The MON’s Action module is meant to implement the <a href="">Task Execution Ontology Design Pattern</a>. This module allows to keep track of the actions performed either by the robot or by its users. Actions execute and are classified by tasks. The class <tt>action:Task</tt> aims at collecting all the behaviors of the robot. <b>Example of Usage</b> We provide an example of usage of the Action ontology for specifying the following scenario. X is a social robot can entertain its users by ​playing music, showing videos or telling jokes. On 23 April 2015 from 3pm to 4p,, X played some music for Monica. <pre> @prefix action: &#60;; @prefix time: &#60;; :April23015Beg a time:Instant ; time:inXSDDateTime "2015-04-23T15:00:00+02:00" . :April23015End a time:Instant ; time:inXSDDateTime "2015-04-23T16:00:00+02:00" . :April23015 a time:Interval ; time:hasBeginning :April23015Beg ; time:hasEnd :April23015End . :MusicBehavior a action:Behavior . :X a action:Agent . :Monica a action:Agent . :PlayMusicForMonica a action:Action ; time:atTime :April23015 ; action:byAgent :X ; action:executesTask :MusicBehavior ; action:hasParticipant :Monica . </pre> Action Ontology The Agent who performs the Action. by agent A relation between an action and the executed task, e.g. 'putting some water in a pot and putting the pot on a fire until the water starts bubbling' executes the task 'boiling'. executes task It associates the Task with its parameters. has parameter The participant to a certain Action. has participant It denotes something that is affected or acted upon by the action. has patient The fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim. Action Any agentive Object , either physical (e.g. a whale, a robot, an oak), or social (e.g. a corporation, an institution, a community). Agent A Behavior is a task, implemented in as software artifact, that aims to realize a specific goal. Behavior A parameter of a behavior. Behavior parameter Any EventType that aims at releasing a goal. Task