# LOOT ignores anything that doesn't come under 'bash_tags', 'globals', # 'groups', or 'plugins', so a section like 'common' is useful for storing # data that gets re-used. prelude: common: # Message Anchors - &alreadyInX type: error content: 'Delete. Already included in %1%.' - &alreadyInOrFixedByX type: error content: 'Delete. Already included or otherwise fixed in %1%.' - &alsoUseX type: say content: 'It''s highly recommended that you also use %1%.' - &compatIssuesWithX type: say content: 'This plugin has compatibility issues with %1%. For more information, read this mod''s compatibility notes.' - &compatNotes type: say content: 'It is recommended that you read this mod''s [Compatibility Notes](%1%).' - &compatPatch type: say content: 'It is recommended that you check the following compatibility patch compilation for this mod: %1%' - &compatPatchForX type: say content: 'It is recommended that you check the following compatibility patch compilation for %1%: %2%' - &corrupt type: warn content: 'This file is corrupt and should not be used.' - &deactivateAfterCharacterCreation type: say content: 'Deactivate and/or uninstall this mod after character creation.' - &deleteOrDeactivateX type: error content: 'Delete or deactivate. %1%' subs: [ '' ] - &deletePlugin type: warn content: 'When using **%1%**, it''s recommended that you deactivate or delete this ESP file but keep the resources (e.g. meshes, textures) installed with this mod.' - &deprecated type: warn content: 'This file is deprecated and should no longer be used.' - &disableAfterGeneratingXwithY type: say content: 'This plugin may be disabled after generating **%1%** with **%2%**.' - &essentialFiles type: warn content: 'Another mod seems to be overwriting one of this mod''s essential files. Please ensure you''re using this mod''s version of %1% or a compatible version if available.' - &includesX type: say content: '%1% is included with this mod.' - &languageX type: say content: 'Language: %1%' - &mainQuestCompleted type: say content: 'Only use this plugin once the main quest of the game has been completed.' - &masterReassign type: say content: 'The **%1%** master must be reassigned to **%2%**.' - &missingRequirementXforY type: warn content: 'It appears you have installed **%2%**, but some of its requirements seem to be missing. Please ensure you have correctly installed **%1%**.' - &missingRequirementXforPlugin type: warn content: 'Some of this plugin''s requirements seem to be missing. Please ensure you have correctly installed **%1%**.' - &moddingPlugin type: error content: 'This plugin is a modding resource and should not be used in-game.' - &moveXFromYToZ type: say content: 'Move %1% from %2% to %3%.' - &obsolete type: warn content: 'Obsolete. Update to the latest version. %1%' subs: [ '' ] - &onlyUseSmashOrBash type: say content: 'Can be used with a %1% but would require additional work. A Smashed Patch or Bash Patch should be used independently of one another.' - &optional type: say content: 'This plugin is optional.' - &patch3rdParty type: say content: 'You seem to be using **%1%**, but you have not enabled a compatibility patch for this mod. A third party patch is available here: %2%' - &patcherScriptAvailable type: say content: '%1% patcher script available here: %2%' - &patchIncluded type: say content: 'You seem to be using **%1%**, but you have not enabled a compatibility patch for this mod. A compatibility patch is included with this plugin''s installer.' - &patchOutdated type: warn content: 'This patch is outdated and may not be compatible with the latest version of the patched mod.' - &patchProvided type: say content: 'You seem to be using **%1%**, but you have not enabled a compatibility patch for this mod. A compatibility patch is provided on this plugin''s mod page.' - &patchUnavailable type: warn content: 'A patch is required to make this mod fully compatible with %1%. None is currently available for download.' - &patchUpdateAvailable type: say content: 'Update Patch available: %1%' - &renameFile type: say content: 'Rename this file to %1%.' - &renameXtoY type: warn content: 'You need to rename %1% to %2% or this mod won''t work.' # Useful for when a plugin needs SkyUI, but shouldn't load after it (eg. when it's a master plugin). - &requiresMCM_X type: warn content: 'A **Mod Configuration Menu** is required for this mod to be fully functional. An **MCM** can be added by installing %1%.' - &requiresResources type: warn content: 'Requires resources (e.g. meshes, textures; not plugins) from %1%.' - &requiresX type: warn content: 'Requires: %1%' - &runAnimFramework type: say content: 'It appears you have **%1%** installed. Remember to run **%2%** every time you have installed or uninstalled %3%, or a %3%-based mod.' - &runxLODGen type: say content: 'If you add, remove, or update plugins that alter WRLD/CELL records, remember to update this module with **xLODGen**.' - &useBashTweakInstead type: say content: 'A Bashed Patch tweak can be used instead of this plugin. %1%' subs: [ '' ] condition: 'file("Bashed Patch.*\.esp")' - &useINITweakInstead type: say content: 'An INI tweak can be used instead of this plugin. %1%' subs: [ '' ] - &useInstead type: warn content: 'Use %1% instead.' - &useOnlyOneX type: error content: 'Use only one %1%.' - &useVersion type: error content: 'Use %1% version.' - &useVersionNon type: error content: 'Use non-%1% version.' - &versionOldX type: say content: 'It appears you do not have the latest version of %1%. Some mods may require functionality added in the latest version of %1% to work.' - &versionPrecedence type: error content: 'Delete %1% from %2%. %3%''s version must take precedence.' - &versionUpToDateX type: say content: 'Your %1% is up-to-date.' - &versionXIncY type: error content: 'Your installed version of %1% is not compatible with your version of %2%.' - &versionXofYorGreaterRequired type: error content: 'Requires version **%1%** or greater of **%2%**.' - &wildEdits type: warn content: 'This plugin contains [wild edits](https://tes5edit.github.io/docs/7-mod-cleaning-and-error-checking.html#WildEdits) and may require additional manual cleaning to not interfere with other mods. %1%' subs: [ '' ] # Cleaning Data Anchors - &quickClean util: '[EnderalEdit](https://www.nexusmods.com/enderal/mods/23/)' detail: 'A guide to cleaning plugins using xEdit can be found [here](https://tes5edit.github.io/docs/7-mod-cleaning-and-error-checking.html#ThreeEasyStepstocleanMods).' - &reqManualFix util: '[EnderalEdit](https://www.nexusmods.com/enderal/mods/23/)' detail: 'It is strongly recommended not to use mods that contain **deleted navmeshes** as they''re known to cause crashes. **Deleted navmeshes** must be corrected manually (a complex process that should be done by the mod author). More information on **deleted navmeshes** is provided [here](https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Fixing_Navmesh_Deletion_Tutorial).' # Global Anchors - &latestLOOTThread type: say content: '[Latest LOOT thread](%1%).' subs: [ 'https://loot.github.io/latest-thread/' ] common: [] bash_tags: - 'Actors.ACBS' - 'Actors.AIData' - 'Actors.AIPackages' - 'Actors.AIPackagesForceAdd' - 'Actors.CombatStyle' - 'Actors.DeathItem' - 'Actors.Factions' - 'Actors.Perks.Add' - 'Actors.Perks.Change' - 'Actors.Perks.Remove' - 'Actors.RecordFlags' - 'Actors.Spells' - 'Actors.SpellsForceAdd' - 'Actors.Stats' - 'Actors.Voice' - 'C.Acoustic' - 'C.Climate' - 'C.Encounter' - 'C.ForceHideLand' - 'C.ImageSpace' - 'C.Light' - 'C.Location' - 'C.LockList' - 'C.MiscFlags' - 'C.Music' - 'C.Name' - 'C.Owner' - 'C.RecordFlags' - 'C.Regions' - 'C.SkyLighting' - 'C.Water' - 'Deactivate' - 'Delev' - 'Destructible' - 'EffectStats' - 'Enchantments' - 'EnchantmentStats' - 'Filter' - 'Graphics' - 'Invent.Add' - 'Invent.Change' - 'Invent.Remove' - 'Keywords' - 'MustBeActiveIfImported' - 'Names' - 'NoMerge' - 'NPC.AIPackageOverrides' - 'NPC.AttackRace' - 'NPC.Class' - 'NPC.CrimeFaction' - 'NPC.DefaultOutfit' - 'NPC.Race' - 'ObjectBounds' - 'Outfits.Add' - 'Outfits.Remove' - 'R.AddSpells' - 'R.Body-Size-F' - 'R.Body-Size-M' - 'R.ChangeSpells' - 'R.Description' - 'R.Skills' - 'R.Stats' - 'R.Voice-F' - 'R.Voice-M' - 'Relations.Add' - 'Relations.Change' - 'Relations.Remove' - 'Relev' - 'Sound' - 'SpellStats' - 'Stats' - 'Text' globals: # Latest LOOT Thread - *latestLOOTThread groups: - name: &dlcGroup DLC description: 'A group for official downloadable content.' - name: &fixesGroup Fixes & Resources description: 'A group for modules that fix issues and bugs or add resources for other mods.' after: [ *dlcGroup ] - name: default after: [ *fixesGroup ] - name: &worldSettingsGroup Worldspace Settings description: 'A group for modules that need to be loaded late to preserve worldspace settings.' after: [ default ] - name: &dynamicPatchGroup Dynamic Patches description: 'A group for patches that are dynamically generated by modding tools.' after: [ *worldSettingsGroup ] - name: &dynamicLODGroup Dynamic LOD description: 'A group for modules that add dynamic distant LOD for objects.' after: [ *dynamicPatchGroup ] plugins: ###### Official Game Files ###### - name: 'Update.esm' url: - 'https://store.steampowered.com/app/933480/Enderal_Forgotten_Stories/' - 'https://store.steampowered.com/app/976620/Enderal_Forgotten_Stories_Special_Edition/' group: *dlcGroup clean: - crc: 0xF5E824B0 util: 'EnderalEdit v4.0.3' - crc: 0x462828DF util: 'EnderalSEEdit v4.0.3g' - name: 'Dawnguard.esm' url: [ 'https://store.steampowered.com/app/976620/Enderal_Forgotten_Stories_Special_Edition/' ] group: *dlcGroup - name: 'HearthFires.esm' url: [ 'https://store.steampowered.com/app/976620/Enderal_Forgotten_Stories_Special_Edition/' ] group: *dlcGroup - name: 'Dragonborn.esm' url: [ 'https://store.steampowered.com/app/976620/Enderal_Forgotten_Stories_Special_Edition/' ] group: *dlcGroup - name: 'Enderal - Forgotten Stories.esm' url: - 'https://store.steampowered.com/app/933480/Enderal_Forgotten_Stories/' - 'https://store.steampowered.com/app/976620/Enderal_Forgotten_Stories_Special_Edition/' group: *dlcGroup tag: - Delev - Relev dirty: - <<: *quickClean crc: 0xB3DFC9F7 util: '[EnderalEdit v4.0.3](https://www.nexusmods.com/enderal/mods/23)' itm: 5 udr: 55 - <<: *quickClean crc: 0xC7BC7AEA util: '[EnderalSEEdit v4.0.3g](https://www.nexusmods.com/enderalspecialedition/mods/78)' itm: 112 udr: 61 - name: 'SkyUI_SE.esp' url: [ 'https://store.steampowered.com/app/976620/Enderal_Forgotten_Stories_Special_Edition/' ] group: *dlcGroup ###### Fixes ###### - name: 'Enderal - Bug Fixes.esp' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/enderal/mods/176/' ] group: *fixesGroup tag: [ Delev ] - name: 'Enderal SE - Bug Fixes.esp' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/enderalspecialedition/mods/2/' ] group: *fixesGroup tag: [ Delev ] ###### Modding Tools - Generated Files ###### - name: 'Bashed Patch.*\.esp' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/enderal/mods/97/' ] group: *dynamicPatchGroup - name: 'DynDOLOD.esp' url: - link: 'https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59721/' name: 'Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD' group: *dynamicLODGroup - name: 'Occlusion.esp' url: - link: 'https://stepmodifications.org/forum/topic/13451-xlodgen-terrain-lod-beta-76-for-fnv-fo3-fo4-fo4vr-tes5-sse-tes5vr-enderal-enderalse/' name: 'xLODGen Occlusion' group: *dynamicLODGroup after: [ 'DynDOLOD.esp' ] msg: [ *runxLODGen ] ###### Gameplay ###### - name: 'Enderal - Dynamic Fast Travel.esp' url: - 'https://www.nexusmods.com/enderal/mods/120/' - 'https://www.nexusmods.com/enderalspecialedition/mods/16/' group: *worldSettingsGroup clean: - crc: 0xD6E63CF5 util: 'EnderalEdit v4.0.3' - crc: 0x80C83D55 util: 'EnderalSEEdit v4.0.3g' - name: 'Enderal Fast Travel EV.esp' url: - link: 'https://www.nexusmods.com/enderal/mods/5/' name: 'Enderal Fast Travel EV' group: *worldSettingsGroup msg: - <<: *alreadyInOrFixedByX subs: [ '**Enderal - Dynamic Fast Travel.esp**' ] condition: 'active("Enderal - Dynamic Fast Travel.esp")' - <<: *obsolete subs: [ '[Dynamic Fast Travel](https://www.nexusmods.com/enderal/mods/120/)' ] condition: 'not active("Enderal - Dynamic Fast Travel.esp")' ###### Items ###### - name: 'Enderal SE - Crossbows.esp' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/enderalspecialedition/mods/4/' ] tag: - Invent.Add - Invent.Remove msg: - <<: *alreadyInX subs: [ 'Enderal SE - Gameplay Overhaul.esp' ] condition: 'active("Enderal SE - Gameplay Overhaul.esp")' clean: - crc: 0x73625F44 util: 'EnderalSEEdit v4.0.3g'