import gleam/http.{Header} import gleam/dynamic.{Dynamic} import gleam/result import gleam/string_builder.{StringBuilder} import gleam/bit_builder.{BitBuilder} import nerf/gun.{ConnectionPid, StreamReference} pub opaque type Connection { Connection(ref: StreamReference, pid: ConnectionPid) } pub type Frame { Close Text(String) Binary(BitString) } pub fn connect( hostname: String, path: String, on port: Int, with headers: List(Header), ) -> Result(Connection, ConnectError) { use pid <- result.try(, port) |> result.map_error(ConnectionFailed), ) use _ <- result.try( gun.await_up(pid) |> result.map_error(ConnectionFailed), ) // Upgrade to websockets let ref = gun.ws_upgrade(pid, path, headers) let conn = Connection(pid: pid, ref: ref) use _ <- result.try( await_upgrade(conn, 1000) |> result.map_error(ConnectionFailed), ) // TODO: handle upgrade failure // // // Ok(conn) } pub fn send(to conn: Connection, this message: String) -> Nil { gun.ws_send(, gun.Text(message)) } pub fn send_builder(to conn: Connection, this message: StringBuilder) -> Nil { gun.ws_send(, gun.TextBuilder(message)) } pub fn send_binary(to conn: Connection, this message: BitString) -> Nil { gun.ws_send(, gun.Binary(message)) } pub fn send_binary_builder(to conn: Connection, this message: BitBuilder) -> Nil { gun.ws_send(, gun.BinaryBuilder(message)) } pub external fn receive(from: Connection, within: Int) -> Result(Frame, Nil) = "nerf_ffi" "ws_receive" external fn await_upgrade(from: Connection, within: Int) -> Result(Nil, Dynamic) = "nerf_ffi" "ws_await_upgrade" // TODO: listen for close events pub fn close(conn: Connection) -> Nil { gun.ws_send(, gun.Close) } /// The URI of the websocket server to connect to pub type ConnectError { ConnectionRefused(status: Int, headers: List(Header)) ConnectionFailed(reason: Dynamic) }