{% note blue no-icon %} ID-0-Bridging the Human to Robot Dexterity Gap through Object-Oriented Rewards {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23289 **作者**: Irmak Guzey,Yinlong Dai,Georgy Savva,Raunaq Bhirangi,Lerrel Pinto **关键词**: Training robots directly, Training robots, computer vision, emerging area, area in robotics **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Irmak Guzey,Yinlong Dai,Georgy Savva,Raunaq Bhirangi,Lerrel Pinto {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-1-Computing the bridge length: the key ingredient in a continuous isometry classification of periodic point sets {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23288 **作者**: Jonathan McManus,Vitaliy Kurlin **关键词**: atomic centres, fundamental model, bridge length, periodic point sets, periodic point **类目**: Computational Geometry (cs.CG); Materials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci) ***备注**: Jonathan McManus,Vitaliy Kurlin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-2-ReferEverything: Towards Segmenting Everything We Can Speak of in Videos {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23287 **作者**: Anurag Bagchi,Zhipeng Bao,Yu-Xiong Wang,Pavel Tokmakov,Martial Hebert **关键词**: natural language, segmenting a wide, wide range, Referral Video Process, Video Process Segmentation **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Anurag Bagchi,Zhipeng Bao,Yu-Xiong Wang,Pavel Tokmakov,Martial Hebert {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-3-Provable acceleration for diffusion models under minimal assumptions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23285 **作者**: Gen Li,Changxiao Cai **关键词**: exceptional sampling quality, achieved exceptional sampling, high computational burden, score-based diffusion models, score function evaluations **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Optimization and Control (math.OC); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Gen Li,Changxiao Cai {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-4-DisCo: Distributed Contact-Rich Trajectory Optimization for Forceful Multi-Robot Collaboration {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23283 **作者**: Ola Shorinwa,Matthew Devlin,Elliot W. Hawkes,Mac Schwager **关键词**: Alternating Direction Method, contact-implicit trajectory optimization, distributed contact-implicit trajectory, robot, trajectory optimization algorithm **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Ola Shorinwa,Matthew Devlin,Elliot W. Hawkes,Mac Schwager {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-5-RelationBooth: Towards Relation-Aware Customized Object Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23280 **作者**: Qingyu Shi,Lu Qi,Jianzong Wu,Jinbin Bai,Jingbo Wang,Yunhai Tong,Xiangtai Li,Ming-Husang Yang **关键词**: delivering personalized content, personalized content based, Customized image generation, aligning large-scale, user-provided image prompts **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Qingyu Shi,Lu Qi,Jianzong Wu,Jinbin Bai,Jingbo Wang,Yunhai Tong,Xiangtai Li,Ming-Husang Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-6-A Neural Transformer Framework for Simultaneous Tasks of Segmentation, Classification, and Caller Identification of Marmoset Vocalization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23279 **作者**: Bin Wu,Sakriani Sakti,Shinnosuke Takamichi,Satoshi Nakamura **关键词**: highly vocalized primate, studying social-communicative behavior, popular animal model, vocalized primate, highly vocalized **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Bin Wu,Sakriani Sakti,Shinnosuke Takamichi,Satoshi Nakamura {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-7-OpenSatMap: A Fine-grained High-resolution Satellite Dataset for Large-scale Map Construction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23278 **作者**: Hongbo Zhao,Lue Fan,Yuntao Chen,Haochen Wang,yuran Yang,Xiaojuan Jin,Yixin Zhang,Gaofeng Meng,Zhaoxiang Zhang **关键词**: map construction, large-scale map construction, construct large-scale maps, map, satellite-based map construction **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Hongbo Zhao,Lue Fan,Yuntao Chen,Haochen Wang,yuran Yang,Xiaojuan Jin,Yixin Zhang,Gaofeng Meng,Zhaoxiang Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-8-SlowFast-VGen: Slow-Fast Learning for Action-Driven Long Video Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23277 **作者**: Yining Hong,Beide Liu,Maxine Wu,Yuanhao Zhai,Kai-Wei Chang,Lingjie Li,Kevin Lin,Chung-Ching Lin,Jianfeng Wang,Zhengyuan Yang,Yingnian Wu,Lijuan Wang **关键词**: learning, slow learning, episodic memory, episodic memory storage, fast learning **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Yining Hong,Beide Liu,Maxine Wu,Yuanhao Zhai,Kai-Wei Chang,Lingjie Li,Kevin Lin,Chung-Ching Lin,Jianfeng Wang,Zhengyuan Yang,Yingnian Wu,Lijuan Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-9-Multi-student Diffusion Distillation for Better One-step Generators {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23274 **作者**: Yanke Song,Jonathan Lorraine,Weili Nie,Karsten Kreis,James Lucas **关键词**: achieve high-quality sample, multistep inference procedure, models achieve high-quality, lengthy multistep inference, Diffusion models achieve **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Yanke Song,Jonathan Lorraine,Weili Nie,Karsten Kreis,James Lucas {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-10-Proportional Fairness in Non-Centroid Clustering {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23273 **作者**: Ioannis Caragiannis,Evi Micha,Nisarg Shah **关键词**: provide group fairness, group fairness guarantees, proportionally fair clustering, recently developed framework, provide group **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT) ***备注**: Ioannis Caragiannis,Evi Micha,Nisarg Shah {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-11-A Monte Carlo Framework for Calibrated Uncertainty Estimation in Sequence Prediction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23272 **作者**: Qidong Yang,Weicheng Zhu,Joseph Keslin,Laure Zanna,Tim G. J. Rudner,Carlos Fernandez-Granda **关键词**: key challenge, risk-sensitive applications, Monte Carlo, Probabilistic prediction, Monte Carlo framework **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Qidong Yang,Weicheng Zhu,Joseph Keslin,Laure Zanna,Tim G. J. Rudner,Carlos Fernandez-Granda {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-12-Commit: Online Groups with Participation Commitments {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23267 **作者**: Lindsay Popowski,Yutong Zhang,Michael S. Bernstein **关键词**: online groups struggle, initial days, activity atrophies, spite of efforts, efforts to increase **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Lindsay Popowski,Yutong Zhang,Michael S. Bernstein {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-13-OMATO: Assessing Visual Temporal Reasoning Capabilities in Multimodal Foundation Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23266 **作者**: Ziyao Shangguan,Chuhan Li,Yuxuan Ding,Yanan Zheng,Yilun Zhao,Tesca Fitzgerald,Arman Cohan **关键词**: Multimodal Foundation Models, leveraging temporal context, Multimodal Foundation, Foundation Models, temporal reasoning **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Ziyao Shangguan,Chuhan Li,Yuxuan Ding,Yanan Zheng,Yilun Zhao,Tesca Fitzgerald,Arman Cohan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-14-EMMA: End-to-End Multimodal Model for Autonomous Driving {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23262 **作者**: Jyh-Jing Hwang,Runsheng Xu,Hubert Lin,Wei-Chih Hung,Jingwei Ji,Kristy Choi,Di Huang,Tong He,Paul Covington,Benjamin Sapp,James Guo,Dragomir Anguelov,Mingxing Tan **关键词**: Multimodal Model, EMMA, Waymo Open Dataset, Waymo Open, Waymo Open Motion **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Jyh-Jing Hwang,Runsheng Xu,Hubert Lin,Wei-Chih Hung,Jingwei Ji,Kristy Choi,Di Huang,Tong He,Paul Covington,Benjamin Sapp,James Guo,Dragomir Anguelov,Mingxing Tan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-15-$100K or 100 Days: Trade-offs when Pre-Training with Academic Resources {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23261 **作者**: Apoorv Khandelwal,Tian Yun,Nihal V. Nayak,Jack Merullo,Stephen H. Bach,Chen Sun,Ellie Pavlick **关键词**: notoriously under-resourced, notoriously compute-intensive, notoriously, models, academic **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Apoorv Khandelwal,Tian Yun,Nihal V. Nayak,Jack Merullo,Stephen H. Bach,Chen Sun,Ellie Pavlick {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-16-Keypoint Abstraction using Large Models for Object-Relative Imitation Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23254 **作者**: Xiaolin Fang,Bo-Ruei Huang,Jiayuan Mao,Jasmine Shone,Joshua B. Tenenbaum,Tomás Lozano-Pérez,Leslie Pack Kaelbling **关键词**: challenge in robotics, critical challenge, Generalization, object configurations, diverse tasks **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Xiaolin Fang,Bo-Ruei Huang,Jiayuan Mao,Jasmine Shone,Joshua B. Tenenbaum,Tomás Lozano-Pérez,Leslie Pack Kaelbling {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-17-Evaluating Cultural and Social Awareness of LLM Web Agents {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23252 **作者**: Haoyi Qiu,Alexander R. Fabbri,Divyansh Agarwal,Kung-Hsiang Huang,Sarah Tan,Nanyun Peng,Chien-Sheng Wu **关键词**: traditional NLP tasks, large language models, traditional NLP, NLP tasks, language models **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Haoyi Qiu,Alexander R. Fabbri,Divyansh Agarwal,Kung-Hsiang Huang,Sarah Tan,Nanyun Peng,Chien-Sheng Wu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-18-PointRecon: Online Point-based 3D Reconstruction via Ray-based 2D-3D Matching {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23245 **作者**: Chen Ziwen,Zexiang Xu,Li Fuxin **关键词**: monocular RGB videos, posed monocular RGB, RGB videos, monocular RGB, posed monocular **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Chen Ziwen,Zexiang Xu,Li Fuxin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-19-Carrot and Stick: Eliciting Comparison Data and Beyond {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23243 **作者**: Yiling Chen,Shi Feng,Fang-Yi Yu **关键词**: machine learning tasks, including reinforcement learning, large language models, estimating ranking models, learning tasks **类目**: Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT) ***备注**: Yiling Chen,Shi Feng,Fang-Yi Yu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-20-A little less conversation, a little more action, please: Investigating the physical common-sense of LLMs in a 3D embodied environment {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23242 **作者**: Matteo G. Mecattaf,Ben Slater,Marko Tešić,Jonathan Prunty,Konstantinos Voudouris,Lucy G. Cheke **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, Language Models, reason about everyday, physical **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Matteo G. Mecattaf,Ben Slater,Marko Tešić,Jonathan Prunty,Konstantinos Voudouris,Lucy G. Cheke {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-21-CRAFT@Large: Building Community Through Co-Making {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23239 **作者**: Yiran Zhao,Maria Alinea-Bravo,Niti Parikh **关键词**: Cornell Tech, MakerLAB at Cornell, Tech to create, ideas through making, initiative launched **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Yiran Zhao,Maria Alinea-Bravo,Niti Parikh {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-22-EMOTION: Expressive Motion Sequence Generation for Humanoid Robots with In-Context Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23234 **作者**: Peide Huang,Yuhan Hu,Nataliya Nechyporenko,Daehwa Kim,Walter Talbott,Jian Zhang **关键词**: humanlike non-verbal communication, enhancing their ability, paper introduces, ability to engage, engage in humanlike **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Peide Huang,Yuhan Hu,Nataliya Nechyporenko,Daehwa Kim,Walter Talbott,Jian Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-23-Attribute-to-Delete: Machine Unlearning via Datamodel Matching {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23232 **作者**: Kristian Georgiev,Roy Rinberg,Sung Min Park,Shivam Garg,Andrew Ilyas,Aleksander Madry,Seth Neel **关键词**: recently attracted significant, attracted significant research, significant research interest, machine learning model, pre-trained machine learning **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Kristian Georgiev,Roy Rinberg,Sung Min Park,Shivam Garg,Andrew Ilyas,Aleksander Madry,Seth Neel {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-24-LGU-SLAM: Learnable Gaussian Uncertainty Matching with Deformable Correlation Sampling for Deep Visual SLAM {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23231 **作者**: Yucheng Huang,Luping Ji,Hudong Liu,Mao Ye **关键词**: visual Simultaneous Localization, Deep visual Simultaneous, Localization and Mapping, leveraging deep visual, deep visual odometry **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Yucheng Huang,Luping Ji,Hudong Liu,Mao Ye {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-25-Aligning Audio-Visual Joint Representations with an Agentic Workflow {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23230 **作者**: Shentong Mo,Yibing Song **关键词**: signals naturally formulate, audio, naturally formulate, data, audio signals **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Multimedia (cs.MM); Sound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Shentong Mo,Yibing Song {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-26-Emergence of meta-stable clustering in mean-field transformer models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23228 **作者**: Giuseppe Bruno,Federico Pasqualotto,Andrea Agazzi **关键词**: interacting particle system, mean-field interacting particle, Partial Differential Equation, mean-field Partial Differential, stack of Transformer **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Analysis of PDEs (math.AP) ***备注**: Giuseppe Bruno,Federico Pasqualotto,Andrea Agazzi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-27-(FL)$^2$: Overcoming Few Labels in Federated Semi-Supervised Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23227 **作者**: Seungjoo Lee,Thanh-Long V. Le,Jaemin Shin,Sung-Ju Lee **关键词**: trains accurate global, accurate global models, preserving clients' privacy-sensitive, distributed machine learning, machine learning framework **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Seungjoo Lee,Thanh-Long V. Le,Jaemin Shin,Sung-Ju Lee {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-28-Deterministic counting from coupling independence {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23225 **作者**: Xiaoyu Chen,Weiming Feng,Heng Guo,Xinyuan Zhang,Zongrui Zou **关键词**: time approximation schemes, coupling independence admit, independence admit fully, admit fully polynomial, fully polynomial time **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM) ***备注**: Xiaoyu Chen,Weiming Feng,Heng Guo,Xinyuan Zhang,Zongrui Zou {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-29-COMAL: A Convergent Meta-Algorithm for Aligning LLMs with General Preferences {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23223 **作者**: Yixin Liu,Argyris Oikonomou,Weiqiang Zheng,Yang Cai,Arman Cohan **关键词**: including reinforcement learning, Bradley-Terry reward assumption, general human preferences, Nash policy, human feedback **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT) ***备注**: Yixin Liu,Argyris Oikonomou,Weiqiang Zheng,Yang Cai,Arman Cohan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-30-Partial Channel Dependence with Channel Masks for Time Series Foundation Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23222 **作者**: Seunghan Lee,Taeyoung Park,Kibok Lee **关键词**: Recent advancements, time series, successfully extended, emergence of large-scale, Recent **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Seunghan Lee,Taeyoung Park,Kibok Lee {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-31-DiaMond: Dementia Diagnosis with Multi-Modal Vision Transformers Using MRI and PET {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23219 **作者**: Yitong Li,Morteza Ghahremani,Youssef Wally,Christian Wachinger **关键词**: Alzheimer Disease, Diagnosing dementia, frontotemporal dementia, overlapping symptoms, complex due **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yitong Li,Morteza Ghahremani,Youssef Wally,Christian Wachinger {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-32-OS-ATLAS: A Foundation Action Model for Generalist GUI Agents {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23218 **作者**: Zhiyong Wu,Zhenyu Wu,Fangzhi Xu,Yian Wang,Qiushi Sun,Chengyou Jia,Kanzhi Cheng,Zichen Ding,Liheng Chen,Paul Pu Liang,Yu Qiao **关键词**: agents heavily rely, robust commercial Vision-Language, building GUI agents, GUI agents heavily, GUI grounding **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Zhiyong Wu,Zhenyu Wu,Fangzhi Xu,Yian Wang,Qiushi Sun,Chengyou Jia,Kanzhi Cheng,Zichen Ding,Liheng Chen,Paul Pu Liang,Yu Qiao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-33-Levels of explanation -- implementation and evaluation of what and when for different time-sensitive tasks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23215 **作者**: Shikhar Kumar,Omer Keidar,Yael Edan **关键词**: LOE, address two basic, basic aspect, time, aspect of HRI **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Shikhar Kumar,Omer Keidar,Yael Edan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-34-Grounding by Trying: LLMs with Reinforcement Learning-Enhanced Retrieval {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23214 **作者**: Sheryl Hsu,Omar Khattab,Chelsea Finn,Archit Sharma **关键词**: large language models, language models, real sources, hallucinations of large, large language **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Sheryl Hsu,Omar Khattab,Chelsea Finn,Archit Sharma {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-35-ELMGS: Enhancing memory and computation scaLability through coMpression for 3D Gaussian Splatting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23213 **作者**: Muhammad Salman Ali,Sung-Ho Bae,Enzo Tartaglione **关键词**: Neural Radiance Fields, Gaussian Splatting models, Gaussian Splatting, Neural Radiance, Radiance Fields **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Muhammad Salman Ali,Sung-Ho Bae,Enzo Tartaglione {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-36-Kinetix: Investigating the Training of General Agents through Open-Ended Physics-Based Control Tasks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23208 **作者**: Michael Matthews,Michael Beukman,Chris Lu,Jakob Foerster **关键词**: sequential decision problems, decision problems remains, shown remarkable capabilities, image domains, open challenge **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Michael Matthews,Michael Beukman,Chris Lu,Jakob Foerster {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-37-Enhancing Autonomous Driving Safety Analysis with Generative AI: A Comparative Study on Automated Hazard and Risk Assessment {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23207 **作者**: Alireza Abbaspour,Aliasghar Arab,Yashar Mousavi **关键词**: comprehensive hazard analysis, autonomous driving technology, vehicular systems, technology has accentuated, comprehensive hazard **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Alireza Abbaspour,Aliasghar Arab,Yashar Mousavi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-38-Resilient-By-Design: A Resiliency Framework for Future Wireless Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23203 **作者**: Nurul Huda Mahmood,Sumudu Samarakoon,Pawani Porambage,Mehdi Bennis,Matti Latva-aho **关键词**: globally data driven, hyper-connected and globally, data driven, globally data, increasingly digitalised **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Emerging Technologies (cs.ET) ***备注**: Nurul Huda Mahmood,Sumudu Samarakoon,Pawani Porambage,Mehdi Bennis,Matti Latva-aho {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-39-HEX: Hierarchical Emergence Exploitation in Self-Supervised Algorithms {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23200 **作者**: Kiran Kokilepersaud,Seulgi Kim,Mohit Prabhushankar,Ghassan AlRegib **关键词**: SSL algorithms, SSL approaches, SSL, dimensional collapse, SSL approaches typically **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Kiran Kokilepersaud,Seulgi Kim,Mohit Prabhushankar,Ghassan AlRegib {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-40-ReaWristic: Remote Touch Sensation to Fingers from a Wristband via Visually Augmented Electro-Tactile Feedback {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23193 **作者**: Yudai Tanaka,Neil Weiss,Robert Cole Bolger-Cruz,Jess Hartcher-O'Brien,Brendan Flynn,Roger Boldu,Nicholas Colonnese **关键词**: providing remote tactile, providing remote, remote tactile feedback, targeted fingers, index finger **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Yudai Tanaka,Neil Weiss,Robert Cole Bolger-Cruz,Jess Hartcher-O'Brien,Brendan Flynn,Roger Boldu,Nicholas Colonnese {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-41-Continuous Spatio-Temporal Memory Networks for 4D Cardiac Cine MRI Segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23191 **作者**: Meng Ye,Bingyu Xin,Leon Axel,Dimitris Metaxas **关键词**: magnetic resonance image, Current cardiac cine, cine magnetic resonance, abundant temporal information, cardiac cine magnetic **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Meng Ye,Bingyu Xin,Leon Axel,Dimitris Metaxas {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-42-Explorable Parity Automata {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23187 **作者**: Emile Hazard,Olivier Idir,Denis Kuperberg **关键词**: automata, explorable automata, explorable, infinite words, omega **类目**: Formal Languages and Automata Theory (cs.FL) ***备注**: Emile Hazard,Olivier Idir,Denis Kuperberg {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-43-Reliability of Topic Modeling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23186 **作者**: Kayla Schroeder,Zach Wood-Doughty **关键词**: extract latent factors, downstream statistical analyses, Topic models, extract latent, latent factors **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Kayla Schroeder,Zach Wood-Doughty {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-44-ProTransformer: Robustify Transformers via Plug-and-Play Paradigm {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23182 **作者**: Zhichao Hou,Weizhi Gao,Yuchen Shen,Feiyi Wang,Xiaorui Liu **关键词**: Transformer-based architectures, recent years, dominated various areas, areas of machine, machine learning **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Zhichao Hou,Weizhi Gao,Yuchen Shen,Feiyi Wang,Xiaorui Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-45-ReasoningRec: Bridging Personalized Recommendations and Human-Interpretable Explanations through LLM Reasoning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23180 **作者**: Millennium Bismay,Xiangjue Dong,James Caverlee **关键词**: leverages Large Language, Large Language Models, Large Language, leverages Large, Language Models **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Millennium Bismay,Xiangjue Dong,James Caverlee {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-46-Does equivariance matter at scale? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23179 **作者**: Johann Brehmer,Sönke Behrends,Pim de Haan,Taco Cohen **关键词**: large data sets, design neural architectures, beneficial to design, design neural, structure and symmetries **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Johann Brehmer,Sönke Behrends,Pim de Haan,Taco Cohen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-47-he Persistence of Neural Collapse Despite Low-Rank Bias: An Analytic Perspective Through Unconstrained Features {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23169 **作者**: Connall Garrod,Jonathan P. Keating **关键词**: Modern deep neural, deep neural collapse, Modern deep, neural collapse, deep neural **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Connall Garrod,Jonathan P. Keating {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-48-okenFormer: Rethinking Transformer Scaling with Tokenized Model Parameters {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23168 **作者**: Haiyang Wang,Yue Fan,Muhammad Ferjad Naeem,Yongqin Xian,Jan Eric Lenssen,Liwei Wang,Federico Tombari,Bernt Schiele **关键词**: foundation models due, model, parameters, model parameters, Transformers **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Haiyang Wang,Yue Fan,Muhammad Ferjad Naeem,Yongqin Xian,Jan Eric Lenssen,Liwei Wang,Federico Tombari,Bernt Schiele {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-49-SciPIP: An LLM-based Scientific Paper Idea Proposer {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23166 **作者**: Wenxiao Wang,Lihui Gu,Liye Zhang,Yunxiang Luo,Yi Dai,Chen Shen,Liang Xie,Binbin Lin,Xiaofei He,Jieping Ye **关键词**: pose significant challenges, including information overload, interdisciplinary research pose, research pose significant, challenges for researchers **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Wenxiao Wang,Lihui Gu,Liye Zhang,Yunxiang Luo,Yi Dai,Chen Shen,Liang Xie,Binbin Lin,Xiaofei He,Jieping Ye {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-50-Energy-Efficient Intra-Domain Network Slicing for Multi-Layer Orchestration in Intelligent-Driven Distributed 6G Networks: Learning Generic Assignment Skills with Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23161 **作者**: Navideh Ghafouri,John S. Vardakas,Kostas Ramantas,Christos Verikoukis **关键词**: intricate networking system, meet the emerging, emerging expectations, complex and intricate, intricate networking **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Navideh Ghafouri,John S. Vardakas,Kostas Ramantas,Christos Verikoukis {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-51-FlexTSF: A Universal Forecasting Model for Time Series with Variable Regularities {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23160 **作者**: Jingge Xiao,Yile Chen,Gao Cong,Wolfgang Nejdl,Simon Gottschalk **关键词**: time series forecasting, time series, Developing a foundation, irregular time series, attracted significant attention **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jingge Xiao,Yile Chen,Gao Cong,Wolfgang Nejdl,Simon Gottschalk {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-52-Fourier Amplitude and Correlation Loss: Beyond Using L2 Loss for Skillful Precipitation Nowcasting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23159 **作者**: Chiu-Wai Yan,Shi Quan Foo,Van Hoan Trinh,Dit-Yan Yeung,Ka-Hing Wong,Wai-Kin Wong **关键词**: Deep learning approaches, Deep learning, Fourier Correlation Loss, Fourier Amplitude Loss, Fourier Amplitude **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Chiu-Wai Yan,Shi Quan Foo,Van Hoan Trinh,Dit-Yan Yeung,Ka-Hing Wong,Wai-Kin Wong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-53-Directional anomaly detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23158 **作者**: Oliver Urs Lenz,Matthijs van Leeuwen **关键词**: Semi-supervised anomaly detection, normal training data, Semi-supervised anomaly, principle that potential, normal training **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Oliver Urs Lenz,Matthijs van Leeuwen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-54-VisualPredicator: Learning Abstract World Models with Neuro-Symbolic Predicates for Robot Planning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23156 **作者**: Yichao Liang,Nishanth Kumar,Hao Tang,Adrian Weller,Joshua B. Tenenbaum,Tom Silver,João F. Henriques,Kevin Ellis **关键词**: Broadly intelligent agents, raw sensorimotor space, Broadly intelligent, form task-specific abstractions, sensorimotor space **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Yichao Liang,Nishanth Kumar,Hao Tang,Adrian Weller,Joshua B. Tenenbaum,Tom Silver,João F. Henriques,Kevin Ellis {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-55-QWO: Speeding Up Permutation-Based Causal Discovery in LiGAMs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23155 **作者**: Mohammad Shahverdikondori,Ehsan Mokhtarian,Negar Kiyavash **关键词**: Gaussian Acyclic Models, Linear Gaussian Acyclic, scientific domains, discovery is essential, essential for understanding **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Methodology (stat.ME); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Mohammad Shahverdikondori,Ehsan Mokhtarian,Negar Kiyavash {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-56-HiBO: Hierarchical Bayesian Optimization via Adaptive Search Space Partitioning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23148 **作者**: Wenxuan Li,Taiyi Wang,Eiko Yoneki **关键词**: traditional Bayesian Optimization, Optimizing black-box functions, Bayesian Optimization, Optimizing black-box, traditional Bayesian **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Wenxuan Li,Taiyi Wang,Eiko Yoneki {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-57-FoLDTree: A ULDA-Based Decision Tree Framework for Efficient Oblique Splits and Feature Selection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23147 **作者**: Siyu Wang **关键词**: true decision boundaries, oblique decision tree, decision tree methods, Linear Discriminant Analysis, Uncorrelated Linear Discriminant **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Methodology (stat.ME); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Siyu Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-58-Public Domain 12M: A Highly Aesthetic Image-Text Dataset with Novel Governance Mechanisms {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23144 **作者**: Jordan Meyer,Nick Padgett,Cullen Miller,Laura Exline **关键词**: million high-quality public, present Public Domain, high-quality public domain, Public Domain, designed for training **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jordan Meyer,Nick Padgett,Cullen Miller,Laura Exline {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-59-he Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The Role of AI Quality Disclosure in Lie Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23143 **作者**: Haimanti Bhattacharya,Subhasish Dugar,Sanchaita Hazra,Bodhisattwa Prasad Majumder **关键词**: lacking quality disclosures, spread text-based lies, people detect lies, lacking quality, spread text-based **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computers and Society (cs.CY); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Haimanti Bhattacharya,Subhasish Dugar,Sanchaita Hazra,Bodhisattwa Prasad Majumder {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-60-FAIR-TAT: Improving Model Fairness Using Targeted Adversarial Training {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23142 **作者**: Tejaswini Medi,Steffen Jung,Margret Keuper **关键词**: Deep neural networks, Deep neural, Adversarial Training, adversarial, neural networks **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Tejaswini Medi,Steffen Jung,Margret Keuper {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-61-Fair Division with Market Values {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23137 **作者**: Siddharth Barman,Soroush Ebadian,Mohamad Latifian,Nisarg Shah **关键词**: market valuation, subjective valuations, market, respect, valuations **类目**: Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Siddharth Barman,Soroush Ebadian,Mohamad Latifian,Nisarg Shah {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-62-Real-Time Personalization for LLM-based Recommendation with Customized In-Context Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23136 **作者**: Keqin Bao,Ming Yan,Yang Zhang,Jizhi Zhang,Wenjie Wang,Fuli Feng,Xiangnan He **关键词**: Frequently updating Large, updating Large Language, Large Language Model, Large Language, Frequently updating **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Keqin Bao,Ming Yan,Yang Zhang,Jizhi Zhang,Wenjie Wang,Fuli Feng,Xiangnan He {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-63-Crowdsourcing Lexical Diversity {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23133 **作者**: Hadi Khalilia,Jahna Otterbacher,Gabor Bella,Rusma Noortyani,Shandy Darma,Fausto Giunchiglia **关键词**: language processing applications, Lexical-semantic resources, natural language processing, processing applications, fundamental for natural **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Hadi Khalilia,Jahna Otterbacher,Gabor Bella,Rusma Noortyani,Shandy Darma,Fausto Giunchiglia {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-64-Revisiting MAE pre-training for 3D medical image segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23132 **作者**: Tassilo Wald,Constantin Ulrich,Stanislav Lukyanenko,Andrei Goncharov,Alberto Paderno,Leander Maerkisch,Paul F. Jäger,Klaus Maier-Hein **关键词**: Self-Supervised Learning, untapped clinical datasets, presents an exciting, potential of vast, untapped clinical **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Tassilo Wald,Constantin Ulrich,Stanislav Lukyanenko,Andrei Goncharov,Alberto Paderno,Leander Maerkisch,Paul F. Jäger,Klaus Maier-Hein {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-65-Federated Learning under Periodic Client Participation and Heterogeneous Data: A New Communication-Efficient Algorithm and Analysis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23131 **作者**: Michael Crawshaw,Mingrui Liu **关键词**: federated learning, devices in practice, common to assume, feasible with user, user devices **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Michael Crawshaw,Mingrui Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-66-Why Fine-grained Labels in Pretraining Benefit Generalization? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23129 **作者**: Guan Zhe Hong,Yin Cui,Ariel Fuxman,Stanely Chan,Enming Luo **关键词**: Recent studies show, Recent studies, coarse-labeled data, studies show, yields better generalization **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Guan Zhe Hong,Yin Cui,Ariel Fuxman,Stanely Chan,Enming Luo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-67-Leader-Follower 3D Formation for Underwater Robots {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23128 **作者**: Di Ni,Hungtang Ko,Radhika Nagpal **关键词**: including foraging success, safety from predators, including foraging, foraging success, schooling behavior **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Di Ni,Hungtang Ko,Radhika Nagpal {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-68-Educating for Hardware Specialization in the Chiplet Era: A Path for the HPC Community {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23127 **作者**: Kazutomo Yoshii,Mohamed El-Hadedy **关键词**: constructing highly heterogeneous, highly heterogeneous platforms, chiplet technology introduces, technology introduces cutting-edge, introduces cutting-edge opportunities **类目**: Hardware Architecture (cs.AR) ***备注**: Kazutomo Yoshii,Mohamed El-Hadedy {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-69-On Memorization of Large Language Models in Logical Reasoning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23123 **作者**: Chulin Xie,Yangsibo Huang,Chiyuan Zhang,Da Yu,Xinyun Chen,Bill Yuchen Lin,Bo Li,Badih Ghazi,Ravi Kumar **关键词**: Large language models, Large language, achieve good performance, basic reasoning mistakes, make basic reasoning **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Chulin Xie,Yangsibo Huang,Chiyuan Zhang,Da Yu,Xinyun Chen,Bill Yuchen Lin,Bo Li,Badih Ghazi,Ravi Kumar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-70-aching a Language Model to Distinguish Between Similar Details using a Small Adversarial Training Set {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23118 **作者**: Chris Achard **关键词**: Natural Language Inference, manually created adversarial, Stanford Natural Language, natural language tasks, natural language **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Chris Achard {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-71-Unified Triplet-Level Hallucination Evaluation for Large Vision-Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23114 **作者**: Junjie Wu,Tsz Ting Chung,Kai Chen,Dit-Yan Yeung **关键词**: Large Vision-Language Models, generate hallucinated contents, Large Vision-Language, Vision-Language Models, hallucination **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Junjie Wu,Tsz Ting Chung,Kai Chen,Dit-Yan Yeung {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-72-Why Gradient Subspace? Identifying and Mitigating LoRA's Bottlenecks in Federated Fine-Tuning of Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23111 **作者**: Navyansh Mahla,Ganesh Ramakrishnan **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, demonstrated remarkable capabilities, Language Models, demonstrated remarkable **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Navyansh Mahla,Ganesh Ramakrishnan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-73-NASM: Neural Anisotropic Surface Meshing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23109 **作者**: Hongbo Li,Haikuan Zhu,Sikai Zhong,Ningna Wang,Cheng Lin,Xiaohu Guo,Shiqing Xin,Wenping Wang,Jing Hua,Zichun Zhong **关键词**: learning-based method, Euclidean embedding space, anisotropic surface meshing, paper introduces, Euclidean embedding **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Computational Geometry (cs.CG); Graphics (cs.GR) ***备注**: Hongbo Li,Haikuan Zhu,Sikai Zhong,Ningna Wang,Cheng Lin,Xiaohu Guo,Shiqing Xin,Wenping Wang,Jing Hua,Zichun Zhong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-74-Controllable Game Level Generation: Assessing the Effect of Negative Examples in GAN Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23108 **作者**: Mahsa Bazzaz,Seth Cooper **关键词**: Generative Adversarial Networks, Adversarial Networks, Generative Adversarial, Conditional Generative Adversarial, unsupervised models designed **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Mahsa Bazzaz,Seth Cooper {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-75-Decoupling Semantic Similarity from Spatial Alignment for Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23107 **作者**: Tassilo Wald,Constantin Ulrich,Gregor Köhler,David Zimmerer,Stefan Denner,Michael Baumgartner,Fabian Isensee,Priyank Jaini,Klaus H. Maier-Hein **关键词**: neural networks learn, similarity, neural networks, deep neural networks, networks learn **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Tassilo Wald,Constantin Ulrich,Gregor Köhler,David Zimmerer,Stefan Denner,Michael Baumgartner,Fabian Isensee,Priyank Jaini,Klaus H. Maier-Hein {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-76-Automated Image-Based Identification and Consistent Classification of Fire Patterns with Quantitative Shape Analysis and Spatial Location Identification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23105 **作者**: Pengkun Liu,Shuna Ni,Stanislav I. Stoliarov,Pingbo Tang **关键词**: investigators' visual observations, traditionally classified based, Fire, Fire patterns, behavior and origin **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Pengkun Liu,Shuna Ni,Stanislav I. Stoliarov,Pingbo Tang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-77-Guided Game Level Repair via Explainable AI {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23101 **作者**: Mahsa Bazzaz,Seth Cooper **关键词**: machine learning models, created by machine, machine learning, learning models, Procedurally generated levels **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Mahsa Bazzaz,Seth Cooper {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-78-Comparative Analysis of Demonstration Selection Algorithms for LLM In-Context Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23099 **作者**: Dong Shu,Mengnan Du **关键词**: Large Language Models, Language Models, Large Language, additional training, In-context learning **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Dong Shu,Mengnan Du {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-79-First Place Solution to the ECCV 2024 ROAD++ Challenge @ ROAD++ Atomic Activity Recognition 2024 {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23092 **作者**: Ruyang Li,Tengfei Zhang,Heng Zhang,Tiejun Liu,Yanwei Wang,Xuelei Li **关键词**: team technical solution, ECCV ROAD, Track, report presents, presents our team **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Ruyang Li,Tengfei Zhang,Heng Zhang,Tiejun Liu,Yanwei Wang,Xuelei Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-80-CausalDiff: Causality-Inspired Disentanglement via Diffusion Model for Adversarial Defense {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23091 **作者**: Mingkun Zhang,Keping Bi,Wei Chen,Quanrun Chen,Jiafeng Guo,Xueqi Cheng **关键词**: defend neural classifiers, remain vulnerable, ongoing efforts, efforts to defend, defend neural **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Mingkun Zhang,Keping Bi,Wei Chen,Quanrun Chen,Jiafeng Guo,Xueqi Cheng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-81-CORAL: Benchmarking Multi-turn Conversational Retrieval-Augmentation Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23090 **作者**: Yiruo Cheng,Kelong Mao,Ziliang Zhao,Guanting Dong,Hongjin Qian,Yongkang Wu,Tetsuya Sakai,Ji-Rong Wen,Zhicheng Dou **关键词**: large language models, enhancing large language, language models, powerful paradigm, paradigm for enhancing **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Yiruo Cheng,Kelong Mao,Ziliang Zhao,Guanting Dong,Hongjin Qian,Yongkang Wu,Tetsuya Sakai,Ji-Rong Wen,Zhicheng Dou {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-82-PIP-MM: Pre-Integrating Prompt Information into Visual Encoding via Existing MLLM Structures {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23089 **作者**: Tianxiang Wu,Minxin Nie,Ziqiang Cao **关键词**: Multimodal Large Language, Large Language Models, capabilitiesof Large Language, Large Language, solving visual-language tasks **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Tianxiang Wu,Minxin Nie,Ziqiang Cao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-83-Statistical-Computational Trade-offs for Density Estimation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23087 **作者**: Anders Aamand,Alexandr Andoni,Justin Y. Chen,Piotr Indyk,Shyam Narayanan,Sandeep Silwal,Haike Xu **关键词**: data structure, estimation problem defined, data, problem defined, query time **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Anders Aamand,Alexandr Andoni,Justin Y. Chen,Piotr Indyk,Shyam Narayanan,Sandeep Silwal,Haike Xu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-84-From Hype to Reality: The Road Ahead of Deploying DRL in 6G Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23086 **作者**: Haiyuan Li,Hari Madhukumar,Peizheng Li,Yiran Teng,Shuangyi Yan,Dimitra Simeonidou **关键词**: high computational capacity, demand massive connectivity, massive connectivity, high computational, computational capacity **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Haiyuan Li,Hari Madhukumar,Peizheng Li,Yiran Teng,Shuangyi Yan,Dimitra Simeonidou {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-85-S3PT: Scene Semantics and Structure Guided Clustering to Boost Self-Supervised Pre-Training for Autonomous Driving {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23085 **作者**: Maciej K. Wozniak,Hariprasath Govindarajan,Marvin Klingner,Camille Maurice,Ravi Kiran,Senthil Yogamani **关键词**: Recent self-supervised clustering-based, DINO and Cribo, clustering-based pre-training techniques, shown impressive results, self-supervised clustering-based pre-training **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Maciej K. Wozniak,Hariprasath Govindarajan,Marvin Klingner,Camille Maurice,Ravi Kiran,Senthil Yogamani {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-86-Developing a Self-Explanatory Transformer {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23083 **作者**: Rasha Karakchi,Ryan Karbowniczak **关键词**: provide significant benefits, higher security risks, IoT devices provide, devices provide significant, rapid growth results **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Rasha Karakchi,Ryan Karbowniczak {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-87-An Event-Based Digital Compute-In-Memory Accelerator with Flexible Operand Resolution and Layer-Wise Weight/Output Stationarity {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23082 **作者**: Nicolas Chauvaux,Adrian Kneip,Christoph Posch,Kofi Makinwa,Charlotte Frenkel **关键词**: spiking neural networks, s-level inference latency, edge vision applications, accelerators for spiking, neural networks **类目**: Hardware Architecture (cs.AR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Nicolas Chauvaux,Adrian Kneip,Christoph Posch,Kofi Makinwa,Charlotte Frenkel {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-88-BUZZ: Beehive-structured Sparse KV Cache with Segmented Heavy Hitters for Efficient LLM Inference {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23079 **作者**: Junqi Zhao,Zhijin Fang,Shu Li,Shaohui Yang,Shichao He **关键词**: Large language models, limiting real-time deployment, natural language processing, Large language, natural language **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Junqi Zhao,Zhijin Fang,Shu Li,Shaohui Yang,Shichao He {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-89-First Place Solution to the ECCV 2024 ROAD++ Challenge @ ROAD++ Spatiotemporal Agent Detection 2024 {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23077 **作者**: Tengfei Zhang,Heng Zhang,Ruyang Li,Qi Deng,Yaqian Zhao,Rengang Li **关键词**: ECCV ROAD, report presents, presents our team, Track, spatiotemporal agent detection **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Tengfei Zhang,Heng Zhang,Ruyang Li,Qi Deng,Yaqian Zhao,Rengang Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-90-Multi-Programming Language Sandbox for LLMs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23074 **作者**: Shihan Dou,Jiazheng Zhang,Jianxiang Zang,Yunbo Tao,Haoxiang Jia,Shichun Liu,Yuming Yang,Shenxi Wu,Shaoqing Zhang,Muling Wu,Changze Lv,Limao Xiong,Wenyu Zhan,Lin Zhang,Rongxiang Weng,Jingang Wang,Xunliang Cai,Yueming Wu,Ming Wen,Rui Zheng,Tao Ji,Yixin Cao,Tao Gui,Xipeng Qiu,Qi Zhang,Xuanjing Huang **关键词**: Large Language Models, multi-programming language sandbox, language sandbox designed, Language Models, Large Language **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Shihan Dou,Jiazheng Zhang,Jianxiang Zang,Yunbo Tao,Haoxiang Jia,Shichun Liu,Yuming Yang,Shenxi Wu,Shaoqing Zhang,Muling Wu,Changze Lv,Limao Xiong,Wenyu Zhan,Lin Zhang,Rongxiang Weng,Jingang Wang,Xunliang Cai,Yueming Wu,Ming Wen,Rui Zheng,Tao Ji,Yixin Cao,Tao Gui,Xipeng Qiu,Qi Zhang,Xuanjing Huang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-91-RSNet: A Light Framework for The Detection of Multi-scale Remote Sensing Targets {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23073 **作者**: Hongyu Chen,Chengcheng Chen,Fei Wang,Yuhu Shi,Weiming Zeng **关键词**: synthetic aperture radar, deep learning techniques, Recent developments, learning techniques achieve, techniques achieve remarkable **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Image and Video Processing (eess.IV) ***备注**: Hongyu Chen,Chengcheng Chen,Fei Wang,Yuhu Shi,Weiming Zeng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-92-CNN Explainability with Multivector Tucker Saliency Maps for Self-Supervised Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23072 **作者**: Aymene Mohammed Bouayed,Samuel Deslauriers-Gauthier,Adrian Iaccovelli,David Naccache **关键词**: Convolutional Neural Networks, Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural, Interpreting the decisions, decisions of Convolutional **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Aymene Mohammed Bouayed,Samuel Deslauriers-Gauthier,Adrian Iaccovelli,David Naccache {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-93-LLMs Integration in Software Engineering Team Projects: Roles, Impact, and a Pedagogical Design Space for AI Tools in Computing Education {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23069 **作者**: Ahmed Kharrufa,Sami Alghamdi,Abeer Aziz,Christopher Bull **关键词**: undergraduate Software Engineering, Engineering Team Project, Software Engineering Team, Software Engineering, undergraduate Software **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Ahmed Kharrufa,Sami Alghamdi,Abeer Aziz,Christopher Bull {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-94-Adaptive and non-adaptive randomized approximation of high-dimensional vectors {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23067 **作者**: Robert J. Kunsch,Marcin Wnuk **关键词**: arbitrary linear functionals, based on randomized, arbitrary linear, ell, linear functionals **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Robert J. Kunsch,Marcin Wnuk {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-95-Don't Just Pay Attention, PLANT It: Transfer L2R Models to Fine-tune Attention in Extreme Multi-Label Text Classification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23066 **作者**: Debjyoti Saharoy,Javed A. Aslam,Virgil Pavlu **关键词**: Extreme Multi-Label Text, Multi-Label Text Classification, Text Classification, Extreme Multi-Label, optimal attention weights **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Debjyoti Saharoy,Javed A. Aslam,Virgil Pavlu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-96-Learned RESESOP for solving inverse problems with inexact forward operator {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23061 **作者**: Mathias S. Feinler,Bernadette N. Hahn **关键词**: numerous potential sources, Sequential Subspace Optimization, solving inverse problems, Regularized Sequential Subspace, calibration errors **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Mathias S. Feinler,Bernadette N. Hahn {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-97-FilMBot: A High-Speed Soft Parallel Robotic Micromanipulator {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23059 **作者**: Jiangkun Yu,Houari Bettahar,Hakan Kandemir,Quan Zhou **关键词**: Soft robotic manipulators, great adaptability, soft robotic micromanipulators, manipulators are generally, generally slow **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Jiangkun Yu,Houari Bettahar,Hakan Kandemir,Quan Zhou {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-98-he Days On Days Off Scheduling Problem {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23056 **作者**: Fabien Nießen,Paul Paschmanns **关键词**: received considerable academic, considerable academic attention, academic attention due, Personnel scheduling problems, real-world applications **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Computational Complexity (cs.CC); Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM) ***备注**: Fabien Nießen,Paul Paschmanns {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-99-Controlling Language and Diffusion Models by Transporting Activations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23054 **作者**: Pau Rodriguez,Arno Blaas,Michal Klein,Luca Zappella,Nicholas Apostoloff,Marco Cuturi,Xavier Suau **关键词**: potential misuse, increasing capabilities, widespread deployment, deployment have raised, raised concerns **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Pau Rodriguez,Arno Blaas,Michal Klein,Luca Zappella,Nicholas Apostoloff,Marco Cuturi,Xavier Suau {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-100-umblerBots: Tumbling Robotic sensors for Minimally-invasive Benthic Monitoring {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23049 **作者**: L. Romanello,A. Teboul,F. Wiesemuller,P. H. Nguyen,M. Kovac,S. F. Armanini **关键词**: show significant promise, water quality monitoring, systems show significant, environmental sensing applications, Robotic systems show **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: L. Romanello,A. Teboul,F. Wiesemuller,P. H. Nguyen,M. Kovac,S. F. Armanini {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-101-Legitimate ground-truth-free metrics for deep uncertainty classification scoring {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23046 **作者**: Arthur Pignet,Chiara Regniez,John Klein **关键词**: production remains limited, machine learning practices, safer machine learning, Uncertainty Quantification, remains limited **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Arthur Pignet,Chiara Regniez,John Klein {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-102-oward Understanding In-context vs. In-weight Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23042 **作者**: Bryan Chan,Xinyi Chen,András György,Dale Schuurmans **关键词**: training data, distributional properties, recently been demonstrated, demonstrated empirically, simplified distributional properties **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Bryan Chan,Xinyi Chen,András György,Dale Schuurmans {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-103-Emotional RAG: Enhancing Role-Playing Agents through Emotional Retrieval {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23041 **作者**: Le Huang,Hengzhi Lan,Zijun Sun,Chuan Shi,Ting Bai **关键词**: mimic human replies, role-playing research areas, role-playing agents, human-like capability, increasing attention **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Le Huang,Hengzhi Lan,Zijun Sun,Chuan Shi,Ting Bai {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-104-Neural Attention Field: Emerging Point Relevance in 3D Scenes for One-Shot Dexterous Grasping {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23039 **作者**: Qianxu Wang,Congyue Deng,Tyler Ga Wei Lum,Yuanpei Chen,Yaodong Yang,Jeannette Bohg,Yixin Zhu,Leonidas Guibas **关键词**: challenging problem, context variations, One-shot transfer, feature fields, feature **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Qianxu Wang,Congyue Deng,Tyler Ga Wei Lum,Yuanpei Chen,Yaodong Yang,Jeannette Bohg,Yixin Zhu,Leonidas Guibas {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-105-Accurate Solutions to Optimal Control Problems via a Flexible Mesh and Integrated Residual Transcription {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23037 **作者**: Lucian Nita,Eric C. Kerrigan **关键词**: propose joining, flexible mesh design, integrated residual transcription, integrated residual, optimal control problems **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY); Dynamical Systems (math.DS); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: Lucian Nita,Eric C. Kerrigan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-106-Exploring the Potential of Multi-modal Sensing Framework for Forest Ecology {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23033 **作者**: Luca Romanello,Tian Lan,Mirko Kovac,Sophie F. Armanini,Basaran Bahadir Kocer **关键词**: Forests offer essential, offer essential resources, services to humanity, forest canopies, offer essential **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Luca Romanello,Tian Lan,Mirko Kovac,Sophie F. Armanini,Basaran Bahadir Kocer {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-107-Camber-changing flapping hydrofoils for efficient and environmental-safe water propulsion system {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23032 **作者**: Luca Romanello,Leonard Hohaus,David-Marian Schmitt,Mirko Kovac,Sophie F. Armanini **关键词**: undulating locomotion observed, select aquatic species, hydrofoil-based propulsion framework, research introduces, framework for unmanned **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Luca Romanello,Leonard Hohaus,David-Marian Schmitt,Mirko Kovac,Sophie F. Armanini {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-108-Offline Reinforcement Learning and Sequence Modeling for Downlink Link Adaptation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23031 **作者**: Samuele Peri,Alessio Russo,Gabor Fodor,Pablo Soldati **关键词**: Contemporary radio access, employ link adaption, achieved spectral efficiency, prevailing propagation conditions, Contemporary radio **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Samuele Peri,Alessio Russo,Gabor Fodor,Pablo Soldati {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-109-Planning and Learning in Risk-Aware Restless Multi-Arm Bandit Problem {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23029 **作者**: Nima Akbarzadeh,Erick Delage,Yossiri Adulyasak **关键词**: Markov decision process, optimally distributing limited, distributing limited resources, restless multi-arm bandits, Markov decision **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Nima Akbarzadeh,Erick Delage,Yossiri Adulyasak {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-110-A Universal Sets-level Optimization Framework for Next Set Recommendation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23023 **作者**: Yuli Liu,Min Liu,Christian Walder,Lexing Xie **关键词**: encompassing related tasks, trending research topic, temporal sets prediction, Set Recommendation, encompassing related **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Yuli Liu,Min Liu,Christian Walder,Lexing Xie {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-111-Online Intrinsic Rewards for Decision Making Agents from Large Language Model Feedback {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23022 **作者**: Qinqing Zheng,Mikael Henaff,Amy Zhang,Aditya Grover,Brandon Amos **关键词**: Automatically synthesizing dense, Automatically synthesizing, natural language descriptions, synthesizing dense rewards, hierarchical skill design **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Qinqing Zheng,Mikael Henaff,Amy Zhang,Aditya Grover,Brandon Amos {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-112-Proceedings Eighth Symposium on Working Formal Methods {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23020 **作者**: Mircea Marin(West University of Timişoara),Laurenţiu Leuştean(University of Bucharest) **关键词**: Formal Methods Symposium, Working Formal Methods, apply theoretical contributions, Formal Methods, Methods Symposium **类目**: Logic in Computer Science (cs.LO) ***备注**: Mircea Marin(West University of Timişoara),Laurenţiu Leuştean(University of Bucharest) {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-113-SoundCollage: Automated Discovery of New Classes in Audio Datasets {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23008 **作者**: Ryuhaerang Choi,Soumyajit Chatterjee,Dimitris Spathis,Sung-Ju Lee,Fahim Kawsar,Mohammad Malekzadeh **关键词**: Developing new machine, machine learning applications, machine learning, requires the collection, Developing **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Ryuhaerang Choi,Soumyajit Chatterjee,Dimitris Spathis,Sung-Ju Lee,Fahim Kawsar,Mohammad Malekzadeh {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-114-Improving Musical Accompaniment Co-creation via Diffusion Transformers {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23005 **作者**: Javier Nistal,Marco Pasini,Stefan Lattner **关键词**: instrument accompaniment generation, musical instrument accompaniment, improvements targeting quality, accompaniment generation, text-driven control **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Javier Nistal,Marco Pasini,Stefan Lattner {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-115-DexGraspNet 2.0: Learning Generative Dexterous Grasping in Large-scale Synthetic Cluttered Scenes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23004 **作者**: Jialiang Zhang,Haoran Liu,Danshi Li,Xinqiang Yu,Haoran Geng,Yufei Ding,Jiayi Chen,He Wang **关键词**: remains highly challenging, scenes remains highly, dexterous hands due, remains highly, highly challenging **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Jialiang Zhang,Haoran Liu,Danshi Li,Xinqiang Yu,Haoran Geng,Yufei Ding,Jiayi Chen,He Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-116-Scoring Rules and Calibration for Imprecise Probabilities {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23001 **作者**: Christian Fröhlich,Robert C. Williamson **关键词**: proper scoring rules, probability for rain, rain tomorrow, scoring rules, proper scoring **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Statistics Theory (math.ST) ***备注**: Christian Fröhlich,Robert C. Williamson {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-117-\textsc{Long$^2$RAG}: Evaluating Long-Context \ Long-Form Retrieval-Augmented Generation with Key Point Recall {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23000 **作者**: Zehan Qi,Rongwu Xu,Zhijiang Guo,Cunxiang Wang,Hao Zhang,Wei Xu **关键词**: large language models, Retrieval-augmented generation, language models, promising approach, limitations of fixed **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Zehan Qi,Rongwu Xu,Zhijiang Guo,Cunxiang Wang,Hao Zhang,Wei Xu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-118-owards Constraint-aware Learning for Resource Allocation in NFV-enabled Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22999 **作者**: Tianfu Wang,Long Yang,Chao Wang,Chuan Qin,Liwei Deng,Li Shen,Hui Xiong **关键词**: Virtual Network Embedding, network function virtualization, Virtual Network, Network Embedding, network function **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Tianfu Wang,Long Yang,Chao Wang,Chuan Qin,Liwei Deng,Li Shen,Hui Xiong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-119-A Comparison of Prompt Engineering Techniques for Task Planning and Execution in Service Robotics {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22997 **作者**: Jonas Bode,Bastian Pätzold,Raphael Memmesheimer,Sven Behnke **关键词**: vast general knowledge, autonomous robot control, Recent advances, prompt engineering techniques, instrumental in autonomous **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jonas Bode,Bastian Pätzold,Raphael Memmesheimer,Sven Behnke {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-120-Semantic Enrichment of the Quantum Cascade Laser Properties in Text- A Knowledge Graph Generation Approach {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22996 **作者**: Deperias Kerre,Anne Laurent,Kenneth Maussang,Dickson Owuor **关键词**: Quantum Cascade Laser, Quantum Cascade, QCL properties Knowledge, QCL properties, Cascade Laser **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Deperias Kerre,Anne Laurent,Kenneth Maussang,Dickson Owuor {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-121-VisAidMath: Benchmarking Visual-Aided Mathematical Reasoning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22995 **作者**: Jingkun Ma,Runzhe Zhan,Derek F. Wong,Yang Li,Di Sun,Hou Pong Chan,Lidia S. Chao **关键词**: large language models, large multi-modal models, problem-solving remains insufficient, explored mathematical problem-solving, systematically explored mathematical **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Jingkun Ma,Runzhe Zhan,Derek F. Wong,Yang Li,Di Sun,Hou Pong Chan,Lidia S. Chao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-122-Dynamic Matching with Post-allocation Service and its Application to Refugee Resettlement {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22992 **作者**: Kirk Bansak,Soonbong Lee,Vahideh Manshadi,Rad Niazadeh,Elisabeth Paulson **关键词**: fixed annual quota, major refugee resettlement, dynamic matching problem, annual quota, matched immediately **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: Kirk Bansak,Soonbong Lee,Vahideh Manshadi,Rad Niazadeh,Elisabeth Paulson {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-123-Adaptive finite elements for obstacle problems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22991 **作者**: Tom Gustafsson **关键词**: mixed finite elements, membrane contact, elastoplastic torsion, cavitation modelling, finite elements **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Tom Gustafsson {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-124-V2X-Assisted Distributed Computing and Control Framework for Connected and Automated Vehicles under Ramp Merging Scenario {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22987 **作者**: Qiong Wu,Jiahou Chu,Pingyi Fan,Kezhi Wang,Nan Cheng,Wen Chen,Khaled B. Letaief **关键词**: ramp merging scenario, paper investigates distributed, transportation cyber-physical system, ramp merging, merging scenario **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Qiong Wu,Jiahou Chu,Pingyi Fan,Kezhi Wang,Nan Cheng,Wen Chen,Khaled B. Letaief {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-125-roubling Taxonomies in GenAI Evaluation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22985 **作者**: Glen Berman,Ned Cooper,Wesley Hanwen Deng,Ben Hutchinson **关键词**: societal impact evaluations, emerge from interactions, societal impacts, societal, requires a model **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Glen Berman,Ned Cooper,Wesley Hanwen Deng,Ben Hutchinson {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-126-Higher-order Cross-structural Embedding Model for Time Series Analysis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22984 **作者**: Guancen Lin,Cong Shen,Aijing Lin **关键词**: gained significant attention, significant attention due, Time series, Time series analysis, sensor networks **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Guancen Lin,Cong Shen,Aijing Lin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-127-Dual-Optimized Adaptive Graph Reconstruction for Multi-View Graph Clustering {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22983 **作者**: Zichen Wen,Tianyi Wu,Yazhou Ren,Yawen Ling,Chenhang Cui,Xiaorong Pu,Lifang He **关键词**: important machine learning, machine learning task, multi-view graph clustering, graph, encompassing various domains **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Zichen Wen,Tianyi Wu,Yazhou Ren,Yawen Ling,Chenhang Cui,Xiaorong Pu,Lifang He {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-128-PDSR: Efficient UAV Deployment for Swift and Accurate Post-Disaster Search and Rescue {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22982 **作者**: Alaa Awad Abdellatif,Ali Elmancy,Amr Mohamed,Ahmed Massoud,Wadha Lebda,Khalid K. Naji **关键词**: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, leveraging Unmanned Aerial, operations leveraging Unmanned, rescue operations leveraging, Search and Rescue **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Alaa Awad Abdellatif,Ali Elmancy,Amr Mohamed,Ahmed Massoud,Wadha Lebda,Khalid K. Naji {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-129-DisenTS: Disentangled Channel Evolving Pattern Modeling for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22981 **作者**: Zhiding Liu,Jiqian Yang,Qingyang Mao,Yuze Zhao,Mingyue Cheng,Zhi Li,Qi Liu,Enhong Chen **关键词**: Multivariate time series, time series forecasting, series forecasting plays, time series, real-world applications **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Zhiding Liu,Jiqian Yang,Qingyang Mao,Yuze Zhao,Mingyue Cheng,Zhi Li,Qi Liu,Enhong Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-130-Efficient End-to-End 6-Dof Grasp Detection Framework for Edge Devices with Hierarchical Heatmaps and Feature Propagation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22980 **作者**: Kaiqin Yang. Yixiang Dai,Guijin Wang,Siang Chen **关键词**: intelligent embodied systems, feasible robot poses, embodied systems, critically important, advancement of intelligent **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Kaiqin Yang. Yixiang Dai,Guijin Wang,Siang Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-131-LumiSculpt: A Consistency Lighting Control Network for Video Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22979 **作者**: Yuxin Zhang,Dandan Zheng,Biao Gong,Jingdong Chen,Ming Yang,Weiming Dong,Changsheng Xu **关键词**: video generation, significantly influencing, generated content, plays a pivotal, pivotal role **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Yuxin Zhang,Dandan Zheng,Biao Gong,Jingdong Chen,Ming Yang,Weiming Dong,Changsheng Xu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-132-Bonafide at LegalLens 2024 Shared Task: Using Lightweight DeBERTa Based Encoder For Legal Violation Detection and Resolution {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22977 **作者**: Shikha Bordia **关键词**: Named Entity Resolution, Natural Language Inference, Named Entity, Entity Resolution, Natural Language **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Shikha Bordia {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-133-DataRec: A Framework for Standardizing Recommendation Data Processing and Analysis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22972 **作者**: Alberto Carlo Maria Mancino,Salvatore Bufi,Angela Di Fazio,Daniele Malitesta,Claudio Pomo,Antonio Ferrara,Tommaso Di Noia **关键词**: machine learning applications, great interest posed, researchers and companies, learning applications, great interest **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Alberto Carlo Maria Mancino,Salvatore Bufi,Angela Di Fazio,Daniele Malitesta,Claudio Pomo,Antonio Ferrara,Tommaso Di Noia {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-134-Private Synthetic Text Generation with Diffusion Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22971 **作者**: Sebastian Ochs,Ivan Habernal **关键词**: Abstract, generating synthetics texts, generating synthetic data, diffusion models, generating **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Sebastian Ochs,Ivan Habernal {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-135-Dynamic Threshold-based Two-layer Online Unsupervised Anomaly Detector {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22967 **作者**: Yachao Yuan,Yu Huang,Yali Yuan,Jin Wang **关键词**: Internet of Things, Anomaly Detection Systems, Detection Systems, Adaptive NAD, develop Anomaly Detection **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Yachao Yuan,Yu Huang,Yali Yuan,Jin Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-136-Scalable Sampling for High Utility Patterns {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22964 **作者**: Lamine Diop,Marc Plantevit **关键词**: Discovering valuable insights, Discovering valuable, crucial task, insights from data, data through meaningful **类目**: Databases (cs.DB); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Lamine Diop,Marc Plantevit {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-137-Even the "Devil" has Rights! {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22963 **作者**: Mennatullah Siam **关键词**: African Muslim Hijabi, scientific advancements, discussing the adoption, contribute to scientific, Muslim Hijabi researcher **类目**: Other Computer Science (cs.OH) ***备注**: Mennatullah Siam {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-138-A Study of Secure Algorithms for Vertical Federated Learning: Take Secure Logistic Regression as an Example {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22960 **作者**: Huan-Chih Wang,Ja-Ling Wu **关键词**: companies build services, machine learning techniques, entering the era, era of big, build services **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Huan-Chih Wang,Ja-Ling Wu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-139-EnsIR: An Ensemble Algorithm for Image Restoration via Gaussian Mixture Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22959 **作者**: Shangquan Sun,Wenqi Ren,Zikun Liu,Hyunhee Park,Rui Wang,Xiaochun Cao **关键词**: experienced significant advancements, significant advancements due, experienced significant, significant advancements, advancements due **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Shangquan Sun,Wenqi Ren,Zikun Liu,Hyunhee Park,Rui Wang,Xiaochun Cao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-140-ISAC Prototype System for Multi-Domain Cooperative Communication Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22956 **作者**: Jie Yang,Hang Que,Tao Du,Le Liang,Xiao Li,Chao-Kai Wen,Shi Jin **关键词**: Future wireless networks, unlocking groundbreaking services, Future wireless, unlocking groundbreaking, digital twinning **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Jie Yang,Hang Que,Tao Du,Le Liang,Xiao Li,Chao-Kai Wen,Shi Jin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-141-Retrieval-Augmented Generation with Estimation of Source Reliability {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22954 **作者**: Jeongyeon Hwang,Junyoung Park,Hyejin Park,Sangdon Park,Jungseul Ok **关键词**: addresses key limitations, large language models, Retrieval-augmented generation, incorporating external databases, addresses key **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Jeongyeon Hwang,Junyoung Park,Hyejin Park,Sangdon Park,Jungseul Ok {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-142-Efficient Adaptation of Pre-trained Vision Transformer via Householder Transformation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22952 **作者**: Wei Dong,Yuan Sun,Yiting Yang,Xing Zhang,Zhijun Lin,Qingsen Yan,Haokui Zhang,Peng Wang,Yang Yang,Hengtao Shen **关键词**: pre-trained Vision Transformers, Vision Transformers, common strategy, strategy for Parameter-Efficient, matrix **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Wei Dong,Yuan Sun,Yiting Yang,Xing Zhang,Zhijun Lin,Qingsen Yan,Haokui Zhang,Peng Wang,Yang Yang,Hengtao Shen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-143-Sampling and counting triangle-free graphs near the critical density {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22951 **作者**: Matthew Jenssen,Will Perkins,Aditya Potukuchi,Michael Simkin **关键词**: Erdős-Rényi random graph, Erdős-Rényi random, efficiently sample, combinatorial counting, sampling **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Combinatorics (math.CO) ***备注**: Matthew Jenssen,Will Perkins,Aditya Potukuchi,Michael Simkin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-144-SpiroActive: Active Learning for Efficient Data Acquisition for Spirometry {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22950 **作者**: Ankita Kumari Jain,Nitish Sharma,Madhav Kanda,Nipun Batra **关键词**: global health burden, significant global health, Respiratory illnesses, significant global, health burden **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Ankita Kumari Jain,Nitish Sharma,Madhav Kanda,Nipun Batra {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-145-MutaPLM: Protein Language Modeling for Mutation Explanation and Engineering {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22949 **作者**: Yizhen Luo,Zikun Nie,Massimo Hong,Suyuan Zhao,Hao Zhou,Zaiqing Nie **关键词**: amino acid sequences, acid sequences holds, sequences holds tremendous, holds tremendous significance, Studying protein mutations **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Biomolecules (q-bio.BM) ***备注**: Yizhen Luo,Zikun Nie,Massimo Hong,Suyuan Zhao,Hao Zhou,Zaiqing Nie {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-146-ELBOing Stein: Variational Bayes with Stein Mixture Inference {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22948 **作者**: Ola Rønning,Eric Nalisnick,Christophe Ley,Padhraic Smyth,Thomas Hamelryck **关键词**: approximate Bayesian inference, variational gradient descent, performs approximate Bayesian, Stein variational gradient, gradient descent **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Ola Rønning,Eric Nalisnick,Christophe Ley,Padhraic Smyth,Thomas Hamelryck {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-147-KALAM: toolKit for Automating high-Level synthesis of Analog computing systeMs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22946 **作者**: Ankita Nandi,Krishil Gandhi,Mahendra Pratap Singh,Shantanu Chakrabartty,Chetan Singh Thakur **关键词**: Diverse computing paradigms, Diverse computing, Analog computing systeMs, analog computing, emerged to meet **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY); Hardware Architecture (cs.AR); Emerging Technologies (cs.ET); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Ankita Nandi,Krishil Gandhi,Mahendra Pratap Singh,Shantanu Chakrabartty,Chetan Singh Thakur {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-148-Focus On This, Not That! Steering LLMs With Adaptive Feature Specification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22944 **作者**: Tom A. Lamb,Adam Davies,Alasdair Paren,Philip H.S. Torr,Francesco Pinto **关键词**: Focus Instruction Tuning, arbitrary user-specified tasks, training large language, Instruction Tuning, perform arbitrary user-specified **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Tom A. Lamb,Adam Davies,Alasdair Paren,Philip H.S. Torr,Francesco Pinto {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-149-MMSE Channel Estimation in Fading MIMO Gaussian Channels With Blockage: A Novel Lower Bound via Poincar\'e Inequality {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22941 **作者**: Mohammadreza Bakhshizadeh Mohajer,Luca Barletta,Daniela Tuninetti,Alessandro Tomasoni,Daniele Lo Iacono,Fabio Osnato **关键词**: next-generation wireless networks, Integrated sensing, wireless networks, key enabler, enabler for next-generation **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Mohammadreza Bakhshizadeh Mohajer,Luca Barletta,Daniela Tuninetti,Alessandro Tomasoni,Daniele Lo Iacono,Fabio Osnato {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-150-AdaptiveISP: Learning an Adaptive Image Signal Processor for Object Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22939 **作者**: Yujin Wang,Tianyi Xu,Fan Zhang,Tianfan Xue,Jinwei Gu **关键词**: Image Signal Processors, raw sensor signals, Signal Processors, convert raw sensor, ISP **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Yujin Wang,Tianyi Xu,Fan Zhang,Tianfan Xue,Jinwei Gu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-151-DiffLight: A Partial Rewards Conditioned Diffusion Model for Traffic Signal Control with Missing Data {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22938 **作者**: Hanyang Chen,Yang Jiang,Shengnan Guo,Xiaowei Mao,Youfang Lin,Huaiyu Wan **关键词**: yielded notable achievements, notable achievements, TSC, extensively researched, researched and yielded **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Hanyang Chen,Yang Jiang,Shengnan Guo,Xiaowei Mao,Youfang Lin,Huaiyu Wan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-152-houghtful Adoption of NLP for Civic Participation: Understanding Differences Among Policymakers {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22937 **作者**: Jose A. Guridi,Cristobal Cheyre,Qian Yang **关键词**: Natural language processing, Natural language, NLP, NLP tools, analyze citizen opinions **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Jose A. Guridi,Cristobal Cheyre,Qian Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-153-Bringing NeRFs to the Latent Space: Inverse Graphics Autoencoder {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22936 **作者**: Antoine Schnepf,Karim Kassab,Jean-Yves Franceschi,Laurent Caraffa,Flavian Vasile,Jeremie Mary,Andrew Comport,Valerie Gouet-Brunet **关键词**: inverse graphics, Inverse Graphics Autoencoder, latent, applying inverse graphics, computer vision **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Antoine Schnepf,Karim Kassab,Jean-Yves Franceschi,Laurent Caraffa,Flavian Vasile,Jeremie Mary,Andrew Comport,Valerie Gouet-Brunet {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-154-Multi-Agent Large Language Models for Conversational Task-Solving {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22932 **作者**: Jonas Becker **关键词**: single large language, large language models, intelligence for years, large language, dominated the landscape **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Jonas Becker {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-155-GPTR: Gaussian Process Trajectory Representation for Continuous-Time Motion Estimation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22931 **作者**: Thien-Minh Nguyen,Ziyu Cao,Kailai Li,Shenghai Yuan,Lihua Xie **关键词**: gained significant popularity, Continuous-time trajectory representation, Gaussian Process Trajectory, traditional discrete-time frameworks, Process Trajectory Representation **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Thien-Minh Nguyen,Ziyu Cao,Kailai Li,Shenghai Yuan,Lihua Xie {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-156-An Individual Identity-Driven Framework for Animal Re-Identification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22927 **作者**: Yihao Wu,Di Zhao,Jingfeng Zhang,Yun Sing Koh **关键词**: large wildlife populations, Reliable re-identification, Animal ReID, ecological research, wildlife conservation **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Yihao Wu,Di Zhao,Jingfeng Zhang,Yun Sing Koh {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-157-BIS: NL2SQL Service Evaluation Benchmark for Business Intelligence Scenarios {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22925 **作者**: Bora Caglayan,Mingxue Wang,John D. Kelleher,Shen Fei,Gui Tong,Jiandong Ding,Puchao Zhang **关键词**: Structured Query Language, Natural Language, Structured Query, Query Language, Language to Structured **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Bora Caglayan,Mingxue Wang,John D. Kelleher,Shen Fei,Gui Tong,Jiandong Ding,Puchao Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-158-High-Fidelity Document Stain Removal via A Large-Scale Real-World Dataset and A Memory-Augmented Transformer {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22922 **作者**: Mingxian Li,Hao Sun,Yingtie Lei,Xiaofeng Zhang,Yihang Dong,Yilin Zhou,Zimeng Li,Xuhang Chen **关键词**: hindering downstream applications, document stain removal, stain removal, Document, stain **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Mingxian Li,Hao Sun,Yingtie Lei,Xiaofeng Zhang,Yihang Dong,Yilin Zhou,Zimeng Li,Xuhang Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-159-Cyber-physical WebAssembly: Secure Hardware Interfaces and Pluggable Drivers {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22919 **作者**: Michiel Van Kenhove,Maximilian Seidler,Friedrich Vandenberghe,Warre Dujardin,Wouter Hennen,Arne Vogel,Merlijn Sebrechts,Tom Goethals,Filip De Turck,Bruno Volckaert **关键词**: Internet of Things, introduced numerous challenges, expansion of Internet, configuration management, rapid expansion **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY); Software Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Michiel Van Kenhove,Maximilian Seidler,Friedrich Vandenberghe,Warre Dujardin,Wouter Hennen,Arne Vogel,Merlijn Sebrechts,Tom Goethals,Filip De Turck,Bruno Volckaert {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-160-Simulation-Free Training of Neural ODEs on Paired Data {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22918 **作者**: Semin Kim,Jaehoon Yoo,Jinwoo Kim,Yeonwoo Cha,Saehoon Kim,Seunghoon Hong **关键词**: Ordinary Differential Equations, Neural Ordinary Differential, Differential Equations, Neural Ordinary, Ordinary Differential **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Semin Kim,Jaehoon Yoo,Jinwoo Kim,Yeonwoo Cha,Saehoon Kim,Seunghoon Hong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-161-Explainable Behavior Cloning: Teaching Large Language Model Agents through Learning by Demonstration {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22916 **作者**: Yanchu Guan,Dong Wang,Yan Wang,Haiqing Wang,Renen Sun,Chenyi Zhuang,Jinjie Gu,Zhixuan Chu **关键词**: Autonomous mobile app, mobile app interaction, Behavior Cloning, increasingly important, important with growing **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Yanchu Guan,Dong Wang,Yan Wang,Haiqing Wang,Renen Sun,Chenyi Zhuang,Jinjie Gu,Zhixuan Chu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-162-Self-optimization in distributed manufacturing systems using Modular State-based Stackelberg Games {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22912 **作者**: Steve Yuwono,Ahmar Kamal Hussain,Dorothea Schwung,Andreas Schwung **关键词**: Modular State-based Stackelberg, introduce Modular State-based, State-based Stackelberg Games, Stackelberg Games, State-based Potential Games **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Steve Yuwono,Ahmar Kamal Hussain,Dorothea Schwung,Andreas Schwung {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-163-CopRA: A Progressive LoRA Training Strategy {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22911 **作者**: Zhan Zhuang,Xiequn Wang,Yulong Zhang,Wei Li,Yu Zhang,Ying Wei **关键词**: Low-Rank Adaptation, rapidly fine-tuning foundation, fine-tuning foundation models, parameter-efficient technique, technique for rapidly **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Zhan Zhuang,Xiequn Wang,Yulong Zhang,Wei Li,Yu Zhang,Ying Wei {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-164-An Efficient Representation of Whole-body Model Predictive Control for Online Compliant Dual-arm Mobile Manipulation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22910 **作者**: Wenqian Du,Ran Long,João Moura,Jiayi Wang,Saeid Samadi,Sethu Vijayakumar **关键词**: Dual-arm mobile manipulators, Dual-arm mobile, manipulate large-size objects, mobile manipulators, mobile manipulators poses **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Wenqian Du,Ran Long,João Moura,Jiayi Wang,Saeid Samadi,Sethu Vijayakumar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-165-UniRiT: Towards Few-Shot Non-Rigid Point Cloud Registration {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22909 **作者**: Geng Li,Haozhi Cao,Mingyang Liu,Chenxi Jiang,Jianfei Yang **关键词**: scene understanding, surgical navigation, critical challenge, Non-rigid point cloud, Non-rigid **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Geng Li,Haozhi Cao,Mingyang Liu,Chenxi Jiang,Jianfei Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-166-Federated UCBVI: Communication-Efficient Federated Regret Minimization with Heterogeneous Agents {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22908 **作者**: Safwan Labbi,Daniil Tiapkin,Lorenzo Mancini,Paul Mangold,Eric Moulines **关键词**: Upper Confidence Bound, Federated Upper Confidence, Iteration algorithm, Upper Confidence, Confidence Bound **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Safwan Labbi,Daniil Tiapkin,Lorenzo Mancini,Paul Mangold,Eric Moulines {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-167-he Evolution Of The Digital Inheritance: Legal, Technical, And Practical Dimensions Of Cryptocurrency Transfer Through Succession In French-Inspired Legal Systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22907 **作者**: Cristina Carata,Ana-Luisa Chelaru **关键词**: enjoyed increased popularity, recent years, enjoyed increased, increased popularity, aspects related **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Cristina Carata,Ana-Luisa Chelaru {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-168-From Babble to Words: Pre-Training Language Models on Continuous Streams of Phonemes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22906 **作者**: Zébulon Goriely,Richard Diehl Martinez,Andrew Caines,Lisa Beinborn,Paula Buttery **关键词**: default orthographic form, typically trained, trained on large, large corpora, orthographic form **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Zébulon Goriely,Richard Diehl Martinez,Andrew Caines,Lisa Beinborn,Paula Buttery {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-169-HelloMeme: Integrating Spatial Knitting Attentions to Embed High-Level and Fidelity-Rich Conditions in Diffusion Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22901 **作者**: Shengkai Zhang,Nianhong Jiao,Tian Li,Chaojie Yang,Chenhui Xue,Boya Niu,Jun Gao **关键词**: complex downstream tasks, propose an effective, enables the execution, execution of complex, complex downstream **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Shengkai Zhang,Nianhong Jiao,Tian Li,Chaojie Yang,Chenhui Xue,Boya Niu,Jun Gao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-170-Wormhole Loss for Partial Shape Matching {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22899 **作者**: Amit Bracha,Thomas Dagès,Ron Kimmel **关键词**: fundamental question arises, matching process, question arises, fundamental question, partial shape matching **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Amit Bracha,Thomas Dagès,Ron Kimmel {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-171-YOLOv11 for Vehicle Detection: Advancements, Performance, and Applications in Intelligent Transportation Systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22898 **作者**: Mujadded Al Rabbani Alif **关键词**: Accurate vehicle detection, intelligent transportation systems, Accurate vehicle, intelligent transportation, Accurate **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Mujadded Al Rabbani Alif {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-172-A Graph-Based Model for Vehicle-Centric Data Sharing Ecosystem {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22897 **作者**: Haiyue Yuan,Ali Raza,Nikolay Matyunin,Jibesh Patra,Shujun Li **关键词**: autonomous driving capabilities, automotive industry, driving capabilities, development of technologies, technologies has prompted **类目**: ocial and Information Networks (cs.SI); Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Haiyue Yuan,Ali Raza,Nikolay Matyunin,Jibesh Patra,Shujun Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-173-Combining psychoanalysis and computer science: an empirical study of the relationship between emotions and the Lacanian discourses {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22895 **作者**: Minas Gadalla,Sotiris Nikoletseas,José Roberto de A. Amazonas **关键词**: mutually beneficial exchange, suggesting a mutually, beneficial exchange, Lacanian discourses, explores the interdisciplinary **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Minas Gadalla,Sotiris Nikoletseas,José Roberto de A. Amazonas {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-174-Constrained Trajectory Optimization for Hybrid Dynamical Systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22894 **作者**: Pietro Noah Crestaz,Gokhan Alcan,Ville Kyrki **关键词**: Hybrid dynamical systems, dynamical systems pose, systems pose significant, pose significant challenges, Discrete Barrier State **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Pietro Noah Crestaz,Gokhan Alcan,Ville Kyrki {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-175-Human-inspired Grasping Strategies of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Applied to Robotic Manipulation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22893 **作者**: Romeo Orsolino,Mykhaylo Marfeychuk,Mariana de Paula Assis Fonseca,Mario Baggetta,Wesley Wimshurst,Francesco Porta,Morgan Clarke,Giovanni Berselli,Jelizaveta Konstantinova **关键词**: Robotic manipulation, multiple loose items, pick loose fruits, fruits and vegetables, Robotic **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Romeo Orsolino,Mykhaylo Marfeychuk,Mariana de Paula Assis Fonseca,Mario Baggetta,Wesley Wimshurst,Francesco Porta,Morgan Clarke,Giovanni Berselli,Jelizaveta Konstantinova {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-176-VPO: Leveraging the Number of Votes in Preference Optimization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22891 **作者**: Jae Hyeon Cho,Minkyung Park,Byung-Jun Lee **关键词**: Direct Preference Optimization, Reinforcement Learning, explicit reward modeling, reward modeling phase, phase of Reinforcement **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Jae Hyeon Cho,Minkyung Park,Byung-Jun Lee {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-177-Effective and Efficient Adversarial Detection for Vision-Language Models via A Single Vector {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22888 **作者**: Youcheng Huang,Fengbin Zhu,Jingkun Tang,Pan Zhou,Wenqiang Lei,Jiancheng Lv,Tat-Seng Chua **关键词**: Visual Language Models, Visual Language, Language Models, Diverse hArmful Responses, under-explored in literature **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Youcheng Huang,Fengbin Zhu,Jingkun Tang,Pan Zhou,Wenqiang Lei,Jiancheng Lv,Tat-Seng Chua {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-178-Less is More: Pre-Training Cross-Lingual Small-Scale Language Models with Cognitively-Plausible Curriculum Learning Strategies {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22886 **作者**: Suchir Salhan,Richard Diehl Martinez,Zébulon Goriely,Paula Buttery **关键词**: BabyLM Challenge, Small-Scale Language Models, Curriculum Learning, popular strategy, strategy to improve **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Suchir Salhan,Richard Diehl Martinez,Zébulon Goriely,Paula Buttery {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-179-Stealing User Prompts from Mixture of Experts {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22884 **作者**: Itay Yona,Ilia Shumailov,Jamie Hayes,Nicholas Carlini **关键词**: dense language models, improve the efficiency, efficiency and scalability, scalability of dense, dense language **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Itay Yona,Ilia Shumailov,Jamie Hayes,Nicholas Carlini {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-180-Adaptive Paradigm Synergy: Can a Cross-Paradigm Objective Enhance Long-Tailed Learning? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22883 **作者**: Haowen Xiao,Guanghui Liu,Xinyi Gao,Yang Li,Fengmao Lv,Jielei Chu **关键词**: computer vision tasks, achieved impressive results, rivaling supervised methods, vision tasks, achieved impressive **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Haowen Xiao,Guanghui Liu,Xinyi Gao,Yang Li,Fengmao Lv,Jielei Chu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-181-SFA-UNet: More Attention to Multi-Scale Contrast and Contextual Information in Infrared Small Object Segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22881 **作者**: Imad Ali Shah,Fahad Mumtaz Malik,Muhammad Waqas Ashraf **关键词**: Computer vision researchers, fundamental infrared visual, infrared visual recognition, Computer vision, past few decades **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Imad Ali Shah,Fahad Mumtaz Malik,Muhammad Waqas Ashraf {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-182-Eliciting Critical Reasoning in Retrieval-Augmented Language Models via Contrastive Explanations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22874 **作者**: Leonardo Ranaldi,Marco Valentino,Andrè Freitas **关键词**: Large Language Models, support Large Language, Large Language, systematically accessing richer, accessing richer factual **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Leonardo Ranaldi,Marco Valentino,Andrè Freitas {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-183-Data subsampling for Poisson regression with pth-root-link {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22872 **作者**: Han Cheng Lie,Alexander Munteanu **关键词**: Poisson regression, analyze data subsampling, Poisson, data subsampling techniques, develop and analyze **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Han Cheng Lie,Alexander Munteanu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-184-Coupling deal.II and FROSch: A Sustainable and Accessible (O)RAS Preconditioner {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22871 **作者**: Alexander Heinlein,Sebastian Kinnewig,Thomas Wick **关键词**: Robust Overlapping Schwarz, restricted additive Schwarz, additive Schwarz, Overlapping Schwarz, optimized restricted additive **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Alexander Heinlein,Sebastian Kinnewig,Thomas Wick {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-185-Conditioned quantum-assisted deep generative surrogate for particle-calorimeter interactions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22870 **作者**: J. Quetzalcoatl Toledo-Marin,Sebastian Gonzalez,Hao Jia,Ian Lu,Deniz Sogutlu,Abhishek Abhishek,Colin Gay,Eric Paquet,Roger Melko,Geoffrey C. Fox,Maximilian Swiatlowski,Wojciech Fedorko **关键词**: Large Hadron Collider, ATLAS and CMS, Hadron Collider, Large Hadron, enable exquisite measurements **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph); Computational Physics (physics.comp-ph); Instrumentation and Detectors (physics.ins-det) ***备注**: J. Quetzalcoatl Toledo-Marin,Sebastian Gonzalez,Hao Jia,Ian Lu,Deniz Sogutlu,Abhishek Abhishek,Colin Gay,Eric Paquet,Roger Melko,Geoffrey C. Fox,Maximilian Swiatlowski,Wojciech Fedorko {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-186-Scaling Molecular Dynamics with ab initio Accuracy to 149 Nanoseconds per Day {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22867 **作者**: Jianxiong Li,Boyang Li,Zhuoqiang Guo,Mingzhen Li,Enji Li,Lijun Liu,Guojun Yuan,Zhan Wang,Guangming Tan,Weile Jia **关键词**: require molecular dynamics, phase transition require, transition require molecular, Physical phenomena, bond breaking **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Jianxiong Li,Boyang Li,Zhuoqiang Guo,Mingzhen Li,Enji Li,Lijun Liu,Guojun Yuan,Zhan Wang,Guangming Tan,Weile Jia {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-187-Prune and Repaint: Content-Aware Image Retargeting for any Ratio {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22865 **作者**: Feihong Shen,Chao Li,Yifeng Geng,Yongjian Deng,Hao Chen **关键词**: presentation environments, task of adjusting, suit different display, display devices, devices or presentation **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Feihong Shen,Chao Li,Yifeng Geng,Yongjian Deng,Hao Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-188-AtGCN: A Graph Convolutional Network For Ataxic Gait Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22862 **作者**: Karan Bania,Tanmay Verlekar **关键词**: Video-based gait analysis, Video-based gait, diagnosing pathologies, ataxic gait, task of diagnosing **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Karan Bania,Tanmay Verlekar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-189-DAVINCI: A Single-Stage Architecture for Constrained CAD Sketch Inference {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22857 **作者**: Ahmet Serdar Karadeniz,Dimitrios Mallis,Nesryne Mejri,Kseniya Cherenkova,Anis Kacem,Djamila Aouada **关键词**: single-stage Computer-Aided Design, Computer-Aided Design, CAD sketch, CAD, work presents DAVINCI **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Ahmet Serdar Karadeniz,Dimitrios Mallis,Nesryne Mejri,Kseniya Cherenkova,Anis Kacem,Djamila Aouada {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-190-Centimeter-level Geometry Reconstruction and Material Identification in 300 GHz Monostatic Sensing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22852 **作者**: Zitong Fang,Ziming Yu,Chong Han **关键词**: high communication performance, communication performance alongside, achieve high communication, performance alongside advanced, advanced sensing abilities **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Zitong Fang,Ziming Yu,Chong Han {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-191-Non-contact Dexterous Micromanipulation with Multiple Optoelectronic Robots {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22848 **作者**: Yongyi Jia,Shu Miao,Ao Wang,Caiding Ni,Lin Feng,Xiaowo Wang,Xiang Li **关键词**: systems leverage automation, Micromanipulation systems leverage, improve the precision, systems leverage, leverage automation **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Yongyi Jia,Shu Miao,Ao Wang,Caiding Ni,Lin Feng,Xiaowo Wang,Xiang Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-192-Knowledge Graph Based Visual Search Application {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22846 **作者**: Pawandeep Kaur Betz,Tobias Hecking,Andreas Schreiber,Andreas Gerndt **关键词**: FAIR data principles, data principles advocate, principles advocate, advocate for making, making scientific **类目**: Databases (cs.DB) ***备注**: Pawandeep Kaur Betz,Tobias Hecking,Andreas Schreiber,Andreas Gerndt {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-193-wo-Way One-Counter Nets Revisited {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22845 **作者**: Shaull Almagor,Michaël Cadilhac,Asaf Yeshurun **关键词**: Counter Nets, finite-state automata equipped, Vector Addition Systems, Vector Addition, Counter Automata **类目**: Formal Languages and Automata Theory (cs.FL) ***备注**: Shaull Almagor,Michaël Cadilhac,Asaf Yeshurun {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-194-Understanding and Improving Adversarial Collaborative Filtering for Robust Recommendation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22844 **作者**: Kaike Zhang,Qi Cao,Yunfan Wu,Fei Sun,Huawei Shen,Xueqi Cheng **关键词**: Adversarial Collaborative Filtering, Collaborative Filtering, typically applies adversarial, ACF, recommender systems **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Kaike Zhang,Qi Cao,Yunfan Wu,Fei Sun,Huawei Shen,Xueqi Cheng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-195-Danoliteracy of Generative, Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22839 **作者**: Søren Vejlgaard Holm,Lars Kai Hansen,Martin Carsten Nielsen **关键词**: technology moonshot moment, Large Language Models, moment of Generative, limited to English, language technology moonshot **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Søren Vejlgaard Holm,Lars Kai Hansen,Martin Carsten Nielsen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-196-SFDFusion: An Efficient Spatial-Frequency Domain Fusion Network for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22837 **作者**: Kun Hu,Qingle Zhang,Maoxun Yuan,Yitian Zhang **关键词**: frequency domain, domain, rich texture details, Frequency Domain Fusion, frequency domain information **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Kun Hu,Qingle Zhang,Maoxun Yuan,Yitian Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-197-HijackRAG: Hijacking Attacks against Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22832 **作者**: Yucheng Zhang,Qinfeng Li,Tianyu Du,Xuhong Zhang,Xinkui Zhao,Zhengwen Feng,Jianwei Yin **关键词**: enhance large language, Retrieval-Augmented Generation, systems enhance large, integrating external knowledge, large language models **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Yucheng Zhang,Qinfeng Li,Tianyu Du,Xuhong Zhang,Xinkui Zhao,Zhengwen Feng,Jianwei Yin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-198-Situational Scene Graph for Structured Human-centric Situation Understanding {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22829 **作者**: Chinthani Sugandhika,Chen Li,Deepu Rajan,Basura Fernando **关键词**: modelling spatio-temporal relationships, Situational Scene Graph, semantic properties, modelling spatio-temporal, Scene Graph **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Chinthani Sugandhika,Chen Li,Deepu Rajan,Basura Fernando {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-199-How Well Do Large Language Models Disambiguate Swedish Words? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22827 **作者**: Richard Johansson **关键词**: recent large language, disambiguation in Swedish, large language models, word sense disambiguation, evaluate a battery **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Richard Johansson {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-200-Grasping Force Estimation for Markerless Visuotactile Sensors {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22825 **作者**: Julio Castaño-Amoros,Pablo Gil **关键词**: Vision-Based Tactile Sensors, high spatial resolution, Tactile sensors, Vision-Based Tactile, Tactile **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Julio Castaño-Amoros,Pablo Gil {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-201-he Reconstruction of the Space-Dependent Thermal Conductivity from Sparse Temperature Measurements {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22822 **作者**: Guangting Yu,Shiwei Lan,Kookjin Lee,Alex Mahalov **关键词**: noisy temperature measurements, dynamically traverse, noisy temperature, thermal conductivity coefficient, forward PDE evaluations **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Computational Physics (physics.comp-ph) ***备注**: Guangting Yu,Shiwei Lan,Kookjin Lee,Alex Mahalov {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-202-EvoCodeBench: An Evolving Code Generation Benchmark with Domain-Specific Evaluations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22821 **作者**: Jia Li,Ge Li,Xuanming Zhang,Yunfei Zhao,Yihong Dong,Zhi Jin,Binhua Li,Fei Huang,Yongbin Li **关键词**: Large Language Models, evaluate Large Language, Language Models, Large Language, code generation remains **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Software Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Jia Li,Ge Li,Xuanming Zhang,Yunfei Zhao,Yihong Dong,Zhi Jin,Binhua Li,Fei Huang,Yongbin Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-203-An invariance principle based concentration result for large-scale stochastic pairwise interaction network systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22820 **作者**: Giacomo Como,Fabio Fagnani,Sandro Zampieri **关键词**: study stochastic pairwise, stochastic pairwise interaction, pairwise interaction network, update their states, states in response **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA); Probability (math.PR) ***备注**: Giacomo Como,Fabio Fagnani,Sandro Zampieri {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-204-A test-free semantic mistakes localization framework in Neural Code Translation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22818 **作者**: Lei Chen,Sai Zhang,Fangzhou Xu,Zhenchang Xing,Liang Wan,Xiaowang Zhang,Zhiyong Feng **关键词**: frequently produce semantically, produce semantically erroneous, neural network-based models, semantically erroneous code, test cases **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Lei Chen,Sai Zhang,Fangzhou Xu,Zhenchang Xing,Liang Wan,Xiaowang Zhang,Zhiyong Feng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-205-Epipolar-Free 3D Gaussian Splatting for Generalizable Novel View Synthesis {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22817 **作者**: Zhiyuan Min,Yawei Luo,Jianwen Sun,Yi Yang **关键词**: scene-specific retraining required, feed-forward inference manner, inference manner, required in conventional, sparse-view observations **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Zhiyuan Min,Yawei Luo,Jianwen Sun,Yi Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-206-Enhancing Tool Manipulation of An Aerial Vehicle with A Dynamically Displacing Center-of-Mass {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22816 **作者**: Tong Hui,Matteo Fumagalli **关键词**: robots gain traction, physical interaction capabilities, aerial robots gain, robots gain, gain traction **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Tong Hui,Matteo Fumagalli {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-207-owards Robust and Efficient Federated Low-Rank Adaptation with Heterogeneous Clients {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22815 **作者**: Jabin Koo,Minwoo Jang,Jungseul Ok **关键词**: Large Language Models, large model updates, transmitting large model, Large Language, Language Models **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Jabin Koo,Minwoo Jang,Jungseul Ok {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-208-Universality of the $\pi^2/6$ Pathway in Avoiding Model Collapse {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22812 **作者**: Apratim Dey,David Donoho **关键词**: machine learning recently, learning recently spotlighted, so-called Model Collapse, augment workflow, real data **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Emerging Technologies (cs.ET); Statistics Theory (math.ST); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Apratim Dey,David Donoho {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-209-Adaptive Multi Scale Document Binarisation Using Vision Mamba {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22811 **作者**: Mohd. Azfar,Siddhant Bharadwaj,Ashwin Sasikumar **关键词**: Enhancing and preserving, document image analysis, effective document image, image analysis, preserving the readability **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Mohd. Azfar,Siddhant Bharadwaj,Ashwin Sasikumar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-210-Causality-Enhanced Behavior Sequence Modeling in LLMs for Personalized Recommendation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22809 **作者**: Yang Zhang,Juntao You,Yimeng Bai,Jizhi Zhang,Keqin Bao,Wenjie Wang,Tat-Seng Chua **关键词**: leveraging Large Language, Large Language Models, yielding promising outcomes, Large Language, Recent advancements **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yang Zhang,Juntao You,Yimeng Bai,Jizhi Zhang,Keqin Bao,Wenjie Wang,Tat-Seng Chua {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-211-MILP-StuDio: MILP Instance Generation via Block Structure Decomposition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22806 **作者**: Haoyang Liu,Jie Wang,Wanbo Zhang,Zijie Geng,Yufei Kuang,Xijun Li,Bin Li,Yongdong Zhang,Feng Wu **关键词**: Mixed-integer linear programming, Mixed-integer linear, popular mathematical formulations, MILP, linear programming **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM) ***备注**: Haoyang Liu,Jie Wang,Wanbo Zhang,Zijie Geng,Yufei Kuang,Xijun Li,Bin Li,Yongdong Zhang,Feng Wu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-212-Run-Time Adaptation of Neural Beamforming for Robust Speech Dereverberation and Denoising {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22805 **作者**: Yoto Fujita,Aditya Arie Nugraha,Diego Di Carlo,Yoshiaki Bando,Mathieu Fontaine,Kazuyoshi Yoshii **关键词**: automatic speech recognition, paper describes speech, realtime automatic speech, real environments, describes speech enhancement **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Yoto Fujita,Aditya Arie Nugraha,Diego Di Carlo,Yoshiaki Bando,Mathieu Fontaine,Kazuyoshi Yoshii {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-213-DOA-Aware Audio-Visual Self-Supervised Learning for Sound Event Localization and Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22803 **作者**: Yoto Fujita,Yoshiaki Bando,Keisuke Imoto,Masaki Onishi,Kazuyoshi Yoshii **关键词**: paper describes sound, sound event localization, describes sound event, FOA data annotated, localization and detection **类目**: ound (cs.SD); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Multimedia (cs.MM); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Yoto Fujita,Yoshiaki Bando,Keisuke Imoto,Masaki Onishi,Kazuyoshi Yoshii {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-214-Wavelet Burst Accumulation for turbulence mitigation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22802 **作者**: Jerome Gilles,Stanley Osher **关键词**: Fourier burst accumulation, weighted Fourier burst, recently proposed weighted, proposed weighted Fourier, burst accumulation **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Jerome Gilles,Stanley Osher {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-215-Solving Differential Equations with Constrained Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22796 **作者**: Viggo Moro,Luiz F. O. Chamon **关键词**: describing natural phenomena, differential equations, natural phenomena, science and engineering, fundamental tools **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE) ***备注**: Viggo Moro,Luiz F. O. Chamon {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-216-Less is More: DocString Compression in Code Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22793 **作者**: Guang Yang,Yu Zhou,Wei Cheng,Xiangyu Zhang,Xiang Chen,Terry Zhuo,Ke Liu,Xin Zhou,David Lo,Taolue Chen **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, improved model, Language Models, Natural Language Processing **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE) ***备注**: Guang Yang,Yu Zhou,Wei Cheng,Xiangyu Zhang,Xiang Chen,Terry Zhuo,Ke Liu,Xin Zhou,David Lo,Taolue Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-217-Open Turbulent Image Set (OTIS) {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22791 **作者**: Nicholas B. Ferrante,Jerome Gilles **关键词**: Long distance imaging, Long distance, distance imaging, imaging is subject, Open Turbulent Images **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Nicholas B. Ferrante,Jerome Gilles {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-218-Dual Contrastive Transformer for Hierarchical Preference Modeling in Sequential Recommendation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22790 **作者**: Chengkai Huang,Shoujin Wang,Xianzhi Wang,Lina Yao **关键词**: Sequential recommender systems, recommender systems, user-item interactions, high-level preference, comprehensively modeling users' **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Chengkai Huang,Shoujin Wang,Xianzhi Wang,Lina Yao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-219-heoretical Investigations and Practical Enhancements on Tail Task Risk Minimization in Meta Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22788 **作者**: Yiqin Lv,Qi Wang,Dong Liang,Zheng Xie **关键词**: task distributional robustness, Meta learning, real-world scenarios, promising paradigm, indispensable consideration **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Yiqin Lv,Qi Wang,Dong Liang,Zheng Xie {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-220-Contrastive Learning and Adversarial Disentanglement for Privacy-Preserving Task-Oriented Semantic Communications {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22784 **作者**: Omar Erak,Omar Alhussein,Wen Tong **关键词**: intelligent data transmission, semantic communication systems, data transmission, systems have emerged, promising approach **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Information Theory (cs.IT); Image and Video Processing (eess.IV) ***备注**: Omar Erak,Omar Alhussein,Wen Tong {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-221-MALoRA: Mixture of Asymmetric Low-Rank Adaptation for Enhanced Multi-Task Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22782 **作者**: Xujia Wang,Haiyan Zhao,Shuo Wang,Hanqing Wang,Zhiyuan Liu **关键词**: resource-efficient manner, significantly improved, improved the adaptation, adaptation of LLMs, LLMs to downstream **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Xujia Wang,Haiyan Zhao,Shuo Wang,Hanqing Wang,Zhiyuan Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-222-Signal Processing via Cross-Dimensional Projection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22779 **作者**: Daizhan Cheng **关键词**: projection between Euclidian, Euclidian spaces, decompression become straightforward, compression and decompression, Euclidian **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Daizhan Cheng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-223-Bregman implementation of Meyer's $G-$norm for cartoon + textures decomposition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22777 **作者**: Jerome Gilles,Stanley Osher **关键词**: Split Bregman iterations, textures decomposition model, simple algorithm based, Split Bregman, model of Meyer **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Functional Analysis (math.FA) ***备注**: Jerome Gilles,Stanley Osher {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-224-Conflux-PSRO: Effectively Leveraging Collective Advantages in Policy Space Response Oracles {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22776 **作者**: Yucong Huang(1),Jiesong Lian(2),Mingzhi Wang(3),Chengdong Ma(3),Ying Wen(4) ((1) School of Software and Microelectronics, Peking University, Beijing, China, (2) Huazhong University of Science amp; Technology, Wuhan, China, (3) Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Peking University, Beijing, China, (4) Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China) **关键词**: approximating Nash Equilibrium, Space Response Oracle, Nash Equilibrium, Policy Space Response, Response Oracle **类目**: Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT) ***备注**: Yucong Huang(1),Jiesong Lian(2),Mingzhi Wang(3),Chengdong Ma(3),Ying Wen(4) ((1) School of Software and Microelectronics, Peking University, Beijing, China, (2) Huazhong University of Science amp; Technology, Wuhan, China, (3) Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Peking University, Beijing, China, (4) Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China) {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-225-Diffusion Beats Autoregressive: An Evaluation of Compositional Generation in Text-to-Image Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22775 **作者**: Arash Marioriyad,Parham Rezaei,Mahdieh Soleymani Baghshah,Mohammad Hossein Rohban **关键词**: shown remarkable proficiency, Stable Diffusion, textual descriptions, shown remarkable, remarkable proficiency **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Arash Marioriyad,Parham Rezaei,Mahdieh Soleymani Baghshah,Mohammad Hossein Rohban {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-226-Reliability Assessment of Information Sources Based on Random Permutation Set {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22772 **作者**: Juntao Xu,Tianxiang Zhan,Yong Deng **关键词**: significantly affects decision-making, Random Permutation Set, RPS, DST, significantly affects **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Juntao Xu,Tianxiang Zhan,Yong Deng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-227-FuseAnyPart: Diffusion-Driven Facial Parts Swapping via Multiple Reference Images {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22771 **作者**: Zheng Yu,Yaohua Wang,Siying Cui,Aixi Zhang,Wei-Long Zheng,Senzhang Wang **关键词**: target image unchanged, target image, selectively transfer regions, Facial parts swapping, parts swapping aims **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Zheng Yu,Yaohua Wang,Siying Cui,Aixi Zhang,Wei-Long Zheng,Senzhang Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-228-InjecGuard: Benchmarking and Mitigating Over-defense in Prompt Injection Guardrail Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22770 **作者**: Hao Li,Xiaogeng Liu,Chaowei Xiao **关键词**: enabling goal hijacking, large language models, Prompt injection attacks, data leakage, Prompt guard **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Hao Li,Xiaogeng Liu,Chaowei Xiao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-229-Beyond Ontology in Dialogue State Tracking for Goal-Oriented Chatbot {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22767 **作者**: Sejin Lee,Dongha Kim,Min Song **关键词**: making restaurant reservations, automating user tasks, restaurant reservations, essential for automating, booking flights **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Sejin Lee,Dongha Kim,Min Song {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-230-Self-Driving Car Racing: Application of Deep Reinforcement Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22766 **作者**: Florentiana Yuwono,Gan Pang Yen,Jason Christopher **关键词**: self-driving car racing, autonomous self-driving car, deep reinforcement learning, Proximal Policy Optimization, paper explores **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Florentiana Yuwono,Gan Pang Yen,Jason Christopher {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-231-Combinatorial Diffusion Auction Design {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22765 **作者**: Xuanyu Li,Miao Li,Yuhan Cao,Dengji Zhao **关键词**: long-standing challenge, Diffusion auction, combinatorial diffusion auction, auction, Diffusion **类目**: Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT) ***备注**: Xuanyu Li,Miao Li,Yuhan Cao,Dengji Zhao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-232-An Evaluation of Massively Parallel Algorithms for DFA Minimization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22764 **作者**: Jan Martens,Anton Wijs **关键词**: Deterministic Finite Automata, Finite Automata, Deterministic Finite, Graphics Processing Units, minimization of Deterministic **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Logic in Computer Science (cs.LO) ***备注**: Jan Martens,Anton Wijs {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-233-Epistemic Skills: Logical Dynamics of Knowing and Forgetting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22763 **作者**: Xiaolong Liang(Shanxi University),Yì N. Wáng(Sun Yat-sen University) **关键词**: losing information, alongside the integration, group knowledge concepts, present a type, dynamics of acquiring **类目**: Logic in Computer Science (cs.LO); Computational Complexity (cs.CC) ***备注**: Xiaolong Liang(Shanxi University),Yì N. Wáng(Sun Yat-sen University) {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-234-A Game-Theoretic Approach for Security Control Selection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22762 **作者**: Dylan Léveillé(Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University),Jason Jaskolka(Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University) **关键词**: difficult task, effectively protect, controls, security controls, security **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT) ***备注**: Dylan Léveillé(Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University),Jason Jaskolka(Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University) {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-235-Deterministic Suffix-reading Automata {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22761 **作者**: R Keerthan,B Srivathsan,R Venkatesh,Sagar Verma **关键词**: introduce deterministic suffix-reading, DSA, deterministic suffix-reading automata, introduce deterministic, deterministic suffix-reading **类目**: Formal Languages and Automata Theory (cs.FL) ***备注**: R Keerthan,B Srivathsan,R Venkatesh,Sagar Verma {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-236-Reactive Synthesis for Expected Impacts {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22760 **作者**: Emanuele Chini(University "La Sapienza" Rome),Pietro Sala(University of Verona),Andrea Simonetti(University of Verona),Omid Zare(University of Verona) **关键词**: effectively modeling decision, modeling decision points, increasingly complex, effectively modeling, optimizing operations **类目**: Logic in Computer Science (cs.LO); Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT) ***备注**: Emanuele Chini(University "La Sapienza" Rome),Pietro Sala(University of Verona),Andrea Simonetti(University of Verona),Omid Zare(University of Verona) {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-237-Mapped Hermite Functions and their applications to two-dimensional weakly singular Fredholm-Hammerstein integral equations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22759 **作者**: Min Wang,Zhimin Zhang **关键词**: Fredholm-Hammerstein integral equations, singular kernels exhibit, kernels exhibit multi-point, integral equations, weakly singular kernels **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Min Wang,Zhimin Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-238-Synthesis of Timeline-Based Planning Strategies Avoiding Determinization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22757 **作者**: Renato Acampora(University of Udine, Italy),Dario Della Monica(University of Udine, Italy),Luca Geatti(University of Udine, Italy),Nicola Gigante(Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy),Angelo Montanari(University of Udine, Italy),Pietro Sala(University of Verona, Italy) **关键词**: called synchronization rules, qualitative temporal constraints, planning models domains, sets of independent, components whose behaviors **类目**: Formal Languages and Automata Theory (cs.FL); Computational Complexity (cs.CC) ***备注**: Renato Acampora(University of Udine, Italy),Dario Della Monica(University of Udine, Italy),Luca Geatti(University of Udine, Italy),Nicola Gigante(Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy),Angelo Montanari(University of Udine, Italy),Pietro Sala(University of Verona, Italy) {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-239-SoftCTRL: Soft conservative KL-control of Transformer Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22752 **作者**: Minh Tri Huynh,Duc Dung Nguyen **关键词**: popular problem due, urban self-driving cars, recent years, motion planning, self-driving cars **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Minh Tri Huynh,Duc Dung Nguyen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-240-Understanding Aggregations of Proper Learners in Multiclass Classification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22749 **作者**: Julian Asilis,Mikael Møller Høgsgaard,Grigoris Velegkas **关键词**: proper learners, epsilon, learners, Graph dimension, proper **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Statistics Theory (math.ST); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Julian Asilis,Mikael Møller Høgsgaard,Grigoris Velegkas {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-241-Analysis of Classifier Training on Synthetic Data for Cross-Domain Datasets {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22748 **作者**: Andoni Cortés,Clemente Rodríguez,Gorka Velez,Javier Barandiarán,Marcos Nieto **关键词**: collect huge amounts, deep learning, major challenges, challenges of deep, necessity to collect **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Andoni Cortés,Clemente Rodríguez,Gorka Velez,Javier Barandiarán,Marcos Nieto {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-242-Designing AI Personalities: Enhancing Human-Agent Interaction Through Thoughtful Persona Design {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22744 **作者**: Nima Zargham,Mateusz Dubiel,Smit Desai,Thomas Mildner,Hanz-Joachim Belz **关键词**: rapidly evolving field, shaping user experience, artificial intelligence, rapidly evolving, evolving field **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Nima Zargham,Mateusz Dubiel,Smit Desai,Thomas Mildner,Hanz-Joachim Belz {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-243-oward Designing Accessible and Meaningful Software for Cancer Survivors {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22740 **作者**: Kyrie Zhixuan Zhou,Royta Iftakher,Sean P. Mullen,Rachel F. Adler,Devorah Kletenik **关键词**: Cancer survivors, Cancer, survivors, Cancer survivors experience, impairments **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Kyrie Zhixuan Zhou,Royta Iftakher,Sean P. Mullen,Rachel F. Adler,Devorah Kletenik {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-244-Constructing Multimodal Datasets from Scratch for Rapid Development of a Japanese Visual Language Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22736 **作者**: Keito Sasagawa,Koki Maeda,Issa Sugiura,Shuhei Kurita,Naoaki Okazaki,Daisuke Kawahara **关键词**: Visual Language Models, develop high-performing Visual, high-performing Visual Language, high-performing Visual, Language Models **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Keito Sasagawa,Koki Maeda,Issa Sugiura,Shuhei Kurita,Naoaki Okazaki,Daisuke Kawahara {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-245-MIXAD: Memory-Induced Explainable Time Series Anomaly Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22735 **作者**: Minha Kim,Kishor Kumar Bhaumik,Amin Ahsan Ali,Simon S. Woo **关键词**: modern industrial applications, multivariate time series, time series data, Explainable Time Series, industrial applications **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Minha Kim,Kishor Kumar Bhaumik,Amin Ahsan Ali,Simon S. Woo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-246-ETO:Efficient Transformer-based Local Feature Matching by Organizing Multiple Homography Hypotheses {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22733 **作者**: Junjie Ni,Guofeng Zhang,Guanglin Li,Yijin Li,Xinyang Liu,Zhaoyang Huang,Hujun Bao **关键词**: http URL advancements, deep learning techniques, learning local feature, http URL, http URL technique **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Junjie Ni,Guofeng Zhang,Guanglin Li,Yijin Li,Xinyang Liu,Zhaoyang Huang,Hujun Bao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-247-Extensional Properties of Recurrent Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22730 **作者**: Evgeny Dantsin,Alexander Wolpert **关键词**: recurrent neural network, loosely speaking, neural network, recurrent neural, function computed **类目**: Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Evgeny Dantsin,Alexander Wolpert {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-248-Offline Behavior Distillation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22728 **作者**: Shiye Lei,Sen Zhang,Dacheng Tao **关键词**: Massive reinforcement learning, Massive reinforcement, large data volume, training inefficiencies, typically collected **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Shiye Lei,Sen Zhang,Dacheng Tao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-249-One Prompt to Verify Your Models: Black-Box Text-to-Image Models Verification via Non-Transferable Adversarial Attacks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22725 **作者**: Ji Guo,Wenbo Jiang,Rui Zhang,Guoming Lu,Hongwei Li,Weiren Wu **关键词**: provide cheaper API, cheaper API services, numerous third-party platforms, cheaper API, API services **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Ji Guo,Wenbo Jiang,Rui Zhang,Guoming Lu,Hongwei Li,Weiren Wu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-250-Enhancing binary classification: A new stacking method via leveraging computational geometry {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22722 **作者**: Wei Wu,Liang Tang,Zhongjie Zhao,Chung-Piaw Teo **关键词**: multiple base models, harness the strengths, base models, potent ensemble learning, established learning models **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computational Geometry (cs.CG) ***备注**: Wei Wu,Liang Tang,Zhongjie Zhao,Chung-Piaw Teo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-251-Community search signatures as foundation features for human-centered geospatial modeling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22721 **作者**: Mimi Sun,Chaitanya Kamath,Mohit Agarwal,Arbaaz Muslim,Hector Yee,David Schottlander,Shailesh Bavadekar,Niv Efron,Shravya Shetty,Gautam Prasad **关键词**: reflecting people habits, unique composite signal, composite signal reflecting, signal reflecting people, relative search frequencies **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Mimi Sun,Chaitanya Kamath,Mohit Agarwal,Arbaaz Muslim,Hector Yee,David Schottlander,Shailesh Bavadekar,Niv Efron,Shravya Shetty,Gautam Prasad {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-252-Uniform Sampling of Negative Edge Weights in Shortest Path Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22717 **作者**: Lukas Geis,Daniel Allendorf,Thomas Bläsius,Alexander Leonhardt,Ulrich Meyer,Manuel Penschuck,Hung Tran **关键词**: shortest path networks, maximum entropy edge, entropy edge weight, edge weight model, selects edge weights **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ***备注**: Lukas Geis,Daniel Allendorf,Thomas Bläsius,Alexander Leonhardt,Ulrich Meyer,Manuel Penschuck,Hung Tran {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-253-Exposing Cross-Platform Coordinated Inauthentic Activity in the Run-Up to the 2024 U.S. Election {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22716 **作者**: Federico Cinus,Marco Minici,Luca Luceri,Emilio Ferrara **关键词**: information operations remain, Coordinated information operations, remain a persistent, efforts to curb, information operations **类目**: ocial and Information Networks (cs.SI) ***备注**: Federico Cinus,Marco Minici,Luca Luceri,Emilio Ferrara {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-254-SCRREAM : SCan, Register, REnder And Map:A Framework for Annotating Accurate and Dense 3D Indoor Scenes with a Benchmark {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22715 **作者**: HyunJun Jung,Weihang Li,Shun-Cheng Wu,William Bittner,Nikolas Brasch,Jifei Song,Eduardo Pérez-Pellitero,Zhensong Zhang,Arthur Moreau,Nassir Navab,Benjamin Busam **关键词**: obtain improved generalization, generally prioritized scale, improved generalization, generally prioritized, prioritized scale **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: HyunJun Jung,Weihang Li,Shun-Cheng Wu,William Bittner,Nikolas Brasch,Jifei Song,Eduardo Pérez-Pellitero,Zhensong Zhang,Arthur Moreau,Nassir Navab,Benjamin Busam {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-255-LoFLAT: Local Feature Matching using Focused Linear Attention Transformer {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22710 **作者**: Naijian Cao,Renjie He,Yuchao Dai,Mingyi He **关键词**: Local feature matching, Feature Transformer Module, Feature Extraction Module, Transformer-based detector-free local, detector-free local feature **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Naijian Cao,Renjie He,Yuchao Dai,Mingyi He {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-256-FilterViT and DropoutViT: Lightweight Vision Transformer Models for Efficient Attention Mechanisms {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22709 **作者**: Bohang Sun(School of Information and Software Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China) **关键词**: version of MobileViT, early-stage downsampling, enhanced version, leverages an attention-based, Traditional QKV operations **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Bohang Sun(School of Information and Software Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China) {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-257-Robotic State Recognition with Image-to-Text Retrieval Task of Pre-Trained Vision-Language Model and Black-Box Optimization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22707 **作者**: Kento Kawaharazuka,Yoshiki Obinata,Naoaki Kanazawa,Kei Okada,Masayuki Inaba **关键词**: daily life support, State recognition, perform daily life, State, environment and objects **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Kento Kawaharazuka,Yoshiki Obinata,Naoaki Kanazawa,Kei Okada,Masayuki Inaba {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-258-Geometry Cloak: Preventing TGS-based 3D Reconstruction from Copyrighted Images {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22705 **作者**: Qi Song,Ziyuan Luo,Ka Chun Cheung,Simon See,Renjie Wan **关键词**: Triplane Gaussian Splatting, Gaussian Splatting, Triplane Gaussian, single image input, enabled high-quality **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Qi Song,Ziyuan Luo,Ka Chun Cheung,Simon See,Renjie Wan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-259-Exactly Minimax-Optimal Locally Differentially Private Sampling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22699 **作者**: Hyun-Young Park,Shahab Asoodeh,Si-Hyeon Lee **关键词**: local differential privacy, remains incomplete, generative models, privacy-utility trade-off, problem under local **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Hyun-Young Park,Shahab Asoodeh,Si-Hyeon Lee {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-260-An Iterative Algorithm for Regularized Non-negative Matrix Factorizations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22698 **作者**: Steven E. Pav **关键词**: non-negative matrix factorization, matrix factorization algorithm, Lasso regularization, Lee and Seung, ridge and Lasso **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Optimization and Control (math.OC); Applications (stat.AP); Computation (stat.CO) ***备注**: Steven E. Pav {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-261-MassiveGNN: Efficient Training via Prefetching for Massively Connected Distributed Graphs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22697 **作者**: Aishwarya Sarkar,Sayan Ghosh,Nathan R. Tallent,Ali Jannesari **关键词**: Graph Neural Networks, Neural Networks, rising computational costs, pose significant challenges, massively connected graphs **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Performance (cs.PF) ***备注**: Aishwarya Sarkar,Sayan Ghosh,Nathan R. Tallent,Ali Jannesari {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-262-Permutation Invariant Learning with High-Dimensional Particle Filters {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22695 **作者**: Akhilan Boopathy,Aneesh Muppidi,Peggy Yang,Abhiram Iyer,William Yue,Ila Fiete **关键词**: training data impacts, loss of plasticity, largely due, suffers from challenges, permutation dependence **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Akhilan Boopathy,Aneesh Muppidi,Peggy Yang,Abhiram Iyer,William Yue,Ila Fiete {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-263-MiniTac: An Ultra-Compact 8 mm Vision-Based Tactile Sensor for Enhanced Palpation in Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22691 **作者**: Wanlin Li,Zihang Zhao,Leiyao Cui,Weiyi Zhang,Hangxin Liu,Li-An Li,Yixin Zhu **关键词**: Robot-assisted minimally invasive, minimally invasive surgery, Robot-assisted minimally, invasive surgery, laparoscopic methods **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Wanlin Li,Zihang Zhao,Leiyao Cui,Weiyi Zhang,Hangxin Liu,Li-An Li,Yixin Zhu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-264-Choice between Partial Trajectories {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22690 **作者**: Henrik Marklund,Benjamin Van Roy **关键词**: bootstrapped return, bootstrapped return model, return, generate increasingly sophisticated, bootstrapped **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Henrik Marklund,Benjamin Van Roy {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-265-Multi-Task Interactive Robot Fleet Learning with Visual World Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22689 **作者**: Huihan Liu,Yu Zhang,Vaarij Betala,Evan Zhang,James Liu,Crystal Ding,Yuke Zhu **关键词**: Recent advancements, perform diverse tasks, industrial settings, deploying robot fleets, offer the potential **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Huihan Liu,Yu Zhang,Vaarij Betala,Evan Zhang,James Liu,Crystal Ding,Yuke Zhu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-266-An optimal parallel-in-time preconditioner for parabolic optimal control problems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22686 **作者**: Sean Y. Hon,Po Yin Fung,Xue-lei Lin **关键词**: based preconditioning techniques, optimal control problem, linear system arising, epsilon, RBD preconditioning **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Sean Y. Hon,Po Yin Fung,Xue-lei Lin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-267-Improving Uncertainty Quantification in Large Language Models via Semantic Embeddings {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22685 **作者**: Yashvir S. Grewal,Edwin V. Bonilla,Thang D. Bui **关键词**: Accurately quantifying uncertainty, Accurately quantifying, large language models, reliable deployment, high-stakes applications **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Yashvir S. Grewal,Edwin V. Bonilla,Thang D. Bui {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-268-Persistent Homology for MCI Classification: A Comparative Analysis between Graph and Vietoris-Rips Filtrations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22681 **作者**: Debanjali Bhattacharya,Rajneet Kaur,Ninad Aithal,Neelam Sinha,Thomas Gregor Issac **关键词**: Mild cognitive impairment, Mild cognitive, MCI, Indian Urban cohort, declines and disruptions **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Algebraic Topology (math.AT) ***备注**: Debanjali Bhattacharya,Rajneet Kaur,Ninad Aithal,Neelam Sinha,Thomas Gregor Issac {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-269-Byzantine-Robust Federated Learning: An Overview With Focus on Developing Sybil-based Attacks to Backdoor Augmented Secure Aggregation Protocols {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22680 **作者**: Atharv Deshmukh **关键词**: collaboratively train Machine, train Machine Learning, Machine Learning models, paradigms enable large, enable large numbers **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Atharv Deshmukh {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-270-Practical and Accurate Reconstruction of an Illuminant's Spectral Power Distribution for Inverse Rendering Pipelines {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22679 **作者**: Parisha Joshi,Daljit Singh J.Dhillon **关键词**: Inverse rendering pipelines, virtual reality scenes, realizing photo-realistic reconstruction, Inverse rendering, reality scenes **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Parisha Joshi,Daljit Singh J.Dhillon {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-271-Backdoor Attack Against Vision Transformers via Attention Gradient-Based Image Erosion {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22678 **作者**: Ji Guo,Hongwei Li,Wenbo Jiang,Guoming Lu **关键词**: Convolutional Neural Networks, traditional Convolutional Neural, outperformed traditional Convolutional, Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Ji Guo,Hongwei Li,Wenbo Jiang,Guoming Lu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-272-Is Function Similarity Over-Engineered? Building a Benchmark {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22677 **作者**: Rebecca Saul,Chang Liu,Noah Fleischmann,Richard Zak,Kristopher Micinski,Edward Raff,James Holt **关键词**: including reverse engineering, critical security tasks, including reverse, reverse engineering, core component **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Rebecca Saul,Chang Liu,Noah Fleischmann,Richard Zak,Kristopher Micinski,Edward Raff,James Holt {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-273-Calibrating Practical Privacy Risks for Differentially Private Machine Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22673 **作者**: Yuechun Gu,Keke Chen **关键词**: Differential privacy quantifies, Differential privacy, privacy, privacy quantifies privacy, attacking success rate **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Yuechun Gu,Keke Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-274-IM-GIV: an effective integrity monitoring scheme for tightly-coupled GNSS/INS/Vision integration based on factor graph optimization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22672 **作者**: Yunong Tian,Tuan Li,Haitao Jiang,Zhipeng Wang,Chuang Shi **关键词**: Global Navigation Satellite, Inertial Navigation System, Navigation Satellite System, Vision integration based, integrated navigation system **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Yunong Tian,Tuan Li,Haitao Jiang,Zhipeng Wang,Chuang Shi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-275-A Walsh Hadamard Derived Linear Vector Symbolic Architecture {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22669 **作者**: Mohammad Mahmudul Alam,Alexander Oberle,Edward Raff,Stella Biderman,Tim Oates,James Holt **关键词**: Vector Symbolic Architectures, Symbolic Architectures, developing Neuro-symbolic, Vector Symbolic, approach to developing **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Mohammad Mahmudul Alam,Alexander Oberle,Edward Raff,Stella Biderman,Tim Oates,James Holt {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-276-Automated Trustworthiness Oracle Generation for Machine Learning Text Classifiers {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22663 **作者**: Lam Nguyen Tung,Steven Cho,Xiaoning Du,Neelofar Neelofar,Valerio Terragni,Stefano Ruberto,Aldeida Aleti **关键词**: Machine learning, chatbot consulting, toxicity detection, review analysis, adversarial attack method **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Lam Nguyen Tung,Steven Cho,Xiaoning Du,Neelofar Neelofar,Valerio Terragni,Stefano Ruberto,Aldeida Aleti {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-277-$\textbf{EMOS}$: $\textbf{E}$mbodiment-aware Heterogeneous $\textbf{M}$ulti-robot $\textbf{O}$perating $\textbf{S}$ystem with LLM Agents {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22662 **作者**: Junting Chen,Checheng Yu,Xunzhe Zhou,Tianqi Xu,Yao Mu,Mengkang Hu,Wenqi Shao,Yikai Wang,Guohao Li,Lin Shao **关键词**: tackling complex tasks, tackling complex, Heterogeneous multi-robot systems, HMRS, multi-robot system **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA) ***备注**: Junting Chen,Checheng Yu,Xunzhe Zhou,Tianqi Xu,Yao Mu,Mengkang Hu,Wenqi Shao,Yikai Wang,Guohao Li,Lin Shao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-278-Linguistics Theory Meets LLM: Code-Switched Text Generation via Equivalence Constrained Large Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22660 **作者**: Garry Kuwanto,Chaitanya Agarwal,Genta Indra Winata,Derry Tanti Wijaya **关键词**: Natural Language Processing, presents unique challenges, Language Processing, single conversation, presents unique **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Garry Kuwanto,Chaitanya Agarwal,Genta Indra Winata,Derry Tanti Wijaya {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-279-Incremental Learning of Retrievable Skills For Efficient Continual Task Adaptation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22658 **作者**: Daehee Lee,Minjong Yoo,Woo Kyung Kim,Wonje Choi,Honguk Woo **关键词**: Continual Imitation Learning, Continual Imitation, Imitation Learning, involves extracting, multi-task policy **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Daehee Lee,Minjong Yoo,Woo Kyung Kim,Wonje Choi,Honguk Woo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-280-Automatic programming via large language models with population self-evolution for dynamic job shop scheduling problem {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22657 **作者**: Jin Huang,Xinyu Li,Liang Gao,Qihao Liu,Yue Teng **关键词**: shop scheduling problems, job shop scheduling, Heuristic dispatching rules, real-world production environments, solving dynamic job **类目**: Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE) ***备注**: Jin Huang,Xinyu Li,Liang Gao,Qihao Liu,Yue Teng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-281-Reweighting Local Mimina with Tilted SAM {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22656 **作者**: Tian Li,Tianyi Zhou,Jeffrey A. Bilmes **关键词**: optimizing model parameters, Sharpness-Aware Minimization, overparameterized models, loss landscape, optimizing model **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Tian Li,Tianyi Zhou,Jeffrey A. Bilmes {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-282-FlowDCN: Exploring DCN-like Architectures for Fast Image Generation with Arbitrary Resolution {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22655 **作者**: Shuai Wang,Zexian Li,Tianhui Song,Xubin Li,Tiezheng Ge,Bo Zheng,Limin Wang **关键词**: Arbitrary-resolution image generation, requires handling varying, handling varying resolutions, maintaining high visual, high visual quality **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Shuai Wang,Zexian Li,Tianhui Song,Xubin Li,Tiezheng Ge,Bo Zheng,Limin Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-283-Development of a Python-Based Software for Calculating the Jones Polynomial: Insights into the Behavior of Polymers and Biopolymers {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22652 **作者**: Caleb Musfeldt **关键词**: vital mathematical tool, understanding physical systems, Python-based software designed, Jones polynomial, details a Python-based **类目**: Mathematical Software (cs.MS); General Topology (math.GN) ***备注**: Caleb Musfeldt {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-284-FT-PrivacyScore: Personalized Privacy Scoring Service for Machine Learning Participation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22651 **作者**: Yuechun Gu,Jiajie He,Keke Chen **关键词**: Training data privacy, Training data, data, top concern, Training **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Yuechun Gu,Jiajie He,Keke Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-285-Error correction in interference-limited wireless systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22650 **作者**: Charles Wiame,Ken R. Duffy,Muriel Médard **关键词**: interference-limited wireless systems, Guessing Random Additive, Reliability Bits GRAND, wireless systems, Random Additive Noise **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Charles Wiame,Ken R. Duffy,Muriel Médard {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-286-WaveRoRA: Wavelet Rotary Route Attention for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22649 **作者**: Aobo Liang,Yan Sun **关键词**: achieved significant success, time series forecasting, multivariate time series, Transformer-based models, recent years **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Aobo Liang,Yan Sun {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-287-SimpsonsVQA: Enhancing Inquiry-Based Learning with a Tailored Dataset {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22648 **作者**: Ngoc Dung Huynh,Mohamed Reda Bouadjenek,Sunil Aryal,Imran Razzak,Hakim Hacid **关键词**: Visual Question Answering, develop AI-based systems, promising area, develop AI-based, VQA **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Ngoc Dung Huynh,Mohamed Reda Bouadjenek,Sunil Aryal,Imran Razzak,Hakim Hacid {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-288-Controlling the Wireless Power Transfer Mechanism of the Both-Sides Retrodirective System {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22644 **作者**: Charleston Dale M. Ambatali,Shinichi Nakasuka **关键词**: wireless power transfer, efficient long-range wireless, long-range wireless power, achieve efficient long-range, power transfer **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Charleston Dale M. Ambatali,Shinichi Nakasuka {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-289-An Overtaking Trajectory Planning Framework Based on Spatio-temporal Topology and Reachable Set Analysis Ensuring Time Efficiency {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22643 **作者**: Wule Mao,Zhouheng Li,Lei Xie,Hongye Su **关键词**: high-speed scenarios presents, scenarios presents significant, presents significant challenges, Generating overtaking trajectories, Generating overtaking **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Wule Mao,Zhouheng Li,Lei Xie,Hongye Su {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-290-Prove Your Point!: Bringing Proof-Enhancement Principles to Argumentative Essay Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22642 **作者**: Ruiyu Xiao,Lei Wu,Yuhang Gou,Weinan Zhang,Ting Liu **关键词**: specific controversial topics, generate complete texts, topics or debates, complete texts, texts on specific **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Ruiyu Xiao,Lei Wu,Yuhang Gou,Weinan Zhang,Ting Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-291-Unbiased Regression Loss for DETRs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22638 **作者**: Edric,Ueta Daisuke,Kurokawa Yukimasa,Karlekar Jayashree,Sugiri Pranata **关键词**: DETR-based detectors, regression loss, unbiased regression loss, loss, Abstract **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Edric,Ueta Daisuke,Kurokawa Yukimasa,Karlekar Jayashree,Sugiri Pranata {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-292-Consistency Diffusion Bridge Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22637 **作者**: Guande He,Kaiwen Zheng,Jianfei Chen,Fan Bao,Jun Zhu **关键词**: learning stochastic processes, generative modeling, stochastic processes, builds stochastic processes, variety of domains **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Guande He,Kaiwen Zheng,Jianfei Chen,Fan Bao,Jun Zhu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-293-DECRL: A Deep Evolutionary Clustering Jointed Temporal Knowledge Graph Representation Learning Approach {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22631 **作者**: Qian Chen,Ling Chen **关键词**: low-dimensional vector space, continuous low-dimensional vector, Temporal Knowledge Graph, representation learning aims, map temporal evolving **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Qian Chen,Ling Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-294-CrossEarth: Geospatial Vision Foundation Model for Domain Generalizable Remote Sensing Semantic Segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22629 **作者**: Ziyang Gong,Zhixiang Wei,Di Wang,Xianzheng Ma,Hongruixuan Chen,Yuru Jia,Yupeng Deng,Zhenming Ji,Xiangwei Zhu,Naoto Yokoya,Jing Zhang,Bo Du,Liangpei Zhang **关键词**: Remote Sensing Domain, Sensing Domain Generalization, Remote Sensing, valuable research frontier, field of Remote **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Ziyang Gong,Zhixiang Wei,Di Wang,Xianzheng Ma,Hongruixuan Chen,Yuru Jia,Yupeng Deng,Zhenming Ji,Xiangwei Zhu,Naoto Yokoya,Jing Zhang,Bo Du,Liangpei Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-295-Symbolic Graph Inference for Compound Scene Understanding {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22626 **作者**: FNU Aryan,Simon Stepputtis,Sarthak Bhagat,Joseph Campbell,Kwonjoon Lee,Hossein Nourkhiz Mahjoub,Katia Sycara **关键词**: fundamental capability needed, ranging from question-answering, question-answering to robotics, fundamental capability, capability needed **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: FNU Aryan,Simon Stepputtis,Sarthak Bhagat,Joseph Campbell,Kwonjoon Lee,Hossein Nourkhiz Mahjoub,Katia Sycara {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-296-PV-VTT: A Privacy-Centric Dataset for Mission-Specific Anomaly Detection and Natural Language Interpretation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22623 **作者**: Ryozo Masukawa,Sanggeon Yun,Yoshiki Yamaguchi,Mohsen Imani **关键词**: Video crime detection, privacy violations, artificial intelligence, Video, significant application **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Ryozo Masukawa,Sanggeon Yun,Yoshiki Yamaguchi,Mohsen Imani {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-297-FISC: Federated Domain Generalization via Interpolative Style Transfer and Contrastive Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22622 **作者**: Dung Thuy Nguyen,Taylor T. Johnson,Kevin Leach **关键词**: enabling collaborative learning, promise in preserving, preserving privacy, privacy and enabling, enabling collaborative **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Dung Thuy Nguyen,Taylor T. Johnson,Kevin Leach {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-298-Cops Robber on Periodic Temporal Graphs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22618 **作者**: Jean-Lou De Carufel,Paola Flocchini,Nicola Santoro,Frédéric Simard **关键词**: Robber pursuit-evasion game, Robber pursuit-evasion, change in time, copwin periodic graphs, allowed to change **类目**: Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM) ***备注**: Jean-Lou De Carufel,Paola Flocchini,Nicola Santoro,Frédéric Simard {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-299-CoGS: Model Agnostic Causality Constrained Counterfactual Explanations using goal-directed ASP {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22615 **作者**: Sopam Dasgupta,Joaquín Arias,Elmer Salazar,Gopal Gupta **关键词**: approvals and hiring, black boxes, obscuring their decision-making, decision-making processes, critical areas **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Sopam Dasgupta,Joaquín Arias,Elmer Salazar,Gopal Gupta {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-300-sting Tensor Products of Algebraic Codes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22606 **作者**: Sumegha Garg,Madhu Sudan,Gabriel Wu **关键词**: quantum LDPCs based, Motivated by recent, robust testability, local testability, algebraic geometry codes **类目**: Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Sumegha Garg,Madhu Sudan,Gabriel Wu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-301-A Cascade Approach for APT Campaign Attribution in System Event Logs: Technique Hunting and Subgraph Matching {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22602 **作者**: Yi-Ting Huang,Ying-Ren Guo,Guo-Wei Wong,Meng Chang Chen **关键词**: Advanced Persistent Threats, Persistent Threats, Advanced Persistent, grow increasingly sophisticated, effective detection methods **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Yi-Ting Huang,Ying-Ren Guo,Guo-Wei Wong,Meng Chang Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-302-Solving Minimum-Cost Reach Avoid using Reinforcement Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22600 **作者**: Oswin So,Cheng Ge,Chuchu Fan **关键词**: avoiding unsafe states, Current reinforcement-learning methods, Current reinforcement-learning, unsafe states, cumulative costs subject **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Robotics (cs.RO); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: Oswin So,Cheng Ge,Chuchu Fan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-303-Are Large-Language Models Graph Algorithmic Reasoners? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22597 **作者**: Alexander K Taylor,Anthony Cuturrufo,Vishal Yathish,Mingyu Derek Ma,Wei Wang **关键词**: Large Language Models, current Large Language, facing current Large, Language Models, Large Language **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Alexander K Taylor,Anthony Cuturrufo,Vishal Yathish,Mingyu Derek Ma,Wei Wang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-304-Systolic Array Data Flows for Efficient Matrix Multiplication in Deep Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22595 **作者**: Tejas Raja **关键词**: deep neural networks, improve matrix multiplication, systolic array data, neural networks, deep neural **类目**: Hardware Architecture (cs.AR) ***备注**: Tejas Raja {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-305-Gaussian Derivative Change-point Detection for Early Warnings of Industrial System Failures {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22594 **作者**: Hao Zhao,Rong Pan **关键词**: conducting predictive maintenance, enhancing system availability, system, Derivative Change-Point Detection, essential for conducting **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Hao Zhao,Rong Pan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-306-GRADE: Quantifying Sample Diversity in Text-to-Image Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22592 **作者**: Royi Rassin,Aviv Slobodkin,Shauli Ravfogel,Yanai Elazar,Yoav Goldberg **关键词**: generating realistic images, realistic images based, remarkable at generating, generating realistic, diversity **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Royi Rassin,Aviv Slobodkin,Shauli Ravfogel,Yanai Elazar,Yoav Goldberg {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-307-FGCE: Feasible Group Counterfactual Explanations for Auditing Fairness {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22591 **作者**: Christos Fragkathoulas,Vasiliki Papanikou,Evaggelia Pitoura,Evimaria Terzi **关键词**: trustworthy machine learning, group counterfactual explanations, generating group counterfactual, counterfactual explanations, audit model fairness **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Methodology (stat.ME) ***备注**: Christos Fragkathoulas,Vasiliki Papanikou,Evaggelia Pitoura,Evimaria Terzi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-308-Characterizing the Role of Similarity in the Property Inferences of Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22590 **作者**: Juan Diego Rodriguez,Aaron Mueller,Kanishka Misra **关键词**: higher level categories, level categories, higher level, lower level, projected from higher **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Juan Diego Rodriguez,Aaron Mueller,Kanishka Misra {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-309-oxicity of the Commons: Curating Open-Source Pre-Training Data {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22587 **作者**: Catherine Arnett,Eliot Jones,Ivan P. Yamshchikov,Pierre-Carl Langlais **关键词**: Open-source large language, large language models, models, data, Optical Character Recognition **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Catherine Arnett,Eliot Jones,Ivan P. Yamshchikov,Pierre-Carl Langlais {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-310-Pre-Trained Vision Models as Perception Backbones for Safety Filters in Autonomous Driving {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22585 **作者**: Yuxuan Yang,Hussein Sibai **关键词**: achieved impressive success, safety filters, major concern, achieved impressive, remains a major **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Yuxuan Yang,Hussein Sibai {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-311-BENCHAGENTS: Automated Benchmark Creation with Agent Interaction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22584 **作者**: Natasha Butt,Varun Chandrasekaran,Neel Joshi,Besmira Nushi,Vidhisha Balachandran **关键词**: benchmark availability, BENCHAGENTS, benchmark, benchmarks, create benchmarks **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Natasha Butt,Varun Chandrasekaran,Neel Joshi,Besmira Nushi,Vidhisha Balachandran {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-312-An eikonal model with re-excitability for fast simulations in cardiac electrophysiology {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22583 **作者**: Lia Gander,Rolf Krause,Francisco Sahli Costabal,Simone Pezzuto **关键词**: Precision cardiology based, digital twins requires, Precision cardiology, eikonal model, cardiac digital twins **类目**: Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE); Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Lia Gander,Rolf Krause,Francisco Sahli Costabal,Simone Pezzuto {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-313-Analytical Solution for Inverse Kinematics {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22582 **作者**: Serdar Kalaycioglu,Anton de Ruiter,Ethan Fung,Harrison Zhang,Haipeng Xie **关键词**: Lunar Exploration Rover, Degrees of Freedom, Exploration Rover System, closed-form analytical solution, serial robotic manipulator **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Serdar Kalaycioglu,Anton de Ruiter,Ethan Fung,Harrison Zhang,Haipeng Xie {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-314-Energy-Aware Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Collaborative Execution in Mission-Oriented Drone Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22578 **作者**: Ying Li,Changling Li,Jiyao Chen,Christine Roinou **关键词**: Mission-oriented drone networks, disaster monitoring, border surveillance, structural inspection, drone networks **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Ying Li,Changling Li,Jiyao Chen,Christine Roinou {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-315-Do Stubborn Users Always Cause More Polarization and Disagreement? A Mathematical Study {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22577 **作者**: Mohammad Shirzadi,Ahad N. Zehmakan **关键词**: users influences opinion, influences opinion polarization, network users influences, opinion, influences opinion **类目**: ocial and Information Networks (cs.SI) ***备注**: Mohammad Shirzadi,Ahad N. Zehmakan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-316-An AD based library for Efficient Hessian and Hessian-Vector Product Computation on GPU {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22575 **作者**: Desh Ranjan,Mohammad Zubair **关键词**: finite element modeling, Hessian-vector products, Hessian-vector product computation, element modeling, CHESSFAD **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Desh Ranjan,Mohammad Zubair {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-317-Flow Matching for Posterior Inference with Simulator Feedback {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22573 **作者**: Benjamin Holzschuh,Nils Thuerey **关键词**: Flow-based generative modeling, Flow-based generative, lower inference times, powerful tool, tool for solving **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Benjamin Holzschuh,Nils Thuerey {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-318-Vertical Federated Learning with Missing Features During Training and Inference {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22564 **作者**: Pedro Valdeira,Shiqiang Wang,Yuejie Chi **关键词**: Vertical federated learning, local data, feature-partitioned datasets, datasets across multiple, Vertical federated **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: Pedro Valdeira,Shiqiang Wang,Yuejie Chi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-319-Plane stress finite element modelling of arbitrary compressible hyperelastic materials {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22562 **作者**: Masoud Ahmadi,Andrew McBride,Paul Steinmann,Prashant Saxena **关键词**: Modelling the large, plane stress conditions, hyperelastic solids, plane stress, conditions for arbitrary **类目**: Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Computational Physics (physics.comp-ph) ***备注**: Masoud Ahmadi,Andrew McBride,Paul Steinmann,Prashant Saxena {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-320-Fuzzerfly Effect: Hardware Fuzzing for Memory Safety {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22561 **作者**: Mohamadreza Rostami,Chen Chen,Rahul Kande,Huimin Li,Jeyavijayan Rajendran,Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi **关键词**: threaten computing systems, severely threaten computing, Hardware-level memory vulnerabilities, vulnerabilities severely threaten, Hardware-level memory **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Mohamadreza Rostami,Chen Chen,Rahul Kande,Huimin Li,Jeyavijayan Rajendran,Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-321-BBR Fairness Evaluation Using NS-3 {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22560 **作者**: Linchuan Tang **关键词**: BBR congestion control, paper evaluates, evaluates the fairness, congestion control, BBR congestion **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Linchuan Tang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-322-Unpicking Data at the Seams: VAEs, Disentanglement and Independent Components {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22559 **作者**: Carl Allen **关键词**: identifying salient statistically, generative process underlying, Generative Adversarial Networks, synthetic data generation, statistically independent factors **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Carl Allen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-323-Unsupervised Multimodal Fusion of In-process Sensor Data for Advanced Manufacturing Process Monitoring {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22558 **作者**: Matthew McKinney,Anthony Garland,Dale Cillessen,Jesse Adamczyk,Dan Bolintineanu,Michael Heiden,Elliott Fowler,Brad L. Boyce **关键词**: Effective monitoring, maintaining product quality, operational efficiency, crucial for maintaining, maintaining product **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Signal Processing (eess.SP) ***备注**: Matthew McKinney,Anthony Garland,Dale Cillessen,Jesse Adamczyk,Dan Bolintineanu,Michael Heiden,Elliott Fowler,Brad L. Boyce {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-324-Lost and Found in Speculation: Hybrid Speculative Vulnerability Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22555 **作者**: Mohamadreza Rostami,Shaza Zeitouni,Rahul Kande,Chen Chen,Pouya Mahmoody,Jeyavijayan(JV)Rajendran,Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi **关键词**: exploiting inherent design, leak sensitive information, exploiting inherent, compromise systems, Microarchitectural attacks represent **类目**: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Hardware Architecture (cs.AR) ***备注**: Mohamadreza Rostami,Shaza Zeitouni,Rahul Kande,Chen Chen,Pouya Mahmoody,Jeyavijayan(JV)Rajendran,Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-325-Remote Sensing for Weed Detection and Control {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22554 **作者**: Ishita Bansal,Peder Olsen,Roberto Estevão **关键词**: winter wheat, winter wheat fields, Italian ryegrass, grass weed commonly, weed commonly found **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Ishita Bansal,Peder Olsen,Roberto Estevão {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-326-ML Research Benchmark {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22553 **作者**: Matthew Kenney **关键词**: Artificial intelligence agents, Artificial intelligence, increasingly capable, capable of performing, research **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Matthew Kenney {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-327-Auto-Intent: Automated Intent Discovery and Self-Exploration for Large Language Model Web Agents {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22552 **作者**: Jaekyeom Kim,Dong-Ki Kim,Lajanugen Logeswaran,Sungryull Sohn,Honglak Lee **关键词**: large language model, pre-trained large language, language model, direct fine-tuning, target domain **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Jaekyeom Kim,Dong-Ki Kim,Lajanugen Logeswaran,Sungryull Sohn,Honglak Lee {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-328-FairSkin: Fair Diffusion for Skin Disease Image Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22551 **作者**: Ruichen Zhang,Yuguang Yao,Zhen Tan,Zhiming Li,Pan Wang,Jingtong Hu,Sijia Liu,Tianlong Chen **关键词**: reducing healthcare disparities, advancing diagnostic accuracy, Frechet Inception Distance, clinical data augmentation, healthcare disparities **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Ruichen Zhang,Yuguang Yao,Zhen Tan,Zhiming Li,Pan Wang,Jingtong Hu,Sijia Liu,Tianlong Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-329-A Demonic Outcome Logic for Randomized Nondeterminism {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22540 **作者**: Noam Zilberstein,Dexter Kozen,Alexandra Silva,Joseph Tassarotti **关键词**: Programs increasingly rely, Demonic Outcome Logic, machine learning, increasingly rely, cryptography and machine **类目**: Logic in Computer Science (cs.LO); Programming Languages (cs.PL) ***备注**: Noam Zilberstein,Dexter Kozen,Alexandra Silva,Joseph Tassarotti {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-330-Intelligent Mobility System with Integrated Motion Planning and Control Utilizing Infrastructure Sensor Nodes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22527 **作者**: Yufeng Yang,Minghao Ning,Shucheng Huang,Ehsan Hashemi,Amir Khajepour **关键词**: perform patient transfers, Infrastructure Sensor Nodes, indoor autonomous mobility, Model Predictive Control, materials handling **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Yufeng Yang,Minghao Ning,Shucheng Huang,Ehsan Hashemi,Amir Khajepour {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-331-From Silos to Systems: Process-Oriented Hazard Analysis for AI Systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22526 **作者**: Shalaleh Rismani,Roel Dobbe,AJung Moon **关键词**: effectively address potential, address potential harms, effectively address, address potential, essential to identify **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Shalaleh Rismani,Roel Dobbe,AJung Moon {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-332-Hindsight Experience Replay Accelerates Proximal Policy Optimization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22524 **作者**: Douglas C. Crowder,Darrien M. McKenzie,Matthew L. Trappett,Frances S. Chance **关键词**: Hindsight experience replay, emit sparse rewards, Hindsight experience, off-policy reinforcement learning, experience replay **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Douglas C. Crowder,Darrien M. McKenzie,Matthew L. Trappett,Frances S. Chance {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-333-Efficient Learned Query Execution over Text and Tables [Technical Report] {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22522 **作者**: Matthias Urban,Carsten Binnig **关键词**: first-class citizen, enable MMOps, present ELEET, ELEET, ELEET leverages learned **类目**: Databases (cs.DB) ***备注**: Matthias Urban,Carsten Binnig {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-334-Lyapunov Characterization for ISS of Impulsive Switched Systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22521 **作者**: Saeed Ahmed,Patrick Bachmann,Stephan Trenn **关键词**: unstable flows, ISS, stable and unstable, ISS-Lyapunov functions, switching signal **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Saeed Ahmed,Patrick Bachmann,Stephan Trenn {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-335-Multimodal Structure Preservation Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22520 **作者**: Chang Liu,Jieshi Chen,Lee H. Harrison,Artur Dubrawski **关键词**: build machine learning, machine learning models, acquisition cost, crucial considerations, build machine **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Chang Liu,Jieshi Chen,Lee H. Harrison,Artur Dubrawski {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-336-Attention Speaks Volumes: Localizing and Mitigating Bias in Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22517 **作者**: Rishabh Adiga,Besmira Nushi,Varun Chandrasekaran **关键词**: ambiguous comparative prompts, providing clear context, large language models, comparative prompts, inputs that compare **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Rishabh Adiga,Besmira Nushi,Varun Chandrasekaran {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-337-AffectNet+: A Database for Enhancing Facial Expression Recognition with Soft-Labels {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22506 **作者**: Ali Pourramezan Fard,Mohammad Mehdi Hosseini,Timothy D. Sweeny,Mohammad H. Mahoor **关键词**: Automated Facial Expression, Automated Facial, Facial Expression, inter-class similarities, Facial **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Ali Pourramezan Fard,Mohammad Mehdi Hosseini,Timothy D. Sweeny,Mohammad H. Mahoor {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-338-Anticipating Future with Large Language Model for Simultaneous Machine Translation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22499 **作者**: Siqi Ouyang,Oleksii Hrinchuk,Zhehuai Chen,Vitaly Lavrukhin,Jagadeesh Balam,Lei Li,Boris Ginsburg **关键词**: produces target text, Simultaneous machine translation, incrementally produces target, Simultaneous machine, streaming input utterances **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Siqi Ouyang,Oleksii Hrinchuk,Zhehuai Chen,Vitaly Lavrukhin,Jagadeesh Balam,Lei Li,Boris Ginsburg {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-339-Unlocking Point Processes through Point Set Diffusion {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22493 **作者**: David Lüdke,Enric Rabasseda Raventós,Marcel Kollovieh,Stephan Günnemann **关键词**: Point Set Diffusion, random point sets, Point processes, Point processes model, point sets **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: David Lüdke,Enric Rabasseda Raventós,Marcel Kollovieh,Stephan Günnemann {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-340-RealCQA-V2 : Visual Premise Proving {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22492 **作者**: Saleem Ahmed,Rangaraj Setlur,Venu Govindaraju **关键词**: Visual Premise Proving, Premise Proving, introduce Visual Premise, task tailored, tailored to refine **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Saleem Ahmed,Rangaraj Setlur,Venu Govindaraju {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-341-he PV-ALE Dataset: Enhancing Apple Leaf Disease Classification Through Transfer Learning with Convolutional Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22490 **作者**: Joseph Damilola Akinyemi,Kolawole John Adebayo **关键词**: global food security, security landscape continues, food security landscape, crop disease diagnosis, food security concerns **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Joseph Damilola Akinyemi,Kolawole John Adebayo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-342-Multimodality Helps Few-Shot 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22489 **作者**: Zhaochong An,Guolei Sun,Yun Liu,Runjia Li,Min Wu,Ming-Ming Cheng,Ender Konukoglu,Serge Belongie **关键词**: annotated support samples, minimal annotated support, point cloud segmentation, aims at generalizing, support samples **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Zhaochong An,Guolei Sun,Yun Liu,Runjia Li,Min Wu,Ming-Ming Cheng,Ender Konukoglu,Serge Belongie {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-343-Developing Convolutional Neural Networks using a Novel Lamarckian Co-Evolutionary Algorithm {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22487 **作者**: Zaniar Sharifi,Khabat Soltanian,Ali Amiri **关键词**: Neural Architecture Search, outperforming manually crafted, high-accuracy neural network, discover high-accuracy neural, neural network architectures **类目**: Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE) ***备注**: Zaniar Sharifi,Khabat Soltanian,Ali Amiri {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-344-Heterogeneous Team Coordination on Partially Observable Graphs with Realistic Communication {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22482 **作者**: Yanlin Zhou,Manshi Limbu,Xuan Wang,Daigo Shishika,Xuesu Xiao **关键词**: Risky Edges, Graphs with Risky, textsc, recently proposed problem, tcgre **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Yanlin Zhou,Manshi Limbu,Xuan Wang,Daigo Shishika,Xuesu Xiao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-345-Scaling LLM Inference with Optimized Sample Compute Allocation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22480 **作者**: Kexun Zhang,Shang Zhou,Danqing Wang,William Yang Wang,Lei Li **关键词**: large language models, basic operation, compute, large language, Optimizes Sample Compute **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Kexun Zhang,Shang Zhou,Danqing Wang,William Yang Wang,Lei Li {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-346-Designing robot swarms: a puzzle, a problem, and a mess {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22478 **作者**: David Garzón Ramos,Sabine Hauert **关键词**: systems thinking, complexity within organizational, organizational theory, theory and systems, illustrative approach **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA) ***备注**: David Garzón Ramos,Sabine Hauert {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-347-Faster Algorithms for Average-Case Orthogonal Vectors and Closest Pair Problems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22477 **作者**: Josh Alman,Alexandr Andoni,Hengjie Zhang **关键词**: independently with probability, chosen randomly, Orthogonal Vectors problem, log, problem **类目**: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ***备注**: Josh Alman,Alexandr Andoni,Hengjie Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-348-A Pointer Network-based Approach for Joint Extraction and Detection of Multi-Label Multi-Class Intents {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22476 **作者**: Ankan Mullick,Sombit Bose,Abhilash Nandy,Gajula Sai Chaitanya,Pawan Goyal **关键词**: interpreting user queries, task-oriented dialogue systems, providing appropriate responses, task-oriented dialogue, crucial for interpreting **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Information Retrieval (cs.IR) ***备注**: Ankan Mullick,Sombit Bose,Abhilash Nandy,Gajula Sai Chaitanya,Pawan Goyal {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-349-he State of Data Curation at NeurIPS: An Assessment of Dataset Development Practices in the Datasets and Benchmarks Track {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22473 **作者**: Eshta Bhardwaj,Harshit Gujral,Siyi Wu,Ciara Zogheib,Tegan Maharaj,Christoph Becker **关键词**: Data curation, data curation practices, Data, curation, librarianship and archives **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Eshta Bhardwaj,Harshit Gujral,Siyi Wu,Ciara Zogheib,Tegan Maharaj,Christoph Becker {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-350-Learning Identifiable Factorized Causal Representations of Cellular Responses {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22472 **作者**: Haiyi Mao,Romain Lopez,Kai Liu,Jan-Christian Huetter,David Richmond,Panayiotis Benos,Lin Qiu **关键词**: chemical perturbations promises, mathbf, promises to accelerate, accelerate the discovery, therapeutic targets **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Quantitative Methods (q-bio.QM) ***备注**: Haiyi Mao,Romain Lopez,Kai Liu,Jan-Christian Huetter,David Richmond,Panayiotis Benos,Lin Qiu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-351-How Artists Improvise and Provoke Robotics {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22462 **作者**: Steve Benford,Rachael Garrett,Eike Schneiders,Paul Tennent,Alan Chamberlain,Juan Avila,Pat Brundell,Simon Castle-Green **关键词**: Brendan Walker Broncomatic, explore transdisciplinary collaborations, portfolio of artworks, transdisciplinary collaborations, Theory Cat Royale **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Steve Benford,Rachael Garrett,Eike Schneiders,Paul Tennent,Alan Chamberlain,Juan Avila,Pat Brundell,Simon Castle-Green {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-352-Unified Domain Generalization and Adaptation for Multi-View 3D Object Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22461 **作者**: Gyusam Chang,Jiwon Lee,Donghyun Kim,Jinkyu Kim,Dongwook Lee,Daehyun Ji,Sujin Jang,Sangpil Kim **关键词**: challenging vision tasks, Recent advances, leveraging multi-view cameras, vision tasks, object detection leveraging **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Gyusam Chang,Jiwon Lee,Donghyun Kim,Jinkyu Kim,Dongwook Lee,Daehyun Ji,Sujin Jang,Sangpil Kim {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-353-Unleashing Multicore Strength for Efficient Execution of Transactions {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22460 **作者**: Ankit Ravish,Akshay Tejwani,Piduguralla Manaswini,Sathya Peri **关键词**: separate blockchain network, creating separate blockchain, digital world, world in recent, recent days **类目**: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Ankit Ravish,Akshay Tejwani,Piduguralla Manaswini,Sathya Peri {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-354-Predicting Future Actions of Reinforcement Learning Agents {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22459 **作者**: Stephen Chung,Scott Niekum,David Krueger **关键词**: preventing catastrophic outcomes, reinforcement learning agents, future agent actions, catastrophic outcomes, reinforcement learning **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Stephen Chung,Scott Niekum,David Krueger {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-355-Advancing Agentic Systems: Dynamic Task Decomposition, Tool Integration and Evaluation using Novel Metrics and Dataset {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22457 **作者**: Adrian Garret Gabriel,Alaa Alameer Ahmad,Shankar Kumar Jeyakumar **关键词**: Large Language Models, Advancements in Large, Toggle, automated tool selection, agentic systems **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA) ***备注**: Adrian Garret Gabriel,Alaa Alameer Ahmad,Shankar Kumar Jeyakumar {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-356-Image2Struct: Benchmarking Structure Extraction for Vision-Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22456 **作者**: Josselin Somerville Roberts,Tony Lee,Chi Heem Wong,Michihiro Yasunaga,Yifan Mai,Percy Liang **关键词**: evaluate vision-language models, vision-language models, VLMs, similarity, image **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Josselin Somerville Roberts,Tony Lee,Chi Heem Wong,Michihiro Yasunaga,Yifan Mai,Percy Liang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-357-Brain age identification from diffusion MRI synergistically predicts neurodegenerative disease {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22454 **作者**: Chenyu Gao,Michael E. Kim,Karthik Ramadass,Praitayini Kanakaraj,Aravind R. Krishnan,Adam M. Saunders,Nancy R. Newlin,Ho Hin Lee,Qi Yang,Warren D. Taylor,Brian D. Boyd,Lori L. Beason-Held,Susan M. Resnick,Lisa L. Barnes,David A. Bennett,Katherine D. Van Schaik,Derek B. Archer,Timothy J. Hohman,Angela L. Jefferson,Ivana Išgum,Daniel Moyer,Yuankai Huo,Kurt G. Schilling,Lianrui Zuo,Shunxing Bao,Nazirah Mohd Khairi,Zhiyuan Li,Christos Davatzikos,Bennett A. Landman **关键词**: Estimated brain age, brain age, MRI-based brain age, supporting early detection, provide early insights **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Chenyu Gao,Michael E. Kim,Karthik Ramadass,Praitayini Kanakaraj,Aravind R. Krishnan,Adam M. Saunders,Nancy R. Newlin,Ho Hin Lee,Qi Yang,Warren D. Taylor,Brian D. Boyd,Lori L. Beason-Held,Susan M. Resnick,Lisa L. Barnes,David A. Bennett,Katherine D. Van Schaik,Derek B. Archer,Timothy J. Hohman,Angela L. Jefferson,Ivana Išgum,Daniel Moyer,Yuankai Huo,Kurt G. Schilling,Lianrui Zuo,Shunxing Bao,Nazirah Mohd Khairi,Zhiyuan Li,Christos Davatzikos,Bennett A. Landman {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-358-Addressing Issues with Working Memory in Video Object Segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22451 **作者**: Clayton Bromley,Alexander Moore,Amar Saini,Douglas Poland,Carmen Carrano **关键词**: compare incoming unannotated, incoming unannotated images, predict object masks, models compare incoming, working memory **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Clayton Bromley,Alexander Moore,Amar Saini,Douglas Poland,Carmen Carrano {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-359-Do Large Language Models Align with Core Mental Health Counseling Competencies? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22446 **作者**: Viet Cuong Nguyen,Mohammad Taher,Dongwan Hong,Vinicius Konkolics Possobom,Vibha Thirunellayi Gopalakrishnan,Ekta Raj,Zihang Li,Heather J. Soled,Michael L. Birnbaum,Srijan Kumar,Munmun De Choudhury **关键词**: Large Language Models, Large Language, mental health counseling, offers promising potential, evolution of Large **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Viet Cuong Nguyen,Mohammad Taher,Dongwan Hong,Vinicius Konkolics Possobom,Vibha Thirunellayi Gopalakrishnan,Ekta Raj,Zihang Li,Heather J. Soled,Michael L. Birnbaum,Srijan Kumar,Munmun De Choudhury {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-360-Embedding Watermarks in Diffusion Process for Model Intellectual Property Protection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22445 **作者**: Jijia Yang,Sen Peng,Xiaohua Jia **关键词**: necessitates substantial investment, widespread deployment, necessitates substantial, substantial investment, practical application **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Jijia Yang,Sen Peng,Xiaohua Jia {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-361-Power side-channel leakage localization through adversarial training of deep neural networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22425 **作者**: Jimmy Gammell,Anand Raghunathan,Kaushik Roy **关键词**: Supervised deep learning, Supervised deep, effective tool, tool for carrying, deep learning **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Jimmy Gammell,Anand Raghunathan,Kaushik Roy {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-362-Gradient Distance Function {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22422 **作者**: Hieu Le,Federico Stella,Benoit Guillard,Pascal Fua **关键词**: deep learning framework, Unsigned Distance Functions, Gradient Distance Functions, Distance Functions, represent non-watertight surfaces **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Hieu Le,Federico Stella,Benoit Guillard,Pascal Fua {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-363-Using Normalization to Improve SMT Solver Stability {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22419 **作者**: Daneshvar Amrollahi,Mathias Preiner,Aina Niemetz,Andrew Reynolds,Moses Charikar,Cesare Tinelli,Clark Barrett **关键词**: tasks over time, solve similar, similar or identical, identical tasks, SMT solvers **类目**: Logic in Computer Science (cs.LO) ***备注**: Daneshvar Amrollahi,Mathias Preiner,Aina Niemetz,Andrew Reynolds,Moses Charikar,Cesare Tinelli,Clark Barrett {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-364-AAAR-1.0: Assessing AI's Potential to Assist Research {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22394 **作者**: Renze Lou,Hanzi Xu,Sijia Wang,Jiangshu Du,Ryo Kamoi,Xiaoxin Lu,Jian Xie,Yuxuan Sun,Yusen Zhang,Jihyun Janice Ahn,Hongchao Fang,Zhuoyang Zou,Wenchao Ma,Xi Li,Kai Zhang,Congying Xia,Lifu Huang,Wenpeng Yin **关键词**: large language models, creative content generation, Numerous studies, facilitating everyday tasks, question answering **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Renze Lou,Hanzi Xu,Sijia Wang,Jiangshu Du,Ryo Kamoi,Xiaoxin Lu,Jian Xie,Yuxuan Sun,Yusen Zhang,Jihyun Janice Ahn,Hongchao Fang,Zhuoyang Zou,Wenchao Ma,Xi Li,Kai Zhang,Congying Xia,Lifu Huang,Wenpeng Yin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-365-A Large Recurrent Action Model: xLSTM enables Fast Inference for Robotics Tasks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22391 **作者**: Thomas Schmied,Thomas Adler,Vihang Patil,Maximilian Beck,Korbinian Pöppel,Johannes Brandstetter,Günter Klambauer,Razvan Pascanu,Sepp Hochreiter **关键词**: Reinforcement Learning, field of Reinforcement, models trained offline, recent years, action models trained **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Thomas Schmied,Thomas Adler,Vihang Patil,Maximilian Beck,Korbinian Pöppel,Johannes Brandstetter,Günter Klambauer,Razvan Pascanu,Sepp Hochreiter {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-366-FNDEX: Fake News and Doxxing Detection with Explainable AI {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22390 **作者**: Dorsaf Sallami,Esma Aïmeur **关键词**: diverse online media, online media platforms, internet-driven communication technologies, presented significant challenges, freedom of expression **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Dorsaf Sallami,Esma Aïmeur {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-367-Mobile Phone Application Data for Activity Plan Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22386 **作者**: Çağlar Tozluoğlu,Yuan Liao,Frances Sprei **关键词**: individuals' activity-travel patterns, data, model, transport are crucial, crucial for providing **类目**: ocial and Information Networks (cs.SI) ***备注**: Çağlar Tozluoğlu,Yuan Liao,Frances Sprei {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-368-Exploiting Semantic Scene Reconstruction for Estimating Building Envelope Characteristics {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22383 **作者**: Chenghao Xu,Malcolm Mielle,Antoine Laborde,Ali Waseem,Florent Forest,Olga Fink **关键词**: climate neutrality goal, neutrality goal requires, goal requires retrofitting, requires retrofitting existing, building **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Chenghao Xu,Malcolm Mielle,Antoine Laborde,Ali Waseem,Florent Forest,Olga Fink {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-369-Robust training of implicit generative models for multivariate and heavy-tailed distributions with an invariant statistical loss {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22381 **作者**: José Manuel de Frutos,Manuel A. Vázquez,Pablo Olmos,Joaquín Míguez **关键词**: learning highly complex, highly complex data, highly complex, data, complex data distributions **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation (stat.CO); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: José Manuel de Frutos,Manuel A. Vázquez,Pablo Olmos,Joaquín Míguez {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-370-Discrete Modeling via Boundary Conditional Diffusion Processes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22380 **作者**: Yuxuan Gu,Xiaocheng Feng,Lei Huang,Yingsheng Wu,Zekun Zhou,Weihong Zhong,Kun Zhu,Bing Qin **关键词**: framework for efficiently, efficiently and effectively, effectively extending, extending the powerful, powerful continuous diffusion **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yuxuan Gu,Xiaocheng Feng,Lei Huang,Yingsheng Wu,Zekun Zhou,Weihong Zhong,Kun Zhu,Bing Qin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-371-A Systematic Literature Review of Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Network Models for Time Series Forecasting and Classification {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22377 **作者**: Flavio Corradini,Marco Gori,Carlo Lucheroni,Marco Piangerelli,Martina Zannotti **关键词**: graph neural networks, attracted considerable interest, time series analysis, spatio-temporal graph neural, time series classification **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability (physics.data-an) ***备注**: Flavio Corradini,Marco Gori,Carlo Lucheroni,Marco Piangerelli,Martina Zannotti {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-372-Rare-to-Frequent: Unlocking Compositional Generation Power of Diffusion Models on Rare Concepts with LLM Guidance {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22376 **作者**: Dongmin Park,Sebin Kim,Taehong Moon,Minkyu Kim,Kangwook Lee,Jaewoong Cho **关键词**: Large Language Model, generate rare compositions, objects with unusual, unusual attributes, struggle to generate **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Dongmin Park,Sebin Kim,Taehong Moon,Minkyu Kim,Kangwook Lee,Jaewoong Cho {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-373-Rethinking Code Refinement: Learning to Judge Code Efficiency {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22375 **作者**: Minju Seo,Jinheon Baek,Sung Ju Hwang **关键词**: Large Language Models, demonstrated impressive capabilities, Large Language, demonstrated impressive, understanding and generating **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Minju Seo,Jinheon Baek,Sung Ju Hwang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-374-Machine Unlearning using Forgetting Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22374 **作者**: Amartya Hatua,Trung T. Nguyen,Filip Cano,Andrew H. Sung **关键词**: Modern computer systems, computer systems store, systems store vast, store vast amounts, Modern computer **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE) ***备注**: Amartya Hatua,Trung T. Nguyen,Filip Cano,Andrew H. Sung {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-375-Analytic Continual Test-Time Adaptation for Multi-Modality Corruption {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22373 **作者**: Yufei Zhang,Yicheng Xu,Hongxin Wei,Zhiping Lin,Huiping Zhuang **关键词**: unlabelled test data, Continual Test-Time Adaptation, Test-Time Adaptation, test data, bridge the gap **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Yufei Zhang,Yicheng Xu,Hongxin Wei,Zhiping Lin,Huiping Zhuang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-376-A Hierarchical Language Model For Interpretable Graph Reasoning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22372 **作者**: Sambhav Khurana,Xiner Li,Shurui Gui,Shuiwang Ji **关键词**: Large language models, Hierarchical Language Model, increasingly explored, Large language, graph **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Sambhav Khurana,Xiner Li,Shurui Gui,Shuiwang Ji {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-377-Error Bounds for Deep Learning-based Uncertainty Propagation in SDEs {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22371 **作者**: Chun-Wei Kong,Luca Laurenti,Jay McMahon,Morteza Lahijanian **关键词**: Stochastic differential equations, Stochastic differential, stochastic processes, partial differential equation, Stochastic **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Computational Physics (physics.comp-ph) ***备注**: Chun-Wei Kong,Luca Laurenti,Jay McMahon,Morteza Lahijanian {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-378-Survey of User Interface Design and Interaction Techniques in Generative AI Applications {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22370 **作者**: Reuben Luera,Ryan A. Rossi,Alexa Siu,Franck Dernoncourt,Tong Yu,Sungchul Kim,Ruiyi Zhang,Xiang Chen,Hanieh Salehy,Jian Zhao,Samyadeep Basu,Puneet Mathur,Nedim Lipka **关键词**: extremely impressive, user, user interaction patterns, generative, user interface designs **类目**: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Reuben Luera,Ryan A. Rossi,Alexa Siu,Franck Dernoncourt,Tong Yu,Sungchul Kim,Ruiyi Zhang,Xiang Chen,Hanieh Salehy,Jian Zhao,Samyadeep Basu,Puneet Mathur,Nedim Lipka {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-379-Project MPG: towards a generalized performance benchmark for LLM capabilities {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22368 **作者**: Lucas Spangher,Tianle Li,William F. Arnold,Nick Masiewicki,Xerxes Dotiwalla,Rama Parusmathi,Peter Grabowski,Eugene Ie,Dan Gruhl **关键词**: LLM benchmarking tasks, extremely wide array, array of LLM, LLM benchmarking, benchmarking tasks **类目**: oftware Engineering (cs.SE); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Lucas Spangher,Tianle Li,William F. Arnold,Nick Masiewicki,Xerxes Dotiwalla,Rama Parusmathi,Peter Grabowski,Eugene Ie,Dan Gruhl {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-380-Unpacking SDXL Turbo: Interpreting Text-to-Image Models with Sparse Autoencoders {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22366 **作者**: Viacheslav Surkov,Chris Wendler,Mikhail Terekhov,Justin Deschenaux,Robert West,Caglar Gulcehre **关键词**: SDXL Turbo, Sparse autoencoders, core ingredient, reverse engineering, engineering of large-language **类目**: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Viacheslav Surkov,Chris Wendler,Mikhail Terekhov,Justin Deschenaux,Robert West,Caglar Gulcehre {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-381-Accelerating Augmentation Invariance Pretraining {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22364 **作者**: Jinhong Lin,Cheng-En Wu,Yibing Wei,Pedro Morgado **关键词**: Vision Transformers, work tackles, challenges of contrastive, contrastive learning, contrastive learning methods **类目**: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Jinhong Lin,Cheng-En Wu,Yibing Wei,Pedro Morgado {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-382-Lecture Notes on Grid Modeling of Renewable Energy {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22361 **作者**: Sohail Khan **关键词**: load flow algorithms, flow algorithms critical, lecture notes provide, renewable energy engineering, Renewable Energy **类目**: ystems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Sohail Khan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-383-ArxivDIGESTables: Synthesizing Scientific Literature into Tables using Language Models {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22360 **作者**: Benjamin Newman,Yoonjoo Lee,Aakanksha Naik,Pao Siangliulue,Raymond Fok,Juho Kim,Daniel S. Weld,Joseph Chee Chang,Kyle Lo **关键词**: conducting literature reviews, create literature review, scientists often create, literature review tables, rows are publications **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Benjamin Newman,Yoonjoo Lee,Aakanksha Naik,Pao Siangliulue,Raymond Fok,Juho Kim,Daniel S. Weld,Joseph Chee Chang,Kyle Lo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-384-Requirements for a Digital Library System: A Case Study in Digital Humanities (Technical Report) {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22358 **作者**: Hermann Kroll,Christin K. Kreutz,Mathias Jehn,Thomas Risse **关键词**: Archives of libraries, Archives, Abstract, materials, public **类目**: Digital Libraries (cs.DL) ***备注**: Hermann Kroll,Christin K. Kreutz,Mathias Jehn,Thomas Risse {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-385-Learning Goal-oriented Bimanual Dough Rolling Using Dynamic Heterogeneous Graph Based on Human Demonstration {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22355 **作者**: Junjia Liu,Chenzui Li,Shixiong Wang,Zhipeng Dong,Sylvain Calinon,Miao Li,Fei Chen **关键词**: requiring effective techniques, manipulation poses significant, Soft object manipulation, poses significant challenges, manipulation policy learning **类目**: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Junjia Liu,Chenzui Li,Shixiong Wang,Zhipeng Dong,Sylvain Calinon,Miao Li,Fei Chen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-386-RuleRAG: Rule-guided retrieval-augmented generation with language models for question answering {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22353 **作者**: Zhongwu Chen,Chengjin Xu,Dingmin Wang,Zhen Huang,Yong Dou,Jian Guo **关键词**: knowledge-intensive question answering, shown promising potential, retrieving external corpus, framework has shown, question answering **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Zhongwu Chen,Chengjin Xu,Dingmin Wang,Zhen Huang,Yong Dou,Jian Guo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-387-Neuromorphic Programming: Emerging Directions for Brain-Inspired Hardware {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22352 **作者**: Steven Abreu,Jens E. Pedersen **关键词**: computers critically depends, relevant tasks, critically depends, ability to program, neuromorphic computers critically **类目**: Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Emerging Technologies (cs.ET); Programming Languages (cs.PL) ***备注**: Steven Abreu,Jens E. Pedersen {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-388-Quality-Aware End-to-End Audio-Visual Neural Speaker Diarization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22350 **作者**: Mao-Kui He,Jun Du,Shu-Tong Niu,Qing-Feng Liu,Chin-Hui Lee **关键词**: neural speaker diarization, comprises three key, speaker diarization framework, audio-visual neural speaker, diarization framework **类目**: Multimedia (cs.MM); Sound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Mao-Kui He,Jun Du,Shu-Tong Niu,Qing-Feng Liu,Chin-Hui Lee {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-389-Search Engines in an AI Era: The False Promise of Factual and Verifiable Source-Cited Responses {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22349 **作者**: Pranav Narayanan Venkit,Philippe Laban,Yilun Zhou,Yixin Mao,Chien-Sheng Wu **关键词**: Large Language Model, Large Language, Language Model, products serving millions, influencing how people **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computers and Society (cs.CY); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Pranav Narayanan Venkit,Philippe Laban,Yilun Zhou,Yixin Mao,Chien-Sheng Wu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-390-GleanVec: Accelerating vector search with minimalist nonlinear dimensionality reduction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22347 **作者**: Mariano Tepper,Ishwar Singh Bhati,Cecilia Aguerrebere,Ted Willke **关键词**: reflects semantic affinities, similarity reflects semantic, Embedding models, semantic affinities, models can generate **类目**: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Mariano Tepper,Ishwar Singh Bhati,Cecilia Aguerrebere,Ted Willke {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-391-Improving the accuracy of food security predictions by integrating conflict data {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22342 **作者**: Marco Bertetti,Paolo Agnolucci,Alvaro Calzadilla,Licia Capra **关键词**: prominent factors driving, driving food crises, factors driving food, emerged as prominent, prominent factors **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Marco Bertetti,Paolo Agnolucci,Alvaro Calzadilla,Licia Capra {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-392-sting GPT-4-o1-preview on math and science problems: A follow-up study {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22340 **作者**: Ernest Davis **关键词**: Code Interpreter plug-ins, original high-school level, Scott Aaronson, Wolfram Alpha, Alpha and Code **类目**: Computers and Society (cs.CY); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) ***备注**: Ernest Davis {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-393-DAWN: Designing Distributed Agents in a Worldwide Network {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22339 **作者**: Zahra Aminiranjbar,Jianan Tang,Qiudan Wang,Shubha Pant,Mahesh Viswanathan **关键词**: Large Language Models, Language Models, Large Language, basic conversational tools, evolution of Large **类目**: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA) ***备注**: Zahra Aminiranjbar,Jianan Tang,Qiudan Wang,Shubha Pant,Mahesh Viswanathan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-394-Efficient Machine Translation with a BiLSTM-Attention Approach {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22335 **作者**: Yuxu Wu,Yiren Xing **关键词**: Natural Language Processing, development of Natural, Language Processing, Natural Language, model **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL) ***备注**: Yuxu Wu,Yiren Xing {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-395-Sing it, Narrate it: Quality Musical Lyrics Translation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22066 **作者**: Zhuorui Ye,Jinhan Li,Rongwu Xu **关键词**: presents unique challenges, unique challenges due, musicals presents unique, ensure high translation, translation quality **类目**: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Sound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS) ***备注**: Zhuorui Ye,Jinhan Li,Rongwu Xu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-396-Robot Policy Learning with Temporal Optimal Transport Reward {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.21795 **作者**: Yuwei Fu,Haichao Zhang,Di Wu,Wei Xu,Benoit Boulet **关键词**: Temporal Optimal Transport, problems in Reinforcement, Toggle, requires tedious hand, tedious hand engineering **类目**: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Yuwei Fu,Haichao Zhang,Di Wu,Wei Xu,Benoit Boulet {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-397-Conditional Forecasting of Margin Calls using Dynamic Graph Neural Networks {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23275 **作者**: Matteo Citterio,Marco D'Errico,Gabriele Visentin **关键词**: Dynamic Graph Neural, Graph Neural Network, steps ahead forecasting, Graph Neural, ahead forecasting problems **类目**: Risk Management (q-fin.RM); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) ***备注**: Matteo Citterio,Marco D'Errico,Gabriele Visentin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-398-Generalized Short Path Algorithms: Towards Super-Quadratic Speedup over Markov Chain Search for Combinatorial Optimization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23270 **作者**: Shouvanik Chakrabarti,Dylan Herman,Guneykan Ozgul,Shuchen Zhu,Brandon Augustino,Tianyi Hao,Zichang He,Ruslan Shaydulin,Marco Pistoia **关键词**: proposed by Hastings, shown by Dalzell, Sherrington Kirkpatrick Model, extended and shown, Max Independent Set **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Optimization and Control (math.OC) ***备注**: Shouvanik Chakrabarti,Dylan Herman,Guneykan Ozgul,Shuchen Zhu,Brandon Augustino,Tianyi Hao,Zichang He,Ruslan Shaydulin,Marco Pistoia {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-399-bit2bit: 1-bit quanta video reconstruction via self-supervised photon prediction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23247 **作者**: Yehe Liu,Alexander Krull,Hector Basevi,Ales Leonardis,Michael W. Jenkins **关键词**: emerging sensor technology, Quanta image sensors, arrays representing photon, representing photon detection, sensor technology **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Yehe Liu,Alexander Krull,Hector Basevi,Ales Leonardis,Michael W. Jenkins {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-400-Very fast Bayesian Additive Regression Trees on GPU {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23244 **作者**: Giacomo Petrillo **关键词**: Bayesian Additive Regression, Additive Regression Trees, Bayesian regression technique, nonparametric Bayesian regression, Bayesian Additive **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Giacomo Petrillo {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-401-Full-waveform earthquake source inversion using simulation-based inference {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23238 **作者**: A. A. Saoulis,D. Piras,A. Spurio Mancini,B. Joachimi,A. M. G. Ferreira **关键词**: SBI, paper presents, moment tensor, Gaussian likelihood, Bayesian inference framework **类目**: Geophysics (physics.geo-ph); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability (physics.data-an) ***备注**: A. A. Saoulis,D. Piras,A. Spurio Mancini,B. Joachimi,A. M. G. Ferreira {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-402-Crosstalk Attack Resilient RNS Quantum Addition {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23217 **作者**: Bhaskar Gaur,Himanshu Thapliyal **关键词**: cloud-based quantum platforms, Parallel Quantum Addition, quantum computers scale, quantum, Alternate CNOT **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR) ***备注**: Bhaskar Gaur,Himanshu Thapliyal {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-403-Improved convergence rate of kNN graph Laplacians {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23212 **作者**: Yixuan Tan,Xiuyuan Cheng **关键词**: local data densities, nearest neighbor, graph, widely used due, adaptivity to local **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Statistics Theory (math.ST) ***备注**: Yixuan Tan,Xiuyuan Cheng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-404-Generalized cryptographic semi-regular sequences: A variant of Fr\"{o}berg conjecture and a simple complexity estimation for Gr\"{o}bner basis computation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23211 **作者**: Momonari Kudo,Kazuhiro Yokoyama **关键词**: study generalized cryptographic, generalized cryptographic semi-regular, cryptographic semi-regular sequences, homogeneous polynomial sequences, rings have Krull **类目**: Commutative Algebra (math.AC); Symbolic Computation (cs.SC); Algebraic Geometry (math.AG) ***备注**: Momonari Kudo,Kazuhiro Yokoyama {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-405-Uncertainty quantification for fast reconstruction methods using augmented equivariant bootstrap: Application to radio interferometry {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23178 **作者**: Mostafa Cherif,Tobías I. Liaudat,Jonathan Kern,Christophe Kervazo,Jérôme Bobin **关键词**: Square Kilometer Array, Kilometer Array promises, Square Kilometer, Kilometer Array, astronomy observational capabilities **类目**: Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics (astro-ph.IM); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Mostafa Cherif,Tobías I. Liaudat,Jonathan Kern,Christophe Kervazo,Jérôme Bobin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-406-Far-right party influence on polarization dynamics in electoral campaign {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23177 **作者**: Eva Rifà,Joan Massachs,Emanuele Cozzo,Julian Vicens **关键词**: attracted increasing attention, far-right populist movements, recent years, attracted increasing, increasing attention **类目**: Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI) ***备注**: Eva Rifà,Joan Massachs,Emanuele Cozzo,Julian Vicens {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-407-Functional Gradient Flows for Constrained Sampling {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23170 **作者**: Shiyue Zhang,Longlin Yu,Ziheng Cheng,Cheng Zhang **关键词**: chain Monte Carlo, Markov chain Monte, particle-based variational inference, Monte Carlo, Variational Gradient Descent **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Shiyue Zhang,Longlin Yu,Ziheng Cheng,Cheng Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-408-Nested ResNet: A Vision-Based Method for Detecting the Sensing Area of a Drop-in Gamma Probe {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23154 **作者**: Songyu Xu,Yicheng Hu,Jionglong Su,Daniel Elson,Baoru Huang **关键词**: lymph node detection, robotic-assisted minimally invasive, minimally invasive surgery, node detection, robotic-assisted minimally **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Songyu Xu,Yicheng Hu,Jionglong Su,Daniel Elson,Baoru Huang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-409-When can classical neural networks represent quantum states? {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23152 **作者**: Tai-Hsuan Yang,Mehdi Soleimanifar,Thiago Bergamaschi,John Preskill **关键词**: n-qubit state requires, naive classical representation, requires specifying exponentially, naive classical, neural quantum states **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Strongly Correlated Electrons (cond-mat.str-el); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Tai-Hsuan Yang,Mehdi Soleimanifar,Thiago Bergamaschi,John Preskill {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-410-Compositional Segmentation of Cardiac Images Leveraging Metadata {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23130 **作者**: Abbas Khan,Muhammad Asad,Martin Benning,Caroline Roney,Gregory Slabaugh **关键词**: automated cardiac function, cardiac function assessment, Cross-Modal Feature Integration, structures over time, essential for automated **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Abbas Khan,Muhammad Asad,Martin Benning,Caroline Roney,Gregory Slabaugh {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-411-Provably Optimal Memory Capacity for Modern Hopfield Models: Transformer-Compatible Dense Associative Memories as Spherical Codes {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23126 **作者**: Jerry Yao-Chieh Hu,Dennis Wu,Han Liu **关键词**: Dense Associative Memories, Dense Associative, Kernelized Hopfield Models, class of Dense, Kernelized Hopfield **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE) ***备注**: Jerry Yao-Chieh Hu,Dennis Wu,Han Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-412-A proof of a conjecture on trivariate permutations {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23097 **作者**: Daniele Bartoli,Mohit Pal,Pantelimon Stanica,Tommaso Toccotelli **关键词**: Finite Fields Appl., quadratic APN permutations, Finite Fields, Fields Appl., quadratic APN **类目**: Number Theory (math.NT); Information Theory (cs.IT); Algebraic Geometry (math.AG); Combinatorics (math.CO) ***备注**: Daniele Bartoli,Mohit Pal,Pantelimon Stanica,Tommaso Toccotelli {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-413-AI-assisted prostate cancer detection and localisation on biparametric MR by classifying radiologist-positives {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23084 **作者**: Xiangcen Wu,Yipei Wang,Qianye Yang,Natasha Thorley,Shonit Punwani,Veeru Kasivisvanathan,Ester Bonmati,Yipeng Hu **关键词**: Prostate cancer diagnosis, whilst modern AI-based, modern AI-based methods, detect clinically significant, clinically significant cancers **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Xiangcen Wu,Yipei Wang,Qianye Yang,Natasha Thorley,Shonit Punwani,Veeru Kasivisvanathan,Ester Bonmati,Yipeng Hu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-414-Beyond hypergraph acyclicity: limits of tractability for pseudo-Boolean optimization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23045 **作者**: Alberto Del Pia,Aida Khajavirad **关键词**: binary points, minimizing a polynomial, polynomial function, function with literals, pseudo-Boolean optimization problems **类目**: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM) ***备注**: Alberto Del Pia,Aida Khajavirad {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-415-Audiovisual angle and voice incongruence do not affect audiovisual verbal short-term memory in virtual reality {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23015 **作者**: Cosima A. Ermert,Manuj Yadav,Jonathan Ehret,Chinthusa Mohanathasan,Andrea Bönsch,Torsten W. Kuhlen,Sabine J. Schlittmeier,Janina Fels **关键词**: imitate real-life scenarios, Virtual reality, traditional computer screens, environments are frequently, real-life scenarios **类目**: Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS); Sound (cs.SD) ***备注**: Cosima A. Ermert,Manuj Yadav,Jonathan Ehret,Chinthusa Mohanathasan,Andrea Bönsch,Torsten W. Kuhlen,Sabine J. Schlittmeier,Janina Fels {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-416-Efficient Routing on Quantum Networks using Adaptive Clustering {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23007 **作者**: Connor Clayton,Xiaodi Wu,Bobby Bhattacharjee **关键词**: Quantum Adaptive Routing, Adaptive Routing, starvation-free entanglement distribution, multi-particle projective quantum, entanglement routing protocol **类目**: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) ***备注**: Connor Clayton,Xiaodi Wu,Bobby Bhattacharjee {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-417-Graph Integration for Diffusion-Based Manifold Alignment {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22978 **作者**: Jake S. Rhodes,Adam G. Rustad **关键词**: Manifold alignment, Semi-supervised manifold alignment, intrinsically linked, manifold alignment methods, Manifold **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Jake S. Rhodes,Adam G. Rustad {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-418-Deduction, Constrained Zero Forcing, and Constrained Searching {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22962 **作者**: Andrea Burgess,Danny Dyer,Kerry Ojakian,Lusheng Wang,Mingyu Xiao,Boting Yang **关键词**: recently introduced graph, introduced graph searching, searcher movement determined, recently introduced, vertex set **类目**: Combinatorics (math.CO); Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM) ***备注**: Andrea Burgess,Danny Dyer,Kerry Ojakian,Lusheng Wang,Mingyu Xiao,Boting Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-419-Augmenting Polish Automatic Speech Recognition System With Synthetic Data {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22903 **作者**: Łukasz Bondaruk,Jakub Kubiak,Mateusz Czyżnikiewicz **关键词**: Polish Automatic Speech, Polish Automatic, Speech Recognition Challenge, Automatic Speech Recognition, Recognition Challenge **类目**: Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS); Sound (cs.SD) ***备注**: Łukasz Bondaruk,Jakub Kubiak,Mateusz Czyżnikiewicz {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-420-Generalization Bounds via Conditional $f$-Information {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22887 **作者**: Ziqiao Wang,Yongyi Mao **关键词**: traditional conditional mutual, conditional mutual information, information-theoretic generalization bounds, traditional conditional, conditional mutual **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Information Theory (cs.IT); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Ziqiao Wang,Yongyi Mao {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-421-owards Population Scale Testis Volume Segmentation in DIXON MRI {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22866 **作者**: Jan Ernsting,Phillip Nikolas Beeken,Lynn Ogoniak,Jacqueline Kockwelp,Tim Hahn,Alexander Siegfried Busch,Benjamin Risse **关键词**: male fertility, main predictors, predictors of male, assessed in clinical, clinical workup **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Jan Ernsting,Phillip Nikolas Beeken,Lynn Ogoniak,Jacqueline Kockwelp,Tim Hahn,Alexander Siegfried Busch,Benjamin Risse {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-422-Hyperparameter Optimization in Machine Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22854 **作者**: Luca Franceschi,Michele Donini,Valerio Perrone,Aaron Klein,Cédric Archambeau,Matthias Seeger,Massimiliano Pontil,Paolo Frasconi **关键词**: configuration variables controlling, machine learning algorithms, machine learning, configuration variables, variables controlling **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Luca Franceschi,Michele Donini,Valerio Perrone,Aaron Klein,Cédric Archambeau,Matthias Seeger,Massimiliano Pontil,Paolo Frasconi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-423-Dataset of polarimetric images of mechanically generated water surface waves coupled with surface elevation records by wave gauges linear array {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22849 **作者**: Noam Ginio(1),Michael Lindenbaum(2 and 3),Barak Fishbain(1),Dan Liberzon(1 and 3) ((1) Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technion, Haifa, Israel, (2) Faculty of Computer Science, Technion, Haifa, Israel, (3) Interdisciplinary program for Marine Engineering, Technion, Haifa, Israel) **关键词**: Effective spatio-temporal measurements, Effective spatio-temporal, engineering research, water surface elevation, experiments are essential **类目**: Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics (physics.ao-ph); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Noam Ginio(1),Michael Lindenbaum(2 and 3),Barak Fishbain(1),Dan Liberzon(1 and 3) ((1) Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technion, Haifa, Israel, (2) Faculty of Computer Science, Technion, Haifa, Israel, (3) Interdisciplinary program for Marine Engineering, Technion, Haifa, Israel) {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-424-Erd\H{o}s-Gy\'arf\'as conjecture on graphs without long induced paths {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22842 **作者**: Anand Shripad Hegde,R. B. Sandeep,P. Shashank **关键词**: Erdős and Gyárfás, Gyárfás conjectured, conjecture is true, free graphs, Gao and Shan **类目**: Combinatorics (math.CO); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ***备注**: Anand Shripad Hegde,R. B. Sandeep,P. Shashank {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-425-Latent Diffusion, Implicit Amplification: Efficient Continuous-Scale Super-Resolution for Remote Sensing Images {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22830 **作者**: Hanlin Wu,Jiangwei Mo,Xiaohui Sun,Jie Ma **关键词**: significantly improved performance, Recent advancements, general image generation, performance in super-resolution, significantly improved **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Hanlin Wu,Jiangwei Mo,Xiaohui Sun,Jie Ma {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-426-APCodec+: A Spectrum-Coding-Based High-Fidelity and High-Compression-Rate Neural Audio Codec with Staged Training Paradigm {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22807 **作者**: Hui-Peng Du,Yang Ai,Rui-Chen Zheng,Zhen-Hua Ling **关键词**: neural audio codec, improved version, named APCodec, APCodec, training **类目**: Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS); Sound (cs.SD) ***备注**: Hui-Peng Du,Yang Ai,Rui-Chen Zheng,Zhen-Hua Ling {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-427-Machine Learning Nonadiabatic Dynamics: Eliminating Phase Freedom of Nonadiabatic Couplings with the State-Intraction State-Averaged Spin-Restricted Ensemble-Referenced Kohn-Sham Approach {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22801 **作者**: Sung Wook Moon,Soohaeng Yoo Willow,Tae Hyeon Park,Seung Kyu Min,Chang Woo Myung **关键词**: Excited-state molecular dynamics, Excited-state molecular, pose significant challenges, conical intersections, pose significant **类目**: Chemical Physics (physics.chem-ph); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Sung Wook Moon,Soohaeng Yoo Willow,Tae Hyeon Park,Seung Kyu Min,Chang Woo Myung {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-428-Unfolding Target Detection with State Space Model {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22774 **作者**: Luca Jiang-Tao Yu,Chenshu Wu **关键词**: fundamental task, CFAR, radar sensing, detection, Target detection **类目**: ignal Processing (eess.SP); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Luca Jiang-Tao Yu,Chenshu Wu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-429-An Overview of Causal Inference using Kernel Embeddings {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22754 **作者**: Dino Sejdinovic **关键词**: representing probability measures, statistical inference problems, Kernel embeddings, probability measures, kernel Hilbert space **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Methodology (stat.ME) ***备注**: Dino Sejdinovic {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-430-st-DTPM: Spatial-Temporal Guided Diffusion Transformer Probabilistic Model for Delayed Scan PET Image Prediction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22732 **作者**: Ran Hong,Yuxia Huang,Lei Liu,Zhonghui Wu,Bingxuan Li,Xuemei Wang,Qiegen Liu **关键词**: observing biological metabolic, biological metabolic activities, PET imaging, dual-time PET imaging, human body **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Ran Hong,Yuxia Huang,Lei Liu,Zhonghui Wu,Bingxuan Li,Xuemei Wang,Qiegen Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-431-Identifying Drift, Diffusion, and Causal Structure from Temporal Snapshots {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22729 **作者**: Vincent Guan,Joseph Janssen,Hossein Rahmani,Andrew Warren,Stephen Zhang,Elina Robeva,Geoffrey Schiebinger **关键词**: Stochastic differential equations, modelling dynamic processes, including gene regulatory, gene regulatory networks, Stochastic differential **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Statistics Theory (math.ST) ***备注**: Vincent Guan,Joseph Janssen,Hossein Rahmani,Andrew Warren,Stephen Zhang,Elina Robeva,Geoffrey Schiebinger {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-432-Amplitude Expansion Phase Field Crystal (APFC) Modeling based Efficient Dislocation Simulations using Fourier Pseudospectral Method {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22720 **作者**: Xinyi Wei,Yangshuai Wang,Kai Jiang,Lei Zhang **关键词**: Crystalline defects play, APFC model, Fourier pseudospectral method, accurate computational methods, play a critical **类目**: Materials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci); Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Xinyi Wei,Yangshuai Wang,Kai Jiang,Lei Zhang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-433-Inexact Augmented Lagrangian Methods for Conic Programs: Quadratic Growth and Linear Convergence {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22683 **作者**: Feng-Yi Liao,Lijun Ding,Yang Zheng **关键词**: Augmented Lagrangian Methods, Augmented Lagrangian, Lagrangian Methods, solving constrained optimizations, widely employed **类目**: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Feng-Yi Liao,Lijun Ding,Yang Zheng {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-434-Dynamic PET Image Prediction Using a Network Combining Reversible and Irreversible Modules {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22674 **作者**: Jie Sun,Qian Xia,Chuanfu Sun,Yumei Chen,Huafeng Liu,Wentao Zhu,Qiegen Liu **关键词**: positron emission tomography, dynamic PET, dynamic PET images, dynamic PET imaging, Dynamic positron emission **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Jie Sun,Qian Xia,Chuanfu Sun,Yumei Chen,Huafeng Liu,Wentao Zhu,Qiegen Liu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-435-Property Estimation in Geotechnical Databases Using Labeled Random Finite Sets {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22659 **作者**: Changbeom Shim,Youngho Kim,Craig Butterworth **关键词**: sufficiency of accurate, core element, accurate data, obtaining precise information, Abstract **类目**: ignal Processing (eess.SP); Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE) ***备注**: Changbeom Shim,Youngho Kim,Craig Butterworth {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-436-SleepNetZero: Zero-Burden Zero-Shot Reliable Sleep Staging With Neural Networks Based on Ballistocardiograms {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22646 **作者**: Shuzhen Li,Yuxin Chen,Xuesong Chen,Ruiyang Gao,Yupeng Zhang,Chao Yu,Yunfei Li,Ziyi Ye,Weijun Huang,Hongliang Yi,Yue Leng,Yi Wu **关键词**: maintaining good health, plays a crucial, crucial role, role in maintaining, maintaining good **类目**: ignal Processing (eess.SP); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Shuzhen Li,Yuxin Chen,Xuesong Chen,Ruiyang Gao,Yupeng Zhang,Chao Yu,Yunfei Li,Ziyi Ye,Weijun Huang,Hongliang Yi,Yue Leng,Yi Wu {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-437-Efficient Feature Extraction and Classification Architecture for MRI-Based Brain Tumor Detection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22619 **作者**: Plabon Paul,Md. Nazmul Islam,Fazle Rafsani,Pegah Khorasani,Shovito Barua Soumma **关键词**: Uncontrolled cell division, Uncontrolled cell, CNN model, brain, CNN **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Plabon Paul,Md. Nazmul Islam,Fazle Rafsani,Pegah Khorasani,Shovito Barua Soumma {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-438-A physics-aware data-driven surrogate approach for fast atmospheric radiative transfer inversion {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22609 **作者**: Cristina Sgattoni,Luca Sgheri,Matthias Chung **关键词**: European Space Agency, ninth Earth Explorer, Outgoing Radiation Understanding, Earth Explorer mission, Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation **类目**: Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics (physics.ao-ph); Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics (astro-ph.IM); Numerical Analysis (math.NA) ***备注**: Cristina Sgattoni,Luca Sgheri,Matthias Chung {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-439-Feature Responsiveness Scores: Model-Agnostic Explanations for Recourse {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22598 **作者**: Seung Hyun Cheon,Anneke Wernerfelt,Sorelle A. Friedler,Berk Ustun **关键词**: Machine learning models, Machine learning, automate or support, Machine, support decisions **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Seung Hyun Cheon,Anneke Wernerfelt,Sorelle A. Friedler,Berk Ustun {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-440-Continuous-Time Line-of-Sight Constrained Trajectory Planning for 6-Degree of Freedom Systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22596 **作者**: Christopher R. Hayner,John M. Carson III,Behçet Açıkmeşe,Karen Leung **关键词**: modern autonomy stacks, Perception algorithms, autonomy stacks, providing necessary environmental, real world **类目**: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Robotics (cs.RO) ***备注**: Christopher R. Hayner,John M. Carson III,Behçet Açıkmeşe,Karen Leung {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-441-Orb: A Fast, Scalable Neural Network Potential {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22570 **作者**: Mark Neumann,James Gin,Benjamin Rhodes,Steven Bennett,Zhiyi Li,Hitarth Choubisa,Arthur Hussey,Jonathan Godwin **关键词**: universal interatomic potentials, Matbench Discovery benchmark, atomistic modelling, introduce Orb, Matbench Discovery **类目**: Materials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Mark Neumann,James Gin,Benjamin Rhodes,Steven Bennett,Zhiyi Li,Hitarth Choubisa,Arthur Hussey,Jonathan Godwin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-442-Fast Deep Hedging with Second-Order Optimization {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22568 **作者**: Konrad Mueller,Amira Akkari,Lukas Gonon,Ben Wood **关键词**: risk management task, important risk management, management task, risk management, Hedging **类目**: Risk Management (q-fin.RM); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computational Finance (q-fin.CP) ***备注**: Konrad Mueller,Amira Akkari,Lukas Gonon,Ben Wood {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-443-Deep Priors for Video Quality Prediction {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22566 **作者**: Siddharath Narayan Shakya,Parimala Kancharla **关键词**: deep video prior, video, deep video, video prior, completely blind video **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Siddharath Narayan Shakya,Parimala Kancharla {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-444-Adaptive Aggregation Weights for Federated Segmentation of Pancreas MRI {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22530 **作者**: Hongyi Pan,Gorkem Durak,Zheyuan Zhang,Yavuz Taktak,Elif Keles,Halil Ertugrul Aktas,Alpay Medetalibeyoglu,Yury Velichko,Concetto Spampinato,Ivo Schoots,Marco J. Bruno,Rajesh N. Keswani,Pallavi Tiwari,Candice Bolan,Tamas Gonda,Michael G. Goggins,Michael B. Wallace,Ziyue Xu,Ulas Bagci **关键词**: sharing sensitive data, medical imaging tasks, enables collaborative model, collaborative model training, Federated learning **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) ***备注**: Hongyi Pan,Gorkem Durak,Zheyuan Zhang,Yavuz Taktak,Elif Keles,Halil Ertugrul Aktas,Alpay Medetalibeyoglu,Yury Velichko,Concetto Spampinato,Ivo Schoots,Marco J. Bruno,Rajesh N. Keswani,Pallavi Tiwari,Candice Bolan,Tamas Gonda,Michael G. Goggins,Michael B. Wallace,Ziyue Xu,Ulas Bagci {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-445-owards Neural-Network-based optical temperature sensing of Semiconductor Membrane External Cavity Laser {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22528 **作者**: Jakob Mannstadt,Arash Rahimi-Iman **关键词**: trained few-layer neural, few-layer neural net, neural net model, laser gain medium, machine-learning non-contact method **类目**: Optics (physics.optics); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Applied Physics (physics.app-ph) ***备注**: Jakob Mannstadt,Arash Rahimi-Iman {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-446-Evaluating utility in synthetic banking microdata applications {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22519 **作者**: Hugo E. Caceres,Ben Moews **关键词**: collect vast amounts, banks collect vast, banking secrecy laws, central banks collect, fine-grained banking microdata **类目**: Computational Finance (q-fin.CP); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Hugo E. Caceres,Ben Moews {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-447-On Dialectica and Differentiation, via Categories {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22494 **作者**: Davide Barbarossa **关键词**: Godel Dialectica, introduced and developed, logical transformation, differentiable program transformation, Godel **类目**: Category Theory (math.CT); Logic in Computer Science (cs.LO) ***备注**: Davide Barbarossa {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-448-Privacy-Preserving Dynamic Assortment Selection {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22488 **作者**: Young Hyun Cho,Will Wei Sun **关键词**: personalized assortment recommendations, effective privacy-preserving strategies, concerns over data, highlighting the urgent, growing demand **类目**: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Young Hyun Cho,Will Wei Sun {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-449-Bayesian Counterfactual Prediction Models for HIV Care Retention with Incomplete Outcome and Covariate Information {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22481 **作者**: Arman Oganisian,Joseph Hogan,Edwin Sang,Allison DeLong,Ben Mosong,Hamish Fraser,Ann Mwangi **关键词**: human immunodeficiency virus, chronic diseases, human immunodeficiency, immunodeficiency virus, managed over time **类目**: Methodology (stat.ME); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Arman Oganisian,Joseph Hogan,Edwin Sang,Allison DeLong,Ben Mosong,Hamish Fraser,Ann Mwangi {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-450-Ethical Statistical Practice and Ethical AI {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22475 **作者**: Rochelle E. Tractenberg **关键词**: Artificial Intelligence, ethical statistical practice, statistical practice, ethical statistical, make predictions **类目**: Other Statistics (stat.OT); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computers and Society (cs.CY) ***备注**: Rochelle E. Tractenberg {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-451-Explainable convolutional neural network model provides an alternative genome-wide association perspective on mutations in SARS-CoV-2 {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22452 **作者**: Parisa Hatami,Richard Annan,Luis Urias Miranda,Jane Gorman,Mengjun Xie,Letu Qingge,Hong Qin **关键词**: Identifying mutations, critical for pandemic, Shapley Additive explanations, Identifying, applied Shapley Additive **类目**: Genomics (q-bio.GN); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Parisa Hatami,Richard Annan,Luis Urias Miranda,Jane Gorman,Mengjun Xie,Letu Qingge,Hong Qin {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-452-A Closer Look at Neural Codec Resynthesis: Bridging the Gap between Codec and Waveform Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22448 **作者**: Alexander H. Liu,Qirui Wang,Yuan Gong,James Glass **关键词**: initially designed, compression technique, Neural Audio Codecs, gained more attention, attention recently **类目**: Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Sound (cs.SD) ***备注**: Alexander H. Liu,Qirui Wang,Yuan Gong,James Glass {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-453-EfficientNet with Hybrid Attention Mechanisms for Enhanced Breast Histopathology Classification: A Comprehensive Approach {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22392 **作者**: Naren Sengodan **关键词**: Breast cancer histopathology, early cancer detection, reduce mortality rates, Breast cancer, cancer histopathology image **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Naren Sengodan {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-454-ET-Flow: Equivariant Flow-Matching for Molecular Conformer Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22388 **作者**: Majdi Hassan,Nikhil Shenoy,Jungyoon Lee,Hannes Stark,Stephan Thaler,Dominique Beaini **关键词**: Predicting low-energy molecular, computational drug discovery, low-energy molecular conformations, Predicting low-energy, drug discovery **类目**: Quantitative Methods (q-bio.QM); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Majdi Hassan,Nikhil Shenoy,Jungyoon Lee,Hannes Stark,Stephan Thaler,Dominique Beaini {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-455-Debiasing Alternative Data for Credit Underwriting Using Causal Inference {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22382 **作者**: Chris Lam **关键词**: expand credit access, Alternative data, borrower creditworthiness, valuable insights, insights for lenders **类目**: Risk Management (q-fin.RM); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Chris Lam {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-456-MAMMAL -- Molecular Aligned Multi-Modal Architecture and Language {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22367 **作者**: Yoel Shoshan,Moshiko Raboh,Michal Ozery-Flato,Vadim Ratner,Alex Golts,Jeffrey K. Weber,Ella Barkan,Simona Rabinovici-Cohen,Sagi Polaczek,Ido Amos,Ben Shapira,Liam Hazan,Matan Ninio,Sivan Ravid,Michael M. Danziger,Joseph A. Morrone,Parthasarathy Suryanarayanan,Michal Rosen-Zvi,Efrat Hexter **关键词**: discovery typically consists, Drug discovery typically, target protein key, Drug discovery, disease etiology **类目**: Quantitative Methods (q-bio.QM); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Yoel Shoshan,Moshiko Raboh,Michal Ozery-Flato,Vadim Ratner,Alex Golts,Jeffrey K. Weber,Ella Barkan,Simona Rabinovici-Cohen,Sagi Polaczek,Ido Amos,Ben Shapira,Liam Hazan,Matan Ninio,Sivan Ravid,Michael M. Danziger,Joseph A. Morrone,Parthasarathy Suryanarayanan,Michal Rosen-Zvi,Efrat Hexter {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-457-Vascular Segmentation of Functional Ultrasound Images using Deep Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22365 **作者**: Hana Sebia(AISTROSIGHT),Thomas Guyet(AISTROSIGHT),Mickaël Pereira(CERMEP - imagerie du vivant),Marco Valdebenito(CERMEP - imagerie du vivant),Hugues Berry(AISTROSIGHT),Benjamin Vidal(CERMEP - imagerie du vivant, CRNL) **关键词**: numerous applications, fundamental task, task with numerous, dynamic CBV quantification, CBV quantification **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Hana Sebia(AISTROSIGHT),Thomas Guyet(AISTROSIGHT),Mickaël Pereira(CERMEP - imagerie du vivant),Marco Valdebenito(CERMEP - imagerie du vivant),Hugues Berry(AISTROSIGHT),Benjamin Vidal(CERMEP - imagerie du vivant, CRNL) {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-458-Branch-and-bound algorithm for efficient reliability analysis of general coherent systems {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22363 **作者**: Ji-Eun Byun,Hyeuk Ryu,Daniel Straub **关键词**: general coherent systems, coherent systems, Branch and bound, developed for reliability, reliability analysis **类目**: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Systems and Control (eess.SY) ***备注**: Ji-Eun Byun,Hyeuk Ryu,Daniel Straub {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-459-MMM-RS: A Multi-modal, Multi-GSD, Multi-scene Remote Sensing Dataset and Benchmark for Text-to-Image Generation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22362 **作者**: Jialin Luo,Yuanzhi Wang,Ziqi Gu,Yide Qiu,Shuaizhen Yao,Fuyun Wang,Chunyan Xu,Wenhua Zhang,Dan Wang,Zhen Cui **关键词**: stable training process, diffusion-based generative paradigm, accurate distribution modeling, achieved impressive general, remote sensing **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Jialin Luo,Yuanzhi Wang,Ziqi Gu,Yide Qiu,Shuaizhen Yao,Fuyun Wang,Chunyan Xu,Wenhua Zhang,Dan Wang,Zhen Cui {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-460-Low regularity symplectic schemes for stochastic NLS {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22359 **作者**: Jacob Armstrong-Goodall,Yvain Bruned **关键词**: dispersive PDE driven, Schrödinger equation, dispersive PDE, PDE driven, resonance based numerical **类目**: Analysis of PDEs (math.AP); Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Probability (math.PR) ***备注**: Jacob Armstrong-Goodall,Yvain Bruned {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-461-Solve Mismatch Problem in Compressed Sensing {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22354 **作者**: Le Yang **关键词**: unknown measurement matrix, solving mismatch problem, measurement matrix, compressed sensing, mismatch problem **类目**: ignal Processing (eess.SP); Information Theory (cs.IT) ***备注**: Le Yang {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-462-Representation Learning for Regime detection in Block Hierarchical Financial Markets {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22346 **作者**: Alexa Orton,Tim Gebbie **关键词**: causal information geometry, information geometry underpinning, geometry underpinning traded, underpinning traded asset, traded asset systems **类目**: atistical Finance (q-fin.ST); Machine Learning (cs.LG) ***备注**: Alexa Orton,Tim Gebbie {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-463-he $s$-Energy and Its Applications {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22341 **作者**: Bernard Chazelle,Kritkorn Karntikoon **关键词**: drives countless processes, dynamics drives countless, Averaging dynamics drives, processes in physics, social sciences **类目**: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA) ***备注**: Bernard Chazelle,Kritkorn Karntikoon {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-464-MAPUNetR: A Hybrid Vision Transformer and U-Net Architecture for Efficient and Interpretable Medical Image Segmentation {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22223 **作者**: Ovais Iqbal Shah,Danish Raza Rizvi,Aqib Nazir Mir **关键词**: informing treatment strategies, tracking disease progression, enhancing diagnostic accuracy, Medical image segmentation, pivotal in healthcare **类目**: Image and Video Processing (eess.IV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) ***备注**: Ovais Iqbal Shah,Danish Raza Rizvi,Aqib Nazir Mir {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %} {% note blue no-icon %} ID-465-he SPORT-C Intervention: An Integration of Sports, Case-Based Pedagogy and Systems Thinking Learning {% endnote %} **链接**: https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.11755 **作者**: Jeffrey Basoah,William Scherer,Karis Boyd-Sinkler,Reid Bailey **关键词**: population it serves, STEM field, field is unrepresentative, STEM, SPORT-C intervention **类目**: Physics Education (physics.ed-ph); Computers and Society (cs.CY); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) ***备注**: Jeffrey Basoah,William Scherer,Karis Boyd-Sinkler,Reid Bailey {% hideToggle 点击查看摘要 %}