function Get-PESubsystem($filePath) { try { $fileStream = [System.IO.FileStream]::new($filePath, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::Read) $binaryReader = [System.IO.BinaryReader]::new($fileStream) $fileStream.Seek(0x3C, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) | Out-Null $peOffset = $binaryReader.ReadInt32() $fileStream.Seek($peOffset, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) | Out-Null $fileHeaderOffset = $fileStream.Position $fileStream.Seek(18, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Current) | Out-Null $fileStream.Seek($fileHeaderOffset + 0x5C, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) | Out-Null return $binaryReader.ReadInt16() } catch { return -1 } finally { $binaryReader.Close() $fileStream.Close() } } function Set-PESubsystem($filePath, $targetSubsystem) { try { $fileStream = [System.IO.FileStream]::new($filePath, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::ReadWrite) $binaryReader = [System.IO.BinaryReader]::new($fileStream) $binaryWriter = [System.IO.BinaryWriter]::new($fileStream) $fileStream.Seek(0x3C, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) | Out-Null $peOffset = $binaryReader.ReadInt32() $fileStream.Seek($peOffset, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) | Out-Null $fileHeaderOffset = $fileStream.Position $fileStream.Seek(18, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Current) | Out-Null $fileStream.Seek($fileHeaderOffset + 0x5C, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) | Out-Null $binaryWriter.Write([System.Int16] $targetSubsystem) } catch { return $false } finally { $binaryReader.Close() $fileStream.Close() } return $true } function Optimize-SecurityProtocol { # .NET Framework 4.7+ has a default security protocol called 'SystemDefault', # which allows the operating system to choose the best protocol to use. # If SecurityProtocolType contains 'SystemDefault' (means .NET4.7+ detected) # and the value of SecurityProtocol is 'SystemDefault', just do nothing on SecurityProtocol, # 'SystemDefault' will use TLS 1.2 if the webrequest requires. $isNewerNetFramework = ([System.Enum]::GetNames([System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]) -contains 'SystemDefault') $isSystemDefault = ([System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol.Equals([System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::SystemDefault)) # If not, change it to support TLS 1.2 if (!($isNewerNetFramework -and $isSystemDefault)) { # Set to TLS 1.2 (3072). Ssl3, TLS 1.0, and 1.1 have been deprecated, # [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 3072 } } function Get-Encoding($wc) { if ($null -ne $wc.ResponseHeaders -and $wc.ResponseHeaders['Content-Type'] -match 'charset=([^;]*)') { return [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding($Matches[1]) } else { return [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('utf-8') } } function Get-UserAgent() { return "Scoop/1.0 (+ PowerShell/$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major).$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Minor) (Windows NT $([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major).$([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Minor); $(if(${env:ProgramFiles(Arm)}){'ARM64; '}elseif($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq 'AMD64'){'Win64; x64; '})$(if($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 -in 'AMD64','ARM64'){'WOW64; '})$PSEdition)" } function Show-DeprecatedWarning { <# .SYNOPSIS Print deprecated warning for functions, which will be deleted in near future. .PARAMETER Invocation Invocation to identify location of line. Just pass $MyInvocation. .PARAMETER New New command name. #> param($Invocation, [String] $New) warn ('"{0}" will be deprecated. Please change your code/manifest to use "{1}"' -f $Invocation.MyCommand.Name, $New) Write-Host " -> $($Invocation.PSCommandPath):$($Invocation.ScriptLineNumber):$($Invocation.OffsetInLine)" -ForegroundColor DarkGray } function load_cfg($file) { if(!(Test-Path $file)) { return $null } try { # ReadAllLines will detect the encoding of the file automatically # Ref: $content = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines($file) return ($content | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop) } catch { Write-Host "ERROR loading $file`: $($_.exception.message)" } } function get_config($name, $default) { $name = $name.ToLowerInvariant() if($null -eq $scoopConfig.$name -and $null -ne $default) { return $default } return $scoopConfig.$name } function set_config { Param ( [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $name, $value ) $name = $name.ToLowerInvariant() if ($null -eq $scoopConfig -or $scoopConfig.Count -eq 0) { ensure (Split-Path -Path $configFile) | Out-Null $scoopConfig = New-Object -TypeName PSObject } if ($value -eq [bool]::TrueString -or $value -eq [bool]::FalseString) { $value = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($value) } # Initialize config's change Complete-ConfigChange -Name $name -Value $value if ($null -eq $scoopConfig.$name) { $scoopConfig | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $name -Value $value } else { $scoopConfig.$name = $value } if ($null -eq $value) { $scoopConfig.PSObject.Properties.Remove($name) } # Save config with UTF8NoBOM encoding ConvertTo-Json $scoopConfig | Out-UTF8File -FilePath $configFile return $scoopConfig } function Complete-ConfigChange { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1)] [AllowEmptyString()] [string] $Value ) if ($Name -eq 'use_isolated_path') { $oldValue = get_config USE_ISOLATED_PATH if ($Value -eq $oldValue) { return } else { $currPathEnvVar = $scoopPathEnvVar } . "$PSScriptRoot\..\lib\system.ps1" if ($Value -eq $false -or $Value -eq '') { info 'Turn off Scoop isolated path... This may take a while, please wait.' $movedPath = Get-EnvVar -Name $currPathEnvVar if ($movedPath) { Add-Path -Path $movedPath -Quiet Remove-Path -Path ('%' + $currPathEnvVar + '%') -Quiet Set-EnvVar -Name $currPathEnvVar -Quiet } if (is_admin) { $movedPath = Get-EnvVar -Name $currPathEnvVar -Global if ($movedPath) { Add-Path -Path $movedPath -Global -Quiet Remove-Path -Path ('%' + $currPathEnvVar + '%') -Global -Quiet Set-EnvVar -Name $currPathEnvVar -Global -Quiet } } } else { $newPathEnvVar = if ($Value -eq $true) { 'SCOOP_PATH' } else { $Value.ToUpperInvariant() } info "Turn on Scoop isolated path ('$newPathEnvVar')... This may take a while, please wait." $movedPath = Remove-Path -Path "$scoopdir\apps\*" -TargetEnvVar $currPathEnvVar -Quiet -PassThru if ($movedPath) { Add-Path -Path $movedPath -TargetEnvVar $newPathEnvVar -Quiet Add-Path -Path ('%' + $newPathEnvVar + '%') -Quiet if ($currPathEnvVar -ne 'PATH') { Remove-Path -Path ('%' + $currPathEnvVar + '%') -Quiet Set-EnvVar -Name $currPathEnvVar -Quiet } } if (is_admin) { $movedPath = Remove-Path -Path "$globaldir\apps\*" -TargetEnvVar $currPathEnvVar -Global -Quiet -PassThru if ($movedPath) { Add-Path -Path $movedPath -TargetEnvVar $newPathEnvVar -Global -Quiet Add-Path -Path ('%' + $newPathEnvVar + '%') -Global -Quiet if ($currPathEnvVar -ne 'PATH') { Remove-Path -Path ('%' + $currPathEnvVar + '%') -Global -Quiet Set-EnvVar -Name $currPathEnvVar -Global -Quiet } } } } } if ($Name -eq 'use_sqlite_cache' -and $Value -eq $true) { if ((Get-DefaultArchitecture) -eq 'arm64') { abort 'SQLite cache is not supported on ARM64 platform.' } . "$PSScriptRoot\..\lib\database.ps1" . "$PSScriptRoot\..\lib\manifest.ps1" info 'Initializing SQLite cache in progress... This may take a while, please wait.' Set-ScoopDB } } function setup_proxy() { # note: '@' and ':' in password must be escaped, e.g. 'p@ssword' -> p\@ssword' $proxy = get_config PROXY if(!$proxy) { return } try { $credentials, $address = $proxy -split '(? $($MyInvocation.PSCommandPath):$($MyInvocation.ScriptLineNumber):$($MyInvocation.OffsetInLine)" -f DarkGray return } if($msg.GetType() -eq [System.Object[]]) { Write-Host "$prefix $param ($($obj.GetType()))" -f DarkCyan -NoNewline Write-Host " -> $($MyInvocation.PSCommandPath):$($MyInvocation.ScriptLineNumber):$($MyInvocation.OffsetInLine)" -f DarkGray $msg | Where-Object { ![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) } | Select-Object -Skip 2 | # Skip headers ForEach-Object { Write-Host "$prefix $param.$($_)" -f DarkCyan } } else { Write-Host "$prefix $param = $($msg.Trim())" -f DarkCyan -NoNewline Write-Host " -> $($MyInvocation.PSCommandPath):$($MyInvocation.ScriptLineNumber):$($MyInvocation.OffsetInLine)" -f DarkGray } } function success($msg) { write-host $msg -f darkgreen } function filesize($length) { $gb = [math]::pow(2, 30) $mb = [math]::pow(2, 20) $kb = [math]::pow(2, 10) if($length -gt $gb) { "{0:n1} GB" -f ($length / $gb) } elseif($length -gt $mb) { "{0:n1} MB" -f ($length / $mb) } elseif($length -gt $kb) { "{0:n1} KB" -f ($length / $kb) } else { if ($null -eq $length) { $length = 0 } "$($length) B" } } # dirs function basedir($global) { if($global) { return $globaldir } $scoopdir } function appsdir($global) { "$(basedir $global)\apps" } function shimdir($global) { "$(basedir $global)\shims" } function modulesdir($global) { "$(basedir $global)\modules" } function appdir($app, $global) { "$(appsdir $global)\$app" } function versiondir($app, $version, $global) { "$(appdir $app $global)\$version" } function currentdir($app, $global) { if (get_config NO_JUNCTION) { $version = Select-CurrentVersion -App $app -Global:$global } else { $version = 'current' } "$(appdir $app $global)\$version" } function persistdir($app, $global) { "$(basedir $global)\persist\$app" } function usermanifestsdir { "$(basedir)\workspace" } function usermanifest($app) { "$(usermanifestsdir)\$app.json" } function cache_path($app, $version, $url) { $underscoredUrl = $url -replace '[^\w\.\-]+', '_' $filePath = "$cachedir\$app#$version#$underscoredUrl" # NOTE: Scoop cache files migration. Remove this 6 months after the feature ships. if (Test-Path $filePath) { return $filePath } $urlStream = [System.IO.MemoryStream]::new([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($url)) $sha = (Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 -InputStream $urlStream).Hash.ToLower().Substring(0, 7) $extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($url) $filePath = $filePath -replace "$underscoredUrl", "$sha$extension" return $filePath } # apps function sanitary_path($path) { return [regex]::replace($path, "[/\\?:*<>|]", "") } function installed($app, [Nullable[bool]]$global) { if ($null -eq $global) { return (installed $app $false) -or (installed $app $true) } # Dependencies of the format "bucket/dependency" install in a directory of form # "dependency". So we need to extract the bucket from the name and only give the app # name to is_directory $app = ($app -split '/|\\')[-1] return $null -ne (Select-CurrentVersion -AppName $app -Global:$global) } function installed_apps($global) { $dir = appsdir $global if (Test-Path $dir) { Get-ChildItem $dir | Where-Object { $_.psiscontainer -and $ -ne 'scoop' } | ForEach-Object { $ } } } # check whether the app failed to install function failed($app, $global) { $app = ($app -split '/|\\')[-1] $appPath = appdir $app $global $hasCurrent = (get_config NO_JUNCTION) -or (Test-Path "$appPath\current") return (Test-Path $appPath) -and !($hasCurrent -and (installed $app $global)) } function file_path($app, $file) { Show-DeprecatedWarning $MyInvocation 'Get-AppFilePath' Get-AppFilePath -App $app -File $file } function Get-AppFilePath { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [String] $App, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [String] $File ) # normal path to file $Path = "$(currentdir $App $false)\$File" if (Test-Path $Path) { return $Path } # global path to file $Path = "$(currentdir $App $true)\$File" if (Test-Path $Path) { return $Path } # not found return $null } Function Test-CommandAvailable { param ( [String]$Name ) Return [Boolean](Get-Command $Name -ErrorAction Ignore) } Function Test-GitAvailable { return [Boolean](Get-HelperPath -Helper Git) } function Get-HelperPath { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateSet('Git', '7zip', 'Lessmsi', 'Innounp', 'Dark', 'Aria2')] [String] $Helper ) begin { $HelperPath = $null } process { switch ($Helper) { 'Git' { $internalgit = (Get-AppFilePath 'git' 'mingw64\bin\git.exe'), (Get-AppFilePath 'git' 'mingw32\bin\git.exe') | Where-Object { $_ -ne $null } if ($internalgit) { $HelperPath = $internalgit } else { $HelperPath = (Get-Command git -CommandType Application -TotalCount 1 -ErrorAction Ignore).Source } } '7zip' { $HelperPath = Get-AppFilePath '7zip' '7z.exe' } 'Lessmsi' { $HelperPath = Get-AppFilePath 'lessmsi' 'lessmsi.exe' } 'Innounp' { $HelperPath = Get-AppFilePath 'innounp-unicode' 'innounp.exe' if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($HelperPath)) { $HelperPath = Get-AppFilePath 'innounp' 'innounp.exe' } } 'Dark' { $HelperPath = Get-AppFilePath 'wixtoolset' 'wix.exe' if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($HelperPath)) { $HelperPath = Get-AppFilePath 'dark' 'dark.exe' } } 'Aria2' { $HelperPath = Get-AppFilePath 'aria2' 'aria2c.exe' } } return $HelperPath } } function Get-CommandPath { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [String] $Command ) begin { $userShims = shimdir $false $globalShims = shimdir $true } process { try { $comm = Get-Command $Command -ErrorAction Stop } catch { return $null } $commandPath = if ($comm.Path -like "$userShims\scoop-*.ps1") { # Scoop aliases $comm.Source } elseif ($comm.Path -like "$userShims*" -or $comm.Path -like "$globalShims*") { Get-ShimTarget ($comm.Path -replace '\.exe$', '.shim') } elseif ($comm.CommandType -eq 'Application') { $comm.Source } elseif ($comm.CommandType -eq 'Alias') { Get-CommandPath $comm.ResolvedCommandName } else { $null } return $commandPath } } function Test-HelperInstalled { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateSet('7zip', 'Lessmsi', 'Innounp', 'Dark', 'Aria2')] [String] $Helper ) return ![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace((Get-HelperPath -Helper $Helper)) } function Test-Aria2Enabled { return (Test-HelperInstalled -Helper Aria2) -and (get_config 'aria2-enabled' $true) } function app_status($app, $global) { $status = @{} $status.installed = installed $app $global $status.version = Select-CurrentVersion -AppName $app -Global:$global $status.latest_version = $status.version $install_info = install_info $app $status.version $global $status.failed = failed $app $global $status.hold = ($install_info.hold -eq $true) $manifest = manifest $app $install_info.bucket $install_info.url $status.removed = (!$manifest) if ($manifest.version) { $status.latest_version = $manifest.version } $status.outdated = $false if ($status.version -and $status.latest_version) { if (get_config FORCE_UPDATE $false) { $status.outdated = ((Compare-Version -ReferenceVersion $status.version -DifferenceVersion $status.latest_version) -ne 0) } else { $status.outdated = ((Compare-Version -ReferenceVersion $status.version -DifferenceVersion $status.latest_version) -gt 0) } } $status.missing_deps = @() $deps = @($manifest.depends) | Where-Object { if ($null -eq $_) { return $null } else { $app, $bucket, $null = parse_app $_ return !(installed $app) } } if ($deps) { $status.missing_deps += , $deps } return $status } function appname_from_url($url) { (split-path $url -leaf) -replace '.json$', '' } # paths function fname($path) { split-path $path -leaf } function strip_ext($fname) { $fname -replace '\.[^\.]*$', '' } function strip_filename($path) { $path -replace [regex]::escape((fname $path)) } function strip_fragment($url) { $url -replace (new-object uri $url).fragment } function url_filename($url) { (split-path $url -leaf).split('?') | Select-Object -First 1 } # Unlike url_filename which can be tricked by appending a # URL fragment (e.g. #/dl.7z, useful for coercing a local filename), # this function extracts the original filename from the URL. function url_remote_filename($url) { $uri = (New-Object URI $url) $basename = Split-Path $uri.PathAndQuery -Leaf If ($basename -match ".*[?=]+([\w._-]+)") { $basename = $matches[1] } If (($basename -notlike "*.*") -or ($basename -match "^[v.\d]+$")) { $basename = Split-Path $uri.AbsolutePath -Leaf } If (($basename -notlike "*.*") -and ($uri.Fragment -ne "")) { $basename = $uri.Fragment.Trim('/', '#') } return $basename } function ensure($dir) { if (!(Test-Path -Path $dir)) { New-Item -Path $dir -ItemType Directory | Out-Null } Convert-Path -Path $dir } function Get-AbsolutePath { <# .SYNOPSIS Get absolute path .DESCRIPTION Get absolute path, even if not existed .PARAMETER Path Path to manipulate .OUTPUTS System.String Absolute path, may or maynot existed #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string] $Path ) process { return $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path) } } function fullpath($path) { Show-DeprecatedWarning $MyInvocation 'Get-AbsolutePath' return Get-AbsolutePath -Path $path } function friendly_path($path) { $h = (Get-PSProvider 'FileSystem').Home if (!$h.EndsWith('\')) { $h += '\' } if ($h -eq '\') { return $path } else { return $path -replace ([Regex]::Escape($h)), '~\' } } function is_local($path) { ($path -notmatch '^https?://') -and (Test-Path $path) } # operations function run($exe, $arg, $msg, $continue_exit_codes) { Show-DeprecatedWarning $MyInvocation 'Invoke-ExternalCommand' Invoke-ExternalCommand -FilePath $exe -ArgumentList $arg -Activity $msg -ContinueExitCodes $continue_exit_codes } function Invoke-ExternalCommand { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Default")] [OutputType([Boolean])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [Alias("Path")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $FilePath, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [Alias("Args")] [String[]] $ArgumentList, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "UseShellExecute")] [Switch] $RunAs, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "UseShellExecute")] [Switch] $Quiet, [Alias("Msg")] [String] $Activity, [Alias("cec")] [Hashtable] $ContinueExitCodes, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Default")] [Alias("Log")] [String] $LogPath ) if ($Activity) { Write-Host "$Activity " -NoNewline } $Process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process $Process.StartInfo.FileName = $FilePath $Process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = $false if ($LogPath) { if ($FilePath -match '^msiexec(.exe)?$') { $ArgumentList += "/lwe `"$LogPath`"" } else { $redirectToLogFile = $true $Process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true $Process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = $true } } if ($RunAs) { $Process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = $true $Process.StartInfo.Verb = 'RunAs' } if ($Quiet) { $Process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = $true $Process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = [System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle]::Hidden } if ($ArgumentList.Length -gt 0) { # Remove existing double quotes and split arguments # '(?<=(? '$filename')$(if ($shim_app) { ' installed from ' + $shim_app })" } function shim($path, $global, $name, $arg) { if (!(Test-Path $path)) { abort "Can't shim '$(fname $path)': couldn't find '$path'." } $abs_shimdir = ensure (shimdir $global) Add-Path -Path $abs_shimdir -Global:$global if (!$name) { $name = strip_ext (fname $path) } $shim = "$abs_shimdir\$($name.tolower())" # convert to relative path $resolved_path = Convert-Path $path Push-Location $abs_shimdir $relative_path = Resolve-Path -Relative $resolved_path Pop-Location if ($path -match '\.(exe|com)$') { # for programs with no awareness of any shell warn_on_overwrite "$shim.shim" $path Copy-Item (get_shim_path) "$shim.exe" -Force Write-Output "path = `"$resolved_path`"" | Out-UTF8File "$shim.shim" if ($arg) { Write-Output "args = $arg" | Out-UTF8File "$shim.shim" -Append } $target_subsystem = Get-PESubsystem $resolved_path if ($target_subsystem -eq 2) { # we only want to make shims GUI Write-Output "Making $shim.exe a GUI binary." Set-PESubsystem "$shim.exe" $target_subsystem | Out-Null } } elseif ($path -match '\.(bat|cmd)$') { # shim .bat, .cmd so they can be used by programs with no awareness of PSH warn_on_overwrite "$shim.cmd" $path @( "@rem $resolved_path", "@`"$resolved_path`" $arg %*" ) -join "`r`n" | Out-UTF8File "$shim.cmd" warn_on_overwrite $shim $path @( "#!/bin/sh", "# $resolved_path", "MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL=/C cmd.exe /C `"$resolved_path`" $arg `"$@`"" ) -join "`n" | Out-UTF8File $shim -NoNewLine } elseif ($path -match '\.ps1$') { # if $path points to another drive resolve-path prepends .\ which could break shims warn_on_overwrite "$shim.ps1" $path $ps1text = if ($relative_path -match '^(\.\\)?\w:.*$') { @( "# $resolved_path", "`$path = `"$path`"", "if (`$MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) { `$input | & `$path $arg @args } else { & `$path $arg @args }", "exit `$LASTEXITCODE" ) } else { @( "# $resolved_path", "`$path = Join-Path `$PSScriptRoot `"$relative_path`"", "if (`$MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) { `$input | & `$path $arg @args } else { & `$path $arg @args }", "exit `$LASTEXITCODE" ) } $ps1text -join "`r`n" | Out-UTF8File "$shim.ps1" # make ps1 accessible from cmd.exe warn_on_overwrite "$shim.cmd" $path @( "@rem $resolved_path", "@echo off", "where /q pwsh.exe", "if %errorlevel% equ 0 (", " pwsh -noprofile -ex unrestricted -file `"$resolved_path`" $arg %*", ") else (", " powershell -noprofile -ex unrestricted -file `"$resolved_path`" $arg %*", ")" ) -join "`r`n" | Out-UTF8File "$shim.cmd" warn_on_overwrite $shim $path @( "#!/bin/sh", "# $resolved_path", "if command -v pwsh.exe > /dev/null 2>&1; then", " pwsh.exe -noprofile -ex unrestricted -file `"$resolved_path`" $arg `"$@`"", "else", " powershell.exe -noprofile -ex unrestricted -file `"$resolved_path`" $arg `"$@`"", "fi" ) -join "`n" | Out-UTF8File $shim -NoNewLine } elseif ($path -match '\.jar$') { warn_on_overwrite "$shim.cmd" $path @( "@rem $resolved_path", "@pushd $(Split-Path $resolved_path -Parent)", "@java -jar `"$resolved_path`" $arg %*", "@popd" ) -join "`r`n" | Out-UTF8File "$shim.cmd" warn_on_overwrite $shim $path @( "#!/bin/sh", "# $resolved_path", "if [ `$WSL_INTEROP ]", 'then', " cd `$(wslpath -u '$(Split-Path $resolved_path -Parent)')", 'else', " cd `$(cygpath -u '$(Split-Path $resolved_path -Parent)')", 'fi', "java.exe -jar `"$resolved_path`" $arg `"$@`"" ) -join "`n" | Out-UTF8File $shim -NoNewLine } elseif ($path -match '\.py$') { warn_on_overwrite "$shim.cmd" $path @( "@rem $resolved_path", "@python `"$resolved_path`" $arg %*" ) -join "`r`n" | Out-UTF8File "$shim.cmd" warn_on_overwrite $shim $path @( '#!/bin/sh', "# $resolved_path", "python.exe `"$resolved_path`" $arg `"$@`"" ) -join "`n" | Out-UTF8File $shim -NoNewLine } else { warn_on_overwrite "$shim.cmd" $path @( "@rem $resolved_path", "@bash `"`$(wslpath -u '$resolved_path')`" $arg %* 2>nul", '@if %errorlevel% neq 0 (', " @bash `"`$(cygpath -u '$resolved_path')`" $arg %* 2>nul", ')' ) -join "`r`n" | Out-UTF8File "$shim.cmd" warn_on_overwrite $shim $path @( '#!/bin/sh', "# $resolved_path", "if [ `$WSL_INTEROP ]", 'then', " `"`$(wslpath -u '$resolved_path')`" $arg `"$@`"", 'else', " `"`$(cygpath -u '$resolved_path')`" $arg `"$@`"", 'fi' ) -join "`n" | Out-UTF8File $shim -NoNewLine } } function get_shim_path() { $shim_version = get_config SHIM 'kiennq' $shim_path = switch ($shim_version) { 'scoopcs' { "$(versiondir 'scoop' 'current')\supporting\shims\scoopcs\shim.exe" } '71' { "$(versiondir 'scoop' 'current')\supporting\shims\71\shim.exe" } 'kiennq' { "$(versiondir 'scoop' 'current')\supporting\shims\kiennq\shim.exe" } 'default' { "$(versiondir 'scoop' 'current')\supporting\shims\scoopcs\shim.exe" } default { warn "Unknown shim version: '$shim_version'" } } return $shim_path } function Get-DefaultArchitecture { $arch = get_config DEFAULT_ARCHITECTURE $system = if (${env:ProgramFiles(Arm)}) { 'arm64' } elseif ([System.Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) { '64bit' } else { '32bit' } if ($null -eq $arch) { $arch = $system } else { try { $arch = Format-ArchitectureString $arch } catch { warn 'Invalid default architecture configured. Determining default system architecture' $arch = $system } } return $arch } function Format-ArchitectureString($Architecture) { if (!$Architecture) { return Get-DefaultArchitecture } $Architecture = $Architecture.ToString().ToLower() switch ($Architecture) { { @('64bit', '64', 'x64', 'amd64', 'x86_64', 'x86-64') -contains $_ } { return '64bit' } { @('32bit', '32', 'x86', 'i386', '386', 'i686') -contains $_ } { return '32bit' } { @('arm64', 'arm', 'aarch64') -contains $_ } { return 'arm64' } default { throw [System.ArgumentException] "Invalid architecture: '$Architecture'" } } } function Confirm-InstallationStatus { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object[]])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String[]] $Apps, [Switch] $Global ) $Installed = @() $Apps | Select-Object -Unique | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'scoop' } | ForEach-Object { $App, $null, $null = parse_app $_ if ($Global) { if (Test-Path (appdir $App $true)) { $Installed += , @($App, $true) } elseif (Test-Path (appdir $App $false)) { error "'$App' isn't installed globally, but it may be installed locally." warn "Try again without the --global (or -g) flag instead." } else { error "'$App' isn't installed." } } else { if (Test-Path (appdir $App $false)) { $Installed += , @($App, $false) } elseif (Test-Path (appdir $App $true)) { error "'$App' isn't installed locally, but it may be installed globally." warn "Try again with the --global (or -g) flag instead." } else { error "'$App' isn't installed." } } if (failed $App $Global) { error "'$App' isn't installed correctly." } } return , $Installed } function wraptext($text, $width) { if(!$width) { $width = $host.ui.rawui.buffersize.width }; $width -= 1 # be conservative: doesn't seem to print the last char $text -split '\r?\n' | ForEach-Object { $line = '' $_ -split ' ' | ForEach-Object { if($line.length -eq 0) { $line = $_ } elseif($line.length + $_.length + 1 -le $width) { $line += " $_" } else { $lines += ,$line; $line = $_ } } $lines += ,$line } $lines -join "`n" } function pluralize($count, $singular, $plural) { if($count -eq 1) { $singular } else { $plural } } # convert list of apps to list of ($app, $global) tuples function applist($apps, $global) { if(!$apps) { return @() } return ,@($apps | ForEach-Object { ,@($_, $global) }) } function parse_app([string]$app) { if ($app -match '^(?:(?[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+)/)?(?.*\.json|[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+)(?:@(?.*))?$') { return $Matches['app'], $Matches['bucket'], $Matches['version'] } else { return $app, $null, $null } } function show_app($app, $bucket, $version) { if($bucket) { $app = "$bucket/$app" } if($version) { $app = "$app@$version" } return $app } function is_scoop_outdated() { $now = [System.DateTime]::Now try { $expireHour = (New-TimeSpan (get_config LAST_UPDATE) $now).TotalHours return ($expireHour -ge 3) } catch { # If not System.DateTime set_config LAST_UPDATE ($now.ToString('o')) | Out-Null return $true } } function Test-ScoopCoreOnHold() { $hold_update_until = get_config HOLD_UPDATE_UNTIL if ($null -eq $hold_update_until) { return $false } $parsed_date = New-Object -TypeName DateTime if ([System.DateTime]::TryParse($hold_update_until, $null, [System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles]::AssumeLocal, [ref]$parsed_date)) { if ((New-TimeSpan $parsed_date).TotalSeconds -lt 0) { warn "Skipping self-update of Scoop Core until $($parsed_date.ToLocalTime())..." warn "If you want to update Scoop Core immediately, use 'scoop unhold scoop; scoop update'." return $true } else { warn 'Self-update of Scoop Core is enabled again!' } } else { error "'hold_update_until' has been set in the wrong format and was removed." error 'If you want to disable self-update of Scoop Core for a moment,' error "use 'scoop hold scoop' or 'scoop config hold_update_until /'." } set_config HOLD_UPDATE_UNTIL $null | Out-Null return $false } function substitute($entity, [Hashtable] $params, [Bool]$regexEscape = $false) { if ($null -ne $entity) { $newentity = $entity.PSObject.Copy() switch ($entity.GetType().Name) { 'String' { $params.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { if ($regexEscape -eq $false -or $null -eq $_.Value) { $newentity = $newentity.Replace($_.Name, $_.Value) } else { $newentity = $newentity.Replace($_.Name, [Regex]::Escape($_.Value)) } } } 'Object[]' { $newentity = $entity | ForEach-Object { , (substitute $_ $params $regexEscape) } } 'PSCustomObject' { $newentity.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { $_.Value = substitute $_.Value $params $regexEscape } } } } return $newentity } function format_hash([String] $hash) { $hash = $hash.toLower() switch ($hash.Length) { 32 { $hash = "md5:$hash" } # md5 40 { $hash = "sha1:$hash" } # sha1 64 { $hash = $hash } # sha256 128 { $hash = "sha512:$hash" } # sha512 default { $hash = $null } } return $hash } function format_hash_aria2([String] $hash) { $hash = $hash -split ':' | Select-Object -Last 1 switch ($hash.Length) { 32 { $hash = "md5=$hash" } # md5 40 { $hash = "sha-1=$hash" } # sha1 64 { $hash = "sha-256=$hash" } # sha256 128 { $hash = "sha-512=$hash" } # sha512 default { $hash = $null } } return $hash } function get_hash([String] $multihash) { $type, $hash = $multihash -split ':' if(!$hash) { # no type specified, assume sha256 $type, $hash = 'sha256', $multihash } if(@('md5','sha1','sha256', 'sha512') -notcontains $type) { return $null, "Hash type '$type' isn't supported." } return $type, $hash.ToLower() } function Get-GitHubToken { return $env:SCOOP_GH_TOKEN, (get_config GH_TOKEN) | Where-Object -Property Length -Value 0 -GT | Select-Object -First 1 } function handle_special_urls($url) { # if ($url -match "^(?:.*\/)(?.*)(?:\/|\?dwl=)(?.*)$") { $Body = @{ projectUri = $; fileName = $Matches.filename; source = 'CF'; isLatestVersion = $true } if ((Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url) -match '"p":"(?[a-f0-9]{24}).*?"r":"(?[a-f0-9]{24})') { $Body.Add("projectId", $ $Body.Add("releaseId", $Matches.rid) } $url = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "" -ContentType "application/json" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Body -Compress) if ($null -eq $url.error) { $url = $ } } # if ($url -match "(?:downloads\.)?\/projects?\/(?[^\/]+)\/(?:files\/)?(?.*?)(?:$|\/download|\?)") { # Reshapes the URL to avoid redirections $url = "$($matches['project'])/$($matches['file'])" } # if ($url -match '[^/]+)/(?[^/]+)/releases/download/(?[^/]+)/(?[^/#]+)(?.*)' -and ($token = Get-GitHubToken)) { $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "token $token" } $privateUrl = "$($Matches.owner)/$($Matches.repo)" $assetUrl = "$($Matches.owner)/$($Matches.repo)/releases/tags/$($Matches.tag)" if ((Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $privateUrl -Headers $headers).Private) { $url = ((Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $assetUrl -Headers $headers).Assets | Where-Object -Property Name -EQ -Value $Matches.file).Url, $Matches.filename -join '' } } return $url } function get_magic_bytes($file) { if(!(Test-Path $file)) { return '' } if((Get-Command Get-Content).parameters.ContainsKey('AsByteStream')) { # PowerShell Core (6.0+) '-Encoding byte' is replaced by '-AsByteStream' return Get-Content $file -AsByteStream -TotalCount 8 } else { return Get-Content $file -Encoding byte -TotalCount 8 } } function get_magic_bytes_pretty($file, $glue = ' ') { if(!(Test-Path $file)) { return '' } return (get_magic_bytes $file | ForEach-Object { $_.ToString('x2') }) -join $glue } function Out-UTF8File { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0)] [Alias("Path")] [String] $FilePath, [Switch] $Append, [Switch] $NoNewLine, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [PSObject] $InputObject ) process { if ($Append) { [System.IO.File]::AppendAllText($FilePath, $InputObject) } else { if (!$NoNewLine) { # Ref: # Performance Note: `WriteAllLines` throttles memory usage while # `WriteAllText` needs to keep the complete string in memory. [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($FilePath, $InputObject) } else { # However `WriteAllText` does not add ending newline. [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($FilePath, $InputObject) } } } } ################## # Core Bootstrap # ################## # Note: Github disabled TLS 1.0 support on 2018-02-23. Need to enable TLS 1.2 # for all communication with Optimize-SecurityProtocol # Load Scoop config $configHome = $env:XDG_CONFIG_HOME, "$env:USERPROFILE\.config" | Select-Object -First 1 $configFile = "$configHome\scoop\config.json" # Check if it's the expected install path for scoop: /apps/scoop/current $coreRoot = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot $pathExpected = ($coreRoot -replace '\\','/') -like '*apps/scoop/current*' if ($pathExpected) { # Portable config is located in root directory: # .\current\scoop\apps\\config.json <- a reversed path # Imagine `/apps/scoop/current/` in a reversed format, # and the directory tree: # # ``` # : # ├─apps # ├─buckets # ├─cache # ├─persist # ├─shims # ├─config.json # ``` $configPortablePath = Get-AbsolutePath "$coreRoot\..\..\..\config.json" if (Test-Path $configPortablePath) { $configFile = $configPortablePath } } $scoopConfig = load_cfg $configFile # Scoop root directory $scoopdir = $env:SCOOP, (get_config ROOT_PATH), "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\..\..", "$([System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('UserProfile'))\scoop" | Where-Object { $_ } | Select-Object -First 1 | Get-AbsolutePath # Scoop global apps directory $globaldir = $env:SCOOP_GLOBAL, (get_config GLOBAL_PATH), "$([System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('CommonApplicationData'))\scoop" | Where-Object { $_ } | Select-Object -First 1 | Get-AbsolutePath # Scoop cache directory # Note: Setting the SCOOP_CACHE environment variable to use a shared directory # is experimental and untested. There may be concurrency issues when # multiple users write and access cached files at the same time. # Use at your own risk. $cachedir = $env:SCOOP_CACHE, (get_config CACHE_PATH), "$scoopdir\cache" | Where-Object { $_ } | Select-Object -First 1 | Get-AbsolutePath # Scoop apps' PATH Environment Variable $scoopPathEnvVar = switch (get_config USE_ISOLATED_PATH) { { $_ -is [string] } { $_.ToUpperInvariant() } $true { 'SCOOP_PATH' } default { 'PATH' } } # OS information $WindowsBuild = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build # Setup proxy globally setup_proxy