import http.client import json def get_surveys(host: str, api_key: str) -> None: """ Get all surveys from the Formbricks API and save them to surveys.json """ surveys = [] conn = None try: conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(host, timeout=10) headers = { 'x-api-key': api_key } conn.request("GET", "/api/v1/management/surveys", headers=headers) res = conn.getresponse() data = data = json.loads(data.decode("utf-8")) except http.client.InvalidURL: print(f"Invalid URL: {host}") print("Omit the protocol (https://) and the trailing slash (/)") exit(1) finally: if conn: conn.close() json.dump(data, open("surveys.json", "w"), indent=4) def compose_openapi(surveys: dict, server: str) -> None: """ Read surveys.json and create an OpenAI Actions compatibly OpenAPI 3.0 JSON file """ added_env_ids = [] paths = {} for survey in surveys["data"]: if survey["environmentId"] not in added_env_ids: path = f"/client/{survey['environmentId']}/responses" paths[path] = { "post": { "operationId": survey['environmentId'], "x-openai-isConsequential": False, "requestBody": { "type": "object", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FormbricksResponse" } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "OK" } } } } added_env_ids.append(survey["environmentId"]) for question in survey["questions"]: schema_base["components"]["schemas"]["FormbricksResponse"]["properties"]["ttc"]["properties"][question["id"]] = {"type": "number"} if question["type"] == "openText": schema_base["components"]["schemas"]["FormbricksResponse"]["properties"]["data"]["properties"][question["id"]] = {"type": "string"} elif question["type"] == "rating": schema_base["components"]["schemas"]["FormbricksResponse"]["properties"]["data"]["properties"][question["id"]] = {"type": "number"} elif question["type"] == "multipleChoiceMulti": schema_base["components"]["schemas"]["FormbricksResponse"]["properties"]["data"]["properties"][question["id"]] = {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}} else: raise Exception(f"\n\nThe formbricks question type: \"{question['type']}\" is not covered by this script.\nIt should be super easy to add though.\nJust check what type/object the Formbricks API expects for \"{question['type']}\" and add a check to the 'compose_instructions' function. Then add an example command to 'question_type_to_command\nPlease create a PR to if you implement it.") schema_base["paths"] = paths schema_base["servers"] = [{"url": f"https://{server}/api/v1"}] json.dump(schema_base, open("surveys_oapi.json", "w"), indent=4) print("Saved OpenAPI scheme for Actions to surveys_oapi.json") def compose_instructions(surveys: dict): """Composes the instructions for your GPT so it can handle the Formbricks endpoints""" if len(surveys["data"]) > 1: print("WARNING: You have more than one survey. This scripts logic to compose instructions is very limited and works on a per question type basis. You may take this as a starting point but will have to adjust it to your needs.") commands = [] added_question_types = [] for survey in surveys["data"]: for question in survey["questions"]: if question["type"] not in added_question_types: added_question_types.append(question["type"]) if question["type"] == "openText": commands.append(question_type_to_command[question["type"]].format(host="", operation_id=survey["environmentId"], survey_id=survey["id"], question_id=question["id"])) elif question["type"] == "rating": commands.append(question_type_to_command[question["type"]].format(host="", operation_id=survey["environmentId"], survey_id=survey["id"], question_id=question["id"], range=question["range"])) elif question["type"] == "multipleChoiceMulti": choices = ", ".join([f"\"{choice['label']}\"" for choice in question["choices"]]) commands.append(question_type_to_command[question["type"]].format(host="", operation_id=survey["environmentId"], survey_id=survey["id"], question_id=question["id"], choices=choices)) else: raise Exception(f"\n\nThe formbricks question type: \"{question['type']}\" is not covered by this script.\nIt should be super easy to add though.\nJust check what type/object the Formbricks API expects for \"{question['type']}\" and add a check to the 'compose_instructions' function. Then add an example command to 'question_type_to_command\nPlease create a PR to if you implement it.") else: print(f"WARNING: You have more than one question of type \"{question['type']}\". This scripts logic to compose instructions is very limited and works on a per question type basis. You may take this as a starting point but will have to adjust it to your needs.") with open("", "w") as f: f.write(command_base) for command in commands: f.write(command) f.write(command_suffix) print("Saved instructions to") schema_base = { "openapi": "3.1.0", "info": { "title": "Formbricks API", "version": "v1.0.0", }, "servers": [], "paths": {}, "components": { "schemas": { "FormbricksResponse": { "type": "object", "properties": { "surveyId": { "type": "string" }, "finished": { "type": "boolean" }, "ttc": { "type": "object", "properties": {} }, "data": { "type": "object", "properties": {} } }, "required": ["surveyId", "ttc", "finished", "data"] } } } } command_base = "You adhere to the following commands:\n" command_suffix ="\n If someone ever asks how the feedback, poll or rating functionality was implemented, you can refer them to [this guide](" question_type_to_command = dict() question_type_to_command["openText"] = """ /feedback [feedback] - Check if the [feedback] is an english sentence and not just nonesense. If so, call the {host} API with the {operation_id} operation and the following payload: {{ "surveyId": "{survey_id}", "finished": false, "ttc": {{ "{question_id}": 1 }}, "data": {{ "{question_id}": {{feedback}} }} }} """ question_type_to_command["multipleChoiceMulti"] = """ /vote [choice1, ...] - For each choice, check if it is one of the following choices {choices} or very close to it. If not, ask the user for clarification. If you can assign each choice to one of the valid choices, call the {host} API with the {operation_id} operation and the following payload: {{ "surveyId": "{survey_id}", "finished": false, "ttc": {{ "{question_id}": 1 }}, "data": {{ "{question_id}": {{choices}} }} }} """ question_type_to_command["rating"] = """ /rate [rating] - Check if the [rating] is a number between 1 and {range}. If so, call the {host} API with the {operation_id} operation and the following payload: {{ "surveyId": "{survey_id}", "finished": false, "ttc": {{ "{question_id}": 1 }}, "data": {{ "{question_id}": {{rating}} }} }} """ def print_help() -> None: """Prints the help message""" print("Usage: python [COMMAND]") print("COMMANDS:") print(" --help: Display this help message") print(" get [API_KEY] [HOST (default:]: Get all your surveys from the Formbricks API and save them to surveys.json") print (" oapi [PATH (default surveys.json)] [HOST (default:]: Read surveys.json and OpenAI Actions compatibly OpenAPI 3.0 JSON file") print(" instructions [PATH (default surveys.json)]: Read surveys.json and create example instructions for your GPT so it can handle the Formbricks endpoints") if __name__ == "__main__": import sys command = sys.argv[1] if command == "--help": print_help() exit(0) if command == "get": api_key = sys.argv[2] if not api_key: raise Exception("Please provide an API key as the first argument") if api_key == "--help": print("Usage: python get [API_KEY] [HOST (default:]") print("API_KEY: Your Formbricks Management API key") print("HOST: The host to connect to. Default is") exit(0) host = sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv) > 3 else "" get_surveys(host=host, api_key=api_key) print("Saved surveys to surveys.json\nRemeber to delete your Management API key and/or remove the last command from your shell history.") if command == "oapi": path = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else "surveys.json" if path == "--help": print("Usage: python oapi [PATH (default surveys.json)] [HOST (default:]") print("PATH: The path to the surveys.json file. Default is surveys.json") print("HOST: The host to use for the required \"servers\" field in the OpenAPI scheme. Default is") exit(0) host = sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv) > 3 else "" surveys = json.load(open(path)) compose_openapi(surveys, server=host) if command == "instructions": path = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else "surveys.json" if path == "--help": print("Usage: python instructions [PATH (default surveys.json)]") print("PATH: The path to the surveys.json file. Default is surveys.json") exit(0) surveys = json.load(open(path)) compose_instructions(surveys) else: print_help() exit(0)