Document My Project

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Document My Project # Document My Project Easily create markdown documentation for your project

ℹ️ About the Project β€’ 🏞 Showcase β€’ ⭐️ Features β€’ πŸ›  Stack Tech β€’ βš™ ️Setup β€’ πŸ† Acknowledgements β€’ πŸ‘πŸ» Contributing β€’ πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€ About the Author β€’ πŸ“– License

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## ️Table of Contents
Open Contents - [Document My Project](#document-my-project) - [ℹ️ About the Project](#-about-the-project) - [🏞 Showcase](#-showcase) - [⭐️ Features](#-features) - [πŸ›  Stack Tech](#-stack-tech) - [βš™ ️Setup](#-setup) - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [πŸ† Acknowledgements](#-acknowledgements) - [πŸ‘πŸ» Contributing](#-contributing) - [Ways to Contribute](#ways-to-contribute) - [Contribution Instructions](#contribution-instructions) - [Contributors](#contributors) - [πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€ About the Author](#-about-the-author) - [πŸ“– License](#-license)
## ℹ️ About the Project Tired of manually writing README files? this tool simplifies the process of creating documentation for Github projects. With just a few clicks, you can generate comprehensive documentation that enhances the visibility and usability of your repositories in seconds. ## 🏞 Showcase
## ⭐️ Features 1. **Template ready** Provide a clear and concise description of your project, highlight the main features, goals, and benefits of your project 2. **Ease fo use** Easily generate a well-structured README file for your GitHub project 3. **Preview** Preview the generated README (light/dark theme) file before committing it to your repository ## πŸ›  Stack Tech - [![Angular][Angular-badge]][Angular-url] - A front-end web application framework [Angular-badge]: [Angular-url]: } - [![NgRx][NgRx-badge]][NgRx-url] - Angular state management based on Redux [NgRx-badge]: [NgRx-url]: } - [![Tailwind CSS][Tailwind CSS-badge]][Tailwind CSS-url] - Utility-first CSS framework [Tailwind CSS-badge]: [Tailwind CSS-url]: } - [![TypeScript][TypeScript-badge]][TypeScript-url] - A strict syntactical superset of JavaScript [TypeScript-badge]: [TypeScript-url]: } ## βš™ ️Setup ### Installation To install this project, follow these steps: 1. Install Node.js v16 or later 2. Install the required dependencies: 3. `npm install` ### Usage After installation, you can use the project by following these steps: 1. Open the project directory in your code editor 2. Run `npm run start` to start the development server ## πŸ† Acknowledgements - [ngx-markdown]( - Angular markdown component/directive/pipe/service to parse static, dynamic or remote content to HTML with syntax highlight and more - [Flowbite]( - Build websites even faster with components on top of Tailwind CSS - [PrismJs]( - Prism is a lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter, built with modern web standards in mind. It’s used in millions of websites, including some of those you visit daily. ## πŸ‘πŸ» Contributing We welcome contributions from the community! If you would like to contribute to this project, please follow the guidelines below. ### Ways to Contribute - Report bugs or issues by opening a new issue on our GitHub repository. - Suggest new features or improvements by opening a new issue on our GitHub repository. - Contribute code by forking the repository, making changes, and submitting a pull request. ### Contribution Instructions 1. Fork the repository. 2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix: `git checkout -b my-feature-branch`. 3. Make the necessary changes and commit them: `git commit -am 'Add my new feature'`. 4. Push your branch to your forked repository: `git push origin my-feature-branch`. 5. Open a pull request against the main repository, describing the changes you made and why they should be merged. ### Contributors - Luis Ventura (@luisvent) ## πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€ About the Author **Luis Ventura** This project was created by Luis Ventura. Connect with me on [GitHub]( and [LinkedIn]( to learn more about my projects and professional background. ## πŸ“– License This project is licensed under the [MIT License](

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