param($path, [switch]$help) Set-StrictMode -Off; $usage = "usage: shim " function create_shim($path) { if(!(test-path $path)) { "shim: couldn't find $path"; exit 1 } $path = resolve-path $path # ensure full path $shimdir = "~/appdata/local/shims" if(!(test-path $shimdir)) { mkdir $shimdir > $null } $shimdir = resolve-path $shimdir ensure_in_path $shimdir $fname_stem = [io.path]::getfilenamewithoutextension($path).tolower() $shim = "$shimdir\$fname_stem.ps1" echo "`$path = '$path'" > $shim echo 'if($myinvocation.expectingInput) { $input | & $path @args } else { & $path @args }' >> $shim if($path -match '\.((exe)|(bat)|(cmd))$') { # shim .exe, .bat, .cmd so they can be used by programs with no awareness of PSH "@`"$path`" %*" | out-file "$shimdir\$fname_stem.cmd" -encoding oem } elseif($path -match '\.ps1$') { # make ps1 accessible from cmd.exe "@powershell -noprofile -ex unrestricted `"& '$path' %*;exit `$lastexitcode`"" | out-file "$shimdir\$fname_stem.cmd" -encoding oem } } function env($name,$val='__get') { $target = 'User' if($val -eq '__get') { [environment]::getEnvironmentVariable($name,$target) } else { [environment]::setEnvironmentVariable($name,$val,$target) } } function ensure_in_path($dir) { $path = env 'path' $dir = resolve-path $dir if($path -notmatch [regex]::escape($dir)) { echo "adding $dir to your path" env 'path' "$dir;$path" # for future sessions... $env:path = "$dir;$env:path" # for this session } } if('/?', '--help' -contains $path -or $help) { $usage; exit } if(!$path) { "shim: path missing"; $usage; exit 1; } create_shim $path