--- title: "pptx version of pdf slides" author: "R Markdown script by Luis Verde Arregoitia (preliminary)" date: "" output: powerpoint_presentation --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE) library(pdftools) library(fs) library(purrr) ``` ```{r, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE} # path to PDF of interest PDFpath <- "pres_flat.pdf" # splitting the pdf dir_create("pages_images") # NULL arg to read all pages pdf_convert(PDFpath,format = "png",pages = NULL, dpi=300, verbose = FALSE, filenames = sprintf("pages_images/slide_%02d",1:pdf_info(PDFpath)$pages)) ``` ```{r} slide_imgs <- list.files(path="pages_images",full.names = TRUE) # from an SO answer by Yihui Xie # about looping through a directory build_tags <- function(img_list){ paste0('![](', img_list, ')\n\n', sep = '') } ``` ```{r, results="asis"} cat(noquote(map_chr(slide_imgs,build_tags))) ```