# CHANGELOG ## 1.3.0 | 2021.08.25 - Add "LimitRange" and "ResourceQuota" ## 1.1.4 | 2021.07.13 - Add "ReplicaSet" ## 1.1.3 | 2021.06.25 - Update "Service" - add "spec.sessionAffinity" - Update "Endpoint" - add Annotation ## 1.1.2 | 2021.01.26 - Fix the error of "Ingress" in v1.18+ cluster - Each path in an Ingress is required to have a corresponding path type. Paths that do not include an explicit pathType will fail validation. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/#path-types ## 1.1.0 | 2020.11.11 - Update "Ingress" apiVersion to "networking.k8s.io/v1" ## 1.1.0 | 2020.09.21 - Add "Ingress" - Add "Ingress(TLS)" - Remove "IngressRoute(traefik.containo.us/v1alpha1)" - Rename "Middleware" to "TraefikMiddleware" ## 1.0.10 | 2020.07.08 - Update "Secret、Service、Endpoints、PersistentVolumeClaim、Deployment、StatefulSet、Pod、CronJob" - Add ".metadata.namespace" - Update "Deployment" - Fix ".spec.template.spec.containers.resources.*.memory" default value format error. - Add ".spec.template.spec.initContainers" comment. - Modify ".spec.template.spec.containers.image" default value. ## 1.0.9 | 2020.06.19 - Update "Deployment" - Add ".spec.containers.resources" ## 1.0.8 | 2020.06.17 - Fix "Deployment" - Remove ".spec.template.spec.imagePullPolicy" - Update ".spec.template.matedata.labels", Change the default label 'name' to 'app'. ## 1.0.7 | 2020.06.14 - Update "ConfigMap" - add ".metadata.name" default value - add ".data" examples - Update "Pod" - Modify ".metadata.labels" examples - Add ".spec.containers.resources" - Add ".spec.containers.env" - Add ".spec.containers.ports" - Add ".spec.containers.volumeMounts" - Add ".spec.volumes" ## 1.0.6 | 2020.06.13 - Fix "PersistentVolumeClaim.spec.accessModes" type. - AccessModes contains the desired access modes the volume should have. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#access-modes-1 ## 1.0.5 | 2020.06.07 - Fix "Deployment.spec.template.spec.ports" default value format error ## 1.0.0 | 2020.06.06 - Add commonly used kubernetes objects - ConfigMap - Secret - Service - Endpoints - PersistentVolumeClaim - Deployment - DaemonSet - StatefulSet - Pod - Job - CronJob - Traefik IngressRoute - Traefik Middleware