.. include:: autodoc_abbr_options_c.rst .. index:: CheMPS2 .. _`sec:chemps2`: Interface to CheMPS2 by S. Wouters ================================== .. codeauthor:: Sebastian Wouters .. sectionauthor:: Lori A. Burns *Module:* :ref:`Keywords `, :ref:`PSI Variables `, :ref:`Samples ` |PSIfour| contains code to interface to the CheMPS2 library of S. Wouters, which is based at `GitHub `_. Consult the excellent `documentation `_ for using and citing the library. .. note:: As of late June 2016, DMRG keywords in |PSIfour| have been realigned with those of the chemps2 executable, plus a "dmrg\_" prefix. The only exceptions are the orbital space |PSIfour| keywords |globals__restricted_docc| (formerly CheMPS2 used |globals__frozen_docc|, contrary to its definition) and |globals__active| which are passed along to CheMPS2 keywords ``NOCC`` and ``NACT``. A `translation table `_ is available. Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ build psi4 with the plugin option ENABLE_PLUGINS=ON, and then run: CheMPS2 is available as conda package `chemps2 `_ or `pychemps2 `_ for Linux and OSX. .. image:: https://anaconda.org/psi4/pychemps2/badges/version.svg * If using the |PSIfour| binary, CheMPS2 has already been installed alongside. * If using |PSIfour| built from source, and anaconda or miniconda has already been installed (instructions at :ref:`sec:quickconda`), CheMPS2 can be obtained through ``conda install chemps2``. Then `enable `_ it as a feature and rebuild |PSIfour| to detect CheMPS2 and activate dependent code. * If using |PSIfour| built from source and you want CheMPS2 built from source also, `enable `_ it as a feature and let the build system fetch and build it and activate dependent code. * To remove the CheMPS2 that conda installs alongside |PSIfour|, ``conda remove chemps2`` (or ``conda remove pychemps2``; use ``conda list`` to see which is installed). Methods ~~~~~~~ .. _`table:chemps2_calls`: .. table:: Density matrix renormalization group capabilities of |PSIfour| through CheMPS2 +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | name | calls method | Energy | Gradient | +=========================+==============================================================+======================+======================+ | dmrg-ci | DMRG configuration interaction (CI) | RHF/ROHF | --- | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | dmrg-scf | DMRG complete active space SCF (CASSCF) | RHF/ROHF | --- | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | dmrg-caspt2 | DMRG CAS with 2nd-order perturbation theory (CASPT2) | RHF/ROHF | --- | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ DMRG Keywords ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_caspt2_calc.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_caspt2_imag.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_caspt2_ipea.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_caspt2_orbs.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_diis.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_diis_write.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_excitation.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_irrep.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_local_init.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_molden_write.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_mps_write.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_multiplicity.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_opdm_ao_print.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_print_corr.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_scf_active_space.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_scf_diis_thr.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_scf_grad_thr.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_scf_max_iter.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_scf_state_avg.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_sweep_dvdson_rtol.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_sweep_energy_conv.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_sweep_max_sweeps.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_sweep_noise_prefac.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_sweep_states.rst .. include:: /autodir_options_c/dmrg__dmrg_unitary_write.rst