#!/bin/bash ###################################################### # Log ###################################################### export RED='\x1b[0;31m' export GREEN='\x1b[38;5;22m' export CYAN='\x1b[36m' export YELLOW='\x1b[33m' export NO_COLOR='\x1b[0m' if [ -z "${LOG_TITLE}" ]; then LOG_TITLE='' fi if [ -z "${LOG_LEVEL}" ]; then LOG_LEVEL="INFO" fi debug() { if [[ "${LOG_LEVEL}" == "DEBUG" ]]; then local log_title if [ -n "${LOG_TITLE}" ]; then log_title="(${LOG_TITLE})" else log_title='' fi echo -e "${GREEN}[DEBUG]${log_title} ${NO_COLOR}$1" fi } info() { if [[ "${LOG_LEVEL}" == "DEBUG" ]] ||\ [[ "${LOG_LEVEL}" == "INFO" ]]; then local log_title if [ -n "${LOG_TITLE}" ]; then log_title="(${LOG_TITLE})" else log_title='' fi echo -e "${CYAN}[INFO] ${log_title} ${NO_COLOR}$1" fi } warn() { if [[ "${LOG_LEVEL}" == "DEBUG" ]] ||\ [[ "${LOG_LEVEL}" == "INFO" ]] ||\ [[ "${LOG_LEVEL}" == "WARN" ]]; then local log_title if [ -n "${LOG_TITLE}" ]; then log_title="(${LOG_TITLE})" else log_title='' fi echo -e "${YELLOW}[WARN] ${log_title} ${NO_COLOR}$1" fi } error() { if [[ "${LOG_LEVEL}" == "DEBUG" ]] ||\ [[ "${LOG_LEVEL}" == "INFO" ]] ||\ [[ "${LOG_LEVEL}" == "WARN" ]] ||\ [[ "${LOG_LEVEL}" == "ERROR" ]]; then local log_title if [ -n "${LOG_TITLE}" ]; then log_title="(${LOG_TITLE})" else log_title='' fi echo -e "${RED}[ERROR]${log_title} ${NO_COLOR}$1" fi } ###################################################### # Check logics ###################################################### set_packages_and_check_cmd() { case $OS in *"debian"* | *"ubuntu"* ) CHECK_CMD='dpkg -l | grep -w' PACKAGES=(nfs-common open-iscsi) ;; *"centos"* | *"fedora"* | *"rocky"* | *"ol"* ) CHECK_CMD='rpm -q' PACKAGES=(nfs-utils iscsi-initiator-utils) ;; *"suse"* ) CHECK_CMD='rpm -q' PACKAGES=(nfs-client open-iscsi) ;; *"arch"* ) CHECK_CMD='pacman -Q' PACKAGES=(nfs-utils open-iscsi) ;; *"gentoo"* ) CHECK_CMD='qlist -I' PACKAGES=(net-fs/nfs-utils sys-block/open-iscsi) ;; *) CHECK_CMD='' PACKAGES=() warn "Stop the environment check because '$OS' is not supported in the environment check script." exit 1 ;; esac } detect_node_kernel_release() { local pod="$1" KERNEL_RELEASE=$(kubectl exec $pod -- nsenter --mount=/proc/1/ns/mnt -- bash -c 'uname -r') echo "$KERNEL_RELEASE" } detect_node_os() { local pod="$1" OS=$(kubectl exec $pod -- nsenter --mount=/proc/1/ns/mnt -- bash -c 'grep -E "^ID_LIKE=" /etc/os-release | cut -d= -f2') if [[ -z "${OS}" ]]; then OS=$(kubectl exec $pod -- nsenter --mount=/proc/1/ns/mnt -- bash -c 'grep -E "^ID=" /etc/os-release | cut -d= -f2') fi echo "$OS" } check_local_dependencies() { local targets=($@) local all_found=true for ((i=0; i<${#targets[@]}; i++)); do local target=${targets[$i]} if [ "$(which $target)" == "" ]; then all_found=false error "Not found: $target" fi done if [ "$all_found" == "false" ]; then msg="Please install missing dependencies: ${targets[@]}." info "$msg" exit 2 fi msg="Required dependencies '${targets[@]}' are installed." info "$msg" } create_ds() { cat < $TEMP_DIR/environment_check.yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: DaemonSet metadata: labels: app: longhorn-environment-check name: longhorn-environment-check spec: selector: matchLabels: app: longhorn-environment-check template: metadata: labels: app: longhorn-environment-check spec: hostPID: true containers: - name: longhorn-environment-check image: alpine:3.12 args: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "sleep 1000000000"] volumeMounts: - name: mountpoint mountPath: /tmp/longhorn-environment-check mountPropagation: Bidirectional securityContext: privileged: true volumes: - name: mountpoint hostPath: path: /tmp/longhorn-environment-check EOF kubectl create -f $TEMP_DIR/environment_check.yaml > /dev/null } cleanup() { info "Cleaning up longhorn-environment-check pods..." kubectl delete -f $TEMP_DIR/environment_check.yaml > /dev/null rm -rf $TEMP_DIR info "Cleanup completed." } wait_ds_ready() { while true; do local ds=$(kubectl get ds/longhorn-environment-check -o json) local numberReady=$(echo $ds | jq .status.numberReady) local desiredNumberScheduled=$(echo $ds | jq .status.desiredNumberScheduled) if [ "$desiredNumberScheduled" == "$numberReady" ] && [ "$desiredNumberScheduled" != "0" ]; then info "All longhorn-environment-check pods are ready ($numberReady/$desiredNumberScheduled)." return fi info "Waiting for longhorn-environment-check pods to become ready ($numberReady/$desiredNumberScheduled)..." sleep 3 done } check_mount_propagation() { local allSupported=true local pods=$(kubectl -l app=longhorn-environment-check get po -o json) local ds=$(kubectl get ds/longhorn-environment-check -o json) local desiredNumberScheduled=$(echo $ds | jq .status.desiredNumberScheduled) for ((i=0; i /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then all_found=false node=$(kubectl get ${pod} --no-headers -o=custom-columns=:.spec.nodeName) error "$package is not found in $node." fi done done if [ "$all_found" == "false" ]; then error "Please install missing packages." exit 2 fi info "Required packages are installed." } check_hostname_uniqueness() { hostnames=$(kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="Hostname")].address}') declare -A deduplicate_hostnames num_nodes=0 for hostname in ${hostnames}; do num_nodes=$((num_nodes+1)) deduplicate_hostnames["${hostname}"]="${hostname}" done if [ "${#deduplicate_hostnames[@]}" != "${num_nodes}" ]; then error "Nodes do not have unique hostnames." exit 2 fi info "Hostname uniqueness check is passed." } check_multipathd() { local pods=$(kubectl get pods -o name -l app=longhorn-environment-check) local all_not_found=true for pod in ${pods}; do kubectl exec $pod -- nsenter --mount=/proc/1/ns/mnt -- bash -c "systemctl status --no-pager multipathd.service" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = 0 ]; then all_not_found=false node=$(kubectl get ${pod} --no-headers -o=custom-columns=:.spec.nodeName) warn "multipathd is running on $node." fi done if [ "$all_not_found" == "false" ]; then warn "multipathd would probably result in the Longhorn volume mount failure. Please refer to https://longhorn.io/kb/troubleshooting-volume-with-multipath for more information." fi } verlte() { printf '%s\n' "$1" "$2" | sort -C -V } verlt() { ! verlte "$2" "$1" } check_kernel_release() { local pods=$(kubectl get pods -o name -l app=longhorn-environment-check) recommended_kernel_release="5.8" for pod in ${pods}; do local kernel=$(detect_node_kernel_release ${pod}) if verlt "$kernel" "$recommended_kernel_release" ; then local node=$(kubectl get ${pod} --no-headers -o=custom-columns=:.spec.nodeName) warn "Node $node has outdated kernel release: $kernel. Recommending kernel release >= $recommended_kernel_release" fi done } check_iscsid() { local pods=$(kubectl get pods -o name -l app=longhorn-environment-check) local all_found=true for pod in ${pods}; do kubectl exec $pod -- nsenter --mount=/proc/1/ns/mnt -- bash -c "systemctl status --no-pager iscsid.service" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then all_found=false node=$(kubectl get ${pod} --no-headers -o=custom-columns=:.spec.nodeName) error "iscsid is not running on $node." fi done if [ "$all_found" == "false" ]; then exit 2 fi } check_nfs_client_kernel_support() { local pods=$(kubectl get pods -o name -l app=longhorn-environment-check) local all_found=true local nfs_client_kernel_configs=("CONFIG_NFS_V4_1" "CONFIG_NFS_V4_2") for config in "${nfs_client_kernel_configs[@]}"; do declare -A nodes=() for pod in ${pods}; do local kernel_release=$(detect_node_kernel_release $pod) if [ x"$kernel_release" == x"" ]; then error "Unable to detect kernel release on node $node." exit 2 fi node=$(kubectl get ${pod} --no-headers -o=custom-columns=:.spec.nodeName) res=$(kubectl exec $pod -- nsenter --mount=/proc/1/ns/mnt -- bash -c "grep -E \"^# ${config} is not set\" /boot/config-${kernel_release}" > /dev/null 2>&1) if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then all_found=false nodes["${node}"]="${node}" else res=$(kubectl exec $pod -- nsenter --mount=/proc/1/ns/mnt -- bash -c "grep -E \"^${config}=\" /boot/config-${kernel_release}" > /dev/null 2>&1) if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then all_found=false warn "Unable to check kernel config ${config} on node ${node}" fi fi done if [ ${#nodes[@]} != 0 ]; then warn ""${config}" kernel config is not enabled on nodes ${nodes[*]}." fi done if [[ ${all_found} == false ]]; then warn "NFS client kernel support, ${nfs_client_kernel_configs[*]}, is not enabled on Longhorn nodes. Please refer to https://longhorn.io/docs/1.4.0/deploy/install/#installing-nfsv4-client for more information." fi } ###################################################### # Main logics ###################################################### DEPENDENCIES=("kubectl" "jq" "mktemp" "sort" "printf") check_local_dependencies "${DEPENDENCIES[@]}" # Check the each host has a unique hostname (for RWX volume) check_hostname_uniqueness # Create a daemonset for checking the requirements in each node TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d) trap cleanup EXIT create_ds wait_ds_ready check_nfs_client_kernel_support check_package_installed check_iscsid check_multipathd check_mount_propagation check_kernel_release exit 0