#!/bin/bash export RED='\x1b[0;31m' export NO_COLOR='\x1b[0m' usage () { echo "USAGE: $0 --aws-access-key \ " echo " --aws-secret-access-key \ " echo " --backup-url s3://backupbucket@ap-northeast-1/backupstore?backup=&volume= \ " echo " --output-file volume.raw \ " echo " --output-format raw \ " echo " --version " echo " --backing-file " echo "Restore a Longhorn backup to a raw image or a qcow2 image." echo "" echo " -u, --backup-url (Required) Backups S3/NFS URL. e.g., s3://backupbucket@us-east-1/backupstore?backup=backup-bd326da2c4414b02&volume=volumeexamplename" echo " -o, --output-file (Required) Output file, e.g., /tmp/restore/volume.raw" echo " -f, --output-format (Required) Output file format, e.g., raw or qcow2" echo " -v, --version (Required) Longhorn version, e.g., v1.3.2" echo " --aws-access-key (Optional) AWS credentials access key" echo " --aws-secret-access-key (Optional) AWS credentials access secret key" echo " --cifs-username (Optional) CIFS credentials username" echo " --cifs-password (Optional) CIFS credentials password" echo " -b, --backing-file (Optional) backing image. e.g., /tmp/backingfile.qcow2" echo " -h, --help Usage message" } error_invalid_params() { echo -e "${RED}[ERROR]Invalid params. Check the required params.${NO_COLOR}" usage exit 1 } while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in --aws-access-key) aws_access_key="$2" shift # past argument shift # past value ;; --aws-secret-access-key) aws_secret_access_key="$2" shift # past argument shift # past value ;; --cifs-username) cifs_username="$2" shift # past argument shift # past value ;; --cifs-password) cifs_password="$2" shift # past argument shift # past value ;; -u|--backup-url) backup_url="$2" shift # past argument shift # past value ;; -o|--output-file) output_file="$2" shift # past argument shift # past value ;; -f|--output-format) output_format="$2" shift # past argument shift # past value ;; -b|--backing-file) backing_file="$2" shift # past argument shift # past value ;; -v|--version) version="$2" shift # past argument shift # past value ;; -h|--help) usage exit 0 shift ;; *) error_invalid_params ;; esac done # Check the required parameters exits if [ -z "${backup_url}" ] || [ -z "${output_file}" ] || [ -z "${output_format}" ] || [ -z "${version}" ]; then error_invalid_params fi if [[ "${backup_url}" =~ ^[Ss]3 ]]; then if [ -z "${aws_access_key}" ] || [ -z "${aws_secret_access_key}" ]; then error_invalid_params fi fi # Compose the docker arguments if [[ "${backup_url}" =~ ^[Ss]3 ]]; then CUSTOMIZED_ARGS="-e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="${aws_access_key}" -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="${aws_secret_access_key}" " else CUSTOMIZED_ARGS="--cap-add SYS_ADMIN --security-opt apparmor:unconfined --cap-add DAC_READ_SEARCH" fi if [[ "${backup_url}" =~ ^cifs ]]; then CUSTOMIZED_ARGS+=" -e CIFS_USERNAME=${cifs_username} -e CIFS_PASSWORD=${cifs_password} " fi # Start restoring a backup to an image file. docker run ${CUSTOMIZED_ARGS} -v /tmp/restore:/tmp/restore \ longhornio/longhorn-engine:"${version}" longhorn backup \ restore-to-file ""${backup_url}"" \ --output-file "/tmp/restore/${output_file}" \ --output-format "${output_format}" \ --backing-file "${backing_file}"