{ /* Password hash. SHA512 hash of the info page password, the preset password is the empty string. Online hash generator: http://md5hashing.net/hashing/sha512 */ "passhash": "cf83e1357eefb8bdf1542850d66d8007d620e4050b5715dc83f4a921d36ce9ce47d0d13c5d85f2b0ff8318d2877eec2f63b931bd47417a81a538327af927da3e", /* Resources. Additional script and style tags added to all pages. Paths not beginning with "http://", "https://" or "/" will be looked up relative to "_h5ai/public/ext/" (no check for existence). - scripts: array of strings - styles: array of strings */ "resources": { "scripts": [], "styles": [ "//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu:300,400,700%7CUbuntu+Mono:400,700" ] }, /* General view options. - binaryPrefix: boolean, set to true uses 1024B=1KiB when formatting file sizes (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_prefix) - disableSidebar: boolean, hides sidebar and toggle button - fallbackMode: boolean, serve fallback mode - fastBrowsing: boolean, use History API if available (no need to reload the whole page) - fonts: array of strings, fonts to use in regular context - fontsMono: array of strings, fonts to use in monopspaced context - hidden: array of strings, don't list items matching these regular expressions - hideFolders: boolean, hide all folders in the main view - hideIf403: boolean, hide files and folders that are not readable by the server - hideParentFolder: boolean, hide parent folder links in the main view - maxIconSize: number, max size for icons in the main view - modes: array of strings, subset of ["details", "grid", "icons"] the first value indicates the default view mode. If only one value is given the view mode is fixed and the selector buttons are hidden. The user selected view mode is also stored local in modern browsers so that it will be persistent. - modeToggle: boolean, show a view mode toggle in the toolbar, or "next" - setParentFolderLabels: boolean, set parent folder labels to real folder names - sizes: array of numbers the first value indicates the default view size. If only one value is given the view size is fixed and the selector buttons are hidden. The user selected view size is also stored local in modern browsers so that it will be persistent. - theme: string, name of one of the folders in "_h5ai/images/themes", defaults to "default" - unmanaged: array of strings, don't manage folders containing one of those files - unmanagedInNewWindow: boolean, open unmanaged links in new window/tab */ "view": { "binaryPrefix": false, "disableSidebar": false, "fallbackMode": false, "fastBrowsing": true, "fonts": ["Ubuntu", "Roboto", "Helvetica", "Arial", "sans-serif"], "fontsMono": ["Ubuntu Mono", "Monaco", "Lucida Sans Typewriter", "monospace"], "hidden": ["^\\.", "^_h5ai"], "hideFolders": false, "hideIf403": true, "hideParentFolder": false, "maxIconSize": 40, "modes": ["details", "grid", "icons"], "modeToggle": false, "setParentFolderLabels": true, "sizes": [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 140, 180, 220, 260, 300], "theme": "comity", "unmanaged": ["index.html", "index.htm", "index.php"], "unmanagedInNewWindow": false }, /*** Extensions (in alphabetical order) ***/ /* Watch and update current folder content. - interval: number, update interval in milliseconds, at least 1000 */ "autorefresh": { "enabled": false, "interval": 5000 }, /* Show a clickable breadcrumb. */ "crumb": { "enabled": true }, /* Allow customized header and footer files. First checks for files "_h5ai.header.html" and "_h5ai.footer.html" in the current directory. If not successful it checks all parent directories (starting in the current directory) for files "_h5ai.headers.html" and "_h5ai.footers.html". Note the different filenames: "header" (only current) - "headers" (current and sub directories)! The file's content will be placed inside a <div/> tag above/below the main content. If a file's extension is ".md" instead of ".html" its content will be interpreted as markdown. */ "custom": { "enabled": true }, /* Enable packaged download of selected entries. To select files the "select"-extension needs to be enabled. - type: string, "php-tar", "shell-tar" or "shell-zip" - packageName: string, basename of the download package, null for current filename or foldername - alwaysVisible: boolean, always show download button (defaults to download the current folder) */ "download": { "enabled": false, "type": "php-tar", "packageName": null, "alwaysVisible": false }, /* Allow filtering the displayed files and folders in current folder. Checks for substrings. If advanced is enabled it checks entries for right order of characters, i.e. "ab" matches "ab", "axb", "xaxbx" but not "ba". Space separated sequences get OR-ed. Searches will be treated as JavaScript regular expressions if you prefix them with "re:". - advanced: boolean, use advanced pattern parsing - debounceTime: number, debounce wait time in milliseconds - ignorecase: boolean, ignore case */ "filter": { "enabled": false, "advanced": true, "debounceTime": 100, "ignorecase": true }, /* Calc the size of folders. This operation is real slow. The calculated sizes differ slightly for both calculation types since "php" only adds the file size, while "shell-du" also adds the sizes for the actual folder files. - type: string, "php" (sloooow) or "shell-du" (sloow) */ "foldersize": { "enabled": false, "type": "php" }, /* Adds Google Universial Analytics asynchronous tracking code. see: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/ - id: string, account ID */ "google-analytics-ua": { "enabled": false, "id": "UA-000000-0" }, /* Enable a generic info side bar. - show: boolean, initial visible to first time users - qrcode: boolean, show a QR-Code - qrColor: string, QR-Code fill color */ "info": { "enabled": false, "show": false, "qrcode": true, "qrFill": "#999", "qrBack": "#fff" }, /* Localization, for example "en", "de" etc. - see "_h5ai/conf/l10n" folder for possible values. Adjust it to your needs. If lang is not found it defaults to "en". - lang: string, default language - useBroserLang: boolean, try to use browser language */ "l10n": { "enabled": true, "lang": "en", "useBrowserLang": true }, /* Adds Piwik tracker javascript code. - baseURL: string, do not include the protocol, e.g. "mydomain.tld/piwik" - idSite: number */ "piwik-analytics": { "enabled": false, "baseURL": "some/url", "idSite": 1 }, /* Play a audio preview on click. - autoplay: start playing as soon as ready - types: array of strings */ "preview-aud": { "enabled": true, "autoplay": true, "types": ["aud"] }, /* Show an image preview on click. - types: array of strings - size: number, sample size, or false for original size */ "preview-img": { "enabled": true, "size": false, "types": ["img", "img-bmp", "img-gif", "img-ico", "img-jpg", "img-png", "img-raw", "img-svg"] }, /* Show text file preview on click. Available styles are: 0: floating text 1: fixed width text 2: markdown 3: syntax highlighting - styles: dict string to int, maps types to styles */ "preview-txt": { "enabled": true, "styles": { "txt": 1, "txt-authors": 1, "txt-c": 3, "txt-cpp": 3, "txt-css": 3, "txt-diff": 1, "txt-go": 3, "txt-h": 3, "txt-hpp": 3, "txt-install": 1, "txt-js": 3, "txt-json": 3, "txt-less": 3, "txt-license": 1, "txt-log": 1, "txt-makefile": 1, "txt-md": 2, "txt-py": 3, "txt-rb": 3, "txt-readme": 1, "txt-rtf": 1, "txt-rust": 3, "txt-script": 3, "txt-xml": 1 } }, /* Play a video preview on click. - autoplay: start playing as soon as ready - types: array of strings */ "preview-vid": { "enabled": true, "autoplay": true, "types": ["vid-avi", "vid-flv", "vid-mkv", "vid-mov", "vid-mp4", "vid-mpg", "vid-webm"] }, /* Allow searching files and folders in and below current folder. Checks for substrings. If advanced is enabled it checks entries for right order of characters, i.e. "ab" matches "ab", "axb", "xaxbx" but not "ba". Space separated sequences get OR-ed. Searches will be treated as JavaScript regular expressions if you prefix them with "re:". - advanced: boolean, use advanced pattern parsing - debounceTime: number, debounce wait time in milliseconds - ignorecase: boolean, ignore case */ "search": { "enabled": false, "advanced": true, "debounceTime": 300, "ignorecase": true }, /* Make entries selectable. At the moment only needed for packaged download. - clickndrag: boolean, allow first mouse button + drag selection - checkboxes: boolean, show a checkbox on mouse over item */ "select": { "enabled": false, "clickndrag": true, "checkboxes": true }, /* Default sort order. "column" and "reverse" are locally stored. - column: number, 0 for "Name", 1 for "Date", 2 for "Size" - reverse: boolean, false for ascending, true for descending - ignorecase: boolean, compare ignorecase - natural: boolean, use natural sort order - folders: number, where to place folders, 0 for "top", 1 for "in place", 2 for "bottom" */ "sort": { "enabled": true, "column": 0, "reverse": false, "ignorecase": true, "natural": true, "folders": 0 }, /* Show thumbnails for image files. Needs the "/_h5ai/cache" folder to be writable for the web Server. - img: array of strings - mov: array of strings - doc: array of strings - delay: number, delay in milliseconds after "dom-ready" before thumb-requesting starts - size: number, size in pixel of the generated thumbnails - exif: boolean, use included EXIF thumbs if possible - chunksize: int, number of thumbs per request */ "thumbnails": { "enabled": true, "img": ["img-bmp", "img-gif", "img-ico", "img-jpg", "img-png"], "mov": ["vid-avi", "vid-flv", "vid-mkv", "vid-mov", "vid-mp4", "vid-mpg", "vid-webm"], "doc": ["x-pdf", "x-ps"], "delay": 1, "size": 240, "exif": false, "chunksize": 20 }, /* Replace window title with current breadcrumb. */ "title": { "enabled": true }, /* Show a folder tree. Note that this might affect performance significantly. - show: boolean, initial visible to first time users - maxSubfolders: number, max number of subfolders to show in tree - naturalSort: boolean, use natural sort order for folders - ignorecase: boolean, sort ignorecase */ "tree": { "enabled": true, "show": true, "maxSubfolders": 50, "naturalSort": true, "ignorecase": true } }