#!/bin/sh if [ -d "/opt/logitechmediaserver-git" ]; then echo "Stopping Logitech Media Server" systemctl stop logitechmediaserver-git.service fi if [ -d "/opt/sq" ]; then echo "Stopping Squeezelite" systemctl stop sq.service fi if [ -e /root/logitechmediaserver* ]; then echo "Removing /root/logitechmediaserver*" rm -f /root/logitechmediaserver* fi if [ -e /root/sq32* ]; then echo "Removing /root/logitechmediaserver*" rm -f /root/sq32* fi if grep -q "dtparam=audio=on" /boot/config.txt; then sudo sed -i '/dtparam=audio=on/d' /boot/config.txt else echo "No dtparam=audio=on" fi echo "Off the sound onboard" grep -q "dtparam=audio=off" /boot/config.txt if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "onboard off" else echo "dtparam=audio=off" | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt echo "onboard to off" fi echo "Install Lib" rm -f /var/lib/pacman/sync/* pacman -Syy --noconfirm pacman -S --noconfirm perl pacman -S --noconfirm perl-io-socket-ssl pacman -S --noconfirm perl-net-ssleay pacman -S --noconfirm perl-uri pacman -S --noconfirm faad2 pacman -S --noconfirm libmad pacman -S --noconfirm mpg123 pacman -S --noconfirm flac libvorbis echo "Add user" getent group logitechms &>/dev/null || groupadd -r logitechms >/dev/null getent passwd logitechms &>/dev/null || useradd -r -g logitechms -d /opt/logitechmediaserver-git -c 'Logitech Media Server' -s /bin/false logitechms >/dev/null mkdir -p /opt/logitechmediaserver-git/{cache,Logs,prefs{,/plugin},Plugins} touch /opt/logitechmediaserver-git/Logs/slimserver.log chown -R logitechms:logitechms /opt/logitechmediaserver-git echo 'logitechms ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers echo "Download LMS" wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lovehifi/raudiolms-32bit/main/logitechmediaserver-32.pkg.tar.xz echo "Install LMS" pacman -U --noconfirm logitechmediaserver-32.pkg.tar.xz systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable logitechmediaserver-git.service systemctl restart logitechmediaserver-git.service echo "Download Squeezelite and Install" wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lovehifi/raudiolms-32bit/main/sq32.tgz tar -xzf sq32.tgz --overwrite -C /opt/ echo "Creating systemd unit /etc/systemd/system/sq.service" echo "[Unit] Description=SQ Player After=local-fs.target remote-fs.target nss-lookup.target network.target [Service] Type=simple WorkingDirectory=/opt/sq ExecStart=/opt/sq/squeezelite32 -o default -n SQ32-rAudio -s -m 00:00:00:00:00:00 -W Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target" > /opt/sq/sq.service || { echo "Creating systemd unit /opt/sq/sq.service failed"; exit 1; } ln -fs /opt/sq/sq.service /etc/systemd/system/sq.service chmod -R 777 /etc/systemd/system/sq.service hostname=$(hostname) replacement="http://${hostname}" if [ -f "/srv/http/assets/js/main.js" ]; then sed -i "s|https://github.com/rern/rAudio/discussions|${replacement}:9000|g" /srv/http/assets/js/main.js echo "Completed." else echo "File not found. Skipping..." fi #echo "Do you want to Active Squeezelite? (Yes/No)" #read answer_sq #if [ "$answer_sq" = "Yes" ]; then systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable sq.service systemctl restart sq.service echo "Finished" #systemctl status sq.service #fi sudo localectl set-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8 echo "Finished, the LMS at port 9000" systemctl status logitechmediaserver-git.service