local uv = require("uv") -- Create listening socket and bind to local server = uv.new_tcp() server:bind("", 8080) -- Setup listener server:listen(128, function(error) -- This function is executed for each new client print("New connection") -- Create handles for client and upstream local client = uv.new_tcp() local upstream = uv.new_tcp() -- Accept the client connection server:accept(client) -- Connect to upstream server upstream:connect("", 80, function(error) if error then print('Failed to connect to upstream: ' .. error) -- If can't connect to upstream, cleanup both handles upstream:close() client:close() else -- Setup handler to send data from upstream to client upstream:read_start(function(err, data) if err then print("Upstream error:" .. err) end if data then print("Upstream response: " .. data) client:write(data) else -- Upstream disconnected, cleanup handles upstream:close() client:close() print("Upstream disconnected") end end) -- Setup handler to send data from client to upstream client:read_start(function(err, data) if err then print("Client error:" .. err) end if data then print("Client request: " .. data) upstream:write(data) else -- Client disconnected, cleanup handles upstream:close() client:close() print("Client disconnected") end end) end end) end) -- Notify that the proxy is ready print("Listening on, proxying to")