.. _{{ cookiecutter.package_name }}-package: .. Title is the EUPS package name {{ "#" * cookiecutter.package_name|length }} {{ cookiecutter.package_name }} {{ "#" * cookiecutter.package_name|length }} .. Add a sentence/short paragraph describing what the package is for. The ``{{ cookiecutter.package_name }}`` package provides [...]. .. .. _{{ cookiecutter.python_module }}-using: .. Using {{ cookiecutter.package_name }} .. {{ "=" * (cookiecutter.package_name|length + 6) }} .. toctree linking to topics related to using the package's data. .. .. toctree:: .. :maxdepth: 1 .. _{{ cookiecutter.package_name }}-contributing: Contributing ============ ``{{ cookiecutter.package_name }}`` is developed at https://github.com/{{ cookiecutter.github_org }}/{{ cookiecutter.package_name }}. You can find Jira issues for this module under the `{{ cookiecutter.package_name }} `_ component. .. If there are topics related to developing this package (rather than using it), link to this from a toctree placed here. .. .. toctree:: .. :maxdepth: 1