data = array( 'lang' => 'zh',//语言文件 'auth_pass' => md5(''),//默认密码为空 'quota_mb' => 0, 'upload_ext_filter' => array(),//允许上传的文件后缀 'download_ext_filter' => array(),//允许下载的文件后缀 'error_reporting' => 2,//错误提示等级 'fm_root' => '',//文件管理根目录 'cookie_cache_time' => 60 * 60 * 24 * 30,//登陆有效期 'version' => '0.10.2',//程序版本 'timezone' => 'PRC'//时区 ); $data = false; $this->filename = $fm_self; if(file_exists($this->filename)){ $mat = file($this->filename); $objdata = trim(substr($mat[1], 2)); if(strlen($objdata)){ $data = unserialize($objdata); } } if(is_array($data) && count($data) == count($this->data)){ $this->data = $data; } else{ $this->save(); } } //保存 function save(){ $objdata = "data) . chr(13) . chr(10); if(strlen($objdata)){ if(file_exists($this->filename)){ $mat = file($this->filename); if($fh = @fopen($this->filename, "w")){ @fputs($fh, $objdata, strlen($objdata)); for($x = 2; $x < count($mat); $x++){ @fputs($fh, $mat[$x], strlen($mat[$x])); } @fclose($fh); } } } } /** * 加载 */ function load(){ foreach($this->data as $key => $val){ $GLOBALS[$key] = $val; } } } /*-- 文件: data/class.archive.php ---*/ class Archive{ function __construct($name){ $this->options = array( 'basedir' => ".", 'name' => $name, 'prepend' => "", 'inmemory' => 0, 'overwrite' => 0, 'recurse' => 1, 'storepaths' => 1, 'followlinks' => 0, 'level' => 3, 'method' => 1, 'sfx' => "", 'type' => "", 'comment' => "" ); $this->files = array(); $this->exclude = array(); $this->storeonly = array(); $this->error = array(); } function set_options($options){ foreach($options as $key => $value){ $this->options[$key] = $value; } if(!empty ($this->options['basedir'])){ $this->options['basedir'] = str_replace("\\", "/", $this->options['basedir']); $this->options['basedir'] = preg_replace("/\/+/", "/", $this->options['basedir']); $this->options['basedir'] = preg_replace("/\/$/", "", $this->options['basedir']); } if(!empty ($this->options['name'])){ $this->options['name'] = str_replace("\\", "/", $this->options['name']); $this->options['name'] = preg_replace("/\/+/", "/", $this->options['name']); } if(!empty ($this->options['prepend'])){ $this->options['prepend'] = str_replace("\\", "/", $this->options['prepend']); $this->options['prepend'] = preg_replace("/^(\.*\/+)+/", "", $this->options['prepend']); $this->options['prepend'] = preg_replace("/\/+/", "/", $this->options['prepend']); $this->options['prepend'] = preg_replace("/\/$/", "", $this->options['prepend']) . "/"; } } function test(){ return true; } function create_archive(){ $this->make_list(); if($this->options['inmemory'] == 0){ $pwd = getcwd(); chdir($this->options['basedir']); if($this->options['overwrite'] == 0 && file_exists($this->options['name'] . ($this->options['type'] == "gzip" || $this->options['type'] == "bzip" ? ".tmp" : ""))){ $this->error[] = "File {$this->options['name']} already exists."; chdir($pwd); return 0; } else if($this->archive = @fopen($this->options['name'] . ($this->options['type'] == "gzip" || $this->options['type'] == "bzip" ? ".tmp" : ""), "wb+")){ chdir($pwd); } else{ $this->error[] = "Could not open {$this->options['name']} for writing."; chdir($pwd); return 0; } } else{ $this->archive = ""; } switch($this->options['type']){ case "zip": if(!$this->create_zip()){ $this->error[] = "Could not create zip file."; return 0; } break; case "bzip": if(!$this->create_tar()){ $this->error[] = "Could not create tar file."; return 0; } if(!$this->create_bzip()){ $this->error[] = "Could not create bzip2 file."; return 0; } break; case "gzip": if(!$this->create_tar()){ $this->error[] = "Could not create tar file."; return 0; } if(!$this->create_gzip()){ $this->error[] = "Could not create gzip file."; return 0; } break; case "tar": if(!$this->create_tar()){ $this->error[] = "Could not create tar file."; return 0; } } if($this->options['inmemory'] == 0){ fclose($this->archive); if($this->options['type'] == "gzip" || $this->options['type'] == "bzip"){ unlink($this->options['basedir'] . "/" . $this->options['name'] . ".tmp"); } } } function add_data($data){ if($this->options['inmemory'] == 0){ fwrite($this->archive, $data); } else{ $this->archive .= $data; } } function make_list(){ if(!empty ($this->exclude)){ foreach($this->files as $key => $value){ foreach($this->exclude as $current){ if($value['name'] == $current['name']){ unset ($this->files[$key]); } } } } if(!empty ($this->storeonly)){ foreach($this->files as $key => $value){ foreach($this->storeonly as $current){ if($value['name'] == $current['name']){ $this->files[$key]['method'] = 0; } } } } unset ($this->exclude, $this->storeonly); } function add_files($list){ $temp = $this->list_files($list); foreach($temp as $current){ $this->files[] = $current; } } function exclude_files($list){ $temp = $this->list_files($list); foreach($temp as $current){ $this->exclude[] = $current; } } function store_files($list){ $temp = $this->list_files($list); foreach($temp as $current){ $this->storeonly[] = $current; } } function list_files($list){ if(!is_array($list)){ $temp = $list; $list = array($temp); unset ($temp); } $files = array(); $pwd = getcwd(); chdir($this->options['basedir']); foreach($list as $current){ $current = str_replace("\\", "/", $current); $current = preg_replace("/\/+/", "/", $current); $current = preg_replace("/\/$/", "", $current); if(strstr($current, "*")){ $regex = preg_replace("/([\\\^\$\.\[\]\|\(\)\?\+\{\}\/])/", "\\\\\\1", $current); $regex = str_replace("*", ".*", $regex); $dir = strstr($current, "/") ? substr($current, 0, strrpos($current, "/")) : "."; $temp = $this->parse_dir($dir); foreach($temp as $current2){ if(preg_match("/^{$regex}$/i", $current2['name'])){ $files[] = $current2; } } unset ($regex, $dir, $temp, $current); } else if(@is_dir($current)){ $temp = $this->parse_dir($current); foreach($temp as $file){ $files[] = $file; } unset ($temp, $file); } else if(@file_exists($current)){ $files[] = array( 'name' => $current, 'name2' => $this->options['prepend'] . preg_replace("/(\.+\/+)+/", "", ($this->options['storepaths'] == 0 && strstr($current, "/")) ? substr($current, strrpos($current, "/") + 1) : $current), 'type' => @is_link($current) && $this->options['followlinks'] == 0 ? 2 : 0, 'ext' => substr($current, strrpos($current, ".")), 'stat' => stat($current) ); } } chdir($pwd); unset ($current, $pwd); usort($files, array( "archive", "sort_files" )); return $files; } function parse_dir($dirname){ if($this->options['storepaths'] == 1 && !preg_match("/^(\.+\/*)+$/", $dirname)){ $files = array( array( 'name' => $dirname, 'name2' => $this->options['prepend'] . preg_replace("/(\.+\/+)+/", "", ($this->options['storepaths'] == 0 && strstr($dirname, "/")) ? substr($dirname, strrpos($dirname, "/") + 1) : $dirname), 'type' => 5, 'stat' => stat($dirname) ) ); } else{ $files = array(); } $dir = @opendir($dirname); while($file = @readdir($dir)){ $fullname = $dirname . "/" . $file; if($file == "." || $file == ".."){ continue; } else if(@is_dir($fullname)){ if(empty ($this->options['recurse'])){ continue; } $temp = $this->parse_dir($fullname); foreach($temp as $file2){ $files[] = $file2; } } else if(@file_exists($fullname)){ $files[] = array( 'name' => $fullname, 'name2' => $this->options['prepend'] . preg_replace("/(\.+\/+)+/", "", ($this->options['storepaths'] == 0 && strstr($fullname, "/")) ? substr($fullname, strrpos($fullname, "/") + 1) : $fullname), 'type' => @is_link($fullname) && $this->options['followlinks'] == 0 ? 2 : 0, 'ext' => substr($file, strrpos($file, ".")), 'stat' => stat($fullname) ); } } @closedir($dir); return $files; } function sort_files($a, $b){ if($a['type'] != $b['type']){ if($a['type'] == 5 || $b['type'] == 2){ return -1; } else if($a['type'] == 2 || $b['type'] == 5){ return 1; } else if($a['type'] == 5){ return strcmp(strtolower($a['name']), strtolower($b['name'])); } else if($a['ext'] != $b['ext']){ return strcmp($a['ext'], $b['ext']); } else if($a['stat'][7] != $b['stat'][7]){ return $a['stat'][7] > $b['stat'][7] ? -1 : 1; } else{ return strcmp(strtolower($a['name']), strtolower($b['name'])); } } return 0; } function download_file(){ if($this->options['inmemory'] == 0){ $this->error[] = "Can only use download_file() if archive is in memory. Redirect to file otherwise, it is faster."; return; } switch($this->options['type']){ case "zip": header("Content-Type: application/zip"); break; case "bzip": header("Content-Type: application/x-bzip2"); break; case "gzip": header("Content-Type: application/x-gzip"); break; case "tar": header("Content-Type: application/x-tar"); } $header = "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\""; $header .= strstr($this->options['name'], "/") ? substr($this->options['name'], strrpos($this->options['name'], "/") + 1) : $this->options['name']; $header .= "\""; header($header); header("Content-Length: " . strlen($this->archive)); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=60"); header("Expires: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 GMT"); print($this->archive); } } /*-- 文件: data/class.tar_file.php ---*/ class Tar_file extends Archive{ function __construct($name){ parent::__construct($name); $this->options['type'] = "tar"; } function test(){ $flag = parent::test(); return $flag; } function create_tar(){ $pwd = getcwd(); chdir($this->options['basedir']); foreach($this->files as $current){ if($current['name'] == $this->options['name']){ continue; } if(strlen($current['name2']) > 99){ $path = substr($current['name2'], 0, strpos($current['name2'], "/", strlen($current['name2']) - 100) + 1); $current['name2'] = substr($current['name2'], strlen($path)); if(strlen($path) > 154 || strlen($current['name2']) > 99){ $this->error[] = "Could not add {$path}{$current['name2']} to archive because the filename is too long."; continue; } } $block = pack("a100a8a8a8a12a12a8a1a100a6a2a32a32a8a8a155a12", $current['name2'], sprintf("%07o", $current['stat'][2]), sprintf("%07o", $current['stat'][4]), sprintf("%07o", $current['stat'][5]), sprintf("%011o", $current['type'] == 2 ? 0 : $current['stat'][7]), sprintf("%011o", $current['stat'][9]), " ", $current['type'], $current['type'] == 2 ? @readlink($current['name']) : "", "ustar ", " ", "Unknown", "Unknown", "", "", !empty ($path) ? $path : "", ""); $checksum = 0; for($i = 0; $i < 512; $i++){ $checksum += ord(substr($block, $i, 1)); } $checksum = pack("a8", sprintf("%07o", $checksum)); $block = substr_replace($block, $checksum, 148, 8); if($current['type'] == 2 || $current['stat'][7] == 0){ $this->add_data($block); } else if($fp = @fopen($current['name'], "rb")){ $this->add_data($block); while($temp = fread($fp, 1048576)){ $this->add_data($temp); } if($current['stat'][7] % 512 > 0){ $temp = ""; for($i = 0; $i < 512 - $current['stat'][7] % 512; $i++){ $temp .= "\0"; } $this->add_data($temp); } fclose($fp); } else{ $this->error[] = "Could not open file {$current['name']} for reading. It was not added."; } } $this->add_data(pack("a1024", "")); chdir($pwd); return 1; } function extract_files(){ $pwd = getcwd(); chdir($this->options['basedir']); if($fp = $this->open_archive()){ if($this->options['inmemory'] == 1){ $this->files = array(); } while($block = fread($fp, 512)){ $temp = unpack("a100name/a8mode/a8uid/a8gid/a12size/a12mtime/a8checksum/a1type/a100symlink/a6magic/a2temp/a32temp/a32temp/a8temp/a8temp/a155prefix/a12temp", $block); $file = array( 'name' => trim($temp['prefix'] . $temp['name']), 'stat' => array( 2 => trim($temp['mode']), 4 => octdec(trim($temp['uid'])), 5 => octdec(trim($temp['gid'])), 7 => octdec(trim($temp['size'])), 9 => octdec(trim($temp['mtime'])), ), 'checksum' => octdec(trim($temp['checksum'])), 'type' => trim($temp['type']), 'magic' => trim($temp['magic']), ); if($file['checksum'] == 0x00000000){ break; } else if(substr($file['magic'], 0, 5) != "ustar"){ $this->error[] = "This script does not support extracting this type of tar file."; break; } $block = substr_replace($block, " ", 148, 8); $checksum = 0; for($i = 0; $i < 512; $i++){ $checksum += ord(substr($block, $i, 1)); } if($file['checksum'] != $checksum){ $this->error[] = "Could not extract from {$this->options['name']}, it is corrupt."; } if($this->options['inmemory'] == 1){ $file['data'] = fread($fp, $file['stat'][7]); fread($fp, (512 - $file['stat'][7] % 512) == 512 ? 0 : (512 - $file['stat'][7] % 512)); unset ($file['checksum'], $file['magic']); $this->files[] = $file; } else if($file['type'] == 5){ if(!is_dir($file['name'])){ if(!mkdir($file['name'], $file['stat'][2], true)){ var_dump($file); } } } else if($this->options['overwrite'] == 0 && file_exists($file['name'])){ $this->error[] = "{$file['name']} already exists."; continue; } else if($file['type'] == 2){ symlink($temp['symlink'], $file['name']); //chmod($file['name'], $file['stat'][2]); } else if($new = @fopen($file['name'], "wb")){ fwrite($new, fread($fp, $file['stat'][7])); fread($fp, (512 - $file['stat'][7] % 512) == 512 ? 0 : (512 - $file['stat'][7] % 512)); fclose($new); //chmod($file['name'], $file['stat'][2]); } else{ $this->error[] = "Could not open {$file['name']} for writing (probably permission denied)."; continue; } //echo $file['name']; /*chown($file['name'], $file['stat'][4]); chgrp($file['name'], $file['stat'][5]); touch($file['name'], $file['stat'][9]);*/ unset ($file); } } else{ $this->error[] = "Could not open file {$this->options['name']}"; } chdir($pwd); } function open_archive(){ return @fopen($this->options['name'], "rb"); } } /*-- 文件: data/class.gzip_file.php ---*/ class Gzip_file extends Tar_file{ function __construct($name){ parent::__construct($name); $this->options['type'] = "gzip"; } function create_gzip(){ if($this->options['inmemory'] == 0){ $pwd = getcwd(); chdir($this->options['basedir']); if($fp = gzopen($this->options['name'], "wb{$this->options['level']}")){ fseek($this->archive, 0); while($temp = fread($this->archive, 1048576)){ gzwrite($fp, $temp); } gzclose($fp); chdir($pwd); } else{ $this->error[] = "Could not open {$this->options['name']} for writing."; chdir($pwd); return 0; } } else{ $this->archive = gzencode($this->archive, $this->options['level']); } return 1; } function open_archive(){ return @gzopen($this->options['name'], "rb"); } } /*-- 文件: data/class.zip_file.php ---*/ class Zip_file extends Archive{ function __construct($name){ parent::__construct($name); $this->options['type'] = "zip"; } function test(){ $flag = parent::test(); if($flag!==true){ return $flag; } if(function_exists('gzcompress')){ return true; } else{ return "Zip compress is not support."; } } function create_zip(){ $files = 0; $offset = 0; $central = ""; if(!empty ($this->options['sfx'])){ if($fp = @fopen($this->options['sfx'], "rb")){ $temp = fread($fp, filesize($this->options['sfx'])); fclose($fp); $this->add_data($temp); $offset += strlen($temp); unset ($temp); } else{ $this->error[] = "Could not open sfx module from {$this->options['sfx']}."; } } $pwd = getcwd(); chdir($this->options['basedir']); foreach($this->files as $current){ if($current['name'] == $this->options['name']){ continue; } $timedate = explode(" ", date("Y n j G i s", $current['stat'][9])); $timedate = ($timedate[0] - 1980 << 25) | ($timedate[1] << 21) | ($timedate[2] << 16) | ($timedate[3] << 11) | ($timedate[4] << 5) | ($timedate[5]); $block = pack("VvvvV", 0x04034b50, 0x000A, 0x0000, (isset($current['method']) || $this->options['method'] == 0) ? 0x0000 : 0x0008, $timedate); if($current['stat'][7] == 0 && $current['type'] == 5){ $block .= pack("VVVvv", 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, strlen($current['name2']) + 1, 0x0000); $block .= $current['name2'] . "/"; $this->add_data($block); $central .= pack("VvvvvVVVVvvvvvVV", 0x02014b50, 0x0014, $this->options['method'] == 0 ? 0x0000 : 0x000A, 0x0000, (isset($current['method']) || $this->options['method'] == 0) ? 0x0000 : 0x0008, $timedate, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, strlen($current['name2']) + 1, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, $current['type'] == 5 ? 0x00000010 : 0x00000000, $offset); $central .= $current['name2'] . "/"; $files++; $offset += (31 + strlen($current['name2'])); } else if($current['stat'][7] == 0){ $block .= pack("VVVvv", 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, strlen($current['name2']), 0x0000); $block .= $current['name2']; $this->add_data($block); $central .= pack("VvvvvVVVVvvvvvVV", 0x02014b50, 0x0014, $this->options['method'] == 0 ? 0x0000 : 0x000A, 0x0000, (isset($current['method']) || $this->options['method'] == 0) ? 0x0000 : 0x0008, $timedate, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, strlen($current['name2']), 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, $current['type'] == 5 ? 0x00000010 : 0x00000000, $offset); $central .= $current['name2']; $files++; $offset += (30 + strlen($current['name2'])); } else if($fp = @fopen($current['name'], "rb")){ $temp = fread($fp, $current['stat'][7]); fclose($fp); $crc32 = crc32($temp); if(!isset($current['method']) && $this->options['method'] == 1){ $temp = gzcompress($temp, $this->options['level']); $size = strlen($temp) - 6; $temp = substr($temp, 2, $size); } else{ $size = strlen($temp); } $block .= pack("VVVvv", $crc32, $size, $current['stat'][7], strlen($current['name2']), 0x0000); $block .= $current['name2']; $this->add_data($block); $this->add_data($temp); unset ($temp); $central .= pack("VvvvvVVVVvvvvvVV", 0x02014b50, 0x0014, $this->options['method'] == 0 ? 0x0000 : 0x000A, 0x0000, (isset($current['method']) || $this->options['method'] == 0) ? 0x0000 : 0x0008, $timedate, $crc32, $size, $current['stat'][7], strlen($current['name2']), 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00000000, $offset); $central .= $current['name2']; $files++; $offset += (30 + strlen($current['name2']) + $size); } else{ $this->error[] = "Could not open file {$current['name']} for reading. It was not added."; } } $this->add_data($central); $this->add_data(pack("VvvvvVVv", 0x06054b50, 0x0000, 0x0000, $files, $files, strlen($central), $offset, !empty ($this->options['comment']) ? strlen($this->options['comment']) : 0x0000)); if(!empty ($this->options['comment'])){ $this->add_data($this->options['comment']); } chdir($pwd); return 1; } } /*-- 文件: data/class.bzip_file.php ---*/ class Bzip_file extends Tar_file{ function __construct($name){ parent::__construct($name); $this->options['type'] = "bzip"; } function test(){ $flag = parent::test(); if($flag!==true){ return $flag; } if(function_exists('bzopen')){ return true; }else{ return "Bzip compress is not support."; } } function create_bzip(){ if($this->options['inmemory'] == 0){ $pwd = getcwd(); chdir($this->options['basedir']); $fp = bzopen($this->options['name'], "w"); if($fp){ fseek($this->archive, 0); while($temp = fread($this->archive, 1048576)){ bzwrite($fp, $temp); } bzclose($fp); chdir($pwd); } else{ $this->error[] = "Could not open {$this->options['name']} for writing."; chdir($pwd); return 0; } } else{ $this->archive = bzcompress($this->archive, $this->options['level']); } return 1; } function open_archive(){ return @bzopen($this->options['name'], "rb"); } } /*-- 文件: data/func.sys.php ---*/ /** * User: loveyu * Date: 2015/1/4 * Time: 22:39 */ /** * 获取客户端的IP地址 * @return string */ function get_client_ip(){ $ipaddress = ''; if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']){ $ipaddress = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } else if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']){ $ipaddress = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED']){ $ipaddress = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED']; } else if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR']){ $ipaddress = $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED']){ $ipaddress = $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED']; } else if(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']){ $ipaddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } // proxy transparente não esconde o IP local, colocando ele após o IP da rede, separado por vírgula if(strpos($ipaddress, ',') !== false){ $ips = explode(',', $ipaddress); $ipaddress = trim($ips[0]); } if($ipaddress == '::1'){ $ipaddress = ''; } return $ipaddress; } /** * 判断当前是否为HTTPS访问 * @return bool */ function is_ssl(){ if(isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])){ if('on' == strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS'])){ return true; } if('1' == $_SERVER['HTTPS']){ return true; } } elseif(isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && ('443' == $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])){ return true; } return false; } /** * 转换名称为系统文件的编码 * @param string $name * @return string */ function nameToSys($name){ if(IS_LINUX){ if(CHARSET_LINUX != CHARSET_FILE){ $name = mb_convert_encoding($name, CHARSET_LINUX, CHARSET_FILE); } } else{ if(CHARSET_WIN != CHARSET_FILE){ $name = mb_convert_encoding($name, CHARSET_WIN, CHARSET_FILE); } } return trim($name); } /** * 转换名称为网页的编码 * @param string $name * @return string */ function nameToPage($name){ if(IS_LINUX){ if(CHARSET_LINUX != CHARSET_FILE){ $name = mb_convert_encoding($name, CHARSET_FILE, CHARSET_LINUX); } } else{ if(CHARSET_WIN != CHARSET_FILE){ $name = mb_convert_encoding($name, CHARSET_FILE, CHARSET_WIN); } } return trim($name); } /** * 错误消息输出 * @param $msg * @param string $color * @param array|string $tag * @return string */ function msg_out($msg, $color = '#000', $tag = array()){ if(!is_array($tag)){ if(is_string($tag)){ $tag = array($tag); } else{ $tag = array(); } } $rt = "

"; foreach($tag as $v){ $rt .= "<$v>"; } $rt .= $msg; foreach($tag as $v){ $rt .= ""; } $rt .= "

"; return $rt; } /** * 获取服务器地址 * @return string */ function getServerURL(){ $url = is_ssl() ? "https://" : "http://"; $url .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]; // $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] is equivalent if($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80"){ $url .= ":" . $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]; } return $url; } /** * 获取当前URL地址 * @return string */ function getCompleteURL(){ return getServerURL() . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; } /** * 输出结束消息 * @param $msg */ function exit_msg($msg){ header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); die($msg); } /** * 获取数据编码 * @param $string * @return string */ function get_string_encoding($string){ //编码转换 $charset = 'ASCII'; if(!empty($string)){ foreach(array( 'UTF-8', 'GBK', 'GB2312', 'ASCII', 'UNICODE', 'BIG5', 'UCS-2', 'UCS-2LE', 'UCS-2BE' ) as $v){ if($string == mb_convert_encoding(mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', $v), $v, 'UTF-8')){ $charset = $v; break; } } } return $charset; } /** * 从任意编码转为页面编码 * @param $string * @return string */ function convert_page_encode($string){ if(empty($string)){ return $string; } $charset = get_string_encoding($string); if($charset != CHARSET_FILE){ $string = mb_convert_encoding($string, CHARSET_FILE, $charset); } return $string; } /*-- 文件: data/func.file.php ---*/ /** * 文件相关函数 * User: loveyu * Date: 2015/1/4 * Time: 23:22 */ /** * 统计文件夹或文件的大小 * @param $arg * @return int */ function total_size($arg){ $total = 0; if(file_exists($arg)){ if(is_dir($arg)){ $handle = opendir($arg); while($aux = readdir($handle)){ if($aux != "." && $aux != ".."){ $total += total_size($arg . "/" . $aux); } } @closedir($handle); } else{ $total = filesize($arg); } } return $total; } /** * 递归删除文件或文件夹 * @param $arg */ function total_delete($arg){ if(file_exists($arg)){ @chmod($arg, 0755); if(is_dir($arg)){ $handle = opendir($arg); while($aux = readdir($handle)){ if($aux != "." && $aux != ".."){ total_delete($arg . "/" . $aux); } } @closedir($handle); rmdir($arg); } else{ unlink($arg); } } } /** * 递归复制文件或文件夹 * @param $orig * @param $dest * @return bool */ function total_copy($orig, $dest){ $ok = true; if(file_exists($orig)){ if(is_dir($orig)){ mkdir($dest, 0755); $handle = opendir($orig); while(($aux = readdir($handle)) && ($ok)){ if($aux != "." && $aux != ".."){ $ok = total_copy($orig . "/" . $aux, $dest . "/" . $aux); } } @closedir($handle); } else{ $ok = copy($orig, $dest); } } return $ok; } /** * 文件的移动或重命名 * @param $orig * @param $dest * @return bool */ function total_move($orig, $dest){ // Just why doesn't it has a MOVE alias?! return rename($orig, $dest); } /** * 文件的下载 */ function download(){ global $download_ext_filter, $current_dir, $filename; if(!isset($download_ext_filter) || !is_array($download_ext_filter)){ $download_ext_filter = array(); } $file = $current_dir . $filename; $sys_file = nameToSys($file); if(file_exists($sys_file)){ $is_denied = false; foreach($download_ext_filter as $key => $ext){ if(eregi($ext, $filename)){ $is_denied = true; break; } } if(!$is_denied){ $size = filesize($sys_file); header("Content-Type: application/force-download;"); header("Content-Length: $size"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\""); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-Length: " . $size); flush(); if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != "HEAD"){ $fp = fopen($sys_file, "r"); if($fp){ while(!feof($fp)){ echo fread($fp, 65536); flush(); } fclose($fp); } else{ alert(et('ReadDenied') . ": " . $file); } } } else{ alert(et('ReadDenied') . ": " . $file); } } else{ alert(et('FileNotFound') . ": " . $file); } } /** * 执行任意命令 */ function execute_cmd(){ global $cmd; header("Content-type: text/plain; charset=" . CHARSET_FILE); if(!function_exists('exec')){ echo 'exec function is disable'; return; } $cmd = nameToSys($cmd); if(strlen($cmd)){ echo "# " . $cmd . "\n"; exec($cmd, $mat); if(count($mat)){ $mat = convert_page_encode(implode("\r\n", $mat)); echo trim($mat); } else{ echo "exec(\"$cmd\") " . et('NoReturn') . "..."; } } else{ echo et('NoCmd'); } } /** * 执行脚本 */ function execute_file(){ global $current_dir, $filename; header("Content-type: text/plain; charset=" . CHARSET_FILE); if(!function_exists('exec')){ echo 'exec function is disable'; return; } $file = nameToSys($current_dir . $filename); if(file_exists($file)){ echo "# " . $current_dir . $filename . "\n"; exec($file, $mat); if(count($mat)){ $mat = convert_page_encode(implode("\r\n", $mat)); echo trim($mat); } else{ echo "exec(\"$current_dir . $filename\") " . et('NoReturn') . "..."; } } else{ alert(et('FileNotFound') . ": " . $file); } } /** * 文件上传 * @param $temp_file * @param $filename * @param $dir_dest * @return int */ function save_upload($temp_file, $filename, $dir_dest){ global $upload_ext_filter; $filename = remove_special_chars($filename); $file = $dir_dest . $filename; $filesize = filesize($temp_file); $is_denied = false; foreach($upload_ext_filter as $key => $ext){ if(eregi($ext, $filename)){ $is_denied = true; break; } } if(!$is_denied){ if(!check_limit($filesize)){ $file = nameToSys($file); if(file_exists($file)){ if(unlink($file)){ if(copy($temp_file, $file)){ @chmod($file, 0755); $out = 6; } else{ $out = 2; } } else{ $out = 5; } } else{ if(copy($temp_file, $file)){ @chmod($file, 0755); $out = 1; } else{ $out = 2; } } } else{ $out = 3; } } else{ $out = 4; } return $out; } /** * zip解压 */ function zip_extract(){ global $cmd_arg, $current_dir, $islinux; $zip = new ZipArchive(); if($zip->open(nameToSys($current_dir . $cmd_arg)) !== true){ echo msg_out("Open zip file error." . $current_dir . $cmd_arg, "#f00"); return; } if($zip->extractTo(nameToSys($current_dir)) !== true){ $zip->close(); echo msg_out("Extract Zip file error.", "#f00"); } else{ $zip->close(); } } /*-- 文件: data/ ---*/ /** * 数据转换函数 * User: loveyu * Date: 2015/1/4 * Time: 23:33 */ /** * HTML编码 * @param $str * @return mixed|string */ function html_encode($str){ $str = preg_replace(array( '/&/', '//', '/"/' ), array( '&', '<', '>', '"' ), $str); // Bypass PHP to allow any charset!! $charset = get_string_encoding($str); if($charset != CHARSET_FILE){ $str = mb_convert_encoding($str, CHARSET_FILE, $charset); } $str = htmlentities($str, ENT_QUOTES, CHARSET_FILE, false); return $str; } /** * 重复函数 * @param $x * @param $y * @return string */ function rep($x, $y){ if($x){ $aux = ""; for($a = 1; $a <= $x; $a++){ $aux .= $y; } return $aux; } else{ return ""; } } /** * 零的输出 * @param $arg1 * @param $arg2 * @return string */ function str_zero($arg1, $arg2){ if(strstr($arg1, "-") == false){ $aux = intval($arg2) - strlen($arg1); if($aux){ return rep($aux, "0") . $arg1; } else{ return $arg1; } } else{ return "[$arg1]"; } } /** * 双重替换 * @param $sub * @param $str * @return mixed */ function replace_double($sub, $str){ $out = str_replace($sub . $sub, $sub, $str); while(strlen($out) != strlen($str)){ $str = $out; $out = str_replace($sub . $sub, $sub, $str); } return $out; } /** * 移除特殊字符 * @param $str * @return mixed|string */ function remove_special_chars($str){ $str = trim($str); $str = strtr($str, "¥µÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ!@#%&*()[]{}+=?", "YuAAAAAAACEEEEIIIIDNOOOOOOUUUUYsaaaaaaaceeeeiiiionoooooouuuuyy_______________"); $str = str_replace("..", "", str_replace("/", "", str_replace("\\", "", str_replace("\$", "", $str)))); return $str; } /** * 格式化路径 * @param $str * @return mixed|string */ function format_path($str){ global $islinux; $str = trim($str); $str = str_replace("..", "", str_replace("\\", "/", $str)); $done = false; while(!$done){ $str2 = str_replace("//", "/", $str); if(strlen($str) == strlen($str2)){ $done = true; } else{ $str = $str2; } } $tam = strlen($str); if($tam){ $last_char = $tam - 1; if($str[$last_char] != "/"){ $str .= "/"; } if(!$islinux){ $str = ucfirst($str); } } return $str; } /** * 数组排序 * @return mixed */ function array_csort(){ $args = func_get_args(); $marray = array_shift($args); $msortline = "return(array_multisort("; $i = 0; foreach($args as $arg){ $i++; if(is_string($arg)){ foreach($marray as $row){ $sortarr[$i][] = $row[$arg]; } } else{ $sortarr[$i] = $arg; } $msortline .= "\$sortarr[" . $i . "],"; } $msortline .= "\$marray));"; eval($msortline); return $marray; } /** * 权限检查 * @param $P * @return string */ function show_perms($P){ $sP = ""; if($P & 0x1000){ $sP .= 'p'; } // FIFO pipe elseif($P & 0x2000){ $sP .= 'c'; } // Character special elseif($P & 0x4000){ $sP .= 'd'; } // Directory elseif($P & 0x6000){ $sP .= 'b'; } // Block special elseif($P & 0x8000){ $sP .= '−'; } // Regular elseif($P & 0xA000){ $sP .= 'l'; } // Symbolic Link elseif($P & 0xC000){ $sP .= 's'; } // Socket else{ $sP .= 'u'; } // UNKNOWN $sP .= ""; // owner - group - others $sP .= (($P & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '−') . (($P & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '−') . (($P & 0x0040) ? (($P & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x') : (($P & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '−')); $sP .= (($P & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '−') . (($P & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '−') . (($P & 0x0008) ? (($P & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x') : (($P & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '−')); $sP .= (($P & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '−') . (($P & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '−') . (($P & 0x0001) ? (($P & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x') : (($P & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '−')); return $sP; } /** * 格式化文件大小 * @param $arg * @return string */ function format_size($arg){ if($arg > 0){ $j = 0; $ext = array( " bytes", " KB", " MB", " GB", " TB" ); while($arg >= pow(1024, $j)){ ++$j; } return round($arg / pow(1024, $j - 1) * 100) / 100 . $ext[$j - 1]; } else{ return "0 bytes"; } } /** * 获取大小 * @param $file * @return string */ function get_size($file){ return format_size(filesize($file)); } /** * 检查文件限制 * @param int $new_filesize * @return bool */ function check_limit($new_filesize = 0){ global $fm_current_root; global $quota_mb; if($quota_mb){ $total = total_size($fm_current_root); if(floor(($total + $new_filesize) / (1024 * 1024)) > $quota_mb){ return true; } } return false; } /** * 获取当前用户 * @param $arg * @return mixed */ function get_user($arg){ global $mat_passwd; $aux = "x:" . trim($arg) . ":"; for($x = 0; $x < count($mat_passwd); $x++){ if(strstr($mat_passwd[$x], $aux)){ $mat = explode(":", $mat_passwd[$x]); return $mat[0]; } } return $arg; } /** * 获取用户组 * @param $arg * @return mixed */ function get_group($arg){ global $mat_group; $aux = "x:" . trim($arg) . ":"; for($x = 0; $x < count($mat_group); $x++){ if(strstr($mat_group[$x], $aux)){ $mat = explode(":", $mat_group[$x]); return $mat[0]; } } return $arg; } /** * 转为大写 * @param $str * @return string */ function uppercase($str){ global $charset; return mb_strtoupper($str, $charset); } /** * 转为小写 * @param $str * @return string */ function lowercase($str){ global $charset; return mb_strtolower($str, $charset); } /** * 获取MIME类型 * @param string $ext * @return string */ function get_mime_type($ext = ''){ $mimes = array( 'hqx' => 'application/mac-binhex40', 'cpt' => 'application/mac-compactpro', 'doc' => 'application/msword', 'bin' => 'application/macbinary', 'dms' => 'application/octet-stream', 'lha' => 'application/octet-stream', 'lzh' => 'application/octet-stream', 'exe' => 'application/octet-stream', 'class' => 'application/octet-stream', 'psd' => 'application/octet-stream', 'so' => 'application/octet-stream', 'sea' => 'application/octet-stream', 'dll' => 'application/octet-stream', 'oda' => 'application/oda', 'pdf' => 'application/pdf', 'ai' => 'application/postscript', 'eps' => 'application/postscript', 'ps' => 'application/postscript', 'smi' => 'application/smil', 'smil' => 'application/smil', 'mif' => 'application/vnd.mif', 'xls' => 'application/', 'ppt' => 'application/', 'pptx' => 'application/', 'wbxml' => 'application/vnd.wap.wbxml', 'wmlc' => 'application/vnd.wap.wmlc', 'dcr' => 'application/x-director', 'dir' => 'application/x-director', 'dxr' => 'application/x-director', 'dvi' => 'application/x-dvi', 'gtar' => 'application/x-gtar', 'php' => 'application/x-httpd-php', 'php4' => 'application/x-httpd-php', 'php3' => 'application/x-httpd-php', 'phtml' => 'application/x-httpd-php', 'phps' => 'application/x-httpd-php-source', 'js' => 'application/x-javascript', 'swf' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'sit' => 'application/x-stuffit', 'tar' => 'application/x-tar', 'tgz' => 'application/x-tar', 'xhtml' => 'application/xhtml+xml', 'xht' => 'application/xhtml+xml', 'zip' => 'application/zip', 'mid' => 'audio/midi', 'midi' => 'audio/midi', 'mpga' => 'audio/mpeg', 'mp2' => 'audio/mpeg', 'mp3' => 'audio/mpeg', 'aif' => 'audio/x-aiff', 'aiff' => 'audio/x-aiff', 'aifc' => 'audio/x-aiff', 'ram' => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio', 'rm' => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio', 'rpm' => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin', 'ra' => 'audio/x-realaudio', 'rv' => 'video/vnd.rn-realvideo', 'wav' => 'audio/x-wav', 'bmp' => 'image/bmp', 'gif' => 'image/gif', 'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpg' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpe' => 'image/jpeg', 'png' => 'image/png', 'tiff' => 'image/tiff', 'tif' => 'image/tiff', 'css' => 'text/css', 'html' => 'text/html', 'htm' => 'text/html', 'shtml' => 'text/html', 'txt' => 'text/plain', 'text' => 'text/plain', 'log' => 'text/plain', 'rtx' => 'text/richtext', 'rtf' => 'text/rtf', 'xml' => 'text/xml', 'xsl' => 'text/xml', 'mpeg' => 'video/mpeg', 'mpg' => 'video/mpeg', 'mpe' => 'video/mpeg', 'qt' => 'video/quicktime', 'mov' => 'video/quicktime', 'avi' => 'video/x-msvideo', 'movie' => 'video/x-sgi-movie', 'docx' => 'application/msword', 'word' => 'application/msword', 'xl' => 'application/excel', 'xlsx' => 'application/excel', 'eml' => 'message/rfc822' ); return (!isset($mimes[lowercase($ext)])) ? 'application/octet-stream' : $mimes[lowercase($ext)]; } /*-- 文件: data/ ---*/ /** * 国际化语言设置 * @param $tag * @return mixed|string */ function et($tag){ global $lang; // English - by Fabricio Seger Kolling $en['Version'] = 'Version'; $en['DocRoot'] = 'Document Root'; $en['FLRoot'] = 'File Manager Root'; $en['Name'] = 'Name'; $en['And'] = 'and'; $en['Enter'] = 'Enter'; $en['Send'] = 'Send'; $en['Refresh'] = 'Refresh'; $en['SaveConfig'] = 'Save Configurations'; $en['SavePass'] = 'Save Password'; $en['SaveFile'] = 'Save File'; $en['Save'] = 'Save'; $en['Leave'] = 'Leave'; $en['Edit'] = 'Edit'; $en['View'] = 'View'; $en['Config'] = 'Config'; $en['Ren'] = 'Rename'; $en['Rem'] = 'Delete'; $en['Compress'] = 'Compress'; $en['Decompress'] = 'Decompress'; $en['ResolveIDs'] = 'Resolve IDs'; $en['Move'] = 'Move'; $en['Copy'] = 'Copy'; $en['ServerInfo'] = 'Server Info'; $en['CreateDir'] = 'Create Directory'; $en['CreateArq'] = 'Create File'; $en['ExecCmd'] = 'Execute Command'; $en['Upload'] = 'Upload'; $en['UploadEnd'] = 'Upload Finished'; $en['Perm'] = 'Perm'; $en['Perms'] = 'Permissions'; $en['Owner'] = 'Owner'; $en['Group'] = 'Group'; $en['Other'] = 'Other'; $en['Size'] = 'Size'; $en['Date'] = 'Date'; $en['Type'] = 'Type'; $en['Free'] = 'free'; $en['Shell'] = 'Shell'; $en['Read'] = 'Read'; $en['Write'] = 'Write'; $en['Exec'] = 'Execute'; $en['Apply'] = 'Apply'; $en['StickyBit'] = 'Sticky Bit'; $en['Pass'] = 'Password'; $en['Lang'] = 'Language'; $en['File'] = 'File'; $en['File_s'] = 'file(s)'; $en['Dir_s'] = 'directory(s)'; $en['To'] = 'to'; $en['Destination'] = 'Destination'; $en['Configurations'] = 'Configurations'; $en['JSError'] = 'JavaScript Error'; $en['NoSel'] = 'There are no selected itens'; $en['SelDir'] = 'Select the destination directory on the left tree'; $en['TypeDir'] = 'Enter the directory name'; $en['TypeArq'] = 'Enter the file name'; $en['TypeCmd'] = 'Enter the command'; $en['TypeArqComp'] = 'Enter the file name.\\nThe extension will define the compression type.\\nEx:\\\\nnome.tar\\nnome.bzip\\nnome.gzip'; $en['RemSel'] = 'DELETE selected itens'; $en['NoDestDir'] = 'There is no selected destination directory'; $en['DestEqOrig'] = 'Origin and destination directories are equal'; $en['InvalidDest'] = 'Destination directory is invalid'; $en['NoNewPerm'] = 'New permission not set'; $en['CopyTo'] = 'COPY to'; $en['MoveTo'] = 'MOVE to'; $en['AlterPermTo'] = 'CHANGE PERMISSIONS to'; $en['ConfExec'] = 'Confirm EXECUTE'; $en['ConfRem'] = 'Confirm DELETE'; $en['EmptyDir'] = 'Empty directory'; $en['IOError'] = 'I/O Error'; $en['FileMan'] = 'PHP File Manager'; $en['TypePass'] = 'Enter the password'; $en['InvPass'] = 'Invalid Password'; $en['ReadDenied'] = 'Read Access Denied'; $en['FileNotFound'] = 'File not found'; $en['AutoClose'] = 'Close on Complete'; $en['OutDocRoot'] = 'File beyond DOCUMENT_ROOT'; $en['NoCmd'] = 'Error: Command not informed'; $en['ConfTrySave'] = 'File without write permisson.\\nTry to save anyway'; $en['ConfSaved'] = 'Configurations saved'; $en['PassSaved'] = 'Password saved'; $en['FileDirExists'] = 'File or directory already exists'; $en['NoPhpinfo'] = 'Function phpinfo disabled'; $en['NoReturn'] = 'no return'; $en['FileSent'] = 'File sent'; $en['SpaceLimReached'] = 'Space limit reached'; $en['InvExt'] = 'Invalid extension'; $en['FileNoOverw'] = 'File could not be overwritten'; $en['FileOverw'] = 'File overwritten'; $en['FileIgnored'] = 'File ignored'; $en['ChkVer'] = 'Check for new version'; $en['ChkVerAvailable'] = 'New version, click here to begin download!!'; $en['ChkVerNotAvailable'] = 'No new version available. :('; $en['ChkVerError'] = 'Connection Error.'; $en['Website'] = 'Website'; $en['SendingForm'] = 'Sending files, please wait'; $en['NoFileSel'] = 'No file selected'; $en['SelAll'] = 'All'; $en['SelNone'] = 'None'; $en['SelInverse'] = 'Inverse'; $en['Selected_s'] = 'selected'; $en['Total'] = 'total'; $en['Partition'] = 'Partition'; $en['RenderTime'] = 'Time to render this page'; $en['Seconds'] = 'sec'; $en['ErrorReport'] = 'Error Reporting'; $en['Disabled Errors'] = "Disable"; $en['Show Errors'] = "Show Errors"; $en['Show All Errors'] = "Show All Errors"; $en['UpdateResult'] = "Update Result"; $en['TimeZone'] = "TimeZone"; $en['TimeZoneList'] = "See time zone list"; //中文语言设置 $zh['TimeZone'] = "时区"; $zh['TimeZoneList'] = "查看时区列表"; $zh['UpdateResult'] = "更新结果"; $zh['Version'] = '版本'; $zh['DocRoot'] = '文档根目录'; $zh['FLRoot'] = '文件管理根目录'; $zh['Name'] = '名称'; $zh['And'] = '与'; $zh['Enter'] = '确定'; $zh['Send'] = '发送'; $zh['Refresh'] = '刷新'; $zh['SaveConfig'] = '保存配置'; $zh['SavePass'] = '保存密码'; $zh['SaveFile'] = '保存文件'; $zh['Save'] = '保存'; $zh['Leave'] = '离开'; $zh['Edit'] = '编辑'; $zh['View'] = '查看'; $zh['Config'] = '配置'; $zh['Ren'] = '重命名'; $zh['Rem'] = '删除'; $zh['Compress'] = '压缩'; $zh['Decompress'] = '解压'; $zh['ResolveIDs'] = '切换权限模式'; $zh['Move'] = '移动'; $zh['Copy'] = '复制'; $zh['ServerInfo'] = '服务器信息'; $zh['CreateDir'] = '创建目录'; $zh['CreateArq'] = '创建文件'; $zh['ExecCmd'] = '执行命令'; $zh['Upload'] = '上传'; $zh['UploadEnd'] = '上传结束'; $zh['Perm'] = '权限'; $zh['Perms'] = '权限'; $zh['Owner'] = '所有者'; $zh['Group'] = '用户组'; $zh['Other'] = '其他'; $zh['Size'] = '大小'; $zh['Date'] = '日期'; $zh['Type'] = '类型'; $zh['Free'] = '剩余'; $zh['Shell'] = '控制台'; $zh['Read'] = '读'; $zh['Write'] = '写'; $zh['Exec'] = '执行'; $zh['Apply'] = '应用'; $zh['StickyBit'] = '置顶位'; $zh['Pass'] = '密码'; $zh['Lang'] = '语言'; $zh['File'] = '文件'; $zh['File_s'] = '个文件'; $zh['Dir_s'] = '个目录'; $zh['To'] = '到'; $zh['Destination'] = '目标'; $zh['Configurations'] = '配置'; $zh['JSError'] = 'JavaScript 错误'; $zh['NoSel'] = '这里没有选中的项'; $zh['SelDir'] = '选择左边的树目标目录'; $zh['TypeDir'] = '输入目录名称'; $zh['TypeArq'] = '输入文件名称'; $zh['TypeCmd'] = '输入命令'; $zh['TypeArqComp'] = '输入文件名.\\n选择定义的压缩文件格式.\\n例如:\\\\nnome.tar\\nnome.bzip\\nnome.gzip'; $zh['RemSel'] = '删除选中的项'; $zh['NoDestDir'] = '没有选择目标目录'; $zh['DestEqOrig'] = '原目录和新目录一致'; $zh['InvalidDest'] = '目标目录无法验证'; $zh['NoNewPerm'] = '新的权限未设置'; $zh['CopyTo'] = '复制到'; $zh['MoveTo'] = '移动到'; $zh['AlterPermTo'] = '修改权限为'; $zh['ConfExec'] = '确认执行'; $zh['ConfRem'] = '确认删除'; $zh['EmptyDir'] = '空目录'; $zh['IOError'] = 'I/O 错误'; $zh['FileMan'] = 'PHP 文件管理'; $zh['TypePass'] = '输入密码'; $zh['InvPass'] = '错误的密码'; $zh['ReadDenied'] = '读取权限被拒绝'; $zh['FileNotFound'] = '文件未找到'; $zh['AutoClose'] = '完成后关闭'; $zh['OutDocRoot'] = '文件属于文档根目录'; $zh['NoCmd'] = '错误: 命令未通知'; $zh['ConfTrySave'] = '文件没有写权限.\\n请保存到其他地方'; $zh['ConfSaved'] = '配置已保存'; $zh['PassSaved'] = '密码已保存'; $zh['FileDirExists'] = '文件或目录已经存在'; $zh['NoPhpinfo'] = 'phpinfo() 函数被禁用'; $zh['NoReturn'] = '无返回'; $zh['FileSent'] = '文件已发送'; $zh['SpaceLimReached'] = '空间达到限制'; $zh['InvExt'] = '错误的拓展'; $zh['FileNoOverw'] = '文件无法被覆盖'; $zh['FileOverw'] = '文件被覆盖'; $zh['FileIgnored'] = '文件被忽略'; $zh['ChkVer'] = '检查新版本'; $zh['ChkVerAvailable'] = '新的版本,点击下载!!'; $zh['ChkVerNotAvailable'] = '没有新的版本. :('; $zh['ChkVerError'] = '连接失败.'; $zh['Website'] = '网站'; $zh['SendingForm'] = '发送文件中,请等待...'; $zh['NoFileSel'] = '没有文件被选中'; $zh['SelAll'] = '全部'; $zh['SelNone'] = '全不'; $zh['SelInverse'] = '反选'; $zh['Selected_s'] = '已选中'; $zh['Total'] = '总计'; $zh['Partition'] = '磁盘'; $zh['RenderTime'] = '页面加载时间'; $zh['Seconds'] = '秒'; $zh['ErrorReport'] = '错误报告'; $zh['Disabled Errors'] = "禁用错误输出"; $zh['Show Errors'] = "仅显示出错信息"; $zh['Show All Errors'] = "显示所有错误、警告提示"; // Portuguese by - Fabricio Seger Kolling $pt['Version'] = 'Versão'; $pt['DocRoot'] = 'Document Root'; $pt['FLRoot'] = 'File Manager Root'; $pt['Name'] = 'Nome'; $pt['And'] = 'e'; $pt['Enter'] = 'Entrar'; $pt['Send'] = 'Enviar'; $pt['Refresh'] = 'Atualizar'; $pt['SaveConfig'] = 'Salvar Configurações'; $pt['SavePass'] = 'Salvar Senha'; $pt['SaveFile'] = 'Salvar Arquivo'; $pt['Save'] = 'Salvar'; $pt['Leave'] = 'Sair'; $pt['Edit'] = 'Editar'; $pt['View'] = 'Visualizar'; $pt['Config'] = 'Config'; $pt['Ren'] = 'Renomear'; $pt['Rem'] = 'Apagar'; $pt['Compress'] = 'Compactar'; $pt['Decompress'] = 'Descompactar'; $pt['ResolveIDs'] = 'Resolver IDs'; $pt['Move'] = 'Mover'; $pt['Copy'] = 'Copiar'; $pt['ServerInfo'] = 'Server Info'; $pt['CreateDir'] = 'Criar Diretório'; $pt['CreateArq'] = 'Criar Arquivo'; $pt['ExecCmd'] = 'Executar Comando'; $pt['Upload'] = 'Upload'; $pt['UploadEnd'] = 'Upload Terminado'; $pt['Perm'] = 'Perm'; $pt['Perms'] = 'Permissões'; $pt['Owner'] = 'Dono'; $pt['Group'] = 'Grupo'; $pt['Other'] = 'Outros'; $pt['Size'] = 'Tamanho'; $pt['Date'] = 'Data'; $pt['Type'] = 'Tipo'; $pt['Free'] = 'livre'; $pt['Shell'] = 'Shell'; $pt['Read'] = 'Ler'; $pt['Write'] = 'Escrever'; $pt['Exec'] = 'Executar'; $pt['Apply'] = 'Aplicar'; $pt['StickyBit'] = 'Sticky Bit'; $pt['Pass'] = 'Senha'; $pt['Lang'] = 'Idioma'; $pt['File'] = 'Arquivo'; $pt['File_s'] = 'arquivo(s)'; $pt['Dir_s'] = 'diretorio(s)'; $pt['To'] = 'para'; $pt['Destination'] = 'Destino'; $pt['Configurations'] = 'Configurações'; $pt['JSError'] = 'Erro de JavaScript'; $pt['NoSel'] = 'Não há itens selecionados'; $pt['SelDir'] = 'Selecione o diretório de destino na árvore a esquerda'; $pt['TypeDir'] = 'Digite o nome do diretório'; $pt['TypeArq'] = 'Digite o nome do arquivo'; $pt['TypeCmd'] = 'Digite o commando'; $pt['TypeArqComp'] = 'Digite o nome do arquivo.\\nA extensão determina o tipo de compactação.\\nEx:\\\\nnome.tar\\nnome.bzip\\nnome.gzip'; $pt['RemSel'] = 'APAGAR itens selecionados'; $pt['NoDestDir'] = 'Não há um diretório de destino selecionado'; $pt['DestEqOrig'] = 'Diretório de origem e destino iguais'; $pt['InvalidDest'] = 'Diretório de destino inválido'; $pt['NoNewPerm'] = 'Nova permissão não foi setada'; $pt['CopyTo'] = 'COPIAR para'; $pt['MoveTo'] = 'MOVER para'; $pt['AlterPermTo'] = 'ALTERAR PERMISSÕES para'; $pt['ConfExec'] = 'Confirma EXECUTAR'; $pt['ConfRem'] = 'Confirma APAGAR'; $pt['EmptyDir'] = 'Diretório vazio'; $pt['IOError'] = 'Erro de E/S'; $pt['FileMan'] = 'PHP File Manager'; $pt['TypePass'] = 'Digite a senha'; $pt['InvPass'] = 'Senha Inválida'; $pt['ReadDenied'] = 'Acesso de leitura negado'; $pt['FileNotFound'] = 'Arquivo não encontrado'; $pt['AutoClose'] = 'Fechar Automaticamente'; $pt['OutDocRoot'] = 'Arquivo fora do DOCUMENT_ROOT'; $pt['NoCmd'] = 'Erro: Comando não informado'; $pt['ConfTrySave'] = 'Arquivo sem permissão de escrita.\\nTentar salvar assim mesmo'; $pt['ConfSaved'] = 'Configurações salvas'; $pt['PassSaved'] = 'Senha salva'; $pt['FileDirExists'] = 'Arquivo ou diretório já existe'; $pt['NoPhpinfo'] = 'Função phpinfo desabilitada'; $pt['NoReturn'] = 'sem retorno'; $pt['FileSent'] = 'Arquivo enviado'; $pt['SpaceLimReached'] = 'Limite de espaço alcançado'; $pt['InvExt'] = 'Extensão inválida'; $pt['FileNoOverw'] = 'Arquivo não pode ser sobreescrito'; $pt['FileOverw'] = 'Arquivo sobreescrito'; $pt['FileIgnored'] = 'Arquivo omitido'; $pt['ChkVer'] = 'Verificar por nova versão'; $pt['ChkVerAvailable'] = 'Nova versão, clique aqui para iniciar download!!'; $pt['ChkVerNotAvailable'] = 'Não há nova versão disponível. :('; $pt['ChkVerError'] = 'Erro de conexão.'; $pt['Website'] = 'Website'; $pt['SendingForm'] = 'Enviando arquivos, aguarde'; $pt['NoFileSel'] = 'Nenhum arquivo selecionado'; $pt['SelAll'] = 'Tudo'; $pt['SelNone'] = 'Nada'; $pt['SelInverse'] = 'Inverso'; $pt['Selected_s'] = 'selecionado(s)'; $pt['Total'] = 'total'; $pt['Partition'] = 'Partição'; $pt['RenderTime'] = 'Tempo para gerar esta página'; $pt['Seconds'] = 'seg'; $pt['ErrorReport'] = 'Error Reporting'; // Spanish - by Sh Studios $es['Version'] = 'Versión'; $es['DocRoot'] = 'Raiz del programa'; $es['FLRoot'] = 'Raiz del administrador de archivos'; $es['Name'] = 'Nombre'; $es['And'] = 'y'; $es['Enter'] = 'Enter'; $es['Send'] = 'Enviar'; $es['Refresh'] = 'Refrescar'; $es['SaveConfig'] = 'Guardar configuraciones'; $es['SavePass'] = 'Cuardar Contraseña'; $es['SaveFile'] = 'Guardar Archivo'; $es['Save'] = 'Guardar'; $es['Leave'] = 'Salir'; $es['Edit'] = 'Editar'; $es['View'] = 'Mirar'; $es['Config'] = 'Config.'; $es['Ren'] = 'Renombrar'; $es['Rem'] = 'Borrar'; $es['Compress'] = 'Comprimir'; $es['Decompress'] = 'Decomprimir'; $es['ResolveIDs'] = 'Resolver IDs'; $es['Move'] = 'Mover'; $es['Copy'] = 'Copiar'; $es['ServerInfo'] = 'Info del Server'; $es['CreateDir'] = 'Crear Directorio'; $es['CreateArq'] = 'Crear Archivo'; $es['ExecCmd'] = 'Ejecutar Comando'; $es['Upload'] = 'Subir'; $es['UploadEnd'] = 'Subida exitosa'; $es['Perm'] = 'Perm'; $es['Perms'] = 'Permisiones'; $es['Owner'] = 'Propietario'; $es['Group'] = 'Grupo'; $es['Other'] = 'Otro'; $es['Size'] = 'Tamaño'; $es['Date'] = 'Fecha'; $es['Type'] = 'Tipo'; $es['Free'] = 'libre'; $es['Shell'] = 'Ejecutar'; $es['Read'] = 'Leer'; $es['Write'] = 'Escribir'; $es['Exec'] = 'Ejecutar'; $es['Apply'] = 'Aplicar'; $es['StickyBit'] = 'Sticky Bit'; $es['Pass'] = 'Contraseña'; $es['Lang'] = 'Lenguage'; $es['File'] = 'Archivos'; $es['File_s'] = 'archivo(s)'; $es['Dir_s'] = 'directorio(s)'; $es['To'] = 'a'; $es['Destination'] = 'Destino'; $es['Configurations'] = 'Configuracion'; $es['JSError'] = 'Error de JavaScript'; $es['NoSel'] = 'No hay items seleccionados'; $es['SelDir'] = 'Seleccione el directorio de destino en el arbol derecho'; $es['TypeDir'] = 'Escriba el nombre del directorio'; $es['TypeArq'] = 'Escriba el nombre del archivo'; $es['TypeCmd'] = 'Escriba el comando'; $es['TypeArqComp'] = 'Escriba el nombre del directorio.\\nLa extension definira el tipo de compresion.\\nEj:\\\\nnome.tar\\nnome.bzip\\nnome.gzip'; $es['RemSel'] = 'BORRAR items seleccionados'; $es['NoDestDir'] = 'No se ha seleccionado el directorio de destino'; $es['DestEqOrig'] = 'El origen y el destino son iguales'; $es['InvalidDest'] = 'El destino del directorio es invalido'; $es['NoNewPerm'] = 'Las permisiones no se pudieron establecer'; $es['CopyTo'] = 'COPIAR a'; $es['MoveTo'] = 'MOVER a'; $es['AlterPermTo'] = 'CAMBIAR PERMISIONES a'; $es['ConfExec'] = 'Confirmar EJECUCION'; $es['ConfRem'] = 'Confirmar BORRADO'; $es['EmptyDir'] = 'Directorio Vacio'; $es['IOError'] = 'Error I/O'; $es['FileMan'] = 'PHP File Manager'; $es['TypePass'] = 'Escriba la contraseña'; $es['InvPass'] = 'Contraseña invalida'; $es['ReadDenied'] = 'Acceso de lectura denegado'; $es['FileNotFound'] = 'Archivo no encontrado'; $es['AutoClose'] = 'Cerrar al completar'; $es['OutDocRoot'] = 'Archivo antes de DOCUMENT_ROOT'; $es['NoCmd'] = 'Error: No se ha escrito ningun comando'; $es['ConfTrySave'] = 'Archivo sin permisos de escritura.\\nIntente guardar en otro lugar'; $es['ConfSaved'] = 'Configuracion Guardada'; $es['PassSaved'] = 'Contraseña guardada'; $es['FileDirExists'] = 'Archivo o directorio ya existente'; $es['NoPhpinfo'] = 'Funcion phpinfo() inhabilitada'; $es['NoReturn'] = 'sin retorno'; $es['FileSent'] = 'Archivo enviado'; $es['SpaceLimReached'] = 'Limite de espacio en disco alcanzado'; $es['InvExt'] = 'Extension inalida'; $es['FileNoOverw'] = 'El archivo no pudo ser sobreescrito'; $es['FileOverw'] = 'Archivo sobreescrito'; $es['FileIgnored'] = 'Archivo ignorado'; $es['ChkVer'] = 'Chequear las actualizaciones'; $es['ChkVerAvailable'] = 'Nueva version, haga click aqui para descargar!!'; $es['ChkVerNotAvailable'] = 'Su version es la mas reciente.'; $es['ChkVerError'] = 'Error de coneccion.'; $es['Website'] = 'Sitio Web'; $es['SendingForm'] = 'Enviando archivos, espere!'; $es['NoFileSel'] = 'Ningun archivo seleccionado'; $es['SelAll'] = 'Todos'; $es['SelNone'] = 'Ninguno'; $es['SelInverse'] = 'Inverso'; $es['Selected_s'] = 'seleccionado'; $es['Total'] = 'total'; $es['Partition'] = 'Particion'; $es['RenderTime'] = 'Generado en'; $es['Seconds'] = 'seg'; $es['ErrorReport'] = 'Reporte de error'; // Korean - by Airplanez $kr['Version'] = '버전'; $kr['DocRoot'] = '웹서버 루트'; $kr['FLRoot'] = '파일 매니저 루트'; $kr['Name'] = '이름'; $kr['Enter'] = '입력'; $kr['Send'] = '전송'; $kr['Refresh'] = '새로고침'; $kr['SaveConfig'] = '환경 저장'; $kr['SavePass'] = '비밀번호 저장'; $kr['SaveFile'] = '파일 저장'; $kr['Save'] = '저장'; $kr['Leave'] = '나가기'; $kr['Edit'] = '수정'; $kr['View'] = '보기'; $kr['Config'] = '환경'; $kr['Ren'] = '이름바꾸기'; $kr['Rem'] = '삭제'; $kr['Compress'] = '압축하기'; $kr['Decompress'] = '압축풀기'; $kr['ResolveIDs'] = '소유자'; $kr['Move'] = '이동'; $kr['Copy'] = '복사'; $kr['ServerInfo'] = '서버 정보'; $kr['CreateDir'] = '디렉토리 생성'; $kr['CreateArq'] = '파일 생성'; $kr['ExecCmd'] = '명령 실행'; $kr['Upload'] = '업로드'; $kr['UploadEnd'] = '업로드가 완료되었습니다.'; $kr['Perm'] = '권한'; $kr['Perms'] = '권한'; $kr['Owner'] = '소유자'; $kr['Group'] = '그룹'; $kr['Other'] = '모든사용자'; $kr['Size'] = '크기'; $kr['Date'] = '날짜'; $kr['Type'] = '종류'; $kr['Free'] = '여유'; $kr['Shell'] = '쉘'; $kr['Read'] = '읽기'; $kr['Write'] = '쓰기'; $kr['Exec'] = '실행'; $kr['Apply'] = '적용'; $kr['StickyBit'] = '스티키 비트'; $kr['Pass'] = '비밀번호'; $kr['Lang'] = '언어'; $kr['File'] = '파일'; $kr['File_s'] = '파일'; $kr['To'] = '으로'; $kr['Destination'] = '대상'; $kr['Configurations'] = '환경'; $kr['JSError'] = '자바스크립트 오류'; $kr['NoSel'] = '선택된 것이 없습니다'; $kr['SelDir'] = '왼쪽리스트에서 대상 디렉토리를 선택하세요'; $kr['TypeDir'] = '디렉토리명을 입력하세요'; $kr['TypeArq'] = '파일명을 입력하세요'; $kr['TypeCmd'] = '명령을 입력하세요'; $kr['TypeArqComp'] = '파일명을 입력하세요.\\n확장자에 따라 압축형식이 정해집니다.\\n예:\\\\nnome.tar\\nnome.bzip\\nnome.gzip'; $kr['RemSel'] = '선택된 것을 삭제했습니다'; $kr['NoDestDir'] = '선택된 대상 디렉토리가 없습니다.'; $kr['DestEqOrig'] = '원래 디렉토리와 대상 디렉토리가 같습니다'; $kr['NoNewPerm'] = '새로운 권한이 설정되지 않았습니다'; $kr['CopyTo'] = '여기에 복사'; $kr['MoveTo'] = '여기로 이동'; $kr['AlterPermTo'] = '으로 권한변경'; $kr['ConfExec'] = '실행 확인'; $kr['ConfRem'] = '삭제 확인'; $kr['EmptyDir'] = '빈 디렉토리'; $kr['IOError'] = '입/출력 오류'; $kr['FileMan'] = 'PHP 파일 매니저'; $kr['TypePass'] = '비밀번호를 입력하세요'; $kr['InvPass'] = '비밀번호가 틀립니다'; $kr['ReadDenied'] = '읽기가 거부되었습니다'; $kr['FileNotFound'] = '파일이 없습니다'; $kr['AutoClose'] = '완료후 닫기'; $kr['OutDocRoot'] = 'DOCUMENT_ROOT 이내의 파일이 아닙니다'; $kr['NoCmd'] = '오류: 명령이 실행되지 않았습니다'; $kr['ConfTrySave'] = '파일에 쓰기 권한이 없습니다.\\n그래도 저장하시겠습니까'; $kr['ConfSaved'] = '환경이 저장되었습니다'; $kr['PassSaved'] = '비밀번호 저장'; $kr['FileDirExists'] = '파일 또는 디렉토리가 이미 존재합니다'; $kr['NoPhpinfo'] = 'PHPINFO()를 사용할수 없습니다'; $kr['NoReturn'] = '반환값 없음'; $kr['FileSent'] = '파일 전송'; $kr['SpaceLimReached'] = '저장공가 여유가 없습니다'; $kr['InvExt'] = '유효하지 않은 확장자'; $kr['FileNoOverw'] = '파일을 덮어 쓸수 없습니다'; $kr['FileOverw'] = '파일을 덮어 썼습니다'; $kr['FileIgnored'] = '파일이 무시되었습니다'; $kr['ChkVer'] = '에서 새버전 확인'; $kr['ChkVerAvailable'] = '새로운 버전이 있습니다. 다운받으려면 클릭하세요!!'; $kr['ChkVerNotAvailable'] = '새로운 버전이 없습니다. :('; $kr['ChkVerError'] = '연결 오류'; $kr['Website'] = '웹사이트'; $kr['SendingForm'] = '파일을 전송중입니다. 기다리세요'; $kr['NoFileSel'] = '파일이 선택되지 않았습니다'; $kr['SelAll'] = '모든'; $kr['SelNone'] = '제로'; $kr['SelInverse'] = '역'; // German - by Guido Ogrzal $de1['Version'] = 'Version'; $de1['DocRoot'] = 'Dokument Wurzelverzeichnis'; $de1['FLRoot'] = 'Dateimanager Wurzelverzeichnis'; $de1['Name'] = 'Name'; $de1['And'] = 'und'; $de1['Enter'] = 'Eintreten'; $de1['Send'] = 'Senden'; $de1['Refresh'] = 'Aktualisieren'; $de1['SaveConfig'] = 'Konfiguration speichern'; $de1['SavePass'] = 'Passwort speichern'; $de1['SaveFile'] = 'Datei speichern'; $de1['Save'] = 'Speichern'; $de1['Leave'] = 'Verlassen'; $de1['Edit'] = 'Bearbeiten'; $de1['View'] = 'Ansehen'; $de1['Config'] = 'Konfigurieren'; $de1['Ren'] = 'Umbenennen'; $de1['Rem'] = 'Löschen'; $de1['Compress'] = 'Komprimieren'; $de1['Decompress'] = 'Dekomprimieren'; $de1['ResolveIDs'] = 'Resolve IDs'; $de1['Move'] = 'Verschieben'; $de1['Copy'] = 'Kopieren'; $de1['ServerInfo'] = 'Server-Info'; $de1['CreateDir'] = 'Neues Verzeichnis'; $de1['CreateArq'] = 'Neue Datei'; $de1['ExecCmd'] = 'Kommando'; $de1['Upload'] = 'Datei hochladen'; $de1['UploadEnd'] = 'Datei hochladen beendet'; $de1['Perm'] = 'Erlaubnis'; $de1['Perms'] = 'Erlaubnis'; $de1['Owner'] = 'Besitzer'; $de1['Group'] = 'Gruppe'; $de1['Other'] = 'Andere'; $de1['Size'] = 'Größe'; $de1['Date'] = 'Datum'; $de1['Type'] = 'Typ'; $de1['Free'] = 'frei'; $de1['Shell'] = 'Shell'; $de1['Read'] = 'Lesen'; $de1['Write'] = 'Schreiben'; $de1['Exec'] = 'Ausführen'; $de1['Apply'] = 'Bestätigen'; $de1['StickyBit'] = 'Sticky Bit'; $de1['Pass'] = 'Passwort'; $de1['Lang'] = 'Sprache'; $de1['File'] = 'Datei'; $de1['File_s'] = 'Datei(en)'; $de1['Dir_s'] = 'Verzeichniss(e)'; $de1['To'] = '->'; $de1['Destination'] = 'Ziel'; $de1['Configurations'] = 'Konfiguration'; $de1['JSError'] = 'JavaScript Fehler'; $de1['NoSel'] = 'Es gibt keine selektierten Objekte'; $de1['SelDir'] = 'Selektiere das Zielverzeichnis im linken Verzeichnisbaum'; $de1['TypeDir'] = 'Trage den Verzeichnisnamen ein'; $de1['TypeArq'] = 'Trage den Dateinamen ein'; $de1['TypeCmd'] = 'Gib das Kommando ein'; $de1['TypeArqComp'] = 'Trage den Dateinamen ein.\\nDie Dateierweiterung wird den Kompressiontyp bestimmen.\\nBsp.:\\\\nnome.tar\\nnome.bzip\\nnome.gzip'; $de1['RemSel'] = 'LÖSCHE die selektierten Objekte'; $de1['NoDestDir'] = 'Das selektierte Zielverzeichnis existiert nicht'; $de1['DestEqOrig'] = 'Quell- und Zielverzeichnis stimmen überein'; $de1['InvalidDest'] = 'Zielverzeichnis ist ungültig'; $de1['NoNewPerm'] = 'Neue Zugriffserlaubnis konnte nicht gesetzt werden'; $de1['CopyTo'] = 'KOPIERE nach'; $de1['MoveTo'] = 'VERSCHIEBE nach'; $de1['AlterPermTo'] = 'ÄNDERE ZUGRIFFSERLAUBSNIS in'; $de1['ConfExec'] = 'Bestätige AUSFÜHRUNG'; $de1['ConfRem'] = 'Bestätige LÖSCHEN'; $de1['EmptyDir'] = 'Leeres Verzeichnis'; $de1['IOError'] = 'Eingabe/Ausgabe-Fehler'; $de1['FileMan'] = 'PHP File Manager'; $de1['TypePass'] = 'Trage das Passwort ein'; $de1['InvPass'] = 'Ungültiges Passwort'; $de1['ReadDenied'] = 'Lesezugriff verweigert'; $de1['FileNotFound'] = 'Datei nicht gefunden'; $de1['AutoClose'] = 'Schließen, wenn fertig'; $de1['OutDocRoot'] = 'Datei außerhalb von DOCUMENT_ROOT'; $de1['NoCmd'] = 'Fehler: Es wurde kein Kommando eingetragen'; $de1['ConfTrySave'] = 'Keine Schreibberechtigung für die Datei.\\nVersuche trotzdem zu speichern'; $de1['ConfSaved'] = 'Konfiguration gespeichert'; $de1['PassSaved'] = 'Passwort gespeichert'; $de1['FileDirExists'] = 'Datei oder Verzeichnis existiert schon'; $de1['NoPhpinfo'] = 'Funktion phpinfo ist inaktiv'; $de1['NoReturn'] = 'keine Rückgabe'; $de1['FileSent'] = 'Datei wurde gesendet'; $de1['SpaceLimReached'] = 'Verfügbares Speicherlimit wurde erreicht'; $de1['InvExt'] = 'Ungültige Dateiendung'; $de1['FileNoOverw'] = 'Datei kann nicht überschrieben werden'; $de1['FileOverw'] = 'Datei überschrieben'; $de1['FileIgnored'] = 'Datei ignoriert'; $de1['ChkVer'] = 'Prüfe auf neue Version'; $de1['ChkVerAvailable'] = 'Neue Version verfügbar; klicke hier, um den Download zu starten!!'; $de1['ChkVerNotAvailable'] = 'Keine neue Version gefunden. :('; $de1['ChkVerError'] = 'Verbindungsfehler.'; $de1['Website'] = 'Webseite'; $de1['SendingForm'] = 'Sende Dateien... Bitte warten.'; $de1['NoFileSel'] = 'Keine Datei selektiert'; $de1['SelAll'] = 'Alle'; $de1['SelNone'] = 'Keine'; $de1['SelInverse'] = 'Invertieren'; $de1['Selected_s'] = 'selektiert'; $de1['Total'] = 'Gesamt'; $de1['Partition'] = 'Partition'; $de1['RenderTime'] = 'Zeit, um die Seite anzuzeigen'; $de1['Seconds'] = 's'; $de1['ErrorReport'] = 'Fehlerreport'; // German - by AXL $de2['Version'] = 'Version'; $de2['DocRoot'] = 'Document Stammverzeichnis'; $de2['FLRoot'] = 'Datei Manager Stammverzeichnis'; $de2['Name'] = 'Name'; $de2['And'] = 'und'; $de2['Enter'] = 'Enter'; $de2['Send'] = 'Senden'; $de2['Refresh'] = 'Aktualisieren'; $de2['SaveConfig'] = 'Konfiguration speichern'; $de2['SavePass'] = 'Passwort speichern'; $de2['SaveFile'] = 'Datei speichern'; $de2['Save'] = 'Speichern'; $de2['Leave'] = 'Verlassen'; $de2['Edit'] = 'Bearb.'; $de2['View'] = 'Anzeigen'; $de2['Config'] = 'Konfigurieren'; $de2['Ren'] = 'Umb.'; $de2['Rem'] = 'Löschen'; $de2['Compress'] = 'Komprimieren'; $de2['Decompress'] = 'De-Komprimieren'; $de2['ResolveIDs'] = 'IDs auflösen'; $de2['Move'] = 'Versch.'; $de2['Copy'] = 'Kopie'; $de2['ServerInfo'] = 'Server Info'; $de2['CreateDir'] = 'Verzeichnis erstellen'; $de2['CreateArq'] = 'Datei erstellen'; $de2['ExecCmd'] = 'Befehl ausführen'; $de2['Upload'] = 'Upload'; $de2['UploadEnd'] = 'Upload abgeschlossen'; $de2['Perm'] = 'Rechte'; $de2['Perms'] = 'Rechte'; $de2['Owner'] = 'Besitzer'; $de2['Group'] = 'Gruppe'; $de2['Other'] = 'Andere'; $de2['Size'] = 'Größe'; $de2['Date'] = 'Datum'; $de2['Type'] = 'Typ'; $de2['Free'] = 'frei'; $de2['Shell'] = 'Shell'; $de2['Read'] = 'Read'; $de2['Write'] = 'Write'; $de2['Exec'] = 'Execute'; $de2['Apply'] = 'Anwenden'; $de2['StickyBit'] = 'Sticky Bit'; $de2['Pass'] = 'Passwort'; $de2['Lang'] = 'Sprache'; $de2['File'] = 'Datei'; $de2['File_s'] = 'Datei(en)'; $de2['Dir_s'] = 'Verzeichnis(se)'; $de2['To'] = 'an'; $de2['Destination'] = 'Ziel'; $de2['Configurations'] = 'Konfigurationen'; $de2['JSError'] = 'JavaScript Fehler'; $de2['NoSel'] = 'Keine Einträge ausgewählt'; $de2['SelDir'] = 'Wählen Sie das Zeilverzeichnis im Verzeichnis links'; $de2['TypeDir'] = 'Geben Sie den Verzeichnisnamen ein'; $de2['TypeArq'] = 'Geben Sie den Dateinamen ein'; $de2['TypeCmd'] = 'Geben Sie den Befehl ein'; $de2['TypeArqComp'] = 'Geben Sie den Dateinamen ein.\\nDie Datei-Extension legt den Kopressionstyp fest.\\nBeispiel:\\\\nnome.tar\\nnome.bzip\\nnome.gzip'; $de2['RemSel'] = 'Ausgewählte Dateien LÖSCHEN'; $de2['NoDestDir'] = 'Es wurde kein Zielverzeichnis angegeben'; $de2['DestEqOrig'] = 'Quell- und Zielverzeichnis sind identisch'; $de2['InvalidDest'] = 'Zielverzeichnis ungültig'; $de2['NoNewPerm'] = 'Unzureichende Rechte'; $de2['CopyTo'] = 'KOPIEREN nach'; $de2['MoveTo'] = 'VERSCHIEBEN nach'; $de2['AlterPermTo'] = 'RECHTE ÄNDERN in'; $de2['ConfExec'] = 'Bestätigung AUSFÜHREN'; $de2['ConfRem'] = 'Bestätigung LÖSCHEN'; $de2['EmptyDir'] = 'Leeres Verzeichnis'; $de2['IOError'] = 'Ein-/Ausgabe-Fehler'; $de2['FileMan'] = 'PHP File Manager'; $de2['TypePass'] = 'Bitte geben Sie das Passwort ein'; $de2['InvPass'] = 'Ungültiges Passwort'; $de2['ReadDenied'] = 'Leasezugriff verweigert'; $de2['FileNotFound'] = 'Datei nicht gefunden'; $de2['AutoClose'] = 'Schliessen nach Beenden'; $de2['OutDocRoot'] = 'Datei oberhalb DOCUMENT_ROOT'; $de2['NoCmd'] = 'Fehler: Befehl nicht informed'; $de2['ConfTrySave'] = 'Datei ohne Schreibberechtigung.\\nTrotzdem versuchen zu speichern'; $de2['ConfSaved'] = 'Konfigurationen gespeichert'; $de2['PassSaved'] = 'Passwort gespeichert'; $de2['FileDirExists'] = 'Datei oder Verzeichnis existiert bereits'; $de2['NoPhpinfo'] = 'Funktion phpinfo ausgeschaltet'; $de2['NoReturn'] = 'keine Rückgabe'; $de2['FileSent'] = 'Datei versandt'; $de2['SpaceLimReached'] = 'Plattenplatz erschöpft'; $de2['InvExt'] = 'Ungültige datei-Extension'; $de2['FileNoOverw'] = 'Datei kann nicht überschrieben werden'; $de2['FileOverw'] = 'Datei überschrieben'; $de2['FileIgnored'] = 'Datei ignoriert'; $de2['ChkVer'] = 'Überprüfe neuer Version'; $de2['ChkVerAvailable'] = 'Neue Version. Hier klicken für Download!!'; $de2['ChkVerNotAvailable'] = 'Keine neue Version verfügbar. :('; $de2['ChkVerError'] = 'Verbindungsfehler.'; $de2['Website'] = 'Webseite'; $de2['SendingForm'] = 'Sende Dateien, bitte warten'; $de2['NoFileSel'] = 'Keine Dateien ausgewählt'; $de2['SelAll'] = 'Alle'; $de2['SelNone'] = 'Keine'; $de2['SelInverse'] = 'Invers'; $de2['Selected_s'] = 'ausgewählt'; $de2['Total'] = 'Total'; $de2['Partition'] = 'Partition'; $de2['RenderTime'] = 'Zeit zum Erzeugen der Seite'; $de2['Seconds'] = 'Sekunden'; $de2['ErrorReport'] = 'Fehler berichten'; // German - by Mathias Rothe $de3['Version'] = 'Version'; $de3['DocRoot'] = 'Dokumenten Root'; $de3['FLRoot'] = 'Datei Manager Root'; $de3['Name'] = 'Name'; $de3['And'] = 'und'; $de3['Enter'] = 'Enter'; $de3['Send'] = 'Senden'; $de3['Refresh'] = 'Refresh'; $de3['SaveConfig'] = 'Konfiguration speichern'; $de3['SavePass'] = 'Passwort speichern'; $de3['SaveFile'] = 'Datei speichern'; $de3['Save'] = 'Speichern'; $de3['Leave'] = 'Abbrechen'; $de3['Edit'] = 'Bearbeiten'; $de3['View'] = 'Anzeigen'; $de3['Config'] = 'Konfiguration'; $de3['Ren'] = 'Umbenennen'; $de3['Rem'] = 'Entfernen'; $de3['Compress'] = 'Packen'; $de3['Decompress'] = 'Entpacken'; $de3['ResolveIDs'] = 'IDs aufloesen'; $de3['Move'] = 'Verschieben'; $de3['Copy'] = 'Kopie'; $de3['ServerInfo'] = 'Server Info'; $de3['CreateDir'] = 'Neuer Ordner'; $de3['CreateArq'] = 'Neue Datei'; $de3['ExecCmd'] = 'Befehl ausfuehren'; $de3['Upload'] = 'Upload'; $de3['UploadEnd'] = 'Upload beendet'; $de3['Perm'] = 'Rechte'; $de3['Perms'] = 'Rechte'; $de3['Owner'] = 'Eigent'; $de3['Group'] = 'Gruppe'; $de3['Other'] = 'Andere'; $de3['Size'] = 'Groesse'; $de3['Date'] = 'Datum'; $de3['Type'] = 'Typ'; $de3['Free'] = 'frei'; $de3['Shell'] = 'Shell'; $de3['Read'] = 'Lesen'; $de3['Write'] = 'Schreiben'; $de3['Exec'] = 'Ausfuehren'; $de3['Apply'] = 'Bestaetigen'; $de3['StickyBit'] = 'Sticky Bit'; $de3['Pass'] = 'Passwort'; $de3['Lang'] = 'Sprache'; $de3['File'] = 'Datei'; $de3['File_s'] = 'Datei(en)'; $de3['Dir_s'] = 'Ordner'; $de3['To'] = 'nach'; $de3['Destination'] = 'Ziel'; $de3['Configurations'] = 'Konfiguration'; $de3['JSError'] = 'JavaScript Error'; $de3['NoSel'] = 'Keine Objekte ausgewaehlt'; $de3['SelDir'] = 'Waehlen Sie links das Zielverzeichnis aus'; $de3['TypeDir'] = 'Verzeichnisname eingeben'; $de3['TypeArq'] = 'Dateiname eingeben'; $de3['TypeCmd'] = 'Befehl eingeben'; $de3['TypeArqComp'] = 'Dateinamen eingeben.\\nDie Erweiterung definiert den Archiv-Typ.\\nEx:\\\\nname.tar\\nname.bzip\\nname.gzip'; $de3['RemSel'] = 'Entferne ausgewaehlte Objekte'; $de3['NoDestDir'] = 'Kein Zielverzeichnis ausgewaehlt'; $de3['DestEqOrig'] = 'Quelle und Zielverzeichnis sind gleich'; $de3['InvalidDest'] = 'Zielverzeichnis ungueltig'; $de3['NoNewPerm'] = 'Neue Rechte nicht gesetzt'; $de3['CopyTo'] = 'Kopiere nach'; $de3['MoveTo'] = 'Verschiebe nach'; $de3['AlterPermTo'] = 'Aendere Rechte zu'; $de3['ConfExec'] = 'Ausfuehren bestaetigen'; $de3['ConfRem'] = 'Entfernen bestaetigen'; $de3['EmptyDir'] = 'Leerer Ordner'; $de3['IOError'] = 'I/O Fehler'; $de3['FileMan'] = 'PHP Datei Manager'; $de3['TypePass'] = 'Bitte Passwort eingeben'; $de3['InvPass'] = 'Falsches Passwort'; $de3['ReadDenied'] = 'Kein Lesezugriff'; $de3['FileNotFound'] = 'Datei nicht gefunden'; $de3['AutoClose'] = 'Beenden bei Fertigstellung'; $de3['OutDocRoot'] = 'Datei ausserhalb des DOCUMENT_ROOT'; $de3['NoCmd'] = 'Fehler: unbekannter Befehl'; $de3['ConfTrySave'] = 'Datei ohne Schreibrecht.\\nVersuche dennoch zu speichern'; $de3['ConfSaved'] = 'Konfiguration gespeichert'; $de3['PassSaved'] = 'Passwort gespeichert'; $de3['FileDirExists'] = 'Datei oder Verzeichnis existiert bereits'; $de3['NoPhpinfo'] = 'Funktion phpinfo gesperrt'; $de3['NoReturn'] = 'kein zurueck'; $de3['FileSent'] = 'Datei gesendet'; $de3['SpaceLimReached'] = 'Speicherplatz Grenze erreicht'; $de3['InvExt'] = 'Ungueltige Erweiterung'; $de3['FileNoOverw'] = 'Datei konnte nicht ueberschrieben werden'; $de3['FileOverw'] = 'Datei ueberschrieben'; $de3['FileIgnored'] = 'Datei ignoriert'; $de3['ChkVer'] = 'Puefe eine neuere Version'; $de3['ChkVerAvailable'] = 'Neue Version, hier klicken zum Download!!'; $de3['ChkVerNotAvailable'] = 'Keine neuere Version vorhanden. :('; $de3['ChkVerError'] = 'Verbindungsfehler.'; $de3['Website'] = 'Website'; $de3['SendingForm'] = 'Dateien werden gesendet, bitte warten'; $de3['NoFileSel'] = 'Keine Datei ausgewaehlt'; $de3['SelAll'] = 'Alle'; $de3['SelNone'] = 'Keine'; $de3['SelInverse'] = 'Invertiere'; $de3['Selected_s'] = 'ausgewaehlt'; $de3['Total'] = 'gesamt'; $de3['Partition'] = 'Partition'; $de3['RenderTime'] = 'Zeit zur Erzeugung dieser Seite'; $de3['Seconds'] = 'sec'; $de3['ErrorReport'] = 'Fehlermeldungen'; // French - by Jean Bilwes $fr1['Version'] = 'Version'; $fr1['DocRoot'] = 'Racine des documents'; $fr1['FLRoot'] = 'Racine du gestionnaire de fichers'; $fr1['Name'] = 'Nom'; $fr1['And'] = 'et'; $fr1['Enter'] = 'Enter'; $fr1['Send'] = 'Envoyer'; $fr1['Refresh'] = 'Rafraichir'; $fr1['SaveConfig'] = 'Enregistrer la Configuration'; $fr1['SavePass'] = 'Enregistrer le mot de passe'; $fr1['SaveFile'] = 'Enregistrer le fichier'; $fr1['Save'] = 'Enregistrer'; $fr1['Leave'] = 'Quitter'; $fr1['Edit'] = 'Modifier'; $fr1['View'] = 'Voir'; $fr1['Config'] = 'Config'; $fr1['Ren'] = 'Renommer'; $fr1['Rem'] = 'Detruire'; $fr1['Compress'] = 'Compresser'; $fr1['Decompress'] = 'Decompresser'; $fr1['ResolveIDs'] = 'Resoudre les IDs'; $fr1['Move'] = 'Déplacer'; $fr1['Copy'] = 'Copier'; $fr1['ServerInfo'] = 'info du sreveur'; $fr1['CreateDir'] = 'Créer un répertoire'; $fr1['CreateArq'] = 'Créer un fichier'; $fr1['ExecCmd'] = 'Executer une Commande'; $fr1['Upload'] = 'Téléversement(upload)'; $fr1['UploadEnd'] = 'Téléversement Fini'; $fr1['Perm'] = 'Perm'; $fr1['Perms'] = 'Permissions'; $fr1['Owner'] = 'Propriétaire'; $fr1['Group'] = 'Groupe'; $fr1['Other'] = 'Autre'; $fr1['Size'] = 'Taille'; $fr1['Date'] = 'Date'; $fr1['Type'] = 'Type'; $fr1['Free'] = 'libre'; $fr1['Shell'] = 'Shell'; $fr1['Read'] = 'Lecture'; $fr1['Write'] = 'Ecriture'; $fr1['Exec'] = 'Executer'; $fr1['Apply'] = 'Appliquer'; $fr1['StickyBit'] = 'Sticky Bit'; $fr1['Pass'] = 'Mot de passe'; $fr1['Lang'] = 'Langage'; $fr1['File'] = 'Fichier'; $fr1['File_s'] = 'fichier(s)'; $fr1['Dir_s'] = 'répertoire(s)'; $fr1['To'] = 'à'; $fr1['Destination'] = 'Destination'; $fr1['Configurations'] = 'Configurations'; $fr1['JSError'] = 'Erreur JavaScript'; $fr1['NoSel'] = 'Rien n\'est sélectionné'; $fr1['SelDir'] = 'Selectionnez le répertoire de destination dans le panneau gauche'; $fr1['TypeDir'] = 'Entrer le nom du répertoire'; $fr1['TypeArq'] = 'Entrer le nom du fichier'; $fr1['TypeCmd'] = 'Entrer la commande'; $fr1['TypeArqComp'] = 'Entrer le nom du fichier.\\nL\'extension définira le type de compression.\\nEx:\\\\nnome.tar\\nnome.bzip\\nnome.gzip'; $fr1['RemSel'] = 'EFFACER les objets sélectionnés'; $fr1['NoDestDir'] = 'Aucun répertoire de destination n\'est sélectionné'; $fr1['DestEqOrig'] = 'Les répertoires source et destination sont identiques'; $fr1['InvalidDest'] = 'Le répertoire de destination est invalide'; $fr1['NoNewPerm'] = 'Nouvelle permission non établie'; $fr1['CopyTo'] = 'COPIER vers'; $fr1['MoveTo'] = 'DEPLACER vers'; $fr1['AlterPermTo'] = 'CHANGER LES PERMISSIONS'; $fr1['ConfExec'] = 'Confirmer l\'EXECUTION'; $fr1['ConfRem'] = 'Confirmer la DESTRUCTION'; $fr1['EmptyDir'] = 'Répertoire vide'; $fr1['IOError'] = 'I/O Error'; $fr1['FileMan'] = 'PHP File Manager'; $fr1['TypePass'] = 'Entrer le mot de passe'; $fr1['InvPass'] = 'Mot de passe invalide'; $fr1['ReadDenied'] = 'Droit de lecture refusé'; $fr1['FileNotFound'] = 'Fichier introuvable'; $fr1['AutoClose'] = 'Fermer sur fin'; $fr1['OutDocRoot'] = 'Fichier au delà de DOCUMENT_ROOT'; $fr1['NoCmd'] = 'Erreur: Commande non renseignée'; $fr1['ConfTrySave'] = 'Fichier sans permission d\'écriture.\\nJ\'essaie de l\'enregister'; $fr1['ConfSaved'] = 'Configurations enreristrée'; $fr1['PassSaved'] = 'Mot de passe enreristré'; $fr1['FileDirExists'] = 'Le fichier ou le répertoire existe déjà'; $fr1['NoPhpinfo'] = 'Function phpinfo désactivée'; $fr1['NoReturn'] = 'pas de retour'; $fr1['FileSent'] = 'Fichier envoyé'; $fr1['SpaceLimReached'] = 'Espace maxi atteint'; $fr1['InvExt'] = 'Extension invalide'; $fr1['FileNoOverw'] = 'Le fichier ne peut pas etre écrasé'; $fr1['FileOverw'] = 'Fichier écrasé'; $fr1['FileIgnored'] = 'Fichier ignoré'; $fr1['ChkVer'] = 'Verifier nouvelle version'; $fr1['ChkVerAvailable'] = 'Nouvelle version, cliquer ici pour la téléchager!!'; $fr1['ChkVerNotAvailable'] = 'Aucune mise a jour de disponible. :('; $fr1['ChkVerError'] = 'Erreur de connection.'; $fr1['Website'] = 'siteweb'; $fr1['SendingForm'] = 'Envoi des fichiers en cours, Patienter'; $fr1['NoFileSel'] = 'Aucun fichier sélectionné'; $fr1['SelAll'] = 'Tous'; $fr1['SelNone'] = 'Aucun'; $fr1['SelInverse'] = 'Inverser'; $fr1['Selected_s'] = 'selectioné'; $fr1['Total'] = 'total'; $fr1['Partition'] = 'Partition'; $fr1['RenderTime'] = 'Temps pour afficher cette page'; $fr1['Seconds'] = 'sec'; $fr1['ErrorReport'] = 'Rapport d\'erreur'; // French - by Sharky $fr2['Version'] = 'Version'; $fr2['DocRoot'] = 'Racine document'; $fr2['FLRoot'] = 'Gestion des fichiers racine'; $fr2['Name'] = 'Nom'; $fr2['And'] = 'et'; $fr2['Enter'] = 'Entrer'; $fr2['Send'] = 'Envoi'; $fr2['Refresh'] = 'Rafraîchir'; $fr2['SaveConfig'] = 'Sauver configurations'; $fr2['SavePass'] = 'Sauver mot de passe'; $fr2['SaveFile'] = 'Sauver fichier'; $fr2['Save'] = 'Sauver'; $fr2['Leave'] = 'Permission'; $fr2['Edit'] = 'Éditer'; $fr2['View'] = 'Afficher'; $fr2['Config'] = 'config'; $fr2['Ren'] = 'Renommer'; $fr2['Rem'] = 'Effacer'; $fr2['Compress'] = 'Compresser'; $fr2['Decompress'] = 'Décompresser'; $fr2['ResolveIDs'] = 'Résoudre ID'; $fr2['Move'] = 'Déplacer'; $fr2['Copy'] = 'Copier'; $fr2['ServerInfo'] = 'Information Serveur'; $fr2['CreateDir'] = 'Créer un répertoire'; $fr2['CreateArq'] = 'Créer un fichier'; $fr2['ExecCmd'] = 'Executé une commande'; $fr2['Upload'] = 'Transférer'; $fr2['UploadEnd'] = 'Transfert terminé'; $fr2['Perm'] = 'Perm'; $fr2['Perms'] = 'Permissions'; $fr2['Owner'] = 'Propriétaire'; $fr2['Group'] = 'Groupe'; $fr2['Other'] = 'Autre'; $fr2['Size'] = 'Taille'; $fr2['Date'] = 'date'; $fr2['Type'] = 'Type'; $fr2['Free'] = 'Libre'; $fr2['Shell'] = 'Shell'; $fr2['Read'] = 'lecture'; $fr2['Write'] = 'écriture'; $fr2['Exec'] = 'Execute'; $fr2['Apply'] = 'Appliquer'; $fr2['StickyBit'] = 'Bit figer'; $fr2['Pass'] = 'mot de passe'; $fr2['Lang'] = 'Language'; $fr2['File'] = 'Fichier'; $fr2['File_s'] = 'fichier(s)'; $fr2['Dir_s'] = 'répertoire(s)'; $fr2['To'] = 'à'; $fr2['Destination'] = 'Destination'; $fr2['Configurations'] = 'Configurations'; $fr2['JSError'] = 'Erreur JavaScript'; $fr2['NoSel'] = 'Il n\'y a pas d\'objets sélectionnés'; $fr2['SelDir'] = 'Sélectionnez le répertoire de destination sur l\'arborescence de gauche'; $fr2['TypeDir'] = 'Entrez le nom du répertoire'; $fr2['TypeArq'] = 'Entrez le nom du fichier'; $fr2['TypeCmd'] = 'Entrez la commande'; $fr2['TypeArqComp'] = 'Entrez le fichier.\\nL\'extension définira le type de compression.\\nEx:\\\\nnom.tar\\nnom.bzip\\nnom.gzip'; $fr2['RemSel'] = 'EFFACEZ l\'objet sélectionné'; $fr2['NoDestDir'] = 'Il n\'y a aucun répertoire de destination sélectionné'; $fr2['DestEqOrig'] = 'Origine et répertoires de destination sont identique'; $fr2['InvalidDest'] = 'Répertoire de destination est invalide'; $fr2['NoNewPerm'] = 'Nouvelle autorisation n\'a pas été configuré'; $fr2['CopyTo'] = 'COPIE dans'; $fr2['MoveTo'] = 'DÉPLACER dans'; $fr2['AlterPermTo'] = 'CHANGER PERMISSIONS dans'; $fr2['ConfExec'] = 'Confirmer EXECUTE'; $fr2['ConfRem'] = 'Confirmer EFFACER'; $fr2['EmptyDir'] = 'Répertoire vide'; $fr2['IOError'] = 'I/O Erreur'; $fr2['FileMan'] = 'Gestion de fichiers PHP'; $fr2['TypePass'] = 'Entrer le mot de passe'; $fr2['InvPass'] = 'Mot de passe invalide'; $fr2['ReadDenied'] = 'Accès en lecture refuser'; $fr2['FileNotFound'] = 'Fichier non-trouvé'; $fr2['AutoClose'] = 'Fermez a la fin'; $fr2['OutDocRoot'] = 'Fichier au-delà DOCUMENT_ROOT'; $fr2['NoCmd'] = 'Erreur: Commande inconnue'; $fr2['ConfTrySave'] = 'Fichier sans permission d\'écriture.\\nEssayez de sauver'; $fr2['ConfSaved'] = 'Configurations sauvée'; $fr2['PassSaved'] = 'Mot de passe sauvé'; $fr2['FileDirExists'] = 'Fichier ou répertoire déjà existant'; $fr2['NoPhpinfo'] = 'Function phpinfo désactivé'; $fr2['NoReturn'] = 'sans retour possible'; $fr2['FileSent'] = 'Fichier envoyé'; $fr2['SpaceLimReached'] = 'Limite de d\'espace atteint'; $fr2['InvExt'] = 'Extension invalide'; $fr2['FileNoOverw'] = 'Fichier ne peut pas être écrasé'; $fr2['FileOverw'] = 'Fichier écrasé'; $fr2['FileIgnored'] = 'Fichier ignoré'; $fr2['ChkVer'] = 'Check nouvelle version'; $fr2['ChkVerAvailable'] = 'Nouvelle version, cliquez ici pour commencer le téléchargement!!'; $fr2['ChkVerNotAvailable'] = 'Aucune nouvelle version disponible. :('; $fr2['ChkVerError'] = 'Erreur de connection.'; $fr2['Website'] = 'Site Web'; $fr2['SendingForm'] = 'Envoye de fichier, s\'il vous plaît patientez'; $fr2['NoFileSel'] = 'Aucun fichier sélectionné'; $fr2['SelAll'] = 'Tout'; $fr2['SelNone'] = 'Aucuns'; $fr2['SelInverse'] = 'Inverser'; $fr2['Selected_s'] = 'sélectionné'; $fr2['Total'] = 'total'; $fr2['Partition'] = 'Partition'; $fr2['RenderTime'] = 'Temps pour afficher la page'; $fr2['Seconds'] = 'sec'; $fr2['ErrorReport'] = 'Liste des erreurs'; // French - by Michel Lainey $fr3['Version'] = 'Version'; $fr3['DocRoot'] = 'Racine Document'; $fr3['FLRoot'] = 'Racine File Manager'; $fr3['Name'] = 'Nom'; $fr3['And'] = 'et'; $fr3['Enter'] = 'Valider'; $fr3['Send'] = 'Envoyer'; $fr3['Refresh'] = 'Raffraichir'; $fr3['SaveConfig'] = 'Sauvegarder Config'; $fr3['SavePass'] = 'Sauvegarder Password'; $fr3['SaveFile'] = 'Sauvegarder Fichier'; $fr3['Save'] = 'Sauvegarder'; $fr3['Leave'] = 'Quitter'; $fr3['Edit'] = 'Editer'; $fr3['View'] = 'Visualiser'; $fr3['Config'] = 'Config'; $fr3['Ren'] = 'Renommer'; $fr3['Rem'] = 'Supprimer'; $fr3['Compress'] = 'Compresser'; $fr3['Decompress'] = 'Décompresser'; $fr3['ResolveIDs'] = 'Resoudre IDs'; $fr3['Move'] = 'Déplacer'; $fr3['Copy'] = 'Copier'; $fr3['ServerInfo'] = 'Server Info'; $fr3['CreateDir'] = 'Créer Répertoire'; $fr3['CreateArq'] = 'Créer Fichier'; $fr3['ExecCmd'] = 'Executer Commande'; $fr3['Upload'] = 'Upload'; $fr3['UploadEnd'] = 'Upload Fini'; $fr3['Perm'] = 'Perm'; $fr3['Perms'] = 'Permissions'; $fr3['Owner'] = 'Propriétaire'; $fr3['Group'] = 'Groupe'; $fr3['Other'] = 'Autres'; $fr3['Size'] = 'Taille'; $fr3['Date'] = 'Date'; $fr3['Type'] = 'Type'; $fr3['Free'] = 'libre'; $fr3['Shell'] = 'Shell'; $fr3['Read'] = 'Lecture'; $fr3['Write'] = 'Ecriture'; $fr3['Exec'] = 'Execute'; $fr3['Apply'] = 'Application'; $fr3['StickyBit'] = 'Sticky Bit'; $fr3['Pass'] = 'Password'; $fr3['Lang'] = 'Language'; $fr3['File'] = 'Fichier'; $fr3['File_s'] = 'fichier(s)'; $fr3['Dir_s'] = 'répertoire(s)'; $fr3['To'] = 'à'; $fr3['Destination'] = 'Destination'; $fr3['Configurations'] = 'Configurations'; $fr3['JSError'] = 'Erreur JavaScript'; $fr3['NoSel'] = 'Aucun élément sélectionné'; $fr3['SelDir'] = "Sélectionner le répertoire de destination dans l'arboresence de gauchethe destination directory on the left tree"; $fr3['TypeDir'] = 'Indiquer le nom du répertoire'; $fr3['TypeArq'] = 'Indiquer le nom du fichier'; $fr3['TypeCmd'] = 'Entrer une commande'; $fr3['TypeArqComp'] = "Indiquer le nom du fichier.\\nL'extension définira le type de compression.\\nEx:\\\\nnome.tar\\nnome.bzip\\nnome.gzip"; $fr3['RemSel'] = "SUPPRIMER l'élément sélectionné"; $fr3['NoDestDir'] = "Il n'y a pas de répertoire destination sélectionné"; $fr3['DestEqOrig'] = 'Répertoire Origine et Destination sont identiques'; $fr3['InvalidDest'] = 'Le répertoire de destination est invalide'; $fr3['NoNewPerm'] = 'Nouvelle permission non appliquée'; $fr3['CopyTo'] = 'COPIER vers'; $fr3['MoveTo'] = 'DEPLACER vers'; $fr3['AlterPermTo'] = 'CHANGER LES PERMISSIONS vers'; $fr3['ConfExec'] = 'Confirmer EXECUTION'; $fr3['ConfRem'] = 'Confirmer SUPPRESSION'; $fr3['EmptyDir'] = 'Répertoire vide'; $fr3['IOError'] = 'Erreur entrée/sortie'; $fr3['FileMan'] = 'PHP File Manager'; $fr3['TypePass'] = 'Saisir le mot de passe'; $fr3['InvPass'] = 'Mot de passe invalide'; $fr3['ReadDenied'] = 'Accès en lecture refusé'; $fr3['FileNotFound'] = 'Fichier non trouvé'; $fr3['AutoClose'] = 'Fermeture en fin de traitement'; $fr3['OutDocRoot'] = 'Fichier en dessous de DOCUMENT_ROOT'; $fr3['NoCmd'] = 'Erreur : Commande non renseignée'; $fr3['ConfTrySave'] = "Fichier sans permission d'écriture.\\nTenter de sauver malgré tout"; $fr3['ConfSaved'] = 'Configurations sauvegardée'; $fr3['PassSaved'] = 'Password sauvegardé'; $fr3['FileDirExists'] = 'Fichier ou répertoire déjà existant'; $fr3['NoPhpinfo'] = 'Fonction phpinfo disactivée'; $fr3['NoReturn'] = 'pas de retour'; $fr3['FileSent'] = 'Fichier envoyé'; $fr3['SpaceLimReached'] = 'Capacité maximale atteinte'; $fr3['InvExt'] = 'Extension invalide'; $fr3['FileNoOverw'] = 'Fichier ne pouvant être remplacé'; $fr3['FileOverw'] = 'Fichier remplacé'; $fr3['FileIgnored'] = 'Fichier ignoré'; $fr3['ChkVer'] = 'Vérifier nouvelle version'; $fr3['ChkVerAvailable'] = 'Nouvelle version, cliquer ici pour commencer le téléchargement !'; $fr3['ChkVerNotAvailable'] = 'Pas de nouvelle version disponible. :('; $fr3['ChkVerError'] = 'Erreur de connection.'; $fr3['Website'] = 'Site Web'; $fr3['SendingForm'] = "Fichiers en cours d'envoi, merci de patienter"; $fr3['NoFileSel'] = 'Pas de fichier sélectionné'; $fr3['SelAll'] = 'Tous'; $fr3['SelNone'] = 'Aucun'; $fr3['SelInverse'] = 'Inverser'; $fr3['Selected_s'] = 'sélectionné'; $fr3['Total'] = 'total'; $fr3['Partition'] = 'Partition'; $fr3['RenderTime'] = 'Temps nécessaire pour obtenir cette page'; $fr3['Seconds'] = 'sec'; $fr3['ErrorReport'] = 'Erreur de compte rendu'; // Dutch - by Leon Buijs $nl['Version'] = 'Versie'; $nl['DocRoot'] = 'Document Root'; $nl['FLRoot'] = 'File Manager Root'; $nl['Name'] = 'Naam'; $nl['And'] = 'en'; $nl['Enter'] = 'Enter'; $nl['Send'] = 'Verzend'; $nl['Refresh'] = 'Vernieuw'; $nl['SaveConfig'] = 'Configuratie opslaan'; $nl['SavePass'] = 'Wachtwoord opslaan'; $nl['SaveFile'] = 'Bestand opslaan'; $nl['Save'] = 'Opslaan'; $nl['Leave'] = 'Verlaten'; $nl['Edit'] = 'Wijzigen'; $nl['View'] = 'Toon'; $nl['Config'] = 'Configuratie'; $nl['Ren'] = 'Naam wijzigen'; $nl['Rem'] = 'Verwijderen'; $nl['Compress'] = 'Comprimeren'; $nl['Decompress'] = 'Decomprimeren'; $nl['ResolveIDs'] = 'Resolve IDs'; $nl['Move'] = 'Verplaats'; $nl['Copy'] = 'Kopieer'; $nl['ServerInfo'] = 'Serverinformatie'; $nl['CreateDir'] = 'Nieuwe map'; $nl['CreateArq'] = 'Nieuw bestand'; $nl['ExecCmd'] = 'Commando uitvoeren'; $nl['Upload'] = 'Upload'; $nl['UploadEnd'] = 'Upload voltooid'; $nl['Perm'] = 'Rechten'; $nl['Perms'] = 'Rechten'; $nl['Owner'] = 'Eigenaar'; $nl['Group'] = 'Groep'; $nl['Other'] = 'Anderen'; $nl['Size'] = 'Grootte'; $nl['Date'] = 'Datum'; $nl['Type'] = 'Type'; $nl['Free'] = 'free'; $nl['Shell'] = 'Shell'; $nl['Read'] = 'Lezen'; $nl['Write'] = 'Schrijven'; $nl['Exec'] = 'Uitvoeren'; $nl['Apply'] = 'Toepassen'; $nl['StickyBit'] = 'Sticky Bit'; $nl['Pass'] = 'Wachtwoord'; $nl['Lang'] = 'Taal'; $nl['File'] = 'Bestand'; $nl['File_s'] = 'bestand(en)'; $nl['Dir_s'] = 'map(pen)'; $nl['To'] = 'naar'; $nl['Destination'] = 'Bestemming'; $nl['Configurations'] = 'Instellingen'; $nl['JSError'] = 'Javascriptfout'; $nl['NoSel'] = 'Er zijn geen bestanden geselecteerd'; $nl['SelDir'] = 'Kies de bestemming in de boom aan de linker kant'; $nl['TypeDir'] = 'Voer de mapnaam in'; $nl['TypeArq'] = 'Voer de bestandsnaam in'; $nl['TypeCmd'] = 'Voer het commando in'; $nl['TypeArqComp'] = 'Voer de bestandsnaam in.\\nDe extensie zal het compressietype bepalen.\\nEx:\\\\nnome.tar\\nnome.bzip\\nnome.gzip'; $nl['RemSel'] = 'VERWIJDER geselecteerde itens'; $nl['NoDestDir'] = 'Er is geen doelmap geselecteerd'; $nl['DestEqOrig'] = 'Bron- en doelmap zijn hetzelfde'; $nl['InvalidDest'] = 'Doelmap is ongeldig'; $nl['NoNewPerm'] = 'Nieuwe rechten niet geset'; $nl['CopyTo'] = 'KOPIEER naar'; $nl['MoveTo'] = 'VERPLAATS naar'; $nl['AlterPermTo'] = 'VERANDER RECHTEN in'; $nl['ConfExec'] = 'Bevestig UITVOEREN'; $nl['ConfRem'] = 'Bevestig VERWIJDEREN'; $nl['EmptyDir'] = 'Lege map'; $nl['IOError'] = 'I/O Error'; $nl['FileMan'] = 'PHP File Manager'; $nl['TypePass'] = 'Voer het wachtwoord in'; $nl['InvPass'] = 'Ongeldig wachtwoord'; $nl['ReadDenied'] = 'Leestoegang ontzegd'; $nl['FileNotFound'] = 'Bestand niet gevonden'; $nl['AutoClose'] = 'Sluit na voltooien'; $nl['OutDocRoot'] = 'Bestand buiten DOCUMENT_ROOT'; $nl['NoCmd'] = 'Error: Command not informed'; $nl['ConfTrySave'] = 'Bestand zonder schrijfrechten.\\nProbeer een andere manier'; $nl['ConfSaved'] = 'Instellingen opgeslagen'; $nl['PassSaved'] = 'Wachtwoord opgeslagen'; $nl['FileDirExists'] = 'Bestand of map bestaat al'; $nl['NoPhpinfo'] = 'Functie \'phpinfo\' is uitgeschakeld'; $nl['NoReturn'] = 'no return'; $nl['FileSent'] = 'Bestand verzonden'; $nl['SpaceLimReached'] = 'Opslagruimtelimiet bereikt'; $nl['InvExt'] = 'Ongeldige extensie'; $nl['FileNoOverw'] = 'Bestand kan niet worden overgeschreven'; $nl['FileOverw'] = 'Bestand overgeschreven'; $nl['FileIgnored'] = 'Bestand genegeerd'; $nl['ChkVer'] = 'Controleer nieuwe versie'; $nl['ChkVerAvailable'] = 'Nieuwe versie, klik hier om de download te starten'; $nl['ChkVerNotAvailable'] = 'Geen nieuwe versie beschikbaar'; $nl['ChkVerError'] = 'Verbindingsfout.'; $nl['Website'] = 'Website'; $nl['SendingForm'] = 'Bestanden worden verzonden. Even geduld...'; $nl['NoFileSel'] = 'Geen bestanden geselecteerd'; $nl['SelAll'] = 'Alles'; $nl['SelNone'] = 'Geen'; $nl['SelInverse'] = 'Keer om'; $nl['Selected_s'] = 'geselecteerd'; $nl['Total'] = 'totaal'; $nl['Partition'] = 'Partitie'; $nl['RenderTime'] = 'Tijd voor maken van deze pagina'; $nl['Seconds'] = 'sec'; $nl['ErrorReport'] = 'Foutenrapport'; // Italian - by Valerio Capello $it1['Version'] = 'Versione'; $it1['DocRoot'] = 'Document Root'; $it1['FLRoot'] = 'File Manager Root'; $it1['Name'] = 'Nome'; $it1['And'] = 'e'; $it1['Enter'] = 'Immetti'; $it1['Send'] = 'Invia'; $it1['Refresh'] = 'Aggiorna'; $it1['SaveConfig'] = 'Salva la Configurazione'; $it1['SavePass'] = 'Salva la Password'; $it1['SaveFile'] = 'Salva il File'; $it1['Save'] = 'Salva'; $it1['Leave'] = 'Abbandona'; $it1['Edit'] = 'Modifica'; $it1['View'] = 'Guarda'; $it1['Config'] = 'Configurazione'; $it1['Ren'] = 'Rinomina'; $it1['Rem'] = 'Elimina'; $it1['Compress'] = 'Comprimi'; $it1['Decompress'] = 'Decomprimi'; $it1['ResolveIDs'] = 'Risolvi IDs'; $it1['Move'] = 'Sposta'; $it1['Copy'] = 'Copia'; $it1['ServerInfo'] = 'Informazioni sul Server'; $it1['CreateDir'] = 'Crea Directory'; $it1['CreateArq'] = 'Crea File'; $it1['ExecCmd'] = 'Esegui Comando'; $it1['Upload'] = 'Carica'; $it1['UploadEnd'] = 'Caricamento terminato'; $it1['Perm'] = 'Perm'; $it1['Perms'] = 'Permessi'; $it1['Owner'] = 'Proprietario'; $it1['Group'] = 'Gruppo'; $it1['Other'] = 'Altri'; $it1['Size'] = 'Dimensioni'; $it1['Date'] = 'Data'; $it1['Type'] = 'Tipo'; $it1['Free'] = 'liberi'; $it1['Shell'] = 'Shell'; $it1['Read'] = 'Lettura'; $it1['Write'] = 'Scrittura'; $it1['Exec'] = 'Esecuzione'; $it1['Apply'] = 'Applica'; $it1['StickyBit'] = 'Sticky Bit'; $it1['Pass'] = 'Password'; $it1['Lang'] = 'Lingua'; $it1['File'] = 'File'; $it1['File_s'] = 'file'; $it1['Dir_s'] = 'directory'; $it1['To'] = 'a'; $it1['Destination'] = 'Destinazione'; $it1['Configurations'] = 'Configurazione'; $it1['JSError'] = 'Errore JavaScript'; $it1['NoSel'] = 'Non ci sono elementi selezionati'; $it1['SelDir'] = 'Scegli la directory di destinazione'; $it1['TypeDir'] = 'Inserisci il nome della directory'; $it1['TypeArq'] = 'Inserisci il nome del file'; $it1['TypeCmd'] = 'Inserisci il comando'; $it1['TypeArqComp'] = 'Inserisci il nome del file.\\nLa estensione definirà il tipo di compressione.\\nEsempio:\\\\nnome.tar\\nnome.bzip\\nnome.gzip'; $it1['RemSel'] = 'ELIMINA gli elementi selezionati'; $it1['NoDestDir'] = 'LA directory di destinazione non è stata selezionata'; $it1['DestEqOrig'] = 'La directory di origine e di destinazione sono la stessa'; $it1['InvalidDest'] = 'La directory di destinazione non è valida'; $it1['NoNewPerm'] = 'Nuovi permessi non attivati'; $it1['CopyTo'] = 'COPIA in'; $it1['MoveTo'] = 'SPOSTA in'; $it1['AlterPermTo'] = 'CAMBIA I PERMESSI: '; $it1['ConfExec'] = 'Conferma ESECUZIONE'; $it1['ConfRem'] = 'Conferma ELIMINAZIONE'; $it1['EmptyDir'] = 'Directory vuota'; $it1['IOError'] = 'Errore di I/O'; $it1['FileMan'] = 'PHP File Manager'; $it1['TypePass'] = 'Immetti la password'; $it1['InvPass'] = 'Password non valida'; $it1['ReadDenied'] = 'Permesso di lettura negato'; $it1['FileNotFound'] = 'File non trovato'; $it1['AutoClose'] = 'Chiudi la finestra al termine'; $it1['OutDocRoot'] = 'File oltre DOCUMENT_ROOT'; $it1['NoCmd'] = 'Errore: Comando non informato'; $it1['ConfTrySave'] = 'File senza permesso di scrittura.\\nProvo a salvare comunque'; $it1['ConfSaved'] = 'Configurazione salvata'; $it1['PassSaved'] = 'Password salvata'; $it1['FileDirExists'] = 'Il file o la directory esiste già'; $it1['NoPhpinfo'] = 'La funzione phpinfo è disabilitata'; $it1['NoReturn'] = 'senza Return'; $it1['FileSent'] = 'File inviato'; $it1['SpaceLimReached'] = 'è stato raggiunto il limite di spazio disponibile'; $it1['InvExt'] = 'Estensione non valida'; $it1['FileNoOverw'] = 'Il file non può essere sovrascritto'; $it1['FileOverw'] = 'File sovrascritto'; $it1['FileIgnored'] = 'File ignorato'; $it1['ChkVer'] = 'Controlla se è disponibile una nuova versione'; $it1['ChkVerAvailable'] = 'è disponibile una nuova versione: premi qui per scaricarla.'; $it1['ChkVerNotAvailable'] = 'Non è disponibile nessuna nuova versione. :('; $it1['ChkVerError'] = 'Errore di connessione.'; $it1['Website'] = 'Sito Web'; $it1['SendingForm'] = 'Invio file, attendere prego'; $it1['NoFileSel'] = 'Nessun file selezionato'; $it1['SelAll'] = 'Tutti'; $it1['SelNone'] = 'Nessuno'; $it1['SelInverse'] = 'Inverti'; $it1['Selected_s'] = 'selezionato'; $it1['Total'] = 'totali'; $it1['Partition'] = 'Partizione'; $it1['RenderTime'] = 'Tempo per elaborare questa pagina'; $it1['Seconds'] = 'sec'; $it1['ErrorReport'] = 'Error Reporting'; // Italian - by Federico Corrà $it2['Version'] = 'Versione'; $it2['DocRoot'] = 'Root Documenti'; $it2['FLRoot'] = 'Root del File Manager'; $it2['Name'] = 'Nome'; $it2['And'] = 'e'; $it2['Enter'] = 'Invio'; $it2['Send'] = 'Spedisci'; $it2['Refresh'] = 'Aggiorna'; $it2['SaveConfig'] = 'Salva configurazioni'; $it2['SavePass'] = 'Salva password'; $it2['SaveFile'] = 'Salva file'; $it2['Save'] = 'Salva'; $it2['Leave'] = 'Esci'; $it2['Edit'] = 'Modifica'; $it2['View'] = 'Visualizza'; $it2['Config'] = 'Configura'; $it2['Ren'] = 'Rinomina'; $it2['Rem'] = 'Cancella'; $it2['Compress'] = 'Comprimi'; $it2['Decompress'] = 'Decomprimi'; $it2['ResolveIDs'] = 'Risolvi ID'; $it2['Move'] = 'Muovi'; $it2['Copy'] = 'Copia'; $it2['ServerInfo'] = 'Server info'; $it2['CreateDir'] = 'Crea cartella'; $it2['CreateArq'] = 'Crea file'; $it2['ExecCmd'] = 'Esegui comando'; $it2['Upload'] = 'Upload'; $it2['UploadEnd'] = 'Upload terminato'; $it2['Perm'] = 'Perm'; $it2['Perms'] = 'Permessi'; $it2['Owner'] = 'Owner'; $it2['Group'] = 'Grouppo'; $it2['Other'] = 'Altro'; $it2['Size'] = 'Dimensione'; $it2['Date'] = 'Data'; $it2['Type'] = 'Tipo'; $it2['Free'] = 'liberi'; $it2['Shell'] = 'Shell'; $it2['Read'] = 'Lettura'; $it2['Write'] = 'Scrittura'; $it2['Exec'] = 'Esecuzione'; $it2['Apply'] = 'Applica'; $it2['StickyBit'] = 'Sticky Bit'; $it2['Pass'] = 'Password'; $it2['Lang'] = 'Lingua'; $it2['File'] = 'File'; $it2['File_s'] = 'file'; $it2['Dir_s'] = 'cartella'; $it2['To'] = 'a'; $it2['Destination'] = 'Destinazione'; $it2['Configurations'] = 'Configurazioni'; $it2['JSError'] = 'Errore JavaScript'; $it2['NoSel'] = 'Nessun item selezionato'; $it2['SelDir'] = 'Scegli la cartella di destinazione sull\'albero a sinistra'; $it2['TypeDir'] = 'Inserisci il nome della cartella'; $it2['TypeArq'] = 'Inserisci il nome del file'; $it2['TypeCmd'] = 'Inserisci il comando'; $it2['TypeArqComp'] = 'Inserisci il nome del file.\\nL\'estensione definirà le modalità di compressione.\\nEx:\\\\nnome.tar\\nnome.bzip\\nnome.gzip'; $it2['RemSel'] = 'ELIMINA gli item selezionati'; $it2['NoDestDir'] = 'Non è stata selezionata la cartella di destinazione'; $it2['DestEqOrig'] = 'La cartella di origine e di destinazione coincidono'; $it2['InvalidDest'] = 'La cartella di destinazione non è valida'; $it2['NoNewPerm'] = 'Nuovo permesso non definito'; $it2['CopyTo'] = 'COPIA in'; $it2['MoveTo'] = 'MUOVI in'; $it2['AlterPermTo'] = 'CAMBIA PERMESSI in'; $it2['ConfExec'] = 'Conferma ESECUZIONE'; $it2['ConfRem'] = 'Conferma CANCELLA'; $it2['EmptyDir'] = 'Cartella Vuota'; $it2['IOError'] = 'Errore I/O'; $it2['FileMan'] = 'PHP File Manager'; $it2['TypePass'] = 'Inserisci la password'; $it2['InvPass'] = 'Password non valida'; $it2['ReadDenied'] = 'Accesso in lettura non consentito'; $it2['FileNotFound'] = 'File non trovato'; $it2['AutoClose'] = 'Chiudi dopo aver completato'; $it2['OutDocRoot'] = 'File oltre DOCUMENT_ROOT'; $it2['NoCmd'] = 'Errore: comando non informato'; $it2['ConfTrySave'] = 'Accesso in scrittura non consentito.\\nProva a salvare comunque'; $it2['ConfSaved'] = 'Configurazioni salvate'; $it2['PassSaved'] = 'Password salvate'; $it2['FileDirExists'] = 'Il file o la cartella esiste già'; $it2['NoPhpinfo'] = 'Funzione phpinfo disabilitata'; $it2['NoReturn'] = 'Nessun ritorno'; $it2['FileSent'] = 'File spedito'; $it2['SpaceLimReached'] = 'Limite di spazio raggiunto'; $it2['InvExt'] = 'Estensione non valida'; $it2['FileNoOverw'] = 'Il file non potrebbe essere sovrascritto'; $it2['FileOverw'] = 'File sovrascritto'; $it2['FileIgnored'] = 'File ignorato'; $it2['ChkVer'] = 'Check nuova versione'; $it2['ChkVerAvailable'] = 'Nuova versione, clicca qui per iniziare il download!!'; $it2['ChkVerNotAvailable'] = 'Nessuna nuova versione disponibile. :('; $it2['ChkVerError'] = 'Errore di connessione.'; $it2['Website'] = 'Sito Web'; $it2['SendingForm'] = 'Invio file, prego attendi'; $it2['NoFileSel'] = 'Nessun file selezionato'; $it2['SelAll'] = 'Tutti'; $it2['SelNone'] = 'Nessuno'; $it2['SelInverse'] = 'Inverti'; $it2['Selected_s'] = 'selezionati'; $it2['Total'] = 'totale'; $it2['Partition'] = 'Partizione'; $it2['RenderTime'] = 'Tempo per renderizzare questa pagina'; $it2['Seconds'] = 'sec'; $it2['ErrorReport'] = 'Report errori'; // Italian - by Luca Zorzi $it3['Version'] = 'Versione'; $it3['DocRoot'] = 'Document Root'; $it3['FLRoot'] = 'Root del File Manager'; $it3['Name'] = 'Nome'; $it3['And'] = 'e'; $it3['Enter'] = 'Invio'; $it3['Send'] = 'Invia'; $it3['Refresh'] = 'Aggiorna'; $it3['SaveConfig'] = 'Salva le impostazioni'; $it3['SavePass'] = 'Salva la Password'; $it3['SaveFile'] = 'Salva il File'; $it3['Save'] = 'Salva'; $it3['Leave'] = 'Annulla'; $it3['Edit'] = 'Modifica'; $it3['View'] = 'Guarda'; $it3['Config'] = 'Impostazioni'; $it3['Ren'] = 'Rinomina'; $it3['Rem'] = 'Elimina'; $it3['Compress'] = 'Comprimi'; $it3['Decompress'] = 'Decomprimi'; $it3['ResolveIDs'] = 'Risolvi ID'; $it3['Move'] = 'Sposta'; $it3['Copy'] = 'Copia'; $it3['ServerInfo'] = 'Server Info'; $it3['CreateDir'] = 'Crea Cartella'; $it3['CreateArq'] = 'Crea File'; $it3['ExecCmd'] = 'Esegui Comando'; $it3['Upload'] = 'Upload'; $it3['UploadEnd'] = 'Upload completato'; $it3['Perm'] = 'Perm'; $it3['Perms'] = 'Permessi'; $it3['Owner'] = 'Proprietario'; $it3['Group'] = 'Gruppo'; $it3['Other'] = 'Altri'; $it3['Size'] = 'Dimensione'; $it3['Date'] = 'Data'; $it3['Type'] = 'Tipo'; $it3['Free'] = 'libero'; $it3['Shell'] = 'Shell'; $it3['Read'] = 'Lettura'; $it3['Write'] = 'Scruttura'; $it3['Exec'] = 'Esecuzione'; $it3['Apply'] = 'Applica'; $it3['StickyBit'] = 'Bit Sticky'; $it3['Pass'] = 'Password'; $it3['Lang'] = 'Lingua'; $it3['File'] = 'File'; $it3['File_s'] = 'file'; $it3['Dir_s'] = 'cartella/e'; $it3['To'] = 'a'; $it3['Destination'] = 'Destinazione'; $it3['Configurations'] = 'Configurazioni'; $it3['JSError'] = 'Errore JavaScript'; $it3['NoSel'] = 'Non ci sono elementi selezioneti'; $it3['SelDir'] = 'Scegli la cartella di destinazione nell\'elenco a sinistra'; $it3['TypeDir'] = 'Inserisci il nome della cartella'; $it3['TypeArq'] = 'Inserisci il nome del file'; $it3['TypeCmd'] = 'Inserisci il comando'; $it3['TypeArqComp'] = 'Inserisci il nome del file.\\nIl nome definir à il tipo della compressione .\\nEs:\\\\nnome.tar\\nnome.bzip\\nnome.gzip'; $it3['RemSel'] = 'ELIMINA gli elementi selezionati'; $it3['NoDestDir'] = 'Non hai selezionato la cartella di destinazione'; $it3['DestEqOrig'] = 'La cartella di origine e destinazione è la stessa'; $it3['InvalidDest'] = 'La cartella di destinazione non è valida'; $it3['NoNewPerm'] = 'Nuovi permessi non impostati'; $it3['CopyTo'] = 'COPIA in'; $it3['MoveTo'] = 'SPOSTA in'; $it3['AlterPermTo'] = 'CAMBIA I PERMESSI a'; $it3['ConfExec'] = 'Conferma ESECUZIONE'; $it3['ConfRem'] = 'Conferma ELIMINAZIONE'; $it3['EmptyDir'] = 'CArtella vuota'; $it3['IOError'] = 'Errore di I/O'; $it3['FileMan'] = 'PHP File Manager'; $it3['TypePass'] = 'Inserisci la password'; $it3['InvPass'] = 'Password errata'; $it3['ReadDenied'] = 'Accesso in lettura negato'; $it3['FileNotFound'] = 'File non trovato'; $it3['AutoClose'] = 'Chiudi alla fine'; $it3['OutDocRoot'] = 'File fuori dalla DOCUMENT_ROOT'; $it3['NoCmd'] = 'Errore: Comando non informato'; $it3['ConfTrySave'] = 'File senza il permesso di scrittura.\\nProvare a salvarlo comunque'; $it3['ConfSaved'] = 'Configurazione salvata'; $it3['PassSaved'] = 'Password salvata'; $it3['FileDirExists'] = 'Il file o la cartella esiste già'; $it3['NoPhpinfo'] = 'Funzione phpinfo disabilitata'; $it3['NoReturn'] = 'no return'; $it3['FileSent'] = 'File inviato'; $it3['SpaceLimReached'] = 'Limite di spazio raggiunto'; $it3['InvExt'] = 'Estensione non valida'; $it3['FileNoOverw'] = 'Il file non può essere sovrascritto'; $it3['FileOverw'] = 'File sovrascritto'; $it3['FileIgnored'] = 'File ignorato'; $it3['ChkVer'] = 'Controlla la presnza di una nuova versione'; $it3['ChkVerAvailable'] = 'Nuova versione, clicca qui per avviare il download!!'; $it3['ChkVerNotAvailable'] = 'Nessuna nuova versione disponibile. :('; $it3['ChkVerError'] = 'Errore di connessione.'; $it3['Website'] = 'Sito'; $it3['SendingForm'] = 'Invio dei file, attendi'; $it3['NoFileSel'] = 'Nessun file selezionato'; $it3['SelAll'] = 'Tutti'; $it3['SelNone'] = 'Nessuno'; $it3['SelInverse'] = 'Inverti selezione'; $it3['Selected_s'] = 'selezionato'; $it3['Total'] = 'totale'; $it3['Partition'] = 'Partizione'; $it3['RenderTime'] = 'Tempo di generazione'; $it3['Seconds'] = 'sec'; $it3['ErrorReport'] = 'Error Reporting'; // Italian - by Gianni $it4['Version'] = 'Versione'; $it4['DocRoot'] = 'Root documenti'; $it4['FLRoot'] = 'Root file manager'; $it4['Name'] = 'Nome'; $it4['And'] = 'e'; $it4['Enter'] = 'Entra'; $it4['Send'] = 'Invia'; $it4['Refresh'] = 'Aggiorna'; $it4['SaveConfig'] = 'Salva configurazioni'; $it4['SavePass'] = 'Salva password'; $it4['SaveFile'] = 'Salva file'; $it4['Save'] = 'Salva'; $it4['Leave'] = 'Esci'; $it4['Edit'] = 'Modifica'; $it4['View'] = 'Vedi'; $it4['Config'] = 'Preferenze'; $it4['Ren'] = 'Rinomina'; $it4['Rem'] = 'Cancella'; $it4['Compress'] = 'Comprimi'; $it4['Decompress'] = 'Decomprimi'; $it4['ResolveIDs'] = 'Risolvi IDs'; $it4['Move'] = 'Sposta'; $it4['Copy'] = 'Copia'; $it4['ServerInfo'] = 'Versione PHP'; $it4['CreateDir'] = 'Crea directory'; $it4['CreateArq'] = 'Crea file'; $it4['ExecCmd'] = 'Esegui comando'; $it4['Upload'] = 'Upload'; $it4['UploadEnd'] = 'Upload terminato'; $it4['Perm'] = 'Perm'; $it4['Perms'] = 'Permessi'; $it4['Owner'] = 'Proprietario'; $it4['Group'] = 'Gruppo'; $it4['Other'] = 'Altro'; $it4['Size'] = 'Dimensione'; $it4['Date'] = 'Data'; $it4['Type'] = 'Tipo'; $it4['Free'] = 'liberi'; $it4['Shell'] = 'Shell'; $it4['Read'] = 'Lettura'; $it4['Write'] = 'Scrittura'; $it4['Exec'] = 'Esecuzione'; $it4['Apply'] = 'Applica'; $it4['StickyBit'] = 'Sticky Bit'; $it4['Pass'] = 'Password'; $it4['Lang'] = 'Lingua'; $it4['File'] = 'File'; $it4['File_s'] = 'files'; $it4['Dir_s'] = 'directory'; $it4['To'] = 'in'; $it4['Destination'] = 'Destinazione'; $it4['Configurations'] = 'Preferenze'; $it4['JSError'] = 'Errore JavaScript'; $it4['NoSel'] = 'Non ci sono elementi selezionati'; $it4['SelDir'] = 'Seleziona una directory di destinazione a sinistra'; $it4['TypeDir'] = 'Inserisci il nome della directory'; $it4['TypeArq'] = 'Inserisci il nome del file'; $it4['TypeCmd'] = 'Inserisci il comando'; $it4['TypeArqComp'] = 'Inserisci il nome del file e tipo di compressione\\n(.Zip .Tar .Bzip .Gzip)'; $it4['RemSel'] = 'Cancella gli elementi selezionati'; $it4['NoDestDir'] = 'Seleziona una directory di destinazione'; $it4['DestEqOrig'] = 'Origine e destinazione sono uguali'; $it4['InvalidDest'] = 'Directory di destinazione non valida'; $it4['NoNewPerm'] = 'Nuovi permessi non impostati'; $it4['CopyTo'] = 'Copia in'; $it4['MoveTo'] = 'Sposta in'; $it4['AlterPermTo'] = 'Cambia permessi in'; $it4['ConfExec'] = 'Conferma esecuzione'; $it4['ConfRem'] = 'Conferma eliminazione'; $it4['EmptyDir'] = 'Directory Vuota'; $it4['IOError'] = 'Errore I/O'; $it4['FileMan'] = 'PHP File Manager'; $it4['TypePass'] = 'Inserisci la password'; $it4['InvPass'] = 'Password non valida'; $it4['ReadDenied'] = 'Accesso in lettura negato'; $it4['FileNotFound'] = 'File non trovato'; $it4['AutoClose'] = 'Chiudi al termine'; $it4['OutDocRoot'] = 'File fuori dalla Root documenti'; $it4['NoCmd'] = 'Errore: comando non informato'; $it4['ConfTrySave'] = 'File senza permessi di scrittura.\\nRiprova a salvare'; $it4['ConfSaved'] = 'Preferenze salvate'; $it4['PassSaved'] = 'Password salvata'; $it4['FileDirExists'] = 'Il file o la directory esistono già'; $it4['NoPhpinfo'] = 'Funzione phpinfo disabilitata'; $it4['NoReturn'] = 'Nessun ritorno'; $it4['FileSent'] = 'File inviato'; $it4['SpaceLimReached'] = 'Raggiunto spazio limite'; $it4['InvExt'] = 'Estensione non valida'; $it4['FileNoOverw'] = 'Il file non può essere sovrascritto'; $it4['FileOverw'] = 'File sovrascritto'; $it4['FileIgnored'] = 'File ignorato'; $it4['ChkVer'] = 'Controlla aggiornamenti'; $it4['ChkVerAvailable'] = 'Nuova versione, click qui per effettuare il download!'; $it4['ChkVerNotAvailable'] = 'Nessuna nuova versione'; $it4['ChkVerError'] = 'Errore di connessione'; $it4['Website'] = 'Sito'; $it4['SendingForm'] = 'Invio files, attendere...'; $it4['NoFileSel'] = 'Nessun file selezionato'; $it4['SelAll'] = 'Tutti'; $it4['SelNone'] = 'Nessuno'; $it4['SelInverse'] = 'Inverti'; $it4['Selected_s'] = 'selezionati'; $it4['Total'] = 'totale'; $it4['Partition'] = 'Partizione'; $it4['RenderTime'] = 'Tempo per il render di questa pagina'; $it4['Seconds'] = 'sec'; $it4['ErrorReport'] = 'Report errori'; // Turkish - by Necdet Yazilimlari $tr['Version'] = 'Versiyon'; $tr['DocRoot'] = 'Kok dosya'; $tr['FLRoot'] = 'Kok dosya yoneticisi'; $tr['Name'] = 'Isim'; $tr['And'] = 've'; $tr['Enter'] = 'Giris'; $tr['Send'] = 'Yolla'; $tr['Refresh'] = 'Yenile'; $tr['SaveConfig'] = 'Ayarlari kaydet'; $tr['SavePass'] = 'Parolayi kaydet'; $tr['SaveFile'] = 'Dosyayi kaydet'; $tr['Save'] = 'Kaydet'; $tr['Leave'] = 'Ayril'; $tr['Edit'] = 'Duzenle'; $tr['View'] = 'Goster'; $tr['Config'] = 'Yapilandirma'; $tr['Ren'] = 'Yeniden adlandir'; $tr['Rem'] = 'Sil'; $tr['Compress'] = '.Zip'; $tr['Decompress'] = '.ZipCoz'; $tr['ResolveIDs'] = 'Kimlikleri coz'; $tr['Move'] = 'Tasi'; $tr['Copy'] = 'Kopyala'; $tr['ServerInfo'] = 'Sunucu Bilgisi'; $tr['CreateDir'] = 'Dizin olustur'; $tr['CreateArq'] = 'Dosya olusutur'; $tr['ExecCmd'] = 'Komut calistir'; $tr['Upload'] = 'Dosya yukle'; $tr['UploadEnd'] = 'Yukleme tamamlandi'; $tr['Perm'] = 'Izinler'; $tr['Perms'] = 'Izinler'; $tr['Owner'] = 'Sahip'; $tr['Group'] = 'Grup'; $tr['Other'] = 'Diger'; $tr['Size'] = 'Boyut'; $tr['Date'] = 'Tarih'; $tr['Type'] = 'Tip'; $tr['Free'] = 'Bos'; $tr['Shell'] = 'Kabuk'; $tr['Read'] = 'Oku'; $tr['Write'] = 'Yaz'; $tr['Exec'] = 'Calistir'; $tr['Apply'] = 'Uygula'; $tr['StickyBit'] = 'Sabit bit'; $tr['Pass'] = 'Parola'; $tr['Lang'] = 'Dil'; $tr['File'] = 'Dosya'; $tr['File_s'] = 'Dosya(lar)'; $tr['Dir_s'] = 'Dizin(ler)'; $tr['To'] = 'icin'; $tr['Destination'] = 'Hedef'; $tr['Configurations'] = 'Yapilandirmalar'; $tr['JSError'] = 'JavaScript hatasi'; $tr['NoSel'] = 'Secilen oge yok'; $tr['SelDir'] = 'Soldaki hedef dizin agaci secin'; $tr['TypeDir'] = 'Dizin adini girin'; $tr['TypeArq'] = 'Dosya adini girin'; $tr['TypeCmd'] = 'Komut girin'; $tr['TypeArqComp'] = 'Dosya ismini yazdiktan sonra sonuna .zip ekleyin'; $tr['RemSel'] = 'Secili ogeleri sil'; $tr['NoDestDir'] = 'Secili dizin yok'; $tr['DestEqOrig'] = 'Kokenli ve esit gidis rehberi'; $tr['InvalidDest'] = 'Hedef dizin gecersiz'; $tr['NoNewPerm'] = 'Izinler uygun degil'; $tr['CopyTo'] = 'Kopya icin'; $tr['MoveTo'] = 'Tasi icin'; $tr['AlterPermTo'] = 'Permission secin'; $tr['ConfExec'] = 'Yapilandirmayi onayla'; $tr['ConfRem'] = 'Simeyi onayla'; $tr['EmptyDir'] = 'Dizin bos'; $tr['IOError'] = 'Hata'; $tr['FileMan'] = 'Necdet_Yazilimlari'; $tr['TypePass'] = 'Parolayi girin'; $tr['InvPass'] = 'Gecersiz parola'; $tr['ReadDenied'] = 'Okumaya erisim engellendi'; $tr['FileNotFound'] = 'Dosya bulunamadi'; $tr['AutoClose'] = 'Otomatik kapat'; $tr['OutDocRoot'] = 'Kok klasor disindaki dosya'; $tr['NoCmd'] = 'Hata: Komut haberdar degil'; $tr['ConfTrySave'] = 'Dosya yazma izniniz yok. Yine de kaydetmeyi deneyebilirsiniz.'; $tr['ConfSaved'] = 'Ayarlar kaydedildi'; $tr['PassSaved'] = 'Parola kaydedildi'; $tr['FileDirExists'] = 'Dosya veya dizin zaten var'; $tr['NoPhpinfo'] = 'Php fonksiyon bilgisi devre disi'; $tr['NoReturn'] = 'Deger dondurmuyor'; $tr['FileSent'] = 'Dosya gonderildi'; $tr['SpaceLimReached'] = 'Disk limitine ulasildi'; $tr['InvExt'] = 'Gecersiz uzanti'; $tr['FileNoOverw'] = 'Dosya degistirilemiyor'; $tr['FileOverw'] = 'Dosya degistiribiliyor'; $tr['FileIgnored'] = 'Dosya kabul edildi'; $tr['ChkVer'] = 'Yeni versiyonu kontrol et'; $tr['ChkVerAvailable'] = 'Yeni surum bulundu. Indirmek icin buraya tiklayin.'; $tr['ChkVerNotAvailable'] = 'Yeni surum bulunamadi.'; $tr['ChkVerError'] = 'Baglanti hatasi'; $tr['Website'] = 'Website'; $tr['SendingForm'] = 'Dosyalar gonderiliyor, lutfen bekleyin'; $tr['NoFileSel'] = 'Secili dosya yok'; $tr['SelAll'] = 'Hepsi'; $tr['SelNone'] = 'Hicbiri'; $tr['SelInverse'] = 'Ters'; $tr['Selected_s'] = 'Secili oge(ler)'; $tr['Total'] = 'Toplam'; $tr['Partition'] = 'Bolme'; $tr['RenderTime'] = 'Olusturuluyor'; $tr['Seconds'] = 'Saniye'; $tr['ErrorReport'] = 'Hata raporu'; // Россия - Евгений Рашев $ru['Version'] = 'Версия'; $ru['DocRoot'] = 'Документ Root '; $ru['FLRoot'] = 'Файловый менеджер'; $ru['Name'] = 'Имя'; $ru['And'] = 'и'; $ru['Enter'] = 'Enter'; $ru['Send'] = 'Отправить'; $ru['Refresh'] = 'Обновить'; $ru['SaveConfig'] = 'Сохранить конфигурацию'; $ru['SavePass'] = 'Сохранить пароль'; $ru['SaveFile'] = 'Сохранить файл '; $ru['Save'] = 'Сохранить'; $ru['Leave'] = 'Оставь'; $ru['Edit'] = 'Изменить'; $ru['View'] = 'Просмотр'; $ru['Config'] = 'Настройки'; $ru['Ren'] = 'Переименовать'; $ru['Rem'] = 'Удалить'; $ru['Compress'] = 'Сжать'; $ru['Decompress'] = 'Распаковать'; $ru['ResolveIDs'] = 'Определять id'; $ru['Move'] = 'Переместить'; $ru['Copy'] = 'Копировать'; $ru['ServerInfo'] = 'Инфо о сервере'; $ru['CreateDir'] = 'Создать папку'; $ru['CreateArq'] = 'Создайте файл '; $ru['ExecCmd'] = 'Выполнить'; $ru['Upload'] = 'Загрузить'; $ru['UploadEnd'] = 'Загружено'; $ru['Perm'] = 'Права'; $ru['Perms'] = 'Разрешения'; $ru['Owner'] = 'Владелец'; $ru['Group'] = 'Группа'; $ru['Other'] = 'Другие'; $ru['Size'] = 'Размер'; $ru['Date'] = 'Дата'; $ru['Type'] = 'Тип'; $ru['Free'] = 'Свободно'; $ru['Shell'] = 'Shell'; $ru['Read'] = 'Читать'; $ru['Write'] = 'Писать'; $ru['Exec'] = 'Выполнять'; $ru['Apply'] = 'Применить'; $ru['StickyBit'] = 'StickyBit'; $ru['Pass'] = 'Пароль'; $ru['Lang'] = 'Язык'; $ru['File'] = 'Файл'; $ru['File_s'] = 'Файл..'; $ru['Dir_s'] = 'Пап..'; $ru['To'] = 'в'; $ru['Destination'] = 'Назначение'; $ru['Configurations'] = 'Конфигурация'; $ru['JSError'] = 'Ошибка JavaScript'; $ru['NoSel'] = 'нет выбранных элементов'; $ru['SelDir'] = 'Выберите папку назначения на левом дереве '; $ru['TypeDir'] = 'Введите имя каталога '; $ru['TypeArq'] = 'Введите имя файла'; $ru['TypeCmd'] = 'Введите команду '; $ru['TypeArqComp'] = 'Введите имя файла ,расширение\\n это позволит определить тип сжатия \\n Пример:.. \\n \\n nome.tar \\n nome.bzip \\n nome.gzip '; $ru['RemSel'] = 'Удалить выбранные элементы'; $ru['NoDestDir'] = 'нет выбранного каталога назначения'; $ru['DestEqOrig'] = 'Происхождение и назначение каталогов равны '; $ru['InvalidDest'] = 'Назначение каталога недействительно'; $ru['NoNewPerm'] = 'Новые разрешения не установлены'; $ru['CopyTo'] = 'Копировать в '; $ru['MoveTo'] = 'Переместить в'; $ru['AlterPermTo'] = 'Изменение разрешений в '; $ru['ConfExec'] = 'Подтвердить ВЫПОЛНИТЬ '; $ru['ConfRem'] = 'Подтвердить УДАЛЕНИЕ'; $ru['EmptyDir'] = 'Пустой каталог '; $ru['IOError'] = 'I/O Error'; $ru['FileMan'] = 'PHP Файловый менеджер '; $ru['TypePass'] = 'Введите пароль'; $ru['InvPass'] = 'Неверный пароль'; $ru['ReadDenied'] = 'Доступ запрещен '; $ru['FileNotFound'] = 'Файл не найден'; $ru['AutoClose'] = 'Закрыть полностью '; $ru['OutDocRoot'] = 'Файлы за пределами DOCUMENT_ROOT'; $ru['NoCmd'] = 'Ошибка: Не поддерживаемая команда'; $ru['ConfTrySave'] = 'Файл без прав на запись. \\n Сохранить в любом случае. '; $ru['ConfSaved'] = 'Конфигурация сохранена'; $ru['PassSaved'] = 'Пароль сохранен'; $ru['FileDirExists'] = 'Файл или каталог уже существует'; $ru['NoPhpinfo'] = 'Функция PHPInfo отключена'; $ru['NoReturn'] = 'Нет возврата'; $ru['FileSent'] = 'Файл отправлен'; $ru['SpaceLimReached'] = 'Достигнут предел Пространства'; $ru['InvExt'] = 'Неверное расширение'; $ru['FileNoOverw'] = 'Файл не может быть перезаписан '; $ru['FileOverw'] = 'Файл перезаписывается'; $ru['FileIgnored'] = 'Файл игнорируется'; $ru['ChkVer'] = 'Проверить обновление'; $ru['ChkVerAvailable'] = ' Доступна новая версия, нажмите здесь, чтобы начать загрузку! '; $ru['ChkVerNotAvailable'] = 'Нет новой версии. :('; $ru['ChkVerError'] = 'Ошибка подключения. '; $ru['Website'] = 'Сайт'; $ru['SendingForm'] = 'Отправка файлов, пожалуйста, подождите '; $ru['NoFileSel'] = 'Нет выбранных файлов'; $ru['SelAll'] = 'Выделить все'; $ru['SelNone'] = 'Отмена'; $ru['SelInverse'] = 'Обратить'; $ru['Selected_s'] = 'Выбран'; $ru['Total'] = 'Всего'; $ru['Partition'] = 'Раздел'; $ru['RenderTime'] = 'Скрипт выполнен за'; $ru['Seconds'] = 'Секунд'; $ru['ErrorReport'] = 'Отчет об ошибках'; // Catalan - by Pere Borràs AKA @Norl $cat['Version'] = 'Versió'; $cat['DocRoot'] = 'Arrel del programa'; $cat['FLRoot'] = 'Arrel de l`administrador d`arxius'; $cat['Name'] = 'Nom'; $cat['And'] = 'i'; $cat['Enter'] = 'Entrar'; $cat['Send'] = 'Enviar'; $cat['Refresh'] = 'Refrescar'; $cat['SaveConfig'] = 'Desar configuracions'; $cat['SavePass'] = 'Desar clau'; $cat['SaveFile'] = 'Desar Arxiu'; $cat['Save'] = 'Desar'; $cat['Leave'] = 'Sortir'; $cat['Edit'] = 'Editar'; $cat['View'] = 'Mirar'; $cat['Config'] = 'Config.'; $cat['Ren'] = 'Canviar nom'; $cat['Rem'] = 'Esborrar'; $cat['Compress'] = 'Comprimir'; $cat['Decompress'] = 'Descomprimir'; $cat['ResolveIDs'] = 'Resoldre IDs'; $cat['Move'] = 'Moure'; $cat['Copy'] = 'Copiar'; $cat['ServerInfo'] = 'Info del Server'; $cat['CreateDir'] = 'Crear Directori'; $cat['CreateArq'] = 'Crear Arxiu'; $cat['ExecCmd'] = 'Executar Comandament'; $cat['Upload'] = 'Pujar'; $cat['UploadEnd'] = 'Pujat amb èxit'; $cat['Perm'] = 'Perm'; $cat['Perms'] = 'Permisos'; $cat['Owner'] = 'Propietari'; $cat['Group'] = 'Grup'; $cat['Other'] = 'Altre'; $cat['Size'] = 'Tamany'; $cat['Date'] = 'Data'; $cat['Type'] = 'Tipus'; $cat['Free'] = 'lliure'; $cat['Shell'] = 'Executar'; $cat['Read'] = 'Llegir'; $cat['Write'] = 'Escriure'; $cat['Exec'] = 'Executar'; $cat['Apply'] = 'Aplicar'; $cat['StickyBit'] = 'Sticky Bit'; $cat['Pass'] = 'Clau'; $cat['Lang'] = 'Llenguatje'; $cat['File'] = 'Arxius'; $cat['File_s'] = 'arxiu(s)'; $cat['Dir_s'] = 'directori(s)'; $cat['To'] = 'a'; $cat['Destination'] = 'Destí'; $cat['Configurations'] = 'Configuracions'; $cat['JSError'] = 'Error de JavaScript'; $cat['NoSel'] = 'No hi ha items seleccionats'; $cat['SelDir'] = 'Seleccioneu el directori de destí a l`arbre de la dreta'; $cat['TypeDir'] = 'Escrigui el nom del directori'; $cat['TypeArq'] = 'Escrigui el nom de l`arxiu'; $cat['TypeCmd'] = 'Escrigui el comandament'; $cat['TypeArqComp'] = 'Escrigui el nombre del directorio.\\nL`extensió definirà el tipus de compressió.\\nEx:\\\\nnom.tar\\nnom.bzip\\nnom.gzip'; $cat['RemSel'] = 'ESBORRAR items seleccionats'; $cat['NoDestDir'] = 'No s`ha seleccionat el directori de destí'; $cat['DestEqOrig'] = 'L`origen i el destí són iguals'; $cat['InvalidDest'] = 'El destí del directori és invàlid'; $cat['NoNewPerm'] = 'Els permisos no s`han pogut establir'; $cat['CopyTo'] = 'COPIAR a'; $cat['MoveTo'] = 'MOURE a'; $cat['AlterPermTo'] = 'CAMBIAR PERMISOS a'; $cat['ConfExec'] = 'Confirmar EXECUCIÓ'; $cat['ConfRem'] = 'Confirmar ESBORRAT'; $cat['EmptyDir'] = 'Directori buit'; $cat['IOError'] = 'Error I/O'; $cat['FileMan'] = 'PHP File Manager'; $cat['TypePass'] = 'Escrigui la clau'; $cat['InvPass'] = 'Clau invàlida'; $cat['ReadDenied'] = 'Accés de lectura denegat'; $cat['FileNotFound'] = 'Arxiu no trobat'; $cat['AutoClose'] = 'Tancar al completar'; $cat['OutDocRoot'] = 'Arxiu abans de DOCUMENT_ROOT'; $cat['NoCmd'] = 'Error: No s`ha escrit cap comandament'; $cat['ConfTrySave'] = 'Arxiu sense permisos d`escriptura.\\nIntenteu desar a un altre lloc'; $cat['ConfSaved'] = 'Configuració Desada'; $cat['PassSaved'] = 'Clau desada'; $cat['FileDirExists'] = 'Arxiu o directori ja existent'; $cat['NoPhpinfo'] = 'Funció phpinfo() no habilitada'; $cat['NoReturn'] = 'sense retorn'; $cat['FileSent'] = 'Arxiu enviat'; $cat['SpaceLimReached'] = 'Límit d`espaci al disc assolit'; $cat['InvExt'] = 'Extensió no vàlida'; $cat['FileNoOverw'] = 'L`arxiu no ha pogut ser sobreescrit'; $cat['FileOverw'] = 'Arxiu sobreescrit'; $cat['FileIgnored'] = 'Arxiu ignorat'; $cat['ChkVer'] = 'Revisar les actualitzacions'; $cat['ChkVerAvailable'] = 'Nova versió, feu clic aquí per descarregar'; $cat['ChkVerNotAvailable'] = 'La vostra versió és la més recent.'; $cat['ChkVerError'] = 'Error de connexió.'; $cat['Website'] = 'Lloc Web'; $cat['SendingForm'] = 'Enviant arxius, esperi'; $cat['NoFileSel'] = 'Cap arxiu seleccionat'; $cat['SelAll'] = 'Tots'; $cat['SelNone'] = 'Cap'; $cat['SelInverse'] = 'Invers'; $cat['Selected_s'] = 'seleccionat'; $cat['Total'] = 'total'; $cat['Partition'] = 'Partició'; $cat['RenderTime'] = 'Generat en'; $cat['Seconds'] = 'seg'; $cat['ErrorReport'] = 'Informe d`error'; $lang_ = $$lang; if(isset($lang_[$tag])){ return html_encode($lang_[$tag]); } //else return "[$tag]"; // So we can know what is missing return isset($en[$tag])?$en[$tag]:$tag; } /*-- 文件: data/func.html.php ---*/ /** * HTML接口 * User: loveyu * Date: 2015/1/4 * Time: 23:40 */ /** * @param string $header */ function html_header($header = ""){ global $fm_color; echo " ...:::: " . et('FileMan') . " $header "; } /** * @param $ref * @param $frame_number * @param string $Plus */ function reloadframe($ref, $frame_number, $Plus = ""){ global $current_dir, $path_info; echo " "; } /** * @param $arg */ function alert($arg){ echo " "; } /** * @param $dir_before * @param $dir_current * @param $indice */ function tree($dir_before, $dir_current, $indice){ global $fm_current_root, $current_dir, $islinux; global $expanded_dir_list; $indice++; $num_dir = 0; $dir_name = str_replace($dir_before, "", $dir_current); $dir_before = str_replace("//", "/", $dir_before); $dir_current = str_replace("//", "/", $dir_current); $is_denied = false; if($islinux){ $denied_list = "/proc#/dev"; $mat = explode("#", $denied_list); foreach($mat as $key => $val){ if($dir_current == $val){ $is_denied = true; break; } } unset($mat); } $sys_dir_current = nameToSys($dir_current); if(!$is_denied){ if($handle = @opendir($sys_dir_current)){ // Permitido $mat_dir = array(); while($file = readdir($handle)){ if($file != "." && $file != ".." && is_dir(str_replace("//", "/", "$sys_dir_current/$file"))){ $mat_dir[] = nameToPage($file); } } @closedir($handle); if(count($mat_dir)){ sort($mat_dir, SORT_STRING); // with Sub-dir if($indice != 0){ for($aux = 1; $aux < $indice; $aux++){ echo "    "; } } if($dir_before != $dir_current){ if(strstr($expanded_dir_list, ":$dir_current/$dir_name")){ $op_str = "[-]"; } else{ $op_str = "[+]"; } echo "$op_str $dir_name
\n"; } else{ echo "$fm_current_root
\n"; } for($x = 0; $x < count($mat_dir); $x++){ if(($dir_before == $dir_current) || (strstr($expanded_dir_list, ":$dir_current/$dir_name"))){ tree($dir_current . "/", $dir_current . "/" . $mat_dir[$x], $indice); } else{ flush(); } } } else{ // no Sub-dir if($dir_before != $dir_current){ for($aux = 1; $aux < $indice; $aux++){ echo "    "; } echo "[ ]"; echo " $dir_name
\n"; } else{ echo " $fm_current_root
\n"; } } } else{ // denied if($dir_before != $dir_current){ for($aux = 1; $aux < $indice; $aux++){ echo "    "; } echo "[ ]"; echo " $dir_name
\n"; } else{ echo " $fm_current_root
\n"; } } } else{ // denied if($dir_before != $dir_current){ for($aux = 1; $aux < $indice; $aux++){ echo "    "; } echo "[  ]"; echo " $dir_name
\n"; } else{ echo " $fm_current_root
\n"; } } } /** * 显示树状目录 */ function show_tree(){ global $fm_current_root, $path_info, $setflag, $islinux, $cookie_cache_time, $current_dir; html_header(" "); echo "\n"; echo " "; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; echo " "; echo "
"; if(!$islinux){ echo " "; } echo "
"; clearstatcache(); tree($fm_current_root, $fm_current_root, -1, 0); echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; } /** * 获取运行当前时间的微秒 * @return float */ function getmicrotime(){ list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } /** * 查看某一文件 */ function view(){ global $doc_root, $path_info, $url_info, $current_dir, $islinux, $filename, $passthru, $download_ext_filter; if(!isset($download_ext_filter)){ $download_ext_filter = array(); } if(intval($passthru)){ $file = $current_dir . $filename; $sys_file = nameToSys($file); if(!is_file($sys_file)){ exit_msg("只允许文件查看"); } if(file_exists($sys_file)){ $is_denied = false; foreach($download_ext_filter as $key => $ext){ if(eregi($ext, $filename)){ $is_denied = true; break; } } if(!$is_denied){ if($fh = fopen($sys_file, "rb")){ fclose($fh); $ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $ctype = get_mime_type($ext); if($ctype != "application/octet-stream"){ $ctype = "text/plain; charset=" . get_string_encoding(file_get_contents($sys_file)); } header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Connection: close"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Cache-Control: public"); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); header("Content-Type: " . $ctype); header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"" . pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME) . "\";"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-Length: " . filesize($sys_file)); @readfile($sys_file); exit(); } else{ alert(et('ReadDenied') . ": " . $file); } } else{ alert(et('ReadDenied') . ": " . $file); } } else{ alert(et('FileNotFound') . ": " . $file); } echo " "; } else{ html_header(); echo ""; // $is_reachable_thru_webserver = (stristr($current_dir, $doc_root) !== false); // if($is_reachable_thru_webserver){ // $url = $url_info["scheme"] . "://" . $url_info["host"]; // if(isset($url_info["port"]) && strlen($url_info["port"])){ // $url .= ":" . $url_info["port"]; // } // // Malditas variaveis de sistema!! No windows doc_root é sempre em lowercase... cadê o str_ireplace() ?? // $url .= str_replace($doc_root, "", "/" . $current_dir) . $filename; // $url = str_replace(":/", "://", preg_replace("/[\\/]{2,}/", "/", $url)); // } else{ $url = addslashes($path_info["basename"]) . "?action=4¤t_dir=" . addslashes($current_dir) . "&filename=" . addslashes($filename) . "&passthru=1"; // } echo " \n"; } } /** * 输出服务器信息 */ function server_info(){ if(!@phpinfo()){ echo et('NoPhpinfo') . "..."; } echo "

"; $a = ini_get_all(); $output = ""; $output .= ""; while(list($key, $value) = each($a)){ list($k, $v) = each($a[$key]); $output .= ""; } $output .= "
"; echo $output; echo "

"; $output = ""; $output .= ""; foreach($_SERVER as $k => $v){ $output .= ""; } $output .= "
"; echo $output; echo "

"; echo ""; $safe_mode = trim(ini_get("safe_mode")); if((strlen($safe_mode) == 0) || ($safe_mode == 0)){ $safe_mode = false; } else{ $safe_mode = true; } $is_windows_server = (uppercase(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN'); echo "
" . php_uname(); echo "
safe_mode" . ($safe_mode ? "on" : "off"); if($is_windows_server){ echo "
"; } else{ echo "
"; } echo "

"; $display_errors = ini_get("display_errors"); $ignore_user_abort = ignore_user_abort(); $max_execution_time = ini_get("max_execution_time"); $upload_max_filesize = ini_get("upload_max_filesize"); $memory_limit = ini_get("memory_limit"); $output_buffering = ini_get("output_buffering"); $default_socket_timeout = ini_get("default_socket_timeout"); $allow_url_fopen = ini_get("allow_url_fopen"); $magic_quotes_gpc = ini_get("magic_quotes_gpc"); ignore_user_abort(true); ini_set("display_errors", 0); ini_set("max_execution_time", 0); ini_set("upload_max_filesize", "10M"); ini_set("memory_limit", "20M"); ini_set("output_buffering", 0); ini_set("default_socket_timeout", 30); ini_set("allow_url_fopen", 1); ini_set("magic_quotes_gpc", 0); echo "
GetSetGet"; echo "
display_errors$display_errors0" . ini_get("display_errors"); echo "
ignore_user_abort" . ($ignore_user_abort ? "on" : "off") . "on" . (ignore_user_abort() ? "on" : "off"); echo "
max_execution_time$max_execution_time0" . ini_get("max_execution_time"); echo "
upload_max_filesize$upload_max_filesize10M" . ini_get("upload_max_filesize"); echo "
memory_limit$memory_limit20M" . ini_get("memory_limit"); echo "
output_buffering$output_buffering0" . ini_get("output_buffering"); echo "
default_socket_timeout$default_socket_timeout30" . ini_get("default_socket_timeout"); echo "
allow_url_fopen$allow_url_fopen1" . ini_get("allow_url_fopen"); echo "
magic_quotes_gpc$magic_quotes_gpc0" . ini_get("magic_quotes_gpc"); echo "

"; echo " "; echo "\n"; } function copyright_info(){ global $version; return "


"; } /*-- 文件: data/func.session.php ---*/ /** * User: loveyu * Date: 2015/1/5 * Time: 0:08 */ function logout(){ setcookie("loggedon", 0, 0, "/"); login_form(); } /** * */ function login(){ global $pass, $auth_pass, $path_info; if(md5(trim($pass)) == $auth_pass){ setcookie("loggedon", $auth_pass, 0, "/"); header("Location: " . $path_info["basename"] . ""); } else{ header("Location: " . $path_info["basename"] . "?erro=1"); } } /** * */ function login_form(){ global $erro, $auth_pass, $path_info; html_header(); echo "\n"; if($auth_pass != md5("")){ echo " "; if(strlen($erro)){ echo " "; } echo "
" . et('FileMan') . "
" . et('TypePass') . ".
" . et('InvPass') . ".
"; } else{ echo "
" . et('FileMan') . "
"; } echo "\n"; } /*-- 文件: data/func.frame.php ---*/ /** * User: loveyu * Date: 2015/1/5 * Time: 0:11 */ /** * 显示文件目录中的列表 */ function frame3(){ global $islinux, $cmd_arg, $chmod_arg, $zip_dir, $fm_current_root, $cookie_cache_time; global $dir_dest, $current_dir, $dir_before; global $selected_file_list, $selected_dir_list, $old_name, $new_name; global $action, $or_by, $order_dir_list_by; if(!isset($order_dir_list_by)){ $order_dir_list_by = "1A"; setcookie("order_dir_list_by", $order_dir_list_by, time() + $cookie_cache_time, "/"); } elseif(strlen($or_by)){ $order_dir_list_by = $or_by; setcookie("order_dir_list_by", $or_by, time() + $cookie_cache_time, "/"); } html_header(); echo "\n"; if($action){ switch($action){ case 1: // create dir if(strlen($cmd_arg)){ $cmd_arg = format_path($current_dir . $cmd_arg); if(!file_exists(nameToSys($cmd_arg))){ @mkdir(nameToSys($cmd_arg), 0755); @chmod(nameToSys($cmd_arg), 0755); reloadframe("parent", 2, "&ec_dir=" . $cmd_arg); } else{ alert(et('FileDirExists') . "."); } } break; case 2: // create arq if(strlen($cmd_arg)){ $cmd_arg = nameToSys($current_dir . $cmd_arg); if(!file_exists($cmd_arg)){ if($fh = @fopen($cmd_arg, "w")){ @fclose($fh); } @chmod($cmd_arg, 0644); } else{ alert(et('FileDirExists') . "."); } } break; case 3: // rename arq ou dir if((strlen($old_name)) && (strlen($new_name))){ rename(nameToSys($current_dir . $old_name), nameToSys($current_dir . $new_name)); if(is_dir(nameToSys($current_dir . $new_name))){ reloadframe("parent", 2); } } break; case 4: // delete sel if(strstr($current_dir, $fm_current_root)){ if(strlen($selected_file_list)){ $selected_file_list = explode("<|*|>", $selected_file_list); if(count($selected_file_list)){ for($x = 0; $x < count($selected_file_list); $x++){ $selected_file_list[$x] = trim($selected_file_list[$x]); if(strlen($selected_file_list[$x])){ total_delete(nameToSys($current_dir . $selected_file_list[$x]), nameToSys($dir_dest . $selected_file_list[$x])); } } } } if(strlen($selected_dir_list)){ $selected_dir_list = explode("<|*|>", $selected_dir_list); if(count($selected_dir_list)){ for($x = 0; $x < count($selected_dir_list); $x++){ $selected_dir_list[$x] = trim($selected_dir_list[$x]); if(strlen($selected_dir_list[$x])){ total_delete(nameToSys($current_dir . $selected_dir_list[$x]), nameToSys($dir_dest . $selected_dir_list[$x])); } } reloadframe("parent", 2); } } } else{ alert("必须切换到对应目录才运行删除!"); } break; case 5: // copy sel if(strlen($dir_dest)){ if(uppercase($dir_dest) != uppercase($current_dir)){ if(strlen($selected_file_list)){ $selected_file_list = explode("<|*|>", $selected_file_list); if(count($selected_file_list)){ for($x = 0; $x < count($selected_file_list); $x++){ $selected_file_list[$x] = trim($selected_file_list[$x]); if(strlen($selected_file_list[$x])){ total_copy(nameToSys($current_dir . $selected_file_list[$x]), nameToSys($dir_dest . $selected_file_list[$x])); } } } } if(strlen($selected_dir_list)){ $selected_dir_list = explode("<|*|>", $selected_dir_list); if(count($selected_dir_list)){ for($x = 0; $x < count($selected_dir_list); $x++){ $selected_dir_list[$x] = trim($selected_dir_list[$x]); if(strlen($selected_dir_list[$x])){ total_copy(nameToSys($current_dir . $selected_dir_list[$x]), nameToSys($dir_dest . $selected_dir_list[$x])); } } reloadframe("parent", 2); } } $current_dir = $dir_dest; } } break; case 6: // move sel if(strlen($dir_dest)){ if(uppercase($dir_dest) != uppercase($current_dir)){ if(strlen($selected_file_list)){ $selected_file_list = explode("<|*|>", $selected_file_list); if(count($selected_file_list)){ for($x = 0; $x < count($selected_file_list); $x++){ $selected_file_list[$x] = trim($selected_file_list[$x]); if(strlen($selected_file_list[$x])){ total_move(nameToSys($current_dir . $selected_file_list[$x]), nameToSys($dir_dest . $selected_file_list[$x])); } } } } if(strlen($selected_dir_list)){ $selected_dir_list = explode("<|*|>", $selected_dir_list); if(count($selected_dir_list)){ for($x = 0; $x < count($selected_dir_list); $x++){ $selected_dir_list[$x] = trim($selected_dir_list[$x]); if(strlen($selected_dir_list[$x])){ total_move(nameToSys($current_dir . $selected_dir_list[$x]), nameToSys($dir_dest . $selected_dir_list[$x])); } } reloadframe("parent", 2); } } $current_dir = $dir_dest; } } break; case 71: // compress sel if(strlen($cmd_arg)){ ignore_user_abort(true); set_time_limit(0); $zipfile = false; if(strstr($cmd_arg, ".tar")){ $zipfile = new Tar_file(nameToSys($cmd_arg)); } elseif(strstr($cmd_arg, ".zip")){ $zipfile = new Zip_file(nameToSys($cmd_arg)); } elseif(strstr($cmd_arg, ".bzip")){ $zipfile = new Bzip_file(nameToSys($cmd_arg)); } elseif(strstr($cmd_arg, ".gzip")){ $zipfile = new Gzip_file(nameToSys($cmd_arg)); } if($zipfile){ $msg = $zipfile->test(); if($msg !== true){ echo msg_out($msg, "#f55"); break; } $zipfile->set_options(array( 'basedir' => nameToSys($current_dir), 'overwrite' => 1, 'level' => 3 )); if(strlen($selected_file_list)){ $selected_file_list = explode("<|*|>", $selected_file_list); if(count($selected_file_list)){ for($x = 0; $x < count($selected_file_list); $x++){ $selected_file_list[$x] = trim($selected_file_list[$x]); if(strlen($selected_file_list[$x])){ $zipfile->add_files(nameToSys($selected_file_list[$x])); } } } } if(strlen($selected_dir_list)){ $selected_dir_list = explode("<|*|>", $selected_dir_list); if(count($selected_dir_list)){ for($x = 0; $x < count($selected_dir_list); $x++){ $selected_dir_list[$x] = trim($selected_dir_list[$x]); if(strlen($selected_dir_list[$x])){ $zipfile->add_files(nameToSys($selected_dir_list[$x])); } } } } $zipfile->create_archive(); } unset($zipfile); } break; case 72: // decompress arq if(strlen($cmd_arg)){ if(file_exists(nameToSys($current_dir . $cmd_arg))){ $zipfile = false; if(strstr($cmd_arg, ".zip")){ zip_extract(); } elseif(strstr($cmd_arg, ".bzip") || strstr($cmd_arg, ".bz2") || strstr($cmd_arg, ".tbz2") || strstr($cmd_arg, ".bz") || strstr($cmd_arg, ".tbz")){ $zipfile = new Bzip_file(nameToSys($cmd_arg)); } elseif(strstr($cmd_arg, ".gzip") || strstr($cmd_arg, ".gz") || strstr($cmd_arg, ".tgz")){ $zipfile = new Gzip_file(nameToSys($cmd_arg)); } elseif(strstr($cmd_arg, ".tar")){ $zipfile = new Tar_file(nameToSys($cmd_arg)); } if($zipfile){ $zipfile->set_options(array( 'basedir' => nameToSys($current_dir), 'overwrite' => 1 )); $zipfile->extract_files(); } unset($zipfile); reloadframe("parent", 2); } } break; case 8: // delete arq/dir if(strlen($cmd_arg)){ if(file_exists(nameToSys($current_dir . $cmd_arg))){ total_delete(nameToSys($current_dir . $cmd_arg)); } if(is_dir(nameToSys($current_dir . $cmd_arg))){ reloadframe("parent", 2); } } break; case 9: // CHMOD if((strlen($chmod_arg) == 4) && (strlen($current_dir))){ if($chmod_arg[0] == "1"){ $chmod_arg = "0" . $chmod_arg; } else{ $chmod_arg = "0" . substr($chmod_arg, strlen($chmod_arg) - 3); } $new_mod = octdec($chmod_arg); if(strlen($selected_file_list)){ $selected_file_list = explode("<|*|>", $selected_file_list); if(count($selected_file_list)){ for($x = 0; $x < count($selected_file_list); $x++){ $selected_file_list[$x] = trim($selected_file_list[$x]); if(strlen($selected_file_list[$x])){ @chmod(nameToSys($current_dir . $selected_file_list[$x]), $new_mod); } } } } if(strlen($selected_dir_list)){ $selected_dir_list = explode("<|*|>", $selected_dir_list); if(count($selected_dir_list)){ for($x = 0; $x < count($selected_dir_list); $x++){ $selected_dir_list[$x] = trim($selected_dir_list[$x]); if(strlen($selected_dir_list[$x])){ @chmod(nameToSys($current_dir . $selected_dir_list[$x]), $new_mod); } } } } } break; } if($action != 10){ dir_list_form(); } } else{ dir_list_form(); } echo "\n"; } /** * */ function frame2(){ global $expanded_dir_list, $ec_dir; if(!isset($expanded_dir_list)){ $expanded_dir_list = ""; } if(strlen($ec_dir)){ if(strstr($expanded_dir_list, ":" . $ec_dir)){ $expanded_dir_list = str_replace(":" . $ec_dir, "", $expanded_dir_list); } else{ $expanded_dir_list .= ":" . $ec_dir; } setcookie("expanded_dir_list", $expanded_dir_list, 0, "/"); } show_tree(); } /** * */ function frameset(){ global $path_info, $leftFrameWidth; if(!isset($leftFrameWidth)){ $leftFrameWidth = 300; } html_header(); echo " "; } /*-- 文件: data/func.form.php ---*/ /** * User: loveyu * Date: 2015/1/5 * Time: 0:12 */ /** * 输出文件列表 */ function dir_list_form(){ global $fm_current_root, $current_dir, $quota_mb, $resolveIDs, $order_dir_list_by, $islinux, $cmd_name, $ip, $path_info, $fm_color; $ti = getmicrotime(); clearstatcache(); $out = "\n"; $current_dir = preg_replace("/[\\/]{2,}/", "/", $current_dir . "/"); $current_sys_dir = nameToSys($current_dir); if($opdir = @opendir($current_sys_dir)){ $has_files = false; $entry_count = 0; $total_size = 0; $entry_list = array(); while($file = readdir($opdir)){ if(($file != ".") && ($file != "..")){ $entry_list[$entry_count]["size"] = 0; $entry_list[$entry_count]["sizet"] = 0; $entry_list[$entry_count]["type"] = "none"; if(is_file($current_sys_dir . $file)){ $ext = lowercase(strrchr($file, ".")); $entry_list[$entry_count]["type"] = "file"; // Função filetype() returns only "file"... $entry_list[$entry_count]["size"] = filesize($current_sys_dir . $file); $entry_list[$entry_count]["sizet"] = format_size($entry_list[$entry_count]["size"]); if(strstr($ext, ".")){ $entry_list[$entry_count]["ext"] = $ext; $entry_list[$entry_count]["extt"] = $ext; } else{ $entry_list[$entry_count]["ext"] = ""; $entry_list[$entry_count]["extt"] = " "; } $has_files = true; } elseif(is_dir($current_sys_dir . $file)){ // Recursive directory size disabled // $entry_list[$entry_count]["size"] = total_size($current_sys_dir.$file); $entry_list[$entry_count]["size"] = 0; $entry_list[$entry_count]["sizet"] = " "; $entry_list[$entry_count]["type"] = "dir"; } $entry_list[$entry_count]["name"] = $file; $entry_list[$entry_count]["display_name"] = nameToPage($file); $entry_list[$entry_count]["date"] = date("Ymd", @filemtime($current_sys_dir . $file)); $entry_list[$entry_count]["time"] = date("his", @filemtime($current_sys_dir . $file)); $entry_list[$entry_count]["datet"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", @filemtime($current_sys_dir . $file)); if($islinux && $resolveIDs){ $entry_list[$entry_count]["p"] = show_perms(@fileperms($current_sys_dir . $file)); $entry_list[$entry_count]["u"] = get_user(@fileowner($current_sys_dir . $file)); $entry_list[$entry_count]["g"] = get_group(@filegroup($current_sys_dir . $file)); } else{ $entry_list[$entry_count]["p"] = base_convert(@fileperms($current_sys_dir . $file), 10, 8); $entry_list[$entry_count]["p"] = substr($entry_list[$entry_count]["p"], strlen($entry_list[$entry_count]["p"]) - 3); $entry_list[$entry_count]["u"] = @fileowner($current_sys_dir . $file); $entry_list[$entry_count]["g"] = @filegroup($current_sys_dir . $file); } $total_size += $entry_list[$entry_count]["size"]; $entry_count++; } } @closedir($opdir); if($entry_count){ $or1 = "1A"; $or2 = "2D"; $or3 = "3A"; $or4 = "4A"; $or5 = "5A"; $or6 = "6D"; $or7 = "7D"; switch($order_dir_list_by){ case "1A": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "name", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC); $or1 = "1D"; break; case "1D": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "name", SORT_STRING, SORT_DESC); $or1 = "1A"; break; case "2A": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "p", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "g", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "u", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC); $or2 = "2D"; break; case "2D": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "p", SORT_STRING, SORT_DESC, "g", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "u", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC); $or2 = "2A"; break; case "3A": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "u", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "g", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC); $or3 = "3D"; break; case "3D": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "u", SORT_STRING, SORT_DESC, "g", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC); $or3 = "3A"; break; case "4A": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "g", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "u", SORT_STRING, SORT_DESC); $or4 = "4D"; break; case "4D": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "g", SORT_STRING, SORT_DESC, "u", SORT_STRING, SORT_DESC); $or4 = "4A"; break; case "5A": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "size", SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_ASC); $or5 = "5D"; break; case "5D": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "size", SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_DESC); $or5 = "5A"; break; case "6A": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "date", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "time", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "name", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC); $or6 = "6D"; break; case "6D": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "date", SORT_STRING, SORT_DESC, "time", SORT_STRING, SORT_DESC, "name", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC); $or6 = "6A"; break; case "7A": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "ext", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "name", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC); $or7 = "7D"; break; case "7D": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "ext", SORT_STRING, SORT_DESC, "name", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC); $or7 = "7A"; break; } } $out .= " "; if(!isset($dir_before)){ $dir_before = NULL; } $out .= " "; $out .= " "; $file_count = 0; $dir_count = 0; $dir_out = array(); $file_out = array(); $max_opt = 0; foreach($entry_list as $ind => $dir_entry){ $file = $dir_entry["name"]; $display = $dir_entry['display_name']; $is_test_writable = is_writable($current_sys_dir . $file); $is_test_readable = is_readable($current_sys_dir . $file); if($dir_entry["type"] == "dir"){ $dir_out[$dir_count] = array(); $dir_out[$dir_count][] = " "; $dir_out[$dir_count][] = ""; if($islinux){ $dir_out[$dir_count][] = ""; $dir_out[$dir_count][] = ""; } $dir_out[$dir_count][] = ""; $dir_out[$dir_count][] = ""; if($has_files){ $dir_out[$dir_count][] = ""; } // Opções de diretório if($is_test_writable){ $dir_out[$dir_count][] = " "; $file_out[$file_count][] = ""; if($islinux){ $file_out[$file_count][] = ""; $file_out[$file_count][] = ""; } $file_out[$file_count][] = ""; $file_out[$file_count][] = ""; $file_out[$file_count][] = ""; if(!isset($dir_entry["ext"])){ $dir_entry["ext"] = ""; } if($is_test_writable){ $file_out[$file_count][] = " "; } if($is_test_writable){ $file_out[$file_count][] = " "; } if($is_test_readable && (strpos("", $dir_entry["ext"] . "#") === false)){ $file_out[$file_count][] = " "; } if($is_test_readable && (strpos(".txt#.sys#.bat#.ini#.conf#.swf#.php#.php3#.asp#.html#.htm#.jpg#.gif#.png#.bmp#", $dir_entry["ext"] . "#") !== false)){ $file_out[$file_count][] = " "; } if($is_test_readable && strlen($dir_entry["ext"]) && (strpos("", $dir_entry["ext"] . "#") !== false)){ $file_out[$file_count][] = " "; } if($is_test_readable && strlen($dir_entry["ext"]) && (strpos("", $dir_entry["ext"] . "#") !== false)){ $file_out[$file_count][] = " "; } if(count($file_out[$file_count]) > $max_opt){ $max_opt = count($file_out[$file_count]); } $file_count++; } } if($dir_count){ $out .= " "; if($islinux){ $out .= " "; } $out .= " "; if($file_count){ $out .= " "; } $out .= " "; } foreach($dir_out as $k => $v){ while(count($dir_out[$k]) < $max_opt){ $dir_out[$k][] = ""; } $out .= implode($dir_out[$k]); $out .= ""; } if($file_count){ $out .= " "; if($islinux){ $out .= " "; } $out .= " "; } foreach($file_out as $k => $v){ while(count($file_out[$k]) < $max_opt){ $file_out[$k][] = ""; } $out .= implode($file_out[$k]); $out .= ""; } $out .= " "; $out .= " "; $out .= " "; if($quota_mb){ $out .= " "; } else{ $out .= " "; } $tf = getmicrotime(); $tt = ($tf - $ti); $out .= " "; $out.= ""; $out .= " "; } else{ $out .= " "; } } else{ $out .= "
$ip "; $uplink = ""; if($current_dir != $fm_current_root){ $mat = explode("/", $current_dir); $dir_before = ""; for($x = 0; $x < (count($mat) - 2); $x++){ $dir_before .= $mat[$x] . "/"; } $uplink = "<< "; } if($entry_count){ $out .= "
$uplink $current_dir
"; if($islinux){ $out .= " "; } $out .= " "; $out .= "
" . et('SelDir') . "...
$display" . $dir_entry["p"] . "" . $dir_entry["u"] . "" . $dir_entry["g"] . "" . $dir_entry["sizet"] . "" . $dir_entry["datet"] . " " . et('Rem') . ""; } if($is_test_writable){ $dir_out[$dir_count][] = " " . et('Ren') . ""; } if(count($dir_out[$dir_count]) > $max_opt){ $max_opt = count($dir_out[$dir_count]); } $dir_count++; } else{ $file_out[$file_count] = array(); $file_out[$file_count][] = "
$display" . $dir_entry["p"] . "" . $dir_entry["u"] . "" . $dir_entry["g"] . "" . $dir_entry["sizet"] . "" . $dir_entry["datet"] . "" . (isset($dir_entry["extt"]) ? $dir_entry["extt"] : "无") . "" . et('Rem') . ""; } else{ $file_out[$file_count][] = " " . et('Ren') . ""; } else{ $file_out[$file_count][] = " " . et('Edit') . ""; } else{ $file_out[$file_count][] = " " . et('View') . ""; } else{ $file_out[$file_count][] = " " . et('Decompress') . ""; } else{ $file_out[$file_count][] = " " . et('Exec') . ""; } else{ $file_out[$file_count][] = " 
" . et('Name') . " " . et('Perm') . "" . et('Owner') . " " . et('Group') . "" . et('Size') . " " . et('Date') . "" . et('Type') . " 
" . et('Name') . " " . et('Perm') . "" . et('Owner') . " " . et('Group') . "" . et('Size') . " " . et('Date') . " " . et('Type') . "  
"; if($islinux){ $out .= " "; } $out .= " "; $out .= "
$dir_count " . et('Dir_s') . " " . et('And') . " $file_count " . et('File_s') . " = " . format_size($total_size) . "
" . et('Partition') . ": " . format_size(($quota_mb * 1024 * 1024)) . " " . et('Total') . " - " . format_size(($quota_mb * 1024 * 1024) - total_size($fm_current_root)) . " " . et('Free') . "
" . et('Partition') . ": " . format_size(disk_total_space($current_sys_dir)) . " " . et('Total') . " - " . format_size(disk_free_space($current_sys_dir)) . " " . et('Free') . "
" . et('RenderTime') . ": " . substr($tt, 0, strrpos($tt, ".") + 5) . " " . et('Seconds') . "
" . et('EmptyDir') . ".
" . et('IOError') . ".
"; } $out .= "
"; echo $out; } /** * */ function upload_form(){ global $_FILES, $current_dir, $dir_dest, $fechar, $quota_mb, $path_info; $num_uploads = 5; html_header(); echo ""; if(count($_FILES) == 0){ echo "
" . et('Upload') . "
" . et('Destination') . ":$current_dir"; $test_js = ""; for($x = 0; $x < $num_uploads; $x++){ echo "
" . et('File') . ":"; $test_js .= "(document.upload_form.file$x.value.length>0)||"; } echo "
" . et('AutoClose') . "
"; } else{ $out = "" . et('UploadEnd') . " " . et('Destination') . ": $dir_dest"; for($x = 0; $x < $num_uploads; $x++){ $temp_file = $_FILES["file" . $x]["tmp_name"]; $filename = $_FILES["file" . $x]["name"]; if(strlen($filename)){ $resul = save_upload($temp_file, $filename, $dir_dest); } else{ $resul = 7; } switch($resul){ case 1: $out .= "" . str_zero($x + 1, 3) . ". " . et('FileSent') . ":" . $filename . "\n"; break; case 2: $out .= "" . str_zero($x + 1, 3) . ". " . et('IOError') . ":" . $filename . "\n"; break; case 3: $out .= "" . str_zero($x + 1, 3) . "." . et('SpaceLimReached') . " ($quota_mb Mb)" . $filename . "\n"; break; case 4: $out .= "" . str_zero($x + 1, 3) . ". " . et('InvExt') . ":" . $filename . "\n"; break; case 5: $out .= "" . str_zero($x + 1, 3) . ". " . et('FileNoOverw') . "" . $filename . "\n"; break; case 6: $out .= "" . str_zero($x + 1, 3) . ". " . et('FileOverw') . ":" . $filename . "\n"; break; case 7: $out .= "" . str_zero($x + 1, 3) . ". " . et('FileIgnored') . "\n"; } } if($fechar){ echo " "; } else{ echo " $out
"; } } echo "\n"; } /** * 权限修改表单 */ function chmod_form(){ html_header(" "); echo "
" . et('Perms') . "
" . et('Owner') . " " . et('Group') . " " . et('Other') . "
" . et('Read') . "
" . et('Write') . "
" . et('Exec') . "
" . et('StickyBit') . "
\n"; } /** * 编辑文件操作 */ function edit_file_form(){ global $current_dir, $filename, $file_data, $save_file, $path_info; $file = $current_dir . $filename; $sys_file = nameToSys($file); if($save_file){ $fh = fopen($sys_file, "w"); fputs($fh, $file_data, strlen($file_data)); fclose($fh); } $l = filesize($sys_file); if($l){ $fh = fopen($sys_file, "r"); $file_data = fread($fh, $l); fclose($fh); } else{ $file_data = ""; } html_header(); echo "
" . $file . "
\n"; } /** * 控制台表单 */ function shell_form(){ global $current_dir, $shell_form, $cmd_arg, $path_info; $data_out = ""; if(strlen($cmd_arg)){ exec($cmd_arg, $mat); if(count($mat)){ $data_out = trim(implode("\n", $mat)); } } switch($shell_form){ case 1: html_header(); echo "
"; break; case 2: html_header(); echo "
"; echo " "; echo " "; break; default: html_header(" "); echo " "; } } /*-- 文件: data/func.form.config.php ---*/ /** * 配置表单 */ function config_form(){ global $cfg; global $current_dir, $fm_self, $doc_root, $path_info, $fm_current_root, $lang, $error_reporting, $version, $timezone; global $config_action, $newpass, $newlang, $newerror, $newfm_root,$new_timezone; $data = array(); $Warning1 = ""; $Warning2 = ""; switch($config_action){ case 1: $update_msg = file_get_contents("" . $version); $update_msg = json_decode($update_msg, true); if(!is_array($update_msg) || !isset($update_msg['top_version'])){ unset($update_msg); } break; case 2: $reload = false; if($cfg->data['lang'] != $newlang){ $cfg->data['lang'] = $newlang; $lang = $newlang; $reload = true; } if($cfg->data['timezone'] != $new_timezone){ $cfg->data['timezone'] = $new_timezone; $timezone = $new_timezone; $reload = true; } if($cfg->data['error_reporting'] != $newerror){ $cfg->data['error_reporting'] = $newerror; $error_reporting = $newerror; $reload = true; } $newfm_root = format_path($newfm_root); if($cfg->data['fm_root'] != $newfm_root){ $cfg->data['fm_root'] = $newfm_root; if(strlen($newfm_root)){ $current_dir = $newfm_root; } else{ $current_dir = $path_info["dirname"] . "/"; } setcookie("fm_current_root", $newfm_root, 0, "/"); $reload = true; } $cfg->save(); if($reload){ reloadframe("window.opener.parent", 2); reloadframe("window.opener.parent", 3); } $Warning1 = et('ConfSaved') . "..."; break; case 3: if($cfg->data['auth_pass'] != md5($newpass)){ $cfg->data['auth_pass'] = md5($newpass); setcookie("loggedon", md5($newpass), 0, "/"); } $cfg->save(); $Warning2 = et('PassSaved') . "..."; break; } html_header(); echo "\n"; echo "
" . uppercase(et('Configurations')) . "
"; if(isset($update_msg)){ $flag = version_compare($version, $update_msg['top_version'], "<"); if($flag){ echo ""; } else{ echo ""; } } echo " "; echo "
" . et('Version') . ":$version (" . get_size($fm_self) . ")
" . et('Website') . ":   
" . et('UpdateResult') . ":(" . $update_msg['top_version'] . ")," . et("ChkVerAvailable") . "
" . et('UpdateResult') . ":" . et("ChkVerNotAvailable") . "
" . et('DocRoot') . ":" . $doc_root . "
" . et('FLRoot') . ":data['fm_root'] . "\" onkeypress=\"enterSubmit(event,'test_config_form(2)')\">
" . et('TimeZone') . ":  ".et("TimeZoneList")."
" . et('Lang') . ":
" . et('ErrorReport') . ":
"; if(strlen($Warning1)){ echo " $Warning1"; } echo "
" . et('Pass') . ":
"; if(strlen($Warning2)){ echo " $Warning2"; } echo "
"; echo "\n"; } /*-- 文件: data/global.php ---*/ /** * User: loveyu * Date: 2015/1/4 * Time: 22:35 */ /** * 定义文件编码,勿修改,否者导致文件不可用 */ define('CHARSET_FILE', 'UTF-8'); //文件系统编码,如有误请手动更正 /** * Windows 文件系统编码 */ define('CHARSET_WIN', 'GBK'); /** * Linux文件系统编码 */ define('CHARSET_LINUX', 'UTF-8'); $charset = CHARSET_FILE;//文件编码方式,请勿改动 header("Cache-Control: no-cache"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=" . $charset); if(@get_magic_quotes_gpc()){ /** * 转义字符函数 * @param $value * @return array */ function stripslashes_deep($value){ return is_array($value) ? array_map('stripslashes_deep', $value) : $value; } $_POST = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $_POST); $_GET = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $_GET); $_COOKIE = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $_COOKIE); } if(!function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')){ exit_msg("此程序主要针对中文支持优化,故必须开启mbstring拓展,否则无法运行!"); } /*-- 文件: data/run.php ---*/ /** * User: loveyu * Date: 2015/1/4 * Time: 22:40 */ $ip = get_client_ip(); $islinux = !(strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN'); define('IS_LINUX', $islinux); $url = getCompleteURL(); $url_info = parse_url($url); if(!isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])){ if(isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])){ $path = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']; } elseif(isset($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'])){ $path = str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']); } else{ exit_msg("服务器信息解析失败"); $path = ""; } $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = str_replace('\\', '/', substr($path, 0, 0 - strlen($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))); } $doc_root = str_replace('//', '/', str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"])); $fm_self = $doc_root . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $path_info = pathinfo($fm_self); // 注册全局变量 $blockKeys = array( '_SERVER', '_SESSION', '_GET', '_POST', '_COOKIE', 'charset', 'ip', 'islinux', 'url', 'url_info', 'doc_root', 'fm_self', 'path_info' ); foreach($_GET as $key => $val){ if(array_search($key, $blockKeys) === false){ $$key = $val; } } foreach($_POST as $key => $val){ if(array_search($key, $blockKeys) === false){ $$key = $val; } } foreach($_COOKIE as $key => $val){ if(array_search($key, $blockKeys) === false){ $$key = $val; } } //加载配置文件 $cfg = new config(); $cfg->load(); /** * 加载的配置变量 * @var string $lang 语言选项 * @var string $auth_pass 密码 * @var string $quota_mb * @var string $upload_ext_filter 支持上传的文件后缀 * @var string $download_ext_filter 支持的下载文件后缀 * @var int $error_reporting 错误等级 * @var string $fm_root 文件根目录 * @var int $cookie_cache_time COOKIE有效时间 * @var string $version 程序版本 * @var string $timezone 程序版本 */ if(!isset($timezone) || empty($timezone)){ $timezone = "PRC"; } date_default_timezone_set($timezone);//时区设置 switch($error_reporting){ case 0: ini_set('display_errors', 'Off'); error_reporting(0); break; case 1: ini_set('display_errors', 'On'); error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE | E_COMPILE_ERROR); break; case 2: ini_set('display_errors', 'On'); error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); break; } if(!isset($current_dir)){ $current_dir = $path_info["dirname"] . "/"; if(!$islinux){ $current_dir = ucfirst($current_dir); } //@chmod($current_dir,0755); } else{ $current_dir = format_path($current_dir); } // Auto Expand Local Path if(!isset($expanded_dir_list)){ $expanded_dir_list = ""; $mat = explode("/", $path_info["dirname"]); for($x = 0; $x < count($mat); $x++){ $expanded_dir_list .= ":" . $mat[$x]; } setcookie("expanded_dir_list", $expanded_dir_list, 0, "/"); } if(!isset($fm_current_root)){ if(strlen($fm_root)){ $fm_current_root = $fm_root; } else{ if(!$islinux){ $fm_current_root = ucfirst($path_info["dirname"] . "/"); } else{ $fm_current_root = $doc_root . "/"; } } setcookie("fm_current_root", $fm_current_root, 0, "/"); } elseif(isset($set_fm_current_root)){ if(!$islinux){ $fm_current_root = ucfirst($set_fm_current_root); } setcookie("fm_current_root", $fm_current_root, 0, "/"); } if(!isset($resolveIDs)){ setcookie("resolveIDs", 0, time() + $cookie_cache_time, "/"); } elseif(isset($set_resolveIDs)){ $resolveIDs = ($resolveIDs) ? 0 : 1; setcookie("resolveIDs", $resolveIDs, time() + $cookie_cache_time, "/"); } if(isset($resolveIDs) && $resolveIDs && $islinux && function_exists('exec')){ exec("cat /etc/passwd", $mat_passwd); exec("cat /etc/group", $mat_group); }else{ $mat_passwd = array(); $mat_group = array(); } $fm_color['Bg'] = "EEEEEE"; $fm_color['Text'] = "000000"; $fm_color['Link'] = "0A77F7"; $fm_color['Entry'] = "FFFFFF"; $fm_color['Over'] = "C0EBFD"; $fm_color['Mark'] = "A7D2E4"; foreach($fm_color as $tag => $color){ $fm_color[$tag] = strtolower($color); } /** * 文件管理器操作 * @var string $loggedon 通过COOKIE设置的密码文件 * @var string $frame 当前指定的框架 * @var string $action 当前激活的操作 */ foreach(array( 'loggedon', 'frame', 'action' ) as $_v){ if(!isset($$_v)){ $$_v = NULL; } } unset($_v); if($loggedon == $auth_pass){ switch($frame){ case 1: break; // Empty Frame case 2: frame2(); break; case 3: frame3(); break; default: switch($action){ case 1: logout(); break; case 2: config_form(); break; case 3: download(); break; case 4: view(); break; case 5: server_info(); break; case 6: execute_cmd(); break; case 7: edit_file_form(); break; case 8: chmod_form(); break; case 9: shell_form(); break; case 10: upload_form(); break; case 11: execute_file(); break; default: frameset(); } } } else{ if(isset($pass)){ login(); } else{ login_form(); } }