# This script is licensed as public domain. bl_info = { "name": "Export Inter-Quake Model (.iqm/.iqe)", "author": "Lee Salzman", "version": (2019, 4, 24), "blender": (2, 80, 0), "location": "File > Export > Inter-Quake Model", "description": "Export to the Inter-Quake Model format (.iqm/.iqe)", "warning": "", "wiki_url": "", "tracker_url": "", "category": "Import-Export"} import os, struct, math import mathutils import bpy import bpy_extras.io_utils IQM_POSITION = 0 IQM_TEXCOORD = 1 IQM_NORMAL = 2 IQM_TANGENT = 3 IQM_BLENDINDEXES = 4 IQM_BLENDWEIGHTS = 5 IQM_COLOR = 6 IQM_CUSTOM = 0x10 IQM_BYTE = 0 IQM_UBYTE = 1 IQM_SHORT = 2 IQM_USHORT = 3 IQM_INT = 4 IQM_UINT = 5 IQM_HALF = 6 IQM_FLOAT = 7 IQM_DOUBLE = 8 IQM_LOOP = 1 IQM_HEADER = struct.Struct('<16s27I') IQM_MESH = struct.Struct('<6I') IQM_TRIANGLE = struct.Struct('<3I') IQM_JOINT = struct.Struct(' 4: del self.weights[4:] totalweight = sum([ weight for (weight, bone) in self.weights]) if totalweight > 0: self.weights = [ (int(round(weight * 255.0 / totalweight)), bone) for (weight, bone) in self.weights] while len(self.weights) > 1 and self.weights[-1][0] <= 0: self.weights.pop() else: totalweight = len(self.weights) self.weights = [ (int(round(255.0 / totalweight)), bone) for (weight, bone) in self.weights] totalweight = sum([ weight for (weight, bone) in self.weights]) while totalweight != 255: for i, (weight, bone) in enumerate(self.weights): if totalweight > 255 and weight > 0: self.weights[i] = (weight - 1, bone) totalweight -= 1 elif totalweight < 255 and weight < 255: self.weights[i] = (weight + 1, bone) totalweight += 1 while len(self.weights) < 4: self.weights.append((0, self.weights[-1][1])) def calcScore(self): if self.uses: self.score = 2.0 * pow(len(self.uses), -0.5) if self.cacherank >= 3: self.score += pow(1.0 - float(self.cacherank - 3)/MAXVCACHE, 1.5) elif self.cacherank >= 0: self.score += 0.75 else: self.score = -1.0 def neighborKey(self, other): if self.coord < other.coord: return (self.coord.x, self.coord.y, self.coord.z, other.coord.x, other.coord.y, other.coord.z, tuple(self.weights), tuple(other.weights)) else: return (other.coord.x, other.coord.y, other.coord.z, self.coord.x, self.coord.y, self.coord.z, tuple(other.weights), tuple(self.weights)) def __hash__(self): return self.index def __eq__(self, v): return self.coord == v.coord and self.normal == v.normal and self.uv == v.uv and self.weights == v.weights and self.color == v.color class Mesh: def __init__(self, name, material, verts): self.name = name self.material = material self.verts = [ None for v in verts ] self.vertmap = {} self.tris = [] def calcTangents(self): # See "Tangent Space Calculation" at http://www.terathon.com/code/tangent.html for v in self.verts: v.tangent = mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) v.bitangent = mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) for (v0, v1, v2) in self.tris: dco1 = v1.coord - v0.coord dco2 = v2.coord - v0.coord duv1 = v1.uv - v0.uv duv2 = v2.uv - v0.uv tangent = dco2*duv1.y - dco1*duv2.y bitangent = dco2*duv1.x - dco1*duv2.x if dco2.cross(dco1).dot(bitangent.cross(tangent)) < 0: tangent.negate() bitangent.negate() v0.tangent += tangent v1.tangent += tangent v2.tangent += tangent v0.bitangent += bitangent v1.bitangent += bitangent v2.bitangent += bitangent for v in self.verts: v.tangent = v.tangent - v.normal*v.tangent.dot(v.normal) v.tangent.normalize() if v.normal.cross(v.tangent).dot(v.bitangent) < 0: v.bitangent = -1.0 else: v.bitangent = 1.0 def optimize(self): # Linear-speed vertex cache optimization algorithm by Tom Forsyth for v in self.verts: if v: v.index = -1 v.uses = [] v.cacherank = -1 for i, (v0, v1, v2) in enumerate(self.tris): v0.uses.append(i) v1.uses.append(i) v2.uses.append(i) for v in self.verts: if v: v.calcScore() besttri = -1 bestscore = -42.0 scores = [] for i, (v0, v1, v2) in enumerate(self.tris): scores.append(v0.score + v1.score + v2.score) if scores[i] > bestscore: besttri = i bestscore = scores[i] vertloads = 0 # debug info vertschedule = [] trischedule = [] vcache = [] while besttri >= 0: tri = self.tris[besttri] scores[besttri] = -666.0 trischedule.append(tri) for v in tri: if v.cacherank < 0: # debug info vertloads += 1 # debug info if v.index < 0: v.index = len(vertschedule) vertschedule.append(v) v.uses.remove(besttri) v.cacherank = -1 v.score = -1.0 vcache = [ v for v in tri if v.uses ] + [ v for v in vcache if v.cacherank >= 0 ] for i, v in enumerate(vcache): v.cacherank = i v.calcScore() besttri = -1 bestscore = -42.0 for v in vcache: for i in v.uses: v0, v1, v2 = self.tris[i] scores[i] = v0.score + v1.score + v2.score if scores[i] > bestscore: besttri = i bestscore = scores[i] while len(vcache) > MAXVCACHE: vcache.pop().cacherank = -1 if besttri < 0: for i, score in enumerate(scores): if score > bestscore: besttri = i bestscore = score print('%s: %d verts optimized to %d/%d loads for %d entry LRU cache' % (self.name, len(self.verts), vertloads, len(vertschedule), MAXVCACHE)) #print('%s: %d verts scheduled to %d' % (self.name, len(self.verts), len(vertschedule))) self.verts = vertschedule # print('%s: %d tris scheduled to %d' % (self.name, len(self.tris), len(trischedule))) self.tris = trischedule def meshData(self, iqm): return [ iqm.addText(self.name), iqm.addText(self.material), self.firstvert, len(self.verts), self.firsttri, len(self.tris) ] class Bone: def __init__(self, name, origname, index, parent, matrix): self.name = name self.origname = origname self.index = index self.parent = parent self.matrix = matrix self.localmatrix = matrix if self.parent: self.localmatrix = parent.matrix.inverted() @ self.localmatrix self.numchannels = 0 self.channelmask = 0 self.channeloffsets = [ 1.0e10, 1.0e10, 1.0e10, 1.0e10, 1.0e10, 1.0e10, 1.0e10, 1.0e10, 1.0e10, 1.0e10 ] self.channelscales = [ -1.0e10, -1.0e10, -1.0e10, -1.0e10, -1.0e10, -1.0e10, -1.0e10, -1.0e10, -1.0e10, -1.0e10 ] def jointData(self, iqm): if self.parent: parent = self.parent.index else: parent = -1 pos = self.localmatrix.to_translation() orient = self.localmatrix.to_quaternion() orient.normalize() if orient.w > 0: orient.negate() scale = self.localmatrix.to_scale() scale.x = round(scale.x*0x10000)/0x10000 scale.y = round(scale.y*0x10000)/0x10000 scale.z = round(scale.z*0x10000)/0x10000 return [ iqm.addText(self.name), parent, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, orient.x, orient.y, orient.z, orient.w, scale.x, scale.y, scale.z ] def poseData(self, iqm): if self.parent: parent = self.parent.index else: parent = -1 return [ parent, self.channelmask ] + self.channeloffsets + self.channelscales def calcChannelMask(self): for i in range(0, 10): self.channelscales[i] -= self.channeloffsets[i] if self.channelscales[i] >= 1.0e-10: self.numchannels += 1 self.channelmask |= 1 << i self.channelscales[i] /= 0xFFFF else: self.channelscales[i] = 0.0 return self.numchannels class Animation: def __init__(self, name, frames, fps = 0.0, flags = 0): self.name = name self.frames = frames self.fps = fps self.flags = flags def calcFrameLimits(self, bones): for frame in self.frames: for i, bone in enumerate(bones): loc, quat, scale, mat = frame[i] bone.channeloffsets[0] = min(bone.channeloffsets[0], loc.x) bone.channeloffsets[1] = min(bone.channeloffsets[1], loc.y) bone.channeloffsets[2] = min(bone.channeloffsets[2], loc.z) bone.channeloffsets[3] = min(bone.channeloffsets[3], quat.x) bone.channeloffsets[4] = min(bone.channeloffsets[4], quat.y) bone.channeloffsets[5] = min(bone.channeloffsets[5], quat.z) bone.channeloffsets[6] = min(bone.channeloffsets[6], quat.w) bone.channeloffsets[7] = min(bone.channeloffsets[7], scale.x) bone.channeloffsets[8] = min(bone.channeloffsets[8], scale.y) bone.channeloffsets[9] = min(bone.channeloffsets[9], scale.z) bone.channelscales[0] = max(bone.channelscales[0], loc.x) bone.channelscales[1] = max(bone.channelscales[1], loc.y) bone.channelscales[2] = max(bone.channelscales[2], loc.z) bone.channelscales[3] = max(bone.channelscales[3], quat.x) bone.channelscales[4] = max(bone.channelscales[4], quat.y) bone.channelscales[5] = max(bone.channelscales[5], quat.z) bone.channelscales[6] = max(bone.channelscales[6], quat.w) bone.channelscales[7] = max(bone.channelscales[7], scale.x) bone.channelscales[8] = max(bone.channelscales[8], scale.y) bone.channelscales[9] = max(bone.channelscales[9], scale.z) def animData(self, iqm): return [ iqm.addText(self.name), self.firstframe, len(self.frames), self.fps, self.flags ] def frameData(self, bones): data = b'' for frame in self.frames: for i, bone in enumerate(bones): loc, quat, scale, mat = frame[i] if (bone.channelmask&0x7F) == 0x7F: lx = int(round((loc.x - bone.channeloffsets[0]) / bone.channelscales[0])) ly = int(round((loc.y - bone.channeloffsets[1]) / bone.channelscales[1])) lz = int(round((loc.z - bone.channeloffsets[2]) / bone.channelscales[2])) qx = int(round((quat.x - bone.channeloffsets[3]) / bone.channelscales[3])) qy = int(round((quat.y - bone.channeloffsets[4]) / bone.channelscales[4])) qz = int(round((quat.z - bone.channeloffsets[5]) / bone.channelscales[5])) qw = int(round((quat.w - bone.channeloffsets[6]) / bone.channelscales[6])) data += struct.pack('<7H', lx, ly, lz, qx, qy, qz, qw) else: if bone.channelmask & 1: data += struct.pack(' 0: pos += (transforms[bone] @ v.coord) * (weight / 255.0) if bbmin: bbmin.x = min(bbmin.x, pos.x) bbmin.y = min(bbmin.y, pos.y) bbmin.z = min(bbmin.z, pos.z) bbmax.x = max(bbmax.x, pos.x) bbmax.y = max(bbmax.y, pos.y) bbmax.z = max(bbmax.z, pos.z) else: bbmin = pos.copy() bbmax = pos.copy() pradius = pos.x*pos.x + pos.y*pos.y if pradius > xyradius: xyradius = pradius pradius += pos.z*pos.z if pradius > radius: radius = pradius if bbmin: xyradius = math.sqrt(xyradius) radius = math.sqrt(radius) else: bbmin = bbmax = mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) return IQM_BOUNDS.pack(bbmin.x, bbmin.y, bbmin.z, bbmax.x, bbmax.y, bbmax.z, xyradius, radius) def boundsData(self, bones, meshes): invbase = [] for bone in bones: invbase.append(bone.matrix.inverted()) data = b'' for i, frame in enumerate(self.frames): print('Calculating bounding box for %s:%d' % (self.name, i)) data += self.frameBoundsData(bones, meshes, frame, invbase) return data class IQMFile: def __init__(self): self.textoffsets = {} self.textdata = b'' self.meshes = [] self.meshdata = [] self.numverts = 0 self.numtris = 0 self.joints = [] self.jointdata = [] self.numframes = 0 self.framesize = 0 self.anims = [] self.posedata = [] self.animdata = [] self.framedata = [] self.vertdata = [] def addText(self, str): if not self.textdata: self.textdata += b'\x00' self.textoffsets[''] = 0 try: return self.textoffsets[str] except: offset = len(self.textdata) self.textoffsets[str] = offset self.textdata += bytes(str, encoding="utf8") + b'\x00' return offset def addJoints(self, bones): for bone in bones: self.joints.append(bone) if self.meshes: self.jointdata.append(bone.jointData(self)) def addMeshes(self, meshes): self.meshes += meshes for mesh in meshes: mesh.firstvert = self.numverts mesh.firsttri = self.numtris self.meshdata.append(mesh.meshData(self)) self.numverts += len(mesh.verts) self.numtris += len(mesh.tris) def addAnims(self, anims): self.anims += anims for anim in anims: anim.firstframe = self.numframes self.animdata.append(anim.animData(self)) self.numframes += len(anim.frames) def calcFrameSize(self): for anim in self.anims: anim.calcFrameLimits(self.joints) self.framesize = 0 for joint in self.joints: self.framesize += joint.calcChannelMask() for joint in self.joints: if self.anims: self.posedata.append(joint.poseData(self)) print('Exporting %d frames of size %d' % (self.numframes, self.framesize)) def writeVerts(self, file, offset): if self.numverts <= 0: return file.write(IQM_VERTEXARRAY.pack(IQM_POSITION, 0, IQM_FLOAT, 3, offset)) offset += self.numverts * struct.calcsize('<3f') file.write(IQM_VERTEXARRAY.pack(IQM_TEXCOORD, 0, IQM_FLOAT, 2, offset)) offset += self.numverts * struct.calcsize('<2f') file.write(IQM_VERTEXARRAY.pack(IQM_NORMAL, 0, IQM_FLOAT, 3, offset)) offset += self.numverts * struct.calcsize('<3f') file.write(IQM_VERTEXARRAY.pack(IQM_TANGENT, 0, IQM_FLOAT, 4, offset)) offset += self.numverts * struct.calcsize('<4f') if self.joints: file.write(IQM_VERTEXARRAY.pack(IQM_BLENDINDEXES, 0, IQM_UBYTE, 4, offset)) offset += self.numverts * struct.calcsize('<4B') file.write(IQM_VERTEXARRAY.pack(IQM_BLENDWEIGHTS, 0, IQM_UBYTE, 4, offset)) offset += self.numverts * struct.calcsize('<4B') hascolors = any(mesh.verts and mesh.verts[0].color for mesh in self.meshes) if hascolors: file.write(IQM_VERTEXARRAY.pack(IQM_COLOR, 0, IQM_UBYTE, 4, offset)) offset += self.numverts * struct.calcsize('<4B') for mesh in self.meshes: for v in mesh.verts: file.write(struct.pack('<3f', *v.coord)) for mesh in self.meshes: for v in mesh.verts: file.write(struct.pack('<2f', *v.uv)) for mesh in self.meshes: for v in mesh.verts: file.write(struct.pack('<3f', *v.normal)) for mesh in self.meshes: for v in mesh.verts: file.write(struct.pack('<4f', v.tangent.x, v.tangent.y, v.tangent.z, v.bitangent)) if self.joints: for mesh in self.meshes: for v in mesh.verts: file.write(struct.pack('<4B', v.weights[0][1], v.weights[1][1], v.weights[2][1], v.weights[3][1])) for mesh in self.meshes: for v in mesh.verts: file.write(struct.pack('<4B', v.weights[0][0], v.weights[1][0], v.weights[2][0], v.weights[3][0])) if hascolors: for mesh in self.meshes: for v in mesh.verts: if v.color: file.write(struct.pack('<4B', v.color[0], v.color[1], v.color[2], v.color[3])) else: file.write(struct.pack('<4B', 0, 0, 0, 255)) def calcNeighbors(self): edges = {} for mesh in self.meshes: for i, (v0, v1, v2) in enumerate(mesh.tris): e0 = v0.neighborKey(v1) e1 = v1.neighborKey(v2) e2 = v2.neighborKey(v0) tri = mesh.firsttri + i try: edges[e0].append(tri) except: edges[e0] = [tri] try: edges[e1].append(tri) except: edges[e1] = [tri] try: edges[e2].append(tri) except: edges[e2] = [tri] neighbors = [] for mesh in self.meshes: for i, (v0, v1, v2) in enumerate(mesh.tris): e0 = edges[v0.neighborKey(v1)] e1 = edges[v1.neighborKey(v2)] e2 = edges[v2.neighborKey(v0)] tri = mesh.firsttri + i match0 = match1 = match2 = -1 if len(e0) == 2: match0 = e0[e0.index(tri)^1] if len(e1) == 2: match1 = e1[e1.index(tri)^1] if len(e2) == 2: match2 = e2[e2.index(tri)^1] neighbors.append((match0, match1, match2)) self.neighbors = neighbors def writeTris(self, file): for mesh in self.meshes: for (v0, v1, v2) in mesh.tris: file.write(struct.pack('<3I', v0.index + mesh.firstvert, v1.index + mesh.firstvert, v2.index + mesh.firstvert)) for (n0, n1, n2) in self.neighbors: if n0 < 0: n0 = 0xFFFFFFFF if n1 < 0: n1 = 0xFFFFFFFF if n2 < 0: n2 = 0xFFFFFFFF file.write(struct.pack('<3I', n0, n1, n2)) def export(self, file, usebbox = True): self.filesize = IQM_HEADER.size if self.textdata: while len(self.textdata) % 4: self.textdata += b'\x00' ofs_text = self.filesize self.filesize += len(self.textdata) else: ofs_text = 0 if self.meshdata: ofs_meshes = self.filesize self.filesize += len(self.meshdata) * IQM_MESH.size else: ofs_meshes = 0 if self.numverts > 0: ofs_vertexarrays = self.filesize num_vertexarrays = 4 if self.joints: num_vertexarrays += 2 hascolors = any(mesh.verts and mesh.verts[0].color for mesh in self.meshes) if hascolors: num_vertexarrays += 1 self.filesize += num_vertexarrays * IQM_VERTEXARRAY.size ofs_vdata = self.filesize self.filesize += self.numverts * struct.calcsize('<3f2f3f4f') if self.joints: self.filesize += self.numverts * struct.calcsize('<4B4B') if hascolors: self.filesize += self.numverts * struct.calcsize('<4B') else: ofs_vertexarrays = 0 num_vertexarrays = 0 ofs_vdata = 0 if self.numtris > 0: ofs_triangles = self.filesize self.filesize += self.numtris * IQM_TRIANGLE.size ofs_neighbors = self.filesize self.filesize += self.numtris * IQM_TRIANGLE.size else: ofs_triangles = 0 ofs_neighbors = 0 if self.jointdata: ofs_joints = self.filesize self.filesize += len(self.jointdata) * IQM_JOINT.size else: ofs_joints = 0 if self.posedata: ofs_poses = self.filesize self.filesize += len(self.posedata) * IQM_POSE.size else: ofs_poses = 0 if self.animdata: ofs_anims = self.filesize self.filesize += len(self.animdata) * IQM_ANIMATION.size else: ofs_anims = 0 falign = 0 if self.framesize * self.numframes > 0: ofs_frames = self.filesize self.filesize += self.framesize * self.numframes * struct.calcsize(' 0 and self.numframes > 0: ofs_bounds = self.filesize self.filesize += self.numframes * IQM_BOUNDS.size else: ofs_bounds = 0 file.write(IQM_HEADER.pack('INTERQUAKEMODEL'.encode('ascii'), 2, self.filesize, 0, len(self.textdata), ofs_text, len(self.meshdata), ofs_meshes, num_vertexarrays, self.numverts, ofs_vertexarrays, self.numtris, ofs_triangles, ofs_neighbors, len(self.jointdata), ofs_joints, len(self.posedata), ofs_poses, len(self.animdata), ofs_anims, self.numframes, self.framesize, ofs_frames, ofs_bounds, 0, 0, 0, 0)) file.write(self.textdata) for mesh in self.meshdata: file.write(IQM_MESH.pack(*mesh)) self.writeVerts(file, ofs_vdata) self.writeTris(file) for joint in self.jointdata: file.write(IQM_JOINT.pack(*joint)) for pose in self.posedata: file.write(IQM_POSE.pack(*pose)) for anim in self.animdata: file.write(IQM_ANIMATION.pack(*anim)) for anim in self.anims: file.write(anim.frameData(self.joints)) file.write(b'\x00' * falign) if usebbox and self.numverts > 0 and self.numframes > 0: for anim in self.anims: file.write(anim.boundsData(self.joints, self.meshes)) def findArmature(context): armature = None for obj in context.selected_objects: if obj.type == 'ARMATURE': armature = obj break if not armature: for obj in context.selected_objects: if obj.type == 'MESH': armature = obj.find_armature() if armature: break return armature def poseArmature(context, armature, pose): if armature: armature.data.pose_position = pose armature.data.update_tag() context.scene.frame_set(context.scene.frame_current) def derigifyBones(context, armature, scale): data = armature.data defnames = [] orgbones = {} defbones = {} org2defs = {} def2org = {} defparent = {} defchildren = {} for bone in data.bones.values(): if bone.name.startswith('ORG-'): orgbones[bone.name[4:]] = bone org2defs[bone.name[4:]] = [] elif bone.name.startswith('DEF-'): defnames.append(bone.name[4:]) defbones[bone.name[4:]] = bone defchildren[bone.name[4:]] = [] for name, bone in defbones.items(): orgname = name orgbone = orgbones.get(orgname) splitname = -1 if not orgbone: splitname = name.rfind('.') suffix = '' if splitname >= 0 and name[splitname+1:] in [ 'l', 'r', 'L', 'R' ]: suffix = name[splitname:] splitname = name.rfind('.', 0, splitname) if splitname >= 0 and name[splitname+1:splitname+2].isdigit(): orgname = name[:splitname] + suffix orgbone = orgbones.get(orgname) org2defs[orgname].append(name) def2org[name] = orgname for defs in org2defs.values(): defs.sort() for name in defnames: bone = defbones[name] orgname = def2org[name] orgbone = orgbones.get(orgname) defs = org2defs[orgname] if orgbone: i = defs.index(name) if i == 0: orgparent = orgbone.parent if orgparent and orgparent.name.startswith('ORG-'): orgpname = orgparent.name[4:] defparent[name] = org2defs[orgpname][-1] else: defparent[name] = defs[i-1] if name in defparent: defchildren[defparent[name]].append(name) bones = {} worldmatrix = armature.matrix_world worklist = [ bone for bone in defnames if bone not in defparent ] for index, bname in enumerate(worklist): bone = defbones[bname] bonematrix = worldmatrix @ bone.matrix_local if scale != 1.0: bonematrix.translation *= scale bones[bone.name] = Bone(bname, bone.name, index, bname in defparent and bones.get(defbones[defparent[bname]].name), bonematrix) worklist.extend(defchildren[bname]) print('De-rigified %d bones' % len(worklist)) return bones def collectBones(context, armature, scale): data = armature.data bones = {} worldmatrix = armature.matrix_world worklist = [ bone for bone in data.bones.values() if not bone.parent ] for index, bone in enumerate(worklist): bonematrix = worldmatrix @ bone.matrix_local if scale != 1.0: bonematrix.translation *= scale bones[bone.name] = Bone(bone.name, bone.name, index, bone.parent and bones.get(bone.parent.name), bonematrix) for child in bone.children: if child not in worklist: worklist.append(child) print('Collected %d bones' % len(worklist)) return bones def collectAnim(context, armature, scale, bones, action, startframe = None, endframe = None): if startframe is None or endframe is None: startframe, endframe = action.frame_range startframe = int(startframe) endframe = int(endframe) print('Exporting action "%s" frames %d-%d' % (action.name, startframe, endframe)) scene = context.scene worldmatrix = armature.matrix_world armature.animation_data.action = action outdata = [] for time in range(startframe, endframe+1): scene.frame_set(time) pose = armature.pose outframe = [] for bone in bones: posematrix = pose.bones[bone.origname].matrix if bone.parent: posematrix = pose.bones[bone.parent.origname].matrix.inverted() @ posematrix else: posematrix = worldmatrix @ posematrix if scale != 1.0: posematrix.translation *= scale loc = posematrix.to_translation() quat = posematrix.to_3x3().inverted().transposed().to_quaternion() quat.normalize() if quat.w > 0: quat.negate() pscale = posematrix.to_scale() pscale.x = round(pscale.x*0x10000)/0x10000 pscale.y = round(pscale.y*0x10000)/0x10000 pscale.z = round(pscale.z*0x10000)/0x10000 outframe.append((loc, quat, pscale, posematrix)) outdata.append(outframe) return outdata def collectAnims(context, armature, scale, bones, animspecs): if not armature.animation_data: print('Armature has no animation data') return [] actions = bpy.data.actions animspecs = [ spec.strip() for spec in animspecs.split(',') ] anims = [] scene = context.scene oldaction = armature.animation_data.action oldframe = scene.frame_current for animspec in animspecs: animspec = [ arg.strip() for arg in animspec.split(':') ] animname = animspec[0] if animname not in actions: print('Action "%s" not found in current armature' % animname) continue try: startframe = int(animspec[1]) except: startframe = None try: endframe = int(animspec[2]) except: endframe = None try: fps = float(animspec[3]) except: fps = float(scene.render.fps) try: flags = int(animspec[4]) except: flags = 0 framedata = collectAnim(context, armature, scale, bones, actions[animname], startframe, endframe) anims.append(Animation(animname, framedata, fps, flags)) armature.animation_data.action = oldaction scene.frame_set(oldframe) return anims def collectMeshes(context, bones, scale, matfun, useskel = True, usecol = False, usemods = False, filetype = 'IQM'): vertwarn = [] objs = context.selected_objects #context.scene.objects meshes = [] for obj in objs: if obj.type == 'MESH': dg = context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() data = obj.evaluated_get(dg).to_mesh(preserve_all_data_layers=True, depsgraph=dg) if usemods else obj.original.to_mesh(preserve_all_data_layers=True, depsgraph=dg) if not data.polygons: continue data.calc_normals_split() coordmatrix = obj.matrix_world normalmatrix = coordmatrix.inverted().transposed() if scale != 1.0: coordmatrix = mathutils.Matrix.Scale(scale, 4) @ coordmatrix materials = {} matnames = {} groups = obj.vertex_groups uvlayer = data.uv_layers.active and data.uv_layers.active.data colors = None alpha = None if usecol: if data.vertex_colors.active: if data.vertex_colors.active.name.startswith('alpha'): alpha = data.vertex_colors.active.data else: colors = data.vertex_colors.active.data for layer in data.vertex_colors: if layer.name.startswith('alpha'): if not alpha: alpha = layer.data elif not colors: colors = layer.data if data.materials: for idx, mat in enumerate(data.materials): matprefix = mat.name or '' matimage = '' if mat.node_tree: for n in mat.node_tree.nodes: if n.type == 'TEX_IMAGE' and n.image: matimage = os.path.basename(n.image.filepath) break matnames[idx] = matfun(matprefix, matimage) for face in data.polygons: if len(face.vertices) < 3: continue if all([ data.vertices[i].co == data.vertices[face.vertices[0]].co for i in face.vertices[1:] ]): continue matindex = face.material_index try: mesh = materials[obj.name, matindex] except: matname = matnames.get(matindex, '') mesh = Mesh(obj.name, matname, data.vertices) meshes.append(mesh) materials[obj.name, matindex] = mesh verts = mesh.verts vertmap = mesh.vertmap faceverts = [] for loopidx in face.loop_indices: loop = data.loops[loopidx] v = data.vertices[loop.vertex_index] vertco = coordmatrix @ v.co if not face.use_smooth: vertno = mathutils.Vector(face.normal) else: vertno = mathutils.Vector(loop.normal) vertno = normalmatrix @ vertno vertno.normalize() # flip V axis of texture space if uvlayer: uv = uvlayer[loopidx].uv vertuv = mathutils.Vector((uv[0], 1.0 - uv[1])) else: vertuv = mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0)) if colors: vertcol = colors[loopidx].color vertcol = (int(round(vertcol[0] * 255.0)), int(round(vertcol[1] * 255.0)), int(round(vertcol[2] * 255.0)), 255) else: vertcol = None if alpha: vertalpha = alpha[loopidx].color if vertcol: vertcol = (vertcol[0], vertcol[1], vertcol[2], int(round(vertalpha[0] * 255.0))) else: vertcol = (255, 255, 255, int(round(vertalpha[0] * 255.0))) vertweights = [] if useskel: for g in v.groups: try: vertweights.append((g.weight, bones[groups[g.group].name].index)) except: if (groups[g.group].name, mesh.name) not in vertwarn: vertwarn.append((groups[g.group].name, mesh.name)) print('Vertex depends on non-existent bone: %s in mesh: %s' % (groups[g.group].name, mesh.name)) if not face.use_smooth: vertindex = len(verts) vertkey = Vertex(vertindex, vertco, vertno, vertuv, vertweights, vertcol) if filetype == 'IQM': vertkey.normalizeWeights() mesh.verts.append(vertkey) faceverts.append(vertkey) continue vertkey = Vertex(v.index, vertco, vertno, vertuv, vertweights, vertcol) if filetype == 'IQM': vertkey.normalizeWeights() if not verts[v.index]: verts[v.index] = vertkey faceverts.append(vertkey) elif verts[v.index] == vertkey: faceverts.append(verts[v.index]) else: try: vertindex = vertmap[vertkey] faceverts.append(verts[vertindex]) except: vertindex = len(verts) vertmap[vertkey] = vertindex verts.append(vertkey) faceverts.append(vertkey) # Quake winding is reversed for i in range(2, len(faceverts)): mesh.tris.append((faceverts[0], faceverts[i], faceverts[i-1])) for mesh in meshes: mesh.optimize() if filetype == 'IQM': mesh.calcTangents() print('%s %s: generated %d triangles' % (mesh.name, mesh.material, len(mesh.tris))) return meshes def exportIQE(file, meshes, bones, anims): file.write('# Inter-Quake Export\n\n') for bone in bones: if bone.parent: parent = bone.parent.index else: parent = -1 file.write('joint "%s" %d\n' % (bone.name, parent)) if meshes: pos = bone.localmatrix.to_translation() orient = bone.localmatrix.to_quaternion() orient.normalize() if orient.w > 0: orient.negate() scale = bone.localmatrix.to_scale() scale.x = round(scale.x*0x10000)/0x10000 scale.y = round(scale.y*0x10000)/0x10000 scale.z = round(scale.z*0x10000)/0x10000 if scale.x == 1.0 and scale.y == 1.0 and scale.z == 1.0: file.write('\tpq %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f\n' % (pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, orient.x, orient.y, orient.z, orient.w)) else: file.write('\tpq %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f\n' % (pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, orient.x, orient.y, orient.z, orient.w, scale.x, scale.y, scale.z)) hascolors = any(mesh.verts and mesh.verts[0].color for mesh in meshes) for mesh in meshes: file.write('\nmesh "%s"\n\tmaterial "%s"\n\n' % (mesh.name, mesh.material)) for v in mesh.verts: file.write('vp %.8f %.8f %.8f\n\tvt %.8f %.8f\n\tvn %.8f %.8f %.8f\n' % (v.coord.x, v.coord.y, v.coord.z, v.uv.x, v.uv.y, v.normal.x, v.normal.y, v.normal.z)) if bones: weights = '\tvb' for weight in v.weights: weights += ' %d %.8f' % (weight[1], weight[0]) file.write(weights + '\n') if hascolors: if v.color: file.write('\tvc %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f\n' % (v.color[0] / 255.0, v.color[1] / 255.0, v.color[2] / 255.0, v.color[3] / 255.0)) else: file.write('\tvc 0 0 0 1\n') file.write('\n') for (v0, v1, v2) in mesh.tris: file.write('fm %d %d %d\n' % (v0.index, v1.index, v2.index)) for anim in anims: file.write('\nanimation "%s"\n\tframerate %.8f\n' % (anim.name, anim.fps)) if anim.flags&IQM_LOOP: file.write('\tloop\n') for frame in anim.frames: file.write('\nframe\n') for (pos, orient, scale, mat) in frame: if scale.x == 1.0 and scale.y == 1.0 and scale.z == 1.0: file.write('pq %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f\n' % (pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, orient.x, orient.y, orient.z, orient.w)) else: file.write('pq %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f\n' % (pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, orient.x, orient.y, orient.z, orient.w, scale.x, scale.y, scale.z)) file.write('\n') def exportIQM(context, filename, usemesh = True, usemods = False, useskel = True, usebbox = True, usecol = False, scale = 1.0, animspecs = None, matfun = (lambda prefix, image: image), derigify = False, boneorder = None): armature = findArmature(context) if useskel and not armature: print('No armature selected') return if filename.lower().endswith('.iqm'): filetype = 'IQM' elif filename.lower().endswith('.iqe'): filetype = 'IQE' else: print('Unknown file type: %s' % filename) return if useskel: if derigify: bones = derigifyBones(context, armature, scale) else: bones = collectBones(context, armature, scale) else: bones = {} if boneorder: try: f = open(bpy_extras.io_utils.path_reference(boneorder, os.path.dirname(bpy.data.filepath), os.path.dirname(filename)), "r", encoding = "utf-8") names = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] f.close() names = [name for name in names if name in [bone.name for bone in bones.values()]] if len(names) != len(bones): print('Bone order (%d) does not match skeleton (%d)' % (len(names), len(bones))) return print('Reordering bones') for bone in bones.values(): bone.index = names.index(bone.name) except: print('Failed opening bone order: %s' % boneorder) return if armature: oldpose = armature.data.pose_position poseArmature(context, armature, 'REST') bonelist = sorted(bones.values(), key = lambda bone: bone.index) if usemesh: meshes = collectMeshes(context, bones, scale, matfun, useskel, usecol, usemods, filetype) else: meshes = [] if armature: poseArmature(context, armature, oldpose) if useskel and animspecs: anims = collectAnims(context, armature, scale, bonelist, animspecs) else: anims = [] if filetype == 'IQM': iqm = IQMFile() iqm.addMeshes(meshes) iqm.addJoints(bonelist) iqm.addAnims(anims) iqm.calcFrameSize() iqm.calcNeighbors() if filename: try: if filetype == 'IQM': file = open(filename, 'wb') else: file = open(filename, 'w') except: print ('Failed writing to %s' % (filename)) return if filetype == 'IQM': iqm.export(file, usebbox) elif filetype == 'IQE': exportIQE(file, meshes, bonelist, anims) file.close() print('Saved %s file to %s' % (filetype, filename)) else: print('No %s file was generated' % (filetype)) class ExportIQM(bpy.types.Operator, bpy_extras.io_utils.ExportHelper): '''Export an Inter-Quake Model IQM or IQE file''' bl_idname = "export.iqm" bl_label = 'Export IQM' filename_ext = ".iqm" animspec = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Animations", description="Animations to export", maxlen=1024, default="") usemesh = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Meshes", description="Generate meshes", default=True) usemods = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Modifiers", description="Apply modifiers", default=True) useskel = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Skeleton", description="Generate skeleton", default=True) usebbox = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Bounding boxes", description="Generate bounding boxes", default=True) usecol = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Vertex colors", description="Export vertex colors", default=False) usescale = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Scale", description="Scale of exported model", default=1.0, min=0.0, step=50, precision=2) #usetrans = bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(name="Translate", description="Translate position of exported model", step=50, precision=2, size=3) matfmt = bpy.props.EnumProperty(name="Materials", description="Material name format", items=[("m+i-e", "material+image-ext", ""), ("m", "material", ""), ("i", "image", "")], default="m+i-e") derigify = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="De-rigify", description="Export only deformation bones from rigify", default=False) boneorder = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Bone order", description="Override ordering of bones", subtype="FILE_NAME", default="") def execute(self, context): if self.properties.matfmt == "m+i-e": matfun = lambda prefix, image: prefix + os.path.splitext(image)[0] elif self.properties.matfmt == "m": matfun = lambda prefix, image: prefix else: matfun = lambda prefix, image: image exportIQM(context, self.properties.filepath, self.properties.usemesh, self.properties.usemods, self.properties.useskel, self.properties.usebbox, self.properties.usecol, self.properties.usescale, self.properties.animspec, matfun, self.properties.derigify, self.properties.boneorder) return {'FINISHED'} def check(self, context): filepath = bpy.path.ensure_ext(self.filepath, '.iqm') filepathalt = bpy.path.ensure_ext(self.filepath, '.iqe') if filepath != self.filepath and filepathalt != self.filepath: self.filepath = filepath return True return False def menu_func(self, context): self.layout.operator(ExportIQM.bl_idname, text="Inter-Quake Model (.iqm, .iqe)") def register(): bpy.utils.register_class(ExportIQM) bpy.types.TOPBAR_MT_file_export.append(menu_func) def unregister(): bpy.utils.unregister_class(ExportIQM) bpy.types.TOPBAR_MT_file_export.remove(menu_func) if __name__ == "__main__": register()