# LOOT ignores anything that doesn't come under 'bash_tags', 'globals', # 'groups', or 'plugins', so a section like 'common' is useful for storing # data that gets re-used. prelude: common: # Message Anchors - &alreadyInX type: error content: 'Delete. Already included in {0}.' - &alreadyInOrFixedByX type: error content: 'Delete. Already included or otherwise fixed in {0}.' - &alsoUseX type: say content: 'It''s highly recommended that you also use {0}.' - &compatIssuesWithX type: say content: 'This plugin has compatibility issues with {0}. For more information, read this mod''s compatibility notes.' - &compatNotes type: say content: 'It is recommended that you read this mod''s [Compatibility Notes]({0}).' - &compatPatch type: say content: 'It is recommended that you check the following compatibility patch compilation for this mod: {0}' - &compatPatchForX type: say content: 'It is recommended that you check the following compatibility patch compilation for {0}: {1}' - &corrupt type: warn content: 'This file is corrupt and should not be used.' - &deactivateAfterCharacterCreation type: say content: 'Deactivate and/or uninstall this mod after character creation.' - &deleteOrDeactivateX type: error content: 'Delete or deactivate. {0}' subs: [ '' ] - &deletePlugin type: warn content: 'When using **{0}**, it''s recommended that you deactivate or delete this ESP file but keep the resources (e.g. meshes, textures) installed with this mod.' - &deprecated type: warn content: 'This file is deprecated and should no longer be used.' - &disableAfterGeneratingXwithY type: say content: 'This plugin may be disabled after generating **{0}** with **{1}**.' - &essentialFiles type: warn content: 'Another mod seems to be overwriting one of this mod''s essential files. Please ensure you''re using this mod''s version of {0} or a compatible version if available.' - &includesX type: say content: '{0} is included with this mod.' - &languageX type: say content: 'Language: {0}' - &mainQuestCompleted type: say content: 'Only use this plugin once the main quest of the game has been completed.' - &masterReassign type: say content: 'The **{0}** master must be reassigned to **{1}**.' - &missingRequirementXforY type: warn content: 'It appears you have installed **{1}**, but some of its requirements seem to be missing. Please ensure you have correctly installed **{0}**.' - &missingRequirementXforPlugin type: warn content: 'Some of this plugin''s requirements seem to be missing. Please ensure you have correctly installed **{0}**.' - &moddingPlugin type: error content: 'This plugin is a modding resource and should not be used in-game.' - &moveXFromYToZ type: say content: 'Move {0} from {1} to {2}.' - &obsolete type: warn content: 'Obsolete. Update to the latest version. {0}' subs: [ '' ] - &optional type: say content: 'This plugin is optional.' - &patch3rdParty type: say content: 'You seem to be using **{0}**, but you have not enabled a compatibility patch for this mod. A third party patch is available here: {1}' - &patcherScriptAvailable type: say content: '{0} patcher script available here: {1}' - &patchIncluded type: say content: 'You seem to be using **{0}**, but you have not enabled a compatibility patch for this mod. A compatibility patch is included with this plugin''s installer.' - &patchOutdated type: warn content: 'This patch is outdated and may not be compatible with the latest version of the patched mod.' - &patchProvided type: say content: 'You seem to be using **{0}**, but you have not enabled a compatibility patch for this mod. A compatibility patch is provided on this plugin''s mod page.' - &patchUnavailable type: warn content: 'A patch is required to make this mod fully compatible with {0}. None is currently available for download.' - &patchUpdateAvailable type: say content: 'Update Patch available: {0}' - &renameFile type: say content: 'Rename this file to {0}.' - &renameXtoY type: warn content: 'You need to rename {0} to {1} or this mod won''t work.' - &requiresResources type: warn content: 'Requires resources (e.g. meshes, textures; not plugins) from {0}.' - &requiresX type: warn content: 'Requires: {0}' - &runAnimFramework type: say content: 'It appears you have **{0}** installed. Remember to run **{1}** every time you have installed or uninstalled {2}, or a {2}-based mod.' - &useBashTweakInstead type: say content: 'A Bashed Patch tweak can be used instead of this plugin. {0}' subs: [ '' ] condition: 'file("Bashed Patch.*\.esp")' - &useINITweakInstead type: say content: 'An INI tweak can be used instead of this plugin. {0}' subs: [ '' ] - &useInstead type: warn content: 'Use {0} instead.' - &useOnlyOneX type: error content: 'Use only one {0}.' - &useVersion type: error content: 'Use {0} version.' - &useVersionNon type: error content: 'Use non-{0} version.' - &versionOldX type: say content: 'It appears you do not have the latest version of {0}. Some mods may require functionality added in the latest version of {0} to work.' - &versionPrecedence type: error content: 'Delete {0} from {1}. {2}''s version must take precedence.' - &versionUpToDateX type: say content: 'Your {0} is up-to-date.' - &versionXIncY type: error content: 'Your installed version of {0} is not compatible with your version of {1}.' - &versionXofYorGreaterRequired type: error content: 'Requires version **{0}** or greater of **{1}**.' # Global Anchors - &incompatible type: error content: '{0} is incompatible with {1}, but both are present.' - &latestLOOTThread type: say content: '[Latest LOOT thread]({0}).' subs: [ 'https://loot.github.io/latest-thread/' ] - &supersede type: warn content: 'You seem to be using **{0}**, but it has been superseded. It is recommended that you use **{1}** instead.' common: [] bash_tags: [] globals: # Latest LOOT Thread - *latestLOOTThread groups: - name: &veryEarlyGroup Very Early Loaders description: 'A group for modules that need to load early before DLC files.' - name: &dlcGroup DLC after: [ *veryEarlyGroup ] - name: &fixesGroup Fixes description: 'A group for modules that fix issues and bugs.' after: [ *dlcGroup ] - name: &earlyLoadersGroup Early Loaders description: 'A group for modules that should load early before most other mods.' after: [ *fixesGroup ] - name: default after: [ *earlyLoadersGroup ] - name: &dynamicPatchGroup Dynamic Patches after: [ default ] plugins: ###### Official Game Files ###### - name: 'Tribunal.esm' group: *dlcGroup - name: 'Bloodmoon.esm' group: *dlcGroup after: [ 'Tribunal.esm' ] ###### Official Mods ###### - name: '(adamantiumarmor|AreaEffectArrows|bcsounds|EBQ_Artifact|entertainers|LeFemmArmor|master_index|Siege at Firemoth).esp' url: - link: 'https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Plugins' name: 'Morrowind Official Plugins on UESP.net' - link: 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/43931/' name: 'Unofficial Morrowind Official Plugins Patched' group: *earlyLoadersGroup msg: - <<: *alreadyInX subs: [ 'Unofficial Morrowind Official Plugins Patched' ] condition: 'active("Unofficial Morrowind Official Plugins Patched.ESP")' - <<: *deletePlugin subs: [ '"Unofficial Morrowind Official Plugins Patched.ESP"' ] condition: 'active("Unofficial Morrowind Official Plugins Patched.ESP")' - name: '\[Official\](Adamantium Armor|Area Effect Arrows|Bitter Coast Sounds|Helm of Tohan|Entertainers|LeFemm Armor|Master Index|Siege at Firemoth)\.esp' url: - link: 'http://download.fliggerty.com/download-13-1079' name: 'Morrowind Official Plugins on fliggerty.com' group: *earlyLoadersGroup inc: [ 'Unofficial Morrowind Official Plugins Patched.ESP' ] msg: - <<: *alreadyInX subs: [ 'Unofficial Morrowind Official Plugins Patched' ] condition: 'active("Unofficial Morrowind Official Plugins Patched.ESP")' - name: '(Adamantium Armor|Area Effect Arrows|Helm of Tohan|Master Index|Siege at Firemoth) Naturalized\.esp' url: - link: 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/51107/' name: 'Bethesda Official Plugins Naturalized' group: *earlyLoadersGroup inc: [ 'Unofficial Morrowind Official Plugins Patched.ESP' ] - name: '(adamantiumarmor|(\[Official\])?Adamantium Armor( Naturalized)?)\.esp' after: - 'AreaEffectArrows.esp' - 'bcsounds.esp' - 'EBQ_Artifact.esp' - 'entertainers.esp' - 'LeFemmArmor.esp' - 'master_index.esp' - '[Official]Area Effect Arrows.esp' - '[Official]Bitter Coast Sounds.esp' - '[Official]Entertainers.esp' - '[Official]Helm of Tohan.esp' - '[Official]LeFemm Armor.esp' - '[Official]Master Index.esp' - 'Area Effect Arrows Naturalized.esp' - 'Helm of Tohan Naturalized.esp' - 'Master Index Naturalized.esp' msg: - <<: *useOnlyOneX subs: [ '"Adamantium Armor"' ] condition: 'many("(adamantiumarmor|(\[Official\])?Adamantium Armor( Naturalized)?)\.esp")' - name: '(AreaEffectArrows|(\[Official\])?Area Effect Arrows( Naturalized)?)\.esp' after: - 'bcsounds.esp' - 'entertainers.esp' - '[Official]Bitter Coast Sounds.esp' - '[Official]Entertainers.esp' msg: - <<: *useOnlyOneX subs: [ '"Area Effect Arrows"' ] condition: 'many("(AreaEffectArrows|(\[Official\])?Area Effect Arrows( Naturalized)?)\.esp")' - name: '(bcsounds|\[Official\]Bitter Coast Sounds)\.esp' after: - 'entertainers.esp' - '[Official]Entertainers.esp' msg: - <<: *useOnlyOneX subs: [ '"Bitter Coast Sounds"' ] condition: 'many("(bcsounds|\[Official\]Bitter Coast Sounds)\.esp")' - name: '(EBQ_Artifact|(\[Official\])?Helm of Tohan( Naturalized)?)\.esp' after: - 'AreaEffectArrows.esp' - 'bcsounds.esp' - 'entertainers.esp' - '[Official]Area Effect Arrows.esp' - '[Official]Bitter Coast Sounds.esp' - '[Official]Entertainers.esp' - 'Area Effect Arrows Naturalized.esp' msg: - <<: *useOnlyOneX subs: [ '"EBQ_Artifact" or "Helm of Tohan"' ] condition: 'many("(EBQ_Artifact|(\[Official\])?Helm of Tohan( Naturalized)?)\.esp")' - name: '(entertainers|\[Official\]Entertainers)\.esp' msg: - <<: *useOnlyOneX subs: [ '"Entertainers"' ] condition: 'many("(entertainers|\[Official\]Entertainers)\.esp")' - name: 'LeFemmArmor.esp' url: - link: 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42560/' name: 'Expanded LeFemm Armor' - name: '(LeFemmArmor|\[Official\]LeFemm Armor)\.esp' after: - 'AreaEffectArrows.esp' - 'bcsounds.esp' - 'EBQ_Artifact.esp' - 'entertainers.esp' - 'master_index.esp' - '[Official]Area Effect Arrows.esp' - '[Official]Bitter Coast Sounds.esp' - '[Official]Entertainers.esp' - '[Official]Helm of Tohan.esp' - '[Official]Master Index.esp' - 'Area Effect Arrows Naturalized.esp' - 'Helm of Tohan Naturalized.esp' - 'Master Index Naturalized.esp' msg: - <<: *useOnlyOneX subs: [ '"LeFemm Armor"' ] condition: 'many("(LeFemmArmor|\[Official\]LeFemm Armor)\.esp")' - name: '(master_index|(\[Official\])?Master Index( Naturalized)?)\.esp' after: - 'AreaEffectArrows.esp' - 'bcsounds.esp' - 'EBQ_Artifact.esp' - 'entertainers.esp' - '[Official]Area Effect Arrows.esp' - '[Official]Bitter Coast Sounds.esp' - '[Official]Entertainers.esp' - '[Official]Helm of Tohan.esp' - 'Area Effect Arrows Naturalized.esp' - 'Helm of Tohan Naturalized.esp' msg: - <<: *useOnlyOneX subs: [ '"Master Index"' ] condition: 'many("(master_index|(\[Official\])?Master Index( Naturalized)?)\.esp")' - name: '(\[Official\])?Siege at Firemoth( Naturalized)?\.esp' after: - 'adamantiumarmor.esp' - 'AreaEffectArrows.esp' - 'bcsounds.esp' - 'EBQ_Artifact.esp' - 'entertainers.esp' - 'LeFemmArmor.esp' - 'master_index.esp' - '[Official]Adamantium Armor.esp' - '[Official]Area Effect Arrows.esp' - '[Official]Bitter Coast Sounds.esp' - '[Official]Entertainers.esp' - '[Official]Helm of Tohan.esp' - '[Official]LeFemm Armor.esp' - '[Official]Master Index.esp' - 'Adamantium Armor Naturalized.esp' - 'Area Effect Arrows Naturalized.esp' - 'Helm of Tohan Naturalized.esp' - 'Master Index Naturalized.esp' msg: - <<: *useOnlyOneX subs: [ '"Siege at Firemoth"' ] condition: 'many("(\[Official\])?Siege at Firemoth( Naturalized)?\.esp")' - name: 'Unofficial Morrowind Official Plugins Patched.ESP' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/43931/' ] group: *earlyLoadersGroup ###### Base Game Patches ###### - name: 'Patch for Purists.*\.es(m|p)' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/45096/' ] group: *fixesGroup - name: 'Patch for Purists( - Base Patch)?\.esm' inc: - 'gr_ScriptImprovements.esm' - 'gr_ScriptImprovements.esp' - 'Morrowind Patch v1.2.2.esm' - 'Morrowind Patch v1.6.3.esm' - 'Morrowind Patch v1.6.4.esm' - 'Morrowind Patch v1.6.5-BETA.esm' - 'Morrowind Patch 1.6.5 Beta (BTB Edit).esm' - 'Morrowind Patch v1.6.5d_beta.esm' - 'Morrowind Patch v1.6.6_beta.esm' - 'Morrowind Rebirth [Main].ESP' msg: - <<: *useInstead type: error subs: [ 'Morrowind Patch Project 1.6.5 [For Rebirth].esm' ] condition: 'active("Morrowind Rebirth [Main].ESP")' - name: 'Patch for Purists.esm' msg: - <<: *obsolete condition: 'version("Patch for Purists.esm", "3.1.2", <)' - type: say content: - lang: en text: 'Legacy version. Only recommended for old saves.' - lang: bg text: 'Версията е стара. Изисква се само за стари записи.' - lang: de text: 'Alt-Version. Ausschließlich für alte Speicherstände empfohlen.' condition: 'version("Patch for Purists.esm", "3.1.2", <)' - name: 'Patch for Purists - (Base Patch|(Book|Dialogue|Statistic) Typos|Floating Rocks|Expansion Implementation|Dialogue Inconsistencies)\.esm' msg: - *obsolete - type: say content: - lang: en text: 'Legacy version. Only recommended for old saves.' - lang: bg text: 'Версията е стара. Изисква се само за стари записи.' - lang: de text: 'Alt-Version. Ausschließlich für alte Speicherstände empfohlen.' - name: 'Patch for Purists - Base Patch.esm' after: [ 'Patch for Purists - Dialogue Typos.esm' ] - name: 'Patch for Purists - Book Typos.esm' after: - name: 'Patch for Purists - Dialogue Typos.esm' - name: 'Patch for Purists - Base Patch.esm' - name: 'Patch for Purists - Floating Rocks.esm' after: - name: 'Patch for Purists - Dialogue Typos.esm' - name: 'Patch for Purists - Base Patch.esm' - name: 'Patch for Purists - Book Typos.esm' - name: 'Patch for Purists - Expansion Implementation.esm' after: - name: 'Patch for Purists - Dialogue Typos.esm' - name: 'Patch for Purists - Base Patch.esm' - name: 'Patch for Purists - Book Typos.esm' - name: 'Patch for Purists - Floating Rocks.esm' - name: 'Patch for Purists - Dialogue Inconsistencies.esm' after: - name: 'Patch for Purists - Dialogue Typos.esm' - name: 'Patch for Purists - Base Patch.esm' - name: 'Patch for Purists - Book Typos.esm' - name: 'Patch for Purists - Floating Rocks.esm' - name: 'Patch for Purists - Expansion Implementation.esm' - name: 'Patch for Purists - Statistic Typos.esm' after: - name: 'Patch for Purists - Dialogue Typos.esm' - name: 'Patch for Purists - Base Patch.esm' - name: 'Patch for Purists - Book Typos.esm' - name: 'Patch for Purists - Floating Rocks.esm' - name: 'Patch for Purists - Expansion Implementation.esm' - name: 'Patch for Purists - Dialogue Inconsistencies.esm' ###### Modding Tools - Resources ###### - name: 'Rem_(A[CILT]|BC|GL|LOCM?|RR|Solstheim|VM|WG)(_TR)?\.esp' url: - link: 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46733/' name: 'Remiros'' Groundcover' msg: - <<: *moddingPlugin condition: 'active("Rem_(A[CILT]|BC|GL|LOCM?|RR|Solstheim|VM|WG)(_TR)?\.esp")' ###### Modding Tools - Generated Files ###### - name: '(Merged Objects|multipatch)\.esp' url: - link: 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46870/' name: 'TES3Merge' group: *dynamicPatchGroup - name: 'Merged Objects.esp' msg: - type: say content: - lang: en text: 'Regenerate after adding or removing mods that change or add in-game items. Use {0}.' - lang: bg text: 'Презаредете приставката след добавяне или премахване на модификации, които променят или добавят предмети в играта. Използвайте {0}.' subs: [ '[TES3Merge](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46870/)' ] - name: 'multipatch.esp' after: [ 'Merged Objects.esp' ] msg: - type: say content: - lang: en text: 'Regenerate after adding or removing mods or generating {0}.' - lang: bg text: 'Презаредете приставката след добавяне или премахване на модификации, или промяна на {0}.' subs: [ '[**Merged Objects.esp**](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46870/)' ] - type: say content: - lang: en text: 'Delete before generating {0} to avoid cyclic dependency.' - lang: bg text: 'Изтрийте приставката, преди промяна на {0}, за да избегнете циклична зависимост.' subs: [ '[**Merged Objects.esp**](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46870/)' ] ###### Resources & Frameworks ###### - name: 'OAAB_Data.esm' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49042/' ] group: *earlyLoadersGroup - name: 'Tamriel_Data.esm' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/44537/' ] group: *earlyLoadersGroup ###### Fixes ###### - name: 'correctUV Ore Replacer_(fixed|respawning)\.esp' url: - link: 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46599/' name: 'Graphic Herbalism - MWSE and OpenMW Edition' inc: - 'correctUV Ore Replacer 1.0.esp' - 'Graphic Herbalism.esp' - 'Graphic Herbalism Extra.esp' - 'Graphic Herbalism Extra (Correct UV).esp' - 'Graphic Herbalism TR.ESP' - 'Graphic Herbalism TR Extra.ESP' msg: - <<: *useOnlyOneX subs: [ 'Correct UV Diverse Ore Replacer ESP' ] condition: 'many("correctUV Ore Replacer_(fixed|respawning)\.esp")' - name: 'gr_ScriptImprovements.es(m|p)' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/43828/' ] msg: - <<: *alreadyInX subs: [ 'Patch for Purists' ] condition: 'active("Patch for Purists.esm") or active("Patch for Purists - Base Patch.esm")' - <<: *useOnlyOneX subs: [ '"Script Improvements" version' ] condition: 'many("gr_ScriptImprovements.es(m|p)")' ###### AudioVisual ###### - name: 'Better Propylon Teleport Warp(-Master Index)?\.esp' url: - link: 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46364/' name: 'Pikas Miscellaneous Mods' msg: - <<: *useOnlyOneX subs: [ 'Better Propylon Teleport Warp ESP' ] condition: 'many("Better Propylon Teleport Warp(-Master Index)?\.esp")' - name: 'Better Propylon Teleport Warp-Master Index.esp' after: [ 'MasterIndexRedux.esp' ] req: - name: 'master_index.esp' display: '[Master Index Plugin](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42985/) **OR** [Unofficial Morrowind Official Plugins Patched](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/43931/) (**master-index.esp**)' condition: 'not active("MasterIndexRedux.esp")' ###### AudioVisual - Animations & Physics ###### ###### AudioVisual - Models & Textures ###### ###### AudioVisual - Sound & Music ###### - name: 'k_weather( \(louder sounds\))?\.esp' url: - link: 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49278/' name: 'Kirel''s Interior Weather' msg: - <<: *useOnlyOneX subs: [ 'Kirel''s Interior Weather ESP' ] condition: 'many("k_weather( \(louder sounds\))?\.esp")' ###### AudioVisual - Water ###### ###### AudioVisual - Weather & Lighting ###### ###### Character Appearance ###### - name: 'Improved Argonians.esp' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/45918/' ] after: [ 'New Argonian Bodies - Clean.esp' ] inc: - 'Slof''s BB neck fix.esp' - 'Slof''s Better Beasts a.esp' - 'Slof''s Better Beasts b.esp' - 'Slof''s Civilised Beasts.esp' - 'Wey_New_Argonians.ESP' ###### Environment, Landscape & Flora ###### - name: 'Better Landscapes Stonewood Pass (RP Edit).esp' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49464/' ] after: - 'DD_Caldera_Expansion.esp' - 'Foyada Mamaea Overhaul.ESP' - 'Order_Of_Sanctity.ESP' - 'Walkers of Morrowind.esp' - name: 'distant_seafloor_2.00.esm' url: - link: 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/50796/' name: 'Distant Seafloor for OpenMW' group: *veryEarlyGroup after: ['Tribunal.esm'] ###### Gameplay ###### - name: 'Immersive_corprus.esp' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/44961/' ] after: - 'Main Quest Overhaul.esp' - 'Sixth House.esp' - name: 'NOM 3.0.esp' url: [ 'https://mw.modhistory.com/download-35-12114' ] after: - 'ab01HousesMerged.esp' - 'ab01housesMergedNOM.esp' - 'abotGuards.esp' - 'abotGuardsBM.esp' - 'abotGuardsTR2101.esp' - 'Apothecary''s Demise.esp' - 'ARCDX - Alternative Music.esp' - 'ARCDX - Lightweight.esp' - 'ARCDX - NOMv3 Compatible.esp' - 'Ascadian Rose Cottage DX.esm' - 'Ascadian_Rose_Cottage_ver1.0.esp' - 'Better Clothes Complete.ESP' - 'Better Clothes_v1.1.esp' - 'Better Clothes_v1.1_nac.esp' - 'Korobal.esp' - 'Morrowind Crafting 2-1.esp' - 'Morrowind Crafting Equipment.esp' - 'Morrowind Crafting Houses.esp' - 'Sentinel+Serendipity.esp' - name: 'NOM3_PT SO.esp' after: - 'ab01HousesMerged.esp' - 'ab01housesMergedNOM.esp' - 'abotGuards.esp' - 'abotGuardsBM.esp' - 'abotGuardsTR2101.esp' - 'Apothecary''s Demise.esp' - 'ARCDX - Alternative Music.esp' - 'ARCDX - Lightweight.esp' - 'ARCDX - NOMv3 Compatible.esp' - 'Ascadian Rose Cottage DX.esm' - 'Ascadian_Rose_Cottage_ver1.0.esp' - 'Better Clothes Complete.ESP' - 'Better Clothes_v1.1.esp' - 'Better Clothes_v1.1_nac.esp' - 'Korobal.esp' - 'Morrowind Crafting 2-1.esp' - 'Morrowind Crafting Equipment.esp' - 'Morrowind Crafting Houses.esp' - 'Sentinel+Serendipity.esp' - name: 'NoM_CoM Compatibility Patch.esp' url: [ 'https://mw.modhistory.com/download-35-12114' ] after: - 'MW_Children_1_0.esm' - 'NOM3.0.esp' - 'NOM3_PT SO.esp' - 'NoM_Creatures Loot Standard.esp' - 'NoM_MC Compatibility Patch.esp' - name: 'NoM_Creatures Loot Standard.esp' url: [ 'https://mw.modhistory.com/download-35-12114' ] after: - 'NOM3.0.esp' - 'NOM3_PT SO.esp' - name: 'NoM_Creatures Loot PHW.esp' url: [ 'https://mw.modhistory.com/download-35-12114' ] after: - 'NOM3.0.esp' - 'NOM3_PT SO.esp' - name: 'NoM_MC Compatibility Patch.esp' url: [ 'https://mw.modhistory.com/download-35-12114' ] after: - 'Morrowind Crafting 2-1.esp' - 'Morrowind Crafting 3b1.ESP' - 'NOM3.0.esp' - 'NOM3_PT SO.esp' - 'NoM_Creatures Loot Standard.esp' ###### Gameplay - Character Classes & Races ###### ###### Gameplay - Combat ###### ###### Gameplay - Crafting & Harvesting ###### ###### Gameplay - Economy & Item Balance ###### - name: 'Ownership Overhaul\.es[mp]' url: - link: 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/48051/' name: 'Ownership Overhaul' group: *fixesGroup msg: - <<: *useOnlyOneX subs: [ 'Ownership Overhaul plugin' ] condition: 'many("Ownership Overhaul\.es[mp]")' ###### Gameplay - Mount & Follower Managers ###### ###### Gameplay - NPC Balance & Distribution ###### ###### Gameplay - NPC Behaviour & Dialogue ###### ###### Gameplay - Quests ###### - name: 'Guild of Vampire Hunters.esp' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/45832/' ] after: - 'Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP' - 'NX9_StuddedArmor.esp' - name: 'Imperial Legion Expansion.esp' url: - link: 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/44469/' name: 'Imperial Legion Expansion' inc: - 'dukesarmor.ESP' - 'Imperial Legion Goods.esp' - 'Legionpapers.esp' - 'Publius_Claudius_Follower.ESP' - name: 'LuceEdit - Guild of Vampire Hunters.esp' url: - 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/47224/' - 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49231/' after: - 'Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP' - 'Glass Domes of Vivec.esp' - 'Mixed Cantons of Vivec.esp' - 'No-Frills Open Vivec.esp' - name: 'Main_Quest_Overhaul.ESP' url: - link: 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46913/' name: 'Main Quest Overhaul' inc: - 'Ashlander Quests.ESP' - 'Consequences for Looting the Andrano Tomb.ESP' - 'Exterminate all the Brutes.ESP' - 'Hortator.ESP' - 'Imperialist Nerevarine.ESP' - 'Joinable Sixth House - So to Speak.ESP' - 'Living With Caius.ESP' - 'Nationalist Nerevarine.ESP' - 'Past Life Regressions.ESP' - 'Refuse the Main Quest.ESP' - 'Sixth House Smugglers.ESP' - 'Vampire_Nerevarine.ESP' - name: 'Ministry_of_Clarity.ESP' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46093/' ] after: [ 'Clean_Mines & Caverns.esp' ] - name: 'Religions Elaborated.ESP' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/47843/' ] after: - 'Imperial_Legion_Expansion.esp' - 'More Exclusive Factions.ESP' - 'SwampFever.ESP' - name: 'ROHT_2_0_8.ESP' url: - 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/48225/' - 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49231/' after: [ 'Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP' ] inc: [ 'BOM_ROHT_Patch.ESP' ] req: - name: 'Rise of House Telvanni.esm' display: '[Rise of House Telvanni.esm](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/27545/)' - name: 'The_Vanilla_Quest_Tweaks_RP_Choices_Consequences_Super_Mega_Package_-_Ultimate_Edition.ESP' url: - link: 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/47466/' name: 'The Vanilla Quest Tweaks RP Choices Consequences Super Mega Package - Ultimate Edition' after: [ 'Religions Elaborated.ESP' ] inc: - 'A Cure for Vampirism - Skink''s Solution.ESP' - 'Champion of Clutter.ESP' - 'Duel of Honor - Improve the Chances.ESP' - 'Fargoth in Distress.ESP' - 'Fort Moonmoth Fundraiser Dinner.ESP' - 'Harvest''s End Festival.ESP' - 'Hentus Needs Pants Overhaul.ESP' - 'Hiring Guards for the Redoran Stronghold - Honorable Solution.ESP' - 'Immersive Neloth Reward.ESP' - 'Libertarian Magical Services.ESP' - 'Morrowind - Immanuel Kant Edition.ESP' - 'Oath to Saint Roris Instead.ESP' - 'Pacifist Options - When it Makes Sense.ESP' - 'Redoran Founder''s Helm Add On- Honor the Ancestors.ESP' - 'Strange Man at Gindrala Hleran''s House Overhaul.ESP' - 'Teach Nels Llendo a Lesson.ESP' - 'The Corpse and the Skooma Pipe Overhaul.ESP' - 'The Frostmoth Smugglers - Properly Rewarded.ESP' - 'Thelas'' Pillows Overhaul.ESP' - 'Therana vs Trerayna.ESP' - name: 'Thieves_Guild_Overhaul( - Purist Ahnassi Romance version)?\.ESP' url: - link: 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49944/' name: 'Thieves'' Guild Overhaul' inc: - 'Bal Molagmer Add-on.ESP' - 'Lore-friendly Bal Molagmer Gloves.ESP' - 'More Redoran Master Helms.ESP' - 'Plunder the Dungeon.ESP' - 'Smooth Moves - Romancing Ahnassi.esp' - 'Thieves Guild in Gnaar Mok.ESP' - 'Wanted Posters.ESP' msg: - <<: *useOnlyOneX subs: [ 'Thieves'' Guild Overhaul ESP' ] condition: 'many("Thieves_Guild_Overhaul( - Purist Ahnassi Romance version)?\.ESP")' ###### Gameplay - Skills & Abilities ###### ###### Gameplay - User Interface ###### ###### Gameplay - User Interface - Map markers ###### ###### Gameplay - User Interface - Maps ###### ###### Locations - New Lands ###### - name: 'TR_(Mainland|Factions|Firemoth_Vanilla_patch)\.es[mp]' url: - link: 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42145/' name: 'Tamriel Rebuilt' - name: 'TR_Mainland.esm' msg: - <<: *patchIncluded subs: [ 'Siege at Firemoth' ] condition: '(active("Siege at Firemoth.esp") or active("Unofficial Morrowind Official Plugins Patched.ESP")) and not active("TR_Firemoth_Vanilla_patch.esp")' - name: 'TR_Factions.esp' after: [ 'higher faction requirements - Full.ESP' ] - name: 'TR_Firemoth_Vanilla_patch.esp' req: - name: 'Siege at Firemoth.esp' display: '[Siege at Firemoth](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42982/) or [Unofficial Morrowind Official Plugins Patched](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/43931/)' condition: 'not file("Unofficial Morrowind Official Plugins Patched.ESP") or not file("[Official]Siege at Firemoth.esp")' ###### Locations - New Structures & Landmarks ###### ###### Locations - Overhauls ###### - name: 'Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49231/' ] after: - 'BCOM West Gash.esp' - 'Better Landscapes Stonewood Pass.esp' - 'Better Landscapes Stonewood Pass (MD Edit).esp' - 'Better Landscapes Stonewood Pass (RP Edit).esp' - 'DD_Caldera_Expansion v15 + Stonewood Pass Patch.ESP' - 'Fighters_Guild_Questline_Overhaul.ESP' - 'Foyada Mamaea Overhaul.ESP' - 'KS_Julan_Ashlander Companion_2.0.esp' - 'KS_Julan_Ashlander Companion_3.0_beta.esp' - 'Morrowind Anti-Cheese.esp' - 'Trackless Grazeland.ESP' - 'Uvirith''s Legacy_3.53.esp' inc: - 'MDP 2013.esp' - 'MDP 2013-CV.esp' - 'MDP 2016.esp' - 'Duke''s Throne Room Overhaul.ESP' - 'Ald-Ruhn Temple Expansion 1.5.esp' - 'aldruhnmagesguildexpansion.esp' - 'AldRuhn_seat_of_power.ESP' - 'Atmospheric Delights.ESP' - 'Balmora Redecorated.esp' - 'Balmora_Rooftop_Apartments_1-0.esp' - 'Balmora_Seat of power.esm' - 'Barabus'' fireplaces 2 - Vanilla Chimneys v2.2.ESP' - 'bw_striderports.esp' - 'Caldera Mages Guild Expanded.ESP' - 'Clean DR115_TheDropoff.ESP' - 'Concept Art Hlaalu Balconies - Balmora.esp' - 'Concept Art Hlaalu Balconies - Suran.ESP' - 'Concept art Hlaalu Balconies - WhiteSuran.esp' - 'DirtierCozierMuriels.ESP' - 'DirtyMurielsExpansion.esp' - 'Dramatic Vivec - Temple only.ESP' - 'Even Seedier Eight Plates.ESP' - 'Exterior Guild Lighting.ESP' - 'Guilds.esp' - 'Hla Oad.esp' - 'HotV - Gnisis.ESP' - 'Immersive Seyda Neen.ESP' - 'Improved Temple Experience.ESP' - 'Inscribed Maar Gan Rock.ESP' - 'IntoTheFyr.ESP' - 'Izi cities - Ebonheart.esp' - 'Izi cities - Ebonheart_TR_Statue.esp' - 'jobashaBookShop.esp' - 'Mixed Cantons of Vivec.esp' - 'Moonmoth Legion Fort Overhaul.ESP' - 'No-Frills Closed Molag Mar.esp' - 'Properly Cluttered Ald Velothi.ESP' - 'QL_SevenGracesShrines.esp' - 'RR_Ghost_Gate_Fortress_Eng.ESP' - 'RR_Holamayan_Eng.ESP' - 'Sadrith Mora - seat of power.esm' - 'Seyda_Neen_Gateway.ESP' - 'Suran_the_pearl_vanilla_style.ESP' - 'Tel Naga Treasury.ESP' - 'Telvanni Council Lounge Room.ESP' - 'Tel_Aruhn_Chronicles.ESP' - 'The Ashlanders.ESP' - 'The Grand Pharos Lighthouse-Apel.ESP' - 'The Grand Pharos Lighthouse.esp' - 'The Merchants of Sadrith Mora.ESP' - 'Velothi Strider Port Lights.ESP' - 'Vivec_Mages_Guild_Expanded.ESP' - 'Well addon for Ashfall.ESP' - 'Whitney_EdwinnaStudy.ESP' - 'wl_dockclutter.esp' - 'Wolverine Hall Interior Expanded.ESP' - 'Wolverine Hall Overhaul.ESP' - 'WWGTMA.esp' msg: - <<: *patchIncluded subs: [ 'Rise of House Telvanni' ] condition: 'active("Rise of House Telvanni.esm") and not active("ROHT_2_0_8.ESP") and not active("BOM_ROHT_Patch.ESP")' - name: 'BOM_pathgrid_reset.esp' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49231/' ] after: [ 'Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP' ] - name: 'BOM_OpenMW_plazas.esp' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49231/' ] after: - 'Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP' - 'BOM_pathgrid_reset.esp' - name: 'Interior exterior flag reset.esp' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49231/' ] after: - 'Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP' - 'BOM_OpenMW_plazas.esp' - 'BOM_pathgrid_reset.esp' ### BCOM - Optional files ### - name: 'BOM_PfP_patch.ESP' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49231/' ] after: - 'Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP' - 'Patch for Purists.esm' - 'Patch for Purists - Book Typos.ESP' - 'Patch for Purists - Semi-Purist Fixes.ESP' - name: 'BCOM_Suran Expansion.ESP' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49231/' ] after: [ 'BOM_pathgrid_reset.esp' ] - name: 'BOM_Stavs_MGO.ESP' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49231/' ] after: [ 'Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP' ] - name: 'BOM - Taller Lighthouse.ESP' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49231/' ] after: [ 'BOM_pathgrid_reset.esp' ] - name: 'BOM_Vanilla Trees.ESP' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49231/' ] after: [ 'BOM_pathgrid_reset.esp' ] - name: 'BOM_White_Suran.ESP' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49231/' ] after: - 'BCOM_Suran Expansion.esp' - 'Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP' - 'Suran_Underworld_v3.esp' - name: 'SOP_Canal_02.ESP' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49231/' ] after: [ 'Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP' ] - name: 'SOP_RichPlaza_IziStyle.ESP' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49231/' ] inc: [ 'Brevur of Balmora - Finally Some Good Statue Mod.ESP' ] after: [ 'BOM_pathgrid_reset.esp' ] - name: 'TR_Travels_(P_M) Patch.esp' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49231/' ] after: - 'Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP' - 'TR_Travels.esp' - 'TR_Travels_(Preview_and_Mainland).esp' - 'TR_Travels Patch.esp' - name: 'Brevur of Balmora - Finally Some Good Statue Mod.ESP' url: - 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/47557/' - 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49231/' inc: [ 'SOP_RichPlaza_IziStyle.ESP' ] after: [ 'BOM_pathgrid_reset.esp' ] msg: - <<: *requiresResources subs: [ '[Brevur of Balmora - Finally Some Good Statue Mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/47557)' ] condition: 'not file("textures/R0/Brevur.dds")' - <<: *useInstead subs: [ '[Brevur of Balmora - Finally Some Good Statue Mod.ESP](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49231/)' ] condition: 'active("Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP") and checksum("Brevur of Balmora - Finally Some Good Statue Mod.ESP", 728FD2B8)' - name: 'OAAB_Tel Mora.esp' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46177/' ] after: [ 'NOM 3.0.esp' ] - name: 'OAAB_Tel Mora_Female Guards.ESP' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46177/' ] after: [ 'OAAB_Tel Mora.esp' ] - name: 'OAAB - Tombs and Towers.esp' url: [ 'https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49131/' ] inc: - 'Mawia Overhaul.esp' - 'Remiros'' Tombs Expansion.esp' - 'Urshilaku Burial Caverns Overhaul.esp' ###### Locations - Player Homes ###### ###### New Characters - Allies ###### ###### New Characters - Enemies ###### ###### New Characters - Neutrals ###### ###### New Items ###### ###### 3RD Party Patches ###### ###### Anything new can go after this (If you're not sure where to put it) ######