const BroadlinkJS = require('broadlinkjs-rm'); const broadlink = new BroadlinkJS() const discoveredDevices = {}; const limit = 5; let discovering = false; const discoverDevices = (count = 0) => { discovering = true; if (count >= 5) { discovering = false; return; }; count++; setTimeout(() => { discoverDevices(count); }, 5 * 1000) } discoverDevices(); broadlink.on('deviceReady', (device) => { const macAddressParts = device.mac.toString('hex').match(/[\s\S]{1,2}/g) || [] const macAddress = macAddressParts.join(':') = macAddress if (discoveredDevices[] || discoveredDevices[]) return; console.log(`Discovered Broadlink RM device at ${} (${})`) discoveredDevices[] = device; discoveredDevices[] = device; }) const getDevice = ({ host, log, learnOnly }) => { let device; if (host) { device = discoveredDevices[host]; } else { // use the first one of no host is provided const hosts = Object.keys(discoveredDevices); if (hosts.length === 0) { log(`Send data (no devices found)`); if (!discovering) { log(`Attempting to discover RM devices for 5s`); discoverDevices() } return } // Only return device that can Learn Code codes if (learnOnly) { for (let i = 0; i < hosts.length; i++) { let currentDevice = discoveredDevices[hosts[i]]; if (currentDevice.enterLearning) { device = currentDevice break; } } if (!device) log(`Learn Code (no device found at ${host})`) if (!device && !discovering) { log(`Attempting to discover RM devices for 5s`); discoverDevices() } } else { device = discoveredDevices[hosts[0]]; if (!device) log(`Send data (no device found at ${host})`); if (!device && !discovering) { log(`Attempting to discover RM devices for 5s`); discoverDevices() } } } return device; } module.exports = getDevice;