#!/bin/bash # echo "hostname.ddns.net" | sudo tee /boot/ip.ini # Check if the file /boot/ip.ini exists if [[ -e "/boot/ip.ini" ]]; then echo "Ini file exists" else # File /boot/ip.ini does not exist echo "File /boot/ip.ini does not exist." read -p "Do you want to create an ip.ini file? (yes/no): " create_ini if [[ "$create_ini" == "yes" ]]; then read -p "Enter the web address (Press Enter to use the default value in /boot/ip.ini): " web_address # Assign default value if there's no input web_address=${web_address:-"harmona.dyndns-ip.com"} # Create content for the ip.ini file echo "$web_address" > /boot/ip.ini echo "Created ip.ini file with web address: $web_address" else # Use the default value web_address="harmona.dyndns-ip.com" echo "Using the default web address: $web_address" fi fi if [[ -e "/boot/ip.ini" ]]; then if ! grep -q "nfs" /etc/fstab; then echo "Adding default nfs line to /etc/fstab" #sed -i '$!N;/\n$/!P;D' /etc/fstab dirmount="/volume2/DSD" dirnas="/mnt/MPD/NAS/DSD" mountpoint="$dirnas" mkdir -p $mountpoint chown mpd:audio "$mountpoint" echo -e "$dirmount $mountpoint nfs defaults,noauto,bg,soft,timeo=5 0 0" >> /etc/fstab else echo "NFS OK" fi ip_address=$(cat /boot/ip.ini) ping_result=$(ping -c 1 -W 3 "$ip_address") if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then dynamic_ip=$(echo "$ping_result" | awk -F'[()]' '/PING/{print $2}') echo "get IP: $dynamic_ip" if grep -q "nfs" /etc/fstab; then sed -i "s/^[[:space:]]*[0-9.]\+:/$dynamic_ip:/" /etc/fstab fi systemctl daemon-reload mount $mountpoint else echo "Unable to ping $ip_address. Skipping IP replacement." fi else echo "File /boot/ip.ini not found. Skipping NFS configuration." fi