StatusBarTime ========================= Small package for displaying current time (or uptime) on status bar. Works with Sublime 2 and 3. ## Preview ![Preview] ( -------------- ## How to install - Clone or [download]( git repo into your packages folder Using [Package Control]( - Run “Package Control: Install Package” command, and find `StatusBarTime` package -------------- ## Settings Example config: // Clock type as sublime text uptime: 0 - time, 1 - sublime uptime "StatusBarClock_type": 0, // Clock update interval (in millisecond) "StatusBarClock_Interval": 1000, // If true then clock will only be displayed when there is a file in view "StatusBarClock_display_onlyinview": true, // Time format, for "%a - %H:%M:%S" -> Mon - 22:58:24 "StatusBarTime_format": "%H:%M:%S" // Stick the clock on the left side of the status bar "StatusBarClock_lefty": true, For more information refer to [Python documentation]( --------------