Sublime Lint ========= A framework for error highlighting in the [Sublime Text]( "Sublime Text") editor. It's easy to add language support. Take a look at the [linter repository]( "Linter Repository") for examples. Linters in your Sublime Text `User/linters` folder will be automatically used. Changes to linters in this folder will be overwritten on automatic update. If you want to change a builtin linter, disable it in the Sublime Lint preferences and copy the source to a new file/class name. You can also import `Linter` and subclass it inside `plugin_loaded()` from any other Sublime plugin. Installation ----- You can install in ST3 by adding this repository to [Package Control]( "Package Control"), which does automatic updates. Alternatively, you can clone `sublimelint` into your Packages folder and switch to the `st3` branch manually, but you will need to update manually. Usage ----- Make sure you have the necessary command installed to lint your language - there's a list in the [linter repository]( "Linter Repository") README. It will lint as you edit any file in a supported language. Check the status bar for messages, and take a look at the SublimeLint commands in the Command Palette. There's a current bug that makes it sometimes take a few seconds to start linting upon an editor restart. Be patient. Command Palette ----- Press `cmd+shift+p` on OS X, `ctrl+shift+p` for everyone else. Type `sublimelint` to see the available commands: * *Next Error* - Jump to the next highlighed error or warning in your code. * *Previous Error* - Jump to the previous error. * *Show All Errors* - Open a command panel listing all errors in the current file. * *Report (Open Files)* - Lint all open files and show a report in a new view. * *Preferences: SublimeLint Settings - User* - Change global and linter settings. Settings ----- You can change a few useful per-language settings by opening "SublimeLint Settings - User" via the Command Palette. Some languages (like C and C++) have additional linter-specific settings. Example language settings: "Ruby": { // This command is run against your code. // Some linters use a temporary file, while others pipe code to stdin. "cmd": ["ruby", "-wc"], // Disable the linter. "disable": false, // Exclude file patterns from being linted. "excludes": ["Rakefile", "*.blah"] }