version: "3" services: ## ## Start services required for Lowcoder (MongoDB and Redis) ## mongodb: image: "mongo:4.4" container_name: mongodb environment: MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE: lowcoder MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME: lowcoder MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD: secret123 # Uncomment to save database data into local 'mongodata' folder # volumes: # - ./mongodata:/data/db restart: unless-stopped redis: image: redis:7-alpine container_name: redis ## ## Start Lowcoder backend services (api-service and node-service) ## lowcoder-api-service: image: lowcoderorg/lowcoder-ce-api-service:latest container_name: lowcoder-api-service # Enabled ports to be able to access backend from host # ports: # - "8080:8080" environment: LOWCODER_PUID: "9001" LOWCODER_PGID: "9001" LOWCODER_MONGODB_URL: "mongodb://lowcoder:secret123@mongodb/lowcoder?authSource=admin" LOWCODER_REDIS_URL: "redis://redis:6379" LOWCODER_NODE_SERVICE_URL: "http://lowcoder-node-service:6060" LOWCODER_MAX_QUERY_TIMEOUT: 120 LOWCODER_EMAIL_AUTH_ENABLED: "true" LOWCODER_EMAIL_SIGNUP_ENABLED: "true" LOWCODER_CREATE_WORKSPACE_ON_SIGNUP: "true" # # ! PLEASE CHANGE THESE TO SOMETHING UNIQUE ! # # LOWCODER_DB_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD and LOWCODER_DB_ENCRYPTION_SALT is used # to encrypt sensitive data in database so it is important to change the defaults # LOWCODER_DB_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD: "" LOWCODER_DB_ENCRYPTION_SALT: "" LOWCODER_CORS_DOMAINS: "*" LOWCODER_MAX_ORGS_PER_USER: 100 LOWCODER_MAX_MEMBERS_PER_ORG: 1000 LOWCODER_MAX_GROUPS_PER_ORG: 100 LOWCODER_MAX_APPS_PER_ORG: 1000 LOWCODER_MAX_DEVELOPERS: 50 # # API-KEY secret - should be a string of at least 32 random characters # - on linux/mac, generate one eg. with: head /dev/urandom | head -c 30 | shasum -a 256 # LOWCODER_API_KEY_SECRET: "5a41b090758b39b226603177ef48d73ae9839dd458ccb7e66f7e7cc028d5a50b" LOWCODER_WORKSPACE_MODE: SAAS # Lowcoder notification emails setup LOWCODER_ADMIN_SMTP_HOST: LOWCODER_ADMIN_SMTP_PORT: 587 LOWCODER_ADMIN_SMTP_USERNAME: LOWCODER_ADMIN_SMTP_PASSWORD: LOWCODER_ADMIN_SMTP_AUTH: true LOWCODER_ADMIN_SMTP_SSL_ENABLED: false LOWCODER_ADMIN_SMTP_STARTTLS_ENABLED: true LOWCODER_ADMIN_SMTP_STARTTLS_REQUIRED: true # Email used as sender in lost password email LOWCODER_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS_SENDER: info@localhost restart: unless-stopped depends_on: - mongodb - redis lowcoder-node-service: image: lowcoderorg/lowcoder-ce-node-service:latest container_name: lowcoder-node-service # Enabled ports to be able to access backend from host # ports: # - "6060:6060" environment: LOWCODER_PUID: "9001" LOWCODER_PGID: "9001" LOWCODER_API_SERVICE_URL: "http://lowcoder-api-service:8080" restart: unless-stopped depends_on: - lowcoder-api-service ## ## Start Lowcoder web frontend ## lowcoder-frontend: image: lowcoderorg/lowcoder-ce-frontend:latest container_name: lowcoder-frontend ports: - "3000:3000" environment: LOWCODER_PUID: "9001" LOWCODER_PGID: "9001" LOWCODER_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE: 20m LOWCODER_MAX_QUERY_TIMEOUT: 120 LOWCODER_API_SERVICE_URL: "http://lowcoder-api-service:8080" LOWCODER_NODE_SERVICE_URL: "http://lowcoder-node-service:6060" restart: unless-stopped depends_on: - lowcoder-node-service - lowcoder-api-service # Uncomment to serve local files as static assets # volumes: # - ./static-assets:/lowcoder/assets