Xiki plugin for Sublime Text 2 ==== - Before use: Install Xiki on your machine http://xiki.org/ - Install [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/installation) if you don't have it. - [Install the SublimeXiki package](https://sublime.wbond.net/docs/usage). - To use: open the command pallete (`cmd+shift+p` or `ctrl+shift+p`) and use `Create Xiki Buffer` Hotkeys: ---- - `cmd+enter`: run or collapse the highlighted command/menu. - `cmd+shift+enter`: run the current command, and place the cursor after the output. - If used on a directory or file, will indent to the subdirectory level and create a command prompt (`$`) - If used on a command prompt, will maintain the current indentation and create a prompt (`$$` or `$`) Useful SublimeXiki commands: ---- - `/` or `~`: start a directory transversal tree. - `~` starts at your home directory - You can also type a more complete path like `/path/to/dir` or `~/path` - `$`: run a command directly (does not invoke a shell) - `$$`: run a command using your default shell (allows pipes, redirection, logic, etc) Useful Xiki commands: ---- - `docs` - `mysql` - `mongo`