High-Fidelity Generalizable Neural Surface Reconstruction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03634 **作者**: Rui Peng,Shihe Shen,Kaiqiang Xiong,Huachen Gao,Jianbo Jiao,Xiaodong Gu,Ronggang Wang **关键词**: attracted widespread attention, Reconstructing the high-fidelity, multi-view images, recent years, critical and practical **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Rui Peng,Shihe Shen,Kaiqiang Xiong,Huachen Gao,Jianbo Jiao,Xiaodong Gu,Ronggang Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-50-Beyond Model Interpretability: Socio-Structural Explanations in Machine Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03632 **作者**: Andrew Smart,Atoosa Kasirzadeh **关键词**: machine learning, machine learning models, opaque machine learning, learning, machine **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Andrew Smart,Atoosa Kasirzadeh {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-51-Generalizing Linear Graphs and Bond Graph Models with Hetero-functional Graphs for System-of-Systems Engineering Applications {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03630 **作者**: Ehsanoddin Ghorbanichemazkati,Amro M. Farid **关键词**: individual technology products, infrastructure networks, communication infrastructure, graphs, individual technology **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Ehsanoddin Ghorbanichemazkati,Amro M. Farid {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-52-Large-Area Conductor-Loaded PDMS Dielectric Composites for High-Sensitivity Wireless and Chipless Electromagnetic Temperature Sensors {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03628 **作者**: Benjamin King(1),Nikolas Bruce(1),Mahmoud Wagih(1) ((1) University of Glasgow, James Watt School of Engineering, Glasgow, UK) **关键词**: Wireless electromagnetic sensing, non-destructive technique, technique for measuring, measuring physical, physical and chemical **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Benjamin King(1),Nikolas Bruce(1),Mahmoud Wagih(1) ((1) University of Glasgow, James Watt School of Engineering, Glasgow, UK) {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-53-On the Compliance of Self-Sovereign Identity with GDPR Principles: A Critical Review {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03624 **作者**: Abubakar-Sadiq Shehu **关键词**: Identity Management Systems, Management Systems, Identity Management, authorised on e-services, data **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Abubakar-Sadiq Shehu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-54-Attend First, Consolidate Later: On the Importance of Attention in Different LLM Layers {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03621 **作者**: Amit Ben Artzy,Roy Schwartz **关键词**: serves two purposes, attention mechanism, mechanism of future, layer serves, current token **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Amit Ben Artzy,Roy Schwartz {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-55-1 Modular Parallel Manipulator for Long-Term Soft Robotic Data Collection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03614 **作者**: Kiyn Chin,Carmel Majidi,Abhinav Gupta **关键词**: large-scale data collection, Performing long-term experimentation, Performing long-term, experimental flexibility required, large-scale data **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Kiyn Chin,Carmel Majidi,Abhinav Gupta {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-56-VFLGAN-TS: Vertical Federated Learning-based Generative Adversarial Networks for Publication of Vertically Partitioned Time-Series Data {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03612 **作者**: Xun Yuan,Zilong Zhao,Prosanta Gope,Biplab Sikdar **关键词**: current artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence, current artificial, scale and quality, play a crucial **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Xun Yuan,Zilong Zhao,Prosanta Gope,Biplab Sikdar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-57-Reimagining Data Visualization to Address Sustainability Goals {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03611 **作者**: Narges Mahyar **关键词**: Information visualization holds, holds significant potential, accessible visual formats, visualization holds significant, enhance public understanding **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Narges Mahyar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-58-SegTalker: Segmentation-based Talking Face Generation with Mask-guided Local Editing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03605 **作者**: Lingyu Xiong,Xize Cheng,Jintao Tan,Xianjia Wu,Xiandong Li,Lei Zhu,Fei Ma,Minglei Li,Huang Xu,Zhihu Hu **关键词**: Audio-driven talking face, face generation aims, Audio-driven talking, input audio, talking face generation **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Multimedia (cs.MM) ***备注**: Lingyu Xiong,Xize Cheng,Jintao Tan,Xianjia Wu,Xiandong Li,Lei Zhu,Fei Ma,Minglei Li,Huang Xu,Zhihu Hu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-59-CDiff: Triple Condition Diffusion Model with 3D Constraints for Stylizing Synthetic Faces {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03600 **作者**: Bernardo Biesseck,Pedro Vidal,Luiz Coelho,Roger Granada,David Menotti| **关键词**: Condition Diffusion Model, Triple Condition Diffusion, include a large, large number, numerous samples **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Bernardo Biesseck,Pedro Vidal,Luiz Coelho,Roger Granada,David Menotti| {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-60-A practical approach to evaluating the adversarial distance for machine learning classifiers {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03598 **作者**: Georg Siedel,Ekagra Gupta,Andrey Morozov **关键词**: ensure consistent performance, adversarial, machine learning, adversarial robustness, critical for machine **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Georg Siedel,Ekagra Gupta,Andrey Morozov {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-61-Multimodal Laryngoscopic Video Analysis for Assisted Diagnosis of Vocal Cord Paralysis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03597 **作者**: Yucong Zhang,Xin Zou,Jinshan Yang,Wenjun Chen,Faya Liang,Ming Li **关键词**: Multimodal Analyzing System, automatically extract key, extract key segments, presents the Multimodal, laryngeal videostroboscopic videos **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Yucong Zhang,Xin Zou,Jinshan Yang,Wenjun Chen,Faya Liang,Ming Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-62-Constant Approximating Disjoint Paths on Acyclic Digraphs is W[1]-hard {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03596 **作者**: Michał Włodarczyk **关键词**: Max Disjoint Paths, Disjoint Paths, Disjoint Paths problem, Max Disjoint, Disjoint **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ***备注**: Michał Włodarczyk {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-63-A Complete Landscape of EFX Allocations of Mixed Manna on Graphs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03594 **作者**: Yu Zhou,Tianze Wei,Minming Li,Bo Li **关键词**: graphs where vertices, marginal, EFX, items, edges represent agents **类目**: Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT) ***备注**: Yu Zhou,Tianze Wei,Minming Li,Bo Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-64-Costs Estimation in Unit Commitment Problems using Simulation-Based Inference {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03588 **作者**: Matthias Pirlet,Adrien Bolland,Gilles Louppe,Damien Ernst **关键词**: Unit Commitment, key optimization task, finite time period, power units, power systems **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Matthias Pirlet,Adrien Bolland,Gilles Louppe,Damien Ernst {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-65-xt-Guided Mixup Towards Long-Tailed Image Categorization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03583 **作者**: Richard Franklin,Jiawei Yao,Deyang Zhong,Qi Qian,Juhua Hu **关键词**: require heavy amounts, training deep neural, challenges traditional approaches, deep neural networks, class label distribution **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Richard Franklin,Jiawei Yao,Deyang Zhong,Qi Qian,Juhua Hu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-66-Disjoint Compatibility via Graph Classes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03579 **作者**: Oswin Aichholzer,Julia Obmann,Pavel Paták,Daniel Perz,Josef Tkadlec,Birgit Vogtenhuber **关键词**: mathcal, called disjoint compatible, plane, convex point set, plane drawings **类目**: Computational Geometry (cs.CG) ***备注**: Oswin Aichholzer,Julia Obmann,Pavel Paták,Daniel Perz,Josef Tkadlec,Birgit Vogtenhuber {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-67-CHIRPs: Change-Induced Regret Proxy metrics for Lifelong Reinforcement Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03577 **作者**: John Birkbeck,Adam Sobey,Federico Cerutti,Katherine Heseltine Hurley Flynn,Timothy J. Norman **关键词**: costly to train, train and fragile, Reinforcement learning, CHIRP, Reinforcement learning agents **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: John Birkbeck,Adam Sobey,Federico Cerutti,Katherine Heseltine Hurley Flynn,Timothy J. Norman {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-68-Weight enumerators of self-dual quantum codes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03576 **作者**: Yin Chen,Shan Ren **关键词**: self-dual quantum codes, quantum codes, weight enumerators, self-dual quantum, enumerators of self-dual **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Yin Chen,Shan Ren {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-69-QuAK: Quantitative Automata Kit {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03569 **作者**: Marek Chalupa,Thomas A. Henzinger,Nicolas Mazzocchi,N. Ege Saraç **关键词**: properties involving quantitative, involving quantitative aspects, classifications of correctness, traditionally evaluated, evaluated through binary **类目**: Formal Languages and Automata Theory (cs.FL) ***备注**: Marek Chalupa,Thomas A. Henzinger,Nicolas Mazzocchi,N. Ege Saraç {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-70-Enabling Practical and Privacy-Preserving Image Processing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03568 **作者**: Chao Wang,Shubing Yang,Xiaoyan Sun,Jun Dai,Dongfang Zhao **关键词**: Fully Homomorphic Encryption, Fully Homomorphic, enables computations, preserving confidentiality, computations on encrypted **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Chao Wang,Shubing Yang,Xiaoyan Sun,Jun Dai,Dongfang Zhao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-71-Meshless quadrature formulas arising from numerical differentiation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03567 **作者**: Oleg Davydov,Bruno Degli Esposti **关键词**: simultaneously generating high, generating high order, integrals over Lipschitz, order quadrature weights, moment computation **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Oleg Davydov,Bruno Degli Esposti {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-72-100 instances is all you need: predicting the success of a new LLM on unseen data by testing on a few instances {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03563 **作者**: Lorenzo Pacchiardi,Lucy G. Cheke,José Hernández-Orallo **关键词**: individual task instances, task instances, LLM, performance, instances **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Lorenzo Pacchiardi,Lucy G. Cheke,José Hernández-Orallo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-73-Communication-Assisted Sensing Systems: Fundamental Limits and ISAC Waveform Design {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03561 **作者**: Fuwang Dong,Fan Liu,Yifeng Xiong,Yuanhao Cui,Wei Wang,Shi Jin **关键词**: additional sensors, CAS systems, optimal waveform design, expected to endow, endow the users **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Fuwang Dong,Fan Liu,Yifeng Xiong,Yuanhao Cui,Wei Wang,Shi Jin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-74-MaskVal: Simple but Effective Uncertainty Quantification for 6D Pose Estimation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03556 **作者**: Philipp Quentin,Daniel Goehring **关键词**: predictable operational performance, utmost importance, importance to ensure, predictable operational, pose **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Philipp Quentin,Daniel Goehring {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-75-Unified Framework for Neural Network Compression via Decomposition and Optimal Rank Selection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03555 **作者**: Ali Aghababaei-Harandi,Massih-Reza Amini **关键词**: complex neural networks, significant computational resources, neural networks demand, networks demand significant, demand significant computational **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Ali Aghababaei-Harandi,Massih-Reza Amini {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-76-Organized Grouped Discrete Representation for Object-Centric Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03553 **作者**: Rongzhen Zhao,Vivienne Wang,Juho Kannala,Joni Pajarinen **关键词**: represents dense image, represents dense, Variational Autoencoder, Grouped Discrete Representation, dense image **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Rongzhen Zhao,Vivienne Wang,Juho Kannala,Joni Pajarinen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-77-On the Optimal Performance of Distributed Cell-Free Massive MIMO with LoS Propagation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03551 **作者**: Noor Ul Ain,Lorenzo Miretti,Sławomir Stańczak **关键词**: massive multiple-input multiple-output, dense user-centric cell-free, user-centric cell-free massive, cell-free massive multiple-input, distributed beamforming **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Noor Ul Ain,Lorenzo Miretti,Sławomir Stańczak {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-78-DKDM: Data-Free Knowledge Distillation for Diffusion Models with Any Architecture {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03550 **作者**: Qianlong Xiang,Miao Zhang,Yuzhang Shang,Jianlong Wu,Yan Yan,Liqiang Nie **关键词**: high computational demands, demonstrated exceptional generative, exceptional generative capabilities, slow inference speeds, Diffusion models **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Qianlong Xiang,Miao Zhang,Yuzhang Shang,Jianlong Wu,Yan Yan,Liqiang Nie {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-79-Reduced-order modelling based on Koopman operator theory {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03549 **作者**: Diana A. Bistrian,Gabriel Dimitriu,Ionel M. Navon **关键词**: present study focuses, decreased computational complexity, numerical code output, Koopman operator theory, fluid dynamics **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Dynamical Systems (math.DS) ***备注**: Diana A. Bistrian,Gabriel Dimitriu,Ionel M. Navon {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-80-A Silicon Photonic Neural Network for Chromatic Dispersion Compensation in 20 Gbps PAM4 Signal at 125 km and Its Scalability up to 100 Gbps {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03547 **作者**: Emiliano Staffoli,Gianpietro Maddinelli,Lorenzo Pavesi **关键词**: Direct Detection optical, Detection optical links, photonic neural network, feed-forward photonic neural, chromatic dispersion compensation **类目**: Emerging Technologies (cs.ET); Applied Physics (physics.app-ph); Optics (physics.optics) ***备注**: Emiliano Staffoli,Gianpietro Maddinelli,Lorenzo Pavesi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-81-he Power of Second Chance: Personalized Submodular Maximization with Two Candidates {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03545 **作者**: Jing Yuan,Shaojie Tang **关键词**: user-specific functions, existing studies, focus on selecting, functions, candidate solutions **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ***备注**: Jing Yuan,Shaojie Tang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-82-CTMBIDS: Convolutional Tsetlin Machine Based Intrusion Detection System for DDoS attacks in an SDN environment {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03544 **作者**: Rasoul Jafari Gohari,Laya Aliahmadipour,Marjan Kuchaki Rafsanjani **关键词**: Software Defined Networks, Intrusion Detection Systems, Defined Networks, Software Defined, Intrusion Detection **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Rasoul Jafari Gohari,Laya Aliahmadipour,Marjan Kuchaki Rafsanjani {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-83-Prediction Accuracy Reliability: Classification and Object Localization under Distribution Shift {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03543 **作者**: Fabian Diet,Moussa Kassem Sbeyti,Michelle Karg **关键词**: Natural distribution shift, convolutional neural networks, distribution shift, Natural distribution, neural networks **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Fabian Diet,Moussa Kassem Sbeyti,Michelle Karg {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-84-Risk-based Calibration for Probabilistic Classifiers {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03542 **作者**: Aritz Pérez,Carlos Echegoyen,Guzmán Santafé **关键词**: called risk-based calibration, general iterative procedure, iterative procedure called, procedure called risk-based, risk-based calibration **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Aritz Pérez,Carlos Echegoyen,Guzmán Santafé {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-85-Submodularity of Mutual Information for Multivariate Gaussian Sources with Additive Noise {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03541 **作者**: George Crowley,Inaki Esnaola **关键词**: Sensor placement approaches, Sensor placement, mutual information, placement approaches, involve using information-theoretic **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: George Crowley,Inaki Esnaola {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-86-Interactive Surgical Liver Phantom for Cholecystectomy Training {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03535 **作者**: Alexander Schuessler,Rayan Younis,Jamie Paik,Martin Wagner,Franziska Mathis-Ullrich,Christian Kunz **关键词**: robot-assisted surgery requires, Training and prototype, prototype development, development in robot-assisted, robot-assisted surgery **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Alexander Schuessler,Rayan Younis,Jamie Paik,Martin Wagner,Franziska Mathis-Ullrich,Christian Kunz {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-87-Use of triplet loss for facial restoration in low-resolution images {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03530 **作者**: Sebastian Pulgar,Domingo Mery **关键词**: achieving impressive results, recent years, biometric tool, achieving impressive, numerous datasets **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Sebastian Pulgar,Domingo Mery {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-88-Does Subset Sum Admit Short Proofs? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03526 **作者**: Michał Włodarczyk **关键词**: Subset Sum, length poly, Subset, Sum, include Subset Sum **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Computational Complexity (cs.CC) ***备注**: Michał Włodarczyk {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-89-FrozenSeg: Harmonizing Frozen Foundation Models for Open-Vocabulary Segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03525 **作者**: Xi Chen,Haosen Yang,Sheng Jin,Xiatian Zhu,Hongxun Yao **关键词**: Open-vocabulary segmentation poses, poses significant challenges, segmentation poses significant, Open-vocabulary segmentation, unconstrained environments **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Xi Chen,Haosen Yang,Sheng Jin,Xiatian Zhu,Hongxun Yao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-90-Have Large Vision-Language Models Mastered Art History? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03521 **作者**: Ombretta Strafforello,Derya Soydaner,Michiel Willems,Anne-Sofie Maerten,Stefanie De Winter **关键词**: large Vision-Language Models, Vision-Language Models, recently established, established new baselines, multiple domains **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Ombretta Strafforello,Derya Soydaner,Michiel Willems,Anne-Sofie Maerten,Stefanie De Winter {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-91-LMLT: Low-to-high Multi-Level Vision Transformer for Image Super-Resolution {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03516 **作者**: Jeongsoo Kim,Jongho Nang,Junsuk Choe **关键词**: Recent Vision Transformer, Recent Vision, Vision Transformer, demonstrated impressive performance, demonstrated impressive **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jeongsoo Kim,Jongho Nang,Junsuk Choe {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-92-Blended Latent Diffusion under Attention Control for Real-World Video Editing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03514 **作者**: Deyin Liu,Lin Yuanbo Wu,Xianghua Xie **关键词**: face grand challenges, editing methods tend, current video editing, Due to lack, build on pre-trained **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Deyin Liu,Lin Yuanbo Wu,Xianghua Xie {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-93-From MOOC to MAIC: Reshaping Online Teaching and Learning through LLM-driven Agents {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03512 **作者**: Jifan Yu,Zheyuan Zhang,Daniel Zhang-li,Shangqing Tu,Zhanxin Hao,Rui Miao Li,Haoxuan Li,Yuanchun Wang,Hanming Li,Linlu Gong,Jie Cao,Jiayin Lin,Jinchang Zhou,Fei Qin,Haohua Wang,Jianxiao Jiang,Lijun Deng,Yisi Zhan,Chaojun Xiao,Xusheng Dai,Xuan Yan,Nianyi Lin,Nan Zhang,Ruixin Ni,Yang Dang,Lei Hou,Yu Zhang,Xu Han,Manli Li,Juanzi Li,Zhiyuan Liu,Huiqin Liu,Maosong Sun **关键词**: sparked extensive discussion, widespread adoption, uploaded to accessible, accessible and shared, scaling the dissemination **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Jifan Yu,Zheyuan Zhang,Daniel Zhang-li,Shangqing Tu,Zhanxin Hao,Rui Miao Li,Haoxuan Li,Yuanchun Wang,Hanming Li,Linlu Gong,Jie Cao,Jiayin Lin,Jinchang Zhou,Fei Qin,Haohua Wang,Jianxiao Jiang,Lijun Deng,Yisi Zhan,Chaojun Xiao,Xusheng Dai,Xuan Yan,Nianyi Lin,Nan Zhang,Ruixin Ni,Yang Dang,Lei Hou,Yu Zhang,Xu Han,Manli Li,Juanzi Li,Zhiyuan Liu,Huiqin Liu,Maosong Sun {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-94-Domain-Guided Weight Modulation for Semi-Supervised Domain Generalization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03509 **作者**: Chamuditha Jayanaga Galappaththige,Zachary Izzo,Xilin He,Honglu Zhou,Muhammad Haris Khan **关键词**: low developmental costs, great practical significance, practical significance due, unseen domain data, deep learning models **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Chamuditha Jayanaga Galappaththige,Zachary Izzo,Xilin He,Honglu Zhou,Muhammad Haris Khan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-95-Revealing Untapped DSP Optimization Potentials for FPGA-Based Systolic Matrix Engines {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03508 **作者**: Jindong Li,Tenglong Li,Guobin Shen,Dongcheng Zhao,Qian Zhang,Yi Zeng **关键词**: highly parallelized computation, Ultrascale series FPGAs, systolic matrix engines, Xilinx Ultrascale series, parallelized computation **类目**: Hardware Architecture (cs.AR) ***备注**: Jindong Li,Tenglong Li,Guobin Shen,Dongcheng Zhao,Qian Zhang,Yi Zeng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-96-A Physics-Informed Machine Learning Approach for Solving Distributed Order Fractional Differential Equations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03507 **作者**: Alireza Afzal Aghaei **关键词**: physics-informed machine learning, machine learning framework, solving distributed-order fractional, fractional differential equations, distributed-order fractional differential **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Alireza Afzal Aghaei {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-97-Some mathematical models for flagellar activation mechanisms {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03506 **作者**: François Alouges,Irene Anello,Antonio DeSimone,Aline Lefebvre-Lepot,Jessie Levillain **关键词**: molecular motors responsible, flagella of microorganisms, molecular motors, paper focuses, focuses on studying **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Dynamical Systems (math.DS) ***备注**: François Alouges,Irene Anello,Antonio DeSimone,Aline Lefebvre-Lepot,Jessie Levillain {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-98-HGAMN: Heterogeneous Graph Attention Matching Network for Multilingual POI Retrieval at Baidu Maps {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03504 **作者**: Jizhou Huang,Haifeng Wang,Yibo Sun,Miao Fan,Zhengjie Huang,Chunyuan Yuan,Yawen Li **关键词**: Baidu Maps, increasing interest, interest in international, interests in multiple, international travel **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Jizhou Huang,Haifeng Wang,Yibo Sun,Miao Fan,Zhengjie Huang,Chunyuan Yuan,Yawen Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-99-owards Data-Centric Face Anti-Spoofing: Improving Cross-domain Generalization via Physics-based Data Synthesis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03501 **作者**: Rizhao Cai,Cecelia Soh,Zitong Yu,Haoliang Li,Wenhan Yang,Alex Kot **关键词**: Face Anti-Spoofing, FAS, data, cross-domain, domain gap **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Rizhao Cai,Cecelia Soh,Zitong Yu,Haoliang Li,Wenhan Yang,Alex Kot {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-100-Disclosure of AI-Generated News Increases Engagement but Does Not Reduce Aversion, Despite Positive Quality Ratings {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03500 **作者**: Fabrizio Gilardi,Sabrina Di Lorenzo,Juri Ezzaini,Beryl Santa,Benjamin Streiff,Eric Zurfluh,Emma Hoes **关键词**: including journalism, artificial intelligence, advancement of artificial, articles, AI-generated **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Fabrizio Gilardi,Sabrina Di Lorenzo,Juri Ezzaini,Beryl Santa,Benjamin Streiff,Eric Zurfluh,Emma Hoes {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-101-An Efficient Algorithm for Group Testing with Runlength Constraints {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03491 **作者**: Marco Dalai,Stefano Della Fiore,Adele A. Rescigno,Ugo Vaccaro **关键词**: construct almost optimal, superimposed codes, runlength constraints, Lovász Local Lemma, Group Testing algorithms **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ***备注**: Marco Dalai,Stefano Della Fiore,Adele A. Rescigno,Ugo Vaccaro {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-102-Sparsifying Parametric Models with L0 Regularization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03489 **作者**: Nicolò Botteghi,Urban Fasel **关键词**: sparsifying parametric models, educational introduction, problem of sparsifying, sparsifying parametric, parametric models **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Nicolò Botteghi,Urban Fasel {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-103-Head-First Memory Allocation on Best-Fit with Space-Fitting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03488 **作者**: Adam Noto Hakarsa **关键词**: memory space utilization, optimizing memory space, space utilization, excels at optimizing, optimizing memory **类目**: Operating Systems (cs.OS) ***备注**: Adam Noto Hakarsa {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-104-ScreenMark: Watermarking Arbitrary Visual Content on Screen {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03487 **作者**: Xiujian Liang,Gaozhi Liu,Yichao Si,Xiaoxiao Hu,Zhenxing Qian,Xinpeng Zhang **关键词**: protecting multimedia content, Digital watermarking, protecting multimedia, Screen Content, Digital **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Xiujian Liang,Gaozhi Liu,Yichao Si,Xiaoxiao Hu,Zhenxing Qian,Xinpeng Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-105-LLM-based event abstraction and integration for IoT-sourced logs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03478 **作者**: Mohsen Shirali,Mohammadreza Fani Sani,Zahra Ahmadi,Estefania Serral **关键词**: Internet of Things, collected by Internet, Large Language Models, continuous flow, revolutionised our ability **类目**: Databases (cs.DB); Emerging Technologies (cs.ET); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Mohsen Shirali,Mohammadreza Fani Sani,Zahra Ahmadi,Estefania Serral {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-106-An Effective Current Limiting Strategy to Enhance Transient Stability of Virtual Synchronous Generator {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03475 **作者**: Yifan Zhao,Zhiqian Zhang,Ziyang Xu,Zhenbin Zhang,Jose Rodriguez **关键词**: renewable energy sources, integrating renewable energy, VSG control, renewable energy, control has emerged **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Yifan Zhao,Zhiqian Zhang,Ziyang Xu,Zhenbin Zhang,Jose Rodriguez {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-107-Hemispherical Antenna Array Architecture for High-Altitude Platform Stations (HAPS) for Uniform Capacity Provision {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03474 **作者**: Omid Abbasi,Halim Yanikomeroglu,Georges Kaddoum **关键词**: high-altitude platform stations, antenna elements, hemispherical antenna array, antenna, designed for high-altitude **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT); Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Omid Abbasi,Halim Yanikomeroglu,Georges Kaddoum {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-108-Improving Uncertainty-Error Correspondence in Deep Bayesian Medical Image Segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03470 **作者**: Prerak Mody,Nicolas F. Chaves-de-Plaza,Chinmay Rao,Eleftheria Astrenidou,Mischa de Ridder,Nienke Hoekstra,Klaus Hildebrandt,Marius Staring **关键词**: medical image segmentation, Increased usage, learning in medical, medical image, image segmentation **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Prerak Mody,Nicolas F. Chaves-de-Plaza,Chinmay Rao,Eleftheria Astrenidou,Mischa de Ridder,Nienke Hoekstra,Klaus Hildebrandt,Marius Staring {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-109-Cubic power functions with optimal second-order differential uniformity {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03467 **作者**: Connor O'Reilly,Ana Sălăgean **关键词**: vectorial Boolean functions, relevant cryptographic property, cryptographic property due, vectorial Boolean, boomerang attack **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Number Theory (math.NT) ***备注**: Connor O'Reilly,Ana Sălăgean {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-110-yche: Collateral-Free Coalition-Resistant Multiparty Lotteries with Arbitrary Payouts {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03464 **作者**: Quentin Kniep,Roger Wattenhofer **关键词**: propose Tyche, efficient multiparty lotteries, performing practically, efficient multiparty, resistant against aborts **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Quentin Kniep,Roger Wattenhofer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-111-Characterizing Massive Activations of Attention Mechanism in Graph Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03463 **作者**: Lorenzo Bini,Marco Sorbi,Stephane Marchand-Maillet **关键词**: Graph Neural Networks, Neural Networks, effectively modeling data, Graph Neural, increasingly popular **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Lorenzo Bini,Marco Sorbi,Stephane Marchand-Maillet {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-112-Automated Journalism {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03462 **作者**: Wang Ngai Yeung,Tomás Dodds **关键词**: automated journalism refers, automated journalism, automated journalism remain, increasing popularity, popularity of data-driven **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Wang Ngai Yeung,Tomás Dodds {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-113-LowFormer: Hardware Efficient Design for Convolutional Transformer Backbones {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03460 **作者**: Moritz Nottebaum,Matteo Dunnhofer,Christian Micheloni **关键词**: transformer blocks, mixture of convolutions, convolutions and transformer, Research, efficient vision backbones **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Moritz Nottebaum,Matteo Dunnhofer,Christian Micheloni {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-114-Non-Uniform Illumination Attack for Fooling Convolutional Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03458 **作者**: Akshay Jain,Shiv Ram Dubey,Satish Kumar Singh,KC Santosh,Bidyut Baran Chaudhuri **关键词**: Convolutional Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural, Neural Networks, made remarkable strides, NUI **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Akshay Jain,Shiv Ram Dubey,Satish Kumar Singh,KC Santosh,Bidyut Baran Chaudhuri {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-115-FLAF: Focal Line and Feature-constrained Active View Planning for Visual Teach and Repeat {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03457 **作者**: Changfei Fu,Weinan Chen,Wenjun Xu,Hong Zhang **关键词**: paper presents FLAF, feature-based visual, feature-based visual navigation, feature-based visual SLAM, tracking failure avoidance **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Changfei Fu,Weinan Chen,Wenjun Xu,Hong Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-116-LM-Gaussian: Boost Sparse-view 3D Gaussian Splatting with Large Model Priors {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03456 **作者**: Hanyang Yu,Xiaoxiao Long,Ping Tan **关键词**: large-scale vision models, vision models, address sparse-view reconstruction, aim to address, large-scale vision **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Hanyang Yu,Xiaoxiao Long,Ping Tan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-117-Data-free Distillation with Degradation-prompt Diffusion for Multi-weather Image Restoration {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03455 **作者**: Pei Wang,Xiaotong Luo,Yuan Xie,Yanyun Qu **关键词**: witnessed incredible progress, expensive data acquisition, data acquisition impair, increasing model capacity, Multi-weather image restoration **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Pei Wang,Xiaotong Luo,Yuan Xie,Yanyun Qu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-118-How Much Data is Enough Data? Fine-Tuning Large Language Models for In-House Translation: Performance Evaluation Across Multiple Dataset Sizes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03454 **作者**: Inacio Vieira,Will Allred,Seamus Lankford,Sheila Castilho Monteiro De Sousa,Andy Way **关键词**: Decoder-only LLMs, generate high-quality translations, shown impressive performance, shown impressive, ability to learn **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Inacio Vieira,Will Allred,Seamus Lankford,Sheila Castilho Monteiro De Sousa,Andy Way {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-119-Automatic occlusion removal from 3D maps for maritime situational awareness {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03451 **作者**: Felix Sattler,Borja Carrillo Perez,Maurice Stephan,Sarah Barnes **关键词**: specifically targeting occlusion, targeting occlusion removal, large-scale maritime environments, occlusion removal, removal in large-scale **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Felix Sattler,Borja Carrillo Perez,Maurice Stephan,Sarah Barnes {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-120-MOBIUS: Towards the Next Generation of Query-Ad Matching in Baidu's Sponsored Search {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03449 **作者**: Miao Fan,Jiacheng Guo,Shuai Zhu,Shuo Miao,Mingming Sun,Ping Li **关键词**: web search engine, largest commercial web, Baidu runs, commercial web search, sponsored search engine **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Miao Fan,Jiacheng Guo,Shuai Zhu,Shuo Miao,Mingming Sun,Ping Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-121-Neural HD Map Generation from Multiple Vectorized Tiles Locally Produced by Autonomous Vehicles {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03445 **作者**: Miao Fan,Yi Yao,Jianping Zhang,Xiangbo Song,Daihui Wu **关键词**: provide precise environmental, precise environmental information, autonomous driving systems, fundamental component, provide precise **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Miao Fan,Yi Yao,Jianping Zhang,Xiangbo Song,Daihui Wu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-122-Fine-tuning large language models for domain adaptation: Exploration of training strategies, scaling, model merging and synergistic capabilities {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03444 **作者**: Wei Lu,Rachel K. Luu,Markus J. Buehler **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, Direct Preference Optimization, Ratio Preference Optimization, Odds Ratio Preference **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Materials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Wei Lu,Rachel K. Luu,Markus J. Buehler {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-123-Rx Strategist: Prescription Verification using LLM Agents System {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03440 **作者**: Phuc Phan Van,Dat Nguyen Minh,An Dinh Ngoc,Huy Phan Thanh **关键词**: Large Language Models, protect patient safety, pharmaceutical complexity demands, complexity demands strict, modern pharmaceutical complexity **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Phuc Phan Van,Dat Nguyen Minh,An Dinh Ngoc,Huy Phan Thanh {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-124-KiloBot: A Programming Language for Deploying Perception-Guided Industrial Manipulators at Scale {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03439 **作者**: Wei Gao,Jingqiang Wang,Xinv Zhu,Jun Zhong,Yue Shen,Youshuang Ding **关键词**: handle unstructured environments, handle unstructured, unstructured environments, environments with cameras, industrial robots **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Programming Languages (cs.PL) ***备注**: Wei Gao,Jingqiang Wang,Xinv Zhu,Jun Zhong,Yue Shen,Youshuang Ding {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-125-Shuffle Vision Transformer: Lightweight, Fast and Efficient Recognition of Driver Facial Expression {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03438 **作者**: Ibtissam Saadi,Douglas W. Cunningham,Taleb-ahmed Abdelmalik,Abdenour Hadid,Yassin El Hillali **关键词**: facial expression recognition, computationally intensive, rendering them unsuitable, Existing methods, expression recognition **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Ibtissam Saadi,Douglas W. Cunningham,Taleb-ahmed Abdelmalik,Abdenour Hadid,Yassin El Hillali {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-126-Fundamentals of Energy-Efficient Wireless Links: Optimal Ratios and Scaling Behaviors {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03436 **作者**: Anders Enqvist,Özlem Tuğfe Demir,Cicek Cavdar,Emil Björnson **关键词**: energy efficiency, base station, examine the energy, power, multiple antennas **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Anders Enqvist,Özlem Tuğfe Demir,Cicek Cavdar,Emil Björnson {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-127-A Key-Driven Framework for Identity-Preserving Face Anonymization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03434 **作者**: Miaomiao Wang,Guang Hua,Sheng Li,Guorui Feng **关键词**: Virtual faces, Virtual, face, original face, original **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Miaomiao Wang,Guang Hua,Sheng Li,Guorui Feng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-128-An innovation-based cycle-slip, multipath estimation, detection and mitigation method for tightly coupled GNSS/INS/Vision navigation in urban areas {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03433 **作者**: Bo Xu,Shoujian Zhang,Jingrong Wang,Jiancheng Li **关键词**: Global Navigation Satellite, Inertial Navigation System, Navigation Satellite System, global positioning services, GNSS **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Bo Xu,Shoujian Zhang,Jingrong Wang,Jiancheng Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-129-UV-Mamba: A DCN-Enhanced State Space Model for Urban Village Boundary Identification in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03431 **作者**: Lulin Li,Ben Chen,Xuechao Zou,Junliang Xing,Pin Tao **关键词**: diverse geographical environments, highly challenging task, urban village boundaries, remote sensing images, high-resolution remote sensing **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Lulin Li,Ben Chen,Xuechao Zou,Junliang Xing,Pin Tao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-130-Reinforcement Learning Approach to Optimizing Profilometric Sensor Trajectories for Surface Inspection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03429 **作者**: Sara Roos-Hoefgeest,Mario Roos-Hoefgeest,Ignacio Alvarez,Rafael C. González **关键词**: High-precision surface defect, surface defect detection, High-precision surface, defect detection, detection in manufacturing **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Sara Roos-Hoefgeest,Mario Roos-Hoefgeest,Ignacio Alvarez,Rafael C. González {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-131-Weight Conditioning for Smooth Optimization of Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03424 **作者**: Hemanth Saratchandran,Thomas X. Wang,Simon Lucey **关键词**: term weight conditioning, Neural Radiance Fields, Convolutional Neural Networks, neural network weight, neural network **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Hemanth Saratchandran,Thomas X. Wang,Simon Lucey {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-132-F3T: A soft tactile unit with 3D force and temperature mathematical decoupling ability for robots {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03421 **作者**: Xiong Yang,Hao Ren,Dong Guo,Zhengrong Ling,Tieshan Zhang,Gen Li,Yifeng Tang,Haoxiang Zhao,Jiale Wang,Hongyuan Chang,Jia Dong,Yajing Shen **关键词**: providing intricate information, human skin exhibits, skin exhibits remarkable, exhibits remarkable capability, intricate information essential **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Xiong Yang,Hao Ren,Dong Guo,Zhengrong Ling,Tieshan Zhang,Gen Li,Yifeng Tang,Haoxiang Zhao,Jiale Wang,Hongyuan Chang,Jia Dong,Yajing Shen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-133-mPLUG-DocOwl2: High-resolution Compressing for OCR-free Multi-page Document Understanding {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03420 **作者**: Anwen Hu,Haiyang Xu,Liang Zhang,Jiabo Ye,Ming Yan,Ji Zhang,Qin Jin,Fei Huang,Jingren Zhou **关键词**: Multimodel Large Language, Large Language Models, Multimodel Large, Large Language, achieved promising OCR-free **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Anwen Hu,Haiyang Xu,Liang Zhang,Jiabo Ye,Ming Yan,Ji Zhang,Qin Jin,Fei Huang,Jingren Zhou {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-134-A thermo-flow-mechanics-fracture model coupling a phase-field interface approach and thermo-fluid-structure interaction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03416 **作者**: Sanghyun Lee,Henry von Wahl,Thomas Wick **关键词**: Enhanced Geothermal Systems, efficiently utilizing geothermal, Geothermal Systems, Enhanced Geothermal, promising renewable source **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Sanghyun Lee,Henry von Wahl,Thomas Wick {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-135-G-LMM: Enhancing Medical Image Segmentation Accuracy through Text-Guided Large Multi-Modal Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03412 **作者**: Yihao Zhao,Enhao Zhong,Cuiyun Yuan,Yang Li,Man Zhao,Chunxia Li,Jun Hu,Chenbin Liu **关键词**: Text-Guided Large Multi-Modal, Large Multi-Modal Model, Text-Guided Large, leverages textual descriptions, Large Multi-Modal **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Medical Physics (physics.med-ph) ***备注**: Yihao Zhao,Enhao Zhong,Cuiyun Yuan,Yang Li,Man Zhao,Chunxia Li,Jun Hu,Chenbin Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-136-Continuous risk assessment in secure DevOps {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03405 **作者**: Ricardo M. Czekster **关键词**: delivering high-quality software, development and operations, production environments, significantly changed, overcome deficiencies **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Ricardo M. Czekster {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-137-KAN See In the Dark {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03404 **作者**: Aoxiang Ning,Minglong Xue,Jinhong He,Chengyun Song **关键词**: Existing low-light image, complex nonlinear relationship, low-light image enhancement, low-light images due, Existing low-light **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Aoxiang Ning,Minglong Xue,Jinhong He,Chengyun Song {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-138-RoVi-Aug: Robot and Viewpoint Augmentation for Cross-Embodiment Robot Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03403 **作者**: Lawrence Yunliang Chen,Chenfeng Xu,Karthik Dharmarajan,Zubair Irshad,Richard Cheng,Kurt Keutzer,Masayoshi Tomizuka,Quan Vuong,Ken Goldberg **关键词**: efficiently reuse collected, reuse collected data, learning requires large, open question, embodiments remains **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Lawrence Yunliang Chen,Chenfeng Xu,Karthik Dharmarajan,Zubair Irshad,Richard Cheng,Kurt Keutzer,Masayoshi Tomizuka,Quan Vuong,Ken Goldberg {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-139-Game On: Towards Language Models as RL Experimenters {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03402 **作者**: Jingwei Zhang,Thomas Lampe,Abbas Abdolmaleki,Jost Tobias Springenberg,Martin Riedmiller **关键词**: learning experiment workflow, common reinforcement learning, enable automated mastery, reinforcement learning experiment, automates parts **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Jingwei Zhang,Thomas Lampe,Abbas Abdolmaleki,Jost Tobias Springenberg,Martin Riedmiller {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-140-Recursive Quantization for $\mathcal{L}_2$ Stabilization of a Finite Capacity Stochastic Control Loop with Intermittent State Observations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03398 **作者**: Shrija Karmakar,Ritwik Kumar Layek **关键词**: feedback stochastic control, stochastic control loop, state feedback stochastic, feedback stochastic, stochastic control **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Shrija Karmakar,Ritwik Kumar Layek {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-141-Dynamic String Generation and C++-style Output in Fortran {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03397 **作者**: Marcus Mohr **关键词**: dynamically generate strings, modern Fortran, Fortran we present, application side, standard components **类目**: Programming Languages (cs.PL) ***备注**: Marcus Mohr {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-142-VQ-DeepVSC: A Dual-Stage Vector Quantization Framework for Video Semantic Communication {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03393 **作者**: Yongyi Miao,Zhongdang Li,Yang Wang,Die Hu,Jun Yan,Youfang Wang **关键词**: traditional wireless transmission, enhance video transmission, dual-stage vector quantization, wireless transmission systems, traditional wireless **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Yongyi Miao,Zhongdang Li,Yang Wang,Die Hu,Jun Yan,Youfang Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-143-Challenging Portability Paradigms: FPGA Acceleration Using SYCL and OpenCL {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03391 **作者**: Manuel de Castro,Francisco J. andújar,Roberto R. Osorio,Rocío Carratalá-Sáez,Diego R. Llanos **关键词**: HPC applications increases, challenges also arise, accelerators for HPC, interest in FPGA-based, FPGA-based accelerators **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Performance (cs.PF) ***备注**: Manuel de Castro,Francisco J. andújar,Roberto R. Osorio,Rocío Carratalá-Sáez,Diego R. Llanos {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-144-Movable Antennas: Channel Measurement, Modeling, and Performance Evaluation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03386 **作者**: Yiqin Wang,Heyin Shen,Chong Han,Meixia Tao **关键词**: key enabling technology, wireless communication systems, decades ago, key enabling, enabling technology **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Yiqin Wang,Heyin Shen,Chong Han,Meixia Tao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-145-Make Graph-based Referring Expression Comprehension Great Again through Expression-guided Dynamic Gating and Regression {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03385 **作者**: Jingcheng Ke,Dele Wang,Jun-Cheng Chen,I-Hong Jhuo,Chia-Wen Lin,Yen-Yu Lin **关键词**: referring expression comprehension, existing graph-based methods, expression comprehension, common belief, complex models **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Multimedia (cs.MM) ***备注**: Jingcheng Ke,Dele Wang,Jun-Cheng Chen,I-Hong Jhuo,Chia-Wen Lin,Yen-Yu Lin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-146-Hardware Acceleration of LLMs: A comprehensive survey and comparison {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03384 **作者**: Nikoletta Koilia,Christoforos Kachris **关键词**: Large Language Models, generate human-like text, language processing tasks, natural language processing, Large Language **类目**: Hardware Architecture (cs.AR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Nikoletta Koilia,Christoforos Kachris {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-147-Generating customized field concentration via virtue surface transmission resonance {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03383 **作者**: Yueguang Hu,Hongyu Liu,Xianchao Wang,Deyue Zhang **关键词**: inhomogeneous medium inclusion, field concentration locally, customized field concentration, field concentration, develop a mathematical **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Mathematical Physics (math-ph); Optics (physics.optics) ***备注**: Yueguang Hu,Hongyu Liu,Xianchao Wang,Deyue Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-148-CogniDual Framework: Self-Training Large Language Models within a Dual-System Theoretical Framework for Improving Cognitive Tasks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03381 **作者**: Yongxin Deng(1),Xihe Qiu(1),Xiaoyu Tan(2),Chao Qu(2),Jing Pan(3),Yuan Cheng(3),Yinghui Xu(4),Wei Chu(2) ((1) School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai, China, (2) INF Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China, (3) School of Art, Design and Architecture, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, (4) Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Incubation Institute, Fudan University, Shanghai, China) **关键词**: psychology investigates perception, investigates perception, Cognitive psychology investigates, rational System, System **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yongxin Deng(1),Xihe Qiu(1),Xiaoyu Tan(2),Chao Qu(2),Jing Pan(3),Yuan Cheng(3),Yinghui Xu(4),Wei Chu(2) ((1) School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai, China, (2) INF Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China, (3) School of Art, Design and Architecture, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, (4) Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Incubation Institute, Fudan University, Shanghai, China) {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-149-Raw Speech Enhancement with Deep State Space Modeling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03377 **作者**: Yan Ru Pei,Ritik Shrivastava,FNU Sidharth **关键词**: simple deep state-space, deep state-space autoencoder, state-space autoencoder configured, efficient online raw, online raw speech **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Yan Ru Pei,Ritik Shrivastava,FNU Sidharth {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-150-Journalists are most likely to receive abuse: Analysing online abuse of UK public figures across sport, politics, and journalism on Twitter {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03376 **作者**: Liam Burke-Moore,Angus R. Williams,Jonathan Bright **关键词**: social media platforms, online social media, public figures, modern society, enabling connection **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Liam Burke-Moore,Angus R. Williams,Jonathan Bright {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-151-Leveraging Large Language Models through Natural Language Processing to provide interpretable Machine Learning predictions of mental deterioration in real time {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03375 **作者**: Francisco de Arriba-Pérez,Silvia García-Méndez **关键词**: million people worldwide, Based on official, million people, natural language analysis, official estimates **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Francisco de Arriba-Pérez,Silvia García-Méndez {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-152-Identification of non-causal systems with arbitrary switching modes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03370 **作者**: Yanxin Zhang,Chengpu Yu,Filippo Fabiani **关键词**: store inventory dynamics, describing typical power, typical power load, power load management, department store inventory **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Yanxin Zhang,Chengpu Yu,Filippo Fabiani {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-153-Fast Payload Calibration for Sensorless Contact Estimation Using Model Pre-training {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03369 **作者**: Shilin Shan,Quang-Cuong Pham **关键词**: industrial settings, sensing is crucial, crucial in robotic, robotic manipulation, collaborative and industrial **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Shilin Shan,Quang-Cuong Pham {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-154-raining-free Conversion of Pretrained ANNs to SNNs for Low-Power and High-Performance Applications {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03368 **作者**: Tong Bu,Maohua Li,Zhaofei Yu **关键词**: Spiking Neural Networks, Artificial Neural Networks, Neural Networks, Spiking Neural, Artificial Neural **类目**: Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE) ***备注**: Tong Bu,Maohua Li,Zhaofei Yu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-155-Free convection in fractured porous media: a numerical study {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03366 **作者**: Arash Andrea Roknian,Anna Scotti,Alessio Fumagalli **关键词**: understand the influence, fracture network, complex fracture, complex fracture networks, fracture **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Arash Andrea Roknian,Anna Scotti,Alessio Fumagalli {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-156-Efficient Multi-Task Large Model Training via Data Heterogeneity-aware Model Management {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03365 **作者**: Yujie Wang,Shenhan Zhu,Fangcheng Fu,Xupeng Miao,Jie Zhang,Juan Zhu,Fan Hong,Yong Li,Bin Cui **关键词**: Recent foundation models, Recent foundation, handling multiple machine, specialized model components, multiple machine learning **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Yujie Wang,Shenhan Zhu,Fangcheng Fu,Xupeng Miao,Jie Zhang,Juan Zhu,Fan Hong,Yong Li,Bin Cui {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-157-Con-ReCall: Detecting Pre-training Data in LLMs via Contrastive Decoding {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03363 **作者**: Cheng Wang,Yiwei Wang,Bryan Hooi,Yujun Cai,Nanyun Peng,Kai-Wei Chang **关键词**: large language models, security risks, large language, language models, models is key **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Cheng Wang,Yiwei Wang,Bryan Hooi,Yujun Cai,Nanyun Peng,Kai-Wei Chang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-158-MouseSIS: A Frames-and-Events Dataset for Space-Time Instance Segmentation of Mice {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03358 **作者**: Friedhelm Hamann,Hanxiong Li,Paul Mieske,Lars Lewejohann,Guillermo Gallego **关键词**: made remarkable progress, Enabled by large, recent years, made remarkable, remarkable progress **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Friedhelm Hamann,Hanxiong Li,Paul Mieske,Lars Lewejohann,Guillermo Gallego {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-159-Constrained mock-Chebyshev least squares approximation for Hermite interpolation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03357 **作者**: Francesco Dell'Accio,Francisco Marcellán,Federico Nudo **关键词**: equally spaced nodes, spaced nodes, paper addresses, addresses the challenge, equally spaced **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Francesco Dell'Accio,Francisco Marcellán,Federico Nudo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-160-Few-Shot Continual Learning for Activity Recognition in Classroom Surveillance Images {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03354 **作者**: Yilei Qian,Kanglei Geng,Kailong Chen,Shaoxu Cheng,Linfeng Xu,Hongliang Li,Fanman Meng,Qingbo Wu **关键词**: gaining increasing attention, activity recognition, image activity recognition, field is gaining, activity recognition called **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Yilei Qian,Kanglei Geng,Kailong Chen,Shaoxu Cheng,Linfeng Xu,Hongliang Li,Fanman Meng,Qingbo Wu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-161-Digital Ecosystem for FAIR Time Series Data Management in Environmental System Science {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03351 **作者**: J. Bumberger,M. Abbrent,N. Brinckmann,J. Hemmen,R. Kunkel,C. Lorenz,P. Lünenschloß,B. Palm,T. Schnicke,C. Schulz,H. van der Schaaf,D. Schäfer **关键词**: pollution requires comprehensive, requires comprehensive monitoring, environmental pollution requires, Addressing the challenges, environmental system science **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: J. Bumberger,M. Abbrent,N. Brinckmann,J. Hemmen,R. Kunkel,C. Lorenz,P. Lünenschloß,B. Palm,T. Schnicke,C. Schulz,H. van der Schaaf,D. Schäfer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-162-Sketch: A Toolkit for Streamlining LLM Operations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03346 **作者**: Xin Jiang,Xiang Li,Wenjia Ma,Xuezhi Fang,Yiqun Yao,Naitong Yu,Xuying Meng,Peng Han,Jing Li,Aixin Sun,Yequan Wang **关键词**: Large language models, achieved remarkable success, represented by GPT, Large language, GPT family **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Xin Jiang,Xiang Li,Wenjia Ma,Xuezhi Fang,Yiqun Yao,Naitong Yu,Xuying Meng,Peng Han,Jing Li,Aixin Sun,Yequan Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-163-Rethinking Improved Privacy-Utility Trade-off with Pre-existing Knowledge for DP Training {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03344 **作者**: Yu Zheng,Wenchao Zhang,Yonggang Zhang,Wei Song,Kai Zhou,Bo Han **关键词**: privacy-sensitive dataset, Differential privacy, random Gaussian noise, differential privacy framework, noise **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Yu Zheng,Wenchao Zhang,Yonggang Zhang,Wei Song,Kai Zhou,Bo Han {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-164-Eetimating Indoor Scene Depth Maps from Ultrasonic Echoes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03336 **作者**: Junpei Honma,Akisato Kimura,Go Irie **关键词**: indoor scenes requires, scenes requires dedicated, dedicated depth sensors, requires dedicated depth, depth estimation **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Multimedia (cs.MM); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Junpei Honma,Akisato Kimura,Go Irie {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-165-Masked Sensory-Temporal Attention for Sensor Generalization in Quadruped Locomotion {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03332 **作者**: Dikai Liu,Tianwei Zhang,Jianxiong Yin,Simon See **关键词**: generalized policy capable, highly beneficial, rising focus, generalized policy, policy capable **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Dikai Liu,Tianwei Zhang,Jianxiong Yin,Simon See {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-166-Pareto Set Prediction Assisted Bilevel Multi-objective Optimization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03328 **作者**: Bing Wang,Hemant K. Singh,Tapabrata Ray **关键词**: level optimization task, optimization task, optimization problems comprise, lower level Pareto, Bilevel optimization problems **类目**: Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE) ***备注**: Bing Wang,Hemant K. Singh,Tapabrata Ray {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-167-Normal forms in Virus Machines {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03327 **作者**: A. Ramírez-de-Arellano,F. G. C. Cabarle,D. Orellana-Martín,M. J. Pérez-Jiménez **关键词**: study the computational, virus machines, normal forms, VMs, present work **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Formal Languages and Automata Theory (cs.FL) ***备注**: A. Ramírez-de-Arellano,F. G. C. Cabarle,D. Orellana-Martín,M. J. Pérez-Jiménez {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-168-Enhancing User-Centric Privacy Protection: An Interactive Framework through Diffusion Models and Machine Unlearning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03326 **作者**: Huaxi Huang,Xin Yuan,Qiyu Liao,Dadong Wang,Tongliang Liu **关键词**: multimedia data analysis, privacy protection, privacy, realm of multimedia, escalated concerns **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Huaxi Huang,Xin Yuan,Qiyu Liao,Dadong Wang,Tongliang Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-169-YOLO-PPA based Efficient Traffic Sign Detection for Cruise Control in Autonomous Driving {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03320 **作者**: Jingyu Zhang,Wenqing Zhang,Chaoyi Tan,Xiangtian Li,Qianyi Sun **关键词**: autonomous driving systems, traffic signs efficiently, detect traffic signs, traffic sign detection, proposed YOLO PPA **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jingyu Zhang,Wenqing Zhang,Chaoyi Tan,Xiangtian Li,Qianyi Sun {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-170-Semantic Communication for Efficient Point Cloud Transmission {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03319 **作者**: Shangzhuo Xie,Qianqian Yang,Yuyi Sun,Tianxiao Han,Zhaohui Yang,Zhiguo Shi **关键词**: LiDAR cameras advance, three-dimensional acquisition technologies, cameras advance, increasingly important, three-dimensional acquisition **类目**: Emerging Technologies (cs.ET) ***备注**: Shangzhuo Xie,Qianqian Yang,Yuyi Sun,Tianxiao Han,Zhaohui Yang,Zhiguo Shi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-171-Innovation in Education: Developing and Assessing Gamification in the University of the Philippines Open University Massive Open Online Courses {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03309 **作者**: Cecille Moldez,Mari Anjeli Crisanto,Ma Gian Rose Cerdeña,Diego S. Maranan,Roberto Figueroa **关键词**: Massive Open Online, Philippines Open University, Open University Massive, University Massive Open, Massive Open **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Cecille Moldez,Mari Anjeli Crisanto,Ma Gian Rose Cerdeña,Diego S. Maranan,Roberto Figueroa {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-172-AI data transparency: an exploration through the lens of AI incidents {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03307 **作者**: Sophia Worth,Ben Snaith,Arunav Das,Gefion Thuermer,Elena Simperl **关键词**: data transparency, critical for allowing, allowing different stakeholders, stakeholders to play, play their part **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Sophia Worth,Ben Snaith,Arunav Das,Gefion Thuermer,Elena Simperl {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-173-owards training digitally-tied analog blocks via hybrid gradient computation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03306 **作者**: Timothy Nest,Maxence Ernoult **关键词**: Power efficiency, digital electronics realm, efficiency is plateauing, electronics realm, needed to reduce **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Timothy Nest,Maxence Ernoult {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-174-Improving Robustness to Multiple Spurious Correlations by Multi-Objective Optimization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03303 **作者**: Nayeong Kim,Juwon Kang,Sungsoo Ahn,Jungseul Ok,Suha Kwak **关键词**: multiple biases, unbiased and accurate, accurate model, multiple, training **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Nayeong Kim,Juwon Kang,Sungsoo Ahn,Jungseul Ok,Suha Kwak {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-175-ELO-Rated Sequence Rewards: Advancing Reinforcement Learning Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03301 **作者**: Qi Ju,Falin Hei,Zhemei Fang,Yunfeng Luo **关键词**: Reinforcement Learning, highly dependent, meticulous design, Reinforcement, Learning **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Qi Ju,Falin Hei,Zhemei Fang,Yunfeng Luo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-176-Bringing the RT-1-X Foundation Model to a SCARA robot {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03299 **作者**: Jonathan Salzer,Arnoud Visser **关键词**: Traditional robotic systems, systems require specific, robotic systems require, require specific training, specific training data **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Jonathan Salzer,Arnoud Visser {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-177-On the construction of ultra-light MDS matrices {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03298 **作者**: Yu Tian,Xiutao Feng,Guangrong Li **关键词**: MDS matrices, symmetric key ciphers, constructing symmetric key, Substitution-Permutation Network, Network has emerged **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Yu Tian,Xiutao Feng,Guangrong Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-178-N-gram Prediction and Word Difference Representations for Language Modeling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03295 **作者**: DongNyeong Heo,Daniela Noemi Rim,Heeyoul Choi **关键词**: Causal language modeling, underpinning remarkable successes, recent large language, foundational framework underpinning, framework underpinning remarkable **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: DongNyeong Heo,Daniela Noemi Rim,Heeyoul Choi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-179-Federated Prototype-based Contrastive Learning for Privacy-Preserving Cross-domain Recommendation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03294 **作者**: Li Wang,Quangui Zhang,Lei Sang,Qiang Wu,Min Xu **关键词**: Cross-domain recommendation, improve recommendation accuracy, recommendation accuracy, user, CDR **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Li Wang,Quangui Zhang,Lei Sang,Qiang Wu,Min Xu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-180-LLM Detectors Still Fall Short of Real World: Case of LLM-Generated Short News-Like Posts {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03291 **作者**: Henrique Da Silva Gameiro,Andrei Kucharavy,Ljiljana Dolamic **关键词**: large Language Models, Language Models, major concern, emergence of widely, widely available powerful **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Henrique Da Silva Gameiro,Andrei Kucharavy,Ljiljana Dolamic {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-181-xt2KG: Incremental Knowledge Graphs Construction Using Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03284 **作者**: Yassir Lairgi,Ludovic Moncla,Rémy Cazabet,Khalid Benabdeslem,Pierre Cléau **关键词**: access valuable information, challenging to access, access valuable, making it challenging, building Knowledge Graphs **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Yassir Lairgi,Ludovic Moncla,Rémy Cazabet,Khalid Benabdeslem,Pierre Cléau {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-182-FireRedTTS: A Foundation Text-To-Speech Framework for Industry-Level Generative Speech Applications {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03283 **作者**: Hao-Han Guo,Kun Liu,Fei-Yu Shen,Yi-Chen Wu,Feng-Long Xie,Kun Xie,Kai-Tuo Xu **关键词**: diverse generative speech, meet the growing, growing demands, demands for personalized, personalized and diverse **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Hao-Han Guo,Kun Liu,Fei-Yu Shen,Yi-Chen Wu,Feng-Long Xie,Kun Xie,Kai-Tuo Xu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-183-Interpretable mixture of experts for time series prediction under recurrent and non-recurrent conditions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03282 **作者**: Zemian Ke,Haocheng Duan,Sean Qian **关键词**: follow periodic patterns, follow periodic, traffic speed prediction, Non-recurrent conditions caused, traffic speed **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Zemian Ke,Haocheng Duan,Sean Qian {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-184-ChartMoE: Mixture of Expert Connector for Advanced Chart Understanding {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03277 **作者**: Zhengzhuo Xu,Bowen Qu,Yiyan Qi,Sinan Du,Chengjin Xu,Chun Yuan,Jian Guo **关键词**: Automatic chart understanding, Automatic chart, document parsing, chart understanding, crucial for content **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Zhengzhuo Xu,Bowen Qu,Yiyan Qi,Sinan Du,Chengjin Xu,Chun Yuan,Jian Guo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-185-nsor network square root Kalman filter for online Gaussian process regression {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03276 **作者**: Clara Menzen,Manon Kok,Kim Batselier **关键词**: network Kalman filter, tensor network Kalman, Kalman filter lifts, high-dimensional recursive estimation, Kalman filter **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Clara Menzen,Manon Kok,Kim Batselier {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-186-Recent Advances in Attack and Defense Approaches of Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03274 **作者**: Jing Cui,Yishi Xu,Zhewei Huang,Shuchang Zhou,Jianbin Jiao,Junge Zhang **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, revolutionized artificial intelligence, advanced text processing, Language Models **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jing Cui,Yishi Xu,Zhewei Huang,Shuchang Zhou,Jianbin Jiao,Junge Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-187-Robust synchronization and policy adaptation for networked heterogeneous agents {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03273 **作者**: Miguel F. Arevalo-Castiblanco,Eduardo Mojica-Nava and,César A. Uribe **关键词**: input magnitude saturation, Magnitude Saturation Adaptive, robust adaptive online, adaptive online synchronization, Saturation Adaptive Control **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Miguel F. Arevalo-Castiblanco,Eduardo Mojica-Nava and,César A. Uribe {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-188-OccLLaMA: An Occupancy-Language-Action Generative World Model for Autonomous Driving {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03272 **作者**: Julong Wei,Shanshuai Yuan,Pengfei Li,Qingda Hu,Zhongxue Gan,Wenchao Ding **关键词**: spurred their applications, autonomous driving, large language models, multi-modal large language, applications in autonomous **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Julong Wei,Shanshuai Yuan,Pengfei Li,Qingda Hu,Zhongxue Gan,Wenchao Ding {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-189-Strategic Chain-of-Thought: Guiding Accurate Reasoning in LLMs through Strategy Elicitation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03271 **作者**: Yu Wang,Shiwan Zhao,Zhihu Wang,Heyuan Huang,Ming Fan,Yubo Zhang,Zhixing Wang,Haijun Wang,Ting Liu **关键词**: large language models, paradigm has emerged, capabilities of large, large language, LLM performance **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Yu Wang,Shiwan Zhao,Zhihu Wang,Heyuan Huang,Ming Fan,Yubo Zhang,Zhixing Wang,Haijun Wang,Ting Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-190-SVP: Style-Enhanced Vivid Portrait Talking Head Diffusion Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03270 **作者**: Weipeng Tan,Chuming Lin,Chengming Xu,Xiaozhong Ji,Junwei Zhu,Chengjie Wang,Yanwei Fu **关键词**: Talking Head Generation, Talking Head, broad application prospects, Head Generation, film production **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Weipeng Tan,Chuming Lin,Chengming Xu,Xiaozhong Ji,Junwei Zhu,Chengjie Wang,Yanwei Fu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-191-No Man is an Island: Towards Fully Automatic Programming by Code Search, Code Generation and Program Repair {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03267 **作者**: Quanjun Zhang,Chunrong Fang,Ye Shang,Tongke Zhang,Shengcheng Yu,Zhenyu Chen **关键词**: minimize human intervention, code, Automatic programming attempts, Automatic programming, existing code snippets **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Quanjun Zhang,Chunrong Fang,Ye Shang,Tongke Zhang,Shengcheng Yu,Zhenyu Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-192-Bones Can't Be Triangles: Accurate and Efficient Vertebrae Keypoint Estimation through Collaborative Error Revision {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03261 **作者**: Jinhee Kim,Taesung Kim,Jaegul Choo **关键词**: Recent advances, minimizing user intervention, vertebrae keypoint estimation, keypoint estimation, enhanced accuracy **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jinhee Kim,Taesung Kim,Jaegul Choo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-193-In Search of Trees: Decision-Tree Policy Synthesis for Black-Box Systems via Search {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03260 **作者**: Emir Demirović,Christian Schilling,Anna Lukina **关键词**: attractive as control, control policies, Decision trees, formal synthesis, policies **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Emir Demirović,Christian Schilling,Anna Lukina {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-194-GraphInsight: Unlocking Insights in Large Language Models for Graph Structure Understanding {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03258 **作者**: Yukun Cao,Shuo Han,Zengyi Gao,Zezhong Ding,Xike Xie,S. Kevin Zhou **关键词**: Large Language Models, Language Models, Large Language, graph description sequences, description sequences **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Yukun Cao,Shuo Han,Zengyi Gao,Zezhong Ding,Xike Xie,S. Kevin Zhou {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-195-Understanding LLM Development Through Longitudinal Study: Insights from the Open Ko-LLM Leaderboard {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03257 **作者**: Chanjun Park,Hyeonwoo Kim **关键词**: Open Ko-LLM Leaderboard, Open Ko-LLM, restricted observation periods, Ko-LLM Leaderboard, eleven months **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Chanjun Park,Hyeonwoo Kim {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-196-E2CL: Exploration-based Error Correction Learning for Embodied Agents {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03256 **作者**: Hanlin Wang,Chak Tou Leong,Jian Wang,Wenjie Li **关键词**: exhibiting increasing capability, Language models, utilization and reasoning, models are exhibiting, exhibiting increasing **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Hanlin Wang,Chak Tou Leong,Jian Wang,Wenjie Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-197-Granular-ball Representation Learning for Deep CNN on Learning with Label Noise {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03254 **作者**: Dawei Dai,Hao Zhu,Shuyin Xia,Guoyin Wang **关键词**: deep CNN models, actual scenarios, automatically annotated, manually or automatically, noise is inevitably **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Dawei Dai,Hao Zhu,Shuyin Xia,Guoyin Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-198-Gr-IoU: Ground-Intersection over Union for Robust Multi-Object Tracking with 3D Geometric Constraints {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03252 **作者**: Keisuke Toida,Naoki Kato,Osamu Segawa,Takeshi Nakamura,Kazuhiro Hotta **关键词**: problem in multi-object, data association problem, multi-object tracking, association problem, tracking objects detected **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Keisuke Toida,Naoki Kato,Osamu Segawa,Takeshi Nakamura,Kazuhiro Hotta {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-199-Dual-TSST: A Dual-Branch Temporal-Spectral-Spatial Transformer Model for EEG Decoding {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03251 **作者**: Hongqi Li,Haodong Zhang,Yitong Chen **关键词**: user intentions conveniently, signals allows access, intentions conveniently, human-machine interaction, EEG **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Hongqi Li,Haodong Zhang,Yitong Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-200-Multiple weather images restoration using the task transformer and adaptive mixup strategy {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03249 **作者**: Yang Wen,Anyu Lai,Bo Qian,Hao Wang,Wuzhen Shi,Wenming Cao **关键词**: severe weather removal, removal predominantly focuses, weather, weather removal, weather removal predominantly **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Yang Wen,Anyu Lai,Bo Qian,Hao Wang,Wuzhen Shi,Wenming Cao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-201-End User Authoring of Personalized Content Classifiers: Comparing Example Labeling, Rule Writing, and LLM Prompting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03247 **作者**: Leijie Wang,Kathryn Yurechko,Pranati Dani,Quan Ze Chen,Amy X. Zhang **关键词**: motivated user working, user working uninterrupted, Existing tools, laypeople to create, assume a motivated **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Leijie Wang,Kathryn Yurechko,Pranati Dani,Quan Ze Chen,Amy X. Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-202-A priori and a posteriori error bounds for the fully mixed FEM formulation of poroelasticity with stress-dependent permeability {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03246 **作者**: Arbaz Khan,Bishnu P. Lamichhane,Ricardo Ruiz-Baier,Segundo Villa-Fuentes **关键词**: total poroelastic stress, weakly imposed stress, imposed stress symmetry, Biot equations, mixed finite element **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Arbaz Khan,Bishnu P. Lamichhane,Ricardo Ruiz-Baier,Segundo Villa-Fuentes {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-203-UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles): Diverse Applications of UAV Datasets in Segmentation, Classification, Detection, and Tracking {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03245 **作者**: Md. Mahfuzur Rahman,Sunzida Siddique,Marufa Kamal,Rakib Hossain Rifat,Kishor Datta Gupta **关键词**: providing unmatched adaptability, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Unmanned Aerial, diverse research domains, UAV datasets **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Md. Mahfuzur Rahman,Sunzida Siddique,Marufa Kamal,Rakib Hossain Rifat,Kishor Datta Gupta {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-204-Grid-Forming Storage Networks: Analytical Characterization of Damping and Design Insights {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03244 **作者**: Kaustav Chatterjee,Ramij Raja Hossain,Sai Pushpak Nandanoori,Soumya Kundu,Subhrajit Sinha,Diane Baldwin,Ronald Melton **关键词**: inverter-based storage resources, bulk power systems, multiple grid-forming inverter-based, paper presents, presents a theoretical **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: Kaustav Chatterjee,Ramij Raja Hossain,Sai Pushpak Nandanoori,Soumya Kundu,Subhrajit Sinha,Diane Baldwin,Ronald Melton {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-205-Robust End-to-End Image Transmission with Residual Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03243 **作者**: Cenk M. Yetis **关键词**: rising trend due, significantly outperform conventional, outperform conventional separation-based, conventional separation-based digital, separation-based digital transmissions **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Cenk M. Yetis {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-206-DiffGrad for Physics-Informed Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03239 **作者**: Jamshaid Ul Rahman,Nimra **关键词**: Physics-Informed Neural Networks, addressing highly nonlinear, highly nonlinear problems, nonlinear problems based, Physics-Informed Neural **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computational Physics (physics.comp-ph) ***备注**: Jamshaid Ul Rahman,Nimra {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-207-Preserving Empirical Probabilities in BERT for Small-sample Clinical Entity Recognition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03238 **作者**: Abdul Rehman,Jian Jun Zhang,Xiaosong Yang **关键词**: Named Entity Recognition, Entity Recognition, Named Entity, equitable entity recognition, encounters the challenge **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Abdul Rehman,Jian Jun Zhang,Xiaosong Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-208-Robust Q-Learning under Corrupted Rewards {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03237 **作者**: Sreejeet Maity,Aritra Mitra **关键词**: model-free reinforcement learning, reinforcement learning algorithms, Q-learning algorithm, surge of interest, interest in analyzing **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Systems and Control (eess.SY); Optimization and Control (math.OC); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Sreejeet Maity,Aritra Mitra {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-209-Unveiling Context-Related Anomalies: Knowledge Graph Empowered Decoupling of Scene and Action for Human-Related Video Anomaly Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03236 **作者**: Chenglizhao Chen,Xinyu Liu,Mengke Song,Luming Li,Xu Yu,Shanchen Pang **关键词**: surveillance applications, crucial for surveillance, Detecting anomalies, scenes, methods **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Chenglizhao Chen,Xinyu Liu,Mengke Song,Luming Li,Xu Yu,Shanchen Pang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-210-State-space models are accurate and efficient neural operators for dynamical systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03231 **作者**: Zheyuan Hu,Nazanin Ahmadi Daryakenari,Qianli Shen,Kenji Kawaguchi,George Em Karniadakis **关键词**: Physics-informed machine learning, Physics-informed machine, offering faster, generalizable solutions, promising alternative **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Dynamical Systems (math.DS); Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Zheyuan Hu,Nazanin Ahmadi Daryakenari,Qianli Shen,Kenji Kawaguchi,George Em Karniadakis {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-211-Improving agent performance in fluid environments by perceptual pretraining {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03230 **作者**: Jin Zhang,Jianyang Xue,Bochao Cao **关键词**: information compression model, fluid environment perception, information compression, compression model, environment perception **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Fluid Dynamics (physics.flu-dyn) ***备注**: Jin Zhang,Jianyang Xue,Bochao Cao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-212-Labeled-to-Unlabeled Distribution Alignment for Partially-Supervised Multi-Organ Medical Image Segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03228 **作者**: Xixi Jiang,Dong Zhang,Xiang Li,Kangyi Liu,Kwang-Ting Cheng,Xin Yang **关键词**: medical image segmentation, image segmentation aims, unified semantic segmentation, semantic segmentation model, multi-organ medical image **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Xixi Jiang,Dong Zhang,Xiang Li,Kangyi Liu,Kwang-Ting Cheng,Xin Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-213-Memristors based Computation and Synthesis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03227 **作者**: Prashant Gupta,Priscilla Jennifer **关键词**: fourth fundamental circuit, fundamental circuit element, CMOS era computation, Leon Chua, Dot Product Engine **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY); Emerging Technologies (cs.ET) ***备注**: Prashant Gupta,Priscilla Jennifer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-214-Enhancing Healthcare LLM Trust with Atypical Presentations Recalibration {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03225 **作者**: Jeremy Qin,Bang Liu,Quoc Dinh Nguyen **关键词**: Black-box large language, large language models, making it essential, large language, increasingly deployed **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Jeremy Qin,Bang Liu,Quoc Dinh Nguyen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-215-Why mamba is effective? Exploit Linear Transformer-Mamba Network for Multi-Modality Image Fusion {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03223 **作者**: Chenguang Zhu,Shan Gao,Huafeng Chen,Guangqian Guo,Chaowei Wang,Yaoxing Wang,Chen Shu Lei,Quanjiang Fan **关键词**: Multi-modality image fusion, render high-quality fusion, Multi-modality image, high-quality fusion images, image fusion aims **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Chenguang Zhu,Shan Gao,Huafeng Chen,Guangqian Guo,Chaowei Wang,Yaoxing Wang,Chen Shu Lei,Quanjiang Fan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-216-FairQuant: Certifying and Quantifying Fairness of Deep Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03220 **作者**: Brian Hyeongseok Kim,Jingbo Wang,Chao Wang **关键词**: quantifying individual fairness, formally certifying, certifying and quantifying, DNN, quantifying individual **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Software Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Brian Hyeongseok Kim,Jingbo Wang,Chao Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-217-Content Moderation by LLM: From Accuracy to Legitimacy {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03219 **作者**: Tao Huang **关键词**: large language model, LLM, large language, language model, content moderation **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Emerging Technologies (cs.ET); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Tao Huang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-218-Application Research On Real-Time Perception Of Device Performance Status {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03218 **作者**: Zhe Wang,Zhen Wang,Jianwen Wu,Wangzhong Xiao,Yidong Chen,Zihua Feng,Dian Yang,Hongchen Liu,Bo Liang,Jiaojiao Fu **关键词**: Ideal Solution, Preference by Similarity, Similarity to Ideal, Order Preference, Technique for Order **类目**: Performance (cs.PF); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Zhe Wang,Zhen Wang,Jianwen Wu,Wangzhong Xiao,Yidong Chen,Zihua Feng,Dian Yang,Hongchen Liu,Bo Liang,Jiaojiao Fu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-219-xLAM: A Family of Large Action Models to Empower AI Agent Systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03215 **作者**: Jianguo Zhang,Tian Lan,Ming Zhu,Zuxin Liu,Thai Hoang,Shirley Kokane,Weiran Yao,Juntao Tan,Akshara Prabhakar,Haolin Chen,Zhiwei Liu,Yihao Feng,Tulika Awalgaonkar,Rithesh Murthy,Eric Hu,Zeyuan Chen,Ran Xu,Juan Carlos Niebles,Shelby Heinecke,Huan Wang,Silvio Savarese,Caiming Xiong **关键词**: significant research interest, attracted significant research, research interest, agent tasks, Autonomous agents powered **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Jianguo Zhang,Tian Lan,Ming Zhu,Zuxin Liu,Thai Hoang,Shirley Kokane,Weiran Yao,Juntao Tan,Akshara Prabhakar,Haolin Chen,Zhiwei Liu,Yihao Feng,Tulika Awalgaonkar,Rithesh Murthy,Eric Hu,Zeyuan Chen,Ran Xu,Juan Carlos Niebles,Shelby Heinecke,Huan Wang,Silvio Savarese,Caiming Xiong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-220-Optimizing 3D Gaussian Splatting for Sparse Viewpoint Scene Reconstruction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03213 **作者**: Shen Chen,Jiale Zhou,Lei Li **关键词**: Neural Radiance Fields, Radiance Fields, Neural Radiance, computational overhead compared, Gaussian Splatting **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Shen Chen,Jiale Zhou,Lei Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-221-Bi-capacity Choquet Integral for Sensor Fusion with Label Uncertainty {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03212 **作者**: Hersh Vakharia,Xiaoxiao Du **关键词**: improve reliability, Multiple Instance Learning, Sensor fusion combines, multiple sensor sources, Choquet integral **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Hersh Vakharia,Xiaoxiao Du {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-222-Seg: An Iterative Refinement-based Framework for Training-free Segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03209 **作者**: Lin Sun,Jiale Cao,Jin Xie,Fahad Shahbaz Khan,Yanwei Pang **关键词**: Stable diffusion, strong semantic clue, demonstrated strong image, strong image synthesis, employing stable diffusion **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Lin Sun,Jiale Cao,Jin Xie,Fahad Shahbaz Khan,Yanwei Pang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-223-C-LLaVA: Rethinking the Transfer from Image to Video Understanding with Temporal Considerations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03206 **作者**: Mingze Gao,Jingyu Liu,Mingda Li,Jiangtao Xie,Qingbin Liu,Bo Zhao,Xi Chen,Hui Xiong **关键词**: Multimodal Large Language, Large Language Models, Multimodal Large, Large Language, significantly improved performance **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Mingze Gao,Jingyu Liu,Mingda Li,Jiangtao Xie,Qingbin Liu,Bo Zhao,Xi Chen,Hui Xiong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-224-Pricing American Options using Machine Learning Algorithms {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03204 **作者**: Prudence Djagba,Callixte Ndizihiwe **关键词**: Monte Carlo simulations, Monte Carlo, Monte Carlo methods, pricing American options, American options **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computational Finance (q-fin.CP) ***备注**: Prudence Djagba,Callixte Ndizihiwe {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-225-An Effective Deployment of Diffusion LM for Data Augmentation in Low-Resource Sentiment Classification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03203 **作者**: Zhuowei Chen,Lianxi Wang,Yuben Wu,Xinfeng Liao,Yujia Tian,Junyang Zhong **关键词**: imbalanced label distributions, imbalanced label, label distributions, Sentiment classification, language model **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Zhuowei Chen,Lianxi Wang,Yuben Wu,Xinfeng Liao,Yujia Tian,Junyang Zhong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-226-Model Predictive Online Trajectory Planning for Adaptive Battery Discharging in Fuel Cell Vehicle {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03201 **作者**: Katsuya Shigematsu,Hikaru Hoshino,Eiko Furutani **关键词**: Hybrid Electric Vehicle, plug-in Hybrid Electric, Fuel Cell, Electric Vehicle, Hybrid Electric **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Katsuya Shigematsu,Hikaru Hoshino,Eiko Furutani {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-227-Active Fake: DeepFake Camouflage {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03200 **作者**: Pu Sun,Honggang Qi,Yuezun Li **关键词**: gained significant attention, significant attention due, manipulate facial attributes, Deep Neural Networks, high realism **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Pu Sun,Honggang Qi,Yuezun Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-228-RoomDiffusion: A Specialized Diffusion Model in the Interior Design Industry {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03198 **作者**: Zhaowei Wang,Ying Hao,Hao Wei,Qing Xiao,Lulu Chen,Yulong Li,Yue Yang,Tianyi Li **关键词**: design remains underexplored, Recent advancements, visual content generation, significantly transformed visual, transformed visual content **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Zhaowei Wang,Ying Hao,Hao Wei,Qing Xiao,Lulu Chen,Yulong Li,Yue Yang,Tianyi Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-229-Upper-Limb Rehabilitation with a Dual-Mode Individualized Exoskeleton Robot: A Generative-Model-Based Solution {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03193 **作者**: Yu Chen,Shu Miao,Jing Ye,Gong Chen,Jianghua Cheng,Ketao Du,Xiang Li **关键词**: upper-limb exoskeleton robot, upper-limb exoskeleton, exoskeleton robot, assistance typically limits, individualized assistance typically **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Yu Chen,Shu Miao,Jing Ye,Gong Chen,Jianghua Cheng,Ketao Du,Xiang Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-230-PEPL: Precision-Enhanced Pseudo-Labeling for Fine-Grained Image Classification in Semi-Supervised Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03192 **作者**: Bowen Tian,Songning Lai,Lujundong Li,Zhihao Shuai,Runwei Guan,Tian Wu,Yutao Yue **关键词**: computer vision technologies, witnessed significant advancements, vision technologies, Fine-grained image classification, advent of deep **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Bowen Tian,Songning Lai,Lujundong Li,Zhihao Shuai,Runwei Guan,Tian Wu,Yutao Yue {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-231-Mastoidectomy Multi-View Synthesis from a Single Microscopy Image {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03190 **作者**: Yike Zhang,Jack Noble **关键词**: Cochlear Implant, procedures involve performing, procedures involve, involve performing, performing an invasive **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Graphics (cs.GR) ***备注**: Yike Zhang,Jack Noble {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-232-A note on the differential spectrum of the Ness-Helleseth function {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03189 **作者**: Ketong Ren,Maosheng Xiong,Haode Yan **关键词**: chi, finite field, odd integer, differential spectrum, differential **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Ketong Ren,Maosheng Xiong,Haode Yan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-233-How noise affects memory in linear recurrent networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03187 **作者**: JingChuan Guan,Tomoyuki Kubota,Yasuo Kuniyoshi,Kohei Nakajima **关键词**: linear recurrent network, theoretically investigated, linear recurrent, recurrent network, noise **类目**: Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE); Disordered Systems and Neural Networks (cond-mat.dis-nn); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Dynamical Systems (math.DS) ***备注**: JingChuan Guan,Tomoyuki Kubota,Yasuo Kuniyoshi,Kohei Nakajima {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-234-Bypassing DARCY Defense: Indistinguishable Universal Adversarial Triggers {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03183 **作者**: Zuquan Peng,Yuanyuan He,Jianbing Ni,Ben Niu **关键词**: Natural Language Processing, Universal Adversarial Triggers, Neural networks, Universal Adversarial, Language Processing **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Zuquan Peng,Yuanyuan He,Jianbing Ni,Ben Niu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-235-Machine learning-based algorithms for at-home respiratory disease monitoring and respiratory assessment {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03180 **作者**: Negar Orangi-Fard,Alexandru Bogdan,Hersh Sagreiya **关键词**: management practices primarily, practices primarily reliant, specialist clinical testing, Respiratory diseases impose, global health **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Negar Orangi-Fard,Alexandru Bogdan,Hersh Sagreiya {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-236-Data-based approaches to learning and control by similarity between heterogeneous systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03175 **作者**: Chenchao Wang,Deyuan Meng **关键词**: paper proposes basic, proposes basic definitions, exploiting offline sampled, offline sampled data, similarity-based learning control **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Chenchao Wang,Deyuan Meng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-237-MARAGS: A Multi-Adapter System for Multi-Task Retrieval Augmented Generation Question Answering {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03171 **作者**: Mitchell DeHaven **关键词**: Meta Comprehensive RAG, Meta Comprehensive, multi-adapter retrieval augmented, Comprehensive RAG, retrieval augmented generation **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Mitchell DeHaven {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-238-Solving Stochastic Orienteering Problems with Chance Constraints Using Monte Carlo Tree Search {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03170 **作者**: Stefano Carpin **关键词**: Carlo Tree Search, Monte Carlo Tree, stochastic orienteering problem, Tree Search, Monte Carlo **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Stefano Carpin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-239-wo or three things I know about tree transducers {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03169 **作者**: Lê Thành Dũng Nguyên **关键词**: first-order signature, tree, transducers, tree transducers, ranked trees **类目**: Formal Languages and Automata Theory (cs.FL) ***备注**: Lê Thành Dũng Nguyên {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-240-InfraLib: Enabling Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making for Large Scale Infrastructure Management {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03167 **作者**: Pranay Thangeda,Trevor S. Betz,Michael N. Grussing,Melkior Ornik **关键词**: Efficient management, economic stability, public safety, crucial for economic, Efficient **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Pranay Thangeda,Trevor S. Betz,Michael N. Grussing,Melkior Ornik {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-241-Continual Skill and Task Learning via Dialogue {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03166 **作者**: Weiwei Gu,Suresh Kondepudi,Lixiao Huang,Nakul Gopalan **关键词**: sample efficiency, challenging problem, perpetually with sample, robot, skills **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Weiwei Gu,Suresh Kondepudi,Lixiao Huang,Nakul Gopalan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-242-A Scalable Matrix Visualization for Understanding Tree Ensemble Classifiers {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03164 **作者**: Zhen Li,Weikai Yang,Jun Yuan,Jing Wu,Changjian Chen,Yao Ming,Fan Yang,Hui Zhang,Shixia Liu **关键词**: hard to understand, ensemble classifiers benefits, tree ensemble classifiers, high performance, rules **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Graphics (cs.GR) ***备注**: Zhen Li,Weikai Yang,Jun Yuan,Jing Wu,Changjian Chen,Yao Ming,Fan Yang,Hui Zhang,Shixia Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-243-CyberDep: Towards the Analysis of Cyber-Physical Power System Interdependencies Using Bayesian Networks and Temporal Data {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03163 **作者**: Leen Al Homoud,Katherine Davis,Shamina Hossain-McKenzie,Nicholas Jacobs **关键词**: Modern-day power systems, Supervisory Control, distributed energy generation, increasingly cyber-physical due, Modern-day power **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Leen Al Homoud,Katherine Davis,Shamina Hossain-McKenzie,Nicholas Jacobs {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-244-MaterialBENCH: Evaluating College-Level Materials Science Problem-Solving Abilities of Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03161 **作者**: Michiko Yoshitake(1),Yuta Suzuki(2),Ryo Igarashi(1),Yoshitaka Ushiku(1),Keisuke Nagato(3) ((1) OMRON SINIC X, (2) Osaka Univ., (3) Univ. Tokyo) **关键词**: college-level benchmark dataset, materials science field, large language models, science field, college-level benchmark **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Michiko Yoshitake(1),Yuta Suzuki(2),Ryo Igarashi(1),Yoshitaka Ushiku(1),Keisuke Nagato(3) ((1) OMRON SINIC X, (2) Osaka Univ., (3) Univ. Tokyo) {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-245-Autonomous Drifting Based on Maximal Safety Probability Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03160 **作者**: Hikaru Hoshino,Jiaxing Li,Arnav Menon,John M. Dolan,Yorie Nakahira **关键词**: autonomous driving based, maximal safety probability, paper proposes, learning-based framework, framework for autonomous **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Hikaru Hoshino,Jiaxing Li,Arnav Menon,John M. Dolan,Yorie Nakahira {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-246-Debate on Graph: a Flexible and Reliable Reasoning Framework for Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03155 **作者**: Jie Ma,Zhitao Gao,Qi Chai,Wangchun Sun,Pinghui Wang,Hongbin Pei,Jing Tao,Lingyun Song,Jun Liu,Chen Zhang,Lizhen Cui **关键词**: Large Language Models, real-world applications due, knowledge graphs, Large Language, Language Models **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jie Ma,Zhitao Gao,Qi Chai,Wangchun Sun,Pinghui Wang,Hongbin Pei,Jing Tao,Lingyun Song,Jun Liu,Chen Zhang,Lizhen Cui {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-247-Can we enhance prosocial behavior? Using post-ride feedback to improve micromobility interactions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03153 **作者**: Sidney T. Scott-Sharoni,Shashank Mehrotra,Kevin Salubre,Miao Song,Teruhisa Misu,Kumar Akash **关键词**: future urban transportation, prosocial behavior, hold promise, urban transportation, promise for eco-friendly **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Sidney T. Scott-Sharoni,Shashank Mehrotra,Kevin Salubre,Miao Song,Teruhisa Misu,Kumar Akash {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-248-A Brief Overview of the Pawns Programming Language {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03152 **作者**: Lee Naish **关键词**: higher order programming, including algebraic data, pure functional programming, shared data structures, supports pure functional **类目**: Programming Languages (cs.PL) ***备注**: Lee Naish {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-249-Standing on the shoulders of giants {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03151 **作者**: Lucas Felipe Ferraro Cardoso,José de Sousa Ribeiro Filho,Vitor Cirilo Araujo Santos,Regiane Silva Kawasaki Frances,Ronnie Cley de Oliveira Alves **关键词**: Machine Learning, advancement of Machine, classic evaluation metrics, evaluation metrics extracted, Item Response Theory **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Lucas Felipe Ferraro Cardoso,José de Sousa Ribeiro Filho,Vitor Cirilo Araujo Santos,Regiane Silva Kawasaki Frances,Ronnie Cley de Oliveira Alves {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-250-Discovering Cyclists' Street Visual Preferences Through Multi-Source Big Data Using Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03148 **作者**: Ren Kezhou,Gong Yongxi **关键词**: gained global popularity, positive urban impacts, cyclists' preferences, gained global, global popularity **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Ren Kezhou,Gong Yongxi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-251-Addressing the Gaps in Early Dementia Detection: A Path Towards Enhanced Diagnostic Models through Machine Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03147 **作者**: Juan A. Berrios Moya **关键词**: rapid global aging, global aging trend, accurate diagnostic methods, underscoring the urgent, rapid global **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Juan A. Berrios Moya {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-252-Large \'Etendue 3D Holographic Display with Content-adpative Dynamic Fourier Modulation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03143 **作者**: Brian Chao,Manu Gopakumar,Suyeon Choi,Jonghyun Kim,Liang Shi,Gordon Wetzstein **关键词**: virtual reality systems, technology offers unique, offers unique capabilities, next-generation virtual reality, Emerging holographic display **类目**: Graphics (cs.GR); Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Optics (physics.optics) ***备注**: Brian Chao,Manu Gopakumar,Suyeon Choi,Jonghyun Kim,Liang Shi,Gordon Wetzstein {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-253-Causal Temporal Representation Learning with Nonstationary Sparse Transition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03142 **作者**: Xiangchen Song,Zijian Li,Guangyi Chen,Yujia Zheng,Yewen Fan,Xinshuai Dong,Kun Zhang **关键词**: Temporal Representation Learning, Causal Temporal Representation, temporal causal dynamics, nonstationary temporal sequences, complex nonstationary temporal **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Xiangchen Song,Zijian Li,Guangyi Chen,Yujia Zheng,Yewen Fan,Xinshuai Dong,Kun Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-254-owards Autonomous Cybersecurity: An Intelligent AutoML Framework for Autonomous Intrusion Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03141 **作者**: Li Yang,Abdallah Shami **关键词**: network management systems, Machine Learning, Automated Machine Learning, Intrusion Detection Systems, rapid evolution **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Li Yang,Abdallah Shami {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-255-GraphEx: A Graph-based Extraction Method for Advertiser Keyphrase Recommendation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03140 **作者**: Ashirbad Mishra,Soumik Dey,Marshall Wu,Jinyu Zhao,He Yu,Kaichen Ni,Binbin Li,Kamesh Madduri **关键词**: Extreme Multi-Label Classification, Online sellers, listed products, enhance their sales, advertisers are recommended **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Ashirbad Mishra,Soumik Dey,Marshall Wu,Jinyu Zhao,He Yu,Kaichen Ni,Binbin Li,Kamesh Madduri {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-256-Approximation and application of minimizing movements for surface PDE {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03139 **作者**: Elliott Ginder,Karel Svadlenka,Takuma Muramatsu **关键词**: surface PDE setting, closest point method, PDE setting, employing the closest, closest point **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Elliott Ginder,Karel Svadlenka,Takuma Muramatsu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-257-he AdEMAMix Optimizer: Better, Faster, Older {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03137 **作者**: Matteo Pagliardini,Pierre Ablin,David Grangier **关键词**: Momentum based optimizers, machine learning applications, Exponential Moving Average, Momentum based, learning applications **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Matteo Pagliardini,Pierre Ablin,David Grangier {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-258-Well, that escalated quickly: The Single-Turn Crescendo Attack (STCA) {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03131 **作者**: Alan Aqrawi **关键词**: large language models, Single-Turn Crescendo Attack, multi-turn crescendo attack, crescendo attack established, Crescendo Attack **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Alan Aqrawi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-259-Apocalypse, survivalism, occultism and esotericism communities on Brazilian Telegram: when faith is used to sell quantum courses and open doors to harmful conspiracy theories {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03130 **作者**: Ergon Cugler de Moraes Silva **关键词**: find fertile ground, esotericism find fertile, Brazilian conspiracy theory, conspiracy theory communities, occultism and esotericism **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Ergon Cugler de Moraes Silva {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-260-Subsidy design for better social outcomes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03129 **作者**: Maria-Florina Balcan,Matteo Pozzi,Dravyansh Sharma **关键词**: Overcoming the impact, Price of Anarchy, players in multiagent, system performance, multiagent systems **类目**: Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Maria-Florina Balcan,Matteo Pozzi,Dravyansh Sharma {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-261-Fast algorithms to improve fair information access in networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03127 **作者**: Dennis Robert Windham,Caroline J. Wendt,Alex Crane,Sorelle A. Friedler,Blair D. Sullivan,Aaron Clauset **关键词**: network structural heterogeneity, information access, pairwise sharing, large disparities, structural heterogeneity **类目**: ocial and Information Networks (cs.SI); Computers and Society (cs.CY); Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph) ***备注**: Dennis Robert Windham,Caroline J. Wendt,Alex Crane,Sorelle A. Friedler,Blair D. Sullivan,Aaron Clauset {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-262-Approximate Environment Decompositions for Robot Coverage Planning using Submodular Set Cover {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03120 **作者**: Megnath Ramesh,Frank Imeson,Baris Fidan,Stephen L. Smith **关键词**: robot coverage planning, environment, coverage planning, coverage, Coverage path planning **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Megnath Ramesh,Frank Imeson,Baris Fidan,Stephen L. Smith {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-263-Register Aggregation for Hardware Decompilation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03119 **作者**: Varun Rao,Zachary D. Sisco **关键词**: digital electronic design, hardware description language, reverses logic synthesis, Hardware decompilation reverses, gate-level digital electronic **类目**: Hardware Architecture (cs.AR); Programming Languages (cs.PL) ***备注**: Varun Rao,Zachary D. Sisco {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-264-Probing self-attention in self-supervised speech models for cross-linguistic differences {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03115 **作者**: Sai Gopinath,Joselyn Rodriguez **关键词**: gained traction, increase in accuracy, transformer architectures, Speech, models **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Sai Gopinath,Joselyn Rodriguez {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-265-Developing, Analyzing, and Evaluating Self-Drive Algorithms Using Drive-by-Wire Electric Vehicles {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03114 **作者**: Beñat Froemming-Aldanondo,Tatiana Rastoskueva,Michael Evans,Marcial Machado,Anna Vadella,Rickey Johnson,Luis Escamilla,Milan Jostes,Devson Butani,Ryan Kaddis,Chan-Jin Chung,Joshua Siegel **关键词**: effective autonomous driving, Robot Operating System, essential for safe, safe and effective, effective autonomous **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Beñat Froemming-Aldanondo,Tatiana Rastoskueva,Michael Evans,Marcial Machado,Anna Vadella,Rickey Johnson,Luis Escamilla,Milan Jostes,Devson Butani,Ryan Kaddis,Chan-Jin Chung,Joshua Siegel {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-266-What is Normal? A Big Data Observational Science Model of Anonymized Internet Traffic {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03111 **作者**: Jeremy Kepner,Hayden Jananthan,Michael Jones,William Arcand,David Bestor,William Bergeron,Daniel Burrill,Aydin Buluc,Chansup Byun,Timothy Davis,Vijay Gadepally,Daniel Grant,Michael Houle,Matthew Hubbell,Piotr Luszczek,Lauren Milechin,Chasen Milner,Guillermo Morales,Andrew Morris,Julie Mullen,Ritesh Patel,Alex Pentland,Sandeep Pisharody,Andrew Prout,Albert Reuther,Antonio Rosa,Gabriel Wachman,Charles Yee,Peter Michaleas **关键词**: key aspect, aspect of protecting, Understanding, domains invest heavily, Abstract **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Computers and Society (cs.CY); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI) ***备注**: Jeremy Kepner,Hayden Jananthan,Michael Jones,William Arcand,David Bestor,William Bergeron,Daniel Burrill,Aydin Buluc,Chansup Byun,Timothy Davis,Vijay Gadepally,Daniel Grant,Michael Houle,Matthew Hubbell,Piotr Luszczek,Lauren Milechin,Chasen Milner,Guillermo Morales,Andrew Morris,Julie Mullen,Ritesh Patel,Alex Pentland,Sandeep Pisharody,Andrew Prout,Albert Reuther,Antonio Rosa,Gabriel Wachman,Charles Yee,Peter Michaleas {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-267-FIDAVL: Fake Image Detection and Attribution using Vision-Language Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03109 **作者**: Mamadou Keita,Wassim Hamidouche,Hessen Bougueffa Eutamene,Abdelmalik Taleb-Ahmed,Abdenour Hadid **关键词**: Fake Image Detection, introduce FIDAVL, Vision-Language Model, Detection and Attribution, FIDAVL **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Mamadou Keita,Wassim Hamidouche,Hessen Bougueffa Eutamene,Abdelmalik Taleb-Ahmed,Abdenour Hadid {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-268-RoboKoop: Efficient Control Conditioned Representations from Visual Input in Robotics using Koopman Operator {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03107 **作者**: Hemant Kumawat,Biswadeep Chakraborty,Saibal Mukhopadhyay **关键词**: requires underlying robust, underlying robust task, Developing agents, underlying visual representations, requires underlying **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Hemant Kumawat,Biswadeep Chakraborty,Saibal Mukhopadhyay {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-269-Spatial Diffusion for Cell Layout Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03106 **作者**: Chen Li,Xiaoling Hu,Shahira Abousamra,Meilong Xu,Chao Chen **关键词**: augment training sets, augment training, training sets, Generative models, Generative **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Chen Li,Xiaoling Hu,Shahira Abousamra,Meilong Xu,Chao Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-270-Leveraging Interpretability in the Transformer to Automate the Proactive Scaling of Cloud Resources {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03103 **作者**: Amadou Ba,Pavithra Harsha,Chitra Subramanian **关键词**: Modern web services, web services adopt, services adopt cloud-native, adopt cloud-native principles, Service Level Agreements **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Amadou Ba,Pavithra Harsha,Chitra Subramanian {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-271-On Advanced Monte Carlo Methods for Linear Algebra on Advanced Accelerator Architectures {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03095 **作者**: Anton Lebedev,Vassil Alexandrov **关键词**: Carlo Matrix Inversion, Markov Chain Monte, Chain Monte Carlo, Monte Carlo Matrix, Matrix Inversion **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Anton Lebedev,Vassil Alexandrov {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-272-Multi-language Unit Test Generation using LLMs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03093 **作者**: Rangeet Pan,Myeongsoo Kim,Rahul Krishna,Raju Pavuluri,Saurabh Sinha **关键词**: Implementing automated unit, Implementing automated, time consuming activity, consuming activity, automated unit tests **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Rangeet Pan,Myeongsoo Kim,Rahul Krishna,Raju Pavuluri,Saurabh Sinha {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-273-Generative Manufacturing: A requirements and resource-driven approach to part making {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03089 **作者**: Hongrui Chen,Aditya Joglekar,Zack Rubinstein,Bradley Schmerl,Gary Fedder,Jan de Nijs,David Garlan,Stephen Smith,Levent Burak Kara **关键词**: Advances in CAD, CAD and CAM, CAM have enabled, digitally design parts, unprecedented ease **类目**: Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE) ***备注**: Hongrui Chen,Aditya Joglekar,Zack Rubinstein,Bradley Schmerl,Gary Fedder,Jan de Nijs,David Garlan,Stephen Smith,Levent Burak Kara {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-274-Intersecting Liminality: Acquiring a Smartphone as a Blind or Low Vision Older Adult {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03086 **作者**: Isabela Figueira,Yoonha Cha,Stacy M. Branham **关键词**: Older adults, increasingly acquiring smartphones, BLV older adults, acquiring smartphones, Older **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Isabela Figueira,Yoonha Cha,Stacy M. Branham {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-275-On the backward stability of s-step GMRES {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03079 **作者**: Erin Carson,Yuxin Ma **关键词**: Krylov subspace method, modern computer architectures, classical Krylov subspace, subspace method solvers, Krylov subspace **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Erin Carson,Yuxin Ma {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-276-Backdoor defense, learnability and obfuscation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03077 **作者**: Paul Christiano,Jacob Hilton,Victor Lecomte,Mark Xu **关键词**: introduce a formal, formal notion, attacker, PAC learnability, function class **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Paul Christiano,Jacob Hilton,Victor Lecomte,Mark Xu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-277-Space to Teach: Content-Rich Canvases for Visually-Intensive Education {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03072 **作者**: Jesse Harden,Nurit Kirshenbaum,Roderick Tabalba,Ryan Theriot,Michael Rogers,Mahdi Belcaid,Chris North,Luc Renambot,Lance Long,Andrew Johnson,Jason Leigh **关键词**: consumer display technologies, display technologies making, visually intensive classes, consumer display, display technologies **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Jesse Harden,Nurit Kirshenbaum,Roderick Tabalba,Ryan Theriot,Michael Rogers,Mahdi Belcaid,Chris North,Luc Renambot,Lance Long,Andrew Johnson,Jason Leigh {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-278-Minimizing Cost Rather Than Maximizing Reward in Restless Multi-Armed Bandits {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03071 **作者**: R. Teal Witter,Lisa Hellerstein **关键词**: Restless Multi-Armed Bandits, minimization problem, Whittle index, Restless Multi-Armed, Multi-Armed Bandits **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ***备注**: R. Teal Witter,Lisa Hellerstein {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-279-A Comparative Study of Offline Models and Online LLMs in Fake News Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03067 **作者**: Ruoyu Xu,Gaoxiang Li **关键词**: evolving digital landscape, today rapidly evolving, rapidly evolving digital, Fake news detection, digital landscape **类目**: ocial and Information Networks (cs.SI) ***备注**: Ruoyu Xu,Gaoxiang Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-280-MobileUNETR: A Lightweight End-To-End Hybrid Vision Transformer For Efficient Medical Image Segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03062 **作者**: Shehan Perera,Yunus Erzurumlu,Deepak Gulati,Alper Yilmaz **关键词**: medical image analysis, cancer segmentation poses, poses a significant, significant challenge, challenge in medical **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Shehan Perera,Yunus Erzurumlu,Deepak Gulati,Alper Yilmaz {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-281-Incorporating dense metric depth into neural 3D representations for view synthesis and relighting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03061 **作者**: Arkadeep Narayan Chaudhury,Igor Vasiljevic,Sergey Zakharov,Vitor Guizilini,Rares Ambrus,Srinivasa Narasimhan,Christopher G. Atkeson **关键词**: Synthesizing accurate geometry, Synthesizing accurate, convenient product capture, virtual reality, autonomous driving **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Graphics (cs.GR); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Arkadeep Narayan Chaudhury,Igor Vasiljevic,Sergey Zakharov,Vitor Guizilini,Rares Ambrus,Srinivasa Narasimhan,Christopher G. Atkeson {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-282-Better Verified Explanations with Applications to Incorrectness and Out-of-Distribution Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03060 **作者**: Min Wu,Xiaofu Li,Haoze Wu,Clark Barrett **关键词**: learning model outputs, machine learning model, producing optimal verified, Building on VeriX, present VeriX **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Min Wu,Xiaofu Li,Haoze Wu,Clark Barrett {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-283-Quantification of stylistic differences in human- and ASR-produced transcripts of African American English {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03059 **作者**: Annika Heuser,Tyler Kendall,Miguel del Rio,Quinten McNamara,Nishchal Bhandari,Corey Miller,Migüel Jetté **关键词**: conflate multiple sources, Common measures, automatic speech recognition, ASR performance evaluation, conflate multiple **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Annika Heuser,Tyler Kendall,Miguel del Rio,Quinten McNamara,Nishchal Bhandari,Corey Miller,Migüel Jetté {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-284-VECA: Reliable and Confidential Resource Clustering for Volunteer Edge-Cloud Computing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03057 **作者**: Hemanth Sai Yeddulapalli,Mauro Lemus Alarcon,Upasana Roy,Roshan Lal Neupane,Durbek Gafurov,Motahare Mounesan,Saptarshi Debroy,Prasad Calyam **关键词**: user communities contributing, communities contributing volunteer, contributing volunteer edge, VEC, VEC node search **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Hemanth Sai Yeddulapalli,Mauro Lemus Alarcon,Upasana Roy,Roshan Lal Neupane,Durbek Gafurov,Motahare Mounesan,Saptarshi Debroy,Prasad Calyam {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-285-SymPAC: Scalable Symbolic Music Generation With Prompts And Constraints {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03055 **作者**: Haonan Chen,Jordan B. L. Smith,Bochen Li,Ju-Chiang Wang,Janne Spijkervet,Pei Zou,Xingjian Du,Qiuqiang Kong **关键词**: symbolic music generation, Symbolic Music Language, training symbolic generation, symbolic generation models, Finite State Machines **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Haonan Chen,Jordan B. L. Smith,Bochen Li,Ju-Chiang Wang,Janne Spijkervet,Pei Zou,Xingjian Du,Qiuqiang Kong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-286-Context-Aware Image Descriptions for Web Accessibility {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03054 **作者**: Ananya Gubbi Mohanbabu,Amy Pavel **关键词**: Blind and low, image descriptions, descriptions, image, internet users access **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Ananya Gubbi Mohanbabu,Amy Pavel {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-287-An Introduction to Centralized Training for Decentralized Execution in Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03052 **作者**: Christopher Amato **关键词**: Multi-agent reinforcement learning, Multi-agent reinforcement, recent years, execution, CTDE **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA) ***备注**: Christopher Amato {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-288-Successive-Cancellation Flip Decoding of Polar Codes Under Fixed Channel-Production Rate {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03051 **作者**: Ilshat Sagitov,Charles Pillet,Pascal Giard **关键词**: low-complexity successive-cancellation flip, Polar codes, SCF decoding algorithm, error-correcting codes, successive-cancellation flip **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Ilshat Sagitov,Charles Pillet,Pascal Giard {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-289-Oddballness: universal anomaly detection with language models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03046 **作者**: Filip Graliński,Ryszard Staruch,Krzysztof Jurkiewicz **关键词**: totally unsupervised manner, language model, detect anomalies, unsupervised manner, totally unsupervised **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Filip Graliński,Ryszard Staruch,Krzysztof Jurkiewicz {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-290-A Large-Scale Survey of Password Entry Practices on Non-Desktop Devices {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03044 **作者**: John Sadik,Scott Ruoti **关键词**: improve their security, passwords, Password managers, Password, managers encourage users **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: John Sadik,Scott Ruoti {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-291-Can Your Generative Model Detect Out-of-Distribution Covariate Shift? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03043 **作者**: Christiaan Viviers,Amaan Valiuddin,Francisco Caetano,Lemar Abdi,Lena Filatova,Peter de With,Fons van der Sommen **关键词**: high-level image statistics, normal and In-Distribution, high-level image, distribution shift aims, OOD detection **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Christiaan Viviers,Amaan Valiuddin,Francisco Caetano,Lemar Abdi,Lena Filatova,Peter de With,Fons van der Sommen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-292-Nonlinear Monolithic Two-Level Schwarz Methods for the Navier-Stokes Equations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03041 **作者**: Axel Klawonn,Martin Lanser **关键词**: Nonlinear domain decomposition, nonlinear convergence behavior, domain decomposition methods, Newton method significantly, Newton method equipped **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE) ***备注**: Axel Klawonn,Martin Lanser {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-293-MDNF: Multi-Diffusion-Nets for Neural Fields on Meshes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03034 **作者**: Avigail Cohen Rimon,Tal Shnitzer,Mirela Ben Chen **关键词**: Fourier Filter Bank, Neural Fourier Filter, frequency domains, framework for representing, triangle meshes **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Avigail Cohen Rimon,Tal Shnitzer,Mirela Ben Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-294-A General Albedo Recovery Approach for Aerial Photogrammetric Images through Inverse Rendering {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03032 **作者**: Shuang Song,Rongjun Qin **关键词**: Modeling outdoor scenes, complicated unmodeled physics, Modeling outdoor, ill-posed problem due, volume scattering **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Graphics (cs.GR) ***备注**: Shuang Song,Rongjun Qin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-295-Debugging with Open-Source Large Language Models: An Evaluation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03031 **作者**: Yacine Majdoub,Eya Ben Charrada **关键词**: software development tasks, shown good potential, supporting software development, development tasks, Large language models **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Yacine Majdoub,Eya Ben Charrada {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-296-GreenWhisk: Emission-Aware Computing for Serverless Platform {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03029 **作者**: Jayden Serenari,Sreekanth Sreekumar,Kaiwen Zhao,Saurabh Sarkar,Stephen Lee **关键词**: explicitly provisioning resources, including explicitly provisioning, platform transparently manages, cloud platform transparently, emerging cloud computing **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Jayden Serenari,Sreekanth Sreekumar,Kaiwen Zhao,Saurabh Sarkar,Stephen Lee {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-297-Rigid-Body Attitude Control on $\mathsf{SO(3)}$ using Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03028 **作者**: Hafiz Zeeshan Iqbal Khan,Farooq Aslam,Muhammad Farooq Haydar,Jamshed Riaz **关键词**: Special Orthogonal Group, rigid body attitude, body attitude control, nonlinear dynamic inversion, cascaded control architecture **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: Hafiz Zeeshan Iqbal Khan,Farooq Aslam,Muhammad Farooq Haydar,Jamshed Riaz {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-298-No Detail Left Behind: Revisiting Self-Retrieval for Fine-Grained Image Captioning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03025 **作者**: Manu Gaur,Darshan Singh S,Makarand Tapaswi **关键词**: unable to generate, trained on data, generate fine-grained captions, Visual Caption Boosting, human annotations **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Manu Gaur,Darshan Singh S,Makarand Tapaswi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-299-NUMOSIM: A Synthetic Mobility Dataset with Anomaly Detection Benchmarks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03024 **作者**: Chris Stanford,Suman Adari,Xishun Liao,Yueshuai He,Qinhua Jiang,Chenchen Kuai,Jiaqi Ma,Emmanuel Tung,Yinlong Qian,Lingyi Zhao,Zihao Zhou,Zeeshan Rasheed,Khurram Shafique **关键词**: Collecting real-world mobility, Collecting real-world, Collecting, anomaly detection, NUMOSIM **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Chris Stanford,Suman Adari,Xishun Liao,Yueshuai He,Qinhua Jiang,Chenchen Kuai,Jiaqi Ma,Emmanuel Tung,Yinlong Qian,Lingyi Zhao,Zihao Zhou,Zeeshan Rasheed,Khurram Shafique {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-300-Boundless: Generating Photorealistic Synthetic Data for Object Detection in Urban Streetscapes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03022 **作者**: Mehmet Kerem Turkcan,Ian Li,Chengbo Zang,Javad Ghaderi,Gil Zussman,Zoran Kostic **关键词**: dense urban streetscapes, data generation system, photo-realistic synthetic data, highly accurate object, enabling highly accurate **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Mehmet Kerem Turkcan,Ian Li,Chengbo Zang,Javad Ghaderi,Gil Zussman,Zoran Kostic {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-301-CLUE: Concept-Level Uncertainty Estimation for Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03021 **作者**: Yu-Hsiang Wang,Andrew Bai,Che-Ping Tsai,Cho-Jui Hsieh **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, Language Models, natural language generation, demonstrated remarkable proficiency **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Yu-Hsiang Wang,Andrew Bai,Che-Ping Tsai,Cho-Jui Hsieh {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-302-Online Scheduling via Gradient Descent for Weighted Flow Time Minimization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03020 **作者**: Qingyun Chen,Sungjin Im,Aditya Petety **关键词**: Shortest Remaining Processing, Remaining Processing Time, Shortest Remaining, Remaining Processing, generalization of Shortest **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ***备注**: Qingyun Chen,Sungjin Im,Aditya Petety {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-303-Design and Evaluation of Camera-Centric Mobile Crowdsourcing Applications {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03012 **作者**: Abby Stylianou,Michelle Brachman,Albatool Wazzan,Samuel Black,Richard Souvenir **关键词**: underlies automated methods, machine learning, fine-grained recognition, underlies automated, automated methods **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Abby Stylianou,Michelle Brachman,Albatool Wazzan,Samuel Black,Richard Souvenir {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-304-PIETRA: Physics-Informed Evidential Learning for Traversing Out-of-Distribution Terrain {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03005 **作者**: Xiaoyi Cai,James Queeney,Tong Xu,Aniket Datar,Chenhui Pan,Max Miller,Ashton Flather,Philip R. Osteen,Nicholas Roy,Xuesu Xiao,Jonathan P. How **关键词**: powerful approach, approach for developing, developing traversability models, developing traversability, Self-supervised learning **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Xiaoyi Cai,James Queeney,Tong Xu,Aniket Datar,Chenhui Pan,Max Miller,Ashton Flather,Philip R. Osteen,Nicholas Roy,Xuesu Xiao,Jonathan P. How {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-305-Vec2Face: Scaling Face Dataset Generation with Loosely Constrained Vectors {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02979 **作者**: Haiyu Wu,Jaskirat Singh,Sicong Tian,Liang Zheng,Kevin W. Bowyer **关键词**: non-existent persons, paper studies, synthesize face images, face, identities **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Haiyu Wu,Jaskirat Singh,Sicong Tian,Liang Zheng,Kevin W. Bowyer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-306-Large Language Model-Based Agents for Software Engineering: A Survey {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02977 **作者**: Junwei Liu,Kaixin Wang,Yixuan Chen,Xin Peng,Zhenpeng Chen,Lingming Zhang,Yiling Lou **关键词**: Large Language Models, Language Models, Large Language, advance in Large, LLM-based agents **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Junwei Liu,Kaixin Wang,Yixuan Chen,Xin Peng,Zhenpeng Chen,Lingming Zhang,Yiling Lou {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-307-Hallucination Detection in LLMs: Fast and Memory-Efficient Finetuned Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02976 **作者**: Gabriel Y. Arteaga,Thomas B. Schön,Nicolas Pielawski **关键词**: Uncertainty estimation, high-risk settings, Large Language Models, autonomous cars, component when implementing **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Gabriel Y. Arteaga,Thomas B. Schön,Nicolas Pielawski {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-308-SDOoop: Capturing Periodical Patterns and Out-of-phase Anomalies in Streaming Data Analysis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02973 **作者**: Alexander Hartl,Félix Iglesias Vázquez,Tanja Zseby **关键词**: required in applications, mechatronics or cyber-physical, cyber-physical systems, analysis is increasingly, increasingly required **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Alexander Hartl,Félix Iglesias Vázquez,Tanja Zseby {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-309-Meal-taking activity monitoring in the elderly based on sensor data: Comparison of unsupervised classification methods {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02971 **作者**: Abderrahim Derouiche(LAAS-S4M, UT3),Damien Brulin(LAAS-S4M, UT2J),Eric Campo(LAAS-S4M, UT2J),Antoine Piau **关键词**: improve nutritional monitoring, older population, increase in frailty, era marked, demographic change **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Signal Processing (eess.SP); Applications (stat.AP) ***备注**: Abderrahim Derouiche(LAAS-S4M, UT3),Damien Brulin(LAAS-S4M, UT2J),Eric Campo(LAAS-S4M, UT2J),Antoine Piau {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-310-LibMOON: A Gradient-based MultiObjective OptimizatioN Library in PyTorch {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02969 **作者**: Xiaoyuan Zhang,Liang Zhao,Yingying Yu,Xi Lin,Zhenkun Wang,Han Zhao,Qingfu Zhang **关键词**: Multiobjective optimization problems, robustness constraints, prevalent in machine, applications in multi-task, fairness or robustness **类目**: Mathematical Software (cs.MS); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: Xiaoyuan Zhang,Liang Zhao,Yingying Yu,Xi Lin,Zhenkun Wang,Han Zhao,Qingfu Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-311-A Comprehensive Survey of Blockchain Scalability: Shaping Inner-Chain and Inter-Chain Perspectives {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02968 **作者**: Baochao Chen,Liyuan Ma,Hao Xu,Juncheng Ma,Dengcheng Hu,Xiulong Liu,Jie Wu,Jianrong Wang,Keqiu Li **关键词**: applied in logistics, widely applied, Blockchain, blockchain architecture, Abstract **类目**: Databases (cs.DB); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Baochao Chen,Liyuan Ma,Hao Xu,Juncheng Ma,Dengcheng Hu,Xiulong Liu,Jie Wu,Jianrong Wang,Keqiu Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-312-Do We Trust What They Say or What They Do? A Multimodal User Embedding Provides Personalized Explanations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02965 **作者**: Zhicheng Ren,Zhiping Xiao,Yizhou Sun **关键词**: analyzing social network, social network user, social media, network user data, user **类目**: ocial and Information Networks (cs.SI); Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Zhicheng Ren,Zhiping Xiao,Yizhou Sun {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-313-Managing multiple agents by automatically adjusting incentives {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02960 **作者**: Shunichi Akatsuka,Yaemi Teramoto,Aaron Courville **关键词**: coming years, complex decisions, including in situations, groups of people, making more complex **类目**: Multiagent Systems (cs.MA); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT) ***备注**: Shunichi Akatsuka,Yaemi Teramoto,Aaron Courville {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-314-Multi-Modal Adapter for Vision-Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02958 **作者**: Dominykas Seputis,Serghei Mihailov,Soham Chatterjee,Zehao Xiao **关键词**: Large pre-trained vision-language, Large pre-trained, pre-trained vision-language models, requiring retraining, image classification tasks **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Dominykas Seputis,Serghei Mihailov,Soham Chatterjee,Zehao Xiao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-315-Comparison of Epilepsy Induced by Ischemic Hypoxic Brain Injury and Hypoglycemic Brain Injury using Multilevel Fusion of Data Features {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02957 **作者**: Sameer Kadem,Noor Sami,Ahmed Elaraby,Shahad Alyousif,Mohammed Jalil,M. Altaee,Muntather Almusawi,A. Ghany Ismaeel,Ali Kamil Kareem,Massila Kamalrudin,Adnan Allwi ftaiet **关键词**: Bayesian Neural Network, brain damage caused, Support Vector Machine, Neural Network, Bayesian Neural **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Signal Processing (eess.SP); Neurons and Cognition (q-bio.NC) ***备注**: Sameer Kadem,Noor Sami,Ahmed Elaraby,Shahad Alyousif,Mohammed Jalil,M. Altaee,Muntather Almusawi,A. Ghany Ismaeel,Ali Kamil Kareem,Massila Kamalrudin,Adnan Allwi ftaiet {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-316-A Note On Deterministic Submodular Maximization With Bounded Curvature {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02943 **作者**: Wenxin Li **关键词**: Buchbinder and Feldman, recent breakthrough result, kappa, approximate algorithm, function with curvature **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Wenxin Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-317-CortexCompile: Harnessing Cortical-Inspired Architectures for Enhanced Multi-Agent NLP Code Synthesis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02938 **作者**: Gautham Ramachandran,Rick Yang **关键词**: automated code generation, Natural Language Processing, lack real-time adaptability, automated code, complex programming tasks **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Gautham Ramachandran,Rick Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-318-Iterative thresholding for non-linear learning in the strong $\varepsilon$-contamination model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03703 **作者**: Arvind Rathnashyam,Alex Gittens **关键词**: possibly corrupted adversarially, thresholded gradient descent, single neuron models, learning single neuron, epsilon **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Arvind Rathnashyam,Alex Gittens {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-319-Advances in Cislunar Periodic Solutions via Taylor Polynomial Maps {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03692 **作者**: Mohammed Atallah,Simone Servadio **关键词**: Differential Algebra, Restricted Three-Body Problem, Circular Restricted Three-Body, explore the dynamics, libration points **类目**: Dynamical Systems (math.DS); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Mohammed Atallah,Simone Servadio {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-320-Predicting quantum channels over general product distributions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03684 **作者**: Sitan Chen,Jaume de Dios Pont,Jun-Ting Hsieh,Hsin-Yuan Huang,Jane Lange,Jerry Li **关键词**: unknown quantum channels, investigate the problem, problem of predicting, predicting the output, output behavior **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Sitan Chen,Jaume de Dios Pont,Jun-Ting Hsieh,Hsin-Yuan Huang,Jane Lange,Jerry Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-321-Loop corrections for hard spheres in Hamming space {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03670 **作者**: Abolfazl Ramezanpour,Saman Moghimi-Araghi **关键词**: Hamming space, system of hard, hard spheres, Belief Propagation, probability marginals **类目**: Disordered Systems and Neural Networks (cond-mat.dis-nn); Statistical Mechanics (cond-mat.stat-mech); Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM); Mathematical Physics (math-ph) ***备注**: Abolfazl Ramezanpour,Saman Moghimi-Araghi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-322-A method to benchmark high-dimensional process drift detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03669 **作者**: Edgar Wolf,Tobias Windisch **关键词**: multi-variate finite time, finite time series, time series data, series data coming, manufacturing processes **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Edgar Wolf,Tobias Windisch {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-323-he Kneser--Poulsen phenomena for entropy {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03664 **作者**: Gautam Aishwarya,Dongbin Li **关键词**: Poulsen conjecture asserts, centres pairwise closer, Poulsen conjecture, balls in Euclidean, Euclidean space **类目**: Metric Geometry (math.MG); Information Theory (cs.IT); Probability (math.PR) ***备注**: Gautam Aishwarya,Dongbin Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-324-Privacy versus Emotion Preservation Trade-offs in Emotion-Preserving Speaker Anonymization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03655 **作者**: Zexin Cai,Henry Li Xinyuan,Ashi Garg,Leibny Paola García-Perera,Kevin Duh,Sanjeev Khudanpur,Nicholas Andrews,Matthew Wiesner **关键词**: personally identifiable information, unprecedented access, access to personally, personally identifiable, Advances **类目**: Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Zexin Cai,Henry Li Xinyuan,Ashi Garg,Leibny Paola García-Perera,Kevin Duh,Sanjeev Khudanpur,Nicholas Andrews,Matthew Wiesner {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-325-Derivation of normal forms for dispersive PDEs via arborification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03642 **作者**: Yvain Bruned **关键词**: decorated trees introduced, introduced in arXiv, propose a systematic, systematic derivation, derivation of normal **类目**: Analysis of PDEs (math.AP); Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Probability (math.PR); Rings and Algebras (math.RA) ***备注**: Yvain Bruned {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-326-On the Relativistic Zero Knowledge Quantum Proofs of Knowledge {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03635 **作者**: Kaiyan Shi,Kaushik Chakraborty,Wen Yu Kon,Omar Amer,Marco Pistoia,Charles Lim **关键词**: due to Unruh, zero-knowledge quantum proof, relativistic zero-knowledge quantum, soundness property due, property due **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Kaiyan Shi,Kaushik Chakraborty,Wen Yu Kon,Omar Amer,Marco Pistoia,Charles Lim {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-327-DART2: a robust multiple testing method to smartly leverage helpful or misleading ancillary information {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03618 **作者**: Xuechan Li,Jichun Xie **关键词**: ancillary information, ancillary, information, reflecting the hypothesis, alternative status **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Xuechan Li,Jichun Xie {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-328-Variance reduction in Texas hold'em and in video poker {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03607 **作者**: Stewart N. Ethier **关键词**: Texas hold'em, made and called, times successively, cards are dealt, pot attached **类目**: Probability (math.PR); Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT) ***备注**: Stewart N. Ethier {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-329-Detecting Spatial Dependence in Transcriptomics Data using Vectorised Persistence Diagrams {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03575 **作者**: Katharina Limbeck,Bastian Rieck **关键词**: Evaluating spatial patterns, spatial tissue biology, Evaluating spatial, including geostatistics, tissue biology **类目**: Methodology (stat.ME); Computational Geometry (cs.CG) ***备注**: Katharina Limbeck,Bastian Rieck {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-330-Nonlinear identifiability of directed acyclic graphs with partial excitation and measurement {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03559 **作者**: Renato Vizuete,Julien M. Hendrickx **关键词**: analyze the identifiability, identification pattern, directed acyclic graphs, partial excitation, directed acyclic **类目**: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Renato Vizuete,Julien M. Hendrickx {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-331-ssue Concepts: supervised foundation models in computational pathology {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03519 **作者**: Till Nicke,Jan Raphael Schaefer,Henning Hoefener,Friedrich Feuerhake,Dorit Merhof,Fabian Kiessling,Johannes Lotz **关键词**: quantitative biomarker evaluation, Tissue Concepts encoder, Tissue Concepts, support diagnostic tasks, Tissue Concepts model **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Till Nicke,Jan Raphael Schaefer,Henning Hoefener,Friedrich Feuerhake,Dorit Merhof,Fabian Kiessling,Johannes Lotz {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-332-A Deceptively Simple Quadratic Recurrence {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03510 **作者**: Steven Finch **关键词**: treating linear recurrences, Standard techniques, techniques for treating, treating linear, longer apply **类目**: Number Theory (math.NT); Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM); Combinatorics (math.CO) ***备注**: Steven Finch {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-333-Survey of Data-driven Newsvendor: Unified Analysis and Spectrum of Achievable Regrets {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03505 **作者**: Zhuoxin Chen,Will Ma **关键词**: Newsvendor problem, guess the number, asymmetric consequences, consequences for guessing, Data-driven Newsvendor **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Zhuoxin Chen,Will Ma {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-334-Maximum likelihood inference for high-dimensional problems with multiaffine variable relations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03495 **作者**: Jean-Sébastien Brouillon,Florian Dörfler,Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate **关键词**: Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Maximum Likelihood, Likelihood Estimation, Estimation of continuous, potentially complex probability **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Systems and Control (eess.SY); Computation (stat.CO) ***备注**: Jean-Sébastien Brouillon,Florian Dörfler,Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-335-Distributionally Robust Optimisation with Bayesian Ambiguity Sets {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03492 **作者**: Charita Dellaporta,Patrick O'Hara,Theodoros Damoulas **关键词**: data-generating process, Bayesian Ambiguity Sets, Distributionally Robust Optimisation, Decision making, DGP **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Charita Dellaporta,Patrick O'Hara,Theodoros Damoulas {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-336-Panopticon: a novel deep learning model to detect single transit events with no prior data filtering in PLATO light curves {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03466 **作者**: H.G. Vivien,M. Deleuil,N. Jannsen,J. De Ridder,D. Seynaeve,M.-A. Carpine,Y. Zerah **关键词**: PLATO light curves, future PLATO light, light curves, PLATO light, deep learning model **类目**: Earth and Planetary Astrophysics (astro-ph.EP); Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics (astro-ph.IM); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: H.G. Vivien,M. Deleuil,N. Jannsen,J. De Ridder,D. Seynaeve,M.-A. Carpine,Y. Zerah {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-337-Partitioning 2-edge-coloured bipartite graphs into monochromatic cycles {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03394 **作者**: Fabrício Siqueira Benevides,Arthur Lima Quintino,Alexandre Talon **关键词**: vertex-disjoint monochromatic cycles, monochromatic cycles covering, monochromatic cycles, exists a set, vertex-disjoint monochromatic **类目**: Combinatorics (math.CO); Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM) ***备注**: Fabrício Siqueira Benevides,Arthur Lima Quintino,Alexandre Talon {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-338-Strong Converse Inequalities for Bernstein Polynomials with Explicit Asymptotic Constants {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03382 **作者**: José A. Adell,Daniel Cárdenas-Morales **关键词**: explicit asymptotic constants, obtain strong converse, strong converse inequalities, Bernstein polynomials, asymptotic constants **类目**: Classical Analysis and ODEs (math.CA); Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Probability (math.PR) ***备注**: José A. Adell,Daniel Cárdenas-Morales {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-339-On Using Curved Mirrors to Decrease Shadowing in VLC {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03378 **作者**: Borja Genoves Guzman,Ana Garcia Armada,Maïté Brandt-Pearce **关键词**: complements radio frequency, wireless data traffic, large wireless data, Visible light communication, Visible light **类目**: ignal Processing (eess.SP); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Borja Genoves Guzman,Ana Garcia Armada,Maïté Brandt-Pearce {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-340-BConvL-Net: A Hybrid Deep Learning Architecture for Robust Medical Image Segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03367 **作者**: Shahzaib Iqbal,Tariq M. Khan,Syed S. Naqvi,Asim Naveed,Erik Meijering **关键词**: shown great potential, automated medical image, disease diagnostics, medical image segmentation, shown great **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Shahzaib Iqbal,Tariq M. Khan,Syed S. Naqvi,Asim Naveed,Erik Meijering {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-341-Semi-Supervised Sparse Gaussian Classification: Provable Benefits of Unlabeled Data {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03335 **作者**: Eyar Azar,Boaz Nadler **关键词**: data yields significantly, SSL, premise of semi-supervised, yields significantly, unlabeled data yields **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Eyar Azar,Boaz Nadler {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-342-Fourier Neural Operators for Learning Dynamics in Quantum Spin Systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03302 **作者**: Freya Shah,Taylor L. Patti,Julius Berner,Bahareh Tolooshams,Jean Kossaifi,Anima Anandkumar **关键词**: Fourier Neural Operators, Fourier Neural, Neural Operators, partial differential equations, functional data **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Freya Shah,Taylor L. Patti,Julius Berner,Bahareh Tolooshams,Jean Kossaifi,Anima Anandkumar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-343-SpinMultiNet: Neural Network Potential Incorporating Spin Degrees of Freedom with Multi-Task Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03253 **作者**: Koki Ueno,Satoru Ohuchi,Kazuhide Ichikawa,Kei Amii,Kensuke Wakasugi **关键词**: Neural Network Potentials, Neural Network, Network Potentials, density functional theory, attracted significant attention **类目**: Materials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Koki Ueno,Satoru Ohuchi,Kazuhide Ichikawa,Kei Amii,Kensuke Wakasugi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-344-DasAtom: A Divide-and-Shuttle Atom Approach to Quantum Circuit Transformation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03185 **作者**: Yunqi Huang,Dingchao Gao,Shenggang Ying,Sanjiang Li **关键词**: competitive qubit count, Neutral atom, offering superior, ion traps, systems are emerging **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Emerging Technologies (cs.ET) ***备注**: Yunqi Huang,Dingchao Gao,Shenggang Ying,Sanjiang Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-345-Perceptual-Distortion Balanced Image Super-Resolution is a Multi-Objective Optimization Problem {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03179 **作者**: Qiwen Zhu,Yanjie Wang,Shilv Cai,Liqun Chen,Jiahuan Zhou,Luxin Yan,Sheng Zhong,Xu Zou **关键词**: PSNR and SSIM, pixel-based regression losses, blurry images due, Training Single-Image Super-Resolution, distortion metrics scores **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Qiwen Zhu,Yanjie Wang,Shilv Cai,Liqun Chen,Jiahuan Zhou,Luxin Yan,Sheng Zhong,Xu Zou {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-346-Non-stationary and Sparsely-correlated Multi-output Gaussian Process with Spike-and-Slab Prior {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03149 **作者**: Wang Xinming,Li Yongxiang,Yue Xiaowei,Wu Jianguo **关键词**: Multi-output Gaussian process, Multi-output Gaussian, Gaussian process, method to leverage, MGP **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Wang Xinming,Li Yongxiang,Yue Xiaowei,Wu Jianguo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-347-Envisioning an Optimal Network of Space-Based Lasers for Orbital Debris Remediation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03146 **作者**: David O. Williams Rogers,Matthew C. Fox,Paul R. Stysley,Hang Woon Lee **关键词**: resident space objects, debris remediation capacity, space objects, orbital debris remediation, resident space **类目**: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: David O. Williams Rogers,Matthew C. Fox,Paul R. Stysley,Hang Woon Lee {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-348-QHDOPT: A Software for Nonlinear Optimization with Quantum Hamiltonian Descent {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03121 **作者**: Samuel Kushnir,Jiaqi Leng,Yuxiang Peng,Lei Fan,Xiaodi Wu **关键词**: quantum Hamiltonian descent, Hamiltonian descent, develop an open-source, quantum Hamiltonian, solve nonlinear optimization **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Mathematical Software (cs.MS); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: Samuel Kushnir,Jiaqi Leng,Yuxiang Peng,Lei Fan,Xiaodi Wu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-349-Generative artificial intelligence for computational chemistry: a roadmap to predicting emergent phenomena {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03118 **作者**: Pratyush Tiwary,Lukas Herron,Richard John,Suemin Lee,Disha Sanwal,Ruiyu Wang **关键词**: Generative Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, introduced exciting possibilities, Generative Artificial, recent surge **类目**: atistical Mechanics (cond-mat.stat-mech); Disordered Systems and Neural Networks (cond-mat.dis-nn); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Chemical Physics (physics.chem-ph) ***备注**: Pratyush Tiwary,Lukas Herron,Richard John,Suemin Lee,Disha Sanwal,Ruiyu Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-350-MSTT-199: MRI Dataset for Musculoskeletal Soft Tissue Tumor Segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03110 **作者**: Tahsin Reasat,Stephen Chenard,Akhil Rekulapelli,Nicholas Chadwick,Joanna Shechtel,Katherine van Schaik,David S. Smith,Joshua Lawrenz **关键词**: Accurate musculoskeletal soft, influencing patient outcomes, Accurate musculoskeletal, musculoskeletal soft tissue, response to treatment **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Tahsin Reasat,Stephen Chenard,Akhil Rekulapelli,Nicholas Chadwick,Joanna Shechtel,Katherine van Schaik,David S. Smith,Joshua Lawrenz {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-351-A Bayesian Optimization through Sequential Monte Carlo and Statistical Physics-Inspired Techniques {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03094 **作者**: Anton Lebedev,Thomas Warford,M. Emre Şahin **关键词**: Sequential Monte Carlo, Monte Carlo, Sequential Monte, perform Bayesian optimization, classical systems **类目**: Computation (stat.CO); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability (physics.data-an) ***备注**: Anton Lebedev,Thomas Warford,M. Emre Şahin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-352-Coupling AI and Citizen Science in Creation of Enhanced Training Dataset for Medical Image Segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03087 **作者**: Amir Syahmi,Xiangrong Lu,Yinxuan Li,Haoxuan Yao,Hanjun Jiang,Ishita Acharya,Shiyi Wang,Yang Nan,Xiaodan Xing,Guang Yang **关键词**: Recent advancements, high-quality annotated datasets, enhanced diagnostic capabilities, greatly enhanced diagnostic, artificial intelligence **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Amir Syahmi,Xiangrong Lu,Yinxuan Li,Haoxuan Yao,Hanjun Jiang,Ishita Acharya,Shiyi Wang,Yang Nan,Xiaodan Xing,Guang Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-353-A posteriori error estimates for a bang-bang optimal control problem {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03064 **作者**: Francisco Fuica **关键词**: control-constrained optimal control, optimal control problem, posteriori error estimates, propose and analyze, control-constrained optimal **类目**: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Francisco Fuica {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-354-Parameter Analysis in Continuous Data Assimilation for Various Turbulence Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03042 **作者**: Debora A. F. Albanez,Maicon Jose Benvenutti,Samuel Little,Jing Tian **关键词**: simplified Bardina model, data assimilation algorithm, simplified Bardina, Bardina model, conduct parameter estimation **类目**: Fluid Dynamics (physics.flu-dyn); Mathematical Physics (math-ph); Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Debora A. F. Albanez,Maicon Jose Benvenutti,Samuel Little,Jing Tian {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-355-Random sampling of permutations through quantum circuits {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03018 **作者**: Bibhas Adhikari **关键词**: quantum circuit model, random sampling, drawing inspiration, introduce classical algorithms, quantum circuit **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM); Combinatorics (math.CO) ***备注**: Bibhas Adhikari {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-356-Angular Spread Statistics for 6.75 GHz FR1(C) and 16.95 GHz FR3 Mid-Band Frequencies in an Indoor Hotspot Environment {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.03013 **作者**: Dipankar Shakya,Mingjun Ying,Theodore S. Rappaport **关键词**: Zenith angular Spread, Azimuth angular Spread, angular Spread, present detailed multipath, mid-band frequencies spanning **类目**: ignal Processing (eess.SP); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Dipankar Shakya,Mingjun Ying,Theodore S. Rappaport {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-357-How DREAMS are made: Emulating Satellite Galaxy and Subhalo Populations with Diffusion Models and Point Clouds {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02980 **作者**: Tri Nguyen,Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro,Siddharth Mishra-Sharma,Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro,Paul Torrey,Arya Farahi,Alex M. Garcia,Jonah C. Rose,Stephanie O'Neil,Mark Vogelsberger,Xuejian Shen,Cian Roche,Daniel Anglés-Alcázar,Nitya Kallivayalil,Julian B. Muñoz,Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine,Sandip Roy,Lina Necib,Kassidy E. Kollmann **关键词**: host dark matter, dark matter, understanding of cosmology, Halo Occupation Distribution, host dark **类目**: Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA); Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics (astro-ph.CO); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Tri Nguyen,Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro,Siddharth Mishra-Sharma,Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro,Paul Torrey,Arya Farahi,Alex M. Garcia,Jonah C. Rose,Stephanie O'Neil,Mark Vogelsberger,Xuejian Shen,Cian Roche,Daniel Anglés-Alcázar,Nitya Kallivayalil,Julian B. Muñoz,Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine,Sandip Roy,Lina Necib,Kassidy E. Kollmann {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-358-Consistent multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann method for the volume averaged Navier-Stokes equations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02964 **作者**: Yang Liu,Jingchun Min **关键词**: lattice Boltzmann method, averaged Navier-Stokes equations, volume averaged Navier-Stokes, lattice Boltzmann, Navier-Stokes equations **类目**: Fluid Dynamics (physics.flu-dyn); Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Yang Liu,Jingchun Min {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-359-Fair Minimum Representation Clustering via Integer Programming {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02963 **作者**: Connor Lawless,Oktay Gunluk **关键词**: unsupervised learning task, unsupervised learning, learning task, task that aims, aims to partition **类目**: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Computers and Society (cs.CY); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Connor Lawless,Oktay Gunluk {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %}