kelvin 285 2014-10-02T08:40:10 Celsius 13 2014-10-04T06:30:10 kelvin 289 2014-10-03T08:40:10 Celsius 23 2014-10-01T00:10:10 kelvin 284 2014-10-01T08:40:10 Celsius 13 2014-10-03T03:10:10 Celsius 15 2014-10-02T02:20:10 Celsius 13 2014-10-01T00:10:10 Celsius 25 2014-10-02T02:20:10 kelvin 292 2014-10-04T08:40:10 Celsius 22 2014-10-04T07:40:10 Celsius 16 2014-10-02T03:20:10 kelvin 294 2014-10-03T08:40:10 Celsius 27 2014-10-03T05:20:10 represents data on which readings were taken Celsius 24 2014-10-03T10:10:10 Celsius 12 2014-10-04T07:40:10 place from where measurements are taken kelvin 285 2014-10-01T08:40:10 kelvin 289 2014-10-02T08:40:10 represents the temperature value Celsius 24 2014-10-04T08:40:10 It relates sensor to its place of deployment Represents the sensor used for measurements TempSensor Celsius 14 2014-10-04T08:40:10 Celsius 14 2014-10-01T01:10:10 Celsius 24 2014-10-01T01:10:10 date on which measurement was done Celsius 17 2014-10-03T05:20:10 kelvin 291 2014-10-04T08:40:10 Celsius 26 2014-10-02T03:20:10 kelvin 290 2014-10-03T08:40:10 Celsius 14 2014-10-03T10:10:10 Celsius 23 2014-10-04T06:30:10 kelvin 292 2014-10-04T08:40:10 this class represents different temperature measurements taken Celsius 23 2014-10-03T03:10:10