# Sublime Text 2/3 - Rails Related Files Note: I've never written any Python code before! So feel free to implement best practices and make a pull request. This plugin allows you to easily navigate your Rails projects by making a few basic assumptions. I wrote this so I didnt have to constantly use the SideBar to lookup files! Ok, so lets imagine you "right clicked" on the following file/s (Screenshot 2) or by using the "CMD+Shift+O" shortcut (Screenshot 1) it will search for files: `posts_controller.rb` under `app/controllers` If it was under the "admin" namespace e.g. `app/controllers/admin/posts_controller.rb` then it will look under `views/admin/posts/**` and vice versa. views/posts/** - All files under this folder models/post** - Models starting with "post" `show.html.erb` under `app/views/posts` models/post** - Models starting with "post" views/posts/** - All files in this folder assets/javascript/post** - Any javascript file starting with "post" assets/stylesheets/post** - Any stylesheet file starting with "post" controllers/post** - Any controller file starting with "post" `post.rb` model under `app/models` models/post** - Models starting with "post" views/posts/** - All files in this folder views/**/posts/** - All files in this folder (e.g. admin namespace) controllers/post** - Any controller starting with "post" controllers/**/post** - Any controller starting with "post" (e.g. admin namespace) If you want to disable the context menu, just edit the `Rails.sublime-settings` file changing "show_context_menu" to false. ### Future Maybe we can extract the possible partials being used in the current file e.g. `render "post"` or even `render @posts`, we know where to look > app/views/posts/_post ### Screenshots Here I've pressed the shortcut key when looking at the "page.rb" file under models. Quick Panel ![Quick Panel](https://github.com/luqman/SublimeText2RailsRelatedFiles/raw/master/screenshots/quick-panel.png) Context Menu ![Context Menu](https://github.com/luqman/SublimeText2RailsRelatedFiles/raw/master/screenshots/context-menu.png) ### Contributors - https://github.com/fredwu - Fred Wu - added support for test/spec files - https://github.com/bratsche - Cody Russell - bug fix - https://github.com/deiga - Timo Sand - Sublime Menu Entries, Support for helper Files - https://github.com/nahaylo - Vitaliy Nahaylo - ST3 compatibility fix ### Credits - Python version of Rails Inflector https://bitbucket.org/ixmatus/inflector - Tiny copy/paste from https://github.com/kemayo/sublime-text-2-git