// unlike pages // 1. Go to: https://www.facebook.com/pages/?category=liked // 3. Scroll down to have a reasonable number of items to delete (~500 is good) // 2. Paste the script into the console prompt (F12 to open the Developer tools) // 3. Type pleaseUnlikePagesPlease() and hit return // 4. Click on 'done'. // update 31/July/2020: // - new FB layout var doActions = []; var pleaseUnlikePagesPlease = function () { var unlikePage = function(idx) { if (idx < doActions.length) { doActions[idx].style.border = "thick solid red"; doActions[idx].click(); console.log('task:', idx+1, 'of', doActions.length); setTimeout(unlikePage, 1000, idx+1); } else { clearTimeout(); console.log('DONE. Why did you want in the first place to be bombarded by their updates?'); } }; var idx=0; [...document.querySelectorAll('button[type="button"]')].forEach( (a) => { if (a.innerHTML.includes("Liked")) { doActions[idx++] = a; } }); unlikePage(0); }