package luyao.util.ktx.core.span import import import import android.text.Layout import android.text.Spannable import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder import android.text.Spanned import android.text.method.LinkMovementMethod import* import android.widget.TextView import androidx.annotation.Px import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat import luyao.util.ktx.Ktx import luyao.util.ktx.core.span.KtxBulletSpan.Companion.STANDARD_BULLET_RADIUS import luyao.util.ktx.core.span.KtxQuoteSpan.Companion.STANDARD_GAP_WIDTH_PX import luyao.util.ktx.core.span.KtxQuoteSpan.Companion.STANDARD_STRIPE_WIDTH_PX import luyao.util.ktx.ext.fromP /** * Created by luyao * on 2019/8/6 16:46 */ class KtxSpan { private val LINE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("line.separator") private var mText: CharSequence = "" /** * Set the text size to [mTextSize] physical pixels, or to [mTextSize] * device-independent pixels if [mIsDp] is true. */ private var mTextSize = -1 private var mIsDp = true /** * The font family for this typeface. * Examples include "monospace", "serif", and "sans-serif" */ private var mFontFamily = "" /** * Set the custom typeface */ private var mCustomTypeface: Typeface? = null /** * Uniformly scales the size of the text to which it's attached by a certain [mFontProportion]. */ private var mFontProportion = -1f /** * Scales horizontally the size of the text to which it's attached by a certain factor. * Values > 1.0 will stretch the text wider. Values < 1.0 will stretch the text narrower. */ private var mXFontProportion = -1f /** * Set the lineHeight */ private var mLineHeight = -1 /** * Changes the color of the text to which the span is attached. */ private var mForegroundColor = -1 /** * Changes the background color of the text to which the span is attached. */ private var mBackgroundColor = -1 /** * add blank line which height is [mBlankLineHeight] after this span * if [mAddBlankLineAlways] is true , add black line for each span(not effect previous spans) */ private var mBlankLineHeight = -1 private var mAddBlankLineAlways = false private var mAlignment: Layout.Alignment? = null /** * Set the style of the text it's attached to */ private var isBold = false private var isItalic = false private var isBoldAndItalic = false /** * Strikes through the text it's attached to */ private var isStrikethrough = false /** * Underlines the text it's attached to */ private var isUnderline = false /** * Move the position of the text baseline higher */ private var isSuperscript = false /** * Move the position of the text baseline lower */ private var isSubscript = false /** * Start in a new line */ private var isNewLine = true /** * Take separate indents for the first and subsequent lines * * [mFirst] is the indent for the first line of the paragraph * [mRest] is the indent for the remaining lines of the paragraph */ private var mFirst = 0 private var mRest = 0 /** * Creates a [KtxQuoteSpan] based on a color, a stripe width and the width of the gap * between the stripe and the text. * * [mQuoteColor] the color of the quote stripe. * [mQuoteStripeWidth] the width of the stripe. * [mQuoteGapWidth] the width of the gap between the stripe and the text. */ private var mQuoteColor = -1 private var mQuoteStripeWidth = STANDARD_STRIPE_WIDTH_PX private var mQuoteGapWidth = STANDARD_GAP_WIDTH_PX /** * Creates a [KtxBulletSpan] based on a gap width and a color integer. * * [mBulletGapWidth] the distance, in pixels, between the bullet point and the paragraph. * [mBulletColor] the bullet point color, as a color integer. * [mBulletRadius] the radius of the bullet point, in pixels. */ private var mBulletColor = -1 private var mBulletRadius = STANDARD_BULLET_RADIUS private var mBulletGapWidth = STANDARD_GAP_WIDTH_PX /** * Create a [BlurMaskFilter] * * [mBlurRadius] The radius to extend the blur from the original mask. Must be > 0. * [mBlurStyle] The Blur to use */ private var mBlurRadius = -1f private var mBlurStyle: BlurMaskFilter.Blur = BlurMaskFilter.Blur.NORMAL private var mClickableSpan: ClickableSpan? = null private var mUrl: String? = null private var mFlag = Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE lateinit var mTextView: TextView val mSpanBuilder by lazy { SpannableStringBuilder() } fun with(view: TextView): KtxSpan { this.mTextView = view return this } fun text( text: CharSequence, isNewLine: Boolean = true, textSize: Int = -1, fontFamily: String = "", customTypeFace: Typeface? = null, isDp: Boolean = true, fontProportion: Float = -1f, xFontProportion: Float = -1f, lineHeight: Int = -1, foregroundColor: Int = -1, backgroundColor: Int = -1, alignment: Layout.Alignment? = null, isBold: Boolean = false, isStrikethrough: Boolean = false, isUnderline: Boolean = false, isItalic: Boolean = false, isBoldAndItalic: Boolean = false, isSuperscript: Boolean = false, isSubscript: Boolean = false, first: Int = 0, rest: Int = 0, quoteColor: Int = -1, quoteStripeWidth: Int = STANDARD_STRIPE_WIDTH_PX, quoteGapWidth: Int = STANDARD_GAP_WIDTH_PX, bulletColor: Int = -1, bulletRadius: Int = STANDARD_BULLET_RADIUS, bulletGapWidth: Int = STANDARD_GAP_WIDTH_PX, clickSpan: ClickableSpan? = null, url: String? = null, blurRadius: Float = -1f, blurStyle: BlurMaskFilter.Blur = BlurMaskFilter.Blur.NORMAL ): KtxSpan { mText = "$text${if (isNewLine) LINE_SEPARATOR else ""}" mTextSize = textSize mFontFamily = fontFamily mCustomTypeface = customTypeFace mIsDp = isDp mFontProportion = fontProportion mXFontProportion = xFontProportion mLineHeight = lineHeight mForegroundColor = foregroundColor mBackgroundColor = backgroundColor mAlignment = alignment mFirst = first mRest = rest mQuoteColor = quoteColor mQuoteStripeWidth = quoteStripeWidth mQuoteGapWidth = quoteGapWidth mBulletColor = bulletColor mBulletRadius = bulletRadius mBulletGapWidth = bulletGapWidth mClickableSpan = clickSpan mUrl = url mBlurRadius = blurRadius mBlurStyle = blurStyle this.isBold = isBold this.isItalic = isItalic this.isBoldAndItalic = isBoldAndItalic this.isStrikethrough = isStrikethrough this.isUnderline = isUnderline this.isSuperscript = isSuperscript this.isSubscript = isSubscript this.isNewLine = isNewLine updateSpan() return this } fun image( resId: Int, verticalAlignment: Int = KtxImageSpan.ALIGN_MIDDLE, marginLeft: Int = 0, marginRight: Int = 0, offsetY: Int = 0, fontWidthMultiple: Float = -1f ) { mText = "[icon]" val start = mSpanBuilder.length mSpanBuilder.append(mText) val end = mSpanBuilder.length val drawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(, resId) drawable?.let { it.bounds = Rect( 0, 0, drawable.intrinsicWidth, drawable.intrinsicHeight ) mSpanBuilder.setSpan( KtxImageSpan(drawable, verticalAlignment, fontWidthMultiple, marginLeft, marginRight), start, end, mFlag ) } } fun blankLine(@Px height: Int, addBlankLineAlways: Boolean = false) { mText = "[space]$LINE_SEPARATOR" val start = mSpanBuilder.length mSpanBuilder.append(mText) val end = mSpanBuilder.length mBlankLineHeight = height mAddBlankLineAlways = addBlankLineAlways if (mBlankLineHeight > -1) { mSpanBuilder.setSpan(KtxBlockLineSpan(mBlankLineHeight), start, end, Spannable.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE) } } private fun updateSpan() { if (mText.isEmpty()) return val start = mSpanBuilder.length mSpanBuilder.append(mText) val end = mSpanBuilder.length mAlignment?.let { mSpanBuilder.setSpan(AlignmentSpan.Standard(it), start, end, mFlag) } mClickableSpan?.let { if (mTextView.movementMethod == null) mTextView.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() mSpanBuilder.setSpan(it, start, end, mFlag) } mUrl?.let { mSpanBuilder.setSpan(URLSpan(it), start, end, mFlag) } if (mTextSize != -1) mSpanBuilder.setSpan(AbsoluteSizeSpan(mTextSize, mIsDp), start, end, mFlag) if (mFontFamily.isNotEmpty()) mSpanBuilder.setSpan(TypefaceSpan(mFontFamily), start, end, mFlag) mCustomTypeface?.let { mSpanBuilder.setSpan(KtxTypefaceSpan(mCustomTypeface!!), start, end, mFlag) } if (mFontProportion != -1f) mSpanBuilder.setSpan(RelativeSizeSpan(mFontProportion), start, end, mFlag) if (mXFontProportion != -1f) mSpanBuilder.setSpan(ScaleXSpan(mXFontProportion), start, end, mFlag) if (mLineHeight != -1) mSpanBuilder.setSpan(KtxLineHeightSpan(mLineHeight, KtxLineHeightSpan.ALIGN_CENTER), start, end, mFlag) if (mForegroundColor != -1) mSpanBuilder.setSpan(ForegroundColorSpan(mForegroundColor), start, end, mFlag) if (mBackgroundColor != -1) mSpanBuilder.setSpan(BackgroundColorSpan(mBackgroundColor), start, end, mFlag) mSpanBuilder.setSpan(LeadingMarginSpan.Standard(mFirst, mRest), start, end, mFlag) if (mQuoteColor != -1) mSpanBuilder.setSpan( if (fromP()) QuoteSpan( mQuoteColor, mQuoteStripeWidth, mQuoteGapWidth ) else KtxQuoteSpan(mQuoteColor, mQuoteStripeWidth, mQuoteGapWidth), start, end, mFlag ) if (mBulletColor != -1) mSpanBuilder.setSpan( if (fromP()) BulletSpan(mBulletGapWidth, mBulletColor, mBulletRadius) else KtxBulletSpan(mBulletGapWidth, mBulletColor, mBulletRadius), start, end, mFlag ) if (mBlurRadius != -1f) mSpanBuilder.setSpan(MaskFilterSpan(BlurMaskFilter(mBlurRadius, mBlurStyle)), start, end, mFlag) if (isBold) mSpanBuilder.setSpan(StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD), start, end, mFlag) if (isItalic) mSpanBuilder.setSpan(StyleSpan(Typeface.ITALIC), start, end, mFlag) if (isBoldAndItalic) mSpanBuilder.setSpan(StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC), start, end, mFlag) if (isStrikethrough) mSpanBuilder.setSpan(StrikethroughSpan(), start, end, mFlag) if (isUnderline) mSpanBuilder.setSpan(UnderlineSpan(), start, end, mFlag) if (isSuperscript) mSpanBuilder.setSpan(SuperscriptSpan(), start, end, mFlag) if (isSubscript) mSpanBuilder.setSpan(SubscriptSpan(), start, end, mFlag) if (mAddBlankLineAlways && isNewLine) blankLine(mBlankLineHeight, mAddBlankLineAlways) } inline fun show(func: KtxSpan.() -> Unit): KtxSpan { func() mTextView.text = mSpanBuilder return this } }