import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt nx = 128 # number of cells ny = nx # assume equal # domain on -1 to 1 x1d, hx = np.linspace(-1, 1, nx, endpoint=False, retstep=True) hy = hx x1d += hx/2 x, y = np.meshgrid(x1d, x1d) def u0a(x, y): u0 = 0 * x for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): if x[i, j] >= 0.1 and x[i, j] <= 0.6\ and y[i, j] >= -0.25 and y[i, j] <= 0.25: u0[i, j] = 1.0 return u0 def u0b(x, y): u0 = 0 * x for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): r = np.sqrt((x[i, j] + 0.45)**2 + y[i, j]**2) if r < 0.35: u0[i, j] = 1.0 - r / 0.35 return u0 def u0c(x, y): return np.exp(-100 * (x**2 + y**2)) b1 = 1.0 b2 = 1.0 K = np.arange(0, nx) Kp1 = np.roll(K, -1) Km1 = np.roll(K, 1) u = u0a(x, y) #+ u0b(x, y) #u = u0c(x, y) fig, ax = plt.subplots() # um = < 0.001, u) # uplt = plt.pcolormesh(xhalf, yhalf, u, shading='gouraud') uplt = ax.pcolor(u) txt = ax.text(1.0 / 3.0, 0.8, 't=%g, i=%g' % (0.0, 0), fontsize=16, color='w') plt.axis('equal') vtkplot = True noplot = True if vtkplot: from pyvisfile.vtk import write_structured_grid mesh = np.rollaxis(np.dstack((x, y)), 2) write_structured_grid('output/test0.vts', mesh, point_data=[('u', u[np.newaxis, :, :])]) method = 'DCU' T = 2.0 lmbda = 0.95 ht = hx * lmbda / 1.0 tsteps = int(T/ht) nt = tsteps for i in range(0, nt): print("time step %d of %d" % (i, nt)) if method == 'DCU': Fm = b1 * u[Km1][:, K] Fp = b1 * u[K][:, K] Gm = b2 * u[K][:, Km1] Gp = b2 * u[K][:, K] u = u[K][:, K] - (ht / hx) * (Fp - Fm) - (ht / hy) * (Gp - Gm) if method == 'DCU2step': Fm = b1 * u[Km1][:, K] Fp = b1 * u[K][:, K] Gm = b2 * u[K][:, Km1] Gp = b2 * u[K][:, K] u = u[K][:, K] - (ht / hx) * (Fp - Fm) u = u[K][:, K] - (ht / hy) * (Gp - Gm) if method == 'CTU': Fm = b1 * u[Km1][:, K] Fp = b1 * u[K][:, K] Gm = b2 * u[K][:, Km1] Gp = b2 * u[K][:, K] u = u[K][:, K] - (ht / hx) * (Fp - Fm)\ - (ht / hy) * (Gp - Gm)\ + (ht**2 * b1 * b2 / (hx * hy)) * (u[K][:, K] - u[K][:, Km1] - u[Km1][:, K] + u[Km1][:, Km1]) if vtkplot: write_structured_grid('output/test%d.vts' % (i+1), mesh, point_data=[('u', u[np.newaxis, :, :])]) else: um = u uplt.set_array(um.ravel()) fig.canvas.draw() fig.canvas.flush_events() err = np.abs(u0c(x, y) - u) l2err = np.sqrt(hx * hy * np.sum(err**2)) print(l2err)