#+PROPERTY: ANKI_DECK Default * Fact :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_NOTE_TYPE: Cloze :END: ** Text Cards of this note wil be created in {{c1::Default::which deck ?}} * Fact :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_DECK: English :ANKI_NOTE_TYPE: Cloze :END: ** Text Cards of this note wil be created in {{c1::English::which deck ?}} * The English Language :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_DECK: English :END: ** Vocabulary *** Item :vocab:idioms: :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_NOTE_TYPE: Basic (and reversed card) :END: **** Front (it's) raining cats and dogs **** Back it's raining very hard ** Grammar :grammar: *** Item :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_NOTE_TYPE: Basic :END: **** Front 说出名词从句的形式 **** Back 1) that + 一个完整的句子, that无实际意义 2) 由疑问句改装而成 * Computing :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_DECK: Computing :END: ** Item :lisp:emacs:programming: :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_NOTE_TYPE: Basic :END: *** Front How to trap errors in elisp ? *** Back #+BEGIN_EXPORT html
#+END_EXPORT #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (condition-case the-error ;; the protected form (progn (do-something-dangerous) (do-something-more-dangerous)) ;; handlers (error-symbol1 (handler1 the-error)) ((error-symbol2 error-symbol3 (handler the-error)))) #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_EXPORT html
#+END_EXPORT * Math :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_DECK: Mathematics :END: ** Item1 :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_NOTE_TYPE: Cloze :END: *** Text The dot product of two vectors is {{c1::$|\alpha| \cdot |\beta| \cos{\varphi}$}} *** Extra ** Item2 :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_NOTE_TYPE: Basic :END: *** Front Given two vectors: \begin{equation*} \alpha = \{a_1, a_2, a_3\}, \beta = \{b_1, b_2, b_3\} \end{equation*} What's the result of $\alpha \cdot \beta$ ? *** Back \[a_1b_1 + a_2b_2 + a_3b_3\]