#!/bin/bash USAGE="--> Usage: ./start.sh PORT SECRET ORGID APIKEY (REDIS HOST) (REDIS PORT) (REDIS PW)" if [ -z "$1" ] then echo "Please specify a listen port for Tyk" echo $USAGE exit fi if [ -z "$2" ] then echo "Please specify a Tyk Secret (REST API)" echo $USAGE exit fi if [ -z "$3" ] then echo "Please specify an Organisation ID" echo $USAGE exit fi if [ -z "$4" ] then echo "Please specify an API Key" echo $USAGE exit fi REDISHOST=$5 if [ -z "$5" ] then echo "Using Redis localhost" REDISHOST=localhost fi RPORT=$6 if [ -z "$6" ] then echo "Using Redis default port" RPORT=6379 fi REDISPW=$7 if [ -z "$7" ] then echo "Using Redis without password" REDISPW="" fi cwd=$(pwd) if [ ! -d "confs" ]; then mkdir confs fi PORT=$1 SECRET=$2 ORGID=$3 APIKEY=$4 IMAGE=tykio/tyk-hybrid-docker docker stop tyk_hybrid && docker rm tyk_hybrid docker pull $IMAGE:latest docker run --restart always -v $cwd/confs:/etc/nginx/sites-enabled \ -d --name tyk_hybrid \ -p $PORT:$PORT \ -p 80:80 \ -e PORT=$PORT \ -e SECRET=$SECRET \ -e ORGID=$ORGID \ -e APIKEY=$APIKEY \ -e REDISHOST=$REDISHOST \ -e REDISPW=$REDISPW \ -e RPORT=$RPORT \ -e BINDSLUG=1 \ $IMAGE # Add the following environment variable to disable the nginx service # -e DISABLENGINX=1 \ # Add the following environment variable to have the node bind URLs to API IDs instead of Slugs # -e BINDSLUG="" \ echo "Tyk Hybrid Node Running" echo "- To test the node, use port $PORT"